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S15.E10: Polygamy Hell

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14 hours ago, Raynedon said:


Kody taking Sol to the landfill was shocking to me.  Sol acted more like a 5 year old rather than 8 & I had to playback that part to make sure I heard him correctly.  Saying his 8 year old son was "learning" to read?!?!?  The kid should have been reading books with chapters for a few years already, not just now learning to read at 8 years old.  Is he so out of touch that he doesn't know?  I think Robyn is mostly at fault with any immaturity or delay for not socializing him more, not getting him involved in activities with kids his age, etc.  He acted like the word landfill was a foreign concept and word.  I know the family isolated their kids when they first moved to Vegas because they were so distrusting of everything and everyone, but I thought they'd gotten over that.  I guess I'm naive thinking they'd wised up to the harms polygamy's isolations and mindsets were having on their families.


I have an 8 year old and I absolutely agree Sol seems WAYYYY behind him, in maturity and education.  At 8 years old he should not be "learning to read."  

I will say that my 8 year old probably doesn't know what a landfill is, but that's because I have never taken him to the dump.


2 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

Kody saying the family was an obstacle to his end goals was one of the cruelest  things I could imagine saying to his wives....then Ysabels scene happened and I see there is no limit to his cruelty. 


I am really curious about what exactly that means.  What are his end goals and how does his family present an obstacle.


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1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

Back to the scoliosis thing.....I’m a pediatric RN, mostly ortho.....I’ve got to ask, why NJ? This is not an unusual surgery. I’m sure there are competent spinal surgeons in AZ. I thought that unnecessarily ramped up the drama.

Christine and Ysabel needed supportive family to help and they clearly have none in Arizona, but her sister and a facility willing to accommodate Christine's insurance & financial situation were available in NJ. Also, it may have been a specialized orthopedic facility, rather than a hospital, and would not be dealing with COVID patients.

Edited by deirdra
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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I am really curious about what exactly that means.  What are his end goals and how does his family present an obstacle.


Yeah, I thought the end goal was to prove himself worthy of Heaven and then yank the wives through the veil or whatever so they can continue to suffer for all eternity.

note to Kody: this sounds like my definition of Hell, but whatever. 

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

I wondered about what the plan was, too.  Is Evie getting old enough to pull herself to standing, or to walk?  I have no sense of how old she is.  I worked at a rehab hospital for years, running the prosthetic/orthotics clinic, and although we didn't treat infants, in teenagers or young adults who were not done growing, sometimes a temporary pylon-type prosthetic was prescribed so that posture and general physical ability would not be impeded by the missing or shortened limb.

I'm wondering--suspecting--that they will need to amputate her foot on the shorter leg; in fact, back when I was involved, amputating only the foot was never a good idea because it was harder to get a good fit from the socket of the prosthetic.  The important thing to preserve, if possible, is the knee joint because a prosthetic knee complicates everything.  But if her leg is so much shorter, they may need to amputate her leg to above the knee because otherwise she'd be left with one knee at mid-thigh level.

On the bright side, modern prostheses are wonderful and usually undetectable, and since she would be wearing one practically since birth, Evie should do very, very well with hers, able to participate in sports, etc.  I've known young men who played basketball for their school teams and a 90-year-old lady who lived in a third-floor walkup.

I'm sure it's at least just below the knee depending on her particular situation.

Kody was an asshole because he is an asshole, but I also think he is more stressed out than normal about finances.  I think he’s mad this show is dying a slow death and he’s not sure he can get the others (Christine, Meri) to play along like before. Wouldn’t this also have been around the time he and Robyn took that $150,000 loan out?  Might even explain Robyn’s looks of constipation.

Janelle I think will do anything for the money to keep rolling in because, I really don’t think she cares about getting 8 minutes of Kody’s time.  At this point, I think she’s trying to hold the show not the family together.  

Meri I think will stay as long as the money is there, but will threw in digs when she can and zone out with Mosby the rest of the time.  

Christine will probably stay with Kody, but traipse off to Utah as much as possible.  

After the show ends or the last season (unless this was the last season). I can see them moving back to Utah because I don’t know how they can continue to live in Flagstaff and afford their homes and that property unless they downsize.

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2 hours ago, lamadeleine said:

Yes, but I have a question about this. There seemed to be large segments of the show (not the TH parts) that were professionally filmed, most notably, all the Coyote Poop Pass summit meetings. When Meri took Christine aside, it seemed that someone with a camera was following them in order to capture that private conversation..am I crazy?


