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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

I was also curious if Andrew could take James off to Cali. Poor guy might be stuck in Indiana for the rest of his life! 

Not that there's anything wrong with Indiana but I'm sure during moments like these he wouldn't mind being around his family.

One of my ex-step-brothers had this happen to him. He got a woman pregnant shortly after they moved across the country. They split up, and he spent the next 18 years living in a city he desperately hated, 3,000 miles away from the rest of his family where he grew up. I do give him credit for not abandoning his child though.   Shortly after his daughter turned 18, he moved back home.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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20 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Yeah I feel like Leah has had Amber's number for quite some time.

Leah reminds me of Leah TM2 kid’s. They’re constantly giving her the side eye (or calling her out) for being a hot mess. Addie is the true star of TM2!

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12 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Ready for this one? This was on Shawn’s Twitter. Below it is his reply. 




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20 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Ready for this one? This was on Shawn’s Twitter. Below it is his reply. 



I think someone made that up and Shawn fell for it.

Edited by druzy
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Jeebus.  Between this and the shit going down with Jenelle making up Nugget’s murder for publicity.   These people, the whole lot of them, are fucking insane.  This is NOT HOW LIFE WORKS.  What in the ever loving hell?  And on top of it all, making the local authorities look like props.  Like how is this even for real in real life?  What has this world come to?  

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Ready for this one? This was on Shawn’s Twitter. Below it is his reply. 



Wouldn't scratches from a machette look different from scratches from a dog? I don't have any pets so I don't know anything about dogs but wouldn't the scratches be towards the bottom of the door whereas scratches from a machette would be in the top half? I still can't believe that anyone would pick a machette for self defense smh

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The beginning of the affidavit states that threats and abuse are an ongoing situation. Big shocker. I feel for Andrew. A lot of people who don't understand how domestic abuse works are going to say that he should be able to defend himself.

She's a serial abuser and should lose everything, freedom, money fame, partner, children, fans etc...

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49 minutes ago, Soobs said:

The beginning of the affidavit states that threats and abuse are an ongoing situation. Big shocker. I feel for Andrew. A lot of people who don't understand how domestic abuse works are going to say that he should be able to defend himself.

She's a serial abuser and should lose everything, freedom, money fame, partner, children, fans etc...

Agreed. I also don't find him not mentioning the machete first suspicious. Most DV victims don't report or they lessen the abuse once the police are involved. They make excuses for their abuser. 

It's easy to say just leave when you're not actually in the situation. 

Hopefully, he doesn't go back to her. 

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I think when Andrew came back with gifts and food, perhaps he forgot to slice the salami on the charcuterie board and Amber was all, "AWW HELL NO" so she pulled out her machete to show him how it's done.

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I don't know what's worse, Amber with a machete or David with his arsenal. And both with hair-trigger tempers, an attitude of entitlement, and kids around.

I suspect that Andrew is on the spectrum. A lot of times stalkers are guys that just don't know when to give up and back off. He seems like he's not great at picking up those little interpersonal signals that tell people how to behave. He always seems half there to me, like he is bored or his mind is wandering and it's hard for him to focus on Amber, which she picks up on and resents. I think that might help explain why he hooked up with her. He didn't see the very obvious red flags that are so obvious to everybody else. (No disrespect meant to people on the autism spectrum.)

I don't know where, but I got the impression he comes from a family with money that was basically supporting him. He lived "at home" in their "family home" -- and so I doubt if he was after Amber's money. But I have no idea why any man would be attracted to her if not for the money. His family must have been appalled when he took up with her -- they are not high-tailing it to the tabloids and Twitter, are they? I suspect they are waiting for this to blow over, hoping it's just a phase. I don't doubt or question Andrew's love for that baby. But you never hear them talk about how much his folks love that baby or the gifts they sent or how they're going out to CA so James can see Nana and Poppa. Does he have siblings? No visiting aunts and uncles or cousins.

