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S20.E06: Week 6

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The shape of the bottom of Lauren B's bikini was odd, unflattering, and overall I was very bothered by it.


I'm pretty sure her bikini bottoms were digitally altered for TV. Probably because the ones she actually wore exposed too much of her butt.


Was it the Bahamas' off-season while the show filmed there, or was it just particularly bad luck with the weather? I live in the Pacific Northwest and can handle some rough weather at the beach, but the weather in this episode just looked downright miserable. I'm sure everyone involved would have much rather curled up around the fireplace in the hotel than go outside.


I despise grown pigs (I don't mind piglets) and nobody and nothing would have gotten me off that boat to get in the water with them. What a harebrained idea.


Ben's neediness really put me off this week. "You were standoffish to me", "are you OK? You'd tell me if you weren't OK, wouldn't you?", etc. Get a grip, dude! He could have laughed the pig swimming off as better in theory than in practice and moved on, but he just kept harping on it even during the evening portion of the date.


Olivia said she prefers to read a book in her room to socializing with the other women - I thought the women weren't allowed to take any books with them, nor any electronics that could be used as e-readers.

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I didn't know there was a Leah and now I'm sorry I do. Emily didn't bother me much because I liked that she had Olivia pegged from the jump and questioned Ben's sanity as a result. Caila looks ok in harem outfits and that's the only positive in her column. Seemingly no fireworks exist between Ben and Amanda nor Ben and the abovementioned. If it's down to JoJo and Miranda Lambert, I can live with that. If nothing else, the drunks, the crazies and the zero personalities seem to have been weeded out fairly well.

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I didn't know there was a Leah and now I'm sorry I do. Emily didn't bother me much because I liked that she had Olivia pegged from the jump and questioned Ben's sanity as a result. Caila looks ok in harem outfits and that's the only positive in her column. Seemingly no fireworks exist between Ben and Amanda nor Ben and the abovementioned. If it's down to JoJo and Miranda Lambert, I can live with that. If nothing else, the drunks, the crazies and the zero personalities seem to have been weeded out fairly well.

Yes! I agree with all this but the Lauren B comparison to Miranda Lambert is the best one I've heard yet.


Olivia said she prefers to read a book in her room to socializing with the other women - I thought the women weren't allowed to take any books with them, nor any electronics that could be used as e-readers.

Good point Chocolatine! Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Edited by yorklee2
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I forgot everything in the episode as soon as I saw the preview for the most dramatic season ending ever. And for once they were right.  OMG. Is Ben going to pull a real-time Mesnick????  Fleiss must be writing that guy a huge bonus check for the drama.  Best Bachelor Ever.

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I know nothing about fishing but that was one seriously large phallic-looking strap-on fishing pole.

I wish I never knew/saw the twins on DCC Making the Team bc I just think of them as reality show whores (not whores in a bad way....I guess more like groupies). And I'm sure both are very nice girls but their previous stint on reality tv ruins it all for me.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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I'm sorry Lauren H. is gone. I know she made that unfortunate soccer mom comment - and she might have been correct about Ben's preferences anyway - but she seemed really sweet and tried to make the best of circumstances and enjoy the dates she was in. She was holding a baby pig. I'd like to see her as Bachelorette but I know she won't be chosen because she is not conventionally pretty. But I think she'd have a good personality for it and could manage the guys.


I felt a little sorry for Olivia. She had this scripted romance with Ben in her head; unfortunately, he didn't have a copy of her script and didn't play his part. If all that emotion was genuine, she must feel like a fool. As for Leah, here I thought she was this nice neglected girl, then suddenly she turns on Lauren B. who's done nothing but sit and smile. (I've noticed that in group settings, Lauren B. is always smiling with this glow.)

Edited by Lamb18
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And, anyone else catch Olivia slip up about her age? She complained that Emily was so young, when according to the chyrons, they're the same age!



I didn't think that was a slip up. I just think she was saying that personality wise, emotionally, etc. Emily is very young. And nutty and delusional as Olivia herself is, I don't think she was wrong in that assessment. Everything about Emily does scream young and childish and high school. Also, one of my friends is currently attending the same college Olivia went to and knows one of the girls who was very close to her when they were undergrads and yes, she really is 23. Then again, maybe it's just me but I don't think she looks that much older than her age. 


I personally do not get the Lauren B love. Her hair is terrible, I think she is skinny with no real body and she looks old. She has also been on the fringe of a lot of drama, quietly encouraging.



She has? And this is a serious question as I cannot remember seeing anything in that vein from Lauren. I mean I personally don't care a lick about her, think she's boring and she and Ben are boring together, even though it's clear he's gaga for her and she'll likely be F1. That said, I do think they have some decent chemistry in their make-out scenes. However, I can take or leave Lauren but only because she's kind of bland to me and not because she's low key stirring stuff. YMMV. 


I'm pretty sure her bikini bottoms were digitally altered for TV. Probably because the ones she actually wore exposed too much of her butt.


I saw a side shot of her in the bikini and I actually do think that was her bikini. It just had an odd styling in the back. 


Ben's neediness really put me off this week. "You were standoffish to me", "are you OK? You'd tell me if you weren't OK, wouldn't you?", etc. Get a grip, dude! He could have laughed the pig swimming off as better in theory than in practice and moved on, but he just kept harping on it even during the evening portion of the date.


Yeah I still think he's been a more than decent lead (and as I have said before, when the previous lead was Farmer Chris, that bar was not that high) and I don't really agree with the beginning of the end thing that's being predicted about him in terms of him being likable, unless he really does pull a Mesnick (and even then people might still like him since because Mesnick did it already, the shock and outrage factor is no longer there).


