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S03.E11: Hard To Say I'm Sorry

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1 hour ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I honestly don't understand why Angela is mad. Michael is in another country halfway around the world and she is mad that he didn't stay home because she wasn't feeling well in Georgia? What was he supposed to do for her? My friends wouldn't have told me to take my butt back home and sit by the phone if things were reversed.

I wonder what Ang would have done had Michael been sick, and he wanted her to stay home and talk to him when she wanted to go out?

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12 minutes ago, Azubah said:

I had to go to a wedding and talk to real people in real time. It was so traumatic! My feet hurt because I had to wear shoes. I had to sit upright in a chair instead of reclining on my sofa. It was harrowing, I tell you! The bride didn't even have the courtesy to wear a tasteless pleather dress. I'm going to need smelling salts and Prosecco for several days while I recover. 

What a blow you were dealt! 😄

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26 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

I still would just love to see her in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, no makeup, no heels, just hanging out and doing something like grocery shopping. That would make my day. 

I suspect she would rather eat nails than look so unsophisticated.


I wonder what Ang would have done had Michael been sick, and he wanted her to stay home and talk to him when she wanted to go out?

It depends on whether she had to go to work or not.  I don't know what Michael does all day - we've never seen a day in the life.

Edited by b2H
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I suspect Darcy just likes getting dressed up to go places and be "seen". Not actually participating in any activities, including but not unlimited to dancing. She seems to only get dressed and go places to take selfies for her Instagram. Darcy is living her "best social media" life. She models herself after Kim K and it reminds me of the time Prince invited Kim Kardashian onstage to dance and she just stood there like an idiot. He told her to get the hell off the stage. These women are just props in their own lives. I might expect such behavior from a pre teen, not a middle aged woman. 

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39 minutes ago, Azubah said:

I had to go to a wedding and talk to real people in real time. It was so traumatic! My feet hurt because I had to wear shoes. I had to sit upright in a chair instead of reclining on my sofa. It was harrowing, I tell you! The bride didn't even have the courtesy to wear a tasteless pleather dress. I'm going to need smelling salts and Prosecco for several days while I recover. 

I hope there was salsa dancing at the reception, at least!

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I think Tim is just not that into Jeniffer. She meets his criteria for a wife but she really doesn’t light his fire.  Any guy with a brain knows to never give a girl a recycled ring.  He could buy a new one.  Didn’t want to. He wants a trophy wife.  My guess is the last Columbian girlfriend really messed up his head.    

Tom and Darcy really deserve each other.   It’s all optics with them. 

Ben needs to go back home and marry a Duggar.   

Angela is a controlling bitch.   Hope Michael puts her through hell once he comes to the US.  

Maybe Rebecca should have taken care of ending her marriage first before trolling for a new victim to put on her coffee mug. 

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As per Tim...years ago I dated a man for several months. He spoiled me with great dinners, flowers, and gifts. Not that I asked for them. We kissed, but things never went farther. After a few months, he took me on a weekend get away. I thought we would have sex. Like Tim and Jeniffer, we did fun things during the day. Then at night, great dinner...he did not try to have sex. I asked him why he did not. I was floored by his answer. He knew that in my past, I had dated African American men. He admitted that he was intimidated because he stupidly and ignorantly thought all were well-endowed...and that he had a micro penis. We, like Tim and Jen, went to sleep. Needless to say, the ride back was brutal. I ended it. But then he stalked me for months...but that is a whole other story. I think Tim has the same issue. 

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10 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Ben needs to go back home and marry a Duggar.   

Maybe Rebecca should have taken care of ending her marriage first before trolling for a new victim to put on her coffee mug. 

Wow, I had not thought of it, but, yeah, a Duggar would be just right for Benny.  Are there any left that are not married and popping out babies in rapid fire?

It would not be quite so bad if Rebecca had submitted the divorce papers a considerable while ago, but she did it just before she came over to meet Zied. So, it may be a while before her divorce actually is final.  So, can she even start the process to get him over to the US while still married?  Makes no sense to me. 

