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Season 3 Discussion

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If Anfisa knew about Jorge's having a love child back when she was in Russia then why did she bother marrying him in the first place? It doesn't add up. Suddenly Anfisa is all dewy-eyed about wanting to have babies with Jorge when last year it was all about, "where's mah money, bitch?" She's good, I tell yah. 

Biggest laugh: It was watching Mother Chantel take off the jewelry in anticipation for a smackdown.  All the while her nostrils were  flaring..." It's going down! It's gonna get STUPIDER!!!" TLC better take this to the wrestling ring and supply viewers with lots of popcorn.  WWE: Family Chantel Edition. Tiny hat included. 

Things that make you go hmmmm...Family Chantel do not appear to work or co-exist without one another, yet they find it odd that Pedro is close and helps out his family.  

I'm like Annie. She definitely deserves better. I hope she gets a better life away from David, and his family. She's expected to cook, clean, and service David, but what does he do? David's daughter needs to lay off about speaking about Annie's past. She trying hard to shame Annie about her possible past as a sex worker, however she hasn't considered that it wasn't Annie's choice. Many Thai sex workers are sent out at a young age to earn money for their family. It is horrific, and Annie deserves compassion instead of ridicule. Young women don't grow up dreaming of a life where they have to flirt with fat, gross old men, and then have to suck their dicks for a few dollars. Ashley needs to shut the fuck up. She really pisses me off. Anyway,  It's not like David is a lucrative target anyway. She not exactly profiting monetarily from marrying him. 

I couldn't get past the state of David's sister's bottom teeth. If she has any money to spare she needs to use it to get some serious dental work done. 

Molly is going to be paying for Luis' ass for years. He fully knew what he was doing, and was happy to find a woman who actually took the bait on his holiday love rat scam.  

Roos is a mute, because Pao broke him. He's a broken, and depressed man walking around with a depressed hairstyle.  If they do split up, he needs to faux hawk himself back to Oklahoma to his family and friends, and lay off the spicy girls. Maybe he can find an easy going nurse, or a sexy, but responsible librarian to spend his life with. 

Pao is all about Pao. Rinse and repeat. Fast forward through all their scenes.

Nicole and Azan: He's just not that into you. 

Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 3.10.33 PM.png

Edited by Barbara Please
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David is just so pathetic, why does he feel its ok to try and mooch off everyone? If I had a brother with a history like David, asking me to come for a visit, pay for a air B & B, a plane ticket or if she drove gas $ only to be accosted at dinner to borrow more money I would have dropped kicked his fat ass into next week ( with the help of a forklift ) He obviously has no remorse about asking his family to bail him out yet again. Annie was right, what is going to change that hasn't in the last 6 months in his job search ?  Other than the TLC money, how are they making ends meat ?

He has no US work history in 4.5 years, no savings , no way to even find a cheaper apartment with Ping Pong   Annie - he just infuriates me ...

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On 6/25/2018 at 12:44 AM, Dobian said:

Of all the disturbing things I witnessed in this episode, I think the most disturbing thing of all was Molly's divorce lawyer's toupee.

The fact that it was jet black when he looked like he was pushing 70 was a hoot as well.

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7 hours ago, HelloOutThere said:

- Annie is so uncouth. She also seems like a real bitch - one who’d be a bitch to her husband even if he wasn’t a complete fraud. I understand her anger, but still. Have some class! (Although I suppose you probably can’t buy class at a suck d— ping pong bar)

I don't think she's a bitch.   I think she's a victim of fraud.   Regardless of her former circumstances, David made a contract with Annie and has failed to live up to every promise.  She's angry.   Think about it.   How hopeless a human being is David to evoke the utter disgust of a former prostitute?   "You always borrow, borrow, borrowing.  How about work, work, working?"  God only knows the things Annie did in the past to keep herself fed.  Now she finds herself dependent on a man who won't even take a job at a mall to keep a roof over his head.    

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Are we not going to discuss the Family Chantel home??  IMO, it was a perfectly fine, clean, cute place, not anything wrong at all with it. But I imagined their home be some new-moneyed, cookie cutter McMansion. Has their house been shown before & I missed it?  


