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S03.E13: Under Pressure

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1 hour ago, renatae said:

When you think of an actual "relationship" being conducted, that would be wearing, but I agree that when you aren't invested, it's easy to just repeat platitudes. I think I'd feel richly rewarded at $800 a month. Much better than doing actual work, especially for employers who don't appreciate you at all.

"Maria, clear off those 10 tables, and don't lollygag around like a tortoise on Zanax this time!"

I don't know...I think it would be no problem at all in an actual relationship.  I mean I'm in an actual relationship where there's distance between us and I love texting back and forth...and it's pretty constant through the day.  I can't imagine how grating it would be to have to "fake it" in any sense.  Even just having to read what Caesar would write - can you imagine the stuff he would be texting her/him/it/whatever?  You can hear the disdain in the voice on the phone!  He's so pathetic even the scammer can't stand it!  lol...

I'm not really interested in Maria at all.  I don't care what the reality at her end is - it's a scam.  But I'm pretty fascinated by Caesar.  The level of delusion and the incredible willingness to be duped in spite of everyone around him telling him he's being duped is hard to believe.  Maybe its all a scam, but I kinda hope it isn't because the world is a bit more interesting with Caesars in it! lol...I mean imagine it!  The guy got on a plane to Mexico to meet his Ukrainian dream girl - who hadn't responded to his texts for 3 days!  

Edited by Zevious Zoquis
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9 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

I was actually pretty disappointed in Florian's actually appearance too.  Him and Tom definitely know their good angles.  Tom has a GREAT profile. 

Does anyone know how long a flight fro London to Albania is? Just curious how late it was in Albania. Definitely dinner-ish time as the place was full but when they left it was pretty empty. 

The way Aykini's brother speaks freaks me out. It seems so calculating. 

Why was there a giant bin of corn behind Stacey in that restaurant ?

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25 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Matt was actually pretty attractive for a 90 Day Fiance.  Nice looking, wealthy.  Didn't he have several failed marriages though?  Alla was sweet as was her son.  She wasn't in love with Matt in the beginning but he seemed to be very kind and patient with her.  I wouldn't be surprised if they are very happy together now.

Looking back, they were a favorite couple:  She was very pretty, well spoken and upfront:  Yes I care for him, I am there for him, he treats my son very well but no I am not gonna lie and say I love him, when, at this point, I don't.  I hope too someday!  Yes Matt had three failed marriages and those were ON MATT not Alla (looking at you, creepy BFF of Matt.)  At least these two did not sit around all damn day saying, "OOH I looooove you!"  I neeeeeed you!!!  You are my EVERYTHING!"  They actually, I don't know - spoke?

35 minutes ago, Tatortot said:

Anyone know what Zied does for a living? 

He owns a company that makes personalized mugs, sweatshirts and 8x10's.

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9 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Florian isn't all that. He looks wolfish. Not attractive at all. 

Looks like they were late because Stacy had to get a fresh lip filler. 

"What's your dream wedding Tom?"

"Well, it doesn't include you or your plastic sister, Darcy. Taxi!"

Florian is like an emaciated version of that Paulie who dates Cara Maria on The Challenge.

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10 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

imagine Darcy's wedding dress looking something like this

P nina all the way


I think the neckline is a little high for Darcey’s taste, she will get it tailored a little lower. 

This bride forgot her pants or even a skirt-that works with Darcey’s style. 

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54 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Matt was actually pretty attractive for a 90 Day Fiance.  Nice looking, wealthy.  Didn't he have several failed marriages though?  Alla was sweet as was her son.  She wasn't in love with Matt in the beginning but he seemed to be very kind and patient with her.  I wouldn't be surprised if they are very happy together now.

Check out the couples threads, some good tea spilled there. I can't remember exactly where but it was heartening.

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2 hours ago, Dobian said:

I don't even think Scooter Pie's story is authentic.  I think she's an attention whore who lost her groove after high school and was desperate for a new angle.  She was watching 90 Days one night while stuffing her mouth full of cheese puffs, and during one of the Nicole/Azan segments said hey, I can do that one better!  So she grabbed a Koran and a hijab, registered on a Muslim dating site, landed a Syrian dude, and sent an email to TLC.

This is my thought exactly. Thanks for saying it so much better than I could have.

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11 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Avery, however, is being too stupid about moving to Syria.  She should have moved to Minnesota and joined a mosque and met many eligible young Muslim men.  It's far less likely to be bombed in the Twin Cities.

