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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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With the kid being named Israel, it's too big of a coincidence that he's wearing an IDF shirt. It was totally planned, for whatever reason.


Agreed. I know the actual birth didn't quite go the way they planned it, but between Derick's shirt, Jill's headband, Israel's onesie, and the scripted commercial, I think it was at least mostly figured out ahead of time (plus the hospital had to approve filming, right?).  I have spent way too much time thinking about it at this point lol, but I don't think it was a last minute panic thing - at least I hope not.

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I have cousins named Ignacio (Ignatius) just another I name for them.


Baby RickJamesBitch sure is handsome and big. He hasn't even been on this earth for 24 hours and already he's on camera. Yep, them Duggar famewhoring genes are strong.

Seriously, what is the deal with the headband? I don't think I've ever seen a personalized headband before, even on small children. These people love Etsy something fierce, don't they?

She doesn't want us to forget her name?

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Maybe Jill is just hoarse from all the heavy breathing during labor.  I remember my throat being really dry and sounding hoarse right after I delivered.


Kinda feel bad for her that she had to put on a good show for the cameras.  She needs to rest while she can.  My babies were all sleepy while we were in the hospital, but they woke up when we got home.

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If I were to guess, I'd say Jill had a C-section.  Baby's head is too perfect -- and I know this means nothing!  My oldest had a perfectly shaped head and no face-smoosh after a vaginal birth, but that's because he came out sunny-side up.  (This is when baby's facing up and not down.  It's also why he broke my tailbone on the way out.  The hard part of his skull forced the break).  Jill looks WAY too comfortable sitting up to have had a similar experience with a very large baby.  That's a bigger indicator.  If she had pushed a 10lb baby out, she'd not be sitting upright!


Regardless, it's been fun these last few weeks mostly lurking with you all.  It's the most time in I've spent recalling my own birth experiences since I had them.  With fondness, even -- time passing can do that!  Let's hope baby Israel is allowed to be what he'd like to be.

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Good lord, I just looked at the pictures on the Duggar Facebook page. That picture of Derick standing over Izzy in the nursery crib? That kid is a freaking linebacker!! If Jill popped that kid out naturally....respect.  I don' think MEE-chelle pushed out any 9 pound 10 ouncers, did she? Doesn't matter. MEE-chelle will make the blessed event all about her, just the same. 


Thank god they went to a hospital. And he seems like a nice looking little chopper. Hope he has Dad's dimples. I doubt he will even wear newborn sizes for more than a week. 23 inches long is pretty tall, too, like Dad and Uncle Dan.




Jill looks great too only exhausted. Those bags under her eyes make me feel sympathy. I hope she can get some sleep. Maybe her mother can watch the baby while she naps. ;)


BWAH. That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!  Nah. MEE-chelle will send Cinder-Jana to help Jill. Actually, Izzy is better off with Jana.  


Hey Jessa. Take a look at the melon on that baby. Seriously. Birth control. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I really doubt Jill had general anesthesia.  For C-sections they used an epidural and would only use general anesthesia if something were wrong.  In that situation there would be no filming and no husband.  They would all be kicked out.

I doubt she did as well.  I only mentioned the general because with my first (who was the exact weight- only one week late) I had an epidural but had to be taken back all of a sudden for a c-section.  The doctor had told me that if I had not had the epidural in advance, I would have had general.    


It will be interesting when they tell us.  I think it will really help many of us that have entered the 12 step program.

Edited by truthtalk2014
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Everyone is sort of dumping on the happy couple when seriously, we have no idea how indentured Jim Bob may have the whole family, contractually speaking... He is the ringmaster of this whole circus and the J'Slaves et al know no other way....and Derrick will go along to get along.....


The headband was probably some sort of weird wedding gift to go with her wedding night flannel peignoir...which you know Michelle totally would have gifted her with. But I know that I had my hair pulled back the whole time I was in the hospital so I'd have grabbed something like that too....if it was even her doing the grabbing. When things go sideways with a birth, accessorizing probably isn't a huge consideration.


Personally, if I had looked that good after pushing a watermelon out of my lady parts, I'd have been thrilled.


Baby Iz IS adorable. Mommy and Daddy look totally captivated and I'll bet a cookie that at the most, they'll have 6 kids....which is a large, yet manageable number because kool-aid or not, Jill and Derrick appear that they'll be very hands on parents.

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He sure does look like JB! But then so does Jill, maybe more so than any of the other Duggars, especially when she was younger. Hopefully (I can't call him Izzy) Israel will take on more of Derick's looks. He is such a cute BIG baby. I hope they'll call him David.


