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S14.E09: Week 9: Overnight Dates (Thailand)

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5 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Thailand looks interesting & exotic, but it must be So Hot & everyone looked sweaty with gleaming faces, and when Becca&Garrett were paddling down the river, I thought there must be a lot of bugs flying around.  Becca's hair looked sweaty & damp most of the time.   I like Jason, but his hair drives me nuts, he looks like Al Pacino in "The Godfather".

Yes!   When she and Blake were at dinner, all I could see was the sweat on his upper lip.  Then they kissed.  Gross. 

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4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

There are millions of temples in Thailand and this respect is required around them.  Sorry it's so dull for viewers but this is Thai culture.  I loved the episode.

Oh, I wasn't disparaging Thai culture at all, and I certainly wasn't calling it "dull". I was just observing, as @saber5055 had before me, that the date activities were recycled from past Bachelor/ette seasons. Ashley Hebert was also in Chiang Mai and had the exact same hike and temple date (with Flapjack, I think). @saber5055 and I were calling out the show's lack of originality, not the Thai culture.

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I can't remember being so underwhelmed by a final two, maybe ever. Blake is way too intense and clingy and sets off many, many red flags for me. He seems to have the potential to be very possessive and needy. I think there's a decent, fun guy in there somewhere, but perhaps he needs some therapy to deal with some of his past issues. 

Garrett is so not my type, and seems like the stereotypical dumb jock, but he at least seems sweet and easy going to me. If I didn't know about his social media use, I'd at least think he was a nice guy. I'm still hoping there's a chance that he can have his eyes opened and learn more about the world through this "journey" because I refuse to believe that no one can change and that people are evil because of some dumb opinions they may have/had. If no one can be educated and grow, our society is screwed! 

Becca seems like a nice, well-meaning person but I don't know if either of these relationships will last. I hope for her sake that they do, but Blake will need to lighten up and Garrett will need to evolve a bit and stop talking about his ex (actually, that goes for Becca too). 

I actually don't know why I care - this damn show. The best part of the episode was Blake having to pee and Garrett laughing at him at the end. They actually seemed like real people there for a second. 

Edited by SallyAlbright
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When Blake said I find a reason to stay not go in a relationship it kind of won me over. He looked great when he took his shirt off. Didn’t know he had such a nice bod.

Garrett would have missed out on the fantasy suite had he not declared his love for Becca.  I like that she takes this so seriously and her heart is in the right place. 

I don’t know why she kept saying what she did to Jason is exactly what Ari did to her.  It’s not.  He proposed than changed his mind.  

Garrett has shark eyes. No warmth. 

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24 minutes ago, chocolatine said:
32 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

There are millions of temples in Thailand and this respect is required around them.  Sorry it's so dull for viewers but this is Thai culture.  I loved the episode.

Oh, I wasn't disparaging Thai culture at all, and I certainly wasn't calling it "dull". I was just observing, as @saber5055 had before me, that the date activities were recycled from past Bachelor/ette seasons.

Correct. And I'll add that I don't find Thailand dull either, not in the least. But I sure do think some of the people there (*coughbeccacough*) are dull.

Still hoping for a recycled elephant ride at the end. For some reason I remember Sean/Catherine doing the elephant ride. Somewhere there has to be a list of F1 proposal rides-into-the-sunset.

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28 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t know why she kept saying what she did to Jason is exactly what Ari did to her.  It’s not.  He proposed than changed his mind.  

Yes, I found that baffling too.  She kept using 'blindsided' as the word for what she did to Jason, and what Arie did to her.  But girlfriend is not at all considering the degrees of blindsidedness.  Arie had literally months of behaving and talking, while they were engaged, that formed the base against which he blindsided her.  But she and Jason had, uh, a one-on-one as the base?  Not sure why she's so hyped on the self-flagellation.   

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Beccas voice is grating .. all of last season I thought she had a cold but apparently it's a permanent one . She does have very pretty eyes though . 

But everytime a guy opens up to her , she brings the conversation back to Herself which I noticed several times . 

Beccas gonna be a Des where she floats off and is rarely heard from again after her time on the show is up ( which isn't a bad thing ) . 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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Blake is gonna blow if he isn't picked. It will be epic tv.  Garrett will never leave Becca if she picks him; it will remain to be seen if she sticks with him. 

