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As awful as Pole's wedding suit was, at least I was able to put to rest my thought that his hips are super wide and that he's shaped like a pear. He is a little pear shaped, but the illusion of hips comes from the oversized baggy pants he usually wears. That was the only positive about that suit. 

After Jon's proposal, I'm going back to my original theory that Jon is Lucy's bio father. This is not a spoiler because I haven't read anything about them. However, when you let a man you've never met in person watch you give birth on Skype and then send him a piece of the umbilical cord, something is up. Also, Jon seems to love Lucy dearly. 

Jon mentioned that he hoped Rachel's family could work hard to get him entry to the United States. There might be an appeal process that an engaged couple can use. 

Ricky, once a man called me by the wrong name in an intimate situation. I called him on it immediately. He couldn't think of a lie, so he blurted out the truth. The relationship came to a sudden, ugly end. 

Angela, I've also been tested with food a few times in other countries. Nothing like being served a local delicacy and have an audience peeking to see if the foreign woman was really going to eat it. Sometimes this was on purpose, and other times not. I almost always ate it. This was many decades ago, so I think this doesn't happen much now, except on this show. Most people understand what "foreigners" won't like, and a lot of young people in a country won't eat some of the traditional foods either. 

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I noticed the censors missed bleeping out Darcey’s “F bomb” when she clearly said to Jesse, “You act like I’m a fuckin’ alcoholic.” 

I hope from next week’s previews that once Darcey drops Jesse’s sorry ass off at the airport, we never have to see either of them again, or least not until the Tell All. Bring in the Stripper and the Muslim to replace them!

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Jesse and Darcy don't seem like real people they seem like caricatures of other people on this show. Every tiny thing sets them off. No matter how small or stupid. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten upset because she breathes too loudly, and that she hasn't lost it because he scrapes his fork against the plate when he eats.  

They need to move on before one of them gets restraining order.

Edited by rideashire
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Oh, my, Tarik and the balut! Probably the worst food scene for me, and there have been plenty of bad ones. He managed to embarrass Hazel, who is still centered on coming to America.

I noticed she still avoided his touch until he got upset about her ex, and suddenly she started making moves toward him. Until then, I honestly didn't think she had it in her.

Although there is reason to wonder if she will ever respond to him in a marital fashion, Dean can keep his rude questions to himself. He is absolutely revolting.

Edited by renatae
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3 hours ago, Gigglepuff said:

Jesse was being a huge drama queen about calling the police and security, but I'd be pissed too if someone went and put their feet on my shoes. I have no doubt Darcey threw the shoes at him, probably not at his head, but I believe she threw them towards him, she was totally lying when she claimed she threw them on the floor. 

I would agree about being upset if someone was messing with my shoes, except if that someone was supposed to be my beloved. That's a strange reaction for a relationship that's supposed to be intimate. I could see if he has a "thing" about his clothing, but a simple "please don't mess with my shoes" would have sufficed. He didn't need to go ballistic and say it was "madness." 

Edited by renatae
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I'm awarding some points to Jon for his proposal.  I appreciated how he not only chose a stunning spot associated with a legendary romance; he actually employed a metaphor about their trek there and overcoming difficulties in their quest for being together.  

I can't for the life of me figure out why Pole (a name we might need to give to the new woman,  amirite?) "loves" Kreeeny. 

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4 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

Why was Rachel in a full coat, hat and scarf in the coffee shop chat with her dad? And Jon in short sleeves? Were they just juxtaposed in one shot from two different streams, one hot room and one cold? (Not a serious question haha) That was all I could focus on from that conversation!

Being from NM I’d say she’s used to a much warmer climate than England. That was some real gorgeous scenery we were treated to this episode. And God bless little Lucy, such an adorable and good little baby. 

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4 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

 After Jon's proposal, I'm going back to my original theory that Jon is Lucy's bio father. This is not a spoiler because I haven't read anything about them. However, when you let a man you've never met in person watch you give birth on Skype and then send him a piece of the umbilical cord, something is up. Also, Jon seems to love Lucy dearly. 

I think Lucy looks like him. 

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Ricky is a trick. These women are getting this fool to finance plastic surgery for them before he even meets them. Why did I bother going to college? 

Tarik and Dean are both really stupid. The brothers Dim. I gave Dean the benefit of the doubt in assuming he’d had too much to drink the night before and he would change his approach. But he was even worse. Asking about sex instead of asking about the most important person in this scam, his niece. His histrionics just gave Hozel even more reason to look like the victim. And I know that tank top was probably the biggest size Tarik could find, but it’s a no-go.

