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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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12 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Bin identifies as Baptist?

I don't know what church he "identifies" with. He really seems to get around and meet people [including Jeremy V], and I know the Duggars have attended a large Southern Baptist church in their area (Crossroads??). It's possible he's made friends with some people there, and elsewhere. There are lots of different "kinds" of Baptists, including the IFB churches, and Ben's family was all into the Vision Forum before it crashed, and VF was also in the Baptist world. 

Edited by Jeeves
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So is there a name yet, or is it a suspenseful surprise like last time? Home birth - even after everything that happened last time?? Maybe that's the pic of a birthing center as I feel like Anna went to one for one of the births and then left hours after the birth, as if she was coming home from a physical. Though in that pic she either birthed in her own room or left any kind of birthing center asap to rush home -- bc even birthing centers are set up like professional medical spaces -- they wouldn't have a dresser right by the mother's feet -- they'd have as much empty room as possible around the bed so professionals could get in there as needed. So this baby was birthed with the assistance of whom - Jill or some other fake fundy midwife?

46 minutes ago, cereality said:

So is there a name yet, or is it a suspenseful surprise like last time? Home birth - even after everything that happened last time?? Maybe that's the pic of a birthing center as I feel like Anna went to one for one of the births and then left hours after the birth, as if she was coming home from a physical. Though in that pic she either birthed in her own room or left any kind of birthing center asap to rush home -- bc even birthing centers are set up like professional medical spaces -- they wouldn't have a dresser right by the mother's feet -- they'd have as much empty room as possible around the bed so professionals could get in there as needed. So this baby was birthed with the assistance of whom - Jill or some other fake fundy midwife?

Anna being driven an hour to a birthing center that was really someone's home made no sense at all. Why not just do it in the comfort of their home (sans toilet, of course). So it looks like Jessa got the comfort of home.

eta: Man, that kid has big hands. No wonder she seems to have had an easy birth. Kid probably just pulled himself out!

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 11
1 minute ago, Almost 3000 said:

Anna being driven an hour to a birthing center that was really someone's home made no sense at all. Why not just do it in the comfort of their home (sans toilet, of course).

Anna giving birth on the toilet just wouldn't normally happen.  There's reasons a woman gets an enema in a hospital  / birthing center..for the convenience of the docs not to get sprayed with it, cleanliness in case of tearing/need for episiotomy, and so she doesn't need to poop mid labor and end up with a toilet birth.  If she needs to pee and it's early labor, but later, it's a bed pan.

I don't think Duggar home births consider these things. They probably don't talk about them if they do.

Teresa shouldn't have let Anna go to the bathroom...

Looks like Jessa mercifully had an easy labor and delivery this time...glad for her for that....

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

She must have had a fairly quick delivery; I see no head molding at all.  Cute baby!

If she didn't go into labor until after the Super Bowl, that's just a handful of hours. Less than 7 (the game ended around 9:30 their time, baby born 4:30am). She doesn't look like she's laboring in any fashion in that picture. Looks like she got super lucky with this one. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Even though a Super Bowl party full of babies, toddlers and no booze sounds like my worst nightmare come to life, I agree. It's good for Jessa and her family to escape the Duggar vortex once in a while. 

Sounds like she had a good excuse to ditch this party.  Sounds like my worst nightmare too.  

  • Love 5

I'm glad that things went well for Jessa. I hope she doesn't test fate too many more times. Baby Seewald is cute. I hope they give him a normal name. But when your brother is named Spurgeon, a wacky name for your second spawn is probably a given.  How can they not have a name picked out? I call BS on that. They knew they were having a boy for months, isn't a name something they should've discussed? Jessa will make us wait for the drama factor. Oh, when are they adopting? Let me see.. Never! 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, awaken said:

I really can't get over the amount of pants, tights, knees, AND a baby without pants, all in ONE picture. 

That flower head-band baby has a dress or skirt  on ...it's bunched up above her shoulders. Horrors.

For the sake of Spurgeon, I hope they give #2 an equally horrendous name. If he's Calvin, it won't be fair.

#2 has the same unfortunate ears as #1. Must be a dominate trait. Both of them look like JB/Josh.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

If it wasn't filmed by TLC, did it really happen at all? Talk about a paradox. 




The advantage to not being filmed is they can weave whatever narrative they like. Ben delivered it in 5 minutes by the side of the road? Check. She had it in the mold house ad was visited by 3 wise (dumb?) men? Check. There was a twin that died at birth? Check. She never sweated or had a bowel movement? Check.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Anna giving birth on the toilet just wouldn't normally happen.  There's reasons a woman gets an enema in a hospital  / birthing center..for the convenience of the docs not to get sprayed with it, cleanliness in case of tearing/need for episiotomy, and so she doesn't need to poop mid labor and end up with a toilet birth.  If she needs to pee and it's early labor, but later, it's a bed pan.

I don't think Duggar home births consider these things. They probably don't talk about them if they do.

Teresa shouldn't have let Anna go to the bathroom...

Looks like Jessa mercifully had an easy labor and delivery this time...glad for her for that....

Women in the US haven't been given enemas in labor for at least 25 years.  And, even back in the day when women used to get them, it's a fallacy to think that there's no chance of poop at delivery.  With an enema, it's more likely to be watery diarrhea which is far messier than the solid stuff.

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Dark dresser on the left confirms it's Jessa's bedroom. All of their furniture is dark. 

How creepy is it that the public knows what their bedroom furniture looks like?  For a family that preaches modesty, these people have absolutely no shame.  Several of my long term friends who visit our house often have never been in our bedroom.  

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Women in the US haven't been given enemas in labor for at least 25 years.  And, even back in the day when women used to get them, it's a fallacy to think that there's no chance of poop at delivery.  With an enema, it's more likely to be watery diarrhea which is far messier than the solid stuff.