Why move to the Twin Cities? Columbus has Muslims. The largest concentration of Muslims in America is in the Detroit/Dearborn/Ann Arbor area. She could get on I-75 and be there in no time.


A little digging has shown me that TLC has done a hatchet job on her and the relationship. She is in college. She lives in her own apartment. She is a member of a mosque. She is learning Arabic. Omar has family in the states, including a sister in NJ that Avery has met.

12 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I'm baffled by the hate for Avery's mother (who yes, does bear a strong resemblance to an overweight version of Valerie Bertinelli).  If I'd converted to Islam suddenly at 19, my mother would have kicked me out and never spoken to me again.  Avery's mom is trying to go along with this trainwreck, support AND PROTECT her daughter, and is willing to let it play out how it will -- and be there to bail Avery out when it all goes to hell.

My issue is that Teri has approached all of this with a ton of xenophobia, ignorance, and disdain. Converting is a big deal, but it's not the end of the world. Even if we treat it like other risky teen behaviors like hanging out with the wrong people, doing drugs, or cutting, you would never say I grounded the kid, put a GPS tracker, drug test and run a breathalyzer twice a week, and hid all the knives so the problem is solved. If the conversion is that troubling to them, simply repeating a list of scary things about Islam and hoping she abandons Islam solves nothing. Why did she run headlong at top speed in the opposite direction in the first place. She said she needed structure and discipline. Why? What happened? Teri would breathe a sigh of relief if Avery stopped being a muslim without addressing the underlying issue. That's why part of why I cannot stand her.

She's also been kind of an ugly American. Avery suggested learning a couple of phrases in Arabic before their trip to Lebanon; Teri snottily replies that she's not learning anything; she's only speaking English. Avery wasn't asking her to learn a prayer, but simple stuff like please, thank you, hello, and goodbye. This isn't unreasonable to stuff. Avery has been a Muslim for 6 months, but Teri hasn't bothered to learn anymore about the religion than what she probably hears on the TV talk and opinion shows. If Teri is wondering where Avery gets her stubbornness and brattiness, look no further. "She learned it by watching you." All the best lessons are in PSAs including this one "Tolerance."

Edited by HunterHunted
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Tim is really the oddest looking human I've ever seen.  He reminds me of a  12 year old kid dressing up like an adult.   Maybe that's why he's so afraid to kiss Jennifer.

Big Ang needs to pack her trash and head back home.  Is Mekell really that desperate to get to the states.  

Uggggg! to Rebecca! She has better reveal all of her secrets before she chews the whole left side of her face off.  Was that cat using the spices as a litter box? 

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10 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Why move to the Twin Cities? Columbus has Muslims. The largest concentration of Muslims in America is in the Detroit/Dearborn/Ann Arbor area. She could get on I-75 and be there in no time.

  Reveal spoiler

A little digging has shown me that TLC has done a hatchet job on her and the relationship. She is in college. She lives in her own apartment. She is a member of a mosque. She is learning Arabic. Omar has family in the states, including a sister in NJ that Avery has met.

My issue is that Teri has approached all of this with a ton of xenophobia, ignorance, and disdain. Converting is a big deal, but it's not the end of the world. Even if we treat it like other risky teen behaviors like hanging out with the wrong people, doing drugs, or cutting, you would never say I grounded the kid, put a GPS tracker, drug test and run a breathalyzer twice a week, and hid all the knives so the problem is solved. If the conversion is that troubling to them, simply repeating a list of scary things about Islam and hoping she abandons Islam solves nothing. Why did she run headlong at top speed in the opposite direction in the first place. She said she needed structure and discipline. Why? What happened? Teri would breathe a sigh of relief if Avery stopped being a muslim without addressing the underlying issue. That's why part of why I cannot stand her. She's also been kind of an ugly American. Avery suggested learning a couple of phrases in Arabic before their trip to Lebanon; Teri snottily replies that she's not learning anything; she's only speaking English. Avery wasn't asking her to learn a prayer, but simple stuff like please, thank you, hello, and goodbye. This isn't unreasonable to stuff. Avery has been a Muslim for 6 months, but Teri hasn't bothered to learn anymore about the religion than what she probably hears on the TV talk and opinion shows. If Teri is wondering where Avery gets her stubbornness and brattiness, look no further. "She learned it by watching you." All the best lessons are in PSAs including this one "Tolerance."