I didn’t want to go there BUT, Titans of Industry that are Family Chantel appear to be living in a starter home  I would have guessed the home to be one that a young couple purchase  Like Pedro and Chantel.

What upsets me about this whole storyline is that it was Chantel’s, lies from the beginning, that lead the parents to not trust them.  

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4 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:


The Family was expecting the beautiful, sexy (barf) Chantel to marry some rich man whose money and connections could elevate the whole clan. And what did Chantel do? She went off and married a labourer. And now they are all furious that the best laid plans have been torn asunder, and they are trying to get rid of Pedro ASAP.  It's like something out of Middlemarch or Thomas Hardy, or Jane Austen set in 21st century Atlanta. I think that deep down, Chantel is already planning on husband #2. It would explain a lot about her investment in those dirigibles attached to her chest. 

And watching Nicole pawing at Azan with her simpering grins and mooning eyes is really revolting. It's right up there with the commercials for Dr. Pimple Popper. I really rather hear about the sex fetish clubs of Thailand than watch Nicole make doe eyes at the increasingly skeeved out Azan. That is just #MeToo moment waiting to happen. 

Oh, and on Annie's detailed description of her outings with David, I think she went into such excruciating detail about the Dave's fetish clubs as a "fuck you" to Ashley for getting all sanctimonious and judgey while trying to out Annie on camera. Annie was all "I'll see you your prostitution accusation and raise you one perverted and disgusting father, bitch." ;-) 

@Chickabiddy, I snipped for length, but I am solidly with you on these three points. Chantel is the family's golden goose. They hung all their aspiration on the golden child's ability to land a quality husband. Winter is clearly the Forgotten Child, and River--well, he's unlikely to marry a girl. 

Nicole's leers at Azan and nudge nudge wink wink about the wedding night are cringeworthy. 

Annie made me laugh. You go girl. That sanctimonious little twit Ashley had it coming. Her nasty smirk got wiped off her face with the quickness. 

2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

  Not to mention her family is batshit crazy anyway... I realize this is very scripted but it's like they don't even try to convince us this is anywhere near real.  The family just sits around all day waiting for her to come over so they can go off about Pedro? Don't they have jobs? Hobbies? Friends? Why does River sit around in a down jacket?

This made me laugh very heartily for many minutes. 

2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

And they have to make this separation happen before Chantal gets pregnant. Once that happens she's damaged goods. They might be able to pass off the marriage as the impulsive move of a young woman,  but if Pedro knocks her up? No way they'll be able to capture the son of the town funeral home who's sure to inherit the business.

Chantal messed up the family's plan for comeuppance. Who are they going to hitch their wagon to now? River? He's busy making a doll with hair from Chantal's brush. Winter? Yeah...no.

This also made me laugh heartily for many minutes. I bet Mama Chantel drags her to the gynecologist every three months for a depo shot. No WAY they are going to let the princess produce a half Dominican baby.  How would they ever live it down? They'd never be able to go to the Masonic Lodge again for shame. 

25 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:


Things that make you go hmmmm...Family Chantel do not appear to work or co-exist without one another, yet they find it odd that Pedro is close and helps out his family.  

I'm like Annie. She definitely deserves better. I hope she gets a better life away from David, and his family. She's expected to cook, clean, and service David, but what does he do? David's daughter needs to lay off about speaking about Annie's past. She trying hard to shame Annie, and her possible past as a sex worker, however has she ever considered that it wasn't  Annie's choice? Many Thai sex workers are sent out at a young age to earn money for their family. It is horrific, and Annie deserves compassion instead of ridicule. That is my two cents. It's not like David is a lucrative target anyway. She not exactly profiting monetarily from marrying him. 

I'm pro-Annie too. She's no dummy. She knew she would have to take what she could get and try to make the most of it. She's a survivor. She'll land on her feet. 

And your assessment of Family Chantel is spot on. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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27 minutes ago, zenme said:

David said he didn't think his sister would be comfortable at the firehouse.

Nah...he didn't care about that. He didn't want to miss his nightly ping pong show and ass slapping sex like he had to when his son was there.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Because Annie might want to show him how she can shoot a frozen shrimp out of her hooha?

Mitzi used to do that! Saw her many years ago. There was also one that could make change- no lie.

Annie could make a ton of money if she had these skills and the Walrus could just wallow in the firehouse barking at seagulls.

