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Nicole & Azan: Supersize My Tagine

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As they might say in the South, 'That girl ain't right." I think she is not a few but many sandwiches short of a picnic and in no way fit to be a mother or wife. I don't know whether to summon Child or Adult Protective Services first. 

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It said during last week's show, that Nicole would be leaving for home in 5 days..I wonder if Azan is leaving with her? He did tell his aunt that he was nervous about coming here I think?  He didn't say when that would be though. If he doesn't come here soon, then why are they even on the show this year I wonder? The rest have all been in the US for a while.

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22 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

It said during last week's show, that Nicole would be leaving for home in 5 days..I wonder if Azan is leaving with her? He did tell his aunt that he was nervous about coming here I think?  He didn't say when that would be though. If he doesn't come here soon, then why are they even on the show this year I wonder? The rest have all been in the US for a while.

No. They are still discussing applying for the visa so he doesn't have it and given he is from North Africa with no job he would most likely not be granted for a tourist visa.

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On 11/28/2017 at 10:25 AM, gonecrackers said:

Nicole is out of her mind, but Azan knows what he's got with her & continues on with this mess.

I really felt sorry for May. The girl was trying to distract her by doing her nails but was watching Nicole stomp around & she seemed scared. 

Maybe the grandmother could petition for guardianship after viewing this.  Nicole is not safe to be set loose in any society, never mind be raising a child.

Imho..May had the look that she has seen this from Mommy before and that it wouldn't end well.

On 11/30/2017 at 1:07 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

No tagine is big enough to contain the contempt Azan has for Nicole. 

I can only imagine how his family can’t wait to be rid of the whingeing hippopotamus that has been eating them out of house and home. Nicole has singlehandedly tested the limits of the gracious hospitality that Middle Easterners and  North Africans are world renowned for.

May was probably pure pleasure for them, but due to her mother’s lack of parenting and structure and laziness, Family Azan were stuck regularly making sandwiches in the middle of the night to quiet a crying child. Nicole was the embodiment of The Guest from Hell. 

It seemed when May had a sandwich during the night that Nicole was also.

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I am vegan, so if that aunt presented me with  a goat head for dinner, then I would've ran for the hills.  OMG.  But, watching Nicole absolutely  cracked me up.  That was reality tv gold.  The teeth, the teeth!

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I watch this show here and there, so I have missed a lot, but I caught the part where Nicole said "we finally figured out what the problem was with Mae .. she was hungry".  Isn't Mae 3 years old? At 3 years old, both of my kids were not only able to tell me they were hungry, they were conversational , but I also spent a lot of time with them.    I'm pretty sure I remember, at their check ups, the pediatrician asking if they were saying at least 50 to 100 words by 24 months, so if she's well past that and can't say "I'm hungry", then she's behind.  

As far as potty training, that's a tough one.  My first born was out of diapers before 2, but the second one had no interest in using the potty.  I had to catch her in the act! LOL  She'd sneak off into another part of the room and get quiet, but as soon as her eyes would get watery, I knew it was time to scoop her up and put her on the potty.  Potty training can be work, and I have no doubt Nicole can't be bothered, and it's easier for her to just allow Mae to stay in diapers.  

All that being said, Mae is as cute as a button!  I just want to pinch those little cheeks!

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I have no recent personal experience with raising a toddler.  But yesterday, while waiting for our car to be serviced, we were in the waiting area with a young woman and her toddler daughter.  The child was responding in complete, easy-for-a-stranger-to-understand sentences.  At one point, she said, "Mommy, I gotta go potty."  When they returned from the restroom, I asked the mom, "How old is she?"  She was 2 1/2.  Even allowing for differences in development, this child was WAY past Mae.  And I don't blame Mae for that.

What was really cute was when they were leaving . . . the toddler wanted to carry Mom's backpack.  It was NOT light, and it was approximately the same size as the toddler - back of her head to her feet.  But that little girl was DETERMINED, and she carried it out to the car on her back.  