That said, yesterday's episode definitely showed some whiny and needy qualities that probably contributed to what he talked about before of overwhelming people he dated. He seemed to have this aversion to not being liked and adored all the time. His reaction when Becca answered him truthfully about what some of the women were feeling because he asked, was so over the top and whiny. I swear Ben was full on pouting when he said, "but what am I supposed to do, I don't understand..." And then of course Becca then ends up being the one comforting him and reassuring him and all, "you're not doing anything wrong, you're amazing and perfect, it's just a hard situation, etc. etc."


It's like dude, if the women are telling you they were feeling uncomfortable and kind of ignored in favor of Lauren and it's not just Becca but Jojo said it as well, then maybe what you need to realize is you're not really doing your job as the lead and making your obvious feelings for one woman too obvious. So then reassure them - not by necessarily lying and leading them on but apologize for making them feel that way. Don't whine and act so put upon and upset because for once they're not all praising and saying what an awesome and most perfect Bachelor you are. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm sure the comment Olivia made about reading in her room was an example.  Ben knows, as a former contestant, just how little they have to do at the mansion and the hotels during the downtime and that she definitely isn't plowing through "War and Peace" in between cocktail parties.


The helicopter shots of Olivia standing on that reef were gorgeous.  Props to the photography team, they got some great stuff.  But as hurricane season is June through November, it's always a crapshoot on if the conditions will cooperate or not.  More often they do, and it could have been a glorious outing.  


Ben could have absolutely not done the dick move and could have "forgotten" to pick up the rose when he took Olivia aside to dump her.  A slightly less asshole method than carrying it with him, because what could the producers do after the fact?  He's a dolt and can't even think independently enough to show a small kindness.  Idiot. 

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Leah totally annoyed me from the start of the episode, whining and crying about "I dont want to go on a group date, im not going , blah blah--I actually thought she would have the dignity to either a) leave rather than go on it or b) straight up tell Ben how she felt and ask for some alone time (the show breaks the rules all the time). Instead she swallows what little dignity she has left and goes, and looks pouty and tearful throughout. Did she forget what show she signed up for???

I love this show, but after watching it all these years, this is one of the first times its just not very compelling at all. Im still trying to imagine being the final one and having to watch your boyfriend fool around with all these other girls...I just couldn't do it...Oh and LOL did anyone see olivia with another one of her open jaw faces!! hahah.

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Last night just seemed like a weird episode to me.


1.     The focus on Leah (who?) seemed to come out of nowhere.  One could argue that they had to focus on her given the way she exited.  But, something about that whole thing seemed strange and, dare I say, scripted.  Leah goes from zero-to-villain in about 5 minutes, and is shown trying to sabotage Lauren B. whom we've never seen behave in a way that could be considered "different around us than around you, Ben!".  


Then she pushes it with the late-night visit.  Now, I'm sure Leah didn't bust any grade-curves in school.  But she's got to be bachelor-wise enough to know that the girl who spends her time whining about another 'ette never gets the guy.  And then Ben sends her home right there?  


IDK.  This is now the second time that we've seen Ben shit-can an 'ette pre-RC.  I wouldn't have thought he had that in him.  He strikes me as much more of a risk-averse/conflict-avoidance sort of person who would prefer to just wait for the RC and not give them a rose.


All of that seems 100% producer-driven to me.


2.     Then the date with Caila was just bizarre.  He seemed to be complaining about her.  Then she said she loves him, but can't be with him, or something.  It almost seemed to me like she was about to self-eliminate.  Then there was some more argle-bargle, during which, frankly, Ben looked like the Peanuts kids when the teacher is talking whahwhahwhahWHAH, whahwhahBenwhah. . . "  The whole time the blank look on his face seemed to say "get to the point are we going to have sex?"


Then he says "she challenged me"?  


I was watching.  And paying attention.  And they were all speaking English, my native language.  And the audio quality seemed fine.  But I swear I couldn't understand a thing either of them were saying.


If I had to guess, I'd say that whole scene was Caila's audition-tape for the Bachelorette.  


3.   And Emily.  Oh, Emily.  What the fuck, girl?  Olivia didn't piss in your cereal.  She said Amanda's situation reminded her of Teen Mom.  That's not "the worst thing anyone could say".  She could've said Amanda reminded her of Andi Dorfman *natch* (cause I still hate that bitch).


That whole thing seemed to be purely producer-driven, starting last week, just to set up the two-on-one this week.  I wonder if Emily's tears were more about doing something she was instructed to do by the producers that she really didn't want to.


And her closing pitch to Ben?  Simper much?

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Ben lost some points for me tonight. 


He shouldn't have taken the rose out to dump Olivia. He doesn't have to do what the producers say. He is still a human with free will. 


Also, I thought his whole date with Caila was weird and I didn't understand it at all.

Edited by scribe95
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Ben could have absolutely not done the dick move and could have "forgotten" to pick up the rose when he took Olivia aside to dump her.  A slightly less asshole method than carrying it with him, because what could the producers do after the fact?  He's a dolt and can't even think independently enough to show a small kindness.  Idiot. 


So true. Although, at the end of the rose ceremony when there were two Laurens left standing, I was half-expecting him to pull a dick move by saying "Lauren..." -insert long dramatic pause - "...B." At least he didn't do that!

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Lauren B.'s butt:  I noticed, a while back, when she was wearing that long tight, white dress, that she has one of those rears that sticks straight out the back as though gravity didn't exist.  That may be why her bikini bottom looked odd.  They really should show it more often, it goes a long way to explain why Ben is so besotted by a cute, but average looking girl.


Caila's conversation:  My husband doesn't watch this show but sits  with his back to it doing computer stuff.  When Caila and Ben were having their conversation he rolled out to the TV, frowned at it awhile, and rolled back.  It said so much.


