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S05.E05: A Long Road Home

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On 1/2/2021 at 12:59 PM, chocolatine said:

I wonder if the actor who plays Marc really had a cold sore in that preview scene or if the makeup department added that in to make him extra-repulsive.

Maybe that's the tragic story:  Marc and Kate kissed and he passed on the cold sore virus to her and she's been struggling with cold sores outbreaks ever since.  (BTW, I am not minimizing this affliction at all.)  The pregnancy test came back negative and Kate was just reliving her "unwanted pregnancy scare" with Ellie Bio Mom because, as we know, Kate is so sensitive.

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“Zoom schooling is a unique version of hell.” Line of the night!

Poor Kate going through all that. My friend was mad at Toby for being initially upset that Kate hadn’t told him before now but I thought it was understandable. While she doesn’t have to share her trauma, married couples SHOULD tell each other everything. In any case, Toby did pretty damn good after.

Was scared when she looked him up and met with him, but her telling him off was spectacular!

God, Randall, I know this revelation was a shock but at least wait to hear what the guy had to say before assuming William lied to you.

Glad that he and Kevin talked.

Will be interested to find out why Laurel let William think she was dead next week.

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Best episode in a while for me. I actually liked all the Pearsons at the same time. I could still live without Saint Randall the Good, but it was toned down at least. Loved Kate taking down Marc, even if it was a little too easy. I'm just glad that part of the story is over.

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I’m a little disappointed in this episode, it was ok but sort of a frustrating one to use after such a long break. I feel for Kate and can relate 100% but it was weird of her to show up at that guy’s place of work like that. I think she should have mentioned the abortion- at least that would make it less creepy and random. She should have just written it all out in a letter and burned it instead. By confronting him she still gave him power. Toby seemed to be faking it a little, no? He just seemed slightly over her and her drama.


Randall - can I just say how happy I am his mother isn’t alive? God would that have been an annoying storyline. I’m glad he’s going to get closure but his conversation with Kevin was sad and frustrating. Can they just say sorry already? I miss the siblings actually talking to each other/ the family dynamic. 

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I think the Marc/Kate storyline ended...rather abruptly. Assuming this was the closure for Marc in both past and now present, it felt very underwhelming. I think the show's mistake was bringing up the idea that Kate needed closure from Marc and then getting that closure in this episode. It felt almost filler that didn't lead anywhere. It was just a weird direction to take the story, especially Marc being legit the exact same person as he was 22 years ago. 

That being said, Kate telling Toby about her abortion and his response (for the most part) was nice. I like that he let her confront Marc and was supportive for her. 

The Kevin/Madison stuff was mostly expected. I'm glad that they got to have a real fight about their relationship. With how quickly they've had to move their relationship, it would have been more worrisome if they didn't eventually fight about Kevin's career or other things. 

Randall's storyline was handled beautifully, better than I expected it to. He talked to his therapist! He talked to Kevin! And now he's going to dig into his birth mother's past a bit. Hopefully that's the end of Randall's questions surrounding his birth family, so that he can take the steps forward to heal from those scars he clearly still carries. 

I guess Kevin/Randall at least started to make up, so that's something. Wish Randall had actually given Kevin any sort of advice, and I wish Kevin could have dived more into what Kate told him and truly apologize (as Randall also has to do). But I guess it's a start.

Otherwise, it WAS a strong episode overall. A great way to return to the season. I felt so bad for Teen Kate, going through all of that alone and not telling anyone about it.

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It’s only because “William Hill” is such an unusual, uncommon name that this storyline isn’t far fetched at all 🙄

Beth is a goddess to put up with Randall’s constant drama.

i felt bad for Kevin’s baby mama (name escaping me ATM).  He’s in love with the babies and the idea of family life, but not in love with her.  Not that she loves him either though; this forced relationship is kind of weird and sad.

2 minutes ago, t7686 said:

I’m a little disappointed in this episode, it was ok but sort of a frustrating one to use after such a long break. I feel for Kate and can relate 100% but it was weird of her to show up at that guy’s place of work like that. I think she should have mentioned the abortion- at least that would make it less creepy and random. She should have just written it all out in a letter and burned it instead. By confronting him she still gave him power. Toby seemed to be faking it a little, no? He just seemed slightly over her and her drama.