So maybe I don't hate kids after all . . . just not fond of bratty ones on TV shows.  Or their parents.

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Azan is right, Nicole is lazy. Too lazy to take charge of her health and lazy parenting. She's perfectly fine with leaving  her child with others to take care of, so she doesn't have to.  Too lazy to deal with the overdue fallout that is sure to ensue when she yanks that pacifier out of May's mouth. And too lazy to actually interact with her child. It's so much easier to keep her plugged in and plugged up. 

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I don’t get the Danielle and Mo vibe from them, other than being overexposed.  I’m bored by their story and I didn’t see their first go around.  He’s going to get to America and we will see the same things....whining poor behavior and lots of fries.  

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On 12/8/2017 at 0:09 AM, DaisyMae2011 said:

I watch this show here and there, so I have missed a lot, but I caught the part where Nicole said "we finally figured out what the problem was with Mae .. she was hungry".  Isn't Mae 3 years old? At 3 years old, both of my kids were not only able to tell me they were hungry, they were conversational , but I also spent a lot of time with them.    I'm pretty sure I remember, at their check ups, the pediatrician asking if they were saying at least 50 to 100 words by 24 months, so if she's well past that and can't say "I'm hungry", then she's behind.  

As far as potty training, that's a tough one.  My first born was out of diapers before 2, but the second one had no interest in using the potty.  I had to catch her in the act! LOL  She'd sneak off into another part of the room and get quiet, but as soon as her eyes would get watery, I knew it was time to scoop her up and put her on the potty.  Potty training can be work, and I have no doubt Nicole can't be bothered, and it's easier for her to just allow Mae to stay in diapers.  

All that being said, Mae is as cute as a button!  I just want to pinch those little cheeks!


On 12/8/2017 at 7:33 AM, AZChristian said:

I have no recent personal experience with raising a toddler.  But yesterday, while waiting for our car to be serviced, we were in the waiting area with a young woman and her toddler daughter.  The child was responding in complete, easy-for-a-stranger-to-understand sentences.  At one point, she said, "Mommy, I gotta go potty."  When they returned from the restroom, I asked the mom, "How old is she?"  She was 2 1/2.  Even allowing for differences in development, this child was WAY past Mae.  And I don't blame Mae for that.

What was really cute was when they were leaving . . . the toddler wanted to carry Mom's backpack.  It was NOT light, and it was approximately the same size as the toddler - back of her head to her feet.  But that little girl was DETERMINED, and she carried it out to the car on her back.  

So maybe I don't hate kids after all . . . just not fond of bratty ones on TV shows.  Or their parents.

I posted the following "rant" on the episode thread, and thought it would be appropriate here as well for some specific answers/information, so please forgive the "double dipping", but I agree with you both 100%!!!

@AZChristian, I bet the mom in the waiting area probably had a book or something to engage her wee one, right? And I'm pretty sure that you and I are distantly related somehow because I read a lot of what you write re: kids/behavior and I agree with everything you post! I know people say "it will be different when they're your own", but  I LOVE to sleep in on the weekends, not take my future/unborn/imaginary kids to a soccer game. 

From the episode post:

I know some posters have tried to figure out May's "real time" age vs. her age when filming, but let's just assume May was 3 years old when they filmed. Is it normal for a 3 year old to still need/use a pacifier? I don't have kids yet, but it doesn't seem normal to me. 

Seeing May "plugged in" at what looks like a family meal in the previews for next week pissed me off beyond belief. Whatever happened to talking/interacting with children or bringing a coloring book/crayons so they are engaged in some type of activity?  I don't mean to stereotype parents of all young ones (but that's the demographic that I see the most who stick their kids in front of screens) but Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Nicole, stop with the screens and talk to May since you apparently  have SO MUCH to talk about! 

