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Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp

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I knew she was totally preggo, she and Anna were wearing that same ugly maternity dress. Austin is basically a dumb kid like Ben who knew nothing about sex or preventing pregnancies, like Jeremy. He really didn't think how this would affect a stunted 19 year old who was molested as a child?? She definitely needed time to adjust to being an independent adult first with a guy she started talking to less than a year ago.

I feel kinda bad for her, she's so dumb and immature. She's a new Sierra in the making. Oh, well...

Edited by Lunera
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Oh good god! Seriously?! What a damn shame! I myself got married at 19 so that didn't bug me too much (I was certainly more adult than Joy at that age though- I had been working since I was 14 and had a full time job with benefits by the time I got married) but even we didn't start popping out kids that soon! I knew I didn't want to be a mom that soon! We had our first child at 25. 

I don't feel sorry for her at all really. She got what she wanted. A child bride and a child mother. 

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Joy seems to be a homebody. Maybe being a mother and homemaker is what suits her. Austin has his own business, It seems they are less dependent on JB's money than Jessa and Jill. As of yet, we don't hear Austin aspiring to be a preacher, so maybe there's hope for these two. 

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Wow, just saw it on line and hopped over here to see the reactions.  Probably shouldn't be surprised at all (and please don't let this start the "what's wrong with Jinger talk - she's the only one of the marrieds whose acting normal at this point).  Here's the People article.  I'll admit the announcement photo is cute however this quote from Joy is gag inducing:  “I have a lot of good memories of my mom teaching us and the quality time we spent together, and I’m really looking forward to doing that with my own children"

MEChelle?  I'll give her the teaching; I'm sure they believe that the school of the dining room table was an actual teaching/learning experience but I can not fall for the idea of Michelle being the warm fuzzy "quality time" type.



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4 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Wow, just saw it on line and hopped over here to see the reactions.  Probably shouldn't be surprised at all (and please don't let this start the "what's wrong with Jinger talk - she's the only one of the marrieds whose acting normal at this point).  Here's the People article.  I'll admit the announcement photo is cute however this quote from Joy is gag inducing:  “I have a lot of good memories of my mom teaching us and the quality time we spent together, and I’m really looking forward to doing that with my own children"

MEChelle?  I'll give her the teaching; I'm sure they believe that the school of the dining room table was an actual teaching/learning experience but I can not fall for the idea of Michelle being the warm fuzzy "quality time" type.



Neither do I. I'm hoping she means Jill. 

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This grosses me out so much.

She is barely an adult. Hell, she can’t even drink yet (if she wanted to). To me that means she’s still a child.

I don’t even know why I’m still surprised and dismayed.

At least there’s Jinger. She’s breaking the record so far for “months without pregnancy announcement.”

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How disappointing.

She's just a kid, really naive, and not a "mature" 19 year old.   As I recall she did not get all gushy and involved when Michelle was dropping a baby every year.  I have to wonder how she will be as a mother.  All of her spunk was drained out of her.

I don't know these people and I have my own kids to focus on but I still find this news makes me incredibly sad.

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They all have to be planning their weddings/honeymoons around their menstrual cycles. Not that its completely odd as most women don't want to be having a period on their wedding day, but these folks have their fertile window down to a science. (LOL - science)

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1 hour ago, Stacey1014 said:

As a busty woman myself, I can say that if Joy's boobs are already that big early in the pregnancy they will be huggggge by the time her milk comes in (my own were like 2 massive torpedoes!)

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In Duggarville, this is normal and expected. It's all Joy knows. She has no other point of reference. Would not be surprised if she got preggers during her first roll in the proverbial hay. Hate to see a 19 year old embarking on a life of servitude to a headship and pack of offspring, but she married a local yokel who is equally unworldly. Both have swallowed a massive amount of kool aid. 

This just makes me happier for Jinger. She married an older man who's been around the block a few times, who lives out of state, and who is not under the watchful eye of JimBoob.  Yes, he's a preacher,  but he seems to be ok with the concept of family planning and has no problem with his wife not looking like she just stepped out of an episode of Little House on the Prairie. Good for them. 

Edited by Hpmec
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20 minutes ago, truthtalk2014 said:

I can't remember.  Are they just three months into the marriage?  I know everyone carries differently, but Joy looks really huge for three months in the shot where she is of course holding her pregnant belly.  I know it is bad but I am holding out hope that she broke the courtship rules and made a little duggarette prior to the wedding.  

 And, I would like to give Jinger about 1000 high fives for obviously using some type of birth control.  

Hold up - she's supposedly three months pregnant in the photo??  I call major BS.  She's super young, slim and fit, it's her first baby, and she's already showing?  Everyone is different, yes - but she sure looks closer to 5 or 6 months, in my completely non-medical based opinion.

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Oooohhhh, maybe she got knocked up before their wedding and that's why they moved their wedding up from October to May?

I know that's probably not the case but I can start that rumor :)

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Those boobs are huge.  They are going to be painful by the time the kid arrives.  

I wonder if she's really that big already (stomach, not boobs) or if she's pooching it out to show off her blessing.  At least Jinger still isn't preggo...yet.