Nope, you're not crazy.

Meri was rubbernecking back and forth so much just before she took Christine away from the group to talk that I thought she'd give herself whiplash.  I wondered if she was checking to see if the coast was clear or checking to make sure someone would traipse along behind to record her "comforting" Christine.

I wonder who taped them.  Did Kody unglue his ass from his seat to prowl after them, camera running?  I'm pretty sure neither Janelle nor Robyn would have unglued their asses from their chairs to capture the moment.    

Things that make you go hmmm (amongst many things with these people).

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If there is not camera crew, who was filming Meri and Christine's talk as they were walking? One of the kids? One of the other wives? Kody? There is a lot of inconsistency with the filming if they are supposedly doing it themselves. Also, why is Robin in her car during the  zoom meetings?  She has a 1000 room mansion. Can't she find a private place to talk?

That was so painful to watch Ysabel, Christine and Kody's talk about the surgery. I just can't with him. I'm sure most of his kids can't either.

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3 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Nope, you're not crazy.

Meri was rubbernecking back and forth so much just before she took Christine away from the group to talk that I thought she'd give herself whiplash.  I wondered if she was checking to see if the coast was clear or checking to make sure someone would traipse along behind to record her "comforting" Christine.

I wonder who taped them.  

The camera zoomed in for a closeup of their backs.  That could be possible I guess with a phone camera, but that doesn't explain the audio coming through so clearly.  It would have been a terrible infringement of what the purpose of a private conversation was if someone had followed them to film this scene.  And why didn't Meri or Christine hear someone approaching  and turn around and say..."do you mind if we have a moment?"

It really made me think that this whole gathering was staged.

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The socially distanced talk about moving must have had a couple of photogs who were capturing the whole group with zoom ins.  They could have been local photogs or fambly members with skills during times when having people in socially distanced groups of up to 10 outside was allowed.  Meri was clearly trying to signal one of them to follow her on what was probably a preconceived "consoling" speech.

Edited by deirdra
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14 minutes ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

I wasn't necessarily calling out you specifically, nor do I think you were making fun of her.  But I do think that there are plenty of people on this board who do make fun or belittle her for her weight.  Yeah, they're on TV and are open to all criticism, I get that.  We comment on Robyn's neck because she looks so different than what she used to look like.  Kody's hair journey has been a never ending rollercoaster, as have Meri's eyebrows.  But Janelle has been big from the very beginning.  This show has been on for 10 years and she has been big for 10 years, nothing has changed with her. My POV, there's nothing to comment on.  I don't understand why people keep harping on it.  It's just beating a dead horse at this point. 

I see your perspective and respect it! I'm glad you know I wasn't making fun of her (that would make me a hypocrite). I do make fun of her Strive nonsense and her 'healthy' meal  pictures, because self-awareness doesn't seem to be a strong point, (well, with any of them really), and her food always looks inedible. (Even raw veggies. How does one manage that?)

 I will always unapologetically make fun of *everything* about Kody and Robyn because they are such hateful, manipulative trolls.


I wish all of them would speak to each other how they speak in their individual TH's. They could've solved, or at least acknowledged, what their true issues with each other are if they did. I wish I was a fly on the wall when they each watch the TH footage for the first time! I bet there are fireworks. Either that or they ignore it all and sweep even more crap under the rugs.

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"Can we sensitively consider that you sort of feel torn, well I don't think it's torn really, and keep moving forward with this property and always just keep that thought that that's what you want?  I mean I'm trying to honor you, but keep moving forward here."

WTF? Janelle did you think that was a nice way to basically tell Christine, "beach, please we are not moving, so let's shut this conversation down?"

Janelle is just coming at Christine big time this episode. Wasn't Janelle the one pushing positive communication?   Her body language during that entire moving discussion, was just angry.

Clearly Christine was upset and devastated about not moving to Utah, and Janelle still responds in anger during her talking head on the couch, with things like, "she is just going to throw this all away," and basically accusing her of making up the Ysabel getting teased at school.

Your sister wife is crying, and having a hard time, and your reaction to that is anger and annoyance?


