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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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9 hours ago, Squeek said:

That's a quote from Kelli in that season about how Loni got into TC.  She caught the interest of someone in the Cowboys organization but pretty might not be enough to get her on the team.  She never said who it was.  Maybe someone here knows ore but there wasn't a huge fan base yet back then.  

Loni made the team so someone must've had a say in it or maybe pressured Kelli to do it. 

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15 hours ago, DCCme said:

Ok, I’m just going to say it...I love the Kelli and Judy promos MTT is doing and I want more.  Yes I’m probably going to hell.  Yes I’ll save you a seat ;).

Thank you for your honesty.  I sit in that hot zone with ya sista!  I don't watch this show for kindness and strong management skills example.  I am sorry, if you weigh 180 and have never had a dance lesson and show up....baby, it's on you.

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You can change the location on an instragram post easily, it doesn't mean she is in Florida right now. I do think Meredith should be the next to go based on the show group audition video but I don't think the insta location should be read into.

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On 7/18/2019 at 1:50 PM, SmpIsimon said:

I'm dying to see where VK lands in the squad photo.  Typically (but not always), the rookies fill in the back two rows.  Some years, however, a rookie is brought up front -- I have a feeling this will be one of those years.

Veruca Kalina: Mummy tell Auntie Kelli that I want to be in the front!

Tina: But sweetie you're a Rookie. You have to wait a few years to be moved up front.

Veruca: I want to be in the front NOW!!!

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"Shame on you Kelli and Judy! I thought you had more class than this, but I am sadly mistaken."

Not sure how they get world class by their lack of it.

It seems so high school.

Lack of class examples: laughing at girls on the videos.

Picking girls based on favoritism, when they fall out of a single pirouette everytime.

Making fun of Colby during TC.

Laughing at TK saying Chandler looked like a gma.

Taking gossip as gospel from another meal girl, Kitty.

We have seen lack of class, but these recent video releases cross lines and are proof, imho.

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On 7/17/2019 at 1:28 PM, M1977G said:

I imagine they might run season 13 soon to help build hype for the new season. It's not just VK coming back but also Kristin and Lily who make it into TC again, and then there are others who reauditioned like Malena, Jasmine, and probably some other folks I'm forgetting. TPTB likely are certain there was no nepotism showing because VK got cut last year, so I doubt that concern factors into the reruns. If they were blind to what the episodes revealed before and after airing, I don't imagine they'll see a difference now. Also, TPTB (or at least Kelli) probably will think that running season 13 will help remind folks of the 2-season narrative arc of VK's struggles and triumph over adversity to make SG and the team this year.

CMT has been showing season 13 for a couple weeks now. I had to stop watching when she called Dayton in to give her the you aren't going to make the team because of who your mom is. I was so mad I almost threw up!

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1 minute ago, Deweymom said:

"Shame on you Kelli and Judy! I thought you had more class than this, but I am sadly mistaken."

Not sure how they get world class by their lack of it.

It seems so high school.

Lack of class examples: laughing at girls on the videos.

Picking girls based on favoritism, when they fall out of a single pirouette everytime.

Making fun of Colby during TC.

Laughing at TK saying Chandler looked like a gma.

Taking gossip as gospel from another meal girl, Kitty.

We have seen lack of class, but these recent video releases cross lines and are proof, imho.

I agree with this 1000%. I was shocked when I saw the first one! So low class!

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8 minutes ago, jlc said:

CMT has been showing season 13 for a couple weeks now. I had to stop watching when she called Dayton in to give her the you aren't going to make the team because of who your mom is. I was so mad I almost threw up!

Ditto.  It just disgusted me.  Such hypocrites with Dayton but not VK.

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1 hour ago, Deweymom said:

"Shame on you Kelli and Judy! I thought you had more class than this, but I am sadly mistaken."

Not sure how they get world class by their lack of it.

It seems so high school.

Lack of class examples: laughing at girls on the videos.

Picking girls based on favoritism, when they fall out of a single pirouette everytime.

Making fun of Colby during TC.

Laughing at TK saying Chandler looked like a gma.

Taking gossip as gospel from another meal girl, Kitty.

We have seen lack of class, but these recent video releases cross lines and are proof, imho.

1 hour ago, Deweymom said:

"Shame on you Kelli and Judy! I thought you had more class than this, but I am sadly mistaken."

Not sure how they get world class by their lack of it.

It seems so high school.

