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Real Housewives in the Media

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,
  • Take discussions of individual housewives to their threads.
  • Watch your tone.
  • This is not the let's complain about who "ruined the show" thread.  Let's stick to media discussions. 

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1 hour ago, SailorGirl said:

Its highly possible her friends have shared this with her when talking about experiences that differ for people because of the color of their skin. I've had conversations with friends who are of different races and they share what is different for them versus me. We ask each other questions and answer honestly. 

It is possible that she's speaking about learned knowledge here rather than trying to speak on behalf of black citizens. 

I don't take her "I have a lot of black friends" as automatically and necessarily negative. Black people say they have white friends. Its when it turns into something like, " I'm not a racist -- I have black friends." that it becomes problematic.

People of all colors NEED to be able to talk together about the differences in lived experiences for us to grow in understanding. There is nothing wrong with a white person saying "my black friends have told me XYZ about their experience." Just as there is nothing wrong with a black person saying, "my white friends can't understand this because of their XYZ experience." Just because she isn't necessarily using the words "my black friends have told me they are profiled in stores" doesn't mean she isn't saying exactly that. 

I had a conversation with a former colleague who is black (I am white) about how she talks to her (now teenage) son about the issues young black males have to deal with. I said, "I can't even imagine how you begin to have that conversation." It wasn't an ignorant statement on my part -- far from it -- it was acknowledgement that I, because I am a white woman, can't even begin to comprehend what that has to be like for her as a mother and for her son as a young black man. I don't wonder, and have never needed to wondered, whether my getting pulled over means I'm looking at the last moments of my life. I've never had to try to explain that to someone because it simply isn't my lived experience. 

I also think that we need to be able to recognize that people have the ability to grow, change, and acknowledge a new understanding of something they didn't understand before. I am NOT letting her off the hook for the Michael Che texts but they were four years ago. It is possible she's learned a few things since then.

We have to be willing to recognize growth and change in people. For example, for years thinking that black people really aren't treated any differently but through the growing awareness that has been taken to a new level in the wake of George Floyd's death, seeing now that black citizens are in fact treated differently, and just because one thinks "everyone should be treated the same," they really aren't. 

Otherwise, our actions and words would still be judged the way we spoke and acted 10-15-20 years ago. Are you the exact same person now that you were then? I'm not. 


I absolutely agree that people can grow and change.  And it is good to share experiences of others.  No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.  I am definitely not the same person I was 20 years ago.  

That being said, she comes off as incredibly tone deaf in the article.  She is identifying herself as an EXCEPTIONAL white woman.  She is battling white supremacy by educating others.  She "knows" black people, and she is here to explain it all to us.  It is so patronizing and performative.   

And the whole bit about Porsha being mistaken for a dog walker ... Where is Leah going with this -it doesn't even make any sense.  Was she mistaken for the dog walker because she is black?  According to Leah, how can she be a dog walker, she is too glamorous and sexy for that???  WTF?  So, if a black person is mistaken for a dog walker it's because they don't look sexy enough.  Porsha was trying to make people understand how she feels, and she gave an example of something that happened to her, and Leah totally missed the point.



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5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

“I think it’s so hard for a lot of white people to understand and to even process it because it’s something we’re not used to dealing with,” she added. “I walk into a store, people think that I’m gonna shop my ass off because I’m white. They’re not thinking that I’m going to steal something or that I can’t afford something. That’s what my black friends have to deal with.”

McSweeney was, however, surprised when “RHOA” star Porsha Williams said that people once thought she was the dog walker. “I’ve never seen a dog walker look like Porsha, have you? I mean, she’s, like, very glamorous, very sexy. I don’t know what kind of dog walker looks like that.”

I used to work retail in the suburbs. I would definitely keep an eye on Leah if she were walking around my store. It's not about skin color. There's a lot more that goes into what makes a person seem suspicious than that. From my experience, anyway.

I don't doubt that that's the case for many people of color. I would wager to guess it happens a lot (A LOT). I'm not trying to deny that. But, just because Leah is white doesn't automatically wipe away any suspicion of her and whether she seems like she might like to take advantage of a 5-finger discount, especially if she thinks no one is watching her.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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3 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

It is possible she's learned a few things since then.

I think if she'd learned anything, she'd use this article to make that clear; it's the perfect opportunity to interrogate her own shit, instead of wearing a woke-halo  (...pssst, Leah? Next time, try this instead: "Back in 2017, I accused a famous black man of bigotry just because he didn't want to date me.  I also publicly called him woman-hating, hostile, rude, and then doubled down in a Jezebel interview, calling him  a "terrible person" just because he salvaged his reputation by revealing our text exchange. I've learned a lot since then, and I apologize to Michael Che for my behavior, which can best be characterized as "Karen hits on a black man and has nobody in power to call when he rejects her advances.")

Dorinda assumed a black man was there to take her coat. Leah assumed a black man was there to take her out to dinner. Neither stopped to consider the man in question as a human being. No wonder they get along like a house on fire. 

Edited by film noire
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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

That being said, she comes off as incredibly tone deaf in the article.  She is identifying herself as an EXCEPTIONAL white woman.  She is battling white supremacy by educating others.  She "knows" black people, and she is here to explain it all to us.  It is so patronizing and performative.   