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This is an experiment gone wrong.  If anyone watches/reads these people's blogs, SM, it is all basically saying polygamy doesn't work.  i know that is not what there were going for.. but there it is.  Christine:  pack you bags and head to Utah.  Meri: Just shut up.  Kodi has no feelings for you.  Robin:  FU.  Keep getting that whip out for Kodink.

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15 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

The camera zoomed in for a closeup of their backs.  That could be possible I guess with a phone camera, but that doesn't explain the audio coming through so clearly.  It would have been a terrible infringement of what the purpose of a private conversation was if someone had followed them to film this scene.  And why didn't Meri or Christine hear someone approaching  and turn around and say..."do you mind if we have a moment?"

It really made me think that this whole gathering was staged.

Meri: the Einstein of polygamy.. RUN CHRISTINE

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17 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

The camera zoomed in for a closeup of their backs.  That could be possible I guess with a phone camera, but that doesn't explain the audio coming through so clearly.  It would have been a terrible infringement of what the purpose of a private conversation was if someone had followed them to film this scene.  And why didn't Meri or Christine hear someone approaching  and turn around and say..."do you mind if we have a moment?"

It really made me think that this whole gathering was staged.

Yes agreed. It could have absolutely been staged.

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Mod Annoucement:

The number 1 rule here at Primetimer is Be Civil, a part of being a civil poster, is not telling others what to post. Lively discussion and disagreement is fine, chastising others for their post is not. If you feel someone has violated a forum rule, please report the post so that a moderator can review, but do NOT engage. 

A good rule of thumb is that posts focused on "I", "I think, I feel, I saw, I believe" are generally fine, posts focused on the thoughts/perceptions of other posters may not be.

Several posts have been removed where posters were being critical (snark on the Browns, not each other), or the post quoted a post that had to be removed.

If you have additional questions please PM me. 

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2 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

I really felt for Christine this episode.  Going into the Utah talk she really (inexplicably) felt Kody would back her up and show some support.  Not only did he not show support, he sat there and did nothing while she quietly cried in front of everyone.  At least Meri got up and comforted her.  I didn't love her nonsense "You don't get to leave" pep talk but at least she gave her a hug and showed some support!  

Janelle has always been my favorite wife, she always seemed logical and practical and non-dramatic, but my opinion of her is really changing this season.  I'm shocked she's not following the proper COVID protocols, I thought she would've been all about caution, but her response to Christine wanting to move to Utah? "You just want to be near your kids". Uh, yeah.  Her 3 adult children are there, her grandchild is there, her extended family is there, her dying father is there.  Why wouldn't she want to go back to her home?  

Not to mention Kody's disgusting response to Ysabel's surgery.  We all already knew Kody was an egotistical a#@hole but this really takes the cake.  I hope Ysabel is done with him and I'm slightly disappointed in Christine for not raging at him in that moment. 

I’m wondering if Christine wants Kody to move back to Utah so badly because she hopes the plural community there can shame him into loving her again.

When I think of the young women (not to mention the Brown daughters) who will see these ladies digging their own pits and lighting their own pyres for this one ungodly, weak man, I gasp at the grand irresponsibility of it. ThIS is what they want for society at large? For womanhood at large? I begin to see them as no better than the man they tear at for their own selfish wants, while letting their children swing. 
And if this is all just a plot contrivance, their actions are even wOrse.

2 minutes ago, Just Wondering said:



Edited by Just Wondering
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57 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I can see them moving back to Utah


8 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

The scene with Kody and Christine in her bedroom left Christine with a glimmer of hope that Kody may back her up on the desire to move back to Utah.

Kody Brown


Hey! For all you people who "don't get it" regarding our move. We lived as exiles in Las Vegas. We always planned to move back to Utah. As time progressed we determined that we prefer to grow old in a kinder climate. #Flagstafforbust #SisterWives

6:30 PM · Mar 3, 2019·Twitter for Android

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21 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

The scene with Kody and Christine in her bedroom left Christine with a glimmer of hope that Kody may back her up on the desire to move back to Utah.  Next scene is his talking head where he smugly says something to the effect of  "I can hardly wait to see the other wives shoot this down". 

This leads me to believe that he went to Janelle, the loyal soldier, and suggested she bring out the angry artillery and then to Robyn, who can be counted on to whinge about her children's sensitivities being infringed upon.  I would think as a mother and her 8 year old was not yet reading effectively, she should be casting around for another school system.

They referenced an earlier presentation about 4 homes in St. George. Did we ever see that on the show?

