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S11.E10: Week 9

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Have to admit I missed the last 20 minutes due to rain/tornado.


But I am so over Shawn and Nick fighting like little girls. And frankly I'm even more over Kaitlyn stirring it all up by constantly asking them about each other on her dates. She is the reason for all this extra stress.


What do we know about this eskimo thing? Do we think Shawn said something like that? Did he deny it really?


I actually found the golf date funny. One of the more real and amusing dates on the show.

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So Ick told Shawn that he "heard about the Eskimo brother thing".  Shawn didn't tell him directly, so Ick was just repeating GOSSIP. Typical shit-stirrer crap we've grown to expect from Vile Viall.


As often as Kaitlyn says "like" as a verbal placeholder, Ben said it almost as much.  I weep for them, and the conversational skills of our youth.


Kaitlyn said to Ben that spending the night is a big deal.  Probably because she's usually gone before the used condom hits the trash can.


I love that after the golf date that Shawn called Ick a 16 year-old girl. 


That kitten-fight between them wasn't worthy of air time.  I had more intense fights with my brothers when we were growing up, about who should change the toilet paper roll.  I did laugh when the word "classy" came out of Ick's mouth. 


The family visits were predictable, rehearsed and minimally influential.   Ick was really milking the "here I am again, look at meeeeeeee!!!!"  While sucking on that whiskey glass.  Shawn's family was more real to me.  And it looked like Kaitlyn was pretty comfy with them.  I liked his dad.  They get my vote.


No surprise to find out Ick's mom didn't like Andi.  As young as she is and as many kids as she has, it's obvious she didn't do college and grad school. So in her world, the husband is supposed to be the professional.  Kaitlyn is no threat there. 


Poor Ben.  They might have well just neutered him onscreen.  I imagine Kaitlyn still has his balls in her purse. 

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Ben gets changed from one Irish wool sweater to another for the evening portion of the date and then gives his big "Kaitlyn Bristowe, from the moment I stepped out of the limo..." speech. I'd say save it for Proposal Point, but, hell, even Ben realizes that he's not making it to F2! You're #1 in the hearts of Bachelor Nation, Ben H.; see you next season [/speculation]! Ooh, he's apparently good in bed, too [/more speculation]. But what's with the Capri sweatpants?! Yikes! Negative 3 points!

Thank goodness for Ben that Shawn has an even worse golfing outfit. Wait. What?! Full-length underwear?! It's not even like long johns but full-length tighty-whiteys (that are black)!! Everyone will forget about Ben's capris. But, WHOA, naked Shawn?!?! Hellooooo, Shawn! Oh, hell, now no one will remember what ANYONE was wearing...EVER!

That was a strange goodbye between Shawn and Kaitlyn--and no commentary from Kaitlyn on how the night went. Oh, damn, Nick is waiting for Shawn. Guess the producers wanted to get right to that. I hate to take Nick's side but it is really ridiculous that Shawn expected Nick to listen to what he wanted to say and doesn't extend Nick the same courtesy. It reflects poorly on Shawn.

Does Kaitlyn have a seeing eye chart on her side ribcage or is it Chinese/Japanese characters of what I can only assume is yet another fear: monsters under the bed as a metaphor for reaching for her dreams or some such nonsense.

Hey, guys, Harrison showed up! He's earing his paycheck tonight with an interview AND a pep talk!

Ben's final words: "I will definitely miss, um, Kaitlyn." This after calling her "that girl" repeatedly. Did he forget her name or did all of his wrong reasons that he'll really miss (travel, booze, bros, sweaters, TV exposure, chance at The Bachelor, etc.) flash through his mind?

Nick admits they talked a lot--on the phone!!** Previously they only admitted to instagram comments and a couple of texts!!

Nick's family has PTSD from Andi!

**And now Nick's mom and Kaitlyn are both admitting that Kaitlyn was the one who "brought him all that way" to the show because of the connection they had! So much for the "surprise" in NY!

Ok, I thought that she met Nick's family in a hotel, but now after Shawn's date, I'm certain they're both in hotels--the same hotel that Kaitlyn is staying in. They don't even get the actual hometown date in which they show the Bachelorette around the town and get to see what their lives are like and/or where they grew up. This is a ripoff! We BETTER get the full Men Tell All experience! If they only tell "some" or half the guys only show up or we don't get the crazy audience over-reaction shots or anything else that we love about that show, i'm writing my local congressman!