JoJo as B'Ette: She's very pretty, can talk well, and like Ashley and Andi  has an impressive job. That  alone would be so much better than Kaitlyn's beauty-school drop-out title.  Still.  I just haven't warmed to her.  She needs to have a Bentley break her heart or a Juan Pablo style fail in the fantasy suite, something to make her more endearing. 


Olivia: I agree with Bosawks that she will be missed.  Her show girl "dancing," and her desperate, job interview conversations were high points of the season.

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I kind of think the whole Leah thing was producer driven.  Something in the vein of - ok Leah, you are not the one.  He is making it too obvious that Lauren B. is, so we need you to go in and "plant a seed of doubt" in his mind that we can milk for the rest of the season in order to not make the F1 so obvious. 

They milked the "seed of doubt" thing this episode - when there clearly is no real conflict in Ben's mind.  Leah criticized Lauren B and he straight up sent her home for it.  Gee I wonder who he believes...

I also thought it was weird that Lauren B. was sitting there at the end of the party, clearly crying, and Ben just smiled and ignored her.  And then we don't see them talk for the rest of the episode.  I suspect they did have some sort of interaction and we didn't see it because it would have many his preference for her even more obvious.

These are just guesses btw, totally unspoiled!

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I felt kind of bad for Olivia.  I think there was definitely an element of ganging up on her by the other 'women'.  Other than "teen mom'-gate, I didn't actually hear any concrete examples of how Olivia was mean and rude to the other women and "teen mom"-gate was kind of iffy.


This season is feeling more and more like the last season of the Bachelorette, except for the holier-than-thou hypocrite lead we have this season.  The obvious attraction Ben has for Lauren B being noticed by the rest of the contestants and them getting pretty fed up with it all.


There's something wrong with Caila, not that I can say exactly what it is.  She just seems a bit off.  It doesn't help that she reminds me greatly of this bitch that I work with, who really is manipulative, two-faced and evil.  I may be projecting slightly!



Edited by Canada
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I actually loved Caila telling Ben she felt put on the spot by Ben asking her to be vulnerable with him, and how at that point she just isn't ready to do that. She may have rambled on towards the end, but I loved the fact that there was one woman in this group who didn't jump at the chance to tell a sob story and turn on the waterworks at the request of Ben. I feel like Caila's saying "I like you, but I don't know you that well...so why do you want me to go ahead and be a sobbing mess right now. Isn't that a turn off for most regular guys?"

It may be the most sensible thing a woman has said or done on this show since Sharleen's "I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom right now..." to Juan Pablo when everyone was jumping at the chance to be Camilla's new mommy.

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Lauren B. is my favorite, and I finally figured out who she reminds me of. She is like a blonde, less-perfect looking (still beautiful) version of Leighton Meester.


Thanks so much...I keep thinking she reminds me of someone, and you are right!  


I agree about the pig date...I would have been grossed out about having to swim among the pigs.  Here they have these beautiful beaches, and he couldn't just take them to an island without pigs?  Or stay on the boat?  Anything but that?  Seriously, that was nuts.  Plus, not that I am excusing Leah after what we saw later in the episode, but why in the evening, didn't he ask her to go talk first--knowing she was feeling left out from dates/one on one time.  He just grabs all of the girls he has talked to multiple times and makes her wait.  Not very smart if you are actually trying to pretend you want her to stick around.  

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Two theories about Leah's actions on this episode:


1. The producers enticed/manipulated Leah into planting doubt into Ben's mind about Lauren B because it is so obvious that he is infatuated with Lauren. Remember how they had to scramble around Kaitlyn's season due to her infatuation, well this time they wanted Ben to chill out a little with Lauren B hence the planting of doubt about her. Already all the girls are seeing Ben & Lauren as The Final Couple--just look at their attitudes on the pig date and look at Ben's behavior on the pig date. The producers know that these two can't help but broadcast their infatuation to everyone including the cameras (despite editing).


2. Maybe Lauren B isn't as sweet and angelic as her edit appears. Another reason I think she does well on this show since who wants a F1 or F2 (or even F3/F4) to seem less than perfect (definitely not the edit an F1 or F2 woman gets). We've seen hints of cliquish behavior. Amanda, Emily, Lauren B and others seem to be in one clique and then was/were other cliques (or clique) or outsiders (who hadn't formed their own clique). It's not hard to imagine that this group of "popular girls" may have had some bitchy behavior (Emily's tattle tales and emotional manipulation with tears over shit that wasn't even directed at her yet traumatized her--bitch, please; Lauren H was probably part of her--at least her soccer mom comment fit with a mean girl comment---hmm, I guess Emily didn't hear that since it was on par or worse than the Teen Mom comment*)


I personally found the halitosis comment by Emily about Olivia much worse and of much higher potential for long lasting humiliation then the Teen Mom comment. Oh yeah, Ben was a dick about the rose on the 2 on 1 date and he was a dick on the last live show by not answering the halitosis question and saying go to commercial. I also think the show is trying to give Ben a good edit so seeing those two comments/actions makes me really suspicious of "nice Ben".


*Teen Mom comment was probably just an awkward attempt to join the conversation. Olivia has crappy social skills with her peers (or when competitive) and she was likely facing the main clique who were united against her and just looking for a reason to get offended. I haven't seen Teen Mom but don't they stay with the kid instead of galavanting around the world (or USA and Caribbean) and chugging booze? Why did you divorce your husband after having difficulties after one child then continuing to stay with him and have another child? Oh yeah, he wasn't family oriented and likes to party. Pot meet kettle. LOL, I can she why they got together.


