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S16.E11: Warrior Fashion

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2 hours ago, PaulaO said:

Jesus H. Christ, the breast cancer trump card.  And I can say that because I had breast cancer.  But I hate the pink, hate the ribbon, hate the emotionalization of cancer.

Another survivor here. I couldn't agree more.

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Watching episode right now.  A few things struck me -

Brandon saying something along the lines of, "The judges say I use boring colors, I'm going to break out of that," as he looks at tan, brown, and pale pink materials.

Brandon said, "I need to keep pumping out new looks."  What new looks?  Eight out of ten looks he has used crop tops and "poopy" pants with random streamers.

Oops!  Commercial is almost over!

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Lord honey! Tim Gunn wearing sweats and interacting with pink box(ing)! I haven’t Z-snapped this sassily since the Olsen Twins were about clean living and getting it, dude!

I’m not sure I agree with Kentaro that drop-crotch pants create the illusion of a huge penis; however, I do think his look this week looks like a huge penis eating a condom, which is symbolically and literally stunning.

“I’m crazy about the top.” Now that’s the Tim Gunn I know and used to love.

“On a scale of one to ten, this needs to be a twenty.” You’re a mathematician and a philosopher, Timbert Gunnstein!

Queen Elizabeth I in gold lamé armor with flames engulfing her left breast? Did I miss that portrait at the Francis Bacon retrospective? Or is it actually something from High Times Tattoos: Anglophile Edition magazine?

“For the past few years, women have been very, very powerful. And we’re continuing to be powerful.” Now models are quoting the third-wave feminist manifesto. I haven’t seen such intellectual television since the final season of Everybody Loves Raymond.

Both Ayana’s and Kantaro’s looks evoke a first-year fashion student creating a collection inspired by famous female judges (e.g. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Judge Judy) experimenting with narcotics and couture.

I'm confused about what Brandon was going for. Was it a kind of nomadic kind of ice cream androgynous nomadic like strappy kind of nomadic androgynous strap warrior millennial manbun warrior sports street nomad strap androgynous kind of like nomad kind of androgynous strap bonnet nomad feminine helmet androgynous nomad like sort of?

Zac: "Isaac Mizrahi had such a giant penis boner for Sam during the last all-stars season, but my feelings for Brandon take that giant penis boner and raise it to a giant giant giant penis boner eating a condom as interpreted by Judge Judy via a Japanese-American designer. Now that's thirst!!!

The attempted ousting of Margarita is a good reminder to have several pitchers of them ready for the rest of the season so I will be too drunk to care when Brendan straps on a win.

Edited by Aerobicidal
typo fixing
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7 minutes ago, Aerobicidal said:

The ousting of Margarita is a good reminder to have several pitchers of them ready for the rest of the season so I will be too drunk to care when Brendan straps on a win.

Wow.  Great idea.  I'm going to copy it.  If only I had thought of that during Ashley's "road to the winner's circle."  I know most of you reference Kvetchin' Gretchen's win as the worst, but for me, it was Ashley.  Because it was preordained.  Now hearing that Brandon was recruited to come on the show, and the judges continue to show rhapsodic love for every same old, same old strap he touches, I think I'm going to make a pitcher....

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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I think someone posted on a different thread that PR producers sought out Brandon and encouraged him to audition? It now has become very obvious.

Although they did edit this episode to make Brandon seem arrogant. 

I think that this might be my last season. I quit during the Gretchen season, but regrettably returned.

I enjoyed watching Kentaro, but not much more. 

I'm beginning to think he actually is.  I rooted for him at first, because he was a trembling, insecure, cryer who thought he couldn't do it.  So I was pleased for him when he got positive feedback.  But good Lord, this dude is full of himself now.  Notice the way the three ladies reacted to his comment regarding he and Kentaro can make it to the finale (although a true comment, their action revealed what they thought of him).  Hurry up and give him the award already TH.  And his dismissal of Kenya as a one way monkey, or at least someone who's extremely limited and beneath his genius.  I've been over him for weeks now. 

Let's just crown him the winner now, and I can only pray he doesn't show up on allstars.

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Why did Kenya not win?!!!  Grrrr!  I am so tired of Brandon's deconstructed mummy look.  And Tim, I would rather you had used your save on Michael last week.  Margarita is such a nasty person, I just don't want her to win.  Her designs to me were not much better than the twins.  I don't understand how the judges keep hemming and hawing over Brandon's designs with all of the strings and bandages hanging off of it and the pants fit like a diaper to me.  I'm lost this episode. 

