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S24.E11: Week 10 - The Final Rose

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The Bachelor Finale Part 1 takes place in Australia but swapping the Northern Hemisphere for the Southern and the Western Hemisphere for the Eastern changes nothing. We’ve reverted to the very first episode in which Mama’s Boy cedes the floor to Mama herself, whereupon she emotes, quivers, chews scenery and generally makes a fool of herself any time she detects the presence of a camera.

Beyond that it’s an episode of nothingness as vast as most of the outback. There are lots of downcast looks, confusion, tears of frustration and futility and awkward silences – mostly from the poor sods like us forced to slog through this nightmare apparently produced the same day the video editor switched to decaf.

According to some cursory internet research, birds of prey ie raptors in Australia include the hobby, kite, kestrel, baza, and harrier. One particular species not native to their biosphere is the red-tailed hawk. Through the magic of audio editing back in a darkened suite in LA, we hear the red-tailed hawk’s distinctive scream echoing over the Australian desert. Reality TV eh?

If we are somewhat a captive audience we have company in the form of a studio audience inexplicably dressed to the nines as they…watch video monitors and applaud wildly for what even the most optimistic Bachelor fanperson must admit has been an appalling damp squib of a season thanks mostly to the appalling damp squib of The Bachelor himself. At least we can visit the lavatory, the refrigerator and the wet bar at our own convenience – the last of these being the most useful in combating the ennui of watching Peter Bloody Weber sobbing into a couch cushion. Again.

Peter arrives in Alice Springs, enters his suite and…stands at a railing. Is Fleiss reading these missives and punishing our lack of reverence by forcing us to double our budget for wine & beer? It’s the standard pensive profile shot (no pun intended) again. It’s interesting to note that deepest, darkest thoughts are never uttered during full-face on-camera interviews and instead are delivered via voiceover.

Peter is reunited with the family – well, Mom anyway. The rest barely get a look-in. Soldiers returning home after V-E Day didn’t get this kind of wailing reception. Pilot Dad is in remarkably good spirits despite the failure of his Modern Beta Male web site and lifestyle brand and having to deal with Mom every day, all day.

Brother Jack is there also and wearing, er, pink trousers. Ahem. If Peter’s scruffy beard seems odd-looking on his choirboy face (despite the angry-looking scar on the forehead) then Jack’s facial hair looks even more incongruent. It’s almost as if he’s been sneaking some doses of Dad’s low-T prescription.

Peter relates the story of the first impression rose and the first one-on-one date. Dad displays the sort of insight once reserved for the likes of Watson & Crick by exclaiming ‘two firsts!’ Well, yes, Dad, someone has to be first in each scenario and it shouldn’t come as a great shock that it’s the females Peter is most attracted to. Dad’s got a big old cross hanging round his neck which is highly ironic given the family’s view of formalized religion (more on that later) but perhaps he’s not as goofy as he looks and it’s meant to ward off the energy vampire known as his missus. Speaking of Mom, she apparently uses a patio broom to apply the shadow. It’s less a smoky eye and more a smoke damage eye.

‘Should I go get Hannah Ann?’ queries Peter. ‘Yes yes!’ respond the family. The next shot is of…Peter pacing aimlessly with hands in pockets (?).

Chris Harrison is at that in-between stage of combing the hair forward to conceal the receding front while spraying the bangs vertical to confirm that it has, in fact, been styled somewhat.

Hannah arrives with flowers in lovely plain brown wrapping paper. Dad, already well-trained at being well-trained, has adopted Bachelor lingo and uses the term ‘journey.’ ‘I see you and me’ says Mom, injecting herself again into the proceedings. Hannah is dragged outside to listen to Mom string clichés together - – it’s the most dramatic™ test yet of Hannah’s permasmile. If she can handle this she can handle anything. ‘It’s important that you never to change him and he never to change you [sic]’ says Mom who immediately contradicts herself with ‘but grow each other and make each other better.’ One suspects that Mom has those tacky pieces of slate hung around the house with ‘Live Laugh Love’ and ‘Bless This Home & Family’ hand-painted on them.