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1 hour ago, Stusan said:

I think when Andrew came back with gifts and food, perhaps he forgot to slice the salami on the charcuterie board and Amber was all, "AWW HELL NO" so she pulled out her machete to show him how it's done.

Or that he didn't remove the ham and processed cheese from the Lunchable in the correct order. 

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6 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I know you're not supposed to have favorites, but damn it, that kid cracks me up.


We can have favorites.... it’s their stupid parents who aren’t supposed to😀

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18 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

One of my ex-step-brothers had this happen to him. He got a woman pregnant shortly after they moved across the country. They split up, and he spent the next 18 years living in a city he desperately hated, 3,000 miles away from the rest of his family where he grew up. I do give him credit for not abandoning his child though.   Shortly after his daughter turned 18, he moved back home.

A good friend of mine and her husband are going through some issues right now. She is from CA, her whole family is there and would move back if they do split but will not be able to just take their kid. At least not without a judge agreeing to it. I believe Kail did this, she moved to Delaware with Isaac without or against a judge's orders.

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20 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Perhaps Gary isn't a "real" police officer with "a salary and benefits" but that does not change my feeling that he would be perfectly fine if the show stopped filming. He's shown himself to be mature and industrious throughout this whole thing while Amber has not. 

I'm sure what Gary gets is probably a nice cushion but I doubt he gets as much as the mom's. He isn't featured that much. 

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I feel like Amber exhibits many symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. I formerly co-parented with someone with BPD and it's hard. Sometimes I felt I had to go along to keep things sane, and to keep them from going back to court for every single thing. I empathize with Gary. Not to mention I am sure Leah is upset and may have wanted Gary to go. 

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On 7/11/2019 at 3:57 PM, Dmarie019 said:

I was also curious if Andrew could take James off to Cali. Poor guy might be stuck in Indiana for the rest of his life! 

Not that there's anything wrong with Indiana but I'm sure during moments like these he wouldn't mind being around his family.

I believe it depends on who has primary custody.  If Amber gets primary custody, or they agree to joint custody, then maybe they do have to live in the same state or in close proximity.  But if Andrew gets primary custody, I don’t see why he has to stay in Indiana.  Wouldn’t the burden be on Amber to move to wherever Andrew and the baby are living?  

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2 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I believe it depends on who has primary custody.  If Amber gets primary custody, or they agree to joint custody, then maybe they do have to live in the same state or in close proximity.  But if Andrew gets primary custody, I don’t see why he has to stay in Indiana.  Wouldn’t the burden be on Amber to move to wherever Andrew and the baby are living?  

Right now James would be an Indiana resident so Indiana would have the jurisdiction to determine the parenting issues, but since Amber has the means to travel and so does he, he may be able to take James to California and they would have to split the costs of her going there or he would have to travel back with James for her visitation time.

This assumes that he is successful in getting primary custody and Amber is on a supervised visitation plan at first because of her untreated mental health issues which make her a danger to James. I don't see her getting a 50/50 split right off the bat but don't have a lot of faith, either. I also don't see Amber putting up more than a superficial-for-social-media-purposes fight for custody. She's just like Jenelle as far as that goes.

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40 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Maci and Taylor might want to expand their T-shirt line to include something besides Things That Matter...

flip flop.jpg

I'm waiting to see if @geauxaway is sending hers over to Amber! 

Countdown to Amber saying it was a PR move in 3....2....1

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40 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I'm waiting to see if @geauxaway is sending hers over to Amber! 

Countdown to Amber saying it was a PR move in 3....2....1

Fuck that! 🤣.  That did cost me about $20.   The shipping to Geist would cost me more.  

Speaking of which, I’m sure her neighbors are very pleased with this whole debacle.

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On 7/11/2019 at 6:50 PM, mamadrama said:

Perhaps Gary isn't a "real" police officer with "a salary and benefits" but that does not change my feeling that he would be perfectly fine if the show stopped filming. He's shown himself to be mature and industrious throughout this whole thing while Amber has not. 

