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After Paradise

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Kirk, thanks so much for blathering on and on. You added nothing new to the story. 


And I agree with ElectricCityy --- Carly shouldn't try to look for sympathy about missing her brother's wedding. That was completely her choice.  And although I understood her reasoning about her misconstrued "having your baby" comments, I just feel like there's no winning....no matter how many times she tries to explain "I didn't mean right now, it was only because he was talking about me moving into his multi-BR house," there's still going to be a huge percentage of viewers that consider that to be Stage 5 Clinger territory. 


Not a fan of Jade's ring.  That cut looks like bluntly cut glass.  But Jade's hair color and style looked nice. When CH announced that he was sending the couple back to Mexico, Tanner's face was like, "Great, another round of the runs. Can't wait."


Does co-host Jenny get paid extra for each time she says "my husband"?  Annoying. 

  • Love 8

Carly, you don't need to tell us all whether or not to hate Kirk, we can decide that for ourselves and you aren't  speaking  for all women everywhere  with your total, grudge bearing lack of forgiveness.  Also, it doesn't make a bit of difference whether you were talking about having kids in the future or tomorrow --  what matters is, you were talking about having kids with a guy who hadn't even said he loved you, much less proposed.  Kirk meant it when he said it, but you pushed too hard and made him panic and change his mind about everything.  I'm sitting here making a hand puppet of your stone cold hate face.


Jade looked beautiful.


She whose name we refuse to learn looked awful in those shorts with the white tops of her thighs hanging out.

  • Love 14

Carly came off as bitter and her backpedaling story didn't win any points with me. I dated my husband for a whole year with neither of us mentioning babies and I know many guys would be really freaked out to hear that a woman they have known for a few weeks has planned their whole life together.


One of the problems with BIP is what Chris announced at the end: either you split up forever or pledge your lives to each other for ever. Neither of those things makes sense in the short amount of time. You can fall in love in that short amount of time, but not everyone will. Happy for Jade and Tanner, really dislike Jenny Molan. 

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 5

Ugh, I felt for Carly during the breakup, but now I'm just sick of her.


I honestly think that Kirk was sincerely apologizing to her and trying to say his intentions at the time and knowing that he didn't handle it well.  But she didn't give him a chance to explain.  I can understand at the time of the breakup, but time has passed now and on live TV no less.  He gave her space but tried tonight and when she shot down every word from his mouth, he got tongue-tied and couldn't explain.  I think he gave up knowing it was futile.  


I can understand heartache and holding a grudge, because I have been there... But I can also understand trying to do your best to resolve an impossible situation and not making the best decisions.  I think that's where Kirk was at.  I tend to feel more for him for this reason, and just past opinions of Carly in the "Bachelor" industry make me more team-Kirk..


She has seemed a bit smug at times during BIP because she had someone and others didn't.  Like she thought she was a little above them.  I also recall her being a bit of a harpy mean-girl during her Bachelor season.  Who was it she hated and trashed constantly?  Britt? Or someone else?  Or more than one?  She's got that high school mean-girl personality that she never grew out of.  And gets cocky when she has a guy and meaner when she doesn't.  At least that's what she gives off on camera.


I hope she can find what makes her happy in life and moves beyond her bitterness from the split.  I hope Kirk finds happiness too and that this hasn't ruined his life too much.


I am happy for Jade and Tanner

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 8

really dislike Jenny Molan.




Who is she, really? She was not a very soothing or enjoyable presence as a co-host.  


Jade looked beautiful.



She was really pretty. I'm rooting for those two youngin's. But jeez, they have to go to Mexico again? How cheap is ABC?????



THAT'S Miss America??? What an unremarkable woman.




I know, right? And especially with Catherine sitting there on the same stage (who I think is just stunning). 

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 6

I agree, Kirk doesn't owe Carly anything for her decision to give up her bro's wedding.  I also don't think it's a huge deal since they are having the reception back in the states.


Kirk is a total dimwit and a wuss. I think HIS back-pedaling far outdid any of Carly's.  He said a LOT of validating and encouraging things!!   He's such a moron that he actually says he meant it all until he realized that it meant he was getting into a relationship.?  Was he in a coma the whole time??  


I have already agreed that Carly was moving fast, and maybe pushing things along. .  I don't think Kirk is a player or a user..  I think he's just downright stupid.   Whether he meant to or not, he duped her --- plain and simple.  He's too old to be so clueless as to what effect his words will have on people.  There is no excuse for it.    