In my family we all resemble cousins, aunts and uncles more - since I was about five I've been hearing how much I look like my oldest girl cousin - so I'm hoping little Israel will look like uncles Josiah or Jeremiah, or even uncle Dan Dillard - or be a male version of his aunts Jana or Joyanna.

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I am happy that the baby is finally here and obiously very healthy.  I'm also glad that it looks like she gave birth in a hospital.  I just hope the whole darned circus wasn't there!  They probably pitched their tent in the parking lot, just hope the hospital doesn't allow them all in at once.


My daughter gave birth in January to her second little girl.  She and her husband requested time alone with their girls before any company arrived.  When the youngest arrived, we took our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter to meet her little sister, but called my son-in-law when we got there.  He took her back to see Mommy and baby while we waited in the waiting room.  It meant so much to them to have that time as a family!  And the pics are adorable.  Guess my point is, the new parents don't need dozens of people crawling all over them and the baby.  And does anybody really want a camera rolling as you give birth?  Maybe for their own very private viewing, but I'll be darned if I would have wanted a camera shoved in close to my hoohoo while I gave birth on a toilet!


And msburg, I never heard of anybody's tailbone being broken during delivery, until it happened to my daughter.  I can sympathize with you, because I know how uncomfortable she was.


Anyway, it is just surreal that the precious blessing has arrived.  It's so sweet and precious (had to say it more than once).  I hope that Jill enjoys this new season of life. 

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Where my daughter delivered, they have a mandatory two hour bonding time right after birth no visitors.  They also have bonding and quiet time in the afternoon with no visitors.  They also have very strict rules on visitor limits and you have to get a plastic card to get in.  I was so thankful because first baby his whole family tried to pile in at once.  I hope the Dillards had some provisions to let them have peace and quiet to bond and to rest. 

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My first in the mid 1980's was nearly 12 pounds. The doctors were trying to keep their C-section rates low, so there I was with giant baby who was two weeks overdue and making little attempt to be born. After hours of labor in the hospital, the drs. gave up and scheduled the c-section. I was awake during the surgery and saw him born. Hubby did the nursery bath thing and we had visitors that evening.


I scheduled the c-section for baby number 2, who was 10.5 pounds. The doctors would have attempted VBAC if I had insisted, but I wasn't having any of it. 


Both babies were peaceful little people when I got to hold them. I think this may have happened to Jill. I planned for a "natural" birth, and I got two healthy babies who had different plans. In the end, it all worked out. 

Edited by BradandJanet
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Okay, having Dan deliver "It's a Boy" flowers to Cathy in her hospital room while the gender reveal was going on, was a nice touch. Cathy deserves the special attention. Derick may be a Kool Aid chugging dork, but he clearly respects his mom. The Duggar kids do what's expected of them, as far as MEE-chelle is concerned. But do you ever see any REAL affection between the kids and Mullett? There's much more between Cathy and her boys. I have hope that Izzy will find out what it's really like to have a Grandma from her. 

  • Love 14

My first in the mid 1980's was nearly 12 pounds. The doctors were trying to keep their C-section rates low, so there I was with giant baby who was two weeks overdue and making little attempt to be born. After hours of labor in the hospital, the drs. gave up and scheduled the c-section. I was awake during the surgery and saw him born. Hubby did the nursery bath thing and we had visitors that evening.


I scheduled the c-section for baby number 2, who was 10.5 pounds. The doctors would have attempted VBAC if I had insisted, but I wasn't having any of it. 


Both babies were peaceful little people when I got to hold them. I think this may have happened to Jill. I planned for a "natural" birth, and I got two healthy babies who had different plans. In the end, it all worked out. 

OMFG. 12 pounds?! And then a 10 pounder? I bow to you. Those are some big babies!

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I am very happy for them!  I know they will love and adore this baby!   I wish them lots of quiet time ALONE to rest and recover and get to know their new baby!


I was sad to see that after whatever she went through, just hours later she needed to do a recorded birth announcement for TV and talk about tuning in for the birth episode and having to make it all sound so happy.  I'm sure she will have a lot to process emotionally, and a lot of physical healing to do, so it's going to be hard to know that's being shown to the world just a month later.  


I am not too worried that Jill will have a successful hospital birth either vaginally or by c-section in the next day two. I've known several friends and acquaintances deliver at 42 weeks without any problems. Jill and the baby should be fine. She isn't going to take any unnecessary risks and has done her homework. She has a hospital plan in place which is probably being enacted upon as we speak or within a matter of hours. Jill and baby should be fine.


