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  1. like donating your wedding gowns that you didn't even pay for?
  2. huh, i don't see ANY progress in the mean girl gang - it's going to take a long time for them to realize they build negative energy off of each other i'd hang out with Chloe and the guys any day over any of the whiny women
  3. agree to disagree, i guess i'm not sure what to make of cam but i don't think he had that great an influence on the other guys
  4. he said he wasn't having sex before he felt more certain of a relationship - you don't allow that to be a real option for him? seems possible to me
  5. huh, i think this all just reinforced the mean girl pack image of Emily, Clare, and Becka. they're just pretty nasty and vicious people and them being around each other constantly for weeks has just made them worse by feeding off each other's bile. Emily made some comment that any guy would want to have her. uh, guess not. all the facial expressions and her attitude make her unattractive. i think the guys all talked about their situations but they didn't obsess and plot like the girls did. i think they were not prepared for some of the accusations and that's why they look to some like they are lying, when they are just startled by some of what's being thrown at them and don't know how to react. the only person who came away from this mess benefiting by the experience is Clare. I'm glad the timing was such that she didn't get pulled into the gang but i think she would have distanced herself from them anyway. her maturity wouldn't let her get caught up in their drama.
  6. i guess i missed that she said these stupid things today and i am really surprised i am not a big fan of hers but have always thought she was really smart but this makes me wonder
  7. yup, very disturbing i was a programmer for many years, starting back in the dark ages, and pretty much all system releases had some problems, most of them very minor, thanfully.
  8. i think you're being pretty generous with figuring 20 minutes
  9. yeah, maybe so. flesh out the new nurses' stories and let Trixie and Matthew's stories not what i want to see and was that couch he was sleeping on the expensive one that trixie had ordered?
  10. i totally agree, except that i also kind of liked kenan and the other guy doing the eclipse and earthquake bit, but then, i'd like anything with kenan just standing there doing one of his looks
  11. another great episode, sad the season is ending. hope the show has been renewed
  12. so what if the actor was going to go pursue other avenues, the series is ending! he could have been attacked and badly hurt, still dealing with the anti-semitism. maybe the attack could have spurred him to confront his inner turmoil about his faith, much more inspiring than this mess.
  13. i don't think they cared that much about winning, they were just there to play. was not impressed. i much prefer the games of "normal, regular" people. was kind of surprised they didn't give the runner-up at least $1000 for his charity.
  14. ok, this one is not new and it has annoyed me from the start but seeing it every other commercial is bothersome the one with the gal plugging the skin treatment that you apply and miraculously you look years younger, the bags under your eyes are gone! some woman, annette figarello or something like that, uses it daily and so does her father. the average people they show that have used it and they show the before and after, they look very little different to me. especially the one old woman who looks in the mirror and can't believe it's her. yeah, right......... ugh
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