Hannah & Peter are on a bench for a postgame cuddle. ‘I do love you’ announces Hannah but, strangely, says it to his shoulder while he looks down. Unless, perhaps, she’s reading cue cards. You don’t have to be a Sherlock Holmes-level reader of body language to detect something amiss (or fake) here. And isn’t it well past time for Peter to drop the ‘Ann?’ How about plain old Hannah or even ‘Han’ ie a nickname born of familiarity and affection?

After more unnecessary carny barker hype from Harrison, Madison arrives. These two lovebirds are as cheery as a pair of strangers in a dentist’s waiting room. The eyelashes are just too much. Distracting for their length and separation – they look like lines of longitude on a globe. ‘How you doin’?’ he asks. ‘Not good’ she half-sobs. ‘MOMMM!’ shouts Peter. OK, not really. But he wanted to.

Madison is forced to hand the emotional thumbscrews over to the Weber family as they cross-examine her about her very reasonable and explicable desire to avoid premarital sex. Mom isn’t having it and sets out to mark her territory. Norman Bates, all is forgiven – even your mother wasn’t this controlling. ‘She’s not there for you,’ announces Mom. Peter nods dutifully. Oh God, here come the waterworks again. Mom’s made her choice – Hannah – and expects her boy to follow orders. But what’s this?  Peter has located a spine. Well, at least a vertebra. ‘Come on, this is insane right now – don’t do this to me’ he objects. ‘I trust you…I trust you’ says Mom. Yes, we’ve seen this trust in spades, haven’t we?

The camera cuts to a pair of multicolored spiky lizards. No, it isn’t Part II of The Women Tell All featuring Tammy & Mykenna, you bad thing, it’s some of the local fauna – the aptly named Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus – which is a great screen name by the way if you’re undecided on one) with its combination of camouflage and protective hide to deter predators. Is this a clever visual joke? If so, just who is the thorny devil's human analogue – besides Sydney, I mean? One of the lizards is rocking aimlessly back and forth and we can identify – some of us have adopted the self-soothing mannerisms of Rain Man while sitting on our couches watching this vacuous season.

Madison & Pete take a helicopter tour over Uluru and Peter makes a groan-worthy analogy between the ancient sandstone formation and their love (?). If you’ve happened to see an episode of Kath & Kim (a playful but pointed satire of the Aussie middle class) then you know that insects, particularly black flies, are a constant pest on the continent, occurring in far greater numbers than almost anywhere in the States. Someone might have told the Yankee production team as they’ve chosen to film in the arid interior where food is already scarce for said insects. As a result, the Deep & Meaningful conversations are punctuated by Distracting & Frequent swatting of bugs by the hapless principals.

Madison suggests it may be time to surrender – but what does that mean? More downcast eyes and knitting of brows follow along with sad-sounding piano with lots of reverb. This is either the most disastrous one-half of a Final 2 (all together now) in Bachelor history or we are being set up for a rather obvious happy-ever-after even if Harrison claims it’s all still undecided in the present day.

Harrison has arrived on scene and is trying out a bit of beard stubble himself. By now his MO should be familiar to all. He pretends to listen but is really there to toss out one or two open-ended questions to get The Bachelor to make statements pregnant with meaning and thus provide fodder for promos and trailers.

It’s then Hannah’s day in the sun and as more than one wag on Twitter noted, it may have been worth watching this year just to see five minutes of joey kangaroos casually hopping into the shelter building. A champagne picnic follows and then, inevitably, more of Peter moaning with constant references to ‘being happy at the end’ as if the emotional payoff will be as easy and automatic as flipping a light switch.

The previews of the finale of the finale, as it were, reveal more histrionics from Mom which is a great temptation to record the upcoming episode and essentially inflict a spoiler on oneself. In the meantime, visit your local purveyor of beverages and stock up because we are sure to get multiple railing shots.

Edited by Rainsong
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Barbara has taken my memory back to high school days when some of my friends' mothers had warned them against boys and the things they say to get you to "go all the way." Like: "If you really cared for me you would let me,"  and the (to me) bewildering one of, "It's really painful for me if you let me sit and neck for an hour and then stop." 