I thought they still did that...it was still done when most of my friends gave birth, which would gave been around 25 to 30 years ago...good to know.

Doodlebug, was Anna's infamous Toilet birth avoidable?

I've heard of women with the oooh, I've got a cramp...I think I need to go to the bathroom and then give birth seconds later before they were even aware they started labor...rare..but it happens enough for people to hear of it...

9 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Doodlebug, was Anna's infamous Toilet birth avoidable?

Sure, but, when a woman is having trouble pushing; it's not unusual to have her get upright into a semi-squatting position and encourage her to push like she would on the toilet.  I've certainly done it with labor patients, however, we don't usually go into the bathroom to do it.  I've done only one delivery on the toilet in 30+ years and it was because the mother insisted on going into the bathroom against advice and refused to move when the kiddo was coming.  She, quite frankly, was a bit of an attention-seeker and I think she just wanted to brag about it afterwards. Delivering in any sort of tight space, including in most bathrooms, is not optimal due to the lack of room to maneuver if the kiddo gets stuck or mom or baby needs immediate assistance.  That's why most birthing beds will convert into a sitting up position and we have squatting bars, birthing chairs, etc.  And, of course, bringing a camera crew into the average  bathroom and filming a birth is an even dumber and potentially more hazardous situation.

  • Love 13

I hope she enjoys this baby because I think Jessa will be pregnant again within 6 months. She seemed surprised that it happened right away with baby no. 2 because Jill and Ana didn't get pregnant right away but I suspect Jill and Derick never had sex while in central America and Josh was too busy with porn and cheating to pay attention to Ana. 

  • Love 8

How could this child not have a weird name? How odd would it be to introduce your sons as Spurgeon and Michael?

I don't understand the fundies who act surprised re pregnancy. You're screwing with your 21 yr old husband with no protection - what do you think is going to happen? She either needs to start feigning a tough recovery from childbirth and/or "headaches" to push Bin off, or they'll be having another child in 12 months.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, ariel said:

If Jess does decide to have more children, I wish her boys.  We'll see how fast those gender appropriate  chores disappear & the lads are doing all the household work.

The lost girls aren't that far away. Last delivery Jana had to move in so Jessa and Bin could sleep. The lost girls are probably getting their ads together for publication on Christian mingle so they can bolt as soon as they print off their diplomas.

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, Lunera said:

I hope she enjoys this baby because I think Jessa will be pregnant again within 6 months. She seemed surprised that it happened right away with baby no. 2 because Jill and Ana didn't get pregnant right away but I suspect Jill and Derick never had sex while in central America and Josh was too busy with porn and cheating to pay attention to Ana. 

I agree that Jessa was probably surprised at how quickly she conceived, but i'm not 100% sure that that means she'll have another right away.

I think that Jill and Derick are both unhappy in their marriage -- they were both had very immature, romantic notions of marriage, missionary work, and child rearing and reality has hit them hard. The first couple of years of their marriage have been very stressful and would have been rough on anyone, but especially so on those two.

Ben and Jessa, on the other hand, have had much less stress and Spurgeon has been an easy baby. This second baby may not be so easy, and I don't think their marriage is on super-strong footing, either.

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Dang.  I gave birth twice at the hospital and no one gave ME an enema. ☹️

Maybe the name reveal will be anti-climatic and they'll name him Billy after Billy Graham. 

Maybe they'll just throw caution to the wind and go with  Gothard Phillips Seewald. ..... So the kid would not only have a horrible name but would be named after two horrible people as well. 

  • Love 4

Good for them!  I like that Jessa and Ben actually seem to enjoy Spurgeon and the thought of another.  Hopefully Jessa gets some name input now that she is so over being the doting wife. She clearly gave in with Spurgeon but now that she's in charge we should see something more her style.

Ben may get his way on the middle name. If Jessa's water broke during the 4th quarter of the game during the Pats' comeback, I fear that football fanatic Ben will get Brady in there somewhere. 

Tozer Brady? Ick. Brady Tozer actually sounds better. 

I guess we have to wait a week to find out. 


I've heard of women with the oooh, I've got a cramp...I think I need to go to the bathroom and then give birth seconds later before they were even aware they started labor...rare..but it happens enough for people to hear of it...



It happened with my second. She was born at home, there was no time. I was lucky I made it back to my bed. 

  • Love 3

An 8lb 11oz baby? In the superbowl party pic just hours prior to the birth Jessa looks maybe 5-6 months. The pic and the quick 'post party birth' made me wonder if she really gave birth a few days prior and her belly was just he post-pregnancy paunch. I'm suspicious bc it was a Monday and the new Counting On airs on Monday. Don't they usually coordinate announcements with show airing days?

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

IBen and Jessa, on the other hand, have had much less stress and Spurgeon has been an easy baby. This second baby may not be so easy, and I don't think their marriage is on super-strong footing, either.

Ben and Jessa are nuts but just the common, regular old crazy.  :)

Jill and Dill?  i think those two have actual mental health issues.  They will struggle through life no matter what they do because both of them have major problems. 

  • Love 7

Tozer sounds like the kid that's got the good weed.

HAHA so funny, so true!  Why the hell aren't these people all cutting out the middleman and naming their kids "Jesus"!  Ok, to avoid being deported by new administration they don't have to pronounce it "Hayzeus."

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, ariel said:

If Jess does decide to have more children, I wish her boys.  We'll see how fast those Duggar "gender appropriate"  chores disappear & the lads are doing all the household work.

Bbbbbbbbut Bin is already doing the housework....you really think Jessa the TeeVee Stah cleans her own house??? 

Surely you jest!

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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