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S03.E05: Week 3, Night 2

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Nick Viall: Teller of Hard Truths

Just when I thought I couldn't love the man any more, he puts the sweetest smack down on Ashley I. in the most innocuous floral shirt I've ever seen. Only Nick could wear that shirt and come off as serious and wise - though sitting next to Ashley I. helps.

Ashley I. needs to calm down. Did she get plastic surgery or just lose a lot of weight? She looks downright gaunt. I've done the whole crash-diet before you run into an ex thing, but it seems like her blood sugar levels aren't stable.

Carly's epiphany seemed producer-driven, but that's ok. Her color commentary keeps the show watchable.

  • Love 17

Loved Ashley crying to the producer and saying, "They're going to make you a raccoon." Nope, a parakeet (or some such bird) so it can call you crazy. But, damn, granted I'm sure Ashley was the one telling Caila that she cannot ever date Jared, it does seem a bit suspect that Caila agreed and then beelined straight to Jared. I think both Caila and Jared are so passive, neither one knows how to say no to weepy Ashley. They just keep nodding to whatever she says in hopes she'll stop crying.

Curious why they told Ashley that Daniel is the only single guy. He's more paired up with Sarah than either Evan or Nick are with anyone. Granted, Daniel would be the better match for her, but I wonder why they weren't even mentioned as options. What is "Canadian sex"? Are meat products always involved? That sounds like something Daniel and Chad would have in common--mid-sex meat breaks--than it being a Canadian thing. And now that I typed that, I looked up and Daniel is sitting there all alone. Did the native peoples take Ashley away or did they just disappear like magic? ... Ok, Daniel is back in paradise and I don't see Ashley. Was she a virgin sacrifice as per the date card?!

What the heck is "ankle medication"?! Is Evan retaining water like a pregnant woman? Does he have cankles like Olivia? He looked totally fine UNTIL that fake medic jacked up his arm with that IV. And somehow all of this made Carly hop on board the Evan train--even though she rolled her eyes after tooting the whistle.

Nick and Jen get crabs on their date. But Nick is the knight in shining armor slaying them away with his stick sword, saving the beauty's booty from an ass grab.

Ashley's still alive, crying over Jared. And Nick is the only one speaking the truth: You're not in love, it's an obsession, and you will never be with him. Even Jared is telling her you're supposed to be here for other guys, but HE needs to tell her it is never going to happen.

Oh, now I know what Canadian meat sex is, and I wish I didn't.

  • Love 9

I feel bad for Jared and Caila; having weepy weeperson around every minute is a big drag. Why did they even bring her back? I was also trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with Evan. Ankle medication? Last night he seemed like he had a cast or something on one ankle but the medic was looking at the other one saying it was red and swollen. Any medical people out there have this figured out?

Nick still has the lisp thing but I guess he is alright. I don't know, you know how most of you think Josh is fake and obnoxious? I think Nick is fake, every time, every season. i can't even put my finger on it but it's there. I wanted to see the rose ceremony!

  • Love 8


I was worried for Jared as soon as I heard Ashley say that Caila told her she didn't need to worry because Jared wasn't her type.  One thing we know from this board is that Jared is the cilantro of Bachelor guys, you either think he's a weird looking vampire person or  you're like Ashley and me and think he's gorgeous.  He's going to be crying right along with Ashley if Caila dumps him.

So Daniel swings both ways on Fridays.   Hmmm.  Well we did have clues.  Everybody hide your belly buttons!

I'm so glad Jen came (I'm pronouncing it Jin, just so you know.)  I couldn't understand why Ben never seemed interested in her.  My main memory of her was that she licked her teeth and twisted her mouth through every Rose Ceremony so you couldn't  get a good look at her.  I think she and Nick look very fine together.  If Nick isn't in love with her the camera man sure is.

Evan may actually be growing on Carly.  At least when he's sick he isn't following anyone around trying to start things.

  • Love 9

Ankle medication?  Maybe Evans pinched a little something something from his dick clinic in the hopes of getting some.  Ick, ick, ick!  This guy is a joke.  If he makes so much from the clinics, why does he need BIP money?  Is making a damn fool of himself on TV worth leaving his kids for?  Selfish, cringy, Emoji looking fuck nut.     