Thank you!  I fully agree.  She is pretty well informed when it comes to birth, and I am sure she was being well monitored by her care providers, and whatever intervention she needed, was done prudently.  Neither she nor her caregivers are reckless or want anything to happen to her or the baby; how would that benefit any of them?  


I know someone who just last fall was 10 days late and gave birth in a hospital and her baby came out with respiratory issues and could not be revived from aspirating meconium. It happened right before my baby was born and scared the bejesus out of me.


That is terribly sad and tragic.  I work with women who have suffered birth and pregnancy loss, and traumatic births.  But one anecdote doesn't have much bearing on what is safe in someone else's situation.  Sadly, fetal demise can happen at any stage along the way.  Being 10 days "late" is quite normal, esp for a first time mom.  I am very sorry for your friend.  


There absolutely is. We see post dates babies in the NICU all the time. The only 37/38-weekers we see have other issues (idiomatic sepsis, infection, hydrocephalus, etc.). The placenta cannot meet the needs of a 42-week baby. A mother risks her life, her baby's life, and her baby's brain function when she chooses to go postterm, and further when she chooses a postterm home delivery. The ACOG and AAP specifically exclude pregnancies ≥41 weeks from their home birth eligibility. 


AAP and ACOG are notoriously blind when it comes to evidence-based maternity care, and are well known for cherry-picking data to suit their opinions when it comes to eliminating what they see as the competition, so I wouldn't put much stock in their statements with regard to homebirth or midwifery.  There aren't too many cases where they WOULD "approve" of a home birth or any birth that is out of their purview (not that women need their approval!)


I'm predicting that ole Derick is going to start aging very quickly now that Jill has jumped on the baby train. Look how much Josh has declined from getting married at 20 to his current age of 26.


Wow- 26?  That shocks me.  He definitely looks much more middle aged.  I felt sad when I watched some of the recent look-back shows; he looks so young and thin and energetic- what a difference a few years makes :(


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Where my daughter delivered, they have a mandatory two hour bonding time right after birth no visitors.  They also have bonding and quiet time in the afternoon with no visitors.  They also have very strict rules on visitor limits and you have to get a plastic card to get in.  I was so thankful because first baby his whole family tried to pile in at once.  I hope the Dillards had some provisions to let them have peace and quiet to bond and to rest. 

....Without out Jimbob blowing on the horn all the way up the driveway bring 17 people behind him, all wanting to be fed.

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Jill does sound different....even though I thought maybe she had been induced, she might have needed a C-section...with hours of labor (I was 36.5 hours with my son with no drugs..I was very foolish lol) she sounds raspy...as if she had been vocal during her labor (ladies...we can all relate) I sound a deeper when I go to a concert or football game too when I am screaming! lol


That baby is precious. I hope she doesn't go for the Gold as far as having kids....they all have the chance to break the mold.


I do wish them the best though and hope they are relishing and soaking in every moment of that newborn goodness because as we know, it goes by very quickly.


Still not a Duggar fan but well, new babies are miracles.

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I really, really, really don't understand their total willingness to put their child on camera so quickly. I didn't understand it with Jackson through Josie. I didn't understand it with the M-Duggars. I don't understand it with Derick and Jill. They claim that children are precious blessings that need protection and special consideration in the womb...then, without any consideration or protection for the baby's dignity, future, or individualism, put bright lights and a camera in the kids face. And, for what?? To appease a network or get a few more dollars?

In Hollywood, you can't use such young neonates on film because the lights and exposure have been determined to be hazardous. Why does reality tv get a pass? Israel, like his aunts, uncles, and cousins before him, is being used as a prop- an adorable, sweet prop. He didn't choose it. For all the talk about protecting babies, the Duggars seem to miss the fact that millions of peso have now seen this child in a diaper and will likely see him completely nude on May 5th. We know his birth stats, his vital stats, and have seen every moment of his history save the actual conception. What about his privacy? We saw his cousin born on a toilet and his aunt having uncomfortable, unpleasant medical procedures. At some point, you have to question the ethics of this. Jill and Derick had the choice to profit from his birth and they took it. They're no better than Jim Bob and Michelle. Next time Jill or Michelle talks about modesty standards, I may scream because modesty only seems to apply when it's convenient.

I'm happy they're healthy and the baby is adorable. But, all the speculation over Jill's hoohaa and, on another site, Israel's foreskin is insanity. Jill and Derick- it's not too late to salvage your lives and privacy.