As for Jason, did he do enough to secure the Bachelor role? IDK.  Thought he handled her rejection well at the dinner table and found it interesting that he didn't black out but still tried to talk her into changing her mind a little. Very self-possessed that one. But he didn't emote enough in the limo, so it was back to Becca's room to try and squeeze out a tear and hand over the arts and crafts project that he was filmed not having on him on the way over. Oh production assistants, I hope you had fun cutting and pasting.

As for Becca, I thought her clothes were pretty cute this episode, for a change. Guess the sequins aren't really apropos in steamy Thailand. 

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The Jason breakup was unnecessarily drawn out and awkward. Should've cut him loose in the afternoon when she had a "weirdness" epiphany brought on by her own flirting...ok?

Man, all the schmoopy love stuff with Garrett is awkward now knowing he has KKK tendencies. The river raft thing looked fun though.

Blake trying not to pee his pants in the garden was the most suspenseful part of the ep.

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

Why is she pausing as if we’re wondering who she’s going to pick? We know who you’re giving the two roses to, dumbass.

God I hate this show.  It has to be the most stupid show ever.  Why would anyone go on this show and look like an ass?  I am no shrinking violet but even I find the filming of her (or him) in bed with different men (or women) to be so trashy.  GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I know the show was filmed prior to the cave tragedy, but it would have been lovely of ABC to have perhaps had a tag at the end. Maybe a donation  for the family of the Thai Navy SEAL who died trying to save the boys, or for the boys' families, or something to acknowledge what happened after they left Thailand.

Becca, please don't live in the drama ALL THE TIME. Sending Jason home because you didn't feel it does not equal an engagement that was broken. Which, by the way, most of us have tuned out by now, because that's old news and worse things happen to people. 

I like Jason, but it did seem like a set-up to for him be the Bachelor when Becca was going on and on about how different he is than any other man on earth, and how he deserves happiness and love, and all the other Bachelor tropes. Time will tell.

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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Arie. *drink* Blindsided *drink* x 2

Oh, vomit. Jason give Becca a scrapbook. Gah. Becca should be like Emily was to Arie and hand it back, unopened.

Jason has a bad bowlegged thing going on.

"...bad bowlegged thing going on."   What does that mean?  I haven't heard the term...

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3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one having a case of deja vu. The trail and temple where you're not allowed to kiss and touch was on Ashley's season.

If there was ever a time for the Bachelorette to choose herself, this is it. Blake - "I know none of the other guys love her like I do" - is raising all kinds of alarms for me. And Garrett ... is Garrett.

Or eating deep fried insects (I don't remember which season)...

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All I could think of with Blake standing there having to acknowledge that, yes, Garrett still exists and may take away his "win" was that he realllly seemed like the jealous type. The kind of guy that would blame you because that guy across the room won't stop looking at you, and probably later on make a scene about it. I could just feel the waves of jealousy coming off of him during Garrett's totally inappropriate (but so awesome!) toast.

What a choice she has ahead of her, I think she'll pick Forrest err Garrett and regret it later. Maybe she'll break it off saying she has to go back and see if she and Jason could have possibly "gotten there". Oh the irony.

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Jason just got a nice fat Bachelor try-out. Coming back, giving her the deep and emotional "love journey" album, and her voice-over as he walks away about how any woman who gets him needs to treat him like a King... yup, next bachelor.

I won't mind him as Bachelor, he seems like a decent guy -- if he gets the mafia-style grease out of his hair.  I sure couldn't take a season of either Garrett (god, that grin is ridiculous) or Blake (slightly scary intensity).

I really got the feeling Garret was forcing himself to proclaim love. He was grinning like a total doofus right up to the "big moment" so I can't take anything he burbles out too seriously. And does he burble! He has such a mush-mouth. Thank goodness for CC.

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Really? Seriously? Does Becca actually believe that either of these two guys will even be with her a year from now? Garrett is a total nightmare. He seems like an insincere fool. And the other one (Blake?) doesn't seem ready to settle down forever with one woman. The whole batch were like frat boys. 

What a joke. Whoever she picks, I think it will be the shortest relationship (after the final episode) in the show's history. 

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When Becca was talking about loving both of them I said aloud, "girl, TREAT YO SELF, have them both." The three of them together might add up to enough personality to equal a normal couple's charisma. 

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I, uh . . . yeah, I'm underwhelmed.  I like Blake and detest Garrett but I am genuinely concerned she may pick Garrett.  Jason was the clear choice.  Nice Bach audition, tho.  Hope he gets it.  

I've enjoyed this season and don't find Becca dull.  She 's also much prettier than I thought she was last season and she's been a nice, genuine, stable lead.  But honestly, figuring out what she sees in mumblemouth dimbulb Garrett is a head-scratcher.  