I don’t think Teri has been rude or treated Omar with disrespect. He speaks English well to have a conversation with her, I think she suspects that Avery isn’t being honest regarding the plans for the future and in Avery’s conversation with Omar, it seemed to me that he isn’t all aboard with her plan to stay in Syria with him. It seems he expected her to return to America and wait to be together when the spousal visa is approved. She is the one pushing the marriage  itself. If he didn’t make arrangements, clearly he isn’t that certain about getting  married.  She’s running around barking orders at him like Angela does  with Michael. I don’t think he sees her as a dutiful, Muslim wife. IMO he’d breathe a sign of relief if Teri dragged her home. I do think there maybe something that happened to her that pushed her to seek the structure of this religion. Or she saw his picture, started chatting with him and created this story book romance for the two of them. Right now I think hormones are driving her. She’s hot for him. He’s across the hall from her and she can’t sleep with him. That’s why she’s so frustrated. 

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1 hour ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

I don't know...I think it would be no problem at all in an actual relationship.  I mean I'm in an actual relationship where there's distance between us and I love texting back and forth...and it's pretty constant through the day.  I can't imagine how grating it would be to have to "fake it" in any sense.  Even just having to read what Caesar would write - can you imagine the stuff he would be texting her/him/it/whatever?  You can hear the disdain in the voice on the phone!  He's so pathetic even the scammer can't stand it!  lol...

I wasn't very clear on what I meant by "relationship." The quotes were there to indicate an actual scamming relationship, lol. As opposed to Maria just phoning it in, so to speak. I don't think she invested beyond the bare minimum.

I'm not making much sense here. I'm sleep deprived, lol.

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8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

She is especially abusive since she wants to be sure that My Cull isn't going to cheat on her when he come to the US since he will be a local celeb with wimmen contacting him on social media...

I worry for Michael's safety.  If a man had been behaving toward a woman the way we've seen Angela treat Michael, all hell would have broken loose.  She's mean, she's big, and she likes to fight.  She enjoys looking for reasons to find fault.  Run, Michael, run.

7 hours ago, politichick said:

Yeah, I do, too. And I am very, very troubled by the age and racial components of this pair combined with the extremely abusive behavior. He must be extremely desperate to get to the U.S., but as someone else here noted, does he know that he's going to be living the trailer park trash life? I hope he gets here and scams the fuck out of her because even though he puts up with it and is begging, she goes way, way, way too fucking far. 

She is despicable.  She not only physically pushes him around and threatens to punch him (if the gender roles were reversed, TLC would have put a stop to this a long time ago, and shame on them allowing her to be so abusive to him), but as we saw on the trip from the airport, she relishes a fight.  I think Michael might be in real physical danger from her.

Edited to add:  She did actually physically assault him when she hit him in the face with that cake.  She ought to have been arrested.

I was trying to figure out why her accusations of lying seemed so wrong to me--after all, he *was* lying to her--and then I realized that her accusations of lying are setups and "gotcha" situations, not instances of lying about anything that matters.  His lies are about things like having been on a boat before, whereupon she whips out a photo of him on the boat *with a woman*.  Well, he does seem to be on the boat, but he is certainly not *with* the woman in the photo.  She is in the background sitting with another man.  Michael may feel that it's just easier to deny these questions than to go into explanations, which she would undoubtedly use against him somehow.  Does it really matter that he went out with his cousin for his birthday after telling her he would wait to celebrate his birthday until she got there?  She absolutely sets him up and then pounces.

Which leads me to believe that she never intended to marry him or bring him to the US.  Angela loves being on TV; she thinks she is a wild and crazy character whom the viewing public will adore.

I really do hate her.

Edited by Mothra
...and another thing...
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59 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I don’t think Teri has been rude or treated Omar with disrespect. He speaks English well to have a conversation with her, I think she suspects that Avery isn’t being honest regarding the plans for the future and in Avery’s conversation with Omar, it seemed to me that he isn’t all aboard with her plan to stay in Syria with him. It seems he expected her to return to America and wait to be together when the spousal visa is approved. She is the one pushing the marriage  itself. 

I NEVER said Teri treated Omar rudely or with disrespect. I said that Teri has treated everything about Avery's choices rudely and dismissively starting from the conversion and including this wedding. Some of the Avery's choices deserve special scrutiny, but saying to Avery don't you want to wear booty shorts, don't you want some booze, she won't be wearing all of these layers in the summer, and Islam lets your husband beat you doesn't help anything. There's nothing remotely respectful about kind of commentary. And it's commentary born out of ignorance and xenophobia.