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This is Jill and Jessa at around 12 weeks. Joy is built different and has bigger boobs so she looks bigger. According to the baby calendar she is due in late February or early March if conception occurred within the 1st week she was married. 


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Just to clarify, they never moved up their wedding date. The date in their registry was thought to be a decoy date (I believe it was Joy's birthday?) so that no one would know the real date. They always planned on having a very short engagement.

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51 minutes ago, AEJ79 said:

Oooohhhh, maybe she got knocked up before their wedding and that's why they moved their wedding up from October to May?

I know that's probably not the case but I can start that rumor :)

Wasn't that a blind item? I thought someone started that rumor way before the wedding.

Edited by PikaScrewChu
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10 minutes ago, ilovetrashtv said:

Just to clarify, they never moved up their wedding date. The date in their registry was thought to be a decoy date (I believe it was Joy's birthday?) so that no one would know the real date. They always planned on having a very short engagement.

Ohhh good point! I still call BS on the timing of the pregnancy, but come early next year I will eat my words if I was wrong! ?

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If I got pregnant the first time I had sex I probably would have cried and thought it were the end of the world. I'm not married, so that probably has something to do with it too, but I do not want to get knocked up on my wedding night, either. I want a chance to be a wife before I'm a mom, too.

Maybe this is what Joy wanted, but coming from her family I just assume this is what she thought was expected. I get that - I had a hard time adjusting to being an adult after college because I had always been expected to be a student and I was good at it. What do you do when that part of your life is over?  I didn't go back to school, I moved on, got a job and tried to establish my own life. It's a shame that JB and Michelle raised their family to know nothing except breeding.

Jinger is looking smarter and smarter every day.

Edited by McManda
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1 hour ago, Lunera said:


Look how quickly she abandoned the baggy shirts and modesty undershirts as soon as the belly popped out. Her boobs are HUGE and very defrauding.


I want to imagine jinj and jer looking at each other, high fiving, and laughing.

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2 hours ago, bythelake said:

Joy seems to be a homebody. Maybe being a mother and homemaker is what suits her. Austin has his own business, It seems they are less dependent on JB's money than Jessa and Jill. As of yet, we don't hear Austin aspiring to be a preacher, so maybe there's hope for these two. 

Do we know for sure that Austin really has his own business - meaning that he's self-supporting, and now can support a wife and child(ren). I know he supposedly flipped 5 houses, but did he buy those houses all himself? Did he make enough money off the flips to support himself?  Was he paying rent or a house payment and utility bills, etc. while flipping those houses?  Or was he living at home, rent-free and bill-free.  And did his dad give him $$ to buy the houses (and, if so, did Austin pay his dad back from the profits?)?  None of this probably matters now, because his wife has a TV show income.  But I just wonder if Austin really has a lucrative business.  I hope so.

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1 hour ago, Lunera said:


Look how quickly she abandoned the baggy shirts and modesty undershirts as soon as the belly popped out. Her boobs are HUGE and very defrauding.

Her breasts really are gigantic. Put me in for speculation that she is further along than they are claiming. My Sister is due in Mid feb with her second and she doesn't even look that big. 

There is a girl at my gym due in January and she looks to be about her size, maybe even smaller but my the girl is an athlete so tighter ab muscles. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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1 hour ago, Lunera said:

This is Jill and Jessa at around 12 weeks. Joy is built different and has bigger boobs so she looks bigger. According to the baby calendar she is due in late February or early March if conception occurred within the 1st week she was married. 


Wasn't it rumored that Jill planned her wedding specifically around the time she was ovulating? I wouldn't be surprised if she planned Joy's wedding to be during the ovulation window as well; she looks closer in size to 15/16 week Jill and Jess than 12 week Jill and Jess. I'm calling it now: wedding night conception with a due date no later than Valentine's Day. 





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5ish months if she's a day....unless it's twins. Oh heck,  if it's twins JB will be rubbing his hands in glee over the new angle...They've been praying for twin grand-Duggars since M1...


As far as riding a dirt bike when preggers, if she's cautious,  there's no reason not to.

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I don't think they did the  'deed' before the wedding day, I think her stance pushes out her belly and and our focus is on her stomach.  Heck I could look 8 months pregnant if let the stomach muscles go and pushed out the belly.

She is a child having a child and I just wish they had been a bit more grown up and given themselves more time together as a couple  but then all they have known is god blessing them with as many children as they can handle.

As for her boobage, as a big boobed girl I will pray for her poor back, she is going to be suffering.

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She always had a fuller figure than her sisters. (no judgement, because I'm a fuller figure myself.) If you look at her father and Josh,  there's a tendency to carry weight in the middle (heck most of humanity has this tendency!). It also may be the position of the baby. 

One of my friends was teen mom and her kids turned out ok and she really worked hard to make a good life for them.

I'm sad at the news. She never really had much of a chance to do anything different. She knows very few people who live differently. She has been told her whole life birth control is a sin. She has been told her parents are holier than others, because of their large family. Her older buddy Jill believes everything their parents told them. She told us herself  the courtship was up to Austin and her dad.

 I don't see anything to envy here, but I'm sure some of their young fans want to be just like her. 

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