However Amanda is pretty and has a baby voice so of course she is an innocent angel victim (victim of the unforgivable Teen Mom comment--worst thing ever said! LOL)

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Leah's "attack" on Lauren B was obviously producer-driven, but do we think Ben decided to drop her on his own? Or was he given a heads-up before her evening visit and was it suggested to him that whoever came to see him should be sent packing?


The producers were done with Olivia and decided to give her the big humiliation send-off. Ben was done with her weeks ago and had been patiently waiting for the directive to dump her. It wasn't so much that he chose Emily, he just got rid of Olivia ... and he got rid of her in the most embarrassing way it can be done. (They must decide each season who gets to be dropped that way.)


Back to Lauren B: We as the audience haven't been shown any footage that would sway us against her (unlike they did with, say, Courtney from Flapjack's season or Vienna from Jake's), so Leah's attack was super weird. I couldn't care less about Lauren B but I'd guess she actually is a pleasant person, AND she also probably has the ability to turn "on" due to her job as a flight attendant. Professionally, even if she doesn't feel like it on a given day, she has to fake being pleasant and kind to everyone, even the most insufferable traveler.


Edited to add: Back to Olivia ... I don't have much sympathy for her but I think her biggest flaw was serious social awkwardness. She really didn't seem to know how to engage the other women, and her attempts to do so were off-putting. I wish we all lived in such a shiny, happy world like Emily's where the WORST THING EVER is to say that a very young mother -- who has left her children to participate in a reality TV show -- reminds you of a very young mother on a reality TV show.

Edited by TiaLou
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I kind of had the impression last night that Ben may just be too hungover at this point to be able to handle this mess anymore. He just seemed confused and tired the whole time. 


Re: Leah - I love when people on this show blatantly lie about saying something that they just said with a camera three feet from their face. Ha! Yeah, okay. 


I liked the women getting attacked by pigs, ha. Terrible, wretched date. But great for my viewing enjoyment. That whole Bahamas trip was terrible/great actually. The pigs, the hurricane, everyone being irritated at Ben. Love it. 


But man leaving Olivia on the beach in the storm while Ben and Emily rode off in the boat...that was COLD. I did feel bad for her when that happened.

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 I feel like Caila's saying "I like you, but I don't know you that well...so why do you want me to go ahead and be a sobbing mess right now. Isn't that a turn off for most regular guys?"

Agreed.  It's a desperate attempt for the producers to pull out of each girl the equivalent of the patented Ben Higgins "I'm Unlovable"™ tagline.  Or basically, "I showed you mine, so now you have to show me yours".  It's ridiculous.  We already heard her about her previous challenge with love on her first date with Ben.  Move ON!

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Oh, Olivia - I wished I could have mustered the tiniest bit of sympathy for you, stranded on an island...but what I can only assume was Erica...given the approximate timing of the episode.  But, alas...your constant 'I'm the prettiest, smartest, most confident princess and I'm truly in a love affair with a guy who I've known a nanosecond and is dating a baseball teams' lineup of other girls, but I'm the smartest and stuff' and shoehorning yourself in at every opportunity...sorry.  You got what you deserved...and it was glorious.  Watching self-important, delusional twenty-somethings get their comeuppance....it's my jam.

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OH NO! NOT JENNIFER! Wait, who's Jennifer? I laughed during her outro when she said, "Ben doesn't know who I am." And I was thinking "the viewing audience doesn't know who you are either." It's unbelievable that we're 6 weeks into the show and I'm still finding out about people on their way out the door.


Ben's convo with Olivia at the beginning of the show was one of the creepiest things I've seen on this show. Why were they were standing in a dark hallway and talking to each other in hushed tones? I knew Olivia wasn't getting a rose taken from her, but I was legitimately concerned for her safety for a few seconds when Ben's eyes got glassy.


Who's Leah? Well played having a breakdown in the bathroom to get some camera time. I guess not having a 1-on-1 will cause that. Why would she call out Lauren B. as being disingenuous? And who's Lauren B. anyway? Leah was just trying to save herself by name dropping and lying about it. That's a pretty dirty strategy. I'd approve if Leah wasn't so annoying. Leah's last-minute gameplay is one of the most desperate attempts I've ever seen to stay on this show. If visiting TB at his pad is a legitimate strategy, why don't the ladies go there every night? That strategy kind of backfired on Leah. Good riddance!


I like Caila, but I'm sure that's mostly physical attraction since her upbeat personality drains me. She's always been a poor woman's Catherine Lowe to me, but her strategy is really bad. What the heck is she saying and why is she talking about hurting Ben? Good save with that "being understood" diatribe I guess. It appeased Ben enough to get a rose. Ben likes Caila, so he was going to give her every chance to make some kind of sense and save herself.


I'm surprised Fleiss didn't have one of the pigs take out one of the ladies, preferably Leah. Those pigs were kind of creepy in an ocean setting. I didn't realize that pigs were that aggressive.


Go home to your kids, Amanda! I can't deal with that voice. I can't believe she got a rose. Let her go home to her kids, Ben!


Emily and Olivia 2-on-1! YES PLEASE! I was hoping for a catfight, but it was pretty undramatic. Olivia took not getting a rose like the narcissistic champ she is. I think production added the loud, whimpering cry in editing during Olivia's exit. It was a good deke by Ben to take Olivia aside with rose in hand to make Emily think Olivia was going to get the rose. I know I'm in the minority, but I'm going to miss Olivia. She brought a confident crazy that's hard to find. I found her lack of self-awareness refreshing.


I think it was funny that Ben was too butthurt to have a cocktail party. He obviously wants this season to end as quickly as I do. Are we finally down to 1 Lauren? I hope so.


I really can't see Ben with any of these ladies, and I can see him making additional cuts every week just to expedite this process.