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Funniest thing so far:  Daniel watching Ashley being taken away by the group of men claiming they want a virgin sacrifice... waiting a few moments... shrugging... and then continuing with his dinner.

Through the whole conversation with Ashley on the date, I thought Daniel was freaking hilarious.  None of what he was saying was seriously meant, none of it - not the comments about how frisky Ashley's virgin state made him, or his Friday bi-day, or any of it. I feel like I finally got dialed into his sense of humor. And the end where his date gets carried away and he shrugs it off and actually EATS something while on a date (is that a Bachelor first?) made me laugh uncontrollably. (As did the producers little homage to "From Here To Eternity" during Nick and Jen's date, where they lay entwined in the waves like Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr, but with crabs everywhere.)

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 22
33 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

What the heck is "ankle medication"?! Is Evan retaining water like a pregnant woman? Does he have cankles like Olivia? He looked totally fine UNTIL that fake medic jacked up his arm with that IV. And somehow all of this made Carly hop on board the Evan train--even though she rolled her eyes after tooting the whistle.

I did have swollen ankles and feet when I found out I had heart issues.   ???????  That IV thing was just wrong!

Ashley needs help, not tv help but real help.  A man can't make you happy and you will never be in a relationship until you are happy within yourself.  If she is going to cry and cry then she needs to lose the makeup.  Just her gestures and not having her makeup run is very off putting.

  • Love 4

There has to be something we're not seeing in terms of Ashley and Jared... right?  She seems like a doofus, but maybe he is leading her on  just a bit by agreeing that they are best friends, and that he cares deeply for her, etc.  Those things might be true, and it does seem like they have a friendship that goes beyond the cameras -- but he should also tell her that despite all this and under no uncertain terms, he does not want to be in any kind of committed romantic relationship with her.  Threatening to leave the show is such a weak move, and if he did, would only prolong her obsession.  She is mystified as to how they can 'love each other so much and not be together' -- seems like it should be a simple enough thing to answer.  He just needs to say he isn't interested. That they can't be together because he doesn't want to be together.  I don't know, maybe he has told her and she really is that crazy.

This stuff is all so silly when you think that Jared and Caila have literally been on one date and known each other for two days.  Two days!

Caila seems perpetually lukewarm to me.  Her conversation about how she "protects herself" had me yaaaaawning.  This isn't the Bachelor... have a mimosa, lighten up.  Although I did like how she specified that she didn't want to end up like Ashley.   

  • Love 5

I'm 10 minutes in and I already loathe Ashley. I am new to BIP (finally watched Ben's and then JoJo's seasons after a long hiatus. I think Andy Baldwin was the last bach I watched...point being, I have no preconceived notions about anyone who was not on Ben/JoJo's seasons.

Ashley is either chewing scenery as an "actress", or needs some professional help. She's 28? Looks more like 48 to me. So I'm confused about a few things:

  • What reason would Caila and Ashley have to hang out before BIP? Bachelor franchise events? They clearly were in communication before the show.
  • So after already knowing Jared and Ashley had a relationship, Caila makes a beeline for Jared? Caila says he isn't her type? This is a setup/producer manipulation, right? It has to be!
  • Why does Ashley summon a coven with the Twins? They almost seemed to know her already as well but Ashley had to ask which was which. And then figuratively smacked Emily in the face by saying "Caila is the only one I knew he'd like..." Ouch. And yet she is still fussing with Ashley's hair and reassuring her...they were acting like ladies-in-waiting to the Queen of Crazy.
  • Jared is too nice to her. He needs to shut that shit down stat.
  • Speaking of stat, is there anyone in franchise history who has had more medical emergencies/issues than Evan? He is THE. WORST.
Edited by redfish.bluefish
  • Love 8

Just when I thought I couldn't love the man any more, he puts the sweetest smack down on Ashley I. in the most innocuous floral shirt I've ever seen.

Best scene of the whole episode. 


Evan is a creepy manipulative fucker.

The whole thing is just so painfully awkward. I'm not sure if the producers think they're going for a Patrick Dempsey/Can't Buy Me Love sort of thing where the beautiful girl finally falls for the awkward dork because yeah no. There is nothing adorable and cute about Carly and Evan. It's all just very weird and uncomfortable. 


