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  1. I used to adore Kristen but now I’m finding her immature. She leaves her daughters alone all the time and has zero care for her hospitalized husband. I was hoping Sheryl would tell Kristen what happened to Andy but I’m not sure she would care. Then taking a bath during a hurricane when your daughters are terrified? I also didn’t like her comment that if she had two lives she would give them both to David. She is married and he has chosen to be a priest. I liked Leland getting arrested but didn’t need scenes of a teenager being bullied-I don’t want to find a motive for evil. I also kept wondering how Ben would feel working with Kristen and David now that they are professing their love. The death scene with Sheryl was well done.
  2. I was happy to see Angie win but I was sure it would be Roxxy. The talent show was bland but I did enjoy the beautiful finale gowns. They should just do away with the badges as they are useless when so many are given away. Plastique and Angie were my top two so I would have been happy with either of them winning.
  3. I also wanted Roman to win-his pretzels and his pancakes were the best ideas of the group. The freezer pop looking drinks were ridiculous. I’m not carrying around a warm drink in my purse and you can’t bring your own alcohol to bars. My son goes to a lot of music festivals and said a lot of people bring frozen ice pop drinks. Jess has an annoying personality and I wouldn’t buy something called Whiny Baby. The one with the sauces had nothing innovative. Roman had a good presentation and product and I hope he does well. This is my first exposure to Lisa and I don’t care for her stiff personality at all. I hope it comes back with just Gordon.
  4. Hunter’s movie is free on Tubi so I don’t think he is taking the world by storm. Those jackets didn’t look like something Glen would ever wear; everything is so fake now. Probably unpopular opinion but I would rather see Whitney and her friends than Angie and her crew that always seem like they’re playing up being hillbillies but also subtly making fun of the Thores.
  5. I live in Illinois and have never heard anything but soda. I’m also originally from Wisconsin and we call it soda too- I don’t know where these pop people are cause I never met one.
  6. The casting doesn’t seem right on this. The woman who plays Carolyn is very plain looking and they haven’t shown enough of her personality for us to think she is some kind of femme fatale. Gyllenhaal doesn’t look old enough to have almost grown kids ( I know he is 43 in real life) and I don’t see any chemistry between him and the actress who plays Barbara. I also think they are piling on too much with Rusty; it would be more interesting if it were more ambivalent.
  7. I’m vegetarian since childhood but not vegan and I would send something back if I knew it was cooked in the same pan as meat because the taste transfers. I’m not enjoying these episodes because I don’t particularly like these contestants but they are given either no training at all or 20 minutes for a task that usually takes weeks to learn. I’m sure it was hard for the front of house people to have several people laser focused on you while you are doing the task.
  8. The ending seemed like a series finale-hope there are more episodes. I thought the evil chatbot storyline was interesting and creepy. I wish I could still find Leland and his group scary but it’s been played for jokes too many times now.
  9. I’m not really a fan of any of these people. I think many people, even those not in a cult would have an issue with being forced to cut off all contact with their family. I would not force my spouse to see my family but I would not just cut them off either. Olivia is just as immature as Ethan, her Instagram is filled with pictures of her covered in hickies and holding vibrators. I do wonder how they all have the money for endless travel. I have to save up for one trip a year and Olivia takes 10 trips to Europe per year. Kim’s boat looks cluttered and it must be hard to have the girls there but maybe having her freedom is worth it. Micah’s girlfriend seems kind of controlling but I guess I need to see more.
  10. I thought this was a great episode. I’m happy Timothy was baptized and I hope that’s enough to save him. Dominic and his group should already know about Leland and the satanists. How come the only thing he knows about is a red painting? Everyone on the show knows Leland is evil. For some reason the actress who plays Kristen seems to be flirting with everyone. I would like to see her playing it straight for awhile.
  11. Both teams did terrible at the presentations, I could do better myself and I’ve never done anything like that. On top of that the products did not look like anything innovative so I’m not sure why the industry professionals would be interested in another grater or butter knife. It seemed like blender somehow connected with technology but I don’t know how that would work since you still had to work the buttons manually.
  12. Thank you but I don’t know how I will find it again since it doesn’t show up on shows I’m following or on the list of shows index
  13. What happened to the show 20/20? I can still find Dateline and 48 Hours but 20/20 disappeared.
  14. I really hate the squad stuff too. In the baseball task, why did they bother having the kids there when their opinion didn’t matter? There is no ways kids voted for Poke tacos with Sriracha and jalapeño. It the split second we saw they loved the waffle dessert.
  15. I thought the rusical was one of their best ones! Rosemary’s baby may be old but it’s a classic. Didn’t think Jorgeous was any better than anyone else but Ru has a soft spot for her. Angeria’s Pearl dress was beautiful.
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