Randall - can I just say how happy I am his mother isn’t alive? God would that have been an annoying storyline. I’m glad he’s going to get closure but his conversation with Kevin was sad and frustrating. Can they just say sorry already? I miss the siblings actually talking to each other/ the family dynamic. 

Toby DID seem to be faking it in the car afterward!  Don’t blame him

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When Kate went to see Marc to watch Airplane, I was close to convinced that they would get into a fight, he would push her to the ground and...you can fill in the rest so I'm glad it didn't take that direction.  But Kate, he was six months of your life and he did you wrong.  I get the morbid curiosity of finding out where he is today and even the need of confronting him, but at work? Meh.  And if he sort of struggled trying to remember you, he was definitely not worth wasting your energy for that speech where he mentally tuned out halfway through and instantly forgot the moment you walked away. 

Madison cutting Kevin off trying to do his speech was a hoot.  Maybe she's in on the "not Pearson" text chain with Miguel, Toby and Beth! 

At least Laurel is dead so we don't need to worry about Randall searching for her and at least he is trying to patch things up about Kevin.  But this will lead to more questions that he's not ready to deal with. 

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5 minutes ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

He made a good point: They had a six-month relationship 20+ years ago.  It was over long ago.

Right. This is one of those instances where the relationship meant much more to her than it did to him (I think he was her first everything and she wasn't his first anything), and she wasn't going to be able to make it important to him. She did that for her, not for him. It was strange.

2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think the show's mistake was bringing up the idea that Kate needed closure from Marc and then getting that closure in this episode.

Yes - this is what I meant by strange. We've seen the back story of their bad relationship, but the show hasn't really told us that Kate needed this kind of closure. To throw it in here like this seems sudden and unearned.

4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Given their issues trying to have a child, I don't think Toby was out of line to be a little shocked she never mentioned a previous pregnancy. He was not making it about himself, he was making it about them, and he recovered quickly and supported everything she did subsequently.

Also, was he never in the room when a doctor asked if she'd been pregnant before (before the miscarriage) as part of her medical history? If so, did she lie to the doctor and say she'd never been pregnant? Like he said, they talked about pregnancy a lot over the course of the two years they tried to conceive; it IS strange that she never said anything.

5 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

God, Randall, I know this revelation was a shock but at least wait to hear what the guy had to say before assuming William lied to you.

I can understand that assumption, though. I don't know many people who would make the leap to "he genuinely thought she was dead and then she wasn't." (This is making me think of the actress who was reported to be dead yesterday, then it was reported that she wasn't dead, and now it's confirmed that she has in fact passed.)

Sterling K. Brown's tears get me going. When he cried with relief when he learned that William hadn't lied to him, my eyes welled over.

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Madison does the impossible and deflects a Pearson speech! The crowd goes wild! 

Nothing super dramatic for a return after a hiatus, but I thought it was a good episode, we got some closure for some plots (Kate and icky 90s Marc) and moved forward a few more (Randall and his mom) but mostly I am just ecstatic that Kevin and Randall are finally starting to talk again! It was just a call, but it was certainly a step in the right direction. 

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23 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think the Marc/Kate storyline ended...rather abruptly. Assuming this was the closure for Marc in both past and now present, it felt very underwhelming. I think the show's mistake was bringing up the idea that Kate needed closure from Marc and then getting that closure in this episode. It felt almost filler that didn't lead anywhere. It was just a weird direction to take the story, especially Marc being legit the exact same person as he was 22 years ago. 

That being said, Kate telling Toby about her abortion and his response (for the most part) was nice. I like that he let her confront Marc and was supportive for her. 

The Kevin/Madison stuff was mostly expected. I'm glad that they got to have a real fight about their relationship. With how quickly they've had to move their relationship, it would have been more worrisome if they didn't eventually fight about Kevin's career or other things. 

Randall's storyline was handled beautifully, better than I expected it to. He talked to his therapist! He talked to Kevin! And now he's going to dig into his birth mother's past a bit. Hopefully that's the end of Randall's questions surrounding his birth family, so that he can take the steps forward to heal from those scars he clearly still carries. 

I guess Kevin/Randall at least started to make up, so that's something. Wish Randall had actually given Kevin any sort of advice, and I wish Kevin could have dived more into what Kate told him and truly apologize (as Randall also has to do). But I guess it's a start.