Jade and Tanner really did look great.  My only problem is that now TPTB think this show was a "success" .  There was a happy ending....  but one boring mess getting there.


Oh and yes..nice try CH  saying the "final rose" means they are committed for their lifetime now.  He ought to sell Amway.

  • Love 9

I don't join the Kirk hate. Probably because I've had a few boyfriends disappear without a peep, no decency to say they wanted out of the relationship...so I don't see it as all bad that Kirk tried, awkwardly, to explain his feelings of pulling away. No matter what he said or when or however sincerely, it was going to hurt. No surprise so many men (and women) are hesitant to open up and talk, if they've been disparaged for doing so. And, it's hypocritical to think it's always the other person who's making missteps in a relationship.


Please no more Sean and Catherine.

Edited by KR Vermont
  • Love 15

Kirk was in a no-win situation and I think dodged a bullet in getting away from bitchy Carly. She would have reacted the same way no matter when he told her he wasn't on the same page she was, whether the first couple of days or the last. If she has ever broken up with someone, she should be more understanding of how hard it is to do without hurting the other person too much, who is going to get hurt, no matter what. I hope she gets over her bitterness. That was the most uncomfortable scene I've ever seen on live television, much more uncomfortable than the breakup itself. Bitchy sarcasm is not a pleasant way to go through life.


Does anyone else think Carly went on this show just to further a song-writing career--here's a clip of her singing to Kirk! Here's a description of a song she just wrote and posted about the breakup! Poor Kirk, he was just a pawn.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 5

Okay, I just figured out that Jade is no wild stallion. A wild stallion doesn't have a Pinterest wedding page. Obviously, her father and brother think "wild stallion" means "showing yer titties and cooter on the interwebs." As opposed to things like traveling the world alone, going into a non-traditional career, renouncing marriage and kids, etc.


Was surprised to hear that Nick and Samantha are still together. A relationship based on a man thinking a woman is hot will never last. I wonder if Samantha has ever realized that the only compliments she ever gets are about her appearance, and never related to her personality, intelligence, etc. Aging is going to be hard on this bitch.


There's nothing left to say about Carly and Kirk. What a fucking nightmare. And aren't they a little old for this kind of bullshit? Both sides of it made me cringe.

  • Love 14

I guess I should watch AP tomorrow.  Let me guess, Carly took *zero* responsibility about how head-in-the-clouds and blind she was to the whole thing?  She was steamrolling the guy's narrative on the show the entire time.  Did we even hear Kirk doing talking heads about how much he liked Carly, or just that he liked not having drama or being on a beach or whatever?  I don't know.  I think we heard a couple at the beginning, but Carly's THs about how much she liked Kirk seemed to be totally disproportionate to his reciprocal ones.  (I totally think he is a lot to blame too, and kind of cowardly.)  But come on.  You can't just always assume somebody has the exact same feelings about you at the exact same time.  


I would not wish ill will upon these people, but Tanner seems so 'with-it' and irreverent.  Jade seems so empty and uninteresting.  But at least she was really sweet in that last episode.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3

Ok let me say that for someone to go on live national tv to make a apology they deserve some sincere good guy points in my opinion. That to me would be so excruciating and awkward that to be willing to do that says to me that Kirk genuinely liked and cared for Carly. I think he got scared and things were just going to fast for him. Carly's problem is she doesn't come across very likeable and still seems very bitter... but in her defense I will say that I liked her comment at the end where she admitted Kirk wasn't a bad guy and asked men to stop saying misleading things that mess with women's head's. I have had that experience before and if he said the things she said he did then I can see where she thought she could be vulnerable and trust him. That kind of hurt can take some time to get over. Men and women are just wired so differently. Yes Kirk could have did many things differently but I think he truly didn't mean to hurt Carly. She needs to try to put it behind her and learn from the experience. Being bitter isn't going to help.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 6

I liked Carly right up until she came out on After paradise. Kirk was doing his best to apologise and explain and she was having none of it. What a bitter bitch.

Yeah, Carly paints him as a guy who LIED, when it was more that he expressed feelings in the moment,and then later after thinking things through, had different feelings. It's ok for guy to talk about a future together, when you've only known him a few weeks, and then not commit to marriage. I don't think he was ever deceptive. People have doubts about their relationships all the time, it's not deceptive to keep negative thoughts to yourself.