Edited by JenE4
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A dramatic scene of Shawn walking away, then we cut to Shaun the Sheep! Coincidence?? The sheep at the end were the best part.


I think Shawn's the one for her. She was totally lit up for him at the family visit in a way she wasn't for Nick. I have a feeling Nick's parents didn't want The Bachelorette crew at their house again.

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Interesting - so they had much more connection than thought and Kaitlyn had a hand in him coming on the show? 


Also, this is odd but I was so excited she wore a freaking color today - not black or white - but I couldn't help but notice in the orange dress that her boobs were not even. One hung lower. I couldn't stop looking at it.

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imo Shawn did brag to the guys about the eskimo brothers thing. Since he didn't deny it but only said Nick shouldn't have bought it up

She pick the right guy for her 


a douche to her jerk 

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I like Kaitlyn, but my eyes rolled so far back in my head at "sisters are my jam!" Um...ok.

She only lusts Nick (for some unfathomable reason-eww.)

I honestly wanted to smack Nicks family. I mean really people? The only one I forgive the crying is the little girl. This is a show people, it's a performance!!

Shawn>Nick 4eva! Lol

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The stylist did Kaitlyn no favors with that red dress, though it was nice to see her in something colorful.  She does NOT have the rack for that plunging neckline.  They should have stayed with the high-neck short dresses that show off her legs.  They're a good feature. 


My greatest admiration is for the valiant Irish knitters, their needles and their wool (Off and on the hoof).  Gorgeous showcase for all the cabled sweaters and kudos to ABC for putting the unwashed masses in such lovely "jumpers". 

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I really thought she looked like she had the most fun/had the best chemistry with Ben on the date this week.  Every date with Nick and Shawn really doesn't look fun at all.  She spends all of those dates saying things like "this is so hard, this is so stressful, how are you feeling, this is so crazy, I feel sick to my stomach, how to you feel about Nick/Shawn/some other drama?"  I don't think we've seen her have actual conversation with anyone really but she came closest with Ben.  Have we seen any conversation about what the guys see for their future together?  Where will they live, do they want children, does anyone have plans for a job?  Etc.  Plus, does any food ever get eaten on the dates?  I think I counted 5 uneaten steaks this episode alone.

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Shawn is such a dumbass, I can't even... He's been talking crap about Nick nonstop, yet calls Nick a "terrible person" and threatens him because he dared speak his mind about him once. He doesn't know shit about Nick, so where is all this rage coming from? His own insecurity I suppose. Ugh, so not attractive.


Nick needs to stop being sure people love him, when they haven't said so. Don't be a fool twice, please!


Ben didn't give a crap about Kaitlyn. He only stayed that long to get the Bachelor gig. So fake.

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Much as they appear to hate each other (producer driven, in my opinion), Shawn and Nick are now 'Eskimo brothers' even though on different nights.


I've never seen a B'ette be 'sick to her stomach' as often as Kaitlyn.  Pepto-Bismol should be a product placement.


Shawn is so obviously her choice, although she enjoys Nick too.


As I mentioned in another post, the show always makes it look as if she is going to choose another man before she picks the one who is actually her choice.  It's been harder to mislead the viewing audience with Kaitlyn because she has been so obviously in love/lust with Shawn from the beginning.


And oh, yeah ~ both the extremely close bro-love between Clint and JJ was as producer driven as the fight between Shawn and Nick.


Oh, and one more thing (honest), why do these lousy actors smile when they're saying they love/hate someone?  It's so awkward and insincere looking.  That's why I didn't believe Nick when he professed his love for Kailtyn ~ he was always grinning like an orangutan and looking off in different directions.  And when Shawn threatens to dismember Nick, he's grinning in almost a apologetic way, to me.


PS:  I wonder if Kaitlyn and Nick (rather than the producers) came up with the idea of using him as a decoy for her real feeling for Shawn. Their relationship could also be a sham.  She talked with him, told him honestly she was over the moon over Shawn, not really feelin' it with the other guys, and would he like to come on the show and do a little acting, get a little more publicity.  If so, its Nick's family who are the far better actors.  Of course, they know a different side to Nick than we see and doubtless really love him and are concerned for him.

Edited by scarlettudor
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Oh my god I wish when Nick and Kaitlyn walked in it was an episode of Intervention with Jeff Von Whatshisname.  "Nick, these people love you like hell.  Will you accept treatment so that you never appear on another reality show EVER AGAIN?"