Lack of class examples: laughing at girls on the videos.

Picking girls based on favoritism, when they fall out of a single pirouette everytime.

Making fun of Colby during TC.

Laughing at TK saying Chandler looked like a gma.

Taking gossip as gospel from another meal girl, Kitty.

We have seen lack of class, but these recent video releases cross lines and are proof, imho.

I am disgusted by these videos. I can’t imagine how the girls feel seeing it over and over on social media.  I also didn’t care for Marshall’s response on FB either. I posted it below FF1A0289-9DAD-4B63-963B-A18EB381DC8B.thumb.png.87d2682e5f1fee4f5df8de73dbc9d1f9.png


Edited by Cruisegirl
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The fact that these girls know that they may be filmed is no excuse for what amounts to insensitivity bordering on cruelty.

The girls sign up to audition not to be made fun of in a promo for the show.

The fact that you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it  -- especially if being "world-class" means showing a little class.

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Oh please to part of Marshall's comment..plenty of people have said how they don't like them featuring or making fun of the "bad" auditions. I hate that kind of response, "you didn't say anything back then". Whatever 

Edited by pinkandsparkly13
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23 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Oh please to part of Marshall's comment..plenty have people have said how they don't like them featuring or making fun of the "bad" auditions. I hate that kind of response, "you didn't say anything back then". Whatever 

Right! It's been my least favorite part of the prelims episode for years. Plenty of us have said something. 

Also, the fact that its years later actually makes it worse for me, not better like he seems to imply. When something is funny, it's funny. I get that. I'm not blaming them for laughing in the moment. While I would never try to embarrass someone, lord knows that I've laughed at (not with) people before. It happens. But to go back and pull clips from years and years ago.....seriously, they need to grow up and get out of the high school mentality!  I say this especially because the joke is never on them, always someone else.

On another note, any training camp news?

Edited by Jess14
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1 hour ago, Cruisegirl said:

I am disgusted by these videos. I can’t imagine how the girls feel seeing it over and over on social media.  I also didn’t care for Marshall’s response on FB either. I posted it below FF1A0289-9DAD-4B63-963B-A18EB381DC8B.thumb.png.87d2682e5f1fee4f5df8de73dbc9d1f9.png


Well as long as I’m going to hell, I might as well be thrust there rather than barely making it.  I’m with Marshall on this one.  There I said it.  I’ll scooch over if any of you want to join me in hell.  

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6 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I think it was longer than that... her weight gain was hella obvious during cameos and Kelli only talked about her amazing legs.

Kelly said (as close as I can come at the moment): "I'm not sure if today is helping or not with she is not at her trimmest state but she's got probably the best hair and the best legs in the room."  I don't agree with either the hair or the legs portion of the statement, but certainly agree with Victoria not being the slimmest in the room at that point.

5 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

Almost everyone overlooked the obvious last year..and it was definitely more than one obvious. Also, using the phrase “all encompassing” and not giving direct feedback irked me too.  Guests chors  were asked directly about her.  No “dots” on her pic, not noticed (but why..always asked) and I would love to hear what exactly Kashara was referring to about things coming out of VK’s mouth.  

KaShara said "Victoria says stuff and I'm like 'Did you think about it before you said it?' and so I'm going to have to give my final [sticker] to Lily."  I, too, am curious about what exactly came out of Victoria's mouth because for KaShara to say something about it , , , is very telling.  Also, Victoria had only one sticker on her picture and that was Kitty's.  Even Kelli didn't put a sticker on it nor did Judy and that is very interesting.  I would have certainly thought that Kelli would have put a sticker on Victoria and either coerced or pressured Judy into doing so.  It makes this year VERY interesting based on the insider information we have, especially when we hear things like Kelli pulling a "the fans won't tell ME who I can or can't have on the squad" moment.  I wonder what brought that on since we know she is WELL aware of what the fans are saying and hasn't let THAT stop her from putting anyone she dang well pleases on the squad or cut someone she didn't want.  She may have had to give the appearance of taking the opinions of others into consideration, but the fans haven't been a determining factor in the final roster before last year/this year.  The only difference between other years and last year/this year?  Victoria. 

Kelli was fighting tooth and nail to put Victoria on the squad last year to the point of asking Charlotte for a squad of 40 and the funding for said squad, if we believe the rumors.  At that time, Kelli knew Victoria wasn't top 36.  I'm curious as to what's changed between last year and this year (besides Kelli's determination to put Victoria on the squad at almost all costs including the other girls).