Oh, and I figured out who Kirk looks like - Kevin McKidd, the red haired doctor from Grays Anatomy.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 7

I've found Carly to be funny on the Bachelor and Paradise, but tonight she just wanted to be "right"... I thought Kirk explained things perfectly why he was apprehensive about saying anything, and even when he did, it came across to me that he was just trying to say that he wanted to slow things down and she want ballistic. Carly was awful tonight.

  • Love 5

I wonder how much the show paid the person who called in and said she liked Jenny Mollen.


Jade and Tanner are cute together. I hope they don't bow to the pressure of having a sham wedding in Mexico on the next BiP season and instead have exactly the wedding they want.


The way Jonathan leered at Cassandra the whole time they were on was disgusting. His tongue was almost hanging out of his mouth.


Carly was clearly using poor Kirk to make Bachelor Nation feel sorry for her and market herself as a singer-songwriter who's been hard done-by and has so much raw emotion. Dropping Taylor Swift's name into the conversation was as subtle as a sledgehammer.


Was the "Nick from Chicago" who called in for Carly really Nick Viall? The guy on the phone sounded a lot less mush-mouthed.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 4

Carly came off as bitter and her backpedaling story didn't win any points with me. I dated my husband for a whole year with neither of us mentioning babies and I know many guys would be really freaked out to hear that a woman they have known for a few weeks has planned their whole life together.


One of the problems with BIP is what Chris announced at the end: either you split up forever or pledge your lives to each other for ever. Neither of those things makes sense in the short amount of time. You can fall in love in that short amount of time, but not everyone will. Happy for Jade and Tanner, really dislike Jenny Molan. 


I still feel bad for Carly, but I agree that her defense of the "having kids" comment is meaningless -- she was still identifying Kirk as the father of those future children, no matter how far in the future she was thinking it would be. And that equals commitment. She disappointed me in some ways, but I also think Kirk was wishy washy much of the time, seemingly happy and satisfied and secretly not. Or he really felt that way, then didn't, then did -- I don't know. If he really said the things Carly said he did just a half-hour earlier, that's a pretty sudden change of heart.


Okay, I just figured out that Jade is no wild stallion. A wild stallion doesn't have a Pinterest wedding page. Obviously, her father and brother think "wild stallion" means "showing yer titties and cooter on the interwebs." As opposed to things like traveling the world alone, going into a non-traditional career, renouncing marriage and kids, etc.


Was surprised to hear that Nick and Samantha are still together. A relationship based on a man thinking a woman is hot will never last. I wonder if Samantha has ever realized that the only compliments she ever gets are about her appearance, and never related to her personality, intelligence, etc. Aging is going to be hard on this bitch.



Exactly. Nick still only ever said things about Samantha's looks! It's ridiculous! Does she have a personality, a sense of humor, a sweetness (HAH) or a snarkiness, something that appeals to him? Or is he content to just stare at her the whole time? How long until that fades?


I agree that Tanner seems a lot smarter than Jade. Maybe she's just quieter, or likes him being the intellect of their pairing. They certainly seem happy, and she never looked prettier.

  • Love 6


Or he really felt that way, then didn't, then did -- I don't know. If he really said the things Carly said he did just a half-hour earlier, that's a pretty sudden change of heart.


Kirk certainly didn't deny having said those things when Carly repeated them to his face. He only looked kind of sheepish and apologized so I believe Carly when she said he had made all those comments. He also seemed to be pretty happily involved with her all throughout the season and was often seen snuggling with her. In his PIs, he didn't express any doubts about them being a couple until the very last moment. I don't blame Carly for being p.o.d and feeling lied to or led on and it'll probably take more than a month or two for her to get over it.

  • Love 8

I'm absolutely shocked to hear that Samantha and Nick are still together.  Mystified.  I would have bet all money against that and lost.


I thought Kirk said pretty much all the right things, and this was Carly's opportunity to graciously thank him for what appeared to be a truly genuine and humbled apology, but instead she insisted on staying angry, and it was definitely not a good look on her.  I think part of the bitterness could have been because she said she had tried to contact him before they came on the aftershow so they could discuss how they wanted to address things, and he never called her back.  Maybe she had softened a bit over time, and him ignoring her set her off again.  There was no winning option here - he was probably too afraid to call and risk getting her all riled up, but leaving her hanging wasn't a great choice, either.  Kirk just isn't equipped to handle the things that come with Carly (like her scary, angry eyes!!!)...he looked like he had aged 10 years while sitting on that sofa. 


I'm glad Cassandra is happy.  I wish Tenley had a surprise new love interest, too.  Is it weird that I'm kind of going to miss her?  I grew to like her so much. 