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Nick was talking with a weird lisp thing during the family visit, then in the TH's, he didn't have it. Ben seemed way over everything but if I were Kaitlyn, I would run away with him and leave the two doofus behind. 


I do have to admit both Shawn and Nick have good bodies. This season is such a dud. Almost no rose ceremonies, hometown dates that don't involve the hometowns, no talking about what the couple's future life might be about. At this point we usually hear about where they want to live, how many kids etc. I assume neither guy is asking Kaitlyn about this because they have no intention of marrying her.


Why weren't the hometown dates in the guys town? Did the families refuse? Looking forward to TMTA, but only if the guys are honest and admit they are not and never have been interested in Kaitlyn. It's also funny that 5 weeks in a row, storms in Chicago made me lose a little or a lot of the show. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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Whoever was in charge of having to scotch-tape two-hours' worth of footage for tonight deserves a shot of tequila, or a hug, or something.


Kaitlyn confronts Shawn with Nick's "eskimo brother" reveal.  Then tells Shawn she doesn't want him to explain it.  Then complains that she's subjected to this "animosity" between Nick and Shawn.  Nights like this . . . I can't even.


And those ridiculous tattoos on the back of Kaitlyn's arms are completely distracting.  They're so ridiculously placed it always seems like there's just something stuck to her arm.


But I hope her numerous "step sisters" get along with her "REAL sister!"  Yikes.  I'm guessing that after tonight aired "sisters" aren't going to be so much her "jam" anymore.

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Congratulations, Ben! I'm so relieved and happy that you escaped. I can only hope that any bad feelings you had were encouraged by the producers who knew they had a sure-thing, drama-bs finale in the making with an airhead drama queen, scary guy and whatever Nick is.

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Shawn's body was so incredible and Nick's lisp was so ????  that I switched my alliances towards them again.  Not that it really matters.  Poor Nick.  Can't he see a speech therapist or a proper ortho.  I feel for the kid.  I don't even know why.  Apparently he's trying modelling and when you don't have to hear him speak he doesn't look that bad at all.


Ben H. is acting so strange this episode.  His eyes are completely blank and he's not sure where he is or with whom.  


Look Jared is a sweetie but let's be real.  Straight up I just think he's too physically small to be The Bachelor.  Sigh, that's wrong of me I know... I'm the one who desperately wants someone non-white to be cast!  Too bad Ian had to take that idea and implode all over everybody.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I would've loved Ben's date: horseback riding, animals, a picnic and castle with a pretty view...and if Ben was there, that would be ok. haha. I didn't see a believable connection between Ben and Kaitlyn, and though I could see him do well with other types of women I'm not sure I want to see him be the Bachelor.

The boobage revealed in Kaitlyn's plunging RC dress was distracting.

Would've liked all the FS dates to be shown during the same episode. This season has been sliced and diced to sh*t.

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After many unexpected kind words last week, I shall try to measure up.  But this post will probably be a bit different i.e. more of a narrative since it’s something of a live blog.  But watching this show live is nigh-on impossible with the ad breaks.  And what ad breaks they are.  Madison Avenue may think the American male is a flannel-shirted slob who craves cheap beer and salty chips, but Madison Avenue thinks you ladies are flighty, indecisive and insecure except when you’re practicing yoga.  Every commercial seems to use nonthreatening Teletubbies music.  To say that the ad agencies rely on lazy stereotypes is to say that February in Chicago is a bit on the brisk side.


And we’re back in Ireland.  Again?  Napoleon’s island exile on Elba didn’t last this long.  Soon the camera crews will need extended work visas.  It’s a reprise of the Shawn Me Talk You Listen Show.  Shawn’s not my cup of tea but he deserves some credit for not smacking the smirk off Nick’s face.  Frankly, it’s hard to take either of them seriously when one is wearing Chuck Taylors and the other some white-soled, soft leather sneakers.  Buy some proper shoes lads!  Girls notice these things!


Kaitlyn is off to meet up with Ben and compare cable-knit sweaters.  Kaitlyn, perhaps aware she’s been wearing more black than Morticia Addams, opts for white.  Couldn’t they have sampled the Irish Spring theme music?  I kept expecting Ben to produce a bar of green and white soap and a pocketknife, possibly while whistling.  Today’s activity?  The old Bachelor(ette) standby of horseback riding!  Apparently it’s mandatory each season, similar to the ‘boat jump’ in the tropics.  The camera operator attempts to obscure the horse guide rider behind some leaves for reasons unknown but there are in fact three of them.  Why is this a secret?  English saddle is tricky even for experienced riders but they heroically manage a slow walk in a straight line.