He disgusts me more and more.

16 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

Ain't nobody need to hear his butt cheeks slapping together.


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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Sister David reminded me so much of Marla Hooch from A League of Their Own.  How long was Nancy in KY? She had 2 big bags and I thought she came for a quick visit.

I almost stood up and applauded her when she told David to get is shit together ASAP. 

It was very nice of Family Azan greeted Nicole and May so warmly but why isn't his mother concerned that they are getting married but have no money, no job and no place to live.  

How long after they marry till Azan tells Nicole that she has to wear a hajib? 

I have mixed feelings about Azan's family.  It is lovely how warmly they greeted Nicole, and they seem to have genuine affection to May.  I have no doubt they are good to that little girl.  BUT, I have to believe that the only reason they are thrilled with Nicole is that she has been sending money to Azan, and some has probably trickled to them.  I mean really- why otherwise would they want Azan to be with Nicole?  She doesn't have that many redeeming qualities.  They see Nicole and they see $$.

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Ya know, these pages are better than the actual show, so much better. 

Thank you to all of you for the insight and entertainment, your posts make this show seem like it's smarter than it is!

10 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

Mitzi used to do that! Saw her many years ago. There was also one that could make change- no lie.

Who is Mitzi and where on earth are you hanging out? LOL

Why did Annie act all innocent about the cock sucking bars and fetish clubs, she worked in clubs as well as her friends, surely she knows about the variety of nightlife options.

Annie acts like she is pure as the driven snow like that time David took her in to the adult toy stores in Hollywood and she was flabbergasted about the merchandise.  She cannot pull off the pearl clutching.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Okay, Baltimore Betty - let's be friends.  This whole post is spot on.  David, you are 50.  It is not funny to be broke all the time.  It is not funny to have fractured relationships with your grown kids, be unemployed, bring a mail order bride half your age home and THEN promise to reverse a vasectomy to start another family.....WHEN YOU ARE BROKE.  "I have to pay rent?"  Yeah, jackass, ya do.  

Relying on your sister for money or your married friend Chris? Not a solid income plan, there buddy boy.

I hope that remark was made for me.  Because I'd like to be your friend.

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6 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

They see Nicole and they see $$.

Then they are going to love Robalee! LOL.

If Azzan's family really thought about it, it would have been better if Nicole/Nickel stayed in the US because she could continue to send the money, now that she is in Morocco the money train has stalled.

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8 hours ago, VegasDenise said:

Did anyone else notice the comment by Azan's aunt that they had to take Nicole to see the dress maker? It will surely be a different style then the one she brought from America. 

That appointment would be fun to watch.

I noticed that comment, and I was waiting for Nicole to whip out her wedding dress on the spot with a big, stupid grin on her face as Azan's family got a good look at it.

I don't understand Annie. She's 25 and she wants a family...seems reasonable. Did she honestly think that an unemployed man closing in on 50 -- who long ago had a vasectomy -- would be a great choice to father her children?

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What an episode!  For several weeks now many posters have commented on how Family Chantal acts as if they are in a cult, and I think that's what led to the pearl clutching about Pedro and Sister Pedro staying in a hotel room.  Some very uneasy things may have occurred in that family for them to immediately think that Pedro and Sister Pedro have an inappropriate intimate relationship.  I have shared hotel rooms with family members, friends, etc., without it being "weird" or immoral.  Geesch, most rooms have two double beds in them, so Family Chantal get over yourselves.  How I wish Mother Chantal had gone after Nicole as Nicole would have definitely won that match.  I'm surprised that they don't think about the bad publicity that they may be creating for their cheerleading camps.  I personally would not want my non-existent child to go to a camp operated by a family that is not only so judgmental about others, but also whose mother is ready to fight someone for not being nice to her daughter.  Chantal complains to them and they reinforce her "rightness" which only intensifies the situation.  

Loved Sister David laying down the facts for David.  And, although I might empathize a bit with Annie, she certainly takes issue with everyone.  She refuses to answer questions, but asking questions is how we get to know people.  Also, when David asks everyone he comes across to support him and Annie, those people will try to offer advice about how he can better support himself and his new wife.  TLC did not need to include Annie's description of a ping-pong club (I wish I hadn't watched that).  And David does not want any job that he believes to be beneath him-he thinks he can just keep finding people to finance him instead of working.  Six months?  If he took all of the effort he's expending trying to get money from people into working a job, he would be much further ahead.