I am finding it a little coincidental that Janelle set up all these meetings about communication followed by a communication disaster at the end.

At the first group communication meeting (in which Janelle ironically says "I don't have a plan") they end up writing down their rules on a flipboard. Yay - rules! Then Christine says "we will try this out in two weeks." Well we all see what happens (and appears to be professionally filmed) in two weeks. 

The whole thing seems like a storyboard finale. What an excellent season cliffhanger.

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1 minute ago, Tuxcat said:

They referenced an earlier presentation about 4 homes in St. George. Did we ever see that on the show?

I am finding it a little coincidental that Janelle set up all these meetings about communication followed by a communication disaster at the end.

At the first group communication meeting (in which Janelle ironically says "I don't have a plan") they end up writing down their rules on a flipboard. Yay - rules! Then Christine says "we will try this out in two weeks." Well we all see what happens (and appears to be professionally filmed) in two weeks. 

The whole thing seems like a storyboard finale. What an excellent season cliffhanger.

Yes, the 4 houses in St. George with abutting backyards had me stymied too.  I don't recall anything about that on any episode.

I would imagine Kody designating Janelle as the Survey Taker and Communications Director as she is the most innocuous of the bunch.  What a joke!  Janelle has never been one to communicate with any conviction on anything.

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4 hours ago, lamadeleine said:


Yes, but I have a question about this. There seemed to be large segments of the show (not the TH parts) that were professionally filmed, most notably, all the Coyote Poop Pass summit meetings. When Meri took Christine aside, it seemed that someone with a camera was following them in order to capture that private conversation..am I crazy?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they show Dayton with a camera doing the filming of the Coyote Pass Scenes?  If it was Dayton, they should teach him how to do cameras for the show because I thought he did a decent job of panning to different people to get facial reactions.  

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6 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

I was not at all moved by the Christine/Utah thing. She acted like a child. Also, how could she not know this was probably the worst time ever to bring up her Utah dream....I’m not buying it. I do feel badly about the daughter but I still feel there is potentially some place closer to have this done. 

Her presentation and timing were off, but I understand her motivation.  She has family and history in Utah, and it seems that it's every woman for herself with this group. If she hadn't spoken up when Kody had given her false hope that he may have been supportive she would have lost the opportunity to present her case to the group.  They moved to Flagstaff with far less incentive, so I can't blame her for trying to strike when she thought the iron was hot.

The decision to have the surgery in NJ may have been multi-pronged.  Christine very likely engaged with other families facing the same situation as she did and a particular surgeon or the success rate of that hospital may have come highly recommended by others.  There was also the insurance factor that was alluded to on the show, she may not have been able to fully fund the surgery up front and that facility may have been receptive to a payment plan.  The fact that her sister lived in NJ and was willing to host Christine and daughters for the long haul, saving the cost of a short term rental would also have been a consideration.  I'm not sure that they would have been eligible for Ronald McDonald House.

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6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Coming back to ask a question about Janelle’s granddaughter who needs surgery for FATCO because she’s “missing a few bones.”

For some reason, I believe they hardly understand the nature of this disease, its  consequences for her future. And they never will...They knew something was wrong whilst pregnant and that baby should have been delivered in hospital, period! 
After  the birth, she had to be rushed to hospital. Then Maddie kept (and keeps) on saying FATCO because she hasn’t got a clue what it stands for. The way they keep on talking about Evie’s issues as if it’s no big deal. Well...it is a big deal! That kid is going to need an awful lot of support in the future....You’re just not getting it! It annoys the heck out of me. 

Having said this, I must say that I was touched with how Evie is loved and accepted into that family. 

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My personal idea of Polygamy Hell would be spending eternity with Kody and the four harridan Sister Wives. I’m sure many of their kids feel the same way (already, or will in the future) and don’t want to be stuck on Kody’s planet. How is that supposed to  work? Do the kids get their own planet if they marry and start their own families? 

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Coupla thoughts:

Kody is a total asshole who has not one fuck left to give.  Unless it shares DNA with Robyn. I didn't think it was possible to think less of him.  Surprise!  Who else wanted to punch him in his stupid face?

Janelle is not only a human slug who looks like she might forget to shower and lives in squalor, she is also a feelingless ASSHOLE!  She only started caring about the fam seeing each other/communication when she fell off rotation and really worried she wouldn't get back on.  I am beginning to see a very selfish woman.