Edited by EricaShadows
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4 hours ago, TB12 said:

Kitty's anger toward some girls seems so out of left field almost like they remind her of someone who wronged her

Re-watching bits and pieces of previous episodes, and that is what it's like.  Or she says that the girls have noticed - what, members of the squad are going to Kitty with their concerns or is she eavesdropping?  Last year, it was Kelli who asked her "Do you get good locker room out of Madeline?"  This cause vets felt Madeline was overstepping as a rookie answering questions and she had switched lockers.  Why is she asking Kitty that?  For years, Kitty has been after the girls to be fierce and bold- ie Meagan Sharp, Melissa R, etc.  But if you are too fierce and confident, it's still wrong.

2 hours ago, rl27rl said:

Such hypocrites with Dayton but not VK.

It's interesting though - they had Pamela "PJ" Purcell in last year with Shelly, Nicole H and Jacie.  She compliments VK to her face - wouldn't want to dance next to her, dancing so huge, so excited.  In other words, she is so excited, she is dancing out of control, but Pamela doesn't put it that way and doesn't stand up for her later with K&J.  So, another person who isn't helping VK by sugarcoating the facts.  Not so obvious hypocrites with VK.

21 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

KaShara said "Victoria says stuff and I'm like 'Did you think about it before you said it?' and so I'm going to have to give my final [sticker] to Lily."  I, too, am curious about what exactly came out of Victoria's mouth because for KaShara to say something about it ,

Kelli told VK that there was "an articulate smoothness, finesse, polish-" and VK interrupts to ask who should she work with.  Judy says KaShara.  Did that ever happen?  Was it during these sessions that Kash saw there was another problem?  And I think Lacey was her GL and her boot buddy, so it's interesting, funny that she was told to work with KaShara.  Maybe Judy knew KaShara would take no sh*t from VK:)

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

If it's on FB it must true.  I don't care who gets point as long as it's Gina or Brennan. 

"I've heard it's Amy with Gina and Maddie on each side in front."

"Awesome for Amy!  What a honor for her."

That explains her IG post. Congratulations Amy!  🙂

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2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Well, then we know Meredith wasn't cut.  And maybe these three are not strong power dancers or in showmanship????

Probably not They usually have a group of girls that don’t have good showman ship work with Melissa and a vet 

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6 hours ago, TB12 said:

WFH watching last season epi where Miranda burst into tears when called over to K&J and flashback to Kitty calling her Grandma Moses, ummm its kind of crazy given Kitty's yellow and orange hair. Kitty's anger toward some girls seems so out of left field almost like they remind her of someone who wronged her. I lost all respect for Kitty last year especially when she expected VK to get the respect to lose the 11 lbs she gained rather than cut her. Don't even get me started on her talking about Tara... Kitty, if you're seeing this, Karma is a bitch & one day you'll find her sitting on your shoulder making you pay for all the hearts you've broken with your unnecessary mean girl attitude ps: i think you're just jealous of the fresh, young beautiful ladies who don't yes ma'am you to your liking... just sayin

Karma has already gotten her. Haven’t you seen her hair??? Yikes! The early 2000s called....they said they want their chunky highlights back.

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I remember in some of the earlier seasons, they showed first round people auditioning that didn't have a snowballs chance.   Overweight, could barely move on the dance floor, some doing dangerous stunts.    They were laughing at them then, and I noticed they were the same ones replayed year to year too.   I recognized the costumes, and a couple of the people, and it was just as mean then as the clips they posted too. 

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1 hour ago, J-R said:
2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

If it's on FB it must true.  I don't care who gets point as long as it's Gina or Brennan. 

"I've heard it's Amy with Gina and Maddie on each side in front."

"Awesome for Amy!  What a honor for her."

@ShellyB  You said a couple days ago point hadn't been set, has it now?  Is it Amy? With Gina and Maddie?

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5 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Oh please to part of Marshall's comment..plenty of people have said how they don't like them featuring or making fun of the "bad" auditions. I hate that kind of response, "you didn't say anything back then". Whatever 

The big difference from when it was first shown and this montage is that this has Kelli and Judy laughing and making fun of them.  It’s one thing for viewers to do that but it’s a different thing when ladies in their positions do it. 

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1 hour ago, Squeek said:

@ShellyB  You said a couple days ago point hadn't been set, has it now?  Is it Amy? With Gina and Maddie?