So I'm guessing maybe Barbara took all this to heart from the boys point of view and thinks Madison must not really care about poor Peter or she would have gone happily to the Fantasy Suite with him, and what's more Madison was so cruel as to send her baby home with blue balls.

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21 minutes ago, Kerri Okie said:

I agree that both girls need to run very fast from that whole dysfunctional family dynamic. No matter what they feel for Peter (or may think they feel for the moment), that boy was not raised to have healthy relationships and is not good marriage material, period. 

Barb...OMG she was something else, but don't forget that it was dad that started it the minute Peter and Madi sat down on the couch:

Madi: "We had an issue to discuss." 

Dad: "And what was that issue?"

They already knew what the issue was, but to sit there in front of the cameras and make her describe it in detail was horribly uncomfortable and not a good sign for the future. Clearly any future problems between her and Peter are going to be analyzed and dissected by the whole family, and she will never, ever, be in the right.  No wonder she decided to get outta there.

Say what you will about Madi's eyelashes, she's the only one who showed an ounce of maturity last night. Peter only heard one sentence she uttered, basically ignoring all the rest, and then wanted to make out, which seems to be his solution to every problem. 

I felt exactly the same way when his dad did that, and actually posted at that exact minute.  Most normal parents would not have asked--it is not their business.  The point of this family visit is to get to know each other a little bit--not be a part of their relationship.  That was just freaky.

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As Peter and Madi were talking about Uluru and how it was formed around 550 million years ago, I couldn't help but wonder if Madison was thinking, that's not possible, the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.

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14 hours ago, Riplet68 said:

Ive been trying to remember if Maddy has ever been shown drinking alcohol. Im guessing not. 

yeah, it was weird that they dropped that sparkling cider on us this late in the game--probably to foreground how DIFFERENT THEY ARE.

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I cried about as hard as Peter's mom did when I realized that this little spoiled boy may one day go back to his job and fly a plane that I'm on. So, airplane pilots can't take anti-depressants, but being an utter nitwit who can't navigate a single conversation with the opposite sex is a-ok? 

I really wanted the crew to make Peter go sit in a corner with his juice box and his gogurt so the grownups could watch more Australian wildlife. 

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1 hour ago, Rainsong said:

According to some cursory internet research, birds of prey ie raptors in Australia include the hobby, kite, kestrel, baza, and harrier. One particular species not native to their biosphere is the red-tailed hawk. Through the magic of audio editing back in a darkened suite in LA, we hear the red-tailed hawk’s distinctive scream echoing over the Australian desert. Reality TV eh?

This show (and others) have shown turkey vultures in flight -- and they do look cool in flight -- and used hawk audio. I always laugh at that. A raptor and a carrion bird could not be any different. Also?  Turkey vultures up close are creepy looking.

Edited by Captain Asshat
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22 minutes ago, Mrs.Monkey said:

As Peter and Madi were talking about Uluru and how it was formed around 550 million years ago, I couldn't help but wonder if Madison was thinking, that's not possible, the Earth was created 6,000 years ago.

OMG I thought the exact same thing...shades of the Duggar’s lol.

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58 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Barbara has taken my memory back to high school days when some of my friends' mothers had warned them against boys and the things they say to get you to "go all the way." Like: "If you really cared for me you would let me,"  and the (to me) bewildering one of, "It's really painful for me if you let me sit and neck for an hour and then stop." 

So I'm guessing maybe Barbara took all this to heart from the boys point of view and thinks Madison must not really care about poor Peter or she would have gone happily to the Fantasy Suite with him, and what's more Madison was so cruel as to send her baby home with blue balls.

This is the woman who agreed to stage a scene where she and her husband are making out in the car on National TV, so I think you are absolutely correct!

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Pete? Your mother is a straight up manipulative, mentally imbalanced psycho. If I was either of those girls, I would refuse to be with you because of her.  Your mother would be the straw that broke the camel's back for me.


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14 hours ago, GracieK said:

for all we know they screwed up her Chinese order... this is orange chicken and I ordered Sweet and sour... boohoohoohoo.. bring it home. Bring home the right chicken”.

Hahaha ❤️Your hubby! I’d love to watch tv with him! 