The scene cuts to a farm where a couple of jackasses scamper downhill and make funny noises.  But enough about Kaitlyn and Ben! *rimshot*  For some reason the couple have been tasked with feeding donkeys until the demanding donkeys chase them around, refusing to believe the feed bucket is empty.


On to the castle!  Kaitlyn is Back In Black, natch.  Might we instead call her Kitchen Kaitlyn for her pancake (makeup) and (vocal) fry?  Ben, perhaps using his sales training, is smooth as silk as he gives what sounds suspiciously like a prepared speech and deftly slips in the ‘falling in love with you’ magic phrase.  The card is produced.  Is there anyone remotely familiar with this show who doesn’t know its exact wording by now, making the reading superfluous?  And why isn’t it simply signed ‘Chris?’


Interlude:  a Bachelor In Paradise promo with the raccoon gag already worn out through repetition.  Isn’t there a statute of limitations on seasons featuring Clare?  This poor girl hasn’t eaten a proper meal in over a year trying to keep the caboose from slowing the train in her desperate quest for male companionship.  What guarantees do we have that Clare’s evil sisters won’t reappear?  The execrable JJ and some other Kaitlyn rejects are in the BIP cast along with crazy-but-not-really blonde Ashley and genuinely-crazy Ashley Iaconetti, she of the white nail polish, palm-frond false eyelashes and alarming habit of turning crimson and pounding her forehead violently when she cries – which seems to be often.


Kaitlyn and Shawn are off on a golf date.  Kaitlyn’s grid-pattern golf trousers are quite fetching but, alas, she’s back in a monochrome ensemble.  The less said about Shawn’s outfit the better, including his spandex long johns.  Kaitlyn’s form is actually decent, especially her finish.  Did the crew rent the entire course for the day?  Might a foursome on the course catch up with them and see a nude male racing after a female?  Might the foursome think a crime was in progress?

The less said about the Nick date the better…which is a convenient way of concealing the truth that weather knocked my dish out during it.  Someone up there likes me!  I did notice that while her makeup does come off Kaitlyn’s eyelashes can survive overnight dates in the Fantasy Suite and still be standing to attention the next morning.


Kaitlyn shocks us all with a RC dress in an actual color!  It’s red…but it’s cut down to her navel a la Cher in 1974.  If you think yanking a Band-Aid off your arm is tricky, just imagine two long strips of double-sided tape being pulled off your mammaries!  I’ll wager the dress wasn’t the only thing red after that disrobing.  She’s wearing even more pancake makeup tonight and I’m genuinely concerned about her proximity to open flame.  Speaking of flame, exactly what is the candle budget for this show?


Kaitlyn makes her choices and Ben, with an involuntary gulp and rapid series of blinks, realizes that nice guys do indeed finish last.  He may very well have a gaggle of lovelies who are closer to 20 than to 30 in his future.  As he nuzzles the perfumed neck of a knockout blonde next season, hopefully he will ask himself what all the Kaitlyn fuss was about, especially given her inexplicable preference for a dork with an abacus wrapped around his wrist and a control-freak musclehead who will force her to run a locator app on her phone so he knows where she is at all times.


The families are next.  False smiles, forced laughs and strong drinks for all – exactly like Christmas at my mother’s then.  Shawn’s sister does the ‘yeah...uh huh…yeah…right…’ routine to give the impression she’s listening closely while the opposite is true.  She’s merely sizing up Kaitlyn.  Nick’s mom is overwrought, perhaps because she’s realized what a plonker her son is.  (Incidentally, I’m a sucker for older women with that pixie hair style.)  Kaitlyn doesn’t seem to mind, however, and ratchets up her Nick infatuation.  Meanwhile, Shawn has a Ben-like speech prepared even if he lacks Ben’s delivery.  Shawn dramatically reduces ‘falling in love’ to ‘in love.’  Gasp!  Trumpet fanfare please!


Things are going so well for Kaitlyn that naturally she’s in floods of tears.  Perhaps it’s because the producers, always with an eye out for a bargain, have sent the hapless Bachelorette and the finalists to a Utah ski resort…in the off-season.  As you might expect, it’s brown and boring, even depressing, but that seems to fit the mood of the perpetually pouting Kaitlyn.