Otherwise, it WAS a strong episode overall. A great way to return to the season. I felt so bad for Teen Kate, going through all of that alone and not telling anyone about it.

Oh you just know there’s a biological sister or brother lurking somewhere waiting to hear a Pearson speech . 

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9 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Aren’t twins notorious for making an early entrance into the world ? Like weeks early ? Apparently Madison and Kevin don’t know that and I’m sure she’ll have the babies while he’s away . 

I had the exact same thought. It's a teevee drama and she's having twins...no way are those kids not coming early. (That said, I don't know how far along she's supposed to be. If they mentioned it I missed it.)

6 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

 wonder what reason Laurel will have had for not finding Randall. Maybe she found Jack and he told her not to interfere with their family and Randall will find out that Jack lied to him! *gasp* (Sorry but this Laurel thing is such a retread.)

I could be wrong, but in the preview it looked like she was wearing a distinctively orange shirt in a rather gray-looking room, so I'm thinking she may have spent at least some time in jail.

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It seems a bit premature for Kevin and Madison's fight. Kevin is going away for 4 weeks. He has no idea what future roles he is going to have and what is going to film where and how long. Maybe they could wait until there is an actual conflict to fight about what to do? Even the most famous actors manage to have a home life and aren't constantly traveling for filming.

Plus it doesn't have to be Madison and the babies traveling with him all the time or they split up and she does it on her own.

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I loved Kate's speech to Marc. I think it was unrealistic but also a message for anyone in an abusive relationship to know the signs and know there IS life after that kind of relationship. Marc was one of the first boys that seemed interested in Kate....and if Kate was already lacking in self-esteem, then she would soak the worst of that relationship into her soul and yes, that would stay with her for years. That speech wasn't really so Marc would get what a jackass he was to her. It was for Kate to release herself of the guilt and shame Marc thrust upon her. Relationships, even fleeting ones, when you are young, leave their mark and shape who you become. 

Kate set herself free tonight and for that, she got a standing ovation from me in my living room...and a prayer that all the young girls with self-loathing issues would one day do the same.

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Next episode will be a heart breaker, at least for me. I can't imagine losing your child and lover/husband/partner and never finding out what happened to them. My guess is that after Laurel was revived, she ended up being incarcerated, and because William thought she was dead, she never knew where he went. He was so grief stricken, he never went back to their apartment, he just left, and when Laurel finally got out, she could not find him or find out what happened to her child. Pure tragedy, and I will probably cry my eyes out over it. 

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Even by this shows standards, this whole Laurel thing is some real unneeded melodrama, especially considering she is already dead...possibly. Isn't Randall already enough of a mamma's boy already without giving him another mom to obsess over? Doesn't he have enough going on with Rebecca? How many other random relatives are going to come out of the woodwork? We have enough drama with the people we have already! 

Good episode to return with, even with the Laurel drama I enjoyed all of the subplots for the most part, especially getting closure for Kate about Marc and her getting to tell him off. I felt so terrible for teen Kate, feeling like she cant talk about the abortion with anyone, at least we know that Marc grew up to live as pathetic of a life as he deserves. He probably deserves worse, but I am glad that Kate got closure, even if going to confront an abuser seems like a pretty worrisome idea in real life. I don't really blame Toby for being confused as to why Kate never told her about the abortion considering the fertitlity issues they had, and I think he supported Kate and handled things well. He didnt try to take over or be the Hero, he just supported her. 

I think that Madison was a little hard on Kevin. I get that she wants them to put down roots and she wants them to be a priority, but Kevin is a professional actor, travel is always going to be a part of his life, it seems unfair for him to have to just give up his career. I guess Kevin can try to get back on TV or just focus on smaller projects? What does she actually want him to do? I feel like Madison sometimes just gets upset with Kevin but she never tells him exactly what she wants. I did love her cutting off the Pearson speech in mid speech though. 

As is usual, Beth is on point. "Call your therapist." Randall has actually handled all of this drama pretty well, certainly better than he would have last season. The "Randall is always right" stuff can be annoying, but I will take saint Randall over the asshole Randall that we got last season any day of the week. I am just so happy that he and Kevin seem to be getting closer to making up, I really want the whole family back together again. I hope that Randall makes the next move, Kevin has reached out first the last two times so its only fair. 