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I kind of feel like Ben eliminated Olivia over Emily as his way of showing Lauren B he was clearing the way for her. And Leah going home was more of the same. It seems like there must have been a scene with Lauren B and Ben that we didn't see, working it out. Everything seemed so choppy.


Caila's scene made no sense, but she seemed to have gone from "sex panther" to "Can I go home now?" Maybe the editors are having trouble making Ben seem like his head's still in the game, that there's a chance for all of them.


If he's already hooked on Lauren B alone (although previews say otherwise), he should take Becca and Emily to the FS as they would be undemanding F3s. Or, since Amanda and Emily are apparently Lauren's good friends in the house, bring both of them, eliminating JoJo at the hometown date and clearing her path to being B-ette.


Maybe that's why they stopped B-Live this week, because IRL this was the week when  Ben just wasn't hiding his feelings any more.

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Because a few people (myself included) mentioned pulling a Mesnick, I just want to clarify the specific meaning of "pulling a Mesnick" within Bachelor Nation. "Pulling a Mesnick" means crying about letting F2 go, while "pulling a full Mesnick" is crying about letting the F2 go while standing on a balcony (with the camera shot from below, of course). It looks like Ben will be pulling a full Mesnick. However, that's not to imply that I think he's going to drop F1 for F2. I don't think we ever would have imagined that happening again, so there is no phrase for such an occurrence in Bachelor Nation lexicon! It sounds like some of you think that could happen again. This is the kind of thing we need Bachelor Live around for--to Skype in and ask Harrison how we should refer to that possibility.

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Agreed.  It's a desperate attempt for the producers to pull out of each girl the equivalent of the patented Ben Higgins "I'm Unlovable"™ tagline.  Or basically, "I showed you mine, so now you have to show me yours".  It's ridiculous.  We already heard her about her previous challenge with love on her first date with Ben.  Move ON!

And Ben seemed surprised to be put on the spot by a woman telling him she's not ready to do by his bidding. Noticed how he backtracked from "Is Caila ready to be vulnerable?" in his talking heads and in his conversation with Caila, to "Are you ready to be in a relationship?" when Caila was like "Oh hell no, I'm not crying on your shoulder!"

Edited by slowpoked
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OK, I have tried three times to reply to this post and each time something weird has happened to cause my reply to show up in the quote box.  I'll try to bold my reply so you can tell my words from the original poster, but I don't blame you if you just skip over this mess.

I personally found the halitosis comment by Emily about Olivia much worse and of much higher potential for long lasting humiliation then the Teen Mom comment. Oh yeah, Ben was a dick about the rose on the 2 on 1 date and he was a dick on the last live show by not answering the halitosis question and saying go to commercial. I also think the show is trying to give Ben a good edit so seeing those two comments/actions makes me really suspicious of "nice Ben".


Regarding the bad breath issue, I agree that what we saw didn't place Ben in a good light.  When asked about Olivia's breath, he gave every indication of wanting to say "Yes, her breath was horrible", but couldn't bring himself to say it.  Instead he did the 'cut to commercial' thing and the question wasn't answered when the show came back on. 


I'll admit to trying to figure out just what happened there.  Was he that shocked that such a question was asked that he didn't know how to respond?  Did he have an earbud in screaming at him to "Go to commercial!"  Was he assured that the question wouldn't be shown on TV so there was no reason to answer, just move on?  Instead of just saying, "Olivia's breath was just fine.  You saw me kiss her on several occasions."  What the viewing audience is left with is the impression that Olivia did indeed have bad breath and Ben locked lips with her anyway. 


I now have to wonder what a bachelor or bachelorette would do in that case.  Just about to kiss and then the malordous odor is detected.  Then what?  Pull a Paris Hilton and turn away exclaiming to the cameras "Oh gross!  His breath tastes like onions!"  (The Simple Life, season 1, where Paris kisses a teenaged boy and ruins his dating chances for at least a couple of years.)  Maybe fake a coughing fit (cough cough "Oh, no!  I think I swallowed a gnat or something!  Gotta go rinse, swish, and BRUSH MY TEETH."  Or maybe pull the old "Did you see that?  Look over there.  What was that?  Did you see it?  It looked like some kind of animal, and it looked mad.  Let's go back to the group for a few minutes and let that thing move on it's way."


OK, new things for future bachelors or bacheloretts to think about.  How to avoid a kiss when you suddenly realize the other person has really bad breath.


As for picking up the rose so he could walk Olivia off and get rid of her, I think he was told to do that, but he really should have forgot to pick it up.  I wonder if Production would have interfered and called out to him that he forgot his rose.  They really needed Emily to think she was being banished and really needed Olivia to think she was being saved.


I found it interesting that Olivia stayed right in her spot so the cameras could capture her pain as Ben and Emily immediately forgot her and boarded their boat to get away.  In fact, I'm not too worried about Olivia's state of mind because when the scene showed her still standing right where Ben placed her, the camera pulled back and the blanket, wine, and glasses were no where to be seen. 


Production obviously called a halt while some gofer picked up the stuff and got it out of the shot.

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Ben is sort of a little bitch. No wonder he's so unloveable. Here's a clue Bland Higgins, Don't take Lauren B off to a non pig infested area while the rest have to scramble barefoot in coral rock to avoid being mauled. I swear poor JoJo was fighting off a whole family of pigs who wanted to draw and quarter her. But patience had its virtue. It seems she's tasked with being his level headed confidante and could be setting herself up for B ette if she keeps her head straight.

Now I know who Leah and Jennifer. Don't really care.

Teen mom seems pretty whiny and Botox at her age? She's still there because of the fall out over Soules daring to send single mom Juelia home. Whatever.