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Didn't anyone see how bad the zipper was on Brandon's slacks?   It was way off kilter and showed very poor sewing.  And why does everything he designs look the same, and why does he have to put flying straps on everything?  If he continues this way, his designs will have very limited interest.  

Where did Heidi get that fugly top?   I was waiting for a bewb show. 

Edited by KLovestoShop
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3 hours ago, enoughcats said:

I'm still getting over the ad of the idiot disrupting the symphony playing his ?chime and break dancing.  (And in fear of what design that might be supposed to inspire)

I think the triangle solo commercial is hilarious.  The way he does the Chuck Berry duck walk across the stage...OMG!  I couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it. 

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What was the point of making them box?

I liked Kenya’s best, as for the other four…..they could have worked together in a crime fighting agency. Brandon’s model would be Ninja Girl,  Margarita’s model would be Almost Wonder Woman, Kentaro’s model would be Space Priest, & Ayana’s model would be the head of the agency, maybe call her Mistress?. No idea why Brandon won, and I knew Tim was going to use his save for Margarita, he told her her dress was good & that was a lie.

43 minutes ago, Aerobicidal said:

I’m not sure I agree with Kentaro that drop-crotch pants create the illusion of a huge penis; however, I do think his look this week looks like a huge penis eating a condom, which is symbolically and literally stunning.


I thought that whole thing was so strange, did they forget they were designing for a woman? Not too many woman want to look like they have a huge penis.

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3 hours ago, weightyghost said:

Margarita should have gone overboard with her look. Huge skirt, overflowing over the corset on the top. And no gold particularly. Then maybe the ~containment idea would have worked. 

I knew the minute she picked her fabrics it was going to suck. The corset needed to be bigger, darker and with texture. That red reads cheap, especially with the bright gold.  Look at what Anya pulled off last week as a guide!!! And now that I think about, Margarita was recycling Anya badly.

It seems to me that Anya is getting the winner's edit on the last couple of episodes, and they're giving Brandon a negative edit. Anya gets the inspirational speech while Brandon is cocky and thinks he's won. Glad that Tom brought him back to reality in the workroom.

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There is no "hate" for Margarita. If the word has been used, it's in the same superficial Reality TV show way that people "love" another, perhaps like Kentaro, or Swatch, or Dmitry of seasons past.  We CAN, however, dislike, even immensely, what we have seen of a person.

And another thing: Heidi and her ridiculous comment about how "showing skin empowers a woman" (as she was amazed at non-skin-showing Ayana's non-skin-showing creation) made me want to slap her silly.

Finally, Brandon. For a challenge about "Warrior Women" that is explicitly modeled on breast cancer survivors, he decides, "Hey, I know! I'll go with the androgynous look!" And wins. Go figure.

Or maybe we already have.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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1 hour ago, LotusFlower said:

I know most of you reference Kvetchin' Gretchen's win as the worst, but for me, it was Ashley.

Agreed that was by far the worst win. All the collections were crap that season, but hers was the ugliest shit I’ve ever seen on this show. When she won, I thought ‘So frumpy lace in hideous pastels is the new sexy?’

Edited by dwarmed
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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I'm glad Margarita was saved.   I don't understand the hate.   At all.

She’s a particularly nauseating personality type. Phony, passive-aggressive, drama queen. If you haven’t known a lot of people like that in real life, you might not get it. Also, her clothes suck, but that’s not a reason to hate her, just a reason to hate Tim for saving her. He may have done it out of guilt for steering her wrong. Or because the producers told him to. 

Favorite editing moment: Heidi dissing Margarita’s Wonder Woman outfit by saying “Where are the cuffs?” Cut to Margarita wearing a gold cuff bracelet. There they are. 

Edited by dwarmed
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Well, that was a big steaming pile of horseshit.

Brandon does the same outfit for the 47397243978th time and gets praised for it being "new" and even winning.  The Cheater Twins are "inspired" by others but Kentaro was copying?  Uh, okay.  Even though Brandon's winning outfit looked like Kentaro's from the Models Off Duty challenge. 

"You are the first person to get Liris 100% right."  So they're at least admitting the show is really Project Liris.

Kenya was robbed.  Margarita's Wonder Woman dress was tacky.

Of COURSE Tim was going to use the save.  No one is going to go home during breast cancer week.