I also have yet to hear May say anything other than "Daddy." Does she speak? Has anyone heard her say more than one word on any of these episodes? She's the one I feel bad for, so while it might look like I'm harping on her, I'm legitimately concerned for her overall development. Being in front of a screen constantly and not engaged in conversation are two ways to ensure that a toddler will most likely struggle with speech.

Even with the language difference at the Auntie's house, surely there was a way for May to hold up a doll or point at something, then say the English word for it and have someone there say the Arabic word for the item. Too bad her "mother" was too stupid to think about that for May or to pick up "Arabic for Dummies" for herself! How great would it be if May knew a hell of a lot more Arabic than Nicole? (Was it confirmed that Azan's native tongue is Arabic?)  We have had family friends for 20+ years whose native tongue is Arabic & while the dialect in Morocco is different than what I'm used to hearing, I'd swear Arabic was spoken in that house.)

I also noticed that May seemed exhausted when she was leaving Azan's Auntie's house for the airport (and it wasn't Early O'Clock AM) and at the airport too. I know adjusting to time zones, especially when headed east, is rough. (I struggled with a four hour difference this summer and it was bad!) Morocco is only five hours ahead of Florida. That kid is either narcoleptic or rules the roost in terms of her bedtime and whether or not she wants to take a nap!

Let's pretend Nicole put May to bed at a reasonable time (I know, I know). Even with May "waking up in the middle of the night", aren't little ones automatically programmed to wake up early? I know May's erratic sleep schedule is all Nicole's fault, but I don't understand why Nicole didn't adjust to the time difference after two damn months! Then again, it does require discipline to wake up when you're jet lagged, and it's crystal clear that Nicole doesn't have any of that, which is a shame because she can go screw up her own life, but to screw up May's life is just straight up horrifying.

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On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:15 PM, alegtostandon said:

I just cannot stand that picture of Nicole & Azin that is shown before their segment. The way she's grabbing into him with that nauseating smile on her face...

She is like Peppy La Pew grabbing him with those meaty paws and he is like the poor black cat that got the white paint down his back, trying to escape. 

90 day fiance.png

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11 minutes ago, 90DayFinantic said:

She is like Peppy La Pew grabbing him with those meaty paws and he is like the poor black cat that got the white paint down his back, trying to escape. 

Is that why there are claw marks on his sleeve?

(Also, am I crazy, or do they use this photo but mirror image when intro-ing the Ni-zan segments?)  (or both?)

Edited by sconstant
(or both)
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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 3:27 PM, Indy USAF said:

I wouldn't call it abuse exactly?  Azan is a big boy and he can handle himself.  If he really wants to be alone then all he has to do is to find a small Nicole-proof hill.  I can't really deal with Nicole so I fastforward thru her nonsense anyway.  I did see some camel riding involved at some point.  I take it that they never tried to make one give little blondie a ride atleast?  I think if an American reality show killed a camel then I would've heard about it.

My God???  I just googled it.  The beast carried Nicole and didn't collapse in a heap!!  I had no idea they were that tough!

Nope.  It's abuse.  Assault quite actually.  YOu can't assault someone whether they seem like they can handle themselves.  

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1 hour ago, sconstant said:

Is that why there are claw marks on his sleeve?

(Also, am I crazy, or do they use this photo but mirror image when intro-ing the Ni-zan segments?)  (or both?)

I didn't notice the claw marks.  LOL.

Yea, I think it is the same shot in reverse.  I just can't STAND how her eyes disappear when she smiles.  Argh. 

Nicole seems to have a good support system at home.  She ought to be in school (while mom watches, potty trains, teaches verbal skills, gets rid of the paci) May so that she can one day hopefully can provide a better life for that girl, not rocketing off to Morocco for some nookie (I find it hysterical that she basically didn't get much).  I don't know if the cheating incident happened or not, but I have no doubt that Nicole would have any one night stand that would have her.  She's going to be knocked up before you know it.

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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I feel like this has been covered but is Azans family speaking French ? Or Arabic ? Sometimes I catch French words and some times I expect a French word (from th subtitle ) and it’s something unrecognizable. 