I know Teri's ass would never raise similar objections if Avery became a Southern Baptist even though she should. Teri probably knows fuck-all about Southern Baptists, but it's cool because they're Christian. Or an AME church until Teri walked in and noticed that everyone was Black. I know her type. She's really comfortable in the things she's comfortable with and doesn't want to be challenged or experience anything different. If she did, she might have attended an open house or interfaith celebration at Avery's mosque. She might know what an imam is. She wouldn't have objected to learning rudimentary Arabic phrases. Those are decisions that signify her fundamental disrespect for the people and their faith.

People have converted for marriage for thousands of years. I know tons of people who have converted for marriage. You probably do to. Avery doing so is not this crazy unusual thing. It happens. Would Teri have freaked out if Avery converted to another Christian denomination or Judaism? Probably not, which suggests a fair amount of Islamophobia is in play.

Getting married at 19 is a little unusual now, but people still get married at 19. Teri's parents probably married at 19 and 20. From the end of WWII until the mid to late 60s, the average age of an American woman's first marriage was 20.

My biggest issue with Avery is why is the expediency necessary? And why she's so fixated on moving to Syria? But even in her clapback to Teri about Omar using Avery for a visa, Avery had way more details about Omar's employment prospects and issues than any other American on Before the 90 Days. So yeah their relationship seems way more substantive than any of the others.

Teri hasn't been rude to Omar, but I never said she was. Teri has been an ignorant asshole about a lot of other shit.

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5 hours ago, lizajane said:

There is no airline on earth that is going to issue a ticket until they are fully paid. Full stop.


The third party (CheapoAir) confirms the reservation... then it's the airline's turn to decline later if unpaid. There was never an actual ticket. Just a temporary confirmation/reservation with CheapoAir.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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3 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

Tim is really the oddest looking human I've ever seen.  He reminds me of a  12 year old kid dressing up like an adult.   Maybe that's why he's so afraid to kiss Jennifer.

He looks like Jiminy Cricket.

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15 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

No, I think they like each other enough to at least give dating (in person) a try. My mother didn't speak much English when she met my dad and they were married for 52 years until his death! 

Edited 15 hours ago by libgirl2

You are right.  My parents were matched and were together for 60 years, so I guess anything is possible.

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11 hours ago, hookedontv said:

I think the neckline is a little high for Darcey’s taste, she will get it tailored a little lower. 

This bride forgot her pants or even a skirt-that works with Darcey’s style. 

Darcy will get lost in the ruffles being she’s only about 4 ft. Short.

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12 hours ago, iwasish said:

Are you making a funny? Or is this where Rebecca got all her Zied imprinted items? 

I think thats a funny.  I think zied actually works as a guy who preps audiences for TV shows in Tunisia.  I vaguely remember Rebecca saying that.  

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10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I NEVER said Teri treated Omar rudely or with disrespect. I said that Teri has treated everything about Avery's choices rudely and dismissively starting from the conversion and including this wedding. Some of the Avery's choices deserve special scrutiny, but saying to Avery don't you want to wear booty shorts, don't you want some booze, she won't be wearing all of these layers in the summer, and Islam lets your husband beat you doesn't help anything. There's nothing remotely respectful about kind of commentary. And it's commentary born out of ignorance and xenophobia.

I know Teri's ass would never raise similar objections if Avery became a Southern Baptist even though she should. Teri probably knows fuck-all about Southern Baptists, but it's cool because they're Christian. Or an AME church until Teri walked in and noticed that everyone was Black. I know her type. She's really comfortable in the things she's comfortable with and doesn't want to be challenged or experience anything different. If she did, she might have attended an open house or interfaith celebration at Avery's mosque. She might know what an imam is. She wouldn't have objected to learning rudimentary Arabic phrases. Those are decisions that signify her fundamental disrespect for the people and their faith.

People have converted for marriage for thousands of years. I know tons of people who have converted for marriage. You probably do to. Avery doing so is not this crazy unusual thing. It happens. Would Teri have freaked out if Avery converted to another Christian denomination or Judaism? Probably not, which suggests a fair amount of Islamophobia is in play.

