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JD and Abbie: Captured Before the Rapture

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21 minutes ago, latetotheparty said:

I think if Boob predeceases Michelle she is going to do everything in her power to install Josh on the throne. He and Josie are the only kids she gives a damn about. 

This is when I need an angry emoji.  She's worse than useless to her blessings

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6 hours ago, Zella said:

Makes sense, sadly. Of the Duggar boys, who do you think will turn into king daddy jim bob 2.0?  

6 hours ago, JoanArc said:


3 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

Joshua will try to be king. Unless he goes to prison. 

1 hour ago, Temperance said:

Jed! or Joe. Those two seem to be the most hardcore believers of the family (at least of the first six boys). I haven't forgotten Joe "encouraging" Joy back into the cult. 

My money is on Jed! or JD right now. If Jed!'s political career goes belly up, it will be a power struggle between him, JD, and Josh (because we know "redeemed" Prince Joshley will definitely think he deserves it and @latetotheparty is correct that if JB dies first, the Dowager Queen Michelle will most definitely try to put her firstborn son on the throne).

I also wouldn't count Josiah out.  He has always liked attention and would probably love to as the "wayward" Alert-attending son to get to wield power over his holier-than-thou siblings (some of whom his parents favored). Lauren would also definitely try to maneuver and push her husband onto the Duggar throne so she could be queen.

(I'm hoping Jessa somehow installs Bin as a figurehead king but really runs the family.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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5 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I'm hoping Jessa somehow installs Bin as a figurehead king but really runs the family.)

He’s only related by marriage, aka “kin” but not “family.” Plus he lets everyone push him around. He’s not even a beta male.

JD is my bet. He likes to throw his weight around and he has aspirations to power.

He’ll use Austin as the enforcer.

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It really is too bad that Jessa wasn't A) born a male in the Duggar family or B) born in a mainstream family. I think her personality, if reigned in and given the right direction, could make her an effective leader. But since she's born into the cult with a vagina, all her potential has been reduced to nothing. 

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Jessa and Jana could run the show if they teamed up.

seriously not one of the boys can wash their own underwear or pack a suitcase.

they would need Laura for their PR person

the women could stage a takeover

Edited by crazy8s
added laura
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On 11/17/2019 at 12:54 PM, Bridget said:

Please tell me that I’m not the only one who sees the resemblance between JD and DTrump, Jr.!

There are obvious differences like hair color and wardrobe choices, but when I saw this photo while my coffee was brewing, I couldn’t get over the fact that JD reminded me of 45’s favorite son. I don’t want to see it, but I can’t help it.


I can't unsee this! 

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On 11/18/2019 at 4:14 PM, Dmarie019 said:

But they could easily say no.  TLC isn't forcing them to travel the world.  They're taking advantage of having it paid for and therefore trying and seeing new things. 

This reminds me of my s-I-l's boys. They all went on "mission" trips. One went to India and when he got back he was all, "They worship vaginas!" This reminds me of the Duggars because I think they travel to look down on people, when they bother to look at all. They all seem so un-curious when they travel, like they are all looking for the local Wal-Mart. 

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She doesn't say she's continuing nursing, just that she's working on keeping her license in case she ever wants to. 

Take a drink everytime they say 'option'. 😁

“I’ve got my license transferred over to Arkansas so that I have that availability if I want it,” the Oklahoma native, 27, recently told Us Weekly exclusively. “I know I’m planning to keep up my license by doing the continuing education hours. We’ve talked about looking at some options of getting a job. We just haven’t yet. We’ve just really been enjoying being married and traveling a lot this year. So we’ll just keep it as an option and see what happens. … We may wait until our little girl is grown. We’ll just have it as an option if we want or need it.”

John David, 29, added, “I think [we’ll] wait until the baby’s born before we make any big decisions for us. … Then maybe several months down the road after the baby’s here, we can look at … different places for options for her to even work part-time or something like that.”