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Remember in the early seasons, Harrison would give the contestants an out by telling them that if they couldn't see themselves potentially married to the B or B-ette, they could bail then and there?  As I recall, a few took him up on it and ducked out, saving themselves from further participation in a potential  trainwreck. Too bad that wasn't an option for Becca early on since she was presented with the most poorly vetted bunch of creeps, famewhores, producer plants, and just plain undesirables ever assembled at the mansion. After she was unceremoniously dumped, you'd think Fleiss & Co..would have made some sort of attempt to find a few somewhat sincere decent guys for her. No such luck. Apparently good marriage material has zero interest in appearing on this show nowadays. It's past its prime and rapidly approaching its expiration date. The time has come to put the  B/ B-ette franchise out of its misery. 

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8 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t know why she kept saying what she did to Jason is exactly what Ari did to her.  It’s not.  He proposed than changed his mind.  

I found myself thinking the same thing as above - Becca dumped Jason before the suit and the gaudy ring were even a point of discussion - Arie dumped her on national TV after telling her months before that she was the one.  Not even remotely close to the same scenario, outside of the dumping.  TImeline is the factor here.

The other thing I noticed:  Both these guys are in sales - not sure what Blake sells, but Garrett is in medical devices.  So she definitely had a type here.  I've been spoiled, and I can see how it's been edited to fit the ending.

ETA:  Dear hubby and I watch this together - he and I have taken to calling Jason 'the Mook' because he comes off like a character (a benevolent character) in a NYC drama.  I think it's the slicked back hair.  He's ok, I guess.

Edited by b2H
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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Goodbye Jason is a dreamboat and what a swagger as he walks into the sunset!  Wowser!  I hope he is the next bachelor!

Im one of those folks who hate the recycled contestants, but as long as they take the grease out of his hair, I find jason to be so handsome and I think hes got a decent job--I wouldnt mind him as bachelor :)

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I feel like Becca isn’t in love with any of these guys, she just loves the attention. I did feel most of the previous Bachelorettes fell in love but I think Becca is still thinking about Arie. Or maybe she’s just dull.

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23 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I feel like Becca isn’t in love with any of these guys

I wouldn't blame her in the least. Her final four sucked. I quite like Becca but she has the absolute worst taste in men. She had some really great options at the beginning and we ended up with the Meathead and the Unstable One. She just couldn't see herself running her fingers through Greasy's hair, so he's out. And her fake BFF was fake in love with the other Meathead so he had to go finish that "love story" over on Paradise.

I wasn't going to watch this ep, since I don't care about any of the guys left but I'm glad I did just to a) see her dump a guy moments before he got laid. (poor Jason, so close to sexy times and *poof* it's gone) and b) to watch Jason's audition video so I'd know if I'm watching next season. I'm not. I can't deal with him. I don't get what people see in him. He's very, very average.

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I do find Jason to be average looking but I think he'd make a good bachelor ( even though he'll be hated as much as every other lead ). Blake is better looking to me but he'd be a terrible lead . 

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11 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Thailand looks interesting & exotic, but it must be So Hot & everyone looked sweaty with gleaming faces, and when Becca&Garrett were paddling down the river, I thought there must be a lot of bugs flying around.  Becca's hair looked sweaty & damp most of the time.   I like Jason, but his hair drives me nuts, he looks like Al Pacino in "The Godfather".

All I could think was how dirty the water must be. Groups of people eating at tables in the water (?) and the elephants....

I'd be keeping my mouth closed, and shower as soon as I got off that raft.

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A couple  of things stood out to me.

1.  Blake saying that he "made love" to Becca made me cringe. (This is when they are lying in bed and he's toying with her robe and she said 'he was in his head').  He just seems so smary and one straw away from blowing up.

2.  A treehouse?  That's cool!  Much better than a tent in the desert.  I wonder if it was air-conditioned. 

Also, I wonder how many days she gets before the first overnight.  I was thinking that her massive over-reaction to dumping Jason because she was massively jet-lagged.

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44 minutes ago, phlebas said:

Poor Jason. All the way to Thailand and he doesn't get a tour of the Bonk Barn. I hope they let him stand up for the flight back.

GOODBYE. For real though, you're already sleeping with 2 dudes in a week but Jason is too many? He's hot and she doesn't really seem to care about or recognize any of their emotions unless they threaten her self-image, so to throw a prom-style tantrum and arbitrarily invoke a moral crisis makes no sense. Just hit it and quit it like everyone else. Kaitlyn did it and no one cared.

