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  1. Why was Mykelti pretending to still be pregnant in her TH? She and Tony lost all the weight after she gave birth right? Having a pillow stuffed into her pants and doing the pregnant belly rub was just weird.
  2. Last night I watched the More to Love version of this episode (well, fast-forwarded through all the old stuff and watched the bonus scenes). There is a big discussion about the term "gaslighting." Christine really doesn't know what it means, and kind of shuts down whenever she hears it being thrown around (you and me both, girl - for different reasons). Savannah and Gwendolyn - who both want to be psychiatrists in the future (revealed in a previous bonus scene) - attempt to explain it to her. I will give Savannah a pass on this one because she is still in high school, and I think her definition of gaslighting is what most teens probably think. Gwen though, being in college and on her way to becoming Dr. Gwendolyn Night Hawk (a whole other discussion in the previous bonus scene 🙄), almost seems to have a worse understanding. Savannah says something along the lines of, "If I went to Gwen and told her that what she did really hurt my feelings, and Gwendolyn says 'it's your fault for getting your feelings hurt, not my fault for hurting them.' That's gaslighting" And Gwendolyn states that it's like someone saying, "you're gaslighting me," and the other person says there is no such thing as gaslighting... well, that is gaslighting. 🤦‍♀️ At the beginning of all this, Gabe starts to talk at the same time as Savannah, but Christine cuts him off and says she wants to hear Savannah's explanation. From the few words that Gabe got out, it sounds like he knew the true definition. Christine should have just let him talk - he is, Christine admits, the smartest of them all (also in the previous bonus scene). On another note, Christine made more than a salad bar for dinner! There was also a pot roast and mac & cheese. Tl;dr. After dinner, they should have a movie night at Garrison's house and watch the 1944 movie, Gaslight.
  3. During the flashback to the commitment ceremony in Vegas when Robyn recited her part and started squeezing out dry tears, is it just me or did it look like Janelle was struggling to suppress a snicker at Robyn's boo-hooing?
  4. Nice! I didn't pick up on Skinny Pete in the last photo!
  5. It is blue crystal meth, Walter White's signature style of meth on Breaking Bad.
  6. They are dressed as characters from the TV show Breaking Bad. Hubby and I have been rewatching it recently, and it never struck me until just now how much Hunter looks like the character Todd (played by Jesse Plemons). I am assuming that is who he is dressed as.
  7. This video popped up on Facebook feed today. Has anyone else seen it?: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/2MXUp4PmeaDRf8Yp/?mibextid=D5vuiz It's a head scratcher on all levels.
  8. Interview with Renee from season 5. Her entire journey/engagement with Carter was filmed, but in the end cut from the show. If the link doesn't work, her interview can be found on Out Of The Pods podcast, hosted by Natalie and Deepti (season 2 contestants). https://spotify.link/Pc6ymDtA1Db
  9. Kody would probably love to one-up Michelle and donate his kidney too, but you know, it has that darned knife in it and all...
  10. Well, this at least clears up the timing of Christine's relationship. She announced she was starting to online date at the end of January, then a week or so later she was head over heels in love with David. But she says here that they started talking in October. She doesn't mention when they actually met in person, but at least the jump from saying she's dating to being in a relationship in a matter of less than 2 weeks doesn't seem as strange. It is also interesting that Janelle says she has "separated from (her) partner" when talking about Kody, while Christine straight-up loves to use the term "divorced". Perhaps psychologically it validates her "marriage" to Kody? Anyway, nice interview. I like Janelle and Christine's relationship and how supportive they are of each other. I love that Christine said she would have supported Janelle either way, whether she had stayed with Kody or not. But "on the inside..." glad that Janelle came to her senses. 😅
  11. Maybe those boxes in Christine's garage did actually have a few books in them? Nah, I refuse to believe that.... https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/230200.html
  12. At the end of this episode, I totally envisioned a balloon flying around as it deflated, landing in pile of poop. What an unsatisfactory ending to this crapfest. I didn't have the ability to rewind and rewatch anything, so please jump in and correct me if I missed something. But did Meri not say that she was about to address the fact that Kodi has been treating her the same way that he is accusing Christine of treating him? Cut to commercial. Back to the show. And then... *insert balloon deflating* Nothing? Janelle all riled up and leaving the conversation after Kody yells at her as per the thousands of commercials leading up to this episode. And then... *insert balloon deflating* she turns around and sits back down. (And then SHE tells Kody "it's ok"). But I do love Janelle gettin' rilly rill about Robyn doing the fake confused face. P.s. We did see a great glimpse of Sobyn, The KoDouche Whisperer when SHE explains to HIM how his strained relationship with the kids is magnified by the divorce.
  13. IIRC, I thought I remembered Janelle mentioning in an earlier episode this season that her plan was to build a garage on her property first, then when she has more funds, she would build an actual house. So eventually, it will be a casita... sort of? Does anyone else remember her talking about this plan, or am I making it all up (a la KoDouche and Sobyn)?
  14. There is a picture of Maddie and Caleb at the wedding over in the Maddie thread.
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