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How can Abbie state with a straight face that she'd like to go back to work after this child is grown when we and THEY all know that there will be an endless parade of births. They use no birth control; are taught to have as many children 'as God sends them' and don't believe in working married /mothers. What a croc of bull, sorry but it's hilarious that they would even put that out there.

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2 hours ago, Lunera said:

She doesn't say she's continuing nursing, just that she's working on keeping her license in case she ever wants to. 

Take a drink everytime they say 'option'. 😁

“I’ve got my license transferred over to Arkansas so that I have that availability if I want it,” the Oklahoma native, 27, recently told Us Weekly exclusively. “I know I’m planning to keep up my license by doing the continuing education hours. We’ve talked about looking at some options of getting a job. We just haven’t yet. We’ve just really been enjoying being married and traveling a lot this year. So we’ll just keep it as an option and see what happens. … We may wait until our little girl is grown. We’ll just have it as an option if we want or need it.”

John David, 29, added, “I think [we’ll] wait until the baby’s born before we make any big decisions for us. … Then maybe several months down the road after the baby’s here, we can look at … different places for options for her to even work part-time or something like that.”

Well, that's four drinks in the three seconds it took me to read this...what's next?

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Didn't Abby have hyperemesis gravidarum?  Maybe they've rethought having more than one child because of that.  Knowing how much John adores her, I could see him maybe being satisfied with one child to avoid having her go through that misery again.

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6 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Didn't Abby have hyperemesis gravidarum?  Maybe they've rethought having more than one child because of that.  Knowing how much John adores her, I could see him maybe being satisfied with one child to avoid having her go through that misery again.

Nah. Never gonna happen. The baby train will continue on.

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35 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Now make some poor man pizza yay!

Hmmm...well, I have an apple pie to put together in a little bit, and probably do the cranberry sauce tonight. Will also boil the onions for creamed onions and peel them tomorrow (whatever happened to those bags of frozen white pearl onions? I have hardly been able to find them anywhere the last few years, and the bags of "real" ones take forever to prep!). But I'll see if I can find time for the poor man's pizza as well. Because how much better could life get?

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5 hours ago, floridamom said:

How can Abbie state with a straight face that she'd like to go back to work after this child is grown when we and THEY all know that there will be an endless parade of births. They use no birth control; are taught to have as many children 'as God sends them' and don't believe in working married /mothers. What a croc of bull, sorry but it's hilarious that they would even put that out there.

Seriously, so at minimum approx 30 years from now ( assuming she has 10 childbearing years left, +20 for that youngest child to be grown)

So she will be nearing 60 years of age with a 30 year gap in her resume, and her skills will be potentially (likely)  obsolete with all the changes in healthcare by then. Im sure she will be in high demand to get hired/s 

I had a ten year career in supply chain analytics before I quit to raise my daughter ( I still work part time, but in a different industry entirely ) and its only been 2 years and I would have a hard if not impossible time starting back up. The longer I wait the less likely I'll still have relevant connections ect. And my skills are probably already needing help with how fast things can change. 

And once she has the baby, that distraction and no apparent motivation to actually work, good luck finding the desire to do continuing ed. I have a 17 mo old and I am currently in real estate school which I am sure is less intense than nursing continuing education and it's a real struggle to get through it. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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3 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

Seriously, so at minimum approx 30 years from now ( assuming she has 10 childbearing years left, +20 for that youngest child to be grown)

So she will be nearing 60 years of age with a 30 year gap in her resume, and her skills will be potentially (likely)  obsolete with all the changes in healthcare by then. Im sure she will be in high demand to get hired/s 

I had a ten year career in supply chain analytics before I quit to raise my daughter ( I still work part time, but in a different industry entirely ) and its only been 2 years and I would have a hard if not impossible time starting back up. The longer I wait the less likely I'll still have relevant connections ect. And my skills are probably already needing help with how fast things can change. 