 Exactly.  I don't need Leah to preach to me what she thinks I do or don't know about people.  My life experience is my own.  People like her bug me with their 'know everything' attitude.  Pfftt.  

  • Love 11
45 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

 Exactly.  I don't need Leah to preach to me what she thinks I do or don't know about people.  My life experience is my own.  People like her bug me with their 'know everything' attitude.  Pfftt.  

Yet Leah is the first to throw “don’t judge me!  Let me be ME!” out (when she’s not getting her way).

  • Love 10
On 8/18/2020 at 10:47 AM, heatherchandler said:

I started out liking her, but I REALLY dislike her now, and also hope she's one and done.


OMG this article -


Some quotes:

“I have a lot of black friends, and I hear a lot of stories from them about racism and the s–t they have to deal with,” she told Page Six. 

“I think it’s so hard for a lot of white people to understand and to even process it because it’s something we’re not used to dealing with,” she added. “I walk into a store, people think that I’m gonna shop my ass off because I’m white. They’re not thinking that I’m going to steal something or that I can’t afford something. That’s what my black friends have to deal with.”

McSweeney was, however, surprised when “RHOA” star Porsha Williams said that people once thought she was the dog walker. “I’ve never seen a dog walker look like Porsha, have you? I mean, she’s, like, very glamorous, very sexy. I don’t know what kind of dog walker looks like that.”


JESUS CHRIST!  Thank you, white lady for letting people know you have black friends, just so we know you are a GOOD ONE.  And explaining how black people feel.  

And her comment about Porsha - so we are not to judge people for how they look, and then she points out that she isn't a dog walker because she LOOKS too glamorous and sexy(?) to be a dog walker???  What about when she's not done up, then she can be mistaken for a dog walker?  Also, not sure what is wrong with being a dog walker.  Bottom line is she missed the WHOLE POINT Porsha was trying to make.

WTF is this CRAP, does she think she comes off well with this???  




Oh yeah - Leah's so woke doncha know.

  • Love 9
On 8/17/2020 at 11:55 AM, archer1267 said:

Speaking of Harry Dubin making the rounds, apparently this guy dated three HWs. 

So now it’s Dublin vs. Smiley in the race. Odds are on Harry though since Slade is/was financially dependent on Gretchen (I think they are both broke, and maybe one of them needs to get a real job - but I digress..). Also, Harry actually has charm and Slade has ???

  • LOL 3
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On 8/20/2020 at 6:40 PM, Stats Queen said:

So now it’s Dublin vs. Smiley in the race. Odds are on Harry though since Slade is/was financially dependent on Gretchen (I think they are both broke, and maybe one of them needs to get a real job - but I digress..). Also, Harry actually has charm and Slade has ???

I thought Smiley was only with one other housewife? If that's the case, he is not in the smale class.

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think it is a wise choice, she created a hostile work environment and she was not fun to watch anymore. I will miss seeing BSM at holiday times, she did make it nice.


I have never been so happy to see a housewife leave. As a fan of Bethenny, I never understood the pure joy her detractors felt when she announced her departure. I now understand. 

  • Love 13

Glad she won't appear next season, I would bet the farm Bluestone Manor that she was canned, and no, this doesn't mean that Bethenny should return.  Can we move on from BF?  I'm relatively certain that in a city of eight plus million people, they can find another woman to fill a role in this shit show fine artistic vehicle.

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27 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I wonder if they are letting her save face and say that she is choosing to leave. 

Over on her IG she is certainly making it sound like she is choosing to leave. Don't all the fired housewives do that? All the comments are in Dorinda's favor. Ugggghhhh! How much they love her, they won't watch the show without her, she was the best, blah blah, blah. 

Whose ass will Leah kiss now? Probably Sonja's. 

  • LOL 2
17 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Glad she won't appear next season, I would bet the farm Bluestone Manor that she was canned, and no, this doesn't mean that Bethenny should return.  Can we move on from BF?  I'm relatively certain that in a city of eight plus million people, they can find another woman to fill a role in this shit show fine artistic vehicle.

And could she take “the countess” with her ?

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According to the article, Page Six got the information from the Daily Mail which is not very reliable though I think it’s likely that she was going to be fired and they allowed her to bow out gracefully.  She used to be my favorite, but watching her deteriorate into a drunken, raging, bitter alcoholic was disturbing. Definitely for the best. 

  • Love 8

Damn, Dorinda was hard to watch this year but I have to admit I will miss her A LOT. On the other hand and for her sake I'm glad she's leaving because it's clear that she's going through something and time away from television can only help her. 

If someone was going to get the ax I thought for sure it would've been Sonja, but honestly I thought all of them were going to be back since the formula has worked for a long time and the reason why I thought the season suffered was because they had two impromptu exits, one of them being the star of the show (Bethenny). 



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Bethenny’s comment (which was very kind by the way) seemed to imply Dorinda was fired.  Carole pretty much confirms it.   I’m not sure what “truth” Dorinda was sharing, other than possibly showing her true bitch self season after season.  Her behavior grew increasingly worse over the past few seasons.

