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  1. Same! How does this get canceled and some dreck like Alert gets renewed?
  2. No union in my state but non-school based employees receive the same as school based employees. We all work for the district. It confused me greatly. The only difference would be is if they were contract employees such as long term sub or a supply. There was no change in my benefits when I went from a school based to district based. Despite that, I enjoyed the episode.
  3. This episode was pure gold.
  4. Does anyone know where I can find the sweatshirt Faith was wearing? It might have been the previous episode. It said Atlanta influences everything
  5. Yep, I've thought from the first episode that Mom killed his Dad.
  6. This was a fantastic episode. The brothers have become my favorite part. I also was cracking up at "Tulsa!"
  7. I agree that it is very likely a stim. My youngest daughter is autistic and she is absolutely a vocal stimmer. She's still young so it's often noises but I can see where it could turn to endless chatter as she gets older. Also, autism in girls is VERY different than boys. There is just hardly any research on it in girls.
  8. Court

    NFL Thread

    It's worth noting that Morris is the first African American head coach of the Falcons. I don't think any owners are willing to give Belicheck complete autonomy over personnel.
  9. I find the timing of the announcement odd. I figured next season would be his last. Wonder if any NFL teams will go after him.
  10. I have no doubt he did it. There wasn't enough evidence because the majority of the evidence wasn't even allowed. I don't believe for one second that a man as paranoid as Mike forgot to turn the recorder on I hope one day they find her body or some evidence and are able to retry him.
  11. I think Dhan knows she found Sir but not that he is captive in her basement.
  12. Did anyone watch this Tim/Becky case on Dateline? I'm curious of the impressions of the lawyer there as how she appeared on 48 Hours.
  13. I feel like Roxanne only has 1 definition of success and that's being an entrepreneur. A full time job to her is not enough.
  14. Court

    MLB Thread

    Yessss. I grew up in Texas and even with that lead, I refused to celebrate unti that final out. I couldn't quite believe it! So excited.
  15. The Clearing: while I agree the police had little evidence, I'm pretty sure he did it. It's odd he reported her missing but didn't drive around looking for her. He was over the top as he kept saying she was perfect. I also just couldn't get past the fact that she would use an USB cord to hang herself. His weird response and crazy eyes when he was asked if he did it unsettled me. His lawyer used the fact that he led them to the area as proof of innocence but I actually think that could easily point to guilt. He's arrogant and wanted to put on a show if they found her. All that being said, I'm not surprised they found him not guilty but it wouldn't surprise me if he did do it.
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