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47 minutes ago, dwarmed said:

She’s a particularly nauseating personality type. Phony, passive-aggressive, drama queen. If you haven’t known a lot of people like that in real life, you might not get it. Also, her clothes suck, but that’s not a reason to hate her, just a reason to hate Tim for saving her. He may have done it out of guilt for steering her wrong. Or because the producers told him to. 

Favorite editing moment: Heidi dissing Margarita’s Wonder Woman outfit by saying “Where are the cuffs?” Cut to Margarita wearing a gold cuff bracelet. There they are. 

How, in a season featuring two identical, self-absorbed, over-enunciating, cheating assholes (who had zero business being on this show in the first place), anyone else could be called a drama queen mystifies me.   I've been watching this show for years, so rest assured I have seen drama queens come and go.   But IMHO, Margarita isn't one of them.

Edited by millennium
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Margarita is the passive aggressive type of drama queen that stirs shit up, then pretends like she didn’t mean to. Example: When she saw Claire copying her design, she ran around whispering about it to all the other designers (classic junior high drama queen behavior), stewing and working herself and Michael into a frenzy, then looked shocked when Michael walked off stage. Michael is the obvious type of drama queen, Margarita is the stealth two-faced kind. A non-drama queen would talk directly about her concerns to Claire or Tim or just let it go.

I also thought the twins were the worst, but now Margarita bugs me even more. Essentially, she’s just more skilled at being a phony than they are. The twins were so OTT, I can’t take them seriously as real people. But Margarita is a type I know all too well. She’s everwhere.  I think the twins are delusional, but Margarita knows exactly what she’s doing. I’m just as surprised as you are that I could find anyone as bad or worse than the twins.

I’m not trying to say your opinion is wrong. I just thought you might want some insight into where the Margarita hate is coming from. I think a lot of viewers turned on her when she tried put the blame for her fly girl design on the model, even though it was clearly all her idea and she said she was happy with it until the judges criticized it. 

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6 hours ago, pally said:

I would have given Kenya the win.  The dress was beautiful, the styling was impeccable, and was powerful without looking gimicky.

This is what I'm thinking. Kenya's dress was something we haven't seen this season. It was a good idea to quilt that fabric. Her shoulder epaulets / petals were not only armor but feminine, too. Very wearable and appropriate in real life.

If Kenya's dress didn't win, I expected Ayana to be the winner. Hers had so much well tailored details and styling, even down to the print she chose. Everything was well executed and finished, which makes Brandon's look like it's got loose threads hanging. 

Brandon's outfit, while I sort of liked it (without the baby bonnet), we've seen this look from him since it's his "aesthetic". Not much changes but the fabric color. Yet, he's won 3 times with it. 

Kentaro's outfit made the model look like she was wearing a big black smock for her hair appointment at the salon. What a mess of fabrics. Nothing was really a cohesive design. I could definitely see he was copying Brandon's look with the long strips hanging off of it. 

Margarita's didn't look empowering to me, it looked more bordello-ish. Hardly an empowering look. I'm sorry it was emotional for her but as Zac said it's got to make it on its own down the runway as you won't know the story with it. 

I LOVED the satirical look at Claire and measuring tape-gate. Hysterical!

Edited by TexasTiffany
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As a side note, while I am all for celebrating survivors (cancer or otherwise), ever since I saw Pink Ribbons, Inc. (which is a fantastic documentary about pinkwashing and the commercialization of breast cancer - it's now available on Netflix!), the warrior analogy bothers me. While it IS important to have a positive mindset, people don't survive cancer because they fought harder. People who die from cancer don't die because they're weak or they didn't fight hard enough.

I hated the top Heidi was wearing on the runway. There was way too much going on - the cut out under the boobs, the crossed neckline, the long sleeve on one side, sleeveless on the other side, and that tacky looking print.

When Margarita chose red fabric and gold leather, I thought oh crap, she's going to make a Wonder Woman costume and the judges are going to rip her one for making a superhero costume two challenges in a row. In the workroom, her dress looked beautiful until she put that gold bodice on top of it. The skirt was draped beautifully in the front but the gold corset looked so extraneous. The corset was also too low cut. That model was a few centimeters away from having her nipples showing. I laughed when Heidi berated her for not having impeccable tailoring and reminded her that it was a TWO day challenge. TWO WHOLE DAYS!