Anfisa just needs to divorce Jorge.  I'm sure her two-years are up (or almost up) and she'll get her green card.  Leave before Jorge has even more debt for which you are also responsible.

Pao is just ridiculous.  She continually tries to sell herself as a victim (of what I'm not sure), but only Juan buys into it which is probably why she is so desperate to hang onto that relationship.  Russ doesn't stand a chance.  However, he did choose her.  We see this with many people not only on t.v. but also in real life-someone chooses someone else for how they look and then eventually realize that maybe there should have been other criteria (such as kindness, intelligence, humor, spirituality, etc.).  You chose her Russ.

Nicole and Azan are the gift that just keeps giving.  Things should be getting even more interesting now that Robbalee is in Morocco.

Molly clearly blames Luis for Olivia's disengagement from her.  No, Molly, it's all on you.  Why in the world would you believe that a bartender really wants to marry you the first time he sees you in a club?  Oh, and why are you so shocked that he thought he was getting vacation Molly?  That was the only Molly you showed him before he showed up to be your maid, your nanny, your husband.

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It's the little, almost hidden, moments that make this show so awesome.  Like when Nicole was pretending to hold Azan's hand when it was in his pocket.  Or when during her TH at the family dinner Ashley said she thought it was irresponsible to bring a child into this world.  Bitch, you have like 3 kids, simmer down.  And when Mother Azan said they were used to Nicole.  Such a ringing endorsement.

Sister David might look like him in a wig, but she is totally right on with her attitude, and she doesn't have the body of a penguin.

Annie hasn't been deceived by anyone.  David was exactly like this in Thailand.  She just didn't think the Chris gravy train would end so abruptly.  And come on, Thailand is KNOWN as a center for sex tourism.  Doesn't mean all Thais are involved, but don't pretend it simply doesn't exist.  And personal pet peeve, stop calling it a dowry.  A dowry is paid to the husband.  A bride price is paid to the woman's family.

Maybe Pao can send one of her multiple besties up to Atlanta to help out Chantel.  That way she doesn't have to run to her family, which only makes things infinitely worse.

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Well, he did have one whole session by himself so he is all better now at least in Jorge's mind.

I think he said something like individual therapy sessions were good because he wouldn’t have to worry about lying in front of Anfisa. 

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6 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

What I don't get is that they peg Pedro as some sort of fortune hunter, and his family as engaged in shady dealings to match up enterprising, grasping Dominicans with wealthy Americans to be fleeced. If Pedro's mother was any good at that, she certainly would have aimed higher than Chantel. Seriously, Mama Chantel? You think your silly, vapid daughter is some sort of heiress to be duped by a charming rogue of an adventurer? Get. Over. Yourself. They are desperate to paint Pedro (Pedro! Happy go lucky, video game playing, hard working Pedro!) as a sneaky, money grabbing gigolo. Say what you will about him, but he got a job, he goes to work every day, and seems to enjoy the simple things in life. He's not the one who wanted an extravagant wedding, diamonds, vacations in expensive mountain cabins, or a new car. I don't care if he sends a few hundred bucks to his folks in the DR. That money may go toward supporting other family members as well, like his grandma. Family Chantel has delusions of grandeur. If Pedro's mother is running some sort of "international marriage ring", (what does that even mean, anyway?), wouldn't she find herself someone more like Molly--good time gal, thirsty AF, with a house, a business and money in the bank?

As far as Mama Pedro choosing a good victim for the marriage scam if there is one thing that we have learned from this series is that many, many of these love rats and opportunistic brides aren't so great at vetting their prey. Many of the American's featured on the show aren't in very good shape financially or emotionally. Chantal hold herself well, she is well spoken, dresses nicely and is impeccably groomed - she's one of the true catches in the franchise.

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I, too, was distracted by Sister Poor David's lower teeth.  (I'm a dental hygienist so this comes with the territory.)  But I almost felt bad about noticing because she's like the conduit of all our rational observations and common sense as observers.  How refreshing she--speaking the truth and not caving into his manipulation, but instead realizing doing so would simply further enable the pathetic fellow.  