Couldn't agree more. Someone said on another thread that even if Gary is an auxiliary security guard at Dollar General, it's more than most of these people!

We really don't know any more than what Kristina posted on Twitter about it, and of course Amber almost immediately was arrested so that's been drowned out. 

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12 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Maci and Taylor might want to expand their T-shirt line to include something besides Things That Matter...

flip flop.jpg

From their new seasonal line TTM... Thongs That Matter

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33 minutes ago, druzy said:

Why is he vague posting- doesn't he have a machete waving girlfriend and custody case to worry about? How does he want everyone to interrupt this? 

Is that a video of his television screen? 

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Maybe Gary and Kristina will seek custody of James!  They have his sister and seem to be the only two in the mix with a lick of sense!

Amber surely doesn't want custody of any kids and James can fly back to crazy town and resume his..cough, cough, career...no not the stalking one!  The picture taking one!  🙂

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I believe that possibly Andrew was gonna let amber off god hook, hsve her sit in jail and calm down then have her come home. Which is why he didn’t mention the whole story to the cops, 

then I believe  Andrews family got involved and talked some sense into him. Sniveled anything I think Andrew (I call him the woolly bully)  was probably convinced after talking to his family that he needed to protect james first and foremost. I truly believe Andrew LOVES that baby and would do anything for him. 

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I'll believe it when I see it


Amber Portwood will lose more than her freedom if she's convicted of going after her boyfriend with a machete -- she will almost certainly lose her gig on "Teem Mom OG."

Production sources tell TMZ ... Amber's already on thin ice following her domestic violence arrest resulting in 3 felony charges -- domestic battery, criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon and domestic battery in the presence of a child.

The dealbreaker for the show ... if a jury believes Amber wielded a machete during a heated argument with bf Andrew Glennon. As we reported ... Amber struck a door with Glennon holding their infant son on the other side.

Our sources say a conviction for the use of a deadly weapon in a domestic violence incident should end her 10-year run on the 'Teen Mom' franchise. We're told the show is letting the legal process play out ... but a conviction will almost certainly be all she wrote.

As rabid 'Teen Mom' fans know ... the show has stood by Amber's side in the past when she weathered other legal storms. You'll recall she was busted for domestic violence in 2010 for hitting her ex, Gary Shirley ... an incident caught by MTV cameras.

MTV again stood by Amber when she was busted in 2011 for possession of a controlled substance. She ultimately served time behind bars and later admitted to abusing prescription drugs.

The difference in this case ... putting her son in danger. Aside from the obvious, it's way too much of a risk for a show to keep someone on the air with this kind of propensity for violence, because if she snaps again and the child gets hurt ... the show will have hell to pay.

Amber recently opened up about being bipolar and suffering from borderline personality disorder. She's also talked about postpartum depression. Obviously, all factors will be considered before a final decision is made. 

She's due back in court later this month. 

Edited by druzy
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Maybe but Gary wasn't holding her. As I recall they were at her dads, Gary said something she took exception and starting beating the poop out of Gary.

2 hours ago, Kb60 said:

Fliflops don't have heels, dumb ass.

Um they can.

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7 hours ago, druzy said:

I'll believe it when I see it

When I read this what stuck out to me is “if a jury believes”.  Maybe MTV expects this to come to an end in a couple of years and is covering their bases with a comment like that.  Trials and appeals can take a long time.  Of course, this could be my never-ending optimism that MTV will put an end to this shit show at some point.

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On 7/12/2019 at 4:36 PM, Dmarie019 said:

I'm sure what Gary gets is probably a nice cushion but I doubt he gets as much as the mom's. He isn't featured that much. 

The bottom line is that he invested his nice cushion in real estate and is collecting rents.  He's also reportedly very frugal. 

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