At least Lauren H can take her legs home and supplement her teaching job with a leg modeling side job.

That whole episode was a drag and full of bad energy. And now I know who Last Twin Standing looks like-A better looking Oksana Baiul, Tara Reid at her not hottest, with a Winters brother as a Father.

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As for picking up the rose so he could walk Olivia off and get rid of her, I think he was told to do that, but he really should have forgot to pick it up.  I wonder if Production would have interfered and called out to him that he forgot his rose.  They really needed Emily to think she was being banished and really needed Olivia to think she was being saved.


I found it interesting that Olivia stayed right in her spot so the cameras could capture her pain as Ben and Emily immediately forgot her and boarded their boat to get away.  In fact, I'm not too worried about Olivia's state of mind because when the scene showed her still standing right where Ben placed her, the camera pulled back and the blanket, wine, and glasses were no where to be seen. 


Production obviously called a halt while some gofer picked up the stuff and got it out of the shot.


I think that it is pretty clear that that must have been a production driven decision.  After all, if he had said "Olivia, can I talk with you a moment" without the rose then there would have been no dramatic fake out.  It would have been clear what was happening.  And isn't the standing in one spot as the helicopter and the wind drives you off to Tartarus a Bachelor trope?  That happened with Kelsey and Ashley.

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 I swear poor JoJo was fighting off a whole family of pigs who wanted to draw and quarter her. 


Jojo's body is really hot.


Leighton Meester is extremely beautiful so I will respect and understand the comparison but I cannot agree with it.  Lauren B. is more plain and average to me with every episode.


Teen Mom and Leftover Twin have zero chance here.  I don't get what the twin is being kept around for.


I love how Caila makes it clear that she doesn't like anyone around her but not in the asshole way that Olivia did.  Olivia got more horrifying (personality wise and therefore looks wise) to me with every episode.  I tried to find the redeemable parts of this woman but there were none and by the end I could not even look at her face.  I just see a lizard.


Ben's eyes are so beady and close together.  I looked up the past Bachelors and 90% of them are so ugly so I get why Ben looks good in comparison.  That Bob Guiney guy?  Good lord I will have nightmares.


I know this post seems shallow and awful but I think Jojo is scorchingly hot and Caila is very pretty.  If Jojo is Bachelorette I am good with it but the problem with Caila is obviously that nobody can follow her trail of thoughts.  Sometimes she's all smiles and then sometimes she's stonefaced.  The way she uses emotion is confusing, let alone the way she speaks.  


I love how everyone before me has pointed out Ben smiling and saying, "The women are having a blast" and then you see poor Jojo in the background running for her life from the hungry pigs.  Also Ben accosting every single woman in the water and pleading, why aren't you paying more attention to me?  Is extremely hilarious.  The women were all being polite, I thought.  And trying to (literally) survive the pig horniness.  Which was horrifying -- as so much else in this episode was.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Well, rats. I was all about Olivia being the Chosen One, and that she would live in married bliss forever with Ben. 


I guess my jam varies.


Olivia being left on that deserted island gave me hysterical flashbacks of that bachelor who was dumped out of the train into the snowy Canadian wilderness, to stand and watch as everyone drives/flies/is driven away. Buh-bye. (You guys know who i mean. It was the best Leave Behind evah.)


After the last episode, I posted: "There's a Leah?" Well, surprise, I guess there is/was. Hopefully, she's learned how to TREAD LIGHTLY and make all subsequent stealth visits to a man's room all about what a "great guy HE is" and not about you or any other woman. It's gotta be all about the MAN, Leah. You should have watched a few episodes of this show before signing up.


Well, Leah was really nice to look at though. Very pretty face.


That pig date was horrible. All I could think of was my (secret) plan of how to dispose of a body if I happen to (accidentally) kill someone: I dump his body into the hog feedlot down the road. The hogs will devour every last trace of that person, including the bones. I was just waiting for one of those b-ette to get knocked down and get some hands/feet chewed off.


That was a nightmare date. Then that was followed by another nightmare date on a deserted island during a hurricane? Geesh. No thanks. And yeah, get a freaking scrunchie, Twin. Although you are better looking with her hair obscuring your face. So there's that.

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As much as I wanted Olivia to go home, it was a dick move to pick up the rose and then walk away with her like he was about to give it to her.  Producer driven or not, he could have said no.  That was some bullshit.


Another strike against Ben as he's slowly becoming one of the douchiest Bachelors ever.

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OK, I have tried three times to reply to this post and each time something weird has happened to cause my reply to show up in the quote box.  I'll try to bold my reply so you can tell my words from the original poster, but I don't blame you if you just skip over this mess.


I'll admit to trying to figure out just what happened there.  Was he that shocked that such a question was asked that he didn't know how to respond?  Did he have an earbud in screaming at him to "Go to commercial!"  Was he assured that the question wouldn't be shown on TV so there was no reason to answer, just move on?  Instead of just saying, "Olivia's breath was just fine.  You saw me kiss her on several occasions."  What the viewing audience is left with is the impression that Olivia did indeed have bad breath and Ben locked lips with her anyway. 


I now have to wonder what a bachelor or bachelorette would do in that case.  Just about to kiss and then the malordous odor is detected.  Then what?  Pull a Paris Hilton and turn away exclaiming to the cameras "Oh gross!  His breath tastes like onions!"  (The Simple Life, season 1, where Paris kisses a teenaged boy and ruins his dating chances for at least a couple of years.)  Maybe fake a coughing fit (cough cough "Oh, no!  I think I swallowed a gnat or something!  Gotta go rinse, swish, and BRUSH MY TEETH."  Or maybe pull the old "Did you see that?  Look over there.  What was that?  Did you see it?  It looked like some kind of animal, and it looked mad.  Let's go back to the group for a few minutes and let that thing move on it's way."