I was cracking up (and rolling my eyes) when Brandon said his inspiration was a warrior with straps and all the other stuff he ALWAYS does regardless of the challenge. So....you're going to make the same fucking thing you make every week? That's why I was so glad when Tim asked him if he was pushing himself. He was starting to sound really cocky in this talking heads so I was hoping that Tim's question would really push him to do something different. When he said that Kenya always stays in her lane, I was like uh, look who's talking. Your stuff looks the same every damn week! The hood combined with those long dangling straps reminded me of a Little House on the Prairie bonnet. Other than that, it looked the same as everything else he's done - a shapeless crop top and straps hanging everywhere. Oh yes, and "adding color" means choosing a pale anemic shade of baby pink.

I'm glad that Kenya switched from red to blue fabric. The color was beautiful on Liris (although I hated the matchy matchy eye shadow). I loved how excited Liris and Kenya were to work together. I think that Kenya might have done better this season if she had been able to explain her story about the design each week. The judges can claim that the clothes have to stand on their own, but time and time again they have been swayed by "the story."

Oh, Kentaro. When Nina criticized him for going back to what he's comfortable with, I just sighed at the hypocrisy. Not like Brandon at all doing the same thing all season! It's a good thing Kentaro bought extra fabric. If not, what would he have done once he saw that the grey top didn't fit his model? To be honest, I didn't love the grey fabric because it looked too much like a plain boring sweatshirt. But I knew that when he made a black top, the judges would not like it.

I loved that as upset as Margarita was about being eliminated, as soon as Tim Gunn walked in, she stood up to give him a hug and go back to the work room. That may have been her most mature moment all season.

I am so used to seeing Tim Gunn in suits that seeing him in that outfit at the boxing ring was almost like seeing him naked.

Heh, poor Swatch. No whistles in the store!


Although they did edit this episode to make Brandon seem arrogant. 

As the wise beyond her years Heather B. said at the first Real World reunion - they can't use it if you didn't say it.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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9 hours ago, SpiralRadish said:

Really, Tim?  REALLY?  I feel like he had to use the save since there's so few people left, though.  And you gotta get those emotional points for the ratings.

It was a tactical save for the show! I don't think Tim had ever a thing for Margerita - it was pretty obvious that he is a big fan of Brandon and Kenya throughout the whole show and I even feel like he likes Kentaro more than drama queen Margarita. 



BUT when u go to the Fashion Week thread - u'll see Project Runway has decided to sent 5 designers + 1 mishmash collection of all designers this year to New York Fashion Week - so they have to carry Margarita through, also next week..


Also the secret winner of this season is in my eyes model MEISHA - week after week the designer who got her won - so often that I don't even remember the last winner look that she didn't walk down the runway - so there u see how much of a difference a good model can make - it can be everything... to be honest I think that's why Kentaro was so weak this week, his asthetics dont work with plus size models (same goes for Brandon imo) - Liris is a super strong model, u dont forget her outfit, she made some looks stand out this season but Jasmin was in the bottom quite regularly, more than not designers got eliminated when they had her - I think that is not fair for the designers who have weaker models, they should have all equal chances to show off their best work. so models in different sizes: yes! but only if every designer works on same size and they have equal chances every week.

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Granted, we don't see the full runway discussion, but I hope that Brandon spoke up when Kentaro was dinged for his outfit resembling Brandon's, and mentioned that he was the one who's look started to look like Kentaro's initially. That why he said 'brother, is this too much like yours'.

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9 hours ago, 303420 said:

I love love love Brandon's stuff and would wear it in a heartbeat. The only designer I've ever liked this much is Alexandria von Bromssen.

I know this isn't necessarily a popular opinion 'round here, but just wanted to represent that market. 

I like Brandon's looks too.  They have a similarity because this is his brand but I love the way everything is always tailored so well and I like his personality and his friendship with Kentaro. I know many of you don't like him but after seeing so many seasons of PR, I like that he is true to his aesthetic.   Similar but all his looks have differed.  I didn't like Ayana's blouse at all and I've seen those petals Kenya used before too.  Kentaro just had an off night.  I expect him to be back to goodness next week.  Sad Margarita was spared by the Tim Gunn save (which I wish didn't exist) 

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They have a similarity because this is his brand but I love the way everything is always tailored so well

Tailored so well?  He makes his straps nice and straight, but that's about all the sewing there is.  That zipper in the pink pants was a travesty.  And Zac, who is always about construction with everyone else, didn't say a word.  Kenya's dress was nice, and Liris wore the hell out of it, but those wonky shoulder leaves were the only thing that distinguished it from a polyester dress at Kohl's.  If I were judging on best interpretation of the theme, I would have picked Kentaro's outfit.  That model looked ready to fight.  Ayana's blouse was impressive, but it was so tight across the chest I doubt that model could have picked up her arms. Really unimpressed with everything this week.  I hope next week is better.