There has to be something we're not seeing in terms of Ashley and Jared... right?

Well if you believe her, per her After Paradise appearance tonight, she and Jared were off and on since they met on BIP. She said they were romantic at one point and then went back to being friends but that no matter their status they were always very involved in each other's life.

According to her they've both met each other's parents/family, they text and talk everyday, he sends her roses just because, he celebrated her birthday, etc. And the twins who were also on the show said that Jared is a nice but too nice and so perhaps he did lead Ashley on a bit without meaning to. 

Of course this is not to say that Ashley's histrionics aren't completely played up for the camera. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

And Jared needs to grow a pair and tell the girl he isn't interested in a romantic relationship with her, period, the end, not happening, fuhgeddaboutit. I think he's been leading her on for over a year, and the kindest thing to do would have been to break all contact with her so she could stop getting all wound up in the pretend relationship he was having with her.

I honestly think he's too nice a guy. He doesn't want to break her heart. And since he won't do it, we have Ashley who will always think they have a chance. I think he loves her as a friend. 100%

  • Love 3

Why did the twins tell Caila that Daniel is the only eligible man?  I thought Daniel and were Sarah coupled up.  Did they have a fight or something that I missed?

I feel so bad for Jared.  I was in a similar situation with my ex-boyfriend and it's really horrible to deal with.  I have no idea what Jared said to Ashley outside of Paradise or whether he led her on, but there are some people out there that do not hear the word "no."  Somehow I think Ashley may be one of those people.  They become so obsessed to the point where being brutally honest with them about your lack of feelings for them does not work.  Jared's only hope is a restraining order or that Ashley finds a new guy to obsess over.  

Jared and Caila need to stop treating Ashley with kid gloves.  If she wants to cry, then let her.  Crying isn't going to kill her.  There is no reason to baby a woman who is nearly 30 years old.  This isn't high school.  She needs to suck it up and accept the fact that Jared isn't interested in her romantically.  

Edited by PhysNerd
  • Love 12

Ashley is certifiable and all the show makers, participants and viewing audience knows this.  It really is unethical to pull this woman out every summer and run her very fragile psyche through a shredder for entertainment.  Ashley may be partly to blame for some of her delusions, but IMO the biggest asshole in this "relationship" is Jared.  Despite seeing all her mania on display and knowing how obsessed with him she is, he has maintained contact & continued to socialize with Ashley. As a result, she thinks there is still hope of getting her fairy tale ending.  He should have manned up last year and told her, "I am not into you in a romantic or sexual way, and I do not think we can even be friends or acquaintances since you have much stronger feelings than I ever will.  I wish you the best, but do not contact me."  But no.  In the name of being the nice guy and not having to face the prospect of people not liking him, Jared only allowed the situation to escalate into another round of Ashley leaving her snot and tears all over the resort. 

I am old enough to be almost all of these BIP-er's mom, so I get that my interpretations of 'hot' is not in synch with someone born during the Clinton administration.  But Jared, Daniel, Izzy, Evan, Vinny and newbie Jen don't even show up on my physical attractiveness scale. Yeesh.  

Edited by BusyOctober
  • Love 15

I hate the term 'shipping,' but I am shipping Carly and Evan. Hard. Their relationship trajectory so far is really so much more believable than the usual "Ermagad, my soulmate just showed up on the beach!" storyline that we get. As I see it, Carly has liked him all along and is only beginning to accept that-- no coercion involved. They're the only couple I care about on this wretched show!

Edited by LittleCabbage
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, LittleCabbage said:

I hate the term 'shipping,' but I am shipping Carly and Evan. Hard. Their relationship trajectory so far is really so much more believable than the usual "Ermagad, my soulmate just showed up on the beach!" storyline that we get. As I see it, Carly has liked him all along and is only beginning to accept that-- no coercion involved. They're the only couple I care about on this wretched show!

This totally. 

I can see these two lasting. I think he adores her and she loves that.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

Funniest thing so far:  Daniel watching Ashley being taken away by the group of men claiming they want a virgin sacrifice... waiting a few moments... shrugging... and then continuing with his dinner.

I thought it was HER dinner that he was eating. It looked like he was thinking about rescuing her, but then he changed his mind and just stated eating her supper instead.