Next week TMTA and then the final.  It’s like a trip to the dentist…you just want it to be over.

Edited by Rainsong
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Kaitlyn talks like a teenage girl.  And laughs like one too. 

the golfing date - she really made Shawn strip down and then stole his clothes?  What a jerk.  I thought she was going to throw his clothes in the water.  Though he says afterward it was "tons of fun", I thought it was a humiliating thing to have to go through.


Kaitlyn says "the last thing I wanted to do was bring up Nick to Shawn"  and then she does.   I liked previous seasons better, when they kept each  relationship separate. She's not finding out anything about either of them, she's just enjoying that two guys are rivals, and she's the prize. 

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I can't be bothered to subject myself to a re-view, but it seemed to me that Nick had much more of a "beard" (such as it was) at the F3 RC then he did in his "confrontation" with Shawn (after Shawn's FS date), which we're to believe was just a day before.


Also, I forgot to mention how Kaitlyn said she was now really indecisive after her FS night with Ben.  She really does let the "little man in the rowboat" do all the thinking, doesn't she?

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I did a lot of skipping. Did they ever say where these family meetings took place? That ugly hotel didn't look like Ireland; more like a Swiss chateau with a thyroid problem.


Ben didn't like being rejected, but if it took him more than 48 hours to get over the idea of not being with Kaitlyn I'm a four-wheeled cupcake.

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I did a lot of skipping. Did they ever say where these family meetings took place? That ugly hotel didn't look like Ireland; more like a Swiss chateau with a thyroid problem.



It was in Utah, in a town where . . . .NONE OF THEM . . . have a home.

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It was a little hard not to giggle when Kaitlyn kept saying the guys "opened up" on the fantasy suite dates and "showed me a lot".  Translation:  Lots of butt stuff.


How effing long were they in Ireland?  It felt like years.  This season feels like years.


I was feeling so ashamed of myself for actually thinking Nick looked cute with his facial hair, and then he could barely say "I am totally in love with you" to Kaitlyn without smirking and I thought, "Well, that passed quickly."  


Shawn is creepy.  Like, restraining order creepy.

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Shawn is just yucky to me now. He seems really immature. He doesn't call people by their names -- he even called Kaitlyn "the girl" when talking to his father. He didn't walk Kaityn to the door when she left him after the family visit. He keeps confronting Nick and won't let him talk -- absolutely snotty and childish.

And he would hardly look at Kaitlyn during his supposed profession of heartfelt love and devotion (snort).

I never thought I'd want Nick to "win", but I do for two reasons -- he's less heinous than Shawn, and then he won't be the Bachelor. And seeing Shawn's head explode would be highly entertaining.

The fantasy suite scenes really grossed me out this time, because I just know Kaitlyn was "test driving" all the guys. And she brags about only getting a half-hour of sleep (with Next Bachelor Ben, I believe.) She's just tacky all around to me now. To think I used to like her!

Kaitlyn's horsey bray really bugged me tonight. It grates on my nerves!

Edited by Andromeda
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Hubby was annoyed at how Shawn reacted to the golf clothes. Guess he never watches PGA golf. The pants and shirt aren't at all unusual for pro golfers. I thought it was a cute outfit -- guess Shawn doesn't like pink.

But Truth or Dare? Do people older than 17 actually play that game? Wow. Kaitlyn is so immature and...simple=-minded, I guess I would say. Not exactly stupid, but shallow, but not in a vain way. More in an "I need instant gratification" way.

The sheep were adorable!

I have to say... I usually cut the lead on these shows a lot of slack, and try to find things I like about them because it helps me enjoy the season. I never hated Jen, or Andi, or Deanna, who a lot of fans disliked. They had their bad moments, but I didn't completely give up on them. Emily I felt was fake in a lot of ways, but she never grossed me out and she was OK to look at. But Kaitlyn...I really do not like her. I can hardly stand to look at her protruding lips, and I already mentioned her nails-on-a-blackboard hyena bark. The only good thing that will come out of this season will be finding a decent bachelor, I hope.

That said, I cannot say it hasn't been entertaining, in its own twisted way.

Edited by Andromeda
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Shawn is such a dumbass, I can't even... He's been talking crap about Nick nonstop, yet calls Nick a "terrible person" and threatens him because he dared speak his mind about him once. He doesn't know shit about Nick, so where is all this rage coming from? His own insecurity I suppose. Ugh, so not attractive.