Edited by charmed1
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Rachel is worried about the wrong thing. She doesn't seem like she has much financial means because she previously said she didn't have extra money to change her return flight or to spend on hotels. Her income requirements for the K1 would be higher because she has two minor children. I'm not sure of the requirements for a spousal visa. It just doesn't seem like a country that blocks someone from getting a short stay/tourist visa would be open to allowing them to come over for a more permanent stay. Who is she going to find to cosponsor Jon? Her mother isn't a fan of whatever she's doing, and if her parents are still married, they likely make financial decisions together. I guess the income requirements and appeal process will be trying to block their love, too. Let's not forget so unfair.

Angela is just so classless and tacky. Oh my word. I'm all about talking about what happens when I get older, but in the almost 20 years I've known my husband, I've never felt compelled to ask if he would wipe my bum over dinner or even in private. Michael is seeing the light. Quick. Someone flash a camera and get him out of the sunken place like in Get Out. And if children are truly important to him, they don't even need to continue. She's 52, menopausal, probably not in tip top shape, and chain smokes. Artificial insemination/IUI is OUT. No ethical doctor would consent to her undergoing the IVF process. She wouldn't stop smoking long enough. Granted, in Australia, a lady in her 60s-70s successfully used a donor egg and safely delivered a child with the help of IVF. It was and still is highly controversial. This happened within the past couple of years. Most clinics will not accept egg donors, potential clients, or even surrogates over a certain age anyway. At any rate, if she had to split her hotel stay over two credit cards and had to put a $300 ring on layaway, I'm going to hazard a guess that she doesn't have $10-20k to use towards an IVF cycle that may not take the first time. In the live chat, I likened her to Brigitte Nielsen who has a 30-something year old husband and a newborn at 54. The difference is one has the financial means and is probably in better shape. Also, Brigitte froze her own eggs early on and underwent IVF for 10 years. Angela ain't no Brigitte.

Edited by AussieBabe
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6 hours ago, TheRedQueen said:


Rachel- “I don’t want to put my child in an unsafe situation.” .....Drags baby across the ocean to meet a guy she met on an online singing app, who also can’t get a visa for due to violent tendencies. So safe girl, so safe! 


And stands on top of a steep cliff with him as he carries baby on his body.

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8 hours ago, puppytoes said:

The word “love” is being thrown around too much.  Also is that a real diamond that John gave Rachael’s?

I was watching with my mom and friends and none of us thought the diamond was real. It’s possible he has a lot of disposable income since he lives with his mom and they seem to do Air B&B on the side, but still. 

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8 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

What I want to scream to some of these people is that America isn’t Hollywood, the streets aren’t paved in gold. I know it’s easy for me to say, because I have never seen such poverty around the world and I don’t understand the lifeline America offers but Michael your life in Grangelas trailer is going to be awful. She bought your ring from a pawn shop.

I think if I had to compare Grangela's financial situation to Mike's, I would have to guess they are both within the same class range in their respective countries.  If I was a betting gal, I would also guess that Mike maybe a bit more financially stable than Grangela.  For whatever reason, Mike thinks that Grangela is either middle class or upper middle class in the States.  Really - he should have done his homework before she came over. Would have saved him some time and not have to close his eyes and think of Trump when he mounts Big Ang.

7 hours ago, EllaDisco said:

Ricky, just how many woman are you sending money to???  

And how do I get on that list??? 

7 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

With the exception of Jon and Rachel, ALL the couples rub me the wrong way. 

I think they  are the only realistic couple with a little TLC manufactured drama concentrating on his past.  A few posters commented on how Rachel will be able to sponsor him. She can always find a co-sponsor.  Danielle did it.   Bhatman did it. Nicole tried to do it.

Darcy and Jesse - I really don't care.

Tarik and Hazel - meh don't care.

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31 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Did anyone else catch Angela pronounce artificial insemination as "artificial sermination" when she and Michael were discussing children at the beginning of the episode?  Yeah.  But then she is just a big, giant faker so I don't really give two shits about her and her story line. 

Yes! I was laughing so hard. I need an episode of all the unaired footage of Grangela. I think what we're seeing is the cleaned up footage, and it's still rough.

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6 hours ago, BradandJanet said:


As awful as Pole's wedding suit was, at least I was able to put to rest my thought that his hips are super wide and that he's shaped like a pear. He is a little pear shaped, but the illusion of hips comes from the oversized baggy pants he usually wears. That was the only positive about that suit. 


He’s looking very pear shaped here 

The dead eyed stare really makes the outfit.

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6 hours ago, renatae said:


I noticed she still avoided his touch until he got upset about her ex, and suddenly she started making moves toward him. Until then, I honestly didn't think she had it in her.