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I think Darcey is a sensitive soul who was probably bullied (e.g., by her twin) and creates that dynamic with men. She doesn't seem suited for show business, and I bet she drinks (and takes who knows what) to get through. As a career path, I suppose it beats having to show up at a regular job. But she needs to get the means for her sister and herself to not live together. 

D. needs an intensive outpatient program and whatever other help they suggest. If AA isn't her bag, there are other groups. I could relate to her discomfort at the club: I had a  "date" where the guy (a well-off professional in his 50s) spent 98% of the evening dancing with his women friends who were better at it than me (although I was not bad). (This was at the Hollywood Ballroom, if anyone in MD-DC area knows it.) Good thing I brought enough $ to pay for everything for myself, even my Coke, and entertained myself. If a guy is a good dancer, he doesn't take a "date" out and ignore her because he wants to get his exercise on, dancing with his preferred partners all night. P.S. Dude is over 70 now, a lifelong single, and verryyyy picky...Tom wants to stay on American TV, I think ultimately "Dancing with the Stars." I bet he and his couple of partners were coached on a salsa routine for teevee. 

D. would look so much better if she gave up the heavy makeup, fake hair, stilettos,  stripper outfits, and HS insecurity. Try a nice bob in her natural color with some highlights or lowlights, tasteful makeup, and dressing age-appropriately in a classy manner.  

I hope Zied finally dumps the lyin', cheek-chewin' granny. 

I felt humiliated for Mykull watching that "apology" scene. Among the cast, he seems one of the better actors. 

Teem needs to (stealing an old "Seinfeld" line) fly to Vienna and have a team of psychiatrists work on him night and day. It's like he has no  effs left to give and has gone all Tourette's, anything to make her dump him. But he's too passive to deal with it directly.

Benjamin had an audience with the Kenyan Don Corleone, who's milking his 15 minutes. Wonder if Akinyi and her family are running a scam on him. He's probably not their first mark. Ben, go home. Lots of women would like to meet a nice guy who practices his faith, if they are willing to be a stepmother and get along with the child. But B needs to get his financial act together. How many "pastor" openings are there and what does it pay at the junior level? His finger-wagging, holier-than-thou demeanor has GOT to GO! If you don't want someone who ever takes a drink or a drug, that's on you to say so, early on! 

Edited by Tuneful
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20 minutes ago, cinsays said:

Wow, I had not thought of it, but, yeah, a Duggar would be just right for Benny.  Are there any left that are not married and popping out babies in rapid fire?

It would not be quite so bad if Rebecca had submitted the divorce papers a considerable while ago, but she did it just before she came over to meet Zied. So, it may be a while before her divorce actually is final.  So, can she even start the process to get him over to the US while still married?  Makes no sense to me. 

I agree.. The nit-wit FATHER Duggar (jim-god) just wants the girls to be married to a "holy man".. hey there are still a few cute ones left.. Ben.. GO HOME.. Akini is part of this mafia showdown.

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I still think Tim and Veronica are pulling a “Ricky” with Jeniffer, however my guy friend says he’s just not interested. Someone from Reddit said that if she intimidates him this much, and makes him nervous to the point he can’t perform, then perhaps he shouldn’t date out of his league! I agree with this 100%. And I don’t feel sorry for him one iota, because it seems he only wants pretty arm candy. Yet he’s insecure when he gets it. Their relationship feels like a set up. 

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1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

To me, the worst part is that Rebecca didn't tell Zied before they had sex.  She tricked him into committing adultery, which is a pretty big deal.   

If she had told him before they had sex, Zied could have decided not to have sex with her, or that it would only "tetnickly" be adultery and do it anyway.  Her deception robbed him of the ability to make that choice for himself.   


Aren't there some countries/religions where committing adultery will get you punished by death or shunning?  Of course, she doesn't really think her being married is a big deal. Right.

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I feel like Akiniyi doesn’t actually want to marry Ben nor is she trying to get money out of him. I think this is more about somehow sticking it to her family or making them feel sorry for her because she got suckered by the American. She keeps telling Ben to do things she knows will upset her family and the makes him late to the negotiations knowing it would reflect poorly on him. I wonder if Akiniyi is the problem child of the family.