OK, new things for future bachelors or bacheloretts to think about.  How to avoid a kiss when you suddenly realize the other person has really bad breath.


As for picking up the rose so he could walk Olivia off and get rid of her, I think he was told to do that, but he really should have forgot to pick it up.  I wonder if Production would have interfered and called out to him that he forgot his rose.  They really needed Emily to think she was being banished and really needed Olivia to think she was being saved.


I found it interesting that Olivia stayed right in her spot so the cameras could capture her pain as Ben and Emily immediately forgot her and boarded their boat to get away.  In fact, I'm not too worried about Olivia's state of mind because when the scene showed her still standing right where Ben placed her, the camera pulled back and the blanket, wine, and glasses were no where to be seen. 


Production obviously called a halt while some gofer picked up the stuff and got it out of the shot.



Maybe her breath varies in "freshness" throughout the day. He got her to eat mint at the store during the cooking challenge and he just gave her closed mouth kisses right before dumping her (of course he was going to dump her). I really think he was just trying to be a funny asshole on the live show but it just came off as asshole imo. I saw hints of it with how he handled the Jubilee situation. I think he really disliked Olivia and that production forced him to keep her as long as they did. He got all freaky mad about anyone daring to upset Emily (puke) and then was likely forced by production to keep her and by the time the live show came, he forgot not to be an asshole...just a theory. I wasn't a fan of Olivia but after seeing the comments/behavior of the others, including Ben, I dislike her less than I did. 


I think they must sometimes forget they are on film and that they should act nice (Ben and the halitosis issue). He's probably an overall nice guy but like any human has his asshole moments (some have more of them than others). I'm less of a fan of Ben then I was a few episodes ago.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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It's incredible how much more Becca is into Ben than she was ever into Chris. She's like a whole different woman with him. Still horribly boring but like a better boring?


Maybe Lauren B isn't as sweet and angelic as her edit appears


Maybe but I feel like the producers wouldn't waste the juice to create a villain like they did with Courtney.  It's not like this season is bursting with story lines.


That 2 on 1 date I got Kelsey Poe vibes. "You know what you did." That was the best. 


I was watching.  And paying attention.  And they were all speaking English, my native language.  And the audio quality seemed fine.  But I swear I couldn't understand a thing either of them were saying.


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. I had no idea what was happening with Caila. 


Why is Twin always able to use her cell to call OtherTwin? I thought they confiscate all connections to the outside BachelorNation?

Edited by Kbilly
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The pig date made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants lol. It looks terrifying for the women, being mauled by pigs, probably worrying about being drowned by one, pigs chasing them. Looked like a date from hell.  Was great entertainment. Loved that Lauren (the teacher) just picked up a baby pig and was cuddling it. Leah honey Ben just doesn't give a shit about you. Funny that she lives 15 minutes from him and he has NO interest in her. Also hilarious is that most of the girls seem done with Ben or annoyed with him. I actually thought Calia was going to leave with her "I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you". Thought she was no longer into him so was trying to tell him to let her go. Nothing she said made any sense. She's cute but nobody is home.


Ben looked pissed off and frustrated and miserable on that group date. Even Jo Jo who usually kisses his ass and fawns over him was giving him the cold shoulder.


Leah suddenly attacking Lauren B has to be producer manipulation. Maybe they told her she needs screen time to be in the running for Bachelorette? If she wanted to ensure a rose for her herself it would be easier to put some doubts in Ben's head about one of the women he's not really into.. maybe Emily? The other Lauren? Why go after his obvious favorite?? It would take ALOT to change his mind about the one gal he's really really into. Loved that he saw right through Leah, smacked her down and sent her home. Go Ben!!  Also loved his dismissal of delusional Olivia.

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I'm sorry Lauren H. is gone. I know she made that unfortunate soccer mom comment - and she might have been correct about Ben's preferences anyway - but she seemed really sweet and tried to make the best of circumstances and enjoy the dates she was in. She was holding a baby pig. I'd like to see her as Bachelorette but I know she won't be chosen because she is not conventionally pretty. But I think she'd have a good personality for it and could manage the guys.

I felt a little sorry for Olivia. She had this scripted romance with Ben in her head; unfortunately, he didn't have a copy of her script and didn't play his part. If all that emotion was genuine, she must feel like a fool. As for Leah, here I thought she was this nice neglected girl, then suddenly she turns on Lauren B. who's done nothing but sit and smile. (I've noticed that in group settings, Lauren B. is always smiling with this glow.)


I was pretty sure Lauren H would be gone as she and Ben had absolutely no chemistry. I thought it was cute when she was picking up the baby pig. But then she gave me pause when she said to Leah after Leah returned from her late night visit to Ben "How did it go?". Did she think that Leah was just going to have more one on one time with Ben, or did she know that Leah was going to continue her lies regarding Lauren B? The latter seems more likely to me. And if that is the case I am glad she is gone.


Wow, Olivia was so entertaining that I will miss her. I am torn as to whether she was really as delusional as she came off, building up a whole epic love story in her mind that didn not exist? Or is she planning to branch out from anchoring into acting and was playing a role? Either way, while I am glad Ben put her in her place I will miss her. Given the way she expressed herself, she was also very delusional about her depth and intelligence. Jam indeed.

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As much as I wanted Olivia to go home, it was a dick move to pick up the rose and then walk away with her like he was about to give it to her.  Producer driven or not, he could have said no.  That was some bullshit.


Another strike against Ben as he's slowly becoming one of the douchiest Bachelors ever.