  • Love 12

I forgot until I read Stephanie's recap that Ashley told Jared she was going to leave, and instead of saying gently but firmly, "I think that's for the best," he told her he didn't want her to go. What is he thinking? I'm thinking there's a self-centered little drama queen inside Jared that loves being the center of the obsessive worship Ashley pours all over him. I don't see the nice guy who can't bear to hurt her anywhere in this picture - who in their right mind thinks she's not getting hurt by him?

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 24

So Daniel is Canada's Joey Tribbiani, it's official lol.

And I totally agree, Jared is a wishy-washy little bitch when it comes to Ashley. Tell her, with the cameras filming it, that you do not love her romantically, will never love her that way, and she needs to get a grip because it's never going to happen. Basically everything Nick said to her, but Jared says it.

It's like he doesn't want to look like the bad guy by saying it, but OMG she is NEVER going to get it otherwise.

  • Love 3

Dear Jared, grow a pair and dump Ashley for real, irrevocably, once and for all. Quit keeping her as your spare, in-case-of-emergency future girfriend.

Dear Ashley, grow a pair and dump Jared etc.  He is just not into you and never will be. Plus you are so far above him in every way--you would be bored senseless if you really caught him. 

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 6

I loved Nick, his laying out the facts and some hard truths to Ashley was awesome. 

Interesting they told Ashley that only Daniel was available (they didn't say Nick) but then when Jenn came Nick was available. I think it was planned to have Nick be there for Jenn.

Jared needs to stuck it up and tell Ashley to move on. He went from upbeat and happy to ready to leave and depressed when she showed up. 

No Josh/Amanda focus was great. 

Daniel's one-liners are awesome. He cracks me up.

  • Love 5

I think the only reason he wanted her to come and then stay was so he could pass her off onto someone else and everything in his life would be kittens and roses. He's trying to get out of it without having to be "the bad guy" well Pancho, less'n you nut-up and do it welcome to the next 50 chapters of This Is Your Life unless YOU cut this shit off completely or she will hover and hover and ruin every relationship you have while you two are "being just friends".

The most shocking thing about that whole cabal with the twins wasn't that they pegged O Canada as the only 'available' guy it was the picture they used of Carly with what looked like normal hair not that hairrendous 'do she's currently rocking. And, here I was thinking that her response to Evan in response to "I'm going to the hospital" was a sure "friend zone" reaction, but no! And here I thought only Evan would be creepy enough to call an ambulance ride "a date" but then I guess it kind of was.

Oy, what to say about Ashley I? Except 'She's mental... get the net!' "Just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't got out."

Pretty hair, pretty girl, pretty guarded and wary... that's my determination of Cialis err Caila. Being such, this is not going to be an easy drama for her to just roll with and throw caution to the wind.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, LittleCabbage said:

I hate the term 'shipping,' but I am shipping Carly and Evan. Hard. Their relationship trajectory so far is really so much more believable than the usual "Ermagad, my soulmate just showed up on the beach!" storyline that we get. As I see it, Carly has liked him all along and is only beginning to accept that-- no coercion involved. They're the only couple I care about on this wretched show!

I am rooting for them, too. I found it more realistic how Carly was saying Evan wasn't ticking all her boxes (he lacked...swag, I think it was), but then when he's being himself, she finds herself not thinking about that idealization and starting to like the real person.

Jared needs to be told how NOT to lead a girl on, and I love that Nick was trying to set her straight about what love really means, because acting like a high school girl in a crush is NOT love.

Daniel is growing on me. He's really joking all the time, isn't he?

  • Love 5

My tummy hurts from laughing at Ashley I's tears. Gosh I am a bad person! What is wrong with me? I know how she feels and it's not a good feeling, but she is just SO over the top with her emotional breakdowns! Jared should have nipped this in the bud a long time ago. It was clear to me last year that he wasn't that into her. Didn't she watch the show she was in last year?


I agree it could be seen as unethical for anyone (production, family, friends) to allow Ashley I anywhere near this mess. However, to be clear, I don't like ethics ruining my enjoyment of trash tv. This is not The Bachelor, it is not The Bachelorette, it is a trashy, lowest common denominator, no brain use required at all, summer delicacy. The whole setup here encourages heartbreak and people turning into raving lunatics. Bring in on BIP!