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25 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

I cried about as hard as Peter's mom did when I realized that this little spoiled boy may one day go back to his job and fly a plane that I'm on. So, airplane pilots can't take anti-depressants, but being an utter nitwit who can't navigate a single conversation with the opposite sex is a-ok? 

I really wanted the crew to make Peter go sit in a corner with his juice box and his gogurt so the grownups could watch more Australian wildlife. 

I thought the same thing!

Delta must be so proud. 
Delta execs have a new acronym for their airline:

Don’t. Ever. Let. This. Air. 

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I only watched the first hour so far, but it seems to me that Madi knows she's in the top 2 and therefore needs to secure her spot as the next bachelorette rather than his final pick. So she's trying every which way to get Peter to let her go but production won't let him and she's getting pissed. 

Also, Peter's mom should be happy that A woman wants Peter to NOT sleep with 2 other girls if he's in love with one of them.. but instead she's mad at Madison because she doesn't want to get engaged to someone who just slept with 2 other girls a night or two before proposing ? This mother is unbearable.

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I think the Show really over-estimated Mama Webber’s appeal. They’re treating her like a breakout star, but she ended up immediately becoming one of the greatest villains to ever “Vil” (trademark Chad/Daniel in Paradise). This is truly telling that a finalist left the show(!!!!) and we all have much more of a focus on how terrible Mrs Webber is than the fact that Maddie ditched Peter.

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15 hours ago, bosawks said:

Maybe this will finally be the proof we need that virgins and the bachelor franchise are not a match made in heaven.....

which means they'll keep casting virgins.

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1 hour ago, Sterling said:

I thought the same thing!

Delta must be so proud. 
Delta execs have a new acronym for their airline:

Don’t. Ever. Let. This. Air. 

Is there a way you can find out which pilots you'll have ahead of time? 'Cause I'm on Delta roundtrip to London in June. Don't want to spend an 11-hour flight panicking about the pilot!

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I never tend to like or dislike reality "stars" because I'm aware of how they can be edited, frankenbyted, etc. And so, I watch for the trainwreck and manage to leave my emotions out of it. That is, until Pilot Pete and his monstrous mother came along. Wow do I dislike these people. Peter is a namby pamby mama's boy, and his lack of personal space boundaries makes me nuts. Read a room, Peter. Madison was pushing you away, covering her face, and you just leaned closer and closer anyway. It made me claustrophobic just watching it.

And mama Peter - holy crap. What a magnificent manipulative piece of shit you are. Although now I get the whole Victoria and Peter thing. That woman. Geez. I thought it was a little weird how involved they've been since wildly cheering the windmill thing last year (I don't want to know a thing about my son's sex life, thank you). And then the viewing parties, and now the sobbing and everyone bending over backwards to make mom feel better. Oof.

Also, I lived for all of the fly batting during dramatic scenes. It gave them extra gravitas.

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Conde Naste Traveler: He’s a regular behind the controls on trans-continental flights from Los Angeles’ LAX airport to the New York City area, international flights to Central America, and as of early August, Hawaii. 

Oh, thank God! No European flights!


Edited by Scout Finch
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I posted a link to an US Magazine (Things to know about Peter's Family) and provided two quotes that I HAVE to repeat here:


“Our culture is a little bit different, and not that one is right and one is wrong, we want to keep that family tie, that unity together. And that’s one of the reasons that Peter and my other son Jack are still living at home, because there’s no reason really to move out,” she said. 


Peter told Entertainment Tonight that it’s “not weird” when he brings women home to his parents' house. “The next morning I'll wake up and the girl is downstairs making breakfast with my mom and they're chatting it up and that's just the way it's been," he said in January 2020.

Yikes and double Yikes!

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Just now, DEL901 said:

I posted a link to an US Magazine (Things to know about Peter's Family) and provided two quotes that I HAVE to repeat here:

Yikes and double Yikes!

You know what this is reminding me of, that episode of Sex & The City when Carrie dated the guy whose mother was a sex therapist. It all started as "so open and his mom is awesome", until eventually Carrie realized how stunted and kind of sexually fucked up the guy was, thanks to his "oh so awesome mom".