The happiest Tom has looked all season was when he was salsa dancing. At no point this season has Darcy looked happy but she didn’t appear happy during her season with Jesse either. I agree with the other posters that Darcy wants to be seen by others to be in love and desired. I can’t see her enjoying just sitting on the couch watching a movie with her man. Honestly, we can talk about Tom being boring (other than the salsa dancing) but Darcy brings exactly zero to the table other than oversized breasts in miniature clothing. She isn’t witty, charming or funny. She is either crying or desperately seeking a man’s attention while quickly becoming drunk. 

I don’t understand how Rebecca could get Zied a K-1 visa while she is still married to someone else. I also don’t understand how, if you need to have a minimum income requirement for the K-1 visa, Avery will be able to meet the requirement if she is not working while living in Syria. I am not sure I come from the show will be enough when everyone seems to have to have real jobs while on the show in order to survive. If Avery’s Mother sponsors Syrian guy whose name I have already forgotten, she is an idiot. 

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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

Wow, I had not thought of it, but, yeah, a Duggar would be just right for Benny.  Are there any left that are not married and popping out babies in rapid fire?

They're too white chocolate (which isn't chocolate at all) for Benny Boy. He prefers 70% Cacao Dark Chocolate. 

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7 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I graduated high school in 1983 and no one did the class ring thing then.  She is stuck in the 50's.

Hey 83 here too 😁 

2 hours ago, lh25 said:

I wonder what Ang would have done had Michael been sick, and he wanted her to stay home and talk to him when she wanted to go out?

Such a good point!

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10 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I could not believe Tim was so tired from the stress of the day that he immediately fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow,  after promising to seal the deal before he leaves! 

I didn't believe any of his bullshit. He probably started fake snoring when he heard her enter the bedroom. 


There is just something sexually amiss with Tim. I don't believe the trans rumors at all. I believe he has a penis but it is either perpetually limp and/or microscopic. 

Given that Tim hasn't really made any sexual overtures towards Jeniffer and she has to beg for simple kisses and by their own admission, more than half their time together has been awkward and contentious, why would either of them think any kind of ring - engagement, promise or otherwise - was a good idea?  If Jeniffer continues to entertain him, then we now know it is all about the green card. A woman who wants to be conquered would've left this fool after the 1st date.

For a man who hurts his ankle during sex, Tom's agility and strength on the dance floor was kinda confusing to me.  No lie, I spent a good portion of the Tom dance scenes waiting for one of his glass ankles to shatter. I love to see people dance joyfully and look like they are having good fun, so Tom and his sister are alright by me in that regard.

20 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I would like to wipe that smug look off Avery's face.  The little bitch knows that her parents are going to do everything humanly possible to get Omar to the U.S., so she is playing them like a fiddle. 

So does Omar.  His natural stoicism doesn't give anything away but let us not forget that Omar lied in his original profile making Avery think he lived in the USA. And I stand by my firm belief that no one who truly loves their spouse and who has lived and is currently living in the horrors of war would even entertain the thought, let alone float it as a viable option, of their spouse leaving their perfectly safe country to live in active war torn conditions. Avery is a gleeful dummy and her mama is an enabler but I. DO. NOT. TRUST. OMAR. 

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4 hours ago, Cammi said:

Did anyone catch the compliment Tom gave Darcy on the escalator? He said "You are shining bright like a diamond" or something to that affect. And any NORMAL person perhaps would have just replied "Thank you baby! What a sweet thing to say!" But Darcy was all like "Well one must have a bit of... shimmer in their life..." blah blah effing blah. WTF is wrong with her exactly? I NEED to know. It is almost like she can not function as a normal even SEMI normal human woman. What personality disorder is this? Is it all of them? I am having a hard time watching this middle aged woman learn NOTHING from her past relationships. Someone up thread gave a perfect description of how Darcy only displays love for appearance's sake and it was so SPOT ON, and terrifying at the same time.  At this point, stop having her on the show. She isn't a fiancé, or in danger of being one anytime soon. Hang it up old girl. Literally, work on yourself! Jfc she needs to just find a prison pen pal at this point. 

I've decided she is a Stepford wife who has permanently and irreparably short-circuited due to excessive alcohol intake.  Just tie an apron on her and turn her loose.  

