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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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31 minutes ago, VioletWitch said:

They also confirm they are spending Christmas with the Duggars 

That was the whole point of posting the non event. Duggars have never seen a vegetable can they don’t like. While I do my best to serve fresh veggies to my family I would not snark if they just used canned vegetables. I thought Jessa grew up eating big green salads, and homemade bread with her meals.  It may just be me but J&B’s interaction seems forced.

I wonder how Bin feels about the pedophile situation. In a rare moment of weakness I felt sorry for him about the trial. Jeremy had a good excuse to not be there. Although I’m still surprised he didn’t show up to preen around.

Bin’s absence is evidence of the hold JB has on him. Pa Seewald should be ashamed of selling his first born to JB. What a waste of Bin’s youth. His only purpose, like Jessa’s, is to breed for Jesus. 

Edited by SMama
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54 minutes ago, SMama said:

Just steak for their special Christmas meal? These two can’t be bothered to buy a side dish? Rubes.

What kind of meal is this? Not even some potatoes? Just steak on a plate?

And yes I know that for some families it would be a meal, but Jessa is not serving this because she's poor but because she's lazy.

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I think Spurge already has the "golden son" attitude.  To me, he seems creepy.  I hope he is not as "sly" as his uncle.  I, too, would sleep with one eye open.  Do the Duggars still have "friends" in the police department?  Or the fire department?

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Jessa saying she had fond memories of watching A Charlie Brown Christmas as a kid makes me wonder if they had to fast forward or avert their eyes when all the Peanuts kids are dancing.

The light show place (with ponies and funnel cake) looks like the same place Joy posted about. Guess they didn't go together?

Fern sitting on the table while everyone ate around her was kind of bizarre, but also perfectly Duggar.

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25 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:


This is the second “precious” comment Spurgeon has allegedly made about arson. Does he wet the bed and is cruel to animals? 

Bin wake the fuck up and take care of your children. You will never make it as a preacher, you are a beta male. JB owns you and you have your father to thank for this mess. Please take care of your kids because you are damn well aware the Duggars aid and abet potential criminal behavior.

Where’s Pa Seewald? I get it, he’s done with his rambling blog posts, the ones that didn’t bring him the Duggar adjacent fame he craved. 

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10 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Jessa saying she had fond memories of watching A Charlie Brown Christmas as a kid makes me wonder if they had to fast forward or avert their eyes when all the Peanuts kids are dancing.

Fern sitting on the table while everyone ate around her was kind of bizarre, but also perfectly Duggar.

I thought the same thing about the dancing! Wonder how they explained that away?

And I have to admit — my grandmother (who was a very proper Southern lady) once had my parents put me up on the table while they ate. She wanted to be able to look at me during dinner. I’ve seen the photographic evidence. (Do I need to add that I was the first grandchild?)

Edited by AgathaC
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When my dad was small, my grandmother put him on the table--once.  The table tipped over and the whole Thanksgiving meal went on the floor.  He said he always remembered how uncomfortable he was with stuffing and cranberry down his neck.

I guess it is a Duggar tradition to put babies and children on tables and counters.  (Did Gothard write about having to do this someplace?). I am very surprised that we have not seen a child injured.


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2 hours ago, SMama said:

Just steak for their special Christmas meal? These two can’t be bothered to buy a side dish? Rubes.

Since the video shows them eating every kind of junk food available at the light display, I can’t imagine the kids were interested in steak. I don’t think that steak looked so great either, seems like Ivy only ate the piece of fat Jessa gave her.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

 Wasn't one of his recent "sayings" something along the lines of the house burning down? 

Yes. Burnt down by budding young arsonists, Henry and Ivy, as I recall. 

So -- not just a fire. An arson fire! Which is getting to be the kind of thing you expect Spurge to say (or Jessa to pretend he's said?)......at least a little disturbing either way.....Certain amount of underground aggression in the group.....

Edited by Churchhoney
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9 hours ago, VioletWitch said:

They also confirm they are spending Christmas with the Duggars 

I’m not sure why people were expecting more of the kids to cut off the family. Even if they are unhappy with Jim Bob there’s been no indication any of the kids-even Jill-are on the outs with Michelle. Families are complicated and it’s entirely possible to love someone but still be unhappy or angry about their actions. I’ve never gotten the impression Jesse is even terribly mad at her dad despite her feelings about Josh. 

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3 hours ago, coconspirator said:

I’m not sure why people were expecting more of the kids to cut off the family. Even if they are unhappy with Jim Bob there’s been no indication any of the kids-even Jill-are on the outs with Michelle. Families are complicated and it’s entirely possible to love someone but still be unhappy or angry about their actions. I’ve never gotten the impression Jesse is even terribly mad at her dad despite her feelings about Josh. 

I agree, I said something very similar in Joy's thread.

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Jesse will never learn that putting your family out there for strangers on the internet isn't mentally healthy for anyone. She is an attention whore, made by her parents who were clueless how bad that is for kids. She keeps on as if nothing has happened for the fame and money it brings no matter the cost to the family. Her Instagram shot shows she still wants to identify as the hot Dugger girl but she's just not that anymore. She will never learn it seems and will have some hard lessons along the way. Its the Truman show for her kids. Very sad!!