Nick needs to stop being sure people love him, when they haven't said so. Don't be a fool twice, please!


Ben didn't give a crap about Kaitlyn. He only stayed that long to get the Bachelor gig. So fake.

This is what I think, especially re: Shawn. I think he's an idiot and a meathead (nice body, though). I would never, ever want to spend time with a man who spoke the way Shawn did to Nick--so repetitively accusatory without any proof (the "40 men that all criticized you") and "you're here for the wrong reasons...to rehab your image"...Why is he so sure? He has nothing to indicate that. And...if he is, so what? Can't Kaitlyn figure it out during their intimate moments if he's really interested or not?


I think Shawn would be hell to break up with if he was still feeling it. And awful (maybe dangerous) to any new boyfriend. I find him (1) stupid and (2) creepy. I also think he's the one Kaitlyn prefers and, if that's the case, it'll be the first F1 I have actively disliked, greatly.


As for Nick, I actually find him intelligent and endearing. I like his family and really believe they are so worried because he really -is- sensitive and has been badly hurt twice. His little sister is so sweet and I still don't forgive Andi for leading HER on the way she did. I hope Nick comes to his sense about Kaitlyn and realizes there IS competition there before its too late.


As for Ben, I didn't think he was feeling much--and I hope he wasn't feeling anything. Too bad he seemed cute but dull since he seems like the frontrunner for TB. (Id favor Nick myself, but most people seem to hate him so that's not happening. And Shawn as TB keeping conversation and activities moving interestingly along? hahahaha)

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Everyone knows men only pull down their pants on the golf course when their drives don't reach the ladies tee. Not strip naked and show the whole world your putter just because your deranged "girlfriend" thinks that would be funny (sure, great sense of humor that girl has, just go right for the genitalia whenever you need a laugh) . At least we know who the streaker was in the season's overall preview--I thought Show was going to let that slide.

Poor families. Imagine the fun viewing parties they had after taping their "hometown" dates, watching their respective sons' "girlfriend" get into the other guys' pants. Poor Bella :(. And then realizing every bit of drama on the show was a result of this chick's own actions. And she's blaming their sons for it. They are probably wishing there had been four hometowns and their boys left before the final two.

Funny moments: the little ducks quacking edited in as Kaitlyn approached Ben's overnight date--from one duck to another. Kaitlyn with her revealing orange dress at the rose ceremony (finally! A rose ceremony! And Chris Harrison too!) telling the guys her heart was beating out of her chest. Which they could clearly see it wasn't, in that dress. Ben trying to squeeze out a tear in the limo. Kaitlyn and Nick "dancing" in the middle of his family circle--I guess they were showing them what she does for a living? Now that's funny.

Gah, just get this over with.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Did anyone else think it was a tad rude of Shawn to insist the can't believe Nick came on the show because he liked Kaitlyn? That there had to be an ulterior motive or some other reason? Isn't that the same thing as saying there's no way he can believe a guy was so infatuated with Kaitlyn he wanted to try to date her? And this is the woman he supposedly himself is in love with!


As for Nick, did he really tell his mother that Kaitlyn is great at making out? Really? To his mother? That's just...wow, so creepy!

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Most of what I thought's been said, but a few things...


The date with Ben looked like the most fun. I was jealous! I don't know if it was so much that Ben was there or it was just an awesome date, but it looked fun and relaxed.  He's probably too relaxed for Kaitlyn. (needs more drama!)


Kaitlyn's rose ceremony dress was awful! I liked the color but woah - I'm a straight female with no interest in boobs generally and even I couldn't stop staring at them. I thought personally she should've let both Nick and Shawn go just for their stupid petty arguing, but she also strikes me as one of those women who likes men to fight over her so she probably enjoys it. And I realize it might all be producer driven anyway.


When Ben left I swear she went in for a kiss right before he got in the van and then kind of had this "ohhh right, I just let you go, I probably shouldn't stick my tongue in your mouth anymore" moment and hugged him instead. Also, as some others have mentioned, I really do think he forgot her name for a minute.  He was my favorite, so in a way for his sake I'm glad he "lost."