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My son was 13 days post-term. I was scheduled for induction the next day when he finally decided to show. He was in NICU for a week because of meconium aspiration, neuchal cord x2 and elevated white count. They kept him for a round of ampicillin and gentamycin. I had lost 5 lbs that last week and BEGGED my OB to induce sooner. He wouldn't. My son was 23 inches long and 8lbs 8ozs. He was long and skinny looking....and green from meconium. Poor Bubba! He looked like the Incredible Hulk in his bassinette next to all the preemies!


Fortunately, it doesn't appear that Jill, Derrick and Baby Iz had that particular problem but it wouldn't surprise me if a C-section happened but I do think her husky voice is from screaming because I'm sure she gave it to old college try to go natural....her bible quote at the end of the video indicates that she's aware that our plans are often overtaken by events. Baby appears to be healthy and that equates to a perfect outcome.  

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....Without out Jimbob blowing on the horn all the way up the driveway bring 17 people behind him, all wanting to be fed.

Well Cathy was a runner right?  I'm sure she had to go out and fetch some tater tots for the casserole to serve the family when they all pour in the moment Jill and DerrickDillard arrive home with IsraelDillard.  


OMG- the stuff my nightmares are made of.  

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I love that they involved Jill's older kids -- er, I mean buddy team -- in the gender reveal. One thing I really do appreciate about her is that she still spends quality time with them, and that the relationship between Jill and Joy is so genuine.


Does MEE-chelle even realize how this makes her look? Her older daughters have genuine relationships with their buddy groups, but none of them have the same closeness with their own mother. It's quite obvious. It comes across on the TV screen.  She looks like an outsider with her own kids. 

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I really, really, really don't understand their total willingness to put their child on camera so quickly. I didn't understand it with Jackson through Josie. I didn't understand it with the M-Duggars. I don't understand it with Derick and Jill. They claim that children are precious blessings that need protection and special consideration in the womb...then, without any consideration or protection for the baby's dignity, future, or individualism, put bright lights and a camera in the kids face. And, for what?? To appease a network or get a few more dollars?

In Hollywood, you can't use such young neonates on film because the lights and exposure have been determined to be hazardous. Why does reality tv get a pass? Israel, like his aunts, uncles, and cousins before him, is being used as a prop- an adorable, sweet prop. He didn't choose it. For all the talk about protecting babies, the Duggars seem to miss the fact that millions of peso have now seen this child in a diaper and will likely see him completely nude on May 5th. We know his birth stats, his vital stats, and have seen every moment of his history save the actual conception. What about his privacy? We saw his cousin born on a toilet and his aunt having uncomfortable, unpleasant medical procedures. At some point, you have to question the ethics of this. Jill and Derick had the choice to profit from his birth and they took it. They're no better than Jim Bob and Michelle. Next time Jill or Michelle talks about modesty standards, I may scream because modesty only seems to apply when it's convenient.

I'm happy they're healthy and the baby is adorable. But, all the speculation over Jill's hoohaa and, on another site, Israel's foreskin is insanity. Jill and Derick- it's not too late to salvage your lives and privacy.

You said it perfectly. Child actors have rights and legally have someone as guardian and make sure they get breaks and schooltime issues are met  during filming. Reality tv is a separate entity, without those same provisions that child actors have. There were many discussions on this about Kate G and the Gosselin children being exploited this way. Her brother and sister in law fought against her tooth and nail.

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Now that he's arrived, I do think that Jill is going to love being a mom, and Derrick a dad. It's nice to see how close Jill is to her buddy group, so baby Israel will get a LOT of attention this next year. I suspect that Jim Bob and Michelle didn't have anybody else around for her kids to play with when they were young except for Amy. However, I can see Jill joining a play group, she knows a lot of newer moms whose babies that she helped deliver. It'll also be interesting to see if they start attending a different church than the "home church" that they go to now, where Jim Bob serves as the minister, although hopefully he's not the only one who is. We don't see much about their home church on their tv show, and I kind of wonder why not.

One of my twins was born cold so I didn't get to see her for 2 hours while they tried to get her temperature up. I had a normal birth and not a C-section. Oh and my husband got to wear scrubs too so we can't take that into meaning it was a C-section.


I don't know if he was vaginal or C-section, but he was definitely too cold at some point.  In the picture of the baby alone, in the upper right hand corner is a gold star with a little white wire underneath.  The gold star keeps the white wire in place on the baby to gauge his temperature, and the white wire attaches to the warmer.

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I'm dragging my snark into this thread too..lol

I'm very happy that baby is healthy and so is Mom but my wish for Jill right now and her stunned hubby is that someday they are in a hospital far far from home undergoing medical treatment and Izzy decides to go to a Snoop Dogg concert and get wasted instead of visiting them. Children learn what they see.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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