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S12.E18: The Real Vikings Of Orange County

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24 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

In most cases I’m hopeful that people will resolve things without divorce. Even Shannon.

But man, David is being a douche. 

I can't figure out the last scene with David & Shannon. Did David or the kids not take care of Archie? Shannon was complaining that Archie had not eaten. Did no one walk Archie while she was in Iceland?

What was with David showing off his workout on the rings?

These 2 are very upset with each other. I think the family pictures were put in the scene on purpose.

Shannon should have listened to the Doctor & taking her pills. Complaining about David's low Libido is highly inappropriate.

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Shannon talking about her sex life reminded me of a Wanda Sykes comedy special where she said something along the lines of maybe the person is just all "fucked out" as in been there done that, love you and all but no thanks. Affection is one thing, sex is quite another.

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2 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Wow, Peggy Is high as a kite ( on pills I would presume) she can hardly keep her eyes open when she is talking to Lydia.

    I thought so at first too but then noticed fake eyelashes were enormous. I think they weighed her lids down.

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1 hour ago, jaybird2 said:

what i didn't understand was why didn't she immediately take archie to the vet.  i know i would take my cat to vet regardless of how my husband felt.

            I assumed he didn’t eat and acted strange because he missed Shannon. I had a Lab like that. It always took him a few days to get back to normal.

51 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Peggy is upset that Vicki didn’t have her back.  I mean, really?!  She knows nothing about these women.  Especially Vicki the casserole whore.

    Not just upset but BETRAYED. They have been friends for five minutes. Pegs thinks because she nursed Vicky back to health that she owes her or something.

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Lol obv Peggy was implying something by saying she heard Megan’s kid crying. Come on Peggy it’s obv don’t try denying it now. 

Poor Shannon she needs to kick David to the curb. Not taking care of Archie that’s messed up.  He was being so rude about it too. Also Someone who has had an affair who has a low libido with the wife is a bad thing like really bad. 

Vicki eff off pls.

Im not totally hating  Dodd lol. 

Peggy needs to go and  be ripped to shreds at the reunion lol.

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3 hours ago, Chicklet said:

Yea Peggy is stoned or losing her mind. Kelly bugs but she had a point- How in hell did Peggy get into UCLA?

I'm ~5 years younger than Peggy.  When I was applying to colleges UCLA was my safety school.  It was pretty easy to get into for California residents -- it's not like it's Berkeley.  They had a rubric where you could look up your SAT scores and your GPA and see if you'd get in (assuming there was room, and back then there was room, it's more competitive now).  If you were a CA resident you only needed a C GPA and semi-decent SAT scores to meet minimum requirements.  The UCs were also still doing affirmative action back when she would have applied too, so that may have helped depending on the demographics of the applicant pool.  I have no problem believing she could get in.  Her graduating with an English degree is another story.

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2 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

LOL!  And you’re a little odd - Meghan to Peggy. 

Vicki's dress looked better than that Wyonna Judd denim jacket Peggy was wearing.

Geez, what was with that jacket look? It was like she wanted to look like an 80's hair band member... appearing on an episode of Behind the Music. Scraggly hair, patchy makeup, and outdated ripped denim from past glory days.

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I find much of this Icelandic nonsense to be not at all entertaining. My mum, a subSaharan African woman, lived in Norway for a number of years. She even became a merchant marine. One of their first female merchant marines. She primarily sailed on a three master schooner. Every once in a while we'll get a call from an old crewmate of hers. It's way weird, but also impressive.

We've barely seen anything of fun Iceland on this trip because these cows are either fighting or having nonsense crises.

I've got to lmafo at Vicki saying that she'd never get mad at Peggy, but still alienating and isolating Peggy is fine. Congrats you're a saint Vicki.

Edited by HunterHunted
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The dialogue between Shannon and David resonated much differently with me. When she starts gasp-whispering in a slightly muted but still characteristically histrionic fashion about Archie's health and asking about his eating in her absence, David interpreted those exclamations as criticisms. Wonder why! It's not as if she wears a perennial expression of disgruntlement when she interacts with him or anything, even over banal topics like his after-work snacks. So he sardonically relied that he let the kids run wild and said he had spent the entire period she was gone working out because that's how she portrayed his fitness routine to on camera to Tamra and Eddie. 