Nick's poor family. I thought they were very nice considering that they looked like "NOT AGAIN" when they first showed them on camera.  Was it me or was Kaitlyn really baby-talking Bella (Nick's youngest sister) at first? I admit I'm kind of bad about adjusting my conversation to age levels too, but didn't she supposedly work at a dance studio or something?  I thought she'd be better about talking to kids.  I had to laugh when she was talking to someone - was it Nick's Mom?  And said something about how it wasn't the type of guy she normally dates because he's got depth?  Woah.  Guess she prefers shallow normally?


Why did they do the "hometowns" - which weren't really hometowns - in a hotel?  Were they all in the same hotel at the same time?  I'm picturing some really awkward continental breakfasts. Maybe the show sprang for room service.


My favorite scenes this time all involved animals, of the 4 legged variety. ETA: which I just realized sounds really bad. I just meant I'd be the one out trying to feed the donkeys and sheep, wanting to ride the horses, etc.

Edited by NikSac
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You get what you pay for with Shawn. He is obviously body-obsessed, so much so that he'll practically beg you to encourage him to take off all of his clothes in public on a golf course on TV. No matter how much you like looking at Shawn's body, do you really want your guy to be like him? Naturally, Kaitlyn answers that question with a "Yes!"


I'm not a prude who thinks public nudity is the worst thing on earth. It's pretty harmless stuff. Nevertheless, if running around naked on a golf course is your idea of a good time then you're probably an idiot. And if you think it's hilarious then you probably have the whoopee cushion sense of humour that Kaitlyn has.

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But what's with the Capri sweatpants?! Yikes! Negative 3 points!


I'll give him a pass on the capris because he - unlike Kaitlyn - pronounced "Galway" correctly.


I was disappointed that the preview of a guy running naked over the golf course holding his balls turned out to be nothing scandalous. I had such high hopes for that preview.


How did Nick know what time Shawn would be making his morning-after exit from the FS? Did he just stand around in the parking lot all morning?


Harrison announcing the finale in two weeks sounded like he was imploring the audience "it's not long until the end now; hang in there for two more weeks!" Not even he can pretend that this season was anything but an utter dreck-fest.

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I've never seen Chris Harrison less enthused about any of the other bachelorettes. He definitely liked Andi for some reason and was very kind and fatherly with Des. Kaitlyn on the other hand, he doesn't seem to care for at all.

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How did Nick know what time Shawn would be making his morning-after exit from the FS? Did he just stand around in the parking lot all morning?


Producer set-up- Nick likely didn't even know who was having the fantasy suite what night, or where it was.  Kind of like when the hotel just apparently handed over Nick's room number to Shawn- that kind of thing doesn't happen without producer involvement. 


The editing and producer choices just keep on getting stranger this year- after lots of morning after afterglow with Nick and Ben, and Kaitlyn's big "I need the overnight to see if Shawn is actually a 12 year old", we just see them giving each other disappointed grumpy face, and yet apparently their night together was good enough for her to keep him.  Hometown visits in a random hotel?  Isn't the point of them to see their potentials in their own environment, meet friends etc?  And Shawn's getting just a horrible edit if he is the F1- right now he doesn't seem mature enough to tie his shoes, let alone propose.  


Only a few more weeks until Bachelor in Paradise! 

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It pisses me off that the editing monkeys have worked so hard this season to make Shawn gloomy and glowering and menacing. It was such a pleasant change to see his hometown date and see him all happy and smiling and obviously totally smitten. He and Kaitlyn were just glowing and even though I'm unspoiled, I'm sure he's her final choice and they've been crazy about each other from the very beginning. Too bad they decided drama and sex was their story line for the season because I would have enjoyed watching Kaitlyn and Shawn fall in love an awful lot more.

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I also feel sorry for Ick's little sister, getting dragged into this mess again.  It's one thing to do the show as a contestant, then be brought back as the lead, but going in a second time as a hopeful is just masochistic.  Bella's continued involvement is a parental decision I just can't fathom.  


Shawn did seem to get a better edit around his family.  Much less glowering and fewer death glares.  

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The Utah "hometown" dates ticked me off, as one more example of how even the show hates Kaitlyn. Personally, I was disappointed because Shawn is from CT, from an area I know well. I wanted to see what they would show. Nothing. Bleagh.

When Kaitlyn said to Shawn about not wanting to bring up Nick during their date, both my hubby and I shouted "then DON'T!!!!!" at the TV. She has all the introspection of a fruit fly.

She could have fixed this whole situation between Shawn and Nick by sending one of them home and keeping Ben. She is in love with thr drama and nothing and no one else.