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I was ok with Madison forcing the issue.   They both need to think about what they have signed up for, and get on the same page with some kind of understanding and plan.   They both have fallen in love with the idea of a family, but what does that mean to each of them?   Fantasies need to meet the practicality of raising twins at some point. 

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You guys are echoing my sentiments. I thought Madison was being a little unfair to Kevin- he’s always been an actor, and said career will allow him to provide the babies a very nice life. She seems to have fallen for him during quarantine and wants to be with him romantically.....so what’s the problem?? People travel for work all the time (in non pandemic times). Madison can keep her career, they can have a nanny AND Kevin can travel when he needs to. It’s not “Madison’s way or no way”. 

But I do agree that people should TALK about these things and not assume. You know what they say about assuming. 

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I'm glad that Kate got closure with Marc. Even it was "only" a six-month relationship 20 years ago, what he did to her was terrible and abusive, so if confronting him helped her move on, that's a good thing. I can't say I loved Toby's initial reaction, though. If someone shares that they were in an abusive relationship, the first thing you say should not be "why didn't you tell me sooner?" 

Cracking up at Madison cutting off a Pearson speech before it could start. I do like her and Kevin together, so I hope they talk it out and figure out what they want their future to look like. 

It turns out William wasn't lying to Randall about Laurel, he just genuinely didn't know. 

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Why the hell would Kate track down over 20+ years ago boyfriend?  Seriously??  Who does that?  The Kate storyline pissed me off so much I have to rewatch the other parts because  I was so aggravated with that.  I'm not a Kate hater, but I was close to screaming at the TV.  

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10 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

So is the Canadian border open just for Hollywood? Or are they making stuff up as they go along?

It’s open for business purposes- with tests and quarantine etc. Hallmark did a lot of filming in Canada for their Xmas films so that was realistic for me. 

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I really liked Madison in the first seasons - she was offbeat, loyal, and funny. Now she seems selfish and cold. Her vision of Kevin being "all in" seems to preclude any compromise on her part.  

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I'm really glad this is one of the few shows where teenage characters are played by actors who are roughly the same age as them.

So many TV series have 27-year-olds playing high school students. Seeing baby-faced Kate dealing with her unwanted pregnancy on her own had a much stronger emotional impact than it would have with an actor who was a decade older.

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43 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Even by this shows standards, this whole Laurel thing is some real unneeded melodrama, especially considering she is already dead...possibly. Isn't Randall already enough of a mamma's boy already without giving him another mom to obsess over? Doesn't he have enough going on with Rebecca? How many other random relatives are going to come out of the woodwork? We have enough drama with the people we have already! 

I resent the writers infringing on the unity of this show's superb first season by doing this rewrite of the story of Randall's birth mom. Yes they sort of let William off the hook with the line about him telling Randall what he "believed" to be true but it still doesn't hold together well. And I think it will get worse as they delve further into Laurel's story.

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11 hours ago, Josiemae said:

I really liked Madison in the first seasons - she was offbeat, loyal, and funny. Now she seems selfish and cold. Her vision of Kevin being "all in" seems to preclude any compromise on her part.  

I am growing to not like this Madison. She is impossible. Nothing makes her happy. She will create conflict over anything and everything and nothing will ever be enough. She settles into being a real pain in the ass. First she tells him to go and then she creates an argument about that. Then she likes the idea of a family and that becomes a problem. She is so petty. She just gets in her own way. She is miserable and unhappy and will drag every happy person down. Kevin was really being nice and sweet to her. In the previous episode, didn't she have some issue about her weight? Well, when a woman is pregnant gaining weight comes with the condition. She is just a real Debbie Downer. 

Edited by LoveLeigh
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Even the Kate/Toby relationship is getting on my nerves. They both try so hard to be guarded and communicate in textbook ways based on how a counselor might coach the dialogue. People do not interact or talk like that. They "talk shit," they are rude, they are insulting. Not every word is such a major deal. 

In life, not every word is analyzed. They are all way too sensitive. It is unrealistic. 


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19 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:
1 hour ago, Josiemae said:

I really liked Madison in the first seasons - she was offbeat, loyal, and funny. Now she seems selfish and cold. Her vision of Kevin being "all in" seems to preclude any compromise on her part.  