As for her request that he attend Meghan and Jim's party ... at this point, he's participated five years running in his wife's reality television career to the extent of having his family's dirty laundry aired on national television. All of that was his choice, of course, but I think he's been very supportive in providing Shannon with the necessary footage to aide her in this project that's clearly been of value to her - he even performed that perverted exercise in which he play-acted delivering Shannon's eulogy. He's been maligned as a wife beater as a major plot point when Shannon said she, in fact, drunkenly attacked him.

Now, he finds himself the subject of misrepresentation by Diko ... and it's a mystery why he might be reluctant to do anything but minimize his filming? 

I also have to wonder if Shannon had resumed her progesterone regimen prior to her scenery-chewing pyrotechnics at Peggy in the preview. 

I cringed at Shannon's attempts to embarrass David by noting his low libido on camera to her doctor ... all it did was emphasize her obliviousness/denial-laden desperation.

What man isn't turned on at chastisement for eating chips before a 300-calorie quinoa bowl, constant crying and "oh! so it's all my fault, huh?" defensiveness, and Grey Goose-soaked sighing about how another drink is necessary for copulation?

Tamra's foundational self was on display tonight with the malicious glee during the Peggy confrontation and hissing at Kelly for attempting to defuse the situation. "But she DID!" 

I don't find Peggy nearly as problematic as most and think she brings interesting elements to the group dynamic. I still think the lackluster arc of the season is because the main players have brought little that is new to the narrative and the conflict has by definition thus revolved around Lydia and Peggy, both of whom have styles of combat that only work if they're a supplement to the central disputes rather than the banner fights themselves. 

Peggy would be kind of refreshing in anothe season because she doesn't scream and yell face to face. But sequestering herself for an entire day of the trip plus walking out of the restaurant plus leaving on an early flight plus not tearing into Vicki at their luncheon all constitute really bizarre choices. Where was her on-set producer? It's also particularly odd since Evolution has been lauding how much she would bring it in Iceland. 

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27 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

When I'm in a cold place and going to a casual event, I like to put on a dress so short you can tell if I'm ovulating that also features a big open slit so my breast will be extra perky from the cold.  Either that or I squeeze myself into something three sizes too small with an open weave looking design.  Of course, a long, off the shoulder ball gown is also a good choice.   And very high heels so I can complain that I can't walk, especially if I know I will be walking on wood boards and gravel.  You knw, I dress sensibly for the occasion.

Absolutely! They are so clueless in every way... from appropriate dressing to manners, just to name a few things. Don’t most people research the weather conditions of their destination and pack accordingly? Not these nutcases. 

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On 11/5/2017 at 1:12 AM, HunterHunted said:

Well, of course. Armenian babies know they are loved. Armenian breast milk is filled with love and Christianity. So I say to Meghan "Why your baby cry? Why she cry? What you feed your baby? It's not love. It's not love." I hear baby Is-pen...Is-a-pen...As-a-pen cry and cry and cry. I holds her lips together. She still cry. She must not be fed love. That's the only explanation for As-a-pen crying. No love.


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I'm eager for the reunion to see how all the relationships end.   I won't prepare a full casting wish-list until then as I think it will be an interesting and maybe enlightening show. 

I believe someone posted earlier that Peggy, Lydia, and Meghan aren't asked back but didn't provide a source.  I'm not so sure all are out.  Sorta feels that way, but you never know with these shows.  Going with the known vs. new attempts is risky....and relationships change.

Edited by Jextella
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While I agree that Peggy recording her coworkers is insane, it is not OK to ferberize a baby in a motel.

Does Meagan and her nanny even consider the people in the next room?

so fucking rude, imho. They are on vacation to relax not to be bothered by a crying baby.

And the 35 years old giraffe needs to stop saying that mothering is so hard. 

stay home or leave your baby home.

I hope that she will realize that she is incredibly lucky in her circumstances.