Meri wants company in her misery.  I did like her going after Christine but it was self serving.  She should go ahead and bleed the beast that is Kody while she can.

Robyn is getting away with her machinations (in Kody's ear and subtle hints to manage the family to her benefit) because the other wives know he loves her most.  And he is a little brain.

Christine needs to bounce now.  Sell her house and leave.  So what if she is a part owner on Coyote Pass?  Make then seek permission to do ANYTHING on her parcel.  Or sell it to someone else.  She is setting her daughters to accept a dysfunctional relationship with an asshole who doesn't fill their needs.  They have worth.

And here is something for these idiots.  KODY was going back and forth dragging whatever kooties he has with him.  There was no covid free zone between Robyn and Christine's homes.  They could have asked Janelle's kids to stay alone in her house, she could have moved into one of Meri's rooms and had Savannah move in with Christine.  Then the family COULD have seen each other.  

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2 hours ago, OdinO. said:

I'm sure it's at least just below the knee depending on her particular situation.

My problem about that is whether her thighs are of equal length.  If the bone-length defect exists only from the knee down, then a b/k amputation--which would be much more  easy for her and everyone treating her to deal with--would be the answer.  But if the leg lengthening on the shorter side leaves a "higher-up" knee on that side, it would be a big mess and unacceptable to her and everyone else.

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I think Kody said a month before the Flagstaff presentation he had 4 homes with meeting backyards that they could have put offers on in St. George, but all 4 wives shot it down saying they will never moved to Utah, which supposedly led to the Flagstaff whiteboard crazed presentation I guess.  I’m pretty sure, the actual 4 homes were never talked about in the show until last night.

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I still think the writing was on the wall when Kody "had to" divorce Meri to marry Robin for her kids to feel part of the family or whatever the reason was. If it wasn't for the show the whole family would probably be completely split up with Kody living a monogamous life with Robyn and Christine and Janel trying to get child support for their minor children.  Kody doesn't even try to pretend anymore. 

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7 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

I thought that I heard Christine say that she just got insurance coverage for Ysabel 6 months earlier.  There seemed to be a 3-month lead time, somehow too.  

Did the storyline jump to June?  The last episode was in April.  Janelle was in North Carolina in July.  Ysabel's surgery was in September.  Thus, Kody's suggestion that she hold off for 6 months is even more heartless and nonsensical, since he may have been negotiating three months ahead already.

Also: Janelle got Kody's permission to travel to be a support player for a grandchild post-surgery, but he was pulling out all stops to prevent his own daughter and Christine from traveling for a serious medical need.

He wouldn't be on the hook for medical expenses for his grandkid.  I suspect financial responsibility for costs not covered by insurance would be a big bummer to him and main motivation.  I mean Robyn's kids can't suffer.  

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1 hour ago, CouchTater said:

I honestly thought that's what she meant.  Then she followed it up something about going inside and I realized that's not what she meant, at least on the surface.

How could that man not get up and hug his daughter at that point?  And really, how could Christine not hug her daughter, and go inside with her, leaving Kody's dumb ass on the porch by himself?

Kody made a point of saying he didn't want to go in Christine's house (which is why they met on the back porch.) If he went after Ysabel, he might get the COVID!

Then cut to the next scene where Kody is seen coming out the back door of Janelle's house to meet Janelle on the back porch.


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1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

Her presentation and timing were off, but I understand her motivation.  She has family and history in Utah, and it seems that it's every woman for herself with this group. If she hadn't spoken up when Kody had given her false hope that he may have been supportive she would have lost the opportunity to present her case to the group.  They moved to Flagstaff with far less incentive, so I can't blame her for trying to strike when she thought the iron was hot.

The decision to have the surgery in NJ may have been multi-pronged.  Christine very likely engaged with other families facing the same situation as she did and a particular surgeon or the success rate of that hospital may have come highly recommended by others.  There was also the insurance factor that was alluded to on the show, she may not have been able to fully fund the surgery up front and that facility may have been receptive to a payment plan.  The fact that her sister lived in NJ and was willing to host Christine and daughters for the long haul, saving the cost of a short term rental would also have been a consideration.  I'm not sure that they would have been eligible for Ronald McDonald House.