Edited by b2H
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The only interesting thing that came out of the show is that Shawn seems to have a strained relationship with his mother. She couldn't make it to the show. That's not telling by itself as there are lots of reasons for that. But the way he described his sisters as protective and the ones whose opinions matter tells me that Mom doesn't matter.

So of course, Kaitlyn has no interest in figuring out the family dynamics of the guy she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

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Why did they do the hometown dates at a hotel in Utah?  This season is so screwed up, it's like what is this, show?


The only thing I can think of is that Kaitlyn was all about Shawn from Day 1, everyone in the cast knows, everyone is in on it, and they are trying to salvage something for the viewer.  I can't understand any other explanation.


During her date with Ben I was thinking like "But they don't even like each other".  Then when he left in the limo it seemed obvious he did not even mind.  This season has been seriously messed up.


I really hope they are not setting Nick up to be like he's twice been dumped at the F2 we feel bad for him so let's make him the Bachelor.  Seriously, anyone but him.  I mean it.  Like I would take JJ over him.  Ian.  Anyone.

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I've disliked Kaitlyn since her field plowing joke but I don't wish her married to either of these guys.


Kaitlyn dear, I know you don't like to read (three years of beauty school?) but please skim this thread. Even the best marriages include a few arguments and Shawn does not fight fair.  You'll come home from the BBQ and suddenly he'll be red faced, looming over you with his eagle beak dripping sweat, while he harangues you about flirting with some guy.  Then he'll storm out without giving you a chance to tell your side about how the guy was your cousin -- or maybe, in your case, why you had a quickie in the gazebo.  Also he said he wouldn't keep you if his sisters didn't like you.  Not a keeper.


Nick, on the other hand, reverts to lisping baby talk when he's around his over -protective family and that, combined with the bracelets, the fluffy curls, the pastels, the coy smiles from behind his hand, could all become sickening pretty fast.


I can't understand why twenty or thirty members of Nick's family were ready to fly to an off-season Utah hotel to sit around and cry over one brother's love life.  Why oh why can't sensitive Nick find love?  Could it be because he limits his field to Bachelorettes? They must love being on TV as much as he does but it's cruel to make the littlest one cry, she's too young to know it's not real.

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In all my years watching this show--I hold my head shame in admitting how many--I've never, ever loathed the lead and their final two as much as I loathe Kaitlyn/Shawn/Nick.  The only thing that has kept we watching the last few weeks was (1) the Irish scenery and (2) the greek chorus of the Bens, Tanner, Jared, Joe.  And now that they are all gone, I'm not sure if I'll finish this mess out.  


And I have no idea what Mama & Papa Nick were thinking on bringing Bella to Utah.  They could have easily narrowed it down to just a few of the kids or themselves.  Guess they wanted a free vacation for the family on ABC's dime at some resort in Utah.   Hope it was worth seeing your little girl cry on national TV.


Ben did a great job on his Bachelor audition.  I have a feeling he was told way back in San Antonio what to do to make sure he made a good impression as for sure he wasn't sticking around because of Kaitlyn.    He now even has a tag line: he has found he can love again!!    


So bring on Clare and all the other crazies as I'm ready for some "Bachelor in Paradise"!

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This was a great episode (yes, I'm wrong reasons...). Kaitlyn and her 'they HATE each other'-well, no, I'd say Shawn hates Nick, but Nick doesn't really care that much about Shawn. Her whole 'I hate to bring up....', well, no (again!), she LOVES to bring up the drama as it is all about her!!! And how 'desirable' she is... Shawn is the kind of guy who has never appealed to me personally-too controlling and quick to anger, possessive, etc. And, quite frankly, maybe a little dense. His repeated statements to Nick about not knowing why he was there totally discount Kaitlyn. For whatever reason, she wanted him there-that's it. Kaitlyn and Shawn would be exhausting to be around as it would all be drama-stupid pranks and all.

Kaitlyn and "her 16 year old girls (tm Shawn)" really tried to put a positive spin on the fact that she was only meeting two families. Isn't unbelievable that instead of final 4 it's final 2? Ummm, no. At the rose ceremony, I, too, was glad that she was in an actual color, but was so distracted by how low cut it was. Then I realized that it was no big deal as all 3 of the men already knew what everything looked like....

What a season! Next week, the men better live up to the title of the episode and tell us EVERYTHING! (or, ALL!).

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