Edited by MartyQui
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10 hours ago, weightyghost said:

Can you really claim Brandon's looks are new when you've seen TEN VERSIONS OF THE SAME THING. I cannot discern one look from the other for his. They're all pastel, strappy, over sized pants with stomachs showing. Over it. 

There has been a lot of Brandon loathing here from the start.  To a certain extent one either likes his look or does not.  The thing is, his craftsmanship is exquisite, his clothes are very photogenic, they are flattering to most body types, and he does have a very clear vision.  

Edited by Sprockets
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Most of us were unimpressed with Gretchen's designs, but the judges kept going crazy over her, and she won.

Most of us were unimpressed with Ashley's designs, but the judges kept going crazy over her, and she won.

Most of us are unimpressed with Brandon's designs, but the judges keep going crazy over him . . . and this may be my final season of watching Project Runway if history is repeated.

Oh - and Heidi's runway dress this week almost made Michael's bungee dress from last week look modest.

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My two favorite moments from last night's show were Kentaro boxing and Swatch barking.

It does appear that Brandon is the preordained winner. And, yes, there has been a pattern of such winners in the last few years.

For the record, I too hated the Gretchen win (and, in fact, stopped watching the show for several years because of it), but my disgust was as much about Gretchen as her clothes. At least Brandon (even if he's getting a bit arrogant) is nowhere near as loathsome as Gretchen. Yes, I still hold a grudge about the way she and her gang treated Michael Costello.

I know this isn't a popularity contest, but it's still, after all these seasons, difficult for me to separate the designer from the designs.

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I've been a fan of Brandon's all season, but I really kinda hated his outfit this week.  The pink? The baby bonnet? No.  I'll admit I was a bit surprise that he won this week since we had Kenya going on about she hasn't won a challenge yet. 

Kenya's was a beautifully constructed dress in a great color, but that's really it.  

I loved Anya's and thought she was the winner hands down.  Impeccable construction, original idea.  Her model looked fierce. 

Kentaro, Kentaro, Kentaro.  Please don't make me be worried for you again.  I really wish he would've been able to keep the gray sweater, because that looked to be beautiful.  

Margarita. Yeah, that was awful.  Cheesy, poorly constructed, you name it.  It may have worked better had she used metal bands or something similar to contain the organza (chaos) rather that the bustier.  It looked like a Halloween costume.  

I knew judging by the challenge that the TGS was going to come into play this week.  No way they would eliminate someone on a cancer challenge.  It just pisses me off that it was used on Margarita because she did not deserve to be saved. 

Anyone want to place bets on Liris being the "winning" model?  

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10 hours ago, weightyghost said:

Can you really claim Brandon's looks are new when you've seen TEN VERSIONS OF THE SAME THING. I cannot discern one look from the other for his. They're all pastel, strappy, over sized pants with stomachs showing. Over it. 

That's not entirely fair. Some weeks he makes pastel, strappy circle skirts with stomachs showing.


9 hours ago, Midnight Cheese said:

Nina and Zac Woulda Coulda-ing Kentaro, and then accusing him of copying, was crass and distasteful.

When Kentaro explained that he was inspired by something from Japan and they shot back that it looked like Brandon's I was about ready to die. Someone is appropriating Japanese street wear but that someone isn't Kentaro. That being said, an all black outfit is a horrible idea for an editorial challenge. Black doesn't photograph well. I know he got stuck but he should have grabbed more colour and less black from the start.


9 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I'm pretty sure Tim didn't use the save one season.

Also, I'm thinking Tim maybe saved Margarita because he felt guilty for encouraging her to keep the gold corset, which the judges hated.

I'm convinced. He felt guilty. He pushed her to keep going when she wasn't sure and she ended up with a tacky dress. I know everyone said Wonder Woman and I see it but my first thought was D list Real Housewife wear. It was just tacky and ugly and not fashion. But I also figure the show was going to use the save and they'd want to do it here before the "get into fashion week" contest so no matter who was eliminated, Tim was probably going to use his save.