I knew these people were weirdos the minute they were all, "woo-hoo, four times in a windmill". Well that and the mom boo-hooing and acting like someone died because Hannah didn't pick Peter. 

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13 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

“The next morning I'll wake up and the girl is downstairs making breakfast with my mom and they're chatting it up and that's just the way it's been," he said in January 2020.

"How many times did you do it last night? On a scale of one eight to 10, how do you rate him as a lover? You'd better be on birth control because NO one tells my boys they have to wear condoms if they don't want to."

Edited by Scout Finch
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I just recalled that in my early 20s and was still living at home, my single mother was all right with me having someone I was dating spend the night. I don't recall her ever having men over, though, as she felt it was best to keep that part of her life private and not subject me to strange men in the house. HOWEVER, I cannot imagine her ever sitting down and chatting with someone, and she never asked me for a single detail about my sex life!

Edited by Scout Finch
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13 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

And frankly, I'm no fan of Hannah, and her pageant background really showed tonight, (did she really say that she started falling for Peter on night 1?) but I'm not thrilled with the borderline slut shaming towards her. She hasn't done anything wrong except be as immature as Peter. I'd like to see her walk away too, but she wouldn't be the first one to maybe hang around hoping for the Bachelorette, if not the rose at the end.

Exactly. I think she is looking for a "win". They are both incredibly immature, and not surprising considering that they are very young. I really hope that the showrunners have learned something from these last couple of seasons of Bachelor and Bachelorette. There should not be a single person under the age of 25 represented on here if they are actually serious about a successful match. Oh, who am I kidding - they couldn't care less about that.

17 hours ago, antfitz said:

 Why did she dump him?

Because his BSC Mama scared her off.

16 hours ago, leocadia said:

Honestly, I don't think there is a "twu wuv" connection anywhere in sight.  Even if HA had been willing to accept a proposal and give it a try with Peter, seeing that his first choice was Madi should make that an impossibility at this point.  

He is such a spineless dick. He is surely being easily manipulated by production as well, as he now is saying that he is in love with two women. SMH.

Edited by lizajane
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38 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I posted a link to an US Magazine (Things to know about Peter's Family) and provided two quotes that I HAVE to repeat here:

Yikes and double Yikes!


why any of these women, or any others, would want to get involved with this baby boy is beyond me

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4 hours ago, Rainsong said:

‘How you doin’?’ he asks. ‘Not good’ she half-sobs. ‘MOMMM!’ shouts Peter. OK, not really. But he wanted to.

Oooohh, that’s a GOOD one!

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Madison has a huge tell for when something is memorized vs a real time thought. Her entire break up speech was eloquently said without a single 'like' in it. As soon as Peter responded with a question she reverted back to using 'like' for every other word. I don't think I've ever seen someone use 'like' so much while speaking and I used to hang out in the Valley. 

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Peter needs to walk away from this all together and maybe revisit in about 5yrs or so.  He is very attached to his family and very immature.   I don't think anyone at this point could tolerate the situation.   I really feel sorry for anyone that he does marry.

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 I believe this show is as good as scripted,  with all the producer manipulated drama.  

But like with scripted television dramas, I get invested in the characters.  So while I don't believe that this all happened naturally, I can still be entertained by it. 

Or, squicked out,  like I was with this last episode.  As the parent of adult children, I do not hear about their sex lives or issues with their sex lives.    Especially the dad, asking what their issues were, when he knew darn well.  Eww.  But I know this family is super weird.  I'm sure they would say they are enlightened and honest about their sex lives.  Well, it's still gross to me, so I am even more happy the 'none of your business' attitude about such things.  

His mom thinks she is hot stuff.  And that we are all going to just love her and her emotion.  Nah, sorry Barb, you over acted on this one.    As well as being way too involved in your son't love life.

Oh and his dad and brother seemed a little too excited to meet Hannah Ann.  They were more, ' ohhh yeahhhh' like she was next on stage at the strip club.  Strong pervy vibe.  


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After her meltdown, mom told peter she was distraught because Maddie wasn’t there for him. Wish someone would tell HA that he wasn’t there for her too. 