Getting married at 19 is a little unusual now, but people still get married at 19. Teri's parents probably married at 19 and 20. From the end of WWII until the mid to late 60s, the average age of an American woman's first marriage was 20.

My biggest issue with Avery is why is the expediency necessary? And why she's so fixated on moving to Syria? But even in her clapback to Teri about Omar using Avery for a visa, Avery had way more details about Omar's employment prospects and issues than any other American on Before the 90 Days. So yeah their relationship seems way more substantive than any of the others.

Teri hasn't been rude to Omar, but I never said she was. Teri has been an ignorant asshole about a lot of other shit.

I think Teri was pretty rude when she whipped out her phone and started to quote some weird site about "Muslim wife"

She seemed to pretty much say that Omar was going to hit Avery or take advantage of her.  I know there were other websites that didn't have that sort of "information" because I haven't known Muslim wives to be any more victims of domestic violence than "christian wives."

Certain christian sects interpret the Bible in ways that allow for violence.  The same way certain sects interpret the koran to justify violence and subjugation of.women.

Teri keeps saying that Avery won't like being told what to do, but she has behaved pretty petulently with Omar amd.i absolutely don't think Omar has pushed her to live in Syria.  All I hear is Avery pushing that agenda.  I think Omar will stick by her decision and present a United front to Teri, but Teri always acts like Omar is kidnapping Avery and I don't think he is.  

It seems like Teri's tone in any conversation she has had with Omar is accusatory.  I know she is concerned about Avery, of course she is, but I don't think Omar should be blamed for Avery pushing herself into a dangerous position.  

Edited by RealReality
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16 hours ago, DiamondGirl said:

Angela is an ugly, vulgar creature who deserves nothing good.  And I don’t mean ugly in her appearance (although it’s true) but ugly in her innards.

She's definitely totin' some ugly innards.

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16 hours ago, Tatortot said:

I haven't laughed in a few months like I did last night.   I had a feeling Angela would throw that cake in his face, and she did it............She is quite the character.

Anyone notice on Pillowtalk that Colties cat was straddling his leg?   Who in the world taught him to do that?

I don't get Stacey as much as I don't get Darcy.   She has been engaged for 3yrs?  why aren't they hitched and living out their dream?   At least the age diff seems closer with them compared to Darcy.

With all the social media out there, why hasn't an online guru got a wind of Maria from Ukraine?   I sure would like to see what she really looks like.

Anyone know what Zied does for a living?   and is that smoke thing automatically brought to the table in a resteraunt?    I can't imagine trying to eat with everyone doing that.

I wonder if they're showing us the "real" pictures of Maria (the ones she sent Caesar) or, if she didn't give them permission, they're using shots of a random model. I tried reverse search, but didn't come up with anything. 

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17 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I thought the same thing. Maybe Molly needs to hook up with him. 

I was getting ready to say that as well. I think that even if he were here just for the green card that he'd make a good partner for someone else. Mollie might be a good fit. He's easygoing, wants a family, has a good sense of humor...

I know that Mollie made some poor choices, but I actually liked her. Of course, the bar was set pretty low to begin with. 

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17 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

Yes I know. But I am surprised that they were going to let a "live one" off the hook. I am pretty sure they are just going to get a different one for him next or sell his name to a different agency for a percentage. I think they may have got wind that it was being filmed, so they were afraid they would get caught or exposed, so ended it for now. They strung it out for 5 years but I think will just switch him to a different voice. Why would they let him go? That makes no sense as they could have got a lot more out of him. I think they are just switching agencies/voices.

I think they let him go because of the show. Most of these scams and scammers like to fly under the radar. Having a target appear on national television might let her other, er, boyfriends in on the lie. They probably stuck with Caesar, too, because they knew that he wasn't likely to fly to the Ukraine and demand to meet. Now that he's hooked up with cameras, though, and the possibility of the show flying him over there then he became too dangerous to keep around. Much better to cut their losses. As it is, Maria is just not in love with him anymore. 😂 If they'd continued on and risked having her cover blown...

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16 hours ago, Toodleoo said:


Is that Muamar Gaddafi??

16 hours ago, Spike said:

Why was there a giant bin of corn behind Stacey in that restaurant ?

The restaurant had several hollow glass walls filled w/ different colors of corn as part of the decor. I guess that could be cool...in Iowa?

13 hours ago, Mothra said:

I worry for Michael's safety. 