My first husband had a terrible life threatening car accident.  I stayed in a Ronald McDonald House.  Everyone else staying there had tragic circumstances, with death in the picture.  No one was there due to a scheduled surgery.  It was all very bad cases of family members.  It was a lovely experience, they really do it right. 
Janelle.  Like my dog with a bone.  Obsessing over conversations about communication.  I wanted to scream at her to leave it be!   Much bigger things going on here.  She kept saying she wants to change her communication style but never gave real examples.  Just nattered on about it. 
And fuck you Kody.  Fuck you.  Prime asshole.  So supportive of Christine on the call...then hero to zero.  
Meri was so checked out in her folding chair, it was comical.  
Someone, maybe the Grand Poobah of Assholery, said there were scenes filmed by socially distanced film crew.  
No words for Ysabel.  Poor thing.  We are finally seeing his true colors, I bet he’s been this ugly all along.  But hey, polygamy is great, folks!!!

ETA didn’t Christine have some big fundraiser for Ysabel’s surgery?

Edited by Meowwww
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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

For some reason, I believe they hardly understand the nature of this disease, its  consequences for her future. And they never will...They knew something was wrong whilst pregnant and that baby should have been delivered in hospital, period! 
After  the birth, she had to be rushed to hospital. Then Maddie kept (and keeps) on saying FATCO because she hasn’t got a clue what it stands for. The way they keep on talking about Evie’s issues as if it’s no big deal. Well...it is a big deal! That kid is going to need an awful lot of support in the future....You’re just not getting it! It annoys the heck out of me. 

Having said this, I must say that I was touched with how Evie is loved and accepted into that family. 

Wasn't their first child also born with some sort of syndrome/disorder?

I think they should consider a genetics evaluation, which I'm reasonably certain their paediatrician would have recommended after Evie's birth.

She's a darling baby.  

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I was actually begrudgingly on Kody and Robyn’s side for some of the COVID stuff at first - I found Janelle and Christine’s cavalier attitudes fairly alarming - but how he acted on the finale firmly cemented my opinion of him as one of the most selfish and cowardly people I’ve ever seen even on reality TV, of all places. 

First off, I’m skeptical about Kody’s sudden “conversion” to the COVID rules king. He was trying to have some political argument with Mariah a few episodes ago, callously arguing that she “just cared about saving Grandma” (I guess his TWO wives who are grandmas themselves didn’t occur to him) and basically talking down to her and calling her a privileged brat for wanting to quarantine.

So when he’s talking to Meri’s kid, quarantine is a ridiculous and bourgeois notion. Suddenly when he can use it as a weapon to manipulate, control, and degrade two of his wives, he’s all for it? The trajectory doesn’t make sense. Either Robyn demanded that he be Mr. COVID or he figured out it was a way to exercise his narcissism and withhold his lordly presence from his wives. Or both! 

How he treated Christine and Ysabel this episode was abusive. Point blank period. He’s done a ton of shitty things but I don’t see how this was anything but psychologically abusive. 

Lastly, the fact that Meri and Christine at the very least don’t leave is baffling to me. I understand that brainwashing and abuse can do a lot to people, but they have freedom, financial independence and opportunities that most former cult members never get. It’s hard to feel bad for them when he’s harming them as well as their children and they have their own properties and money that they could ride off into the sunset with. I get that it’s always more complex than that, but it’s incredibly frustrating to watch. 

8 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Wasn't their first child also born with some sort of syndrome/disorder?

I think they should consider a genetics evaluation, which I'm reasonably certain their paediatrician would have recommended after Evie's birth.

She's a darling baby.  

He is autistic, I believe, so I don’t think there’s any connection between the two disorders. FATCO syndrome might be genetic, though, I’m not sure. 

Edited by ReadMeLattice
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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

He wouldn't be on the hook for medical expenses for his grandkid.  I suspect financial responsibility for costs not covered by insurance would be a big bummer to him and main motivation.  I mean Robyn's kids can't suffer.  

Maybe that's why he was so adamant about not going to NJ with Chrisitne and Ysabel.  He was afraid he might get stuck with paying a bill at the hospital. Heaven forbid as a parent he had to take responsibility for one of the not Robyn's kids. 

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40 minutes ago, ReadMeLattice said:

I was actually begrudgingly on Kody and Robyn’s side for some of the COVID stuff at first - I found Janelle and Christine’s cavalier attitudes fairly alarming - but how he acted on the finale firmly cemented my opinion of him as one of the most selfish and cowardly people I’ve ever seen even on reality TV, of all places. 