Part of Morocco was a French protectorate back in the day, so French is a working language there and his aunt is of an age where she likely had to learn French in school.

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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I feel like this has been covered but is Azans family speaking French ? Or Arabic ? Sometimes I catch French words and some times I expect a French word (from th subtitle ) and it’s something unrecognizable. 

A lot of Moroccans speak a mixture of French and Moroccan Arabic, think Spanglish.

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19 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

In other news, Sandusky Socialite posted on Twitter that Azan has been denied his visa.  

The next sound you hear will be Azan breathing a sigh of relief.  He appeared to be satisfied with the idea of staying in Morocco.  He just needs to change his phone number so Nicole can't keep calling him at work.  Or he needs to learn to turn off his phone.

ETA:  The fact that the visa was denied may be because the investigation process includes the American and the non-American.  I'm not sure that Nicole would qualify, given her low pay, small studio apartment (which the show indicates she shares with a child), and who knows what in the way of financial, criminal, civil, etc. records.  

Judge Judy used to say that there were people who work for the IRS whose job it is to watch her show every day to see if there are any tax cheats on it.  Wouldn't we all think that there should also be someone in the K1 Visa Department watching this one to ferret out potential fakes?

Edited by AZChristian
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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

The next sound you hear will be Azan breathing a sigh of relief.  He appeared to be satisfied with the idea of staying in Morocco.  He just needs to change his phone number so Nicole can't keep calling him at work.  Or he needs to learn to turn off his phone.

ETA:  The fact that the visa was denied may be because the investigation process includes the American and the non-American.  I'm not sure that Nicole would qualify, given her low pay, small studio apartment (which the show indicates she shares with a child), and who knows what in the way of financial, criminal, civil, etc. records.  

Judge Judy used to say that there were people who work for the IRS whose job it is to watch her show every day to see if there are any tax cheats on it.  Wouldn't we all think that there should also be someone in the K1 Visa Department watching this one to ferret out potential fakes?

Either that or Azan and his family did some heavy duty palm greasing to make sure that visa was denied. However it came about, I'm sure Azan is turning cartwheels. And Little Lotta is pounding her doorframe screaming, "No! No!" before heading out to McDonald's to drown her sorrows in a big helping of French fries.  No cartwheels for her.

Edited by Miss Chevious
forgot the fries
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On 11/12/2017 at 9:32 PM, Bridget said:

I also have yet to hear May say anything other than "Daddy." Does she speak? Has anyone heard her say more than one word on any of these episodes? She's the one I feel bad for, so while it might look like I'm harping on her, I'm legitimately concerned for her overall development. Being in front of a screen constantly and not engaged in conversation are two ways to ensure that a toddler will most likely struggle with speech.

Because Nicole is LAZY and had not taken time to teach her child anything. She should be partially/if not totally potty trained and able to more than just say Daddy. She will grow up to be just like her lump of a Mother along with the many other kids Nicole will have.

21 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I feel like this has been covered but is Azans family speaking French ? Or Arabic ? Sometimes I catch French words and some times I expect a French word (from th subtitle ) and it’s something unrecognizable. 

When I was in Agadir I got by with French and most speak it

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25 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Either that or Azan and his family did some heavy duty palm greasing to make sure that visa was denied. However it came about, I'm sure Azan is turning cartwheels. And Little Lotta is pounding her doorframe screaming, "No! No!" before heading out to McDonald's to drown her sorrows in a big helping of French fries.  No cartwheels for her.

I see Nicole's father feeling like he dodged an expensive bullet and can keep his 401K intact, however...I see another ill fated trip to Morocco in Nicole and May's future.  

What happens when you are denied a visa? Can you reapply immediately?

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3 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Apparently so. Loren claims she and Alexei were turned down twice before was approved.

Damn, I was hoping that Nicole and Azan would give up already...funny thing is look how lazy Nicole is about everything else in her life but for this visa thing...she has nothing but time and energy!