I was trying to figure out why her accusations of lying seemed so wrong to me--after all, he *was* lying to her--and then I realized that her accusations of lying are setups and "gotcha" situations, not instances of lying about anything that matters. 

Angela is violent and gross. Not trying to excuse the violence! But as someone who has been in a relationship w/ an habitual liar, I can say it will push you to the extreme fringes of sanity. There is no acceptable way to be a liar. And once you see how frequently the person lies, even after imploring him to stop, what he's lying about doesn't even matter anymore. It feels like one slap in the face after another.

As far as his safety....he is free to walk away, right? I'm not ready to assign him victim status yet.  

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On 9/16/2019 at 9:30 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Florian isn't all that. He looks wolfish. Not attractive at all. 

Looks like they were late because Stacy had to get a fresh lip filler. 

"What's your dream wedding Tom?"

"Well, it doesn't include you or your plastic sister, Darcy. Taxi!"

I wish Tom’s reply would have been something like “My dream wedding involves a pair of comfy jeans, a justice of the peace and two cold brewskis.”  I would have given a kidney to see Darcey’s molded plastic face attempt to fall.  

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LOL, she'd probably put that phoney, pained smile on her face and say "oh wow. OK, honey. If that's what you want, I'm happy! (sniffle). No, its fine. Its just that I always envisioned, you know, a church, you know, with flowers (sob) and a Vera Wang dress...." (breaks down bawling)

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23 hours ago, AnnMarie17 said:

(Note:  my husband verbally skewers people on reality TV and when I give him a hard time he always says these people sign a "social contract" when they agree to go on television and, in that contract, they agree to be dragged by viewers.  Last night, as I analyzed Tim out loud to get at what I was seeing, my husband said "ah, so I see you've finally read the contract." 🤣)

Am now printing this paragraph out and taping to the TV.  Everyone in the house can just shut the hell up - IT'S IN THE CONTRACT!

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27 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Darcy on the bridge, so "happy" for Stacy (NOT!).  Most of the Pillowtalk couples predicted her bawling, and Coltee counted down 3...2....1..... and then yup she breaks into tears.

I am a tad confused ,why was that Stacy’s moment she’s been engaged for 3 years and these four were sight seeing?  It’s not like he got on a knee and was asking for her hand. Again no way he’s a model unless he has a bag over his face. I will see myself out now. 

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2 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:
18 hours ago, Spike said:

Why was there a giant bin of corn behind Stacey in that restaurant ?

The restaurant had several hollow glass walls filled w/ different colors of corn as part of the decor. I guess that could be cool...in Iowa?

According to Wikipedia, corn is one of Albania's main agricultural exports.  Who knew.

Kind of reminds me of the Italian restaurant franchises with big metal cans of olive oil and tomato sauce everywhere. 

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6 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I am a tad confused ,why was that Stacy’s moment she’s been engaged for 3 years and these four were sight seeing?  It’s not like he got on a knee and was asking for her hand. Again no way he’s a model unless he has a bag over his face. I will see myself out now. 

Don't show yourself out, just come sit by me! It was ridiculous that these nearly 50 year old women are one still trying to one up each other and two, fighting over the engagement moment that happened 3 years ago and three, Floride...ain't no model.

I can see why the police had to be called to their home a few years ago, had the men not been there I could see that fight turning physical, maybe even an oopsie off the bridge for one or both (seeing how competitive they are, who would make the bigger splash!) and you know there would be hair/weave pulling!

Side note, I am starting to make that duck lip face that Darcy makes when she finishes a sentence but only when I am talking to my son or daughter in law since they were the people that got me hooked on this shit show...they must suffer the duck lip pursing.  

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6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

and three, Floride...ain't no model.

I suppose as a personal trainer he could be a fitness model.  I remember seeing pics with a six or eight pack.  (I have a zero pack.)

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Just now, Spike said:

I suppose as a personal trainer he could be a fitness model.  I remember seeing pics with a six or eight pack.  (I have a zero pack.)

There were photo's of him and he is very fit, something that Darcy is probably pea green with envy about that her sister gets to bump uglies with  but he is a little bit not model good looking, maybe the Silva Sisters can teach him about filters.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

A willing victim for sure, he knows what a lunatic Angela is and yet still wants to buy her fat ass cake apologies.

The only reason I can see that keeps him in this beyond toxic relationship is that she is sending him several hundred dollars a month. This is his job. With the $$$$ she gives him he doesn’t have to work. And it can’t be because she is some hot babe.