I hope he’s single at the end of this. Peter is definitely a platinum member of the MHC and I doubt he’s going to change his spots for Maddie. Even his bro who must know him well, doesn’t think that’s possible. Weird that we went from virgin Colton to the opposite (I’m not going to put a label on it).

As an episode, last night wasn’t too bad. Mom gave us a lot of tv gold with her embarrassing display. I remember her from Hannah’s season and was expecting this from her but she definitely outdid herself. Just think, tonight she will be live in the audience! We’re in for a cringeworthy treat 😁 Hope the studio audience represents our reactions and are brave enough to vocalize their sentiments. 

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2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I posted a link to an US Magazine (Things to know about Peter's Family) and provided two quotes that I HAVE to repeat here:

Yikes and double Yikes!

You know Mama does his laundry and makes sure his uniform is clean for his next trip.

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Can you imagine having that woman as a MIL? Anytime she wanted something and you couldn't accommodate her you could expect a meltdown. I thought Peter stood up to her though which was points for him. I preferred my brother's ex over the woman he married but there's no way I'd ever let any of them know that. It is zero percent my business who he picked and why. My job is to get along with whoever is presented to me.

Peter has a natural ease and chemistry with Hannah but I think with Maddie, he likes the chase. Relationships can be hard. I would take the easier to get along with person any day. He values sex differently than Maddie and that's just going to be the first of many, many disagreements that they will have over values. Even if you have a strong friendship and chemistry those type of disagreements can erode a relationship. Compatibility matters too and I think Maddie came to understand that but then her emotions overrode it. Curious to see what happens.

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Bottom line, Peter is never going to be a faithful husband and if Madison can’t live with that, marriage would break her into little pieces.  They are on different planets and why she chose to go on this show to find a husband baffles me.  Don’t even get me started on mom and dad and their squicky obsession with Peter’s sex life.  Gack.

Please run, Maddie.  Run from this immature, horndog mama’s boy. Worst. Bachelor. Ever.  Yes, worse than Ben Flapjack.

Edited by limecoke
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What Peter's brother said to him may sound immature but is it wrong though? He knows his brother well and his life style. What Peter likes to do to past his time is so different from Madison's. She wouldn't even drink alcohol on TV for goodness sake. I know many conservative Christians and they don't a problem with drinking in front of others. So Madi and her family are another level. Also, Peter who enjoys sex that much can forego it for the next approx. 2 years before they get married? Really? He said he is willing to compromise and sure, he may be able to for this but like all humans do, he would expect her to compromise on other things, and would probably hold it over her (consciously or subconsciously. The relationship has already started on the wrong foot, it has a very slim chance to succeed.

Hannah Ann is trying so hard to win this thing that she is willing to overlook Peter's obvious interest in Madi. Which is odd because she's a smart cookie. Wouldn't she try to be Bachelorette instead? Her last conversation with Peter reminded me of Arie's last conversation with Becca before the FRC. Arie was also so unsure and broken up about it. It's never a good sign when the Bachelor is so confused before the FRC. 

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3 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

You know what this is reminding me of, that episode of Sex & The City when Carrie dated the guy whose mother was a sex therapist. It all started as "so open and his mom is awesome", until eventually Carrie realized how stunted and kind of sexually fucked up the guy was, thanks to his "oh so awesome mom".

Valerie Harper!  Yes, that's so much this situation!

Mommy Dearest Peter is beyond any guy's mom that I've ever dated.  I would run 900 MPH away from this.

Hannah Ann is hanging in there in hopes of becoming #2, so that she can become The Bachelorette, obviously not knowing at this point that it's a fait accompli a la Clare.

But Mommy Melt-down only wants Hannah Ann so she can see her Narcissus reflection and they can both hang on to Peter for dear life, crying, whimpering with how much their hearts love him.  Ugh.

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8 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I wonder if mom expects Peter and his bride to keep living in the family home?   Ugh!

Well in an interview he says the women he brings home make breakfast with his mother ?? Omg. I have seen it all

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5 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

One question, because I haven't watched a minute of this Season yet:

Is tonight Proposal Night?

Or is that yet another episode?

Yes, tonight is the final rose, proposal and AFTR.  We are finally being put out of our misery tonight.

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