Edited by Dnsj
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Ben and Jessa's sad struggle steaks in the Christmas video inspired me to cook one up for lunch today.  I haven't cooked anything in weeks, so that shows you how sad their "meal" was.


Edit to add:  I really thought it through and realized I haven't cooked a thing since Thanksgiving.  And when I say their struggle steaks inspired me, I mean that I wanted to honor cows everywhere by making a proper steak.  Amen.  🙂

Edited by CouchTater
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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Especially for a kid who isn't exposed to violence in mainstream music, video games and movies. Where the hell is he getting this stuff from? Maybe Jessa and Bin should cut back on teaching the fire-and-brimstone version of the Bible and switch to something that's more child friendly. 

that is my question as well. I can picture my 6 yr old grand saying the firecracker thing. But it would be him and his 8yr old brother thinking they were funny saying something like "wouldn't it be cool if we could blow up gingerbread houses with firecrackers?"  Because they watch that insane Dude Perfect show, where the screaming guys destruct random things all the freaking time, it would make sense.  The grand boys would know they would never be allowed to do such a thing, but they would find the idea amusing. Also their parents would say you boys are ridiculous, rather than posting their silliness as "wisdom"

same with the fire extinguisher thing. Spurge supposedly said what if Henry or Ivy got a lighter... first he should have zero idea what a lighter is, so I assume he meant a candle lighter. I am guessing he has played with or witnessed some child in his own home or at the TTH playing with a candle lighter.

but seriously Bin and Jessa every home should own a fire extinguisher without being prompted by a 6 yr old! You just  can't count on James to show up with the firetruck.

Edited by crazy8s
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I would not be a bit surprised if Bin and/or the Howlers spent a 4th of July blowing stuff up with fireworks, and Spurgeon got ideas from that.  Also, it's possible the kids have been warned against candle lighters and such, maybe seeing them in stores?

That said, he is definitely Damien-ish.  Or Pubert Addams (he has way too much hair to be Pugsley, although he has enough hair to be Eddie Munster).  Or Adrian (from Rosemary's Baby).

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If Spurgeon's daily life is as filled with constant Bible talk as I assume it is, he will have PLENTY of exposure to violence and disturbing stories that in my opinion are inappropriate for children. My husband's family is strict Seventh-Day Adventist, and I will never forget a holiday visit with his sister one year. She insisted that her three daughters would be traumatized by commercials for upcoming action movies and such that were playing during the breaks of a show we were watching, and ordered the kids to cover their eyes whenever a commercial came on. Then later on, she played a Bible story cartoon video for the girls that covered David and Goliath. And oh my God, was it disturbing! Full on cartoon battle violence with blood and gore and everything. I was gasping out loud from shock as I'd never seen a kid's cartoon that violent before. The kids just sat there not blinking an eye, and looked at me very strangely as I was gasping in horror. Also, a kid's Easter book given to me by a religious family member a few years ago was so graphic I threw it away after one read. These things would NEVER be considered okay for kids by most reasonable people, in my view, but because they come from the Bible they therefore have no need for censoring, apparently. 

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On 12/22/2021 at 5:57 PM, SMama said:

Just steak for their special Christmas meal? These two can’t be bothered to buy a side dish? Rubes.

No side dishes and nothing to dunk the steak in for the kids.  Good job.  (I say this as an adult who likes to dip my steak in ketchup or steak sauce),  Geez, she couldn't make mashed potatoes and broccoli/snap peas/corn.. ugh.

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1 minute ago, Boston said:

No side dishes and nothing to dunk the steak in for the kids.  Good job.  (I say this as an adult who likes to dip my steak in ketchup or steak sauce),  Geez, she couldn't make mashed potatoes and broccoli/snap peas/corn.. ugh.

Too much effort to get up from bertha the couch 🤣🤪

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2 minutes ago, Boston said:

No side dishes and nothing to dunk the steak in for the kids.  Good job.  (I say this as an adult who likes to dip my steak in ketchup or steak sauce),  Geez, she couldn't make mashed potatoes and broccoli/snap peas/corn.. ugh.

I presume that Jessa doesn't care for side dishes herself, so why bother to make them for the kids?  Remember, she doesn't like cake, so her kids don't get birthday cakes because everything ia all about her.

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2 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

Duggar’s go hunting so I’m thinking Spurgeon sees plenty of violence. And don’t forget he is related to Joshua Duggar. 


But I truly think Jessa makes it all up. 

Spurgeon being related to Joshua has nothing to do with how he acts. I grew up around people who hunt and am no more violent than anyone else. They hunted for food which it seems like the Duggers do.  

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On 12/22/2021 at 7:17 PM, CalicoKitty said:

When my dad was small, my grandmother put him on the table--once.  The table tipped over and the whole Thanksgiving meal went on the floor.  He said he always remembered how uncomfortable he was with stuffing and cranberry down his neck.

I guess it is a Duggar tradition to put babies and children on tables and counters.  (Did Gothard write about having to do this someplace?). I am very surprised that we have not seen a child injured.


There’s probably been several injuries that no one knows about.  There are most likely several skeletons in the Duggar closet that have yet to see the light of day.  Jessa reminds me a whole lot of Jim Bob.

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