Clearly Sister Poor David doesn't have enough funds for her dental care, much less subsiding Poor David and his stupid ways.  I imagine (hope) that TLC paid for her house rental in Louisville to visit him.  How hurt I would be to not see my brother in four years, then have one of his first utterances be a hit-up for cash.  

As far as the teeth, I hope she gets the treatment she needs.  We need more people out there like her with good healthy mouths, speaking the truth with the very best of motivations.  

Edited by Fouts
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Chantal is clueless.  I forgot the first part of her sentence, but the the ending was "..... working on Pedro and I's relationship".  

What?  Pedro and i's?  The correct version: "Pedro's and my relationship".   Then, that very low cut blue dress she wore during her talking head sessions.  She's definitely had work done.  

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52 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

I hope that remark was made for me.  Because I'd like to be your friend.

I will be your BFF Katehearts!!!  Call me/text me every ten minutes!!!


21 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Molly clearly blames Luis for Olivia's disengagement from her.  No, Molly, it's all on you.  Why in the world would you believe that a bartender really wants to marry you the first time he sees you in a club?  Oh, and why are you so shocked that he thought he was getting vacation Molly?  That was the only Molly you showed him before he showed up to be your maid, your nanny, your husband.

Oy - when she was talking to her lawyer and said. "He met Vacation Molly.  He had to live with Business Owner/Mom/Real Life Molly"..yeah, well.....why are figuring that out now?  Everyone is happy and horny on vacation!!  Then that pesky real world shows up with the alarm going off at 6am....makes people cranky!


35 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

I don't understand Annie. She's 25 and she wants a family...seems reasonable. Did she honestly think that an unemployed man closing in on 50 -- who long ago had a vasectomy -- would be a great choice to father her children?

Did she know he had his lines snipped BEFORE coming here?


15 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I think he said something like individual therapy sessions were good because he wouldn’t have to worry about lying in front of Anfisa. 

Yes because lying in therapy is such a great idea.

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5 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Elsie the Cow eyelashes and Papi Smurf aka Chantal amd Pedro: She is a better woman than me cuz there is no way in hell  his skinny, crackhead looking sister would be calling shots in my damn house! If my accommodations are unacceptable to your unwelcomed, ungrateful ass, then you can high tail it to the HoJo bitch!  You grew up poor but are too good to sleep on a new sofa?  It’s not even like they expected her to sleep on an old stained sofa that you just know smells like pissdew (piss + mildew).  Nicole, who has a jacked up headsize-neck length ratio, just needs to be checked one good time to get her mind right.  And no, I wouldn’t have apologized to Pedro.  He’s a smug, smarmy little asshat and I know Chantal can do better.  In Atlanta.  Really... she can do better.


From Day One, I've always felt that Chantel can do so much better than Pedro.  It irked me when she apologized to him, because I think it should have been the other way around.  As long as she is with him, she'd better be willing to accept the fact that he will always side with his mother and sister. 

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I think David may have made it seem like a reversal was no big deal - like getting a tooth filled.  If I remember correctly (and I may not), didn't Annie express shock that any man would want to have that done and have no more kids? 

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2 hours ago, Spike said:

The fact that it was jet black when he looked like he was pushing 70 was a hoot as well.

He struck me as a cross between an old  badly aged Chad Everett and Roy Orbison. 

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Ha!   I have been reading this thread in a state of confusion.  Wondering why everyone was mixing Chantal up with Azan’s Nicole.   


Duh.  Pedro’s sister’s name is Nicole.  ?

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1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

I noticed that comment, and I was waiting for Nicole to whip out her wedding dress on the spot with a big, stupid grin on her face as Azan's family got a good look at it.

I don't understand Annie. She's 25 and she wants a family...seems reasonable. Did she honestly think that an unemployed man closing in on 50 -- who long ago had a vasectomy -- would be a great choice to father her children?

Can't imagine than an unemployed man who is pushing 50 would want to change diapers, do all new dad stuff, and pay for yet another kid.  He'd be better off making some money at some job and giving it to Annie to go to a sperm bank to find a suitable anonymous donor.  He is in no shape, financial, physical, mental, etc. to have another child and take the dysfunction to another generation.  If he had lots of money, and they could hire nannies to help out, why not.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I think he said something like individual therapy sessions were good because he wouldn’t have to worry about lying in front of Anfisa. 