  • Love 8

Carly is stuck in that "validate that I am a victim" mentality. He also- to me- seemed a little uncomfortable when she sang that song in the flashback clip. I wonder if he felt overwhelmed by her extroverted personality.

Other shows need to hire these chyron people. They could start with Survivor and go from there.

Loved Tanner's comment about how fake mustaches and the other disguise item turned him on.

  • Love 2

I agree that there was absolutely nothing Kirk could have done or said that would have prompted a graceful apology acceptance from Carly.  Her bitterness and embarrassment was as acute as the day Kirk broke up with her.  And It was clearly illustrated why Kirk was never as "vulnerable" as she was.  He remembered it was a TV show and everything is filtered through a drama lens.  

  • Love 9

I agree that there was absolutely nothing Kirk could have done or said that would have prompted a graceful apology acceptance from Carly.  Her bitterness and embarrassment was as acute as the day Kirk broke up with her.  And It was clearly illustrated why Kirk was never as "vulnerable" as she was.  He remembered it was a TV show and everything is filtered through a drama lens.  


I've been sorta following Carly with one eye on social media and I got ZERO feeling that things were still bad between her and Kirk.  Guess she had a plan in mind, to portray herself as part of one of the "happy" couples while the show was airing but now that the ruse is over with, she can go back to how she really feels.  And people are eating up her "woe is me" act quite well so I guess her plan worked out quite well.  She's got a ton of new followers, lots of sympathy and now can work on her Nashville "career".   Good luck with that.


And I can't help it, I think Jade & Tanner make a cute couple.   Wish them all the best!

  • Love 1

Carly came off incredibly poorly. Carly, it's over. It didn't work out. Be gracious and move on.  She reminds me of how I was when I was in my late teen's and early twenties actually. When a relationship ended, I would cry, hold grudges, call my ex at 2am demanding to know where he was, cut people out of my life, go through old emails trying to figure out where it went wrong, etc.  Ten years later and after some growth, I know now if my partner (of five years) were to tell me he's leaving my response would be "See ya" and I wouldn't give him a second thought. Once it's over, all the energy you pour into hating him only serves to hurt you more. *Shrug*, YMMV.

  • Love 8

Carly did very well.  I don't see that she is "taking" a victim stance at all.  She WAS a victim, certainly recognized it and spoke to that situation.  I liked her talk to all men, "don't do this."   I agree, it happens all too often.  


Kirk was contrite and gave the tired line, "I never meant to hurt you."  Well of course he didn't.  No one sets out to do that.  


He should have returned her call.  That was an indication that he just doesn't have the integrity needed to be in any relationship. Chicken shit.  


The night before he broke it off, he told her things were moving fast and he was excited to see what came next.  WTF? He led her on knowing he was going to end it.  Why?  

  • Love 7

Carly did very well.  I don't see that she is "taking" a victim stance at all.  She WAS a victim, certainly recognized it and spoke to that situation.  I liked her talk to all men, "don't do this."   I agree, it happens all too often. 


The night before he broke it off, he told her things were moving fast and he was excited to see what came next.  WTF? He led her on knowing he was going to end it.  Why?  

What is the recommended alternate behaviour before breaking up with someone? "I am thinking about breaking up with you, but I don't quite know yet. I'll keep you posted."


It isn't practical to expect a gradual breakup. It will always be a shock to the dumpee, unless the dumper gradually starts treating them like dirt to lead up to the full dump.


Carly and every other dumpee are not victims. They are just on the wrong end of an unequal desire to be in a relationship. No one should have to apologize for not liking someone.


Kirk probably could have signalled better, but I'm guessing Carly would have overreacted to anything negative. The moment Kirk expressed anything other than 100% positivity about their relationship was going to be the moment Carly flew off the handle at him.

  • Love 24

What is the recommended alternate behaviour before breaking up with someone? "I am thinking about breaking up with you, but I don't quite know yet. I'll keep you posted."


It isn't practical to expect a gradual breakup. It will always be a shock to the dumpee, unless the dumper gradually starts treating them like dirt to lead up to the full dump.


I agree.  


I actually think it can be worse, and more hurtful, when people reveal and act on every single little doubt they have about a relationship (within reason, of course)... it can lead to a lot of cruelty, anxiety, insecurity and the whole on/off torture road.  Why drag someone through the mud, inflict your confusion on them (again, within reason - obviously some things should be shared) when you're not sure if you're doubt is legitimate, or if it could be gone the next day.  You have to be sure of your feelings before you thrust them onto someone else, both the good and the bad.  You don't tell someone you want to break up with them, unless you're sure -- just like you don't tell someone you love them, unless you're sure.  