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I have always been a wrong reasons watcher. Something about this season has turned me into a hate watcher. I never even understood what hate watching was before - now I do. I saw Bachelorette in my Hulu queue this morning and thought, "Oh god - two hours of this bitch?" Sigh.

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Well, I must be on my own little island, but I think we have 4 viable Bachelors here depending on which route the producers want to go:

- Colton, Virgin Bachelor (low-hanging fruit)

- Jason, Heartfelt Italian Stallion (this is just an assumption but I am running with it)

- Blake or Garrett, as one of them is being set up be to be "blindsided" Ari-style by Becca

I think her final four are all reasonably good-looking, nice, and seem into her on some level.

Jason got the best Bachelor audition I've ever seen, and he didn't have to do much. Becca's effusive praise for him could only indicate that the producers are leaning hard that way. I've never heard a lead speak so highly of someone they couldn't even bother to take into a Fantasy Suite. I'm not complaining. Based on my personal tastes, Jason was the obvious choice and I have no idea how you didn't wrangle that guy into a bedroom. But hey, different strokes. If I was thin/unemployed/naive enough, I'd try out for Jason. I nearly did it for Nick (still my fav).

Blake is being telegraphed as the obvious winner. Most of the time, the obvious plays out on the Bachelorette. See: Jojo, Rachel, Kaitlyn, and Andi. The only surprise in recent memory was Des actually picking Chris after the Brooks debacle. I hope Blake's the one. I don't think he'll survive it otherwise.

Garrett doesn't seem as "present" as Blake in every moment, but I think he has more natural chemistry with Becca. They look like they float around together effortlessly, while Blake is gripping her for dear life. Garrett has a strangely, naturally smiley-face look about him, which makes him come off as insincere. The smile is just his face shape but it doesn't always reach his eyes. That's a worse curse than resting bitch face, IMO.

I continue to like Becca and find her to be a sincere, thoughtful lead. She doesn't lead people on. But geez, dear, stop with the self-flagellation. You're in no way like Arie. You didn't accept a marriage proposal and then start texting the runner up and then blindside your fiance on camera and belittle the engagement by saying that "hanging out" with your freaking fiance put the potential resurrection of a dead relationship in jeopardy. No one is that big an asshole. The less I hear about Grampa Arie from now on the better, please.

I appreciate how non-plastic Becca looks. She looked just as lovely in the morning shots with no makeup and pajamas. I don't think she'll famewhore around after this round. I'll miss her, but I am ok with that. WTF was up with that treehouse?! Zero privacy. Yikes.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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So I admit it. I watched the first episode, and then skipped the rest and just checked in to see this one. Of course I've been following along here :)

Was Jason ON the first episode? Did he say ANYTHING? And I have to say I do not see his hotness. He has greasy hair and a big nose (duck).

And can someone really really be in love with 2 or 3 people or do they make them say that?

Edited by dleighg
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3 minutes ago, dleighg said:

So I admit it. I watched the first episode, and then skipped the rest and just checked in to see this one. Of course I've been following along here :)

Was Jason ON the first episode? Did he say ANYTHING? And I have to say I do not see his hotness. He has greasy hair and a big nose (duck).

And can someone really really be in love with 2 or 3 people or do they make them say that?

Partway through the season Becca forgot Jason’s name on a group date, so that tells you everything you need to know about their journey. Of course Becca tried to play it off that she was so enamoured by Jason that she got nervous and couldn’t remember his name, but no one believed that.

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13 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Yes, I found that baffling too.  She kept using 'blindsided' as the word for what she did to Jason, and what Arie did to her.  But girlfriend is not at all considering the degrees of blindsidedness.  Arie had literally months of behaving and talking, while they were engaged, that formed the base against which he blindsided her.  But she and Jason had, uh, a one-on-one as the base?  Not sure why she's so hyped on the self-flagellation.   

9 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I continue to like Becca and find her to be a sincere, thoughtful lead. She doesn't lead people on. But geez, dear, you're in no way like Arie. You didn't accept a marriage proposal and then start texting the runner up and then blindside your fiance on camera and belittle the engagement by saying that "hanging out" with your freaking fiance put the potential resurrection of a dead relationship in jeopardy. No one is that big an asshole. 