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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Judge Judy used to say that there were people who work for the IRS whose job it is to watch her show every day to see if there are any tax cheats on it.  Wouldn't we all think that there should also be someone in the K1 Visa Department watching this one to ferret out potential fakes?

I've always wanted to know how you got that job...because I REALLY want it.  : D

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7 hours ago, AZChristian said:

The next sound you hear will be Azan breathing a sigh of relief.

And then Nicole will be on the phone with the immigration office screaming "IT"S NOT FAIRRRRRRR!!!!!"  I'd love to know how she plans to bully the federal government to get her way.

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Many posters indicate that they would prefer that Nicole's mom raise May.  However, Nicole's mom raised Nicole and has had influence in May's life.  I would not necessarily think that Nicole's mom would be that much better for May than Nicole.  

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2 hours ago, alegtostandon said:


I, too, just read he was denied.  From this article, many fans are happy...but because they feel Nicole deserves better!!

Are they watching the same show I'm watching?

Jesus! That's some scary shit--is it racism? Internalized misogyny? Let me shout it for the cheap seats: SHE ASSAULTED HIM. She deserves nobody, unless it's a licensed therapist. 

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2 hours ago, Pachengala said:

Jesus! That's some scary shit--is it racism? Internalized misogyny? Let me shout it for the cheap seats: SHE ASSAULTED HIM. She deserves nobody, unless it's a licensed therapist. 

When I saw the headline I was like, kudos Azan! Way to get out of that! Then I read the article...

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God may be missing from Moley's house but, if true, He is certainly present in Azan's. Angels watching over him, too. I don't think I've ever been so impressed with the US government. May he take this 'blessing' and find himself a NORMAL girl. 

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On 12/14/2017 at 9:28 AM, AZChristian said:

The next sound you hear will be Azan breathing a sigh of relief.  He appeared to be satisfied with the idea of staying in Morocco.  He just needs to change his phone number so Nicole can't keep calling him at work.  Or he needs to learn to turn off his phone.


On 12/14/2017 at 0:25 PM, Miss Chevious said:

Either that or Azan and his family did some heavy duty palm greasing to make sure that visa was denied. However it came about, I'm sure Azan is turning cartwheels. And Little Lotta is pounding her doorframe screaming, "No! No!" before heading out to McDonald's to drown her sorrows in a big helping of French fries.  No cartwheels for her.


19 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I can understand that point of view. Also, Azan seems like he really doesn't like the US, its customs, or its culture.


15 hours ago, magemaud said:

Pretty clever of Azan to sabotage his Visa! 

If any of this is even remotely true why is he even bothering with Nicole? He isn't attracted to her, doesn't love her, hell, he doesn't even seem to like her and seems apathetic, at best, about coming to America. It is not like Nicole is the heiress to some great fortune he can swindle her out of. Seems completely nonsensical to invest in this relationship, just to purposefully blow it at the interview.    

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Full disclosure - I do not have experience raising a toddler however..... I was at the grocery store and saw a girl about May's size saying some words to her mom and climbed into the car by herself and got into her car seat while her mom safely buckled her in. I couldn't help but remember all the times Nicole roughly picks May up and slings her onto her hip or into a chair like she's a lifeless bag of potatoes. That child is doomed if nothing changes. 

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18 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

That picture is the happiest I have ever seen him!!

The picture is from months before his visa was apparently denied, though that video is somewhat confusing about what actually happened.

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I just caught up.  I watched Azan's last couple THs and he looks like he's trying to fight off the biggest smiles he could muster.   I really felt like some of these scenes he was fighting off a LOT of telling emotions.  And like others have mentioned... May pushing him away at the airport.  I'm sure she likes him but she's ready to get on a plane and sleep or have mommytime.  

But that was a lovely pile of french fries they had as their Last Supper. 

Never change, Nicole.  Never change.  

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