She has a q&a on her IG.  She doesn’t know and no formations yet

Edited by scorpio1031
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5 hours ago, Cruisegirl said:

I am disgusted by these videos. I can’t imagine how the girls feel seeing it over and over on social media.  I also didn’t care for Marshall’s response on FB either. I posted it below FF1A0289-9DAD-4B63-963B-A18EB381DC8B.thumb.png.87d2682e5f1fee4f5df8de73dbc9d1f9.png


My love and respect for Marshall is officially gone. 

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1 minute ago, Loves2Dance said:

My love and respect for Marshall is officially gone. 

I think he is trying to kiss a** given the shut down he got last season.

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Just now, MTTFan said:

I think he is trying to kiss a** given the shut down he got last season.

He probably is and I just have no respect for it. I get that DCC butters your bread, but he could have just not said anything---justifying this video; which if you consider the comments they got (and not just people tagging someone else) is overwhelming negative, maybe just shut the F up and stop making yourself look more like d*ck. 

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6 hours ago, Cruisegirl said:

I am disgusted by these videos. I can’t imagine how the girls feel seeing it over and over on social media.  I also didn’t care for Marshall’s response on FB either. I posted it below FF1A0289-9DAD-4B63-963B-A18EB381DC8B.thumb.png.87d2682e5f1fee4f5df8de73dbc9d1f9.png


Marshall apparently cares enough to be posting lengthy explanations about choices others have made (he is not an executive producer on the show), so this is his own opinion. I respected the man in the past, and I respect him now. It’s not that he is agreeing with genocide! He just has an opinion! 

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6 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

My love and respect for Marshall is officially gone. 

I agree with this...i’m sorry but is he getting paid to defend Kelli or something? First with the VK comments (because yes, a hairdresser who would at best interact with VK once a month is the best person to speak on her maturity and dancing improvement), now with this? We’ve all laughed at inappropriate things, but we don’t post mean clips laughing over things that “happened a long time ago”. If they want to show overweight people and laugh, how about they show VK’s giggles from last tc? 🙂 then I would accept Marshall’s comments. 

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7 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I like Kat with the dark hair, but this lighter color looks better than what she had before makeovers.  If she’s happy with it....

Not a Vikki fan, but I can’t hate on her here for wearing a romper with a loose top when Kelcey is standing next to her in a green sack with a stain on the front. 

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9 hours ago, Pau84 said:

Marshall apparently cares enough to be posting lengthy explanations about choices others have made (he is not an executive producer on the show), so this is his own opinion. I respected the man in the past, and I respect him now. It’s not that he is agreeing with genocide! He just has an opinion! 

He makes a lot of money off of this organization, so I take the post as a suck up. Just my opinion and I also respect yours 

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8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I like Kat with the dark hair, but this lighter color looks better than what she had before makeovers.  If she’s happy with it....

I think it's cute for her. Worst case she could always get a new weave, but I doubt we'll see that

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I do not have a problem showing the clips of the past bad tryouts.  Those girls know going in to tryouts that DCC has a weight standard and is a dance organization.  Many of those girls look like they have no training and have no clue on what they are doing.  I dance great in my head but took only a year or two of ballet as a child and some years as an adult.  I know I did not have the skills to try out in my younger adult life.  I do not see this the same as VK.  Falling out of a turn is not the same as what some of these girls are doing...rolling on the floor, bad disco moves, etc.   VK gained weight in training camp, they should have called her on it sooner, but she did get cut for it.  Paige years ago made training camp 15 pounds heavier.  (while she was having a relationship with a football player) and made the team.  There's no way she dropped all 15 pounds by the time she made the team.  The comments Judy and Kelli made are tame compared to this forum.  (not picking out anyone in particular but this forum is full of snark.

The cuts I feel sorry for a few that it's being shown again and a few I do not.  The ones I feel sorry for their cut was so hard the first time like Dayton.  Megan F.  I rooted for her some because I understood her frustration but Megan F. always had the same memory problem.  It's just sad since she died.  Vivian and Malena's reactions were so bizarre and unprofessional I do not feel sorry for them that they showed it again or made comments.  I know there is Malena love on this forum but personally I was pleased that she was cut at finals.  She has memory issues and is not realistic about her ability to make this team.  Add in the hysteria and my belief she cannot handle pressure, this was not for her.  