I stopped working shortly before my first was born, then went on to have two more in the next 5 1/2 years. I thought I might go back to work once they were all in school, but that was 10 years later, and given that we were moving every couple of years with the military, any job I might have found would be short-term. A couple of years after that, the school system in the area of Hawaii we were living in was so overcrowded that the elementary, middle, and high schools all had their own year-round schedules, so everyone's vacation breaks seemed to occur at different times...and the kids all had their own extracurricular activities, and it just seemed more important - and certainly more convenient - for me to be available at a moment's notice at any time. By the time the kids had graduated, I'd been away from the workforce for so long that it was difficult to even imagine going back. And Mr Jyn was making enough that it really wasn't necessary. So I've sort of led the sort of lifestyle that Fundie women seem to get slammed for left, right, and center. Makes me feel really guilty, useless, and kind of despicable a lot of the time. I suppose I should find volunteer work or something to do, but I just don't know where to start or what I might even be good at by this point. I've gotten so reclusive in some ways that I just don't think I'd be much use to anyone...

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23 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I stopped working shortly before my first was born, then went on to have two more in the next 5 1/2 years. I thought I might go back to work once they were all in school, but that was 10 years later, and given that we were moving every couple of years with the military, any job I might have found would be short-term. A couple of years after that, the school system in the area of Hawaii we were living in was so overcrowded that the elementary, middle, and high schools all had their own year-round schedules, so everyone's vacation breaks seemed to occur at different times...and the kids all had their own extracurricular activities, and it just seemed more important - and certainly more convenient - for me to be available at a moment's notice at any time. By the time the kids had graduated, I'd been away from the workforce for so long that it was difficult to even imagine going back. And Mr Jyn was making enough that it really wasn't necessary. So I've sort of led the sort of lifestyle that Fundie women seem to get slammed for left, right, and center. Makes me feel really guilty, useless, and kind of despicable a lot of the time. I suppose I should find volunteer work or something to do, but I just don't know where to start or what I might even be good at by this point. I've gotten so reclusive in some ways that I just don't think I'd be much use to anyone....

There is nothing wrong with being a full time parent! I barely work as it is, maybe ten hours a week. I don't make any sort of real money and would have to be dragged kicking and screaming back to full time work. I really think there is a ton of value in having one parent be the on call, full time parent.

IMO, When people shame the fundies for 'not doing anything' it isn't for being a full time stay at home mom. It is just that most of them do it because they really haven't had the opportunity to make the decision for themselves to see if they want to. They been purposefully kept uneducated and literally pregnant again and again so they can't work even if they wanted to. Look at Jill for instance. You can't tell me she loves being a SAHM like Kendra or Anna might. And Abbie seems to actually enjoy nursing and I don't see why she didn't at least try to work pre baby ( well, pre HG ) and make some AR connections. They don't have the choice or the ability to see that they have a choice outside of getting pregnant every other year. 

What bothers me about Abbie is that she is naive to say " oh ill go back when the kids are grown" when she has no intentions of stopping any time soon, so that literally will be in 30 or so years! Most women who choose to go back can do so in less time because they don't have 10 or 12 kids, and their time out of the work force is much less

And I think we all know she really has no intention of working, or JD won't let her. If that is her choice, great! I really enjoy being home most of the time, and hope I get to do part time for much longer. Since I've stopped working a full time office job, I'd only do it again if I 100% had to. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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On 11/20/2019 at 5:27 PM, MaryAnneSpier said:

It really is too bad that Jessa wasn't A) born a male in the Duggar family or B) born in a mainstream family. I think her personality, if reigned in and given the right direction, could make her an effective leader. But since she's born into the cult with a vagina, all her potential has been reduced to nothing. 

New show potential if Jessa were to come out as transgender. Counting on Change: Jessa Becomes Jesse. Second ep will be the funeral of Derrick, who had a massive heart attack upon learning of the change. Jazz does the eulogy.

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On 11/26/2019 at 6:09 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Didn't Abby have hyperemesis gravidarum?  Maybe they've rethought having more than one child because of that.  Knowing how much John adores her, I could see him maybe being satisfied with one child to avoid having her go through that misery again.