She saw that meal ticket withdrawing and went right in with the affection. 

I just remembered Angela’s question about wiping her butt. If you’ve ever worked for a nursing home, you’ve seen the countless parents and grandparents left languishing in beds with sores and other ailments with no relief. Angela is a CNA so I’m sure she’s seen spouses left by their partners in a home. I think she fears that happening to her.

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8 hours ago, DaisyDuke said:

Oh Ricky STFU.  Mr Fanny Pack was ready to play hide the sausage with whatever woman showed him attention and he wants to talk about Ximenas intentions...of course he’s still failing to mention she was the back up plan. 

I am thinking it over and really trying to figure out what Dicky’s issue was with the money he sent.  I totally get “I don’t want to be just $ and a US passport to you” (though “you seem defensive about this issue” doesn’t seem to me to be the proof he thought it was that X actually loves him after 3 weeks of texting.)

What I don’t get is that there seemed to be some underlying issue with how X spent the money he sent over - did she use it for a nose job (bad) or for stuff for her nephews (what she eventually said, which was maybe ok with him?).  I don’t know what the right answer was supposed to be?  

Also money is fungible.  Does he know that once you convert US dollars to Columbian currency and put it in a bank account with other currency (received from other doofuses you and Melissa fleece) it is unclear whether the dollars you got from your texty friend are the ones you spend on your medical care (or whatever) or whether they are the ones you spend for stuff for your family?

Or maybe she told him she’d used them for plastic surgery and he was sad she didn’t get bolt-on?

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Best moment of the night though was Darcey's daughter telling those two idgits to knock it off. I really felt bad for those kids suffering through that hideously uncomfortable dinner.

I really get the idea that Jesse thinks he's 100% in the right, that he holds no culpability for the dysfunction in their relationship. News for you Jesse, if you keep telling the person you're supposedly in love with they need to work on themselves then maybe you shouldn't be with that person. You're supposed to love who they are, not who they could be if they bend to your mighty will.

The nerve of Ricky wondering if any of his money went to plastic surgery to fix Ximena's anything considering he was all for the plasticity he was signing up for with Melissa.

I do wonder, when was the last fight/brawl/assault that Jon had. Was it several years ago or just recently?

Edited by Lady Iris
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6 hours ago, renatae said:

I noticed she still avoided his touch until he got upset about her ex, and suddenly she started making moves toward him. Until then, I honestly didn't think she had it in her.

And when they were getting out of the cab and she purred to him about paying the driver, she was petting his shoulder. Hozel would make Joanne the Scammer proud. “Who needs a man’s d*** when you’ve got his bank account?” She’s definitely latched on to a really stupid one, so I don’t see her throwing him back in the sea just yet.

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11 minutes ago, snarkish said:

Pole/Kreeny: Lots of sketchy editing this episode, concerning Pole's ever-changing hair length and Kreeny's disappearing and reappearing zits.

Yes, the editing with these two was really, really bad.  They kept building up Kreeny crying in her wedding dress before going to commercial breaks but then by the time the wedding actually happened, I left the room for like 5 seconds and when I came back, Kreeny was suddenly Smiley Bride walking down the aisle.  What the hell did I miss in the 5 seconds it took me to go grab a pickle from the fridge?   Did they explain the tears?  WTF happened? 

Also, I just can't with those white plastic lawn chairs in the wedding reception area.  Oh, dear.  And Paul's super shiny silver suit? 


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16 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Angie is power trippin' because she's figured out that Michael will do anything to get to the U.S. So, she keeps raising the bar. "Get rid of your instagram." "Dote on me." "Don't dote on me." "I snap because you deserve it and not because I'm a brutal looking snapping turtle of a bitch worse than anything in this here zoo!"

Every few seconds, it seems Michael is thinking, “Is going through this to meet Trump really worth it?”. He’ll have to obey everything Angela says with a “yes,ma’am”, meet her every sex need, abandon his hope of being a dad, and basically abandon social media to keep her happy. Angela wants a man she can drag around on a leash.

It bothers me that Angela didn’t seem to understand that a 30 year old man might want children in his lifetime within his marriage. Did she not consider that was a possibility? She has little to no chance to having a biological child. I know we hear these stories of a 70 year old delivering twins, but that doesn’t come easily or without great financial sacrifice. 

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Darcy and Jesse are insufferable. I used to think he was abusive but now IDK as Darcy now seems she oversteps and is abusive as well. I am not sure on the shoe thing, if it was something Jesse didn’t like just apologize and move on. I have never had anyone, not even my husband put his feet on my shoes or mine on his so I am not sure how it would make me feel. If my husband grabbed my sweater to blow his nose in I would be annoyed and he would