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I would shove Peggy’s mobile cellular device where even the exalted Armenian Sun does not shine.  Recording your co workers without their consent is a bitch move.  I’m glad Tamra served her up a shit sandwich for attempting to stir it with Megan. Screw you Eric Cartman, Peggy is going home.  Did she say on her private jet?  Hard to tell since she seems functionally illiterate.

Bravo pays for these trips.  They pay you to participate, which includes the entire day you sat out, and the long miserable trip back.  Peggy walked out on her job twice.  Fire her stringy ass.  

God Shannon, stop being such a drama queen and take the damn dog (which did not seem to be in distress) to the vet.  Stop with the nagging and harping at David.  I’ll never buy he’s the only problem.  Shanon is a controlling drama queen.  Same as Vicki,but with a decent brain and a kernel of self awareness.  

Vicki go straight home.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200.00.  Get a new stylist that won’t put you in a three sizes too small bodycon dress from 1992.  Talk about dang old dumps like a truck.  It’s not cute.

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53 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

I would shove Peggy’s mobile cellular device where even the exalted Armenian Sun does not shine.  Recording your co workers without their consent is a bitch move.  I’m glad Tamra served her up a shit sandwich for attempting to stir it with Megan. Screw you Eric Cartman, Peggy is going home.  Did she say on her private jet?  Hard to tell since she seems functionally illiterate.

Bravo pays for these trips.  They pay you to participate, which includes the entire day you sat out, and the long miserable trip back.  Peggy walked out on her job twice.  Fire her stringy ass.  

God Shannon, stop being such a drama queen and take the damn dog (which did not seem to be in distress) to the vet.  Stop with the nagging and harping at David.  I’ll never buy he’s the only problem.  Shanon is a controlling drama queen.  Same as Vicki,but with a decent brain and a kernel of self awareness.  

Vicki go straight home.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200.00.  Get a new stylist that won’t put you in a three sizes too small bodycon dress from 1992.  Talk about dang old dumps like a truck.  It’s not cute.

Meh. If Peggy went home by herself, I doubt that it was miserable.

I think that her problem is twofold:

One she is recovering from a trying surgery and is not in the state of mind for bullshit.

Two, those harpies are not used to diversity and therefore pick on her.

While I am not positive that her accent is entirely authentic, I am often made fun of because of my accent and weird syntax. It is unpleasant to say the least.

Still, Peggy  is not a good addition to the mix imo. Diko will have to find another ways to shill his rims.

PS: Tamra is lucky that Peggy is a lady. If she would have called anyone else husband “a little bitch”, there would have been blood drawn

Yes, Tamra is a Christian all right!

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6 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

OMG she just got up from the table and walked away!  I don't even think she excused herself or told anyone, she just blanked the entire table and walked out.  Then when you see Peggy on the bus saying I am going myself, out of nowhere you see there is another person already seated on the bus and it's Vicki!  She was out there sitting the whole time!  What a coward.  She really does leave people high and dry.  I am surprised Peggy did not lay into her more at their lunch, seemed like she kind of accepted Vicki's explanation but that entire lunch was weird.  Vicki is just a fair weather friend.  Wants to do shots and woo hoo, would never actually be there for you.

And OMG that dress.  No.  Why.

Running through my head are alternate-universe sitcom opening credits, set to the "Friends" theme song but featuring wacky clips of Vicki. "Your job's a joke, your eyes broke, your love life's DOAaaaaaaa..."

Edited by ivygirl
“Your eyes broke” is obviously a typo but it seems like something Vicki would complain about so I’m leaving it
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24 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Back in the OC, Lydia's mom is ruining mashed potatoes with her fairy dust and Briana is dropping truth bombs. Vicki - "I will never tell anyone's business again". Briana - "Yes, you will!!!" Vicki - "Well, they shouldn't tell me their business then!" You're right about that. 

Typical Vicky - blaming everyone else for her bad behavior.

Also, Peggy is DEEELUSIONAL.

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11 hours ago, ivygirl said:

“Between you, me, and the fence post...”

Uh, Vicks? You’re sitting at a table full of people with cameras all around you. That phrase is about the exact opposite of what you meant.

At least Peggy wasn’t there to say, “what fence post? What is fence post? Pfft.”

The fence post is smarter than Peggy...

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