As to VK this year, she came back leaner.  She does look like a DCC.  I know it's an unpopular opinion but she looks good.  The conspiracy theories are entertaining to me.  We were told VK was promised a spot last year, and she got cut.  Tara who I loved clearly lost her spark during training camp (she looked great at finals) and had gained some weight when we saw training camp and was not getting noticed by other choreographers.  So the whole Tara talked about VK to Savannah, I do not believe. That got a life of its own last year and now it got revived to then say Jalyn was in trouble for correcting VK.  Any dancer can have a bad day or not as good a day at an audition.  As Shelly B said, the vets and rookies were on a mission.  Instagram showed Amy having show group practice with her group and many of her girls made it. Let's be happy for the girls who had a goal and it came true.   I am happy for Rachel W and Rachel A, Carolyn, and Cianna that they made it this year.  Who knows which one was the last one to make it.  We should not assume VK stole Jalyn's spot.  I do not believe Jalyn was the first in all these years to make show group one year and not the next.  I feel sad for her but do not buy the other story because it got looped to the story that grew on Tara that did not seem to be the case in Tara's cut.  I would like to think they would have worked more with Tara last year (there seemed to be something going on) but they did not and Judy and Kelli were not the only ones pointing to her as not bringing it.

After VK was cut last year, I thought she handled it better than Kelli.  VK won me over then.  Her cut and how she reacted was so more gracious and professional (running mascara and all) then Malena.  Has there been some favoritism absolutely.  Has VK come back looking much better.  She has.  I will wait for the show to form my opinions.

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9 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I like Kat with the dark hair, but this lighter color looks better than what she had before makeovers.  If she’s happy with it....

Not a fan of Kat's two-tone hair here, just looks unhealthy. 

I can't believe I'm going to say this but VK looks great here. Toned down make-up, big hair without looking tacky and that jumpsuit is a great look for her. She looks a little more ature here as well when I normally find she still looks like a young girl. Urgh, so annoyed with myself for saying all of this!

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Hi everybody, im new to the blog.

idk if its out of context already but, my dream for point would be Maddie on point, with heather and amy behind her, bridget on the 3rd line in the middle with gina and brenan on each side to her. 

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1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

I can't believe I'm going to say this but VK looks great here. Toned down make-up, big hair without looking tacky and that jumpsuit is a great look for her. She looks a little more mature here as well when I normally find she still looks like a young girl. Urgh, so annoyed with myself for saying all of this!

She is a young girl, she's 19....And she is dressed to show off her best asset...her legs...If she's gained some maturity and personal insight she's a lock for DCC...she'll totally rock on the field...KaShara has the strength of personality and country girl 'tact' to get it across to VK what's appropriate and what's not. So hopefully changes are made.

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1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

Not a fan of Kat's two-tone hair here, just looks unhealthy. 

I can't believe I'm going to say this but VK looks great here. Toned down make-up, big hair without looking tacky and that jumpsuit is a great look for her. She looks a little more ature here as well when I normally find she still looks like a young girl. Urgh, so annoyed with myself for saying all of this!

Lol...I think it’s the tacky pink outfits, lips, over the top lashes, ratty looking hair, etc that are gone..the natural look is cleaner and more fresh looking for her.  

Looks are one thing, but a good personality with her teammates is another beast in itself. I don’t think it matters though in K&J’s world.  They see what they see.  And we will see  what they want the tv viewers to see. 

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2 hours ago, Lexusprincess said:

I do not have a problem showing the clips of the past bad tryouts.  Those girls know going in to tryouts that DCC has a weight standard and is a dance organization.  Many of those girls look like they have no training and have no clue on what they are doing.  I dance great in my head but took only a year or two of ballet as a child and some years as an adult.  I know I did not have the skills to try out in my younger adult life.  I do not see this the same as VK.  Falling out of a turn is not the same as what some of these girls are doing...rolling on the floor, bad disco moves, etc.   VK gained weight in training camp, they should have called her on it sooner, but she did get cut for it.  Paige years ago made training camp 15 pounds heavier.  (while she was having a relationship with a football player) and made the team.  There's no way she dropped all 15 pounds by the time she made the team.  The comments Judy and Kelli made are tame compared to this forum.  (not picking out anyone in particular but this forum is full of snark.