Edited by bblancobrnx
  • Love 14

With regard to Jared and Ashley... girl's an obsessed stalker.  And he has to get it through his thick skull that even a friendly "hello" is encouragement to someone as obsessed as Ashley. Any attempt to be "friends" will always be misinterpreted.   She said she saw a "glimmer" and hoped it would turn into something more.  If she cannot figure out that after a year, if the "glimmer" didn't turn into a relationship, it was probably just smutz in his eye or maybe she needs glasses. 

I get that Jared wants to be a good guy and maybe even likes her as a friend, but she told Chris Harrison, they'd been all the way to 2nd based and then nothing for the last 5 months.  He even took her to Jade and Tanner's wedding.  To quote the old song, he has to be "cruel to be kind" and cut her off cold because she's never going to get it any other way.

  • Love 2

Ashley is truly wasting the pretty. There's something sort of appealing about a nubile young virgin (just ask Daniel) but a thirty something virgin just doesn't have the same sound.  About the time Ashley's faked, hollowed out cheeks become real she'll wonder why she didn't look for Mr. Right while there were plenty of young single guys around. She's so beautiful, the only reason she doesn't have anyone is because she doesn't want one. She's picked a nice guy who she knows, deep down, will never love her back so that she can listen to sad songs and cry about him, but not have to actually engage in a real  relationship and do scary stuff.  I recognize the signs because I did the same thing -- when I was fifteen! 

I don't blame Jared for this.  We heard him tell her he just wasn't feeling it last year.  So she texts him and he politely texts back and at some point she talked him into a date and they tried kissing, but nothing happened -- for five months.  He could be really, really harsh with her and have all the social warriors talking about mans' cruelty to women, but I still don't think it would sink in.  She would say, "I know he doesn't really mean it because we're meant to be together."  She's just like  Evan with Amanda, finding  hope in some imagined sadness in the eyes.

  • Love 7

Ashley I is back!!! Poor Jared. The look on his face was complete disappointment mixed with fear. Although, I have to wonder what kind of off-on thing they were having outside of the show, because he should have known from their last stint in Paradise that you can't even give that girl a smidgen of interest, or she will be all over you like white on rice. She's like Evan, but hotter and more emotional. 

But she's back. And she has goals. She'll only cry three times this go-round. Too bad she failed that goal within the first hour. It's kind of hard to tell with Ashley, because she'll calm down and dry up and then start crying again 30 minutes later. Does that count as a new crying session? Or is it part of a larger sob fest? Hard to say, but it's too much, either way. 

I do love how much fun the editors have with her (and everyone, really). This season she's talking to a parrot!!! 

(She can't talk to any crabs because they've all banded together to eat Jen and Nick alive.)

I kind of liked Ashley on her date with Daniel (minus the virgin talk) once she calmed down and got a good feel for his sense of humor. They could be cute together. Why is she so hung up on Jared? Why is EVERYONE so hung up on Jared? He looks like a weasel to me, I just don't get it. 

I said it about the last episode, but I'll say it again - I really don't get Sarah. She gave Daniel a rose last time, then didn't seem to hang out with him at all. But now that he's going out with Ashley, she's all worried they'll have a connection. Then step up your game, woman!!!

Carly confuses me as well. The weirder Evan acts, the more she seems to like him. Is she desperate or demented or both???

  • Love 12

I did really like Daniel's and Ashley's date.  There were some real and refreshing moments there...it was kind of cute.  Then they just ended it abruptly and we never saw the end.  Obviously nothing came of it, but I liked how they played off each other, and I kind of liked both of them in that moment.  I do kind of get Daniel better now.  

That said, she had no reason to come to BIP if she can't handle seeing Jared with other people.  Not a smart choice.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Ketzel said:


I forgot until I read Stephanie's recap that Ashley told Jared she was going to leave, and instead of saying gently but firmly, "I think that's for the best," he told her he didn't want her to go. What is he thinking? I'm thinking there's a self-centered little drama queen inside Jared that loves being the center of the obsessive worship Ashley pours all over him. I don't see the nice guy who can't bear to hurt her anywhere in this picture - who in their right mind thinks she's not getting hurt by him?