And that Tiny Tim is in fact a eunuch and the only thing for which he lusts is the perfect moisturizer.  

Placing some of these people into a Sci-Fi realm makes it easier for my brain to try to make sense of their actions/inaction.  

(On a related note, good goddess, I cannot WAIT to see Jenny be dealt a huge blow tonight at the Tell Nothing!!!  😄 )  

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

To me, the worst part is that Rebecca didn't tell Zied before they had sex.  She tricked him into committing adultery, which is a pretty big deal.   

I just looked it up and adultery in Tunisia is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of 500 dinar.

12 minutes ago, magemaud said:

If I was sick with pneumonia, the last thing I’d want to do is talk for hours on the phone with anybody. Just let me sleep! 

I agree!!!  You are so darn sick?  Turn off your phone and sleep!!  

1 hour ago, MakingBacon said:

The happiest Tom has looked all season was when he was salsa dancing. At no point this season has Darcy looked happy but she didn’t appear happy during her season with Jesse either.

I agree.  

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20 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I believe he has a penis but it is either perpetually limp and/or microscopic. 

Tim diagnosis:

CLGN     (chronic limp genital nub)

and he is still a virgin

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23 minutes ago, Dobian said:

The Bride Price gift basket is supposed to include an iPad, a Fitbit, a Switch, $250 Amazon gift card, a My Pillow, a Rachel Ray no-stick cookware set, an Echo, a one-year online clothing subscription, and a $200 gift card for Omaha Steaks.

...anyone got a daughter the marrying age I can borrow?

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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I didn't believe any of his bullshit. He probably started fake snoring when he heard her enter the bedroom. 


So does Omar.  His natural stoicism doesn't give anything away but let us not forget that Omar lied in his original profile making Avery think he lived in the USA. And I stand by my firm belief that no one who truly loves their spouse and who has lived and is currently living in the horrors of war would even entertain the thought, let alone float it as a viable option, of their spouse leaving their perfectly safe country to live in active war torn conditions. Avery is a gleeful dummy and her mama is an enabler but I. DO. NOT. TRUST. OMAR. 

Omar showed his ass when teri got up and left and he bolted after her.  No more smug little smiles after that.  

He knows who will be paying the attorneys fees, who will write their stalk their local politicans, join Facebook groups, file petitions, write letter and get shit done and it sure isn't Avery.  

Teri is a xenophobic bitch, but she is someone pushy and committed enough to make things happen. 

I don't blame him for wanting to get out of Syria.  I think it's shitty for Avery to blackmail her mother with her safety, but it's probably going to work and Teri is going to spend long and sleepless nights advocating for.omar and working extra shits to.cover the cost for an attorney.  

Avery will have her money from the show but I'm sure she will need that for whatever the Syrian version of Ulta is. 

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

...anyone got a daughter the marrying age I can borrow?

I've heard about this woman named Maria in the Ukraine......

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7 hours ago, Drogo said:

In case anyone missed the episode, here's a visual recap: 



























So funny!  You capture the essence every time!

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9 hours ago, OrchidThief said:

Emma says Tom will never be a kept man. Does she not know the meaning of that phrase, or does she think Darcy is wealthy?

Is Avery's Lebanese marriage binding in the US?

I'm pretty certain it is, as long as they filed paperwork with the government.  Only having a religious ceremony, or only agreeing on a bride price, does not actually create a legal marriage.  So Ben can still run and be totally fine.

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9 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

He seems to enjoy playing into her insecurities. He knows full well she will probably think it is an engagement ring.  He will get off on her reaction when he presents her with Jesse style appreciation earrings. 

Or this...


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38 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I've heard about this woman named Maria in the Ukraine......

I made perogies and cabbage rolls for Thanksgiving dinner tonight and Maria never showed! I knew I should have gone with the fruit roll-up bikini underwear instead. 

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7 hours ago, Cammi said:

... Hang it up old girl. Literally, work on yourself! Jfc she needs to just find a prison pen pal at this point. 

I would love/be terrified if Darcey popped up on my other trash show Love After Lockup.