It sucks for Carly that she was blindsided -- but its not Kirk's fault that he wasn't feeling it like she was.  I think he told her when he was sure.  And it does make sense that its at the end of the show... because they don't live in the same city.  Would she really have reacted differently had he done it a week before?  I seriously doubt it.  He could have given her a rose (just like Justin did to Cassandra) and then just let it fizzle, not return her calls, not call back, etc.  He could have avoided all the hate from "Bachelor Nation".  It was going to be horrendous no matter what - I think he genuinely tried to do it the best he could.  

  • Love 12

Obviously Cassandra & Justin let their fledgling relationship flicker out, so there was no way ABC and the show could have forced any of the last couples to stay together.  Kirk could have actually lied, and taken the easy way out by dropping Carly after going to the end.  I think he would have gotten less criticism for it and less of Carly's venom.  I don't think he paid much attention to her on Chris's season, or he would have known that she had to potential to unleash some serious nastiness on him if he displeased her.  In some ways, he was as blind as Carly.    

  • Love 9

[Carly] has probably got her social media followers telling her what a heroine she is (I don't follow social media, so I haven't a clue what is being said there).


I follow Ashley I. (and her sister!) on Instagram. I was browsing other BiP2ers' profiles on Saturday (i.e. before part 1 of the finale) and was baffled to find that Carly had 60K more followers than Ashley: 254K to 194K.


Ashley I. is more of a minor/temporary "celebrity"--she did a Skype interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, she's been on a few E! News segments, she writes recaps for Cosmopolitan online--so I found that hard to believe. Literally, I didn't believe it; she must have bought followers, which is a real thing.


Right now she's at 294K, although I can believe that her post-dump bump, if you will, is legit.

What is the recommended alternate behaviour before breaking up with someone? "I am thinking about breaking up with you, but I don't quite know yet. I'll keep you posted."


It isn't practical to expect a gradual breakup. It will always be a shock to the dumpee, unless the dumper gradually starts treating them like dirt to lead up to the full dump.


Carly and every other dumpee are not victims. They are just on the wrong end of an unequal desire to be in a relationship. No one should have to apologize for not liking someone.


Kirk probably could have signalled better, but I'm guessing Carly would have overreacted to anything negative. The moment Kirk expressed anything other than 100% positivity about their relationship was going to be the moment Carly flew off the handle at him.



I agree that no one is a victim in a relationship break up.  Good point.  I stand corrected. 


My point about Kirk was the unnecessary statement the night before about being excited.  Just say nothing that implies you are into continuing.  Even then, she was in line for a heart break.  It happens.  They will both move on easily.  Reality romances have a way of fading very fast.  

  • Love 1

Well, another season of this increasingly hot mess of a franchise is in the books. I'm not around social media very much, I've seen enough to want to stay out of the petty ridiculousness that often surrounds it, especially as it relates to all things celebrity. So, it's kind of nice to come here and participate in some rather level-headed, mature, humorous discussion regarding this manipulated fluff of shows. :)

  • Love 5

Thank god this is over, and now Mrs. Dick in Pie can slink back to the obscurity from whence she came.


And she can take Carly, she of the jacked up eyebrows, with her.


So much irritating about Carly but a couple of things stick out:


A) Carly, you can't try and blame Kirk for the fact you missed your brother's wedding for this farce. That is all on you, two-tone. You made that choice before you ever knew what was going to happen on BIP.


B) And it doesn't matter that you meant "5 years from now" when you were talking about kids. Of course kids are in the future. On the other hand, timetables don't always work out, just ask the many parents who appeared on this show. But still, you had a timetable of 5 years from now with a guy you've been dating for less than a month. Anyway you cut it, you were way ahead of where Kirk was at, even if Kirk wasn't the cowardly, commitment-phobe he clearly is. 


So I say good riddance to this hag. Which is something, because I really liked her on Chris's season. In retrospect, it was the lack of a Britt filter on BIP that made Carly's flaws standout so much more. I couldn't stand Britt, and Carly was her nemesis, so I was on Carly's side. But right about now I would much rather be subjected to Britt's smelly ass for a week than even one more second of Carly.

Edited by reggiejax
  • Love 10

Judy, hysterical dialogue writing. Thanks for that. Are you available to script next season of BIP? If so: You're HIRED!