YES!!!  I took one for the team (you’re welcome) and fast forwarded to Jorge being with the counselor, and the direct quote was this:

“I think I’m going to be more comfortable doing a solo session than when I went with Anfisa because I’m not going to have the pressure of having to lie in front of her”.

What the ???? does that even mean, Jorge?  To me, he just said “welp, I’m gonna lie anyway, hopefully I’ll say what the counselor wants to hear, but it’s easier to pull off when she’s not giving me that steely death stare”.

Day-yum, Jorgie.  Going with transparency at precisely the wrong moment, dude.  He is so reeedicaluss it’s painful.  Anfisa is smart.  I do think she read (and saw) what people thought of her bitchiness before, and she has completely salvaged her image.  Who’da thunk it?

also:  Chantel with the eyelashes.  Every time I see her, I see those giant eyelashes some people have around the headlights on their car.  I have a friend who mudbogs and she has those on her truck.  


Edited by Happyfatchick
Fixed a typo
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1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

Can't imagine than an unemployed man who is pushing 50 would want to change diapers, do all new dad stuff, and pay for yet another kid.  He'd be better off making some money at some job and giving it to Annie to go to a sperm bank to find a suitable anonymous donor.  He is in no shape, financial, physical, mental, etc. to have another child and take the dysfunction to another generation.  If he had lots of money, and they could hire nannies to help out, why not.

And she wants to go to school and become a teacher.  I say she’s over reaching. She’d better keep her vagina in tip top shape cause David might decide to open a ping pong bar in that firehouse.

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Azan looked away when she started talking about her wedding night. And every night after that !!!

I do not feel sorry for him if he does not dump Nicole or he is going to get it every night! 

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Well, she may have apologized to try to keep the peace, but Pedro certainly did not understand it, because their communication is so sketchy he had no clue what her intentions were.  If that makes you feel better, it wasn't taken as an apology, so it's like it never happened.

Yes! About Sister Poor's bottom teeth -- very distracting.  Hope she gets some work on those instead of EVER lending David Poor any money.

Both Annie and Anfisa are in it for the Long Game.  They both know what's up and Annie made some comments about Chris being on the hook for her, so she's staying as long as she wants.  Loved how she turned it on Daughter Poor re: her Line Of Work in Thailand.  She got all loud and offended. HA! Just what Daughter Poor needed since she keeps coming at her every chance she gets.  Yes, Daughter Poor, we get it - -you will ALWAYS hate Annie -- so quit hanging around with her.  Quit challenging her and let her live her life.  Daughter Poor needs to stop making David Poor's bad decisions and take care of her own family so in the future they will not dog her like she does David Poor.  Annie's parents -- especially her Mom -  appeared to be quite calculating in terms of "We will miss you giving us money.  Go to the US and SEND US MONEY!" so there it that pressure.  I'd guess Annie worked someplace where she met David Poor and it was so unsavory that David Poor looked like a good option.  She's not having all this No Money stuff so she's going strong on the Get a Job thing.  She knows the TLC money is what is supporting them...she also knows that there has to be come controversy to keep them on the show.   I get the feeling they are both pretty lazy and happy to be living and chilling at the Fire House.

Anfisa was simply horrid last season. This season she's done a 180.  She can't stand George, but she's remaking her Brand so that she comes off better than last season. So be it.  Don't believe a word she says about caring for George...do believe she wants a divorce and is trying to look sympathetic to the teevee audience.

PaoPao has no interest whatsoever in having a child.  Sadly, she's using her miscarriage to get sympathy, but since her laser focus before and after has been taking revealing photos, thwarting Ross, and giggling evilly with Juan, it comes as a shock that it happened and that she is upset.  We can only take her word for it that she is, because her actions on screen are contrary.