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I never got the point of promise rings.  What are you promising, that one day you will make a promise?  It just sounds so lame.  You're basically saying that you don't have the guts to propose, so you are promising that one day you will have the guts to propose.  And you symbolize it with a ring out of a Cracker Jack box.  In TIm's case it's a promise to one day promise to have sex with Jennifer.

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Omar has probably witnessed things that the best dystopian novel writers could not even imagine. His reserved personality could be natural or a way to cope with his current situation. I think attaching himself to this little twit is a huge mistake, but I can’t say what lengths I would go to in order to escape a war-torn country. So forgive him, Avery for not giving you the Sweet Valley High send off you’ve been imagining in your Lisa Frank notebook all these years. Mother Avery should ship her off to one of Dr. Phil’s brat ranches. 

The Caesar storyline should have been scrapped and replaced by another couple. Whatever happened to that couple we never saw but they used their photos in the promos? The woman eerily looked like Mary Kay LeTourneau.

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3 hours ago, Dobian said:

The Bride Price gift basket is supposed to include an iPad, a Fitbit, a Switch, $250 Amazon gift card, a My Pillow, a Rachel Ray no-stick cookware set, an Echo, a one-year online clothing subscription, and a $200 gift card for Omaha Steaks.

I'll take the Rachel Ray no-stick cookware for 100$ Alex

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9 hours ago, Dobian said:

I never got the point of promise rings.  What are you promising, that one day you will make a promise?  It just sounds so lame.  You're basically saying that you don't have the guts to propose, so you are promising that one day you will have the guts to propose.  And you symbolize it with a ring out of a Cracker Jack box.  In TIm's case it's a promise to one day promise to have sex with Jennifer.

The only thing I can respond is:  I have a dear friend who, upon learning boyfriend (now hubby of 25 plus years) was going into the Army, was like, please wait for me......and she did!  He had offered up a promise ring.)

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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6 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

To me, the worst part is that Rebecca didn't tell Zied before they had sex.  She tricked him into committing adultery, which is a pretty big deal.   

If she had told him before they had sex, Zied could have decided not to have sex with her, or that it would only "tetnickly" be adultery and do it anyway.  Her deception robbed him of the ability to make that choice for himself.   

That was how I felt too. Regardless if her "technical marriage" is dead in the water, she did not have the right to con him into breaking a very serious cultural norm.

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48 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Whatever happened to that couple we never saw but they used their photos in the promos? The woman eerily looked like Mary Kay LeTourneau.

 I’m pretty certain that the promo pictures you’re talking about are just that: they are of two actors posing for that photo, not a real couple for the show.

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2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Only having a religious ceremony, or only agreeing on a bride price, does not actually create a legal marriage.  So Ben can still run and be totally fine.

Run, Ben, RUN! But not nearly as fun to watch as Pole.

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7 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I just looked it up and adultery in Tunisia is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of 500 dinar.


Isn't 500 dinar the amount Zied asked from Rebecca?  (to buy a ring).  Hmmmm

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14 hours ago, Archer27 said:

As per Tim...years ago I dated a man for several months. He spoiled me with great dinners, flowers, and gifts. Not that I asked for them. We kissed, but things never went farther. After a few months, he took me on a weekend get away. I thought we would have sex. Like Tim and Jeniffer, we did fun things during the day. Then at night, great dinner...he did not try to have sex. I asked him why he did not. I was floored by his answer. He knew that in my past, I had dated African American men. He admitted that he was intimidated because he stupidly and ignorantly thought all were well-endowed...and that he had a micro penis. We, like Tim and Jen, went to sleep. Needless to say, the ride back was brutal. I ended it. But then he stalked me for months...but that is a whole other story. I think Tim has the same issue. 

I had a best friend who was gay (not flamboyant) but what a great guy.. I think he was still on the fence because he fell in love with me but DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SHOW IT.  Sad for me, but we kept on being friends.. he killed himself right after 9/11.. he had moved down to Florida and I promised I would come there as soon as the flights would resume.. well he got paranoid..etc.. I called a month later and his sweetheart of a father told me he had gone..  IF TIM HAS SEXUAL ISSUES.. get them out.. don't wait.. (my personal opinion is that he is gay but won't face it - JMO)

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