I actually wasn't into any of the looks. Kenya made a nice dress, but I don't think it was fashion. Ayana's was probably just a little too overdesigned but I do think it would photograph well, which is what editorial means. I probably would have given her the win.

I've kind of accepted that Brandon is going to win. The Lucasfilms will snatch him up so he can keep creating Rey-wear because his clothes are so Star Wars it's ridiculous.

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Brandon's bonnet reminded me uncomfortably of The Handmaid's Tale but given the theme, I guess I should be grateful he didn't repeat his underboob look from early in the season.

I can't get too stressed about who is going to make it to Fashion Week given that thanks to decoy collections, they all do.

Six out of the final seven are people of color and the praise goes to the straight white guy.

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Margarita and Kentaro should both be gone. Margarita put her model in a superhero costume and Kentaro put his model in a black garbage bag. Which pretty much expresses his opinion of plus-size models generally, I think. All season I've gotten this vibe off Kentaro that he hates working with the plus-size models and literally doesn't understand that they're beautiful, so he covers them up in the ugliest shmatas he can produce, over & over again. It's insulting and I'm so sick of it.

Kenya and Anaya were both robbed this week; either could have won; either should have won. While Brandon's look was attractive, it was also same old-same old. Kenya and Anaya both pushed themselves to new places and produced beautiful garments. Brandon produced .... a standard well-made Brandon design. It wasn't more or less editorial than anything else he's done. 

I certainly hope the almost certain Brandon win is misdirection -- though I was skeptical of her in the beginning, Anaya has produced great work all season and has only gotten better & better. End-of-season Brandon is pretty much the same as start-of-season Brandon.

And while, yes, the exploiting of breast cancer survivors can get old, or tacky, my wife is currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer and she was very moved, so I have nothing to say about that.

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10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:
  11 hours ago, Bebecat said:

I am not crazy about PR using diseases as inspiration.

After the enduring my Dear-Ol-Dad spend his last six months hopelessly battling the dreaded cancer I couldn't watch TV for all the shows that set plotlines in the cancer ward looking for drama. I guess they don't figure that these are fresh wounds/memories for many people. Maybe next they can do a challenge about survivors of Harvey's "Disease". Nina or DKNY can judge "What not to wear to got to a meeting with the TWC producer".

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4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I loved that as upset as Margarita was about being eliminated, as soon as Tim Gunn walked in, she stood up to give him a hug and go back to the work room. That may have been her most mature moment all season.

I may sound cynical, but this can be looked at another way, too.  Her actions could be construed as knowing the "save" was coming but she jumped the "Gunn" and hugged Tim before it was called for in the script.  Carrying it a little further,  I do believe it was in the cards all along for Brandon to win this season,  just as surely as the fix was in when Ashley "won" Season 14.  I'm as disappointed as I was when I found out that the litigants on Judge Judy and other court shows are paid by the producers, and the defendants get their debts settled without paying a dime.  :)

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27 minutes ago, Jordan Baker said:

At least Brandon (even if he's getting a bit arrogant) is nowhere near as loathsome as Gretchen. Yes, I still hold a grudge about the way she and her gang treated Michael Costello.

I don't miss the days of Wretchen and Poison Ivy (their names on snark boards).

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2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

  And then to say that Kentaro was regressing back to the black and white - why should that matter when Brandon sends the same thing down the runway each week.


Brandon is this season's Ashley Nell.

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Good god.  Does Margarita control the weather, too?  Then please tell her manipulative self I vote for eternal autumn!  Love that she's actually worse than the cheaters, despite the designers interviewed to date all confirm they all complained, repeatedly, about the bozos- and she is still tight with Michael, who was so manipulated by evil Marg, hundredth verse, same as the first.

I have seen nothing to show Kentaro's alleged contempt for the plus-sized.  His nightgown design for Heidi's sweatshop was modeled by the tedious though gorgeous Liris, and it IMO should have won.

I think Tim largely uses his save in a fairly sincere manner.  This long podcast includes a ton of stuff indicating how much he disdains the judges for their superficial critiques, and how much he loves clothes/arts with historical referents (like Tim/M talking of the bodice with respect to QE 1.)



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While I still enjoy watching a bunch of people doing something well without drama, Brandon winning was disappointing. 

Tara and Sarah, I love you both for your first comments on "Let's Talk it Out." As a 40-year cancer (not breast) survivor, diagnosed as a teenager in the 1970s, I've struggled with and written about survivor identity for decades. Seeing those comments and others in this thread has been heartening. 

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