Honestly, the Sonja welfare train needs to end. She brings nothing to the show.  Luanne and Ramona can still entertain (Ramona has never changed....she has always been nuts).  I give Luanne credit for not punching Dorinda.

Im thinking the reunion was bad and that Dorinda probably did/said something to piss off Andy.

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1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

According to the article, Page Six got the information from the Daily Mail which is not very reliable though I think it’s likely that she was going to be fired and they allowed her to bow out gracefully.  She used to be my favorite, but watching her deteriorate into a drunken, raging, bitter alcoholic was disturbing. Definitely for the best. 

Agree. I stopped watching halfway through the season mostly due to Dorinda. I’m glad they’re getting rid of her. I would also like to see Sonja and Leah let go. I don’t find their drunken antics entertaining. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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Not sad to see her go - I was on the phone with Dear Hubby when I saw it on Comcast's headlines on their screensaver (I had 90DF on pause).  After last week's episode, it's clear she needs to go and clear her head.  She may need therapy - she may need a 12-step.  I don't know, but she's not a happy woman.  I get her loss of her husband, and maybe that's what she needs therapy for - getting over the loss that she clearly hasn't done yet.

This news will color how I watch the rest of the season, but it may also inform as to why she either left or was let go (whichever it is - she's still gone).

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, charming said:

I’ve been watching on and off this season and I think Ramona & Sonya need to leave too. I’m completely over the endless shitting, farting and drunken slurring. 

Lets get some new blood with younger families and businesses.

It's not about age.  I mean just because a woman is over 55 doesn't mean she has to "hang it up."  What they do need are new people, period.

I would not be surprised if she goes to rehab, but she spins it like she's gone to a spa.

Edited by Neurochick
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Dorinda has brought so many laugh out loud moments over the years (ie. "Clip!" and "Not well, bitch" immediately come to mind). She was thoroughly entertaining until she let her alcoholism, bitterness and deep inner resentments get the best of her.

Honestly, there is not one single housewife left in this franchise I am interested in seeing return. That really speaks to how much RHONY has devolved, as it used to be my favorite amongst them. 

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The loss of Bluestone Manor is greater than Dorinda's exit. Definitely would not watch the Leah Show. She is crass and immature and brings nothing to the table. Can't wait till we get more details about what really happened with Dorinda. Maybe they told her to get help or go and she chose the latter. Andy probably reads NY Mag and the comments in the show's recap are similar to the ones here in that mostly everyone is shocked and appalled and uncomfortable with Dorinda's anger and behavior.

Sonja is still my favorite of the current crop. She's got five more years to get her act together, lol.

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3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

According to her good friend Carole she was let go. 


Gawd, shut up Carole.  You certainly weren’t real.  She is the one who said she wasn’t “real friends” with Tinsley, much to Tinsley’s surprise.  In interviews she insinuated she agreed to do the show in order to observe and possibly write a book about the experience.  

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I think all these housewives franchises are on their way out. The lustre is gone. There are no more storylines and no matter how much new blood they hire NY will still suck next season without Dorinda because it sucked this season with her. Same with the Orange County franchise. The die hard fans of Tamra and Vicki saying the show will tank with out them is crazy. Well, it was tanking when they were on last season which is why they were fired. Same with Beverly Hills. On it's way out no matter who leaves or stays. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I don't particularly care one way or the other if Ramona is let go but I do think it would be a bit unfortunate if she's let go at the same time as Dorinda because IMO Dorinda's behavior is egregiously beyond the pale, it's unfair to Ramona to suggest there is some sort of equivalency.

But I wouldn't be surprised if they want to "clean house" and go younger. It's similar to what they did with OC. 

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I know I have said this before. I liked Dorinda because she was funny. This season she is just a mean old drunk with frosted lips. 

She can call others out, but if someone says something out of concern for her. She's not even listening.

And I agree with someone's earlier post, Between the diaper wearing, passing gas, drunken outbursts, going to the bathroom in your bed. It's just out of hand. I thought this show was supposed to be the view of the upper class and how they live. It's obvious money can't you buy you class or happiness.

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14 hours ago, IKnowRight said:
18 hours ago, biakbiak said:

According to her good friend Carole she was let go. 


Gawd, shut up Carole.  You certainly weren’t real.  She is the one who said she wasn’t “real friends” with Tinsley, much to Tinsley’s surprise.  In interviews she insinuated she agreed to do the show in order to observe and possibly write a book about the experience.  

I usually don't mind Carole, but I agree that she should STFU here. Saying that Dorinda was fired because she was a "truth teller" is some next-level bullshit. Unless she isn't watching this season, Dorinda's drunkenness is out of control. She's always been a mean drunk but it's even worse this season. THAT's what's true. But they're all afraid of her, so of course Carole will toe the line. Even Bethenny walked back calling Dorinda a drunk when they were in Puerto Rico. I'm sure the rest of the cast is relieved that she's out.

  • Love 22
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,
  • Take discussions of individual housewives to their threads.
  • Watch your tone.
  • This is not the let's complain about who "ruined the show" thread.  Let's stick to media discussions. 

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