First off, I’m skeptical about Kody’s sudden “conversion” to the COVID rules king. He was trying to have some political argument with Mariah a few episodes ago, callously arguing that she “just cared about saving Grandma” (I guess his TWO wives who are grandmas themselves didn’t occur to him) and basically talking down to her and calling her a privileged brat for wanting to quarantine.

Well, he wasn’t wrong about the privileged brat part 🤣

Edited by Meowwww
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32 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Christine's suggestion of Utah actually made a lot of sense. They have been sitting on that property for 2 years and haven't made any moves to do anything with it. No surveys, no power, no water, nothing. They have money tied up in land they visit and picnic on every once in a while. It makes no sense. Move back to Lehi, move somewhere with a polygamous community, and try to rebuild what you though you had way back when. Because Flagstaff ain't working for your marriage.

It's either Flagstaff or the marriage(s). But it sure as hell can't be both. At least from where I'm sitting.

Christine should have just thrown all Kody's justifications for Flagstaff back at him.  At the beginning of the season, he patted himself on the back when he reported that his lawyer said the land increased in value already.  He even floated the idea of selling the land then.  (But, he pictures himself a real estate mogul.)

More recently, he said that he wasn't rushing to build on it, because they didn't have the money.  They will never have the money to pull utilities and build upon a floodplain, especially after the show is cancelled.  God's providing Robyn with purchased home (not a rennal) extends the lead time before they ever start to build even further.

The move to St. George would be a cost-savings measure - which Kody was seeking by moving to Flagstaff.  Kody has already admitted the move to Flagstaff was dumb.  Even Truely said so.

If Christine really wanted to speak truthfully, she could note that Day'un is not continuing at NAU, so their purpose for the move is no longer valid.  But she'd risk more backlash from Robyn and Janelle.  (Gabe's credits could easily transfer.)  Christine could also play into Janelle's woes that the family is falling apart in Flagstaff, like nowhere else they have ever experienced and cite Kody's "Where we go one, we go all."

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5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I have an 8 year old and I absolutely agree Sol seems WAYYYY behind him, in maturity and education.  At 8 years old he should not be "learning to read."

Sol was born in the fall, and I don't know what the cut-off date is for first grade in Arizona. If it is earlier than his birthday, then he would be eligible to enroll in first grade the year he turns 7 which would be 2018. He would still be six years old for the  first two months, and a lot of parents of boys now wait until the child has turned 7 before enrolling them in first grade.  (I have known a few parents who have also done this with girls).  In that case he would start school in the fall of 2019, and he would have only been in first grade when the pandemic started, and I guess they went to remote learning so in this case I can see him not being a reader yet.    I have a later birthday than Sol has, and I was enrolled in first grade at the age of 5, but that was back in the 50's.   


49 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Christine's suggestion of Utah actually made a lot of sense. They have been sitting on that property for 2 years and haven't made any moves to do anything with it. No surveys, no power, no water, nothing. They have money tied up in land they visit and picnic on every once in a while. It makes no sense. Move back to Lehi, move somewhere with a polygamous community, and try to rebuild what you though you had way back when. Because Flagstaff ain't working for your marriage.


I actually thought that moving to Utah was going to be suggested by Kody due to the change in the law.   I just been watched the last two seasons last week, and I do not recall any mention of houses back-to-back in Utah.  The Dargers have a public presence in Utah.  There is a polyg family from Utah on the Seeking Sister Wife show, and they have been on tv for two or three seasons.   I hate how he gaslighted her over this issue, and I suspect that is the type of thing he has done a lot to Meri.  So from here on out, Christine will be the scapegoat for what ails this family.

I was seething last night as I was so angry with him.  I cannot believe a father would suggest his daughter go alone across country to have major surgery done and stay with an aunt. 

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Christine really feels very alone in Flagstaff.  Her “husband” is basically absent so much that when he does show up for his obligatory visit he disrupts their household.  The sister wives are not close and her adult children who would be a support system for her live in Utah.   I can understand her wanting to move back there.  I think she needed to tell Kody to step up and be a better “husband” to her and father to her children.  Maybe she does when they are not filming and he is not complying.  His evil plan may be to get the 3 to walk out on him so he can live happily ever after with Robyn.  

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