I think we are all waiting with baited breath to see Azan's female relatives see her American Style dress. ACK!  The Horror!  The Horror!  They will never be able to unsee that!  Azan's family appears to be nice, but they are also likely putting up with whatever Nicole does because of the $$$ she's sent Azan. Why didn't we see Azan giving Nicole The Business for shortchanging him his cash before she went to Morocco?  What happened with that conversation?  It sounded like he was very angry and she was trying to appease him and told him to not talk about it while she was on screen.  Nicole is all soft voiced and clingy until she doesn't get her way then Baby Huey gets all loud and pushy.  The transformation is riveting.  Does anyone else think it is interesting that May doesn't talk much for her age?

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I’ve noticed that in almost every conversation David has he manages to mention that he has a 25 yr old wife that he has to “take care of”. I sense he’s trying to impress people with the idea that he’s got a hot babe at home that can’t keep her hands off him.

i don’t think they’re falling for it. 

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3 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I’ve noticed that in almost every conversation David has he manages to mention that he has a 25 yr old wife that he has to “take care of”. I sense he’s trying to impress people with the idea that he’s got a hot babe at home that can’t keep her hands off him.

i don’t think they’re falling for it. 

They would fall for it if he said I have a sugarbaby to take care of

Never mind, David is broke to take care of her but how did he get the money to go grocery shopping? 

Edited by DVDFreaker
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4 minutes ago, Eme said:

Well, she may have apologized to try to keep the peace, but Pedro certainly did not understand it, because their communication is so sketchy he had no clue what her intentions were.  If that makes you feel better, it wasn't taken as an apology, so it's like it never happened.

Yes! About Sister Poor's bottom teeth -- very distracting.  Hope she gets some work on those instead of EVER lending David Poor any money.

Both Annie and Anfisa are in it for the Long Game.  They both know what's up and Annie made some comments about Chris being on the hook for her, so she's staying as long as she wants.  Loved how she turned it on Daughter Poor re: her Line Of Work in Thailand.  She got all loud and offended. HA! Just what Daughter Poor needed since she keeps coming at her every chance she gets.  Yes, Daughter Poor, we get it - -you will ALWAYS hate Annie -- so quit hanging around with her.  Quit challenging her and let her live her life.  Daughter Poor needs to stop making David Poor's bad decisions and take care of her own family so in the future they will not dog her like she does David Poor.  Annie's parents -- especially her Mom -  appeared to be quite calculating in terms of "We will miss you giving us money.  Go to the US and SEND US MONEY!" so there it that pressure.  I'd guess Annie worked someplace where she met David Poor and it was so unsavory that David Poor looked like a good option.  She's not having all this No Money stuff so she's going strong on the Get a Job thing.  She knows the TLC money is what is supporting them...she also knows that there has to be come controversy to keep them on the show.   I get the feeling they are both pretty lazy and happy to be living and chilling at the Fire House.

Anfisa was simply horrid last season. This season she's done a 180.  She can't stand George, but she's remaking her Brand so that she comes off better than last season. So be it.  Don't believe a word she says about caring for George...do believe she wants a divorce and is trying to look sympathetic to the teevee audience.

PaoPao has no interest whatsoever in having a child.  Sadly, she's using her miscarriage to get sympathy, but since her laser focus before and after has been taking revealing photos, thwarting Ross, and giggling evilly with Juan, it comes as a shock that it happened and that she is upset.  We can only take her word for it that she is, because her actions on screen are contrary.

I think we are all waiting with baited breath to see Azan's female relatives see her American Style dress. ACK!  The Horror!  The Horror!  They will never be able to unsee that!  Azan's family appears to be nice, but they are also likely putting up with whatever Nicole does because of the $$$ she's sent Azan. Why didn't we see Azan giving Nicole The Business for shortchanging him his cash before she went to Morocco?  What happened with that conversation?  It sounded like he was very angry and she was trying to appease him and told him to not talk about it while she was on screen.  Nicole is all soft voiced and clingy until she doesn't get her way then Baby Huey gets all loud and pushy.  The transformation is riveting.  Does anyone else think it is interesting that May doesn't talk much for her age?

Who listens to her? Mommy is on the phone talking or texting “ Her World”. If May does open her mouth Nicole just tosses a french  fry in it.

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 Does anyone else think it is interesting that May doesn't talk much for her age?


I don't think Nicole encourages her to talk much. I get the feeling she gets shushed alot and she's used to it so she keeps to herself.  She's adorable and seems like a really sweet little girl, Nicole doesn't know how lucky she is.  My youngest was very loud and hyper, there's no way Nicole could have handled a kid like mine on all those flights by herself, she has no idea what  a real meltdown is. 