I am growing to not like this Madison. She is impossible. Nothing makes her happy. She will create conflict over anything and everything and nothing will ever be enough. She settles into being a real pain in the ass. First she tells him to go and then she creates an argument about that. The she likes the idea of a family and that becomes a problem. She is so petty. She just gets in her own way. She is miserable and unhappy and will drag every happy person down. Kevin was really being nice and sweet to her. In the previous episode, didn't she have some issue about her weight? Well, when a woman is pregnant gaining weight comes with the condition. She is just a real Debbie Downer. 

I completely agree with you both. She has become so damn dour! Why is she acting so surprised about Kevin needing to travel for work? Actors at Kevin's level travel, and I refuse to believe she's too stupid to know this. Then, she makes some sort of statement about how she didn't ask him to be in their (her and her children's) lives. If she didn't want Kevin involved, then why even tell him she was pregnant? The minute she told him it was absolutely possible that he'd want to be involved. It was pretty bold of her to think that he'd want nothing to do with his children. I'd hate for Kevin to end up with Madison; they should an example of effective co-parenting not some sort of romantic comedy plot.

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After all the buildup and speculation about the Marc/pregnancy storyline - is Marc going to commit suicide or die from a drug overdose? Did he talk Kate into getting pregnant? Is Kate going to hide her entire pregnancy and give up her baby for adoption without anyone knowing? - this resolution felt anti-climactic. She terminated an unwanted pregnancy like 25% of all women, and dumped her loser boyfriend like at least 50% of all women. How convenient that Marc lives close enough on the other side of the country that she could give him a drive-by Pearson speech during his smoke break.

3 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

That hour flew by-and in the best way! I’m so glad Kevin and Randall have taken the first steps toward healing with each other.

Only Kevin took steps and apologized for what he'd said. Randall didn't apologize for his part and blew Kevin off because he needed to make a "very important" call right that second. Because his brother sounding distressed and asking for advice is obviously not important enough to give him another 10-15 minutes of his time.

2 hours ago, phalange said:

I can't say I loved Toby's initial reaction, though. If someone shares that they were in an abusive relationship, the first thing you say should not be "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I yelled "because it's none of your business!" at the TV when he said that. She doesn't owe him an account of every single traumatic experience of her life.

17 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

[Madison] has become so damn dour! Why is she acting so surprised about Kevin needing to travel for work? Actors at Kevin's level travel, and I refuse to believe she's too stupid to know this. Then, she makes some sort of statement about how she didn't ask him to be in their (her and her children's) lives. If she didn't want Kevin involved, then why even tell him she was pregnant? The minute she told him it was absolutely possible that he'd want to be involved. It was pretty bold of her to think that he'd want nothing to do with his children. I'd hate for Kevin to end up with Madison; they should an example of effective co-parenting not some sort of romantic comedy plot.

I want to chalk it up to pregnancy hormones, but it was still annoying. Poor Kevin is walking on eggshells trying to do right by her, but she can't seem to decide what she wants.

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So, uh, everything said here.

Toby was right to be angry at Kate because they had been trying for 2 years - Kate either lied and didn't tell the doctors about it, or she stuck her fingers in Toby's ears when she told them about it.

Her trying to find Marc was just like....no

3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Aren’t twins notorious for making an early entrance into the world ? Like weeks early ? Apparently Madison and Kevin don’t know that and I’m sure she’ll have the babies while he’s away . 

I feel like every episode is Madison telling Kevin something is okay and then he leaves the room and the camera pans to her disappointed face . She just always is upset about something he does or doesn’t do . It’s not that she can’t feel the way she feels but she either needs to take him or leave him already . I don’t know why I’m just not rooting for them . 

Yup - twins like to come early - full term for twins is like 36 weeks - but they can be born as early as 32 and still be fine. So, yeah, Kevin's gonna get a panicked call from Madison when he's in Vancouver and she's either gonna give birth, or have Braxton-Hicks and be on bedrest until the end of the pregnancy. Then he's going to have to make A Decision about their family.

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35 minutes ago, hula-la said:

I live in Vancouver. I can report no Kevin sightings. 

I live in San Diego.  I do not recognize that generic-looking ghetto guitar shop.  I'll bet they didn't come down here but filmed it in LA, after doctoring up some bodega or something to make it look like a guitar shop.

After all this time, it turns out that Marc is alive and well and living in San Diego, not dead from a drug overdose or suicide as has been previously speculated here.  I guess Rebecca doesn't know about the abortion.  Kate going through it alone was so tough and sad.  Now that Kate got her truth about Marc off her chest, she has admitted to herself that's why she overate herself into obesity.  Will this be a turning point for her?