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On ‎9‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 4:10 PM, alegtostandon said:

I never felt the voice we heard for "Maria" matched the photoshopped picture we saw. 

Hope this is ok to post here,  I was watching an old episode (2013) of Dr. Phil this morning.  A woman who met the "love of her life" on a dating app. I think he was from Nigeria or Nairobi, something like that.  They had been "dating" for a year,  every plan to meet fell thru,  he owned a construction business & always needed money.  She had sent about $190,000 over the year.  All of his money (6 million dollars) was in an overseas account under her name.  Dr. Phil hired investigators & tried everything to convince her she was being scammed but she refused to believe it.  His phone calls were just like we hear "I love you,  baby".  Then there was group of 3 guys all being scammed by the same person,  beautiful woman from another country,  one guy even proposed & sent an engagement ring based on texts & her picture.  Not only did Dr. Phil find the woman whose picture they received (a girl from US who had no idea her pictures were being used for this)  & brought her on,  he found the person who was initiating the scam. Showed the guy's her picture,  thought they were going to faint.  He could not show the picture on air,  I think he was getting fraud charges started. 

Reminded me so much of what we see on this show. 

This is really interesting @alegtostandon. I posted a response in the Small Talk thread.

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3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I am a tad confused ,why was that Stacy’s moment she’s been engaged for 3 years and these four were sight seeing?  It’s not like he got on a knee and was asking for her hand. Again no way he’s a model unless he has a bag over his face. I will see myself out now. 

Just the topic on the bridge was it such a romantic spot, and yes that was where Stacy was proposed to.  And, gee, jealous Darcy just can't get Tom to pull the trigger there and then.  Then they get into a pissing contest of who is happy for who, or who is "really" wanting the other to be happy.  Dopes!

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On 9/16/2019 at 6:59 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Well, you know, an engagement is a blessing, you know, so you know let me enjoy my 31/2 year moment, you know.  You can, you know, have your white dress moment, you know, because I want mine, you know.

So nothing, they were arguing about nothing, you know?

That flight is just under 3 hours.

Tom said they had been waiting 9 hours to meet up with them.

The first 6 hours was probably waiting for Darcy to get ready...

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When watching this episode my son. 13, asked how old Angela was.   He saw 53 and said,  you look 93..😆😆😆

He's his mother's child.   He routinely says these people are nuts.  It's sad when a 13 year old boy is smarter than these people. 

BTW. He really snarls on Love After Lockup.

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It was very sad for me to see Darcy getting upset when she, Tom, Stacey, and Florian were at the bridge. I could feel her sadness, because I remembered feeling insecure like that after a bad relationship. She needs to give herself time to heal. She puts too much pressure on herself and cracks. I do think it's childish of her to compete with her sister. You can't measure your relationship based of some else's.   I think she and Tom can have a future together if she doesn't force it.

I still think Ben is weird,  but he is growing on me. Fidel sounds like a villain when he talks.

Angela just likes to fight, because she likes to have control in the relationship. She's really going overboard with her dramatic reactions. The day before she was ready to fight a group of men to save Michael and now she's smashing cake in his face. 

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Still feeling that Tom is horseshit. FOUR years of chatting via text with Darcy and he had no idea what he was getting? Right. Darcy is just painful to watch. 

I FF past Angela because I just don't care.

Ben and Akili (sp?): I ff past them from the beginning because I just saw a nerdy guy who couldn't find anyone here so he found an online gal who'd take him for everything he has. I only see clips of his scenes in commercials and think Akili's brother is a clown putting on his best mob attitude on teevee. I have zero clue what is going on with these people and could not possibly care less.

I never get too invested in the people on this program but Avery is such an interesting one. What is she looking for? What is she running away from? She said she was a wild child and then chose life in a culture that puts incredibly heavy restrictions on women. It's as if she felt she needed structure and wanted something to demand that she behave in a certain way. Omar seems very detached and determined to delay this wedding as long as possible. Part of me really feels for Avery. She thought she would marry Omar and live a very sheltered existence from now on and that existence would save her. Her mother is quite ignorant and to me does not have any empathy for the deep crisis that her daughter is mired in. 

Every time I get ready to post about this show, I have to double and triple check that I'm in the right forum. I'll be reading this one and wonder why no one is talking about Jenny and Sumit and then realize it's the wrong show.... 

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