I don’t think JD will rest without JD Jr.  Now I could easily see them stop with NFP once he gets a boy.

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Derick also painted Jill's nails. But Derick had a foot fetish, whereas I don't think JD has that. 

Yeah, the nail painting was cute until JD rationalized it by saying he didn't want anyone else to spend time with her. If he said they were trying to save money that would come off better.

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7 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

Derick also painted Jill's nails. But Derick had a foot fetish, whereas I don't think JD has that. 

Yeah, the nail painting was cute until JD rationalized it by saying he didn't want anyone else to spend time with her. If he said they were trying to save money that would come off better.

Well he did say why should he pay someone to spend time with her when he'd rather learn it so he could spend the time with her.  If Abbie still worked as an LPN, she wouldn't have to ask him for the money.

It's still weird, though. I think he's being cheap.

But it is pricey and I myself have never been to the manicurist!

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Wow, that was an interesting video.  First,  I'm surprised as the rest of you about the trailer.  It looks like a construction trailer vs a residential type.  Love to know where it's at.

Second, perfect timing as I'm getting ready to do my own nails.  So now I'll be thinking about JD doing Abbie's nails whenever I do mine. Just great.

I can't imagine even asking Mr. Barb to do my nails.  For one thing, he hates painting. Second, he would look at me like I lost my mind & then tell me to ask my sister or niece if I wanted them done by someone else.

Back to the video, I think JD was giving Abbie a French manicure but it looked like he was digging at her cuticles with nail clippers.  Ouch!

To each his own I guess.  It's just funny when the Duggar guys take on what I would call "womens work" after being raised the opposite. 

ETA:  I did like Lauren's response about her doing her own nails.  

I understand not paying for a professional manicure, but why can't Abbie do her own?  

Edited by Barb23
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Just thought of something.  TLC didn't need to show us the outside of JD & Abbie's homestead.  They could have just started the video with them at their kitchen table with a subtitle stating where they were at.  But I think TLC showed the trailer knowing it would stir up things.  Just like they subtly show us other things of how the Duggars are different without them catching on. 

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9 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

I guess we now know they live in a trailer. But where ?

how do we know this? i missed something....

NM - saw the video. it didnt really look all that rundown.  geez, having driven through texas, oklahoma and missouri as well as part of arkansas, i have seen WAY worse!

Edited by zoomama
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6 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

I didn't say it was rundown, just that it was a trailer.

Considering it appears to be a permanent structure and not an RV, could this be the 'house' that JD bought a few years back?  I know a couple people who live in these sorts of prefab buildings and they refer to them as their 'house'.

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On 11/20/2019 at 5:27 PM, MaryAnneSpier said:

It really is too bad that Jessa wasn't A) born a male in the Duggar family or B) born in a mainstream family. I think her personality, if reigned in and given the right direction, could make her an effective leader. But since she's born into the cult with a vagina, all her potential has been reduced to nothing. 

Well, it's too bad if your aspiration for the Duggars' long-term future is to have another tyrant put in place of JB! If she were in charge, the last thing she'd be likely to do is to rein in her personality, seems to me. As far as I've seen, people who ascend to positions of power very seldom do that unless they're people of extraordinary empathy and broad vision. And, sad to say, I see neither  of those qualities in Jessa at all. 

if the boys will be crummy leaders, I say good. Because the last thing this family needs is another tyrant bossing them around for the rest of their lives! 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 11/26/2019 at 4:01 PM, floridamom said:

How can Abbie state with a straight face that she'd like to go back to work after this child is grown when we and THEY all know that there will be an endless parade of births. They use no birth control; are taught to have as many children 'as God sends them' and don't believe in working married /mothers. What a croc of bull, sorry but it's hilarious that they would even put that out there.

Because by now they've gotten the message that they'll hold onto more viewers, "followers" and fans if they dupe people into thinking they're basically in the modern mainstream -- just more cute and quaint and family-oriented and "wholesome" than us regular modern people? 

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