OK, quoting myself here in the top quote, but I want to add based on continued reading of the comments.  I realized that with Becca equating what Arie did, with just 'blindsiding', she is simultaneously inadvertently doing two things: 1) minimizing the real sh*t of what Arie did 2) negatively tainting the normal concept of ending it with one of the final four who of course doesn't see it coming.  Every single Bach/ette who gets this far is technically 'blindsided'...that's the nature of the show, because they are falling for someone who then ends it when they are not expecting it to happen.  So while it's legit to feel bad for the person that got blindsided because they are hurt, and by extension to feel somewhat bad about yourself for having caused the person pain, I don't think it's legit to find fault with yourself for simply having done the blindsiding because there was nothing wrong with that.

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13 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Why is she pausing as if we’re wondering who she’s going to pick? We know who you’re giving the two roses to, dumbass.

I know. That whole "rose ceremony" was so stupid and a huge time waster. Why not just say, "Hey guys, here are your roses. If you want 'em, come'n get'em."

13 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Yes, I found that baffling too.  She kept using 'blindsided' as the word for what she did to Jason, and what Arie did to her.  But girlfriend is not at all considering the degrees of blindsidedness.  Arie had literally months of behaving and talking, while they were engaged, that formed the base against which he blindsided her.  But she and Jason had, uh, a one-on-one as the base?  Not sure why she's so hyped on the self-flagellation.  

She's just following the script that TPTB gave her. She's only the b-ette because of how horrible Ari was to her so that theme has to continue through this weak season where nothing else is happening.

13 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

But everytime a guy opens up to her , she brings the conversation back to Herself which I noticed several times . 

I was watching her eyes. She's dead eyed when any of the men are talking, but when the convo turns to how great she is, her eyes light up and she actually SMILES. Otherwise, she just stares at the guy like she's zoned out into some trance. Even when the guy is talking about some major life trauma that has kept his "walls up."

13 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Garrett will never leave Becca if she picks him; it will remain to be seen if she sticks with him. 

I don't know. His marriage with a long-time girlfriend lasted a whopping two months. I don't see him being any more smitten with Becca than anyone else. But personally, I don't care if they last or if Becca even "finds love."

2 hours ago, Evenshorter said:

All I could think was how dirty the water must be.

I was posting that same thing last night, then the Internet ate my post. Yeah, disease water was all I could think. And no one knew it was some Thailand national holiday? Riiiiiight ...

2 hours ago, LBS said:

Blake saying that he "made love" to Becca made me cringe.

Did he really say that? Gah. I was doing other things while this was on so wasn't paying attention. Sometimes that's the best way to watch/not watch this show.

23 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Blake is being telegraphed as the obvious winner.

In my experience, that means he is not.

2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Kaitlyn did it and no one cared.

I wouldn't say "no one cared." She caught plenty of heat for it, and still does, even though she appears to be back in B-Nation's good graces.

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15 hours ago, saber5055 said:


Jason has a bad bowlegged thing going on.

Jason has skinny legs and slicked back hair.  Don't like.  I thought Colton was the cutest of all the Bachelors.  Would like to see him as the next Bachelor.

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Another round of fantasy date cards with "forgo" misspelled. 


2 hours ago, LBS said:

2.  A treehouse?  That's cool!  Much better than a tent in the desert.  I wonder if it was air-conditioned.

After watching them sweat through every other scene in this whole episode, I was horrified at the thought they'd have to sleep in a place without air conditioning in that heat and humidity.

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It was telling when Becca stated that she generally dated not nice men and Jason was on of the nicest men she has ever known so she couldn't figure out why she was letting him go.  Becca has a type-whether it's a bad boy type or some other trope that represents not good choices.  And, she most likely will choose someone else along the same lines.  At least she recognizes that she doesn't choose the "best" men to date and that Jason was a good man.  But, wow, does that say something about the two she has left.

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13 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Another round of fantasy date cards with "forgo" misspelled. 


After watching them sweat through every other scene in this whole episode, I was horrified at the thought they'd have to sleep in a place without air conditioning in that heat and humidity.

I did a 3 day trek several years ago outside of Chiang Mai (after doing the bamboo raft) and it was very chilly at night.

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1 minute ago, Shampognay said:

I did a 3 day trek several years ago outside of Chiang Mai (after doing the bamboo raft) and it was very chilly at night.

Aah, good to know.  But it looked like they just had sheets and nothing else on the bed in the morning, and sleeping in high humidity when a sheet is all the bedclothes necessary is miserable for me. 

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3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I do find Jason to be average looking but I think he'd make a good bachelor ( even though he'll be hated as much as every other lead ). Blake is better looking to me but he'd be a terrible lead . 

I'll have to guess choice C(olton) in this scenario.

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