Yes! Why didn't he just let her go? No, he suggests she take someone on a date? Why? So they might potentially be into her, but she can run off and cry about Jared anyhow? And now he's going to throw a tantrum and say HE'S leaving? I just do not like that dude. I don't think he's "too nice". I think he likes the attention. 


7 hours ago, Artsda said:

No Josh/Amanda focus was great. 

Ugh, even the few minutes they showed of them kissing was too much for me. I'm sure the producers are laying it on thick, but who makes out that much??? Outside of 14-year-olds in the back of a movie theater??? I'd be so embarrassed if I was shown on TV in a constant lip lock. 

  • Love 3

I think Evan and Carly are actually giving Ashley hope--Carly was physically repulsed by Evan, but he was persistent and now she is warming up to him.  Jared was never physically repulsed by Ashley, so they are already starting out in a better place than Evan and Carly, right?  If Ashley is just persistent, then he will eventually come around, right??  How long before Ashley realizes she is just one 'medical emergency' away from true love?

  • Love 2

I can see Evan and Carly working out because she likes how much he likes her. Sad but if it works for them, so be it.

Ashley is so exhausting, but Jared is stringing her along to some degree. Reminds me of my teenage relationships where guys who would tell me they're not interested in dating then text/call/make out with me in the bleachers.

  • Love 3

Nick is a genuine guy.  He is an island of sanity this season.  His talk with Ashley was right on the money but had no impact as expected. 

Jared, Ashley is waiting for the friendship to turn into love, she just told you that.  You are responsible for this going on this long.  You have been leading her on.  Be firm.  Time for tough love.  His inability to be honest is not a good personality trait for a successful relationship. 

We see Caila will give him a wake up call when the new men arrive.  Good. 

  • Love 8

And Jared needs to grow a pair and tell the girl he isn't interested in a romantic relationship with her, period, the end, not happening, fuhgeddaboutit. I think he's been leading her on for over a year, and the kindest thing to do would have been to break all contact with her so she could stop getting all wound up in the pretend relationship he was having with her.

This! I can't even really bring myself to feel sorry for him, because from this episode alone we can see what a big role he's had in creating this particular monster. He indulges her when she cries and seemingly refuses to give her a clear, unambiguous message that he isn't interested. Yes, she's slightly delusional in her interpretation of his behavior, but the fact is that he keeps giving her material to work with. Maybe he thinks they're close friends, but she has made it abundantly clear that she believes it will be more than that and will never be satisfied with just friendship. The kind of friendship he's giving her now is honestly causing her more harm than good. He should have cut this off a long time ago. I know he's a good guy, means well, and doesn't want to hurt her. But Ashley is clearly not someone who can understand any subtlety or ambiguity, and needs a very clear message (like being cut off) to finally let this go. Good for Nick for being so upfront with her--but her refusal to hear it just feeds back into my point that it's ultimately on Jared to be the one to have that conversation with her.

And if Caila does choose to move on, I wouldn't blame her. Who wants to deal with Ashley's over-the-top meltdowns and guilt-inducing behavior? If I were her, I would think the fact that Jared is even entangled in this situation to begin with is not a great sign about him. I wonder if Emily is actually relieved that she got out of this mess before Ashley's arrival.


That said, she had no reason to come to BIP if she can't handle seeing Jared with other people.  Not a smart choice.

Oh, her intention was a hundred percent to have a romantic vacation with Jared. For whatever garbage she told him about coming on to date other people, she admitted to the camera that she thought she'd be "leaving paradise with Jared." Her rambling about why they couldn't be together when they love each other so much was frightening. She's another one who would really benefit from some help and being away from this show.

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

Oh, her intention was a hundred percent to have a romantic vacation with Jared. For whatever garbage she told him about coming on to date other people, she admitted to the camera that she thought she'd be "leaving paradise with Jared." Her rambling about why they couldn't be together when they love each other so much was frightening. She's another one who would really benefit from some help and being away from this show.

Her intention was to get more camera time whatever the cost.  Even if it means acting like a jackass on T.V.  She screams attention whore to me and she knows her shtick on the show and how to play it.  Blah, I have not patience for her.

  • Love 8

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