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  2. The poster upthread who rightly mentioned that this version of Mamie runs contrary to the one who nurtured the Abbot children is spot on. I think if the actress (or the director, writer, etc. who gave her the cues) had played Mamie as anything but an unhinged, bitter woman ... the character and this storyline would be more palatable. Maybe.
  3. I really liked the episode, but I am really surprised it was the season finale. Only a 9 episode season? Very low. Maybe that is why the quality was so high?
  4. I was left with questions. Who were these guys who stole the fire truck, and what was the plan? What were they going to blow up? Why? Were they hired by someone else? It just seemed like half the story was missing.
  5. Good job @Kip1! I looked for listings when the show aired and was only able to find a pre-construction listing. I'm not surprised it comes fully furnished. No pictures of the dock.
  6. I wanted Christina to win. Seemed very arbitrary Gabi won.
  7. Right. The Breen clearly have a scorched earth policy. The Primark would have destroyed the outpost so that no other Primarks would get possible information, however tenuous, on L’ak and also because the Breen are vengeful and pissy. Similar to most star trek aliens they are very human, of course, but to the Federation they are clearly not well known, but known to be powerful. This is a reminder that in this future the Federation and Star Fleet are small players in the larger galaxy. smaller than they seemed in shows set in the past. They are rebuilding. L’ak was not smart but perhaps he deliberately killed himself to get Moll free of his issues. If she would listen, Book and the Federation would take care of her. She was in a safe place and he had time to assess that. I thought his killing himself was deliberate.
  8. I loved the scene with Tam. I think Sheldon has become a little more considerate, but he returned to his egotistical roots when talking to his childhood 'friend'. Does anyone have a clue what President Hagemeyer is waiting for? I'm glad profs Sturges and Linkletter were able to understand the new theories.
  9. Charlie and everyone else: "It's the perfect time to get Maria." Pause. Maria wins immunity. Kenzie: "The only one who hasn't lied to me is Venus." Pause. "Boy, is she terrible at searching for idols!" Everyone but Q: "We can always get Q next time." Pause. "The winner of Survivor 46 is ..."
  10. Yes, unfortunately that happens too. We are dismissed and not included in studies, so medications may not be right.
  11. And.......we still have two episodes. I don't think I can deal with a funeral. Though I have a feeling we're in for a reallllly long voice over, like Nobel Prize winning long (maybe reconciling all those differences we've been bitching about all these years😂)
  12. I was going to ask how old the girls were supposed to be. I was thinking 14ish?
  13. She didn't. She said the producers got the pictures off of his social media.
  14. They really can't do that because (as we saw) the second turn is usually when the *&^% hits the fan, so it's important that *some* judges see each restaurant's second turn. But it would probably be easier to follow if they showed one restaurant (first and second turn) and then the other one. But then again, that might be confusing to the viewer as well.
  15. Just watched the episode and by God did they hit it out of the park. Nolan on the edge of tears to the point of his accent damn near slipping, I mean the acting and directing this episode was beautiful. I was do happy they didn’t do the fuck ass ridiculous dramatic music over the scene like they usually do and just let these two get to work. Might be the first time the Order surpassed the Law in a long time.. that’s not to say Shaw and Riley weren’t great, you can feel the emotions running high through the episode. Really great work here. Not all DAs are cut from the same bread. AFAIK, I don’t think DAs are banned from prosecuting. And if the episode is good who am I to complain? Baxter seems a little green vs Adam who seemed to have a lifetime of public service under his belt. Olivia, who is now finding time to do Cold Cases, is now requiring the 2-7 to pick up her slack. On a serious note, most rape/homicides go to the homicide detectives not Special Victims. Also, L&O isn’t limited to murders either. There’s assaults, kidnappings, and whatever the 2-7 picks up on. I’d honestly not mind to see one of these in a complex handling of it. But here we are..
  16. Total agreement. Every year, this episode sucks more.
  17. I don't think it's desperation at all. I never once thought of Galactus as a character that is deserving of any build up. Him being a godlike being that devours planets means very little. He comes and goes just like any of the other Fantastic Four villains. That's the point of the Fantastic Four. If anything, it's indicative of the scale and scope of the film and potentially the series.
  18. Today
  19. Veruca Salt in all her movie incarnations!
  20. Re: Ken Jennings. The Man Met the Moment. A most worthy successor to an icon.
  21. Yes, I just noticed that. It's been on Lifetime forever, but so has Grey's. Maybe a contractual issue?
  22. Coming back here to discuss prior bad acts evidence. Last night on Law and Order they had a textbook example of a proper use of it. They had a perp who carved his initial into his victims’ legs. The defense was trying to allege that the victim’s boyfriend killed her so the mark from the prior victims could be use to identify his MO.
  23. I mean considering Jo is convinced she and Schwartz will be married someday despite him telling her not only are they not together, but they never were together, it checks out to me that Jo thinks she’ll still be friends with someone she has blocked. Now would a random survey on the streets on the status of a relationship in this scenario yield the same results? No, but Jo apparently has a unique way about viewing relationships. 😉
  24. I thought this was a good episode but I have ONE nitpick. I got hooked on this show because of the rescues. Sometimes intense, sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious or over the top. Tonight, had two rescues. I found myself looking at the clock a lot and wondering where the rescues had really gone. Maybe two and even those scenes were cut short. Oh yeah, I am so over Eddie drama. He's just not that interesting to focus so much.
  25. It's still possible they are. I mean Thanos showed up in The Avengers in the mid credits scene, but the Avengers didn't actually fight him until 6 years later. It looks weird because it isn't Josh Brolin so maybe they are trying to avoid that from the start.
  26. Chloe Lanier had a decent supporting role on Law & Order last night.
  27. Slacking off already. Edited to add that this couple does not at all appear to be struggling with infertility and I would not make that remark if I had a reason to think they were.
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