The cuts I feel sorry for a few that it's being shown again and a few I do not.  The ones I feel sorry for their cut was so hard the first time like Dayton.  Megan F.  I rooted for her some because I understood her frustration but Megan F. always had the same memory problem.  It's just sad since she died.  Vivian and Malena's reactions were so bizarre and unprofessional I do not feel sorry for them that they showed it again or made comments.  I know there is Malena love on this forum but personally I was pleased that she was cut at finals.  She has memory issues and is not realistic about her ability to make this team.  Add in the hysteria and my belief she cannot handle pressure, this was not for her.  

As to VK this year, she came back leaner.  She does look like a DCC.  I know it's an unpopular opinion but she looks good.  The conspiracy theories are entertaining to me.  We were told VK was promised a spot last year, and she got cut.  Tara who I loved clearly lost her spark during training camp (she looked great at finals) and had gained some weight when we saw training camp and was not getting noticed by other choreographers.  So the whole Tara talked about VK to Savannah, I do not believe. That got a life of its own last year and now it got revived to then say Jalyn was in trouble for correcting VK.  Any dancer can have a bad day or not as good a day at an audition.  As Shelly B said, the vets and rookies were on a mission.  Instagram showed Amy having show group practice with her group and many of her girls made it. Let's be happy for the girls who had a goal and it came true.   I am happy for Rachel W and Rachel A, Carolyn, and Cianna that they made it this year.  Who knows which one was the last one to make it.  We should not assume VK stole Jalyn's spot.  I do not believe Jalyn was the first in all these years to make show group one year and not the next.  I feel sad for her but do not buy the other story because it got looped to the story that grew on Tara that did not seem to be the case in Tara's cut.  I would like to think they would have worked more with Tara last year (there seemed to be something going on) but they did not and Judy and Kelli were not the only ones pointing to her as not bringing it.

After VK was cut last year, I thought she handled it better than Kelli.  VK won me over then.  Her cut and how she reacted was so more gracious and professional (running mascara and all) then Malena.  Has there been some favoritism absolutely.  Has VK come back looking much better.  She has.  I will wait for the show to form my opinions.

YASSS...QUEEN ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖!!! Well said...

Remember, this is a “Reality” show on CMT & let me tell you, they (along with The Cowboys Organization) got all their basis covered with signed contracts by all who appear on MTT, so the ladies, who auditioned, can’t come back & sue for changing their minds by not wanting to appear on the show after all.

...AND how do I know? When I lived in San Diego years ago, I had a roommate who was a finalist on one of MTV’s Real World & before they went any further, they met with MTV lawyers who pulled out, basically a 500 page contract, so if they didn’t make it on the show or were shown as a ‘reaction too’ (good or bad), they couldn’t say or do anything about it. They were so excited about being on TRW (‘strong candidate’ was the word used), that they just signed their life away without actually reading the contracts.

I’m sure with all the stress & nervousness the women are going thru during DCC auditions, they just don’t have time to read said contracts & I think that’s the point Marshall was trying to make...that these women knew very well what they were getting themselves into, good or bad...maybe to actually find out, one of you should tryout & see how the process is done...I can’t, because I’m an old MAN!!! HaHa!!!

...and about the first ‘Mean’ Reaction Video, K & J weren’t actually laughing at the girls, they were laughing at themselves & their reactions & if anything, Judy took the brunt of Kelli’s jokes for how she reacts & behaves to the girls being cut. Judy did have good comebacks tho...

I react the same way they do, when I hear or see Vivian & I automatically think of ‘The Poem’. About a year or two ago, they did a ‘Where are they now’ with Vivian...she’s fine...married...kids...& still lyrical dancing...she even laughed at herself for the poem. Remember when Kitty told her she wasn’t a lyrical dancer, but she went on ahead & did a piece for finals? Or when during a meeting with DCC’s Media Guy, she referred to her FB followers as her fans & she was constantly looking at herself in the mirror & fluffing her hair, til Judy called her out on it? Yea, she needed to be cut...

Anyway, thanks for reading (I can ramble on, can’t I?) & I am trying to step off the soap box (A little help please?!?)

I luv this forum, thank you all for making me come back every day with all your posts & information...although I’m needing to find out who’s point & who was cut 😉


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32 minutes ago, BBK said:

 Vivian...she’s fine...married...kids...& still lyrical dancing...she even laughed at herself for the poem. Remember when Kitty told her she wasn’t a lyrical dancer, but she went on ahead & did a piece for finals? 

She’s not married or has kids? And she’s not lyrically dancing (at least regularly on insta)

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