So agree with you on the rose-carrying thing. They didn't show Olivia as being THAT much of a villain that viewers would savor her humiliation over being annoyed at the blatant manipulation (by the producers, presumably, although Ben went along).


I don't know about Ben rivaling the top Bach douches. That's a pretty high bar!

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JoJo being a little cool to him during the pig date was the best.  The way he pleaded with her not to be mad at him, saying, "Of all people, you know how this is" and her response of "What do I know?" was gold.  

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it would be easier to put some doubts in Ben's head about one of the women he's not really into


Oh, this reminds me: Ben was a gigantic dickwad telling the b-ette (whichever one, I can't tell them apart) that someone putting bad thoughts in his head about one of the women means those bad thoughts stay there and eat at him. So HE puts bad thoughts in the b-ette's head (Lauren?) so she gets all freaked out because of those bad thoughts BEN GAVE HER are staying in HER head eating at HER.


Yeah, Ben = Douche, but what did we all expect, people?

Edited by saber5055
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For me, Caila is just nailing her Bachelorette audition.  Especially that circular reasoning with Ben about how she'll probably break his heart and yet she may love him.  While being vulnerable but not crying on his shoulder.  Deeply and showing each other who they are, openly and not holding back.  With a toss of her gorgeous mane, Ben instantly gets it all.  Clarity. 


She's perfect for the next lead.  She looks good and can take 12 minutes to say absolutely nothing, yet make it sound profound.  

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But pigs? Horrible creatures that God somehow had the foresight to make delicious.


Ha! I have no specific feelings on pigs' disposition(s), but I enjoy bacon. 


Yeah I still think he's been a more than decent lead (and as I have said before, when the previous lead was Farmer Chris, that bar was not that high) and I don't really agree with the beginning of the end thing that's being predicted about him in terms of him being likable, unless he really does pull a Mesnick (and even then people might still like him since because Mesnick did it already, the shock and outrage factor is no longer there).

That said, yesterday's episode definitely showed some whiny and needy qualities that probably contributed to what he talked about before of overwhelming people he dated.


I don't think too much of any Bachelor, per my post from the last episode about the show premise of lies and obfuscation. But my prediction of "beginning of the end" for Ben wasn't about him changing.  It's that the positive perception of him will fall continually through the finale.  It's happened in every season I can recall.  I posted the same sentiment last week, and this week reaffirms my suspicions.  


This is the same guy who told a bunch of strangers in week 3 about the death of close family friends.  Producer-driven or not, there was certainly the expectation then that he receive comfort and attention.  So this episode was just a continuation of that expectation.  There's a tonal shift with viewers which started last week.  That's what I'm referring to. 

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Just caught more of the beginning of this week's episode and was really surprised how "down" everyone seems. They've arrived in the Bahamas, seem to have a nice place to stay, but they all seem tired, discouraged, not even trying to be cute and energetic anymore (except perhaps for Olivia).


This especially applies to Ben who just seems drained and burdened by having to keep a bunch of women he's not interested in still thinking they're "in the game", when it seems they all realize it's not the case.


Too much sun? Too much rough water? (I felt seasick just looking at that small motorboat cutting through the rough ocean. Ugh.) Or just that everyone knows it's "game over"  -- either no one's really clicking or he's already made his preference for Lauren B clear, as Becca kind of suggested. They seem to be trying to act interested, but they're not. ITA with the post above that Ben just seems exhausted and over it.


On the bright side, I enjoyed the interaction with Lauren B, Emily and Amanda who seem like they've genuinely become friends, in spite of the "competition". Also liked that Lauren trusted that friendship, didn't suspect either of them of sabotage, and wasn't angry, just sad, about what Leah had done. (And Leah, if egged on by producers, may have been told she'd get to go on BiP if she did it, just so an audience would care, even if it meant she was the bad guy. Seemed silly to try to make herself special to him by badmouthing someone else. That never works, esp. with someone TB doesn't even care about. I suspect she'll wind up on BiP.


Loved the bizarre scenes with the pigs--from their introduction with Strauss playing as they swam through the ocean, to the sexy women in bikinis frolicking (or whatever) on the beach with gigantic pigs. Someone in production was having fun without the clichéd "swim with dolphins". A great surreal image--thanks, show.

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I think Ben is nailing it on doing the quick and relatively painless dumps.  First Jubilee, then Olivia, then Leah.  He sort of gets this determined look like it's something he knows he has to do and just wants to get over with and then just comes out and says it.  Personally, I have been dumped this way and prefer it, because (1) You don't get the option of trying to see if you can work things out and hash over what went wrong and whether you can save it (which can go on for hours, let's face it), etc. when the guy just knows it's done and no talking is going to change it.  Saves you a lot of tears and mental gyrations and humiliation.  It would be different if they've been dating for weeks or months, but getting rid of them like this after just spending a few hours with them seems almost kind to me.  Boom!  Done! and (2) You end hating the guy so you don't obsess about him.  In your mind--Boom!  It's done!  Never wanna see that bastard again.


However, I loved the pig date and would have loved to swim with the pigs, so my opinions may not be the norm.

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But my prediction of "beginning of the end" for Ben wasn't about him changing.  It's that the positive perception of him will fall continually through the finale.



Actually I know that's exactly what you meant and my point was specifically in response to said assumption. YMMV, but I don't think Ben will end the season being seen as unlikable to viewers or the positive perception will be tainted. I noted that yes, maybe if he does indeed pull a Mesnick switcheroo it might upset some viewers.


However, judging by the comments around the internet that I've observed, meaning not just this place, Ben is still very much liked and for some even adored as the lead. And trust, after Kaitlyn, you can tell when the viewers and Bachelor Nation if you will, have turned on a lead. It hasn't happened with Ben far as I can tell. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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