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13 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

@seniorpatriot, I don't think Azan likes anyone in Nicole's family. The way he was maniacally petting May in front of Robbalee made me so uncomfortable. Was he showing off for grandma? Yet, as usual no affection towards Nicole. And that strange bird nest hair-do of Azan's. What was that? 

The "wedding night & every night after" (forever and ever and ever, amen) comment by Nicole was hilarious! 

I'm still watching the episode...

That hairdo of Azan's looks like the worse relaxer in the world. I'm just fascinated by it. It's like he's concocted a home made Dark & Lovely no lye relaxer but is not using a neutralizing shampoo, so the relaxed hair is just dry unmanageable straw. 

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47 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

 Does anyone else think it is interesting that May doesn't talk much for her age?


I don't think Nicole encourages her to talk much. I get the feeling she gets shushed alot and she's used to it so she keeps to herself.  She's adorable and seems like a really sweet little girl, Nicole doesn't know how lucky she is.  My youngest was very loud and hyper, there's no way Nicole could have handled a kid like mine on all those flights by herself, she has no idea what  a real meltdown is. 

  When the camera panned to May after her "meltdown" I was expecting a preschooler rolling around on the floor.  There is little May, smiling sweetly at the camera!!!  I think, as I have stated earlier, that May is not interacted with a lot from Nicole.  Lots of tv, lots and LOTS of Ipad and I am sure she has toys but plays alone.  I get that kids need to entertain themselves as parents have other things to do, it is just a great opportunity to be a teacher to your kids.  The thought of May playing alone while Nicole is off chatting with her "World" is kinda sad.


1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I’ve noticed that in almost every conversation David has he manages to mention that he has a 25 yr old wife that he has to “take care of”. I sense he’s trying to impress people with the idea that he’s got a hot babe at home that can’t keep her hands off him.

i don’t think they’re falling for it. 

Then David......TAKE CARE OF HER!  Get a job, support her, encourage her and respect her by being a, you know.....MAN? And because it bears repeating......GET A JOB!!!!

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Simple search: Jobs Louisville KY Thai speaking.

Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator - Louisville


A company that offers translation services is in need of a Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator. Individual must be able to fulfill the following responsibilities: Translating subtitles according to guidelines Editing and proofreading your work Researching unfamiliar terms or concepts as needed Qualifications Include: Must possess the relevant education, training, and experience Must have demonstrated experience and subtitling software Must be detail-oriented and able to follow complex instructions


One simple search.  Took me less than 30 seconds.

Edited by bethster2000
Thai is capitalized!
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17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Mother Chantal taking off all her Claire's jewels 

Exactly - and did you check out Hacienda Family Chantal?  Furnishings were newly-acquired from TJMaxx/Marshalls right down to the pillows that still had all their content tags on them, and the plastic grass "decor" piece and the grouping of non-offensive pottery vases.  Methinks the producers swooped in with a truck load of furnishings for the filming.  Pay attention to the chair that Chantal sits in, its some ratty old "antique" that the producers threw a blanket over.  

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I got the impression that it's a rented house and they don't live there.  None of family Chantel seemed comfortable ; they were all standing around in the foyer. I thought their house was shown the first time Chantel was on this show and it was a beige McMansion. I could be wrong though. Aren't they suspected of using fake names on the show as well?  Do they think no one will figure out who they are?  more stupider indeed.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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I agree because they were only shown in a corner of the living room and a suspiciously neat kitchen and there were no personal decorative items or photos like it had been “staged” for real estate showings. 

Also, I took this screenshot of Chantel speaking. When she unclenches her jaw, she thrusts it forward so her bottom teeth jut out beyond her top teeth. At the same time, she closes her eyes with the ridiculous eyelashes 



Edited by magemaud
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6 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

I couldn't get past the state of David's sister's bottom teeth. If she has any money to spare she needs to use it to get some serious dental work done.

I had to re-watch to see Nancy's bottom teeth because the first time I was so totally distracted by her resemblance to David (hooded turtle eyes and prominent nose) that I didn't notice the rest of her face. 

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