Randall's biological mother died of breast cancer.  That is good to know, although most breast cancers are not hereditary, the two girls Tess and Annie can use that information FWIW.

Madison seems to be creating a drama to push Kevin away.  Now he's supposed to decide if he's all in?  Didn't he already make that commitment?  Yes, he did.  I thought the Sophie ship had sailed, but I'm now wondering if The Show isn't planning a Kevin & Sophie endgame after all.

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What a crazy way to start the show after the long break. It felt way rushed and as if the producers just got it ready last night. 

Shocking start. I would have liked a bit of a smoother start but I guess they had a lot to say in this episode. It just feels WAY rushed, they have dragged out a ton of things for forever and then BAM here you go, all the answers in 42 mins! Like wait what. Anyways, I guess the abortion story had already been guessed so not much of a surprise there. It probably was a bit much for Kate to go there and confront him, but I think deep down it was really good for her to stand up to him as her stronger self today. It is really interesting how differently two people can view a relationship or friendship and almost have no idea how different it was for the other part. And I agree the end scene with toby in the car felt way weird.. Is he starting to feel differently about Kate? 

Omg also the last scene with teenage Kate and Rebecca. Who can relate? As a girl it is THE hardest thing to lie or hide things from your mother. To think that she was hiding it even with a loving mother like Rebecca is just HEARTBREAKING. 

I'm sorry but THANK GOD Randall's mom is dead. I could not even imagine going there. I also hope they don't show the "get to know her" part. Please. I would much rather focus on his kids or relationship or Kevin. EDIT: just saw the preview for next week.. NOOOOO... I will probably skip it. Ugh... 

Kevin and Madison was just waiting to happen. All their scenes are way fake and uncomfortable. The forcing it is so clear. Just call it a day and agree to co-parent and try to find someone that will make you happy. This is clearly not meant to be. I still hope for Kevin and Sophie. 

The phone call between teenage Kevin and Randall made a lot of sense. The adult one was also heartwarming although I wish Randall would have also apologized to Kevin, as he was really opening up and being vulnerable. 

All in all, theyre about to lose me if they dont go back to season 1 magic anytime soon. I would like a big 3 kids throwback in every episode.. Although I know the actors get older. But even better a big 3 pre-school throwback ❤️

Edited by Ana88
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One more time for the folks in back, Madison! You told Kevin you would have the baby without him--didn't know about twins--but he felt a responsibility. Now you get to throw that in his face every time things don't go 100% your way. Hopeful prediction: co-parenting without him being tied to her any more than he has to be. And Sophie😉

Also grateful they didn't drag out the William Lied To Me story.

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Like with A Million Little Things and Good Girls, I've lost all interest in this show.

I do not care about Randall's mother's story, Kate's abortion as a teenager, Kevin and Madison's relationship issues, or Rebecca's dementia. Not even a tiny bit. It's all predictable and/or preachy at this point. And dull. Very, very dull. Maybe I'll take a break and binge a few episodes to see if it makes it better, since sometimes that helps.

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I found Madison very annoying.  I had twins and no way in 2021 did she not get advice about having them early ( mine were 36wks and fine) and being recovering bulimic maybe earlier. She said due in 5 wks. Duh. You can write this script .You never really see her eat. I agree with another post that she isn’t Kevin’s endgame. He’s in love with the idea of being a dad and if she lost the twins earlier would have left as he planned to do. You can’t force those feelings and I feel her insecurity comes from knowing it. I still believe Sophie will  be back and that grandmas  ring and her looking at , it will be flash-backed and she never got married. Time will tel, not now but when he and Madison split.

I’m glad Randall found Laurel quickly and hope knowing her history helps and medical history but we know there might be more kids or cousins coming. 🙂

Kate always needed a therapist or friend. Why didn’t she have any friends? Please don’t use her weight, she wasn’t huge and it doesn’t keep you from having friends your entire life. What she did was reckless and can you imagine if Toby did hit him and had to explain to a cop he hurt his wife 20 years ago being a creep. I’ll let this go if it means Kate will  move on and stop being annoying. 
No Nicky yet, maybe he will look up Sally. I thought it odd Kevin hasn’t mentioned him at all .

Edited by debraran
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