I still remember Carly as the snotty snot she turned into with all  her THs during Chris Soules' season, ranking on the other b-ettes. You get no sympathy from me, Carly. I was just wishing for some snotty snot THs at your expense after the Kirk so-called "dumping."


Kirk remains one of my all-time fav bachs.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 8

During her time on the couch last night I didn't think Carly was still hurt so much as she was embarrassed that she'd been dumped. All her bitchiness towards Kirk was just explanations for why she acted the way she did during the season (ie the kids in 5 years not 5 minutes), like she was explaining to the audience how the editing made her look like a desperate fameho without actually blaming the editors.

  • Love 8

The night before he broke it off, he told her things were moving fast and he was excited to see what came next.  WTF? He led her on knowing he was going to end it.  Why?




Earlier on someone wondered whether or not the producers might have asked Kirk if he wanted the Neil Lane Diamond Engagement Ring for Carly and that might have been his tipping point. The more I think about this the more I wonder if it had a lot to do with it, maybe they asked him that morning before the Chris Harrison announcement and that bummed him out. After all production probably needs to know how many rings they are going to need, and how to set up the next day's final ceremony. It's not unthinkable that they asked the guys to indicate one way or another if they would need one ring, or two rings, or no rings.


Kirk might have realized that he couldn't do that charade but that possibly Carly was going to expect it and he went from "slow it down" in his mind to "just stop the train I want to get off" in a matter of minutes.  A lot of decisions that seem impulsive and sudden are actually building very slowly inside and then one thing sets you off and you know exactly what is right for you and you act. It looks sudden, it looks out of character, but it's not, it's clarity.  

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 18

I actually liked Carly more on this show than during the season. And unlike a lot of people I guess, I do blame Kirk for being kind of a jerk to her.


I think she's 100% right that he could have...should have....let her know he wasn't enthusiastic to go to the wedding reception. That's an EASY way to give someone a hint that you're not as into a relationship as they are. He certainly didn't have to gush about how he'd love to do it, how important it was to him, etc. (He was right there and didn't deny doing any of that). I don't believe he's so totally inexperienced that he didn't know how to show more reserve or express more doubts. That's really not that difficult to do.


It's also the thoughtful thing to do. I think when someone is gushing over you and your relationship and you're not feeling it, seriously, why keep faking the excitement?


I think CH really overplayed it with the laughable, "Your last rose means you're staying together foreverrrrr." Who is he, the Evil Sorcerer of Paradise? No one can make people agree to that, it was silly. And I doubt that was it for Kirk. He may have been put off by the ring/permanency thing, but if he was at all in love/infatuated, he would have still wanted to be in touch. He didn't even call her back before the show to kind of coordinate it a little. That's cold. (That said, Carly, have you seen his father's basement? I think you can do better than Kirk).


As for Tenley and Joshua, I missed if they went to the FS but maybe that experience helped put her off of a relationship a bit. It easily could because I think he seems kind of a lunkhead, although I did sort of think they were cute together anyway. I liked the way she broke it off and don't see any similarity with Kirk at all.  First T&J were a lot newer, and secondly he wasn't spinning scenarios to her all the time about their future together etc. and getting massive encouragement from her until the very end. I think she was giving it a good try--treating it like a summer fling, but respectfully, and not giving him unrealistic hopes that she knew would never come true.


Carly's kind of cute and I actually liked her singing and song, to my surprise. I doubt she'll make it in Nashville, but I hope she does. And Tanner and Jade really looked like a nice couple on the Aftershow, very sweet together. Funny how the "Playboy thing" colors the way you see someone. I think Jade is much more like what she seemed on both shows--a shy, reserved, nice friend and fairly conventional person. I actually "get" them a lot more than Marcus and Lacy who seemed like two pretty & nice people without much connection at all.


It would be funny if over time many more marriages come from BiP, than from TB.

Edited by Padma
  • Love 6

In Miss America's defense, that pageant has always been the one looking for the total package, well-rounded, all-American girl with charity work (her "platform,") academic excellence, and talent, as well as good, not necessarily fabulous, looks. The Miss America pageant gives more college scholarship money to young women than any other source and some are there just for that. So sometimes they aren't all that perfect looking but have other things going for them like medical student or concert pianist. Contrast to Miss USA / Miss Universe which gives us winners like Samantha. Strikingly good looking but not much else going on.

I agree! No more super fans, maybe even no more After Paradise. I would rather have a second hour of bloopers or even watching them play volley ball. Anything else.

  • Love 5

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