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  1. I liked it overall. Really innovative not having it set in a stadium and I liked the way they highlighted some sites in Paris. Wish they had a good finish for the phantom torch bearer though instead of just dropping that part of the journey at the end.
  2. Yeah, I get that. Just owning it was wrong, etc. without any mention of the peripherals. I do tend to believe that Teresa didn't have a full understanding of what was going on and just signed where she was told to though. I mean, c'mon, she's no mastermind, but they did what they did. That being said, however, I also wouldn't find it hard to believe that some people "close" to them had a hand in some way shape or form in getting them turned in or rounding out the case against them.
  3. Season 14 was filmed last year during late summer/early fall. In April this year Jennifer and her family were in the Bahamas with Teresa's daughters and visited with Joe Giudice. There have been photos of Jenn and Teresa occasionally on Instagram doing things together. Who knows how close they are but it seems they still have some kind of relationship.
  4. Y'know what? Even if they were responsible for bringing this to light (and as far as I know we don't know who actually did) I wouldn't find fault with them considering the way both Fudas have come after them. I seriously wonder if all their finger pointing was simply an attempt at "look at them, don't look at us" knowing full well what is lurking in their own shadows. In no world do I think that the financial crimes Teresa and Joe Giudice were responsible for was okay. The bottom line now though is that both served prison sentences and made payments, etc. and there should come a time that they are not constantly denounced, particularly by those with their own questionable pasts, losing ends of law suits, etc.
  5. The June 21 episode of the All About the Real Housewives podcast title "The Real Reason Teresa Giudice Ended Namaste B$tches" gives a breakdown offering an alternative version of events. Who knows where the truth really lies.
  6. I suppose they keep them in to justify this being listed as a comedy?
  7. I have my doubts as to whether or not the person on the phone was actually a staff member of his physician's office. Have any of you spoken to a nurse or other staff member, told them to get the doctor while you hold on, and then have them actually do that with the doctor coming right to the phone? In this day and age?? If it actually happened that way I'm beyond impressed, but I am dubious. I stick by my feeling that a friend to all is a friend to none.' As many times as she wants attention. She also doesn't have much else to offer other than trashiness and temper. I don't think the father story line is keeping many (if any) on tenterhooks. In fairness, Fuda had no business bringing her into the conversation. It had no bearing on his beef with Teresa and Louis and was not like the analogy brought up by Jackie in the past. It was just a ploy on his part to poke at Teresa. Once he did I think Gia had every right to bring it up. Then she brought the same cousin with her when she was on the Jeff Lewis podcast...during Pride month. Despite that she still is the least interesting cast member.
  8. I started really not enjoying the show during season 7 and then quit altogether early during season 8. I think it was a combination of some of the misery story lines and not much appreciation for the Will character. I decided to give the new season a try and I'm glad I did. I've watched all the episodes on Passport and I like it again, both the writing and new characters.
  9. I'm guessing the reasoning is a combination of Princess having both lost her grandmother, the reignited search/obsession for her mother and answers for why she left, and not wanting her to fail at school at the same time. I mean the whole show has a lot of questionable points but it's not real life so....
  10. Jenn implied that Danielle was disloyal to her hair dresser by telling Jenn not to do the photo shoot so that her own hair dresser wouldn't feel betrayed. She was basically calling Danielle a turncoat who was sabotaging her hair dresser's project. I thought it had something to do with Jen making it seem like Danielle was unhappy about not getting paid in some way for the endorsement. Frankly, the whole issue was muddled and confusing. They were both being jerks.
  11. Jen A doesn't bother me for the most part. I like that she has been willing to reveal some of her real life unlike a few others on the show. She doesn't seem to be in need of the salary either which puts her in another category too. She does like the attention though and this time she pushed too far with the wrong person. Danielle wants to be famous too but she hasn't learned to control her innate trashiness. As soon as Jen said something contrary Danielle became all guttural, spouting expletives, posturing and gesturing like she was in a boxing ring. Jen gave her a shove which was wrong (even though I might have been tempted to do the same with someone in my face like an animal), but that slam to the head in retaliation, with an object that could have caused more harm (even plastic can puncture and cut), went a step beyond. There's a difference between a hand and a hand holding a weapon. At this point I can see Bravo dumping both of them, which will probably hurt Danielle a whole lot more than Jen who doesn't need the show to live a particular lifestyle. The editing was sloppy during the party. At one point after Danielle arrived a group of them were talking and Dolores did not have any glitter on her face and a moment later in what was supposed to be the same scene both her cheeks has been fully bedazzled. Production is usually more careful about those reconstructed scenes. Is Joe B's prostate going to be filling Marge's screen time for the remainder of the season? He is old enough that would have been checking his PSA level for probably over a decade if he goes for regular check-ups and if so they'll probably have caught it early when it is very treatable. They might not be happy with some of the possible after effects of treatment but chances are it won't put him in the ground anytime soon. I'm not interested in hearing about it. I went through it with my husband and don't care to hear about hers. It's not why I watch these shows. Of course T was hoping to use Jackie! Was anyone shocked? At the same time it is not impossible that they could have developed a genuine friendship after spending time together.
  12. The cost you are imagining is not necessarily so. I've known many stylists over the years who did work on the side, most of them for less than what I would have paid in a salon setting. If they're working for someone else it can be a nice little side hustle and it's all gravy. I think it is probably only a small number of parents and guardians of atypical children who would have a different story to tell. My child sounds like yours and my tale is similar. Your therapist is probably on to something but I think the reasons probably vary. Regardless, it can feel very isolating for those in the thick of it.
  13. Lots of those comments were based on pre-conceived notions and bias from people who probably didn't watch more than a minute of the video. Stuff like she was rude to an older man and that she hit him. Both false. The cops at one point were investigating the cars and pointed out exactly where he hit her first by the door. She had the right of way. The man who hit her was at determined to be at fault. End of story, regardless of who her mother and step-father are and if they are on TV.
  14. I grew up in a predominantly Italian American area and knew a lot of first generation kids and others who immigrated as children. A number of them sounded a whole lot like Teresa, particularly the malapropisms and speech patterns. They weren't stupid by any means, but they didn't always come across in the best light. A lot of the guys were like her brother too with the machismo. It definitely was a patriarchal society where women needed to know their place. Things have probably (hopefully) changed with the younger generations, but back then.... I listened to most of the podcast. Interesting to hear her chatting with Kim D. and Jacqueline L. It sounded like real chatter. I agree with you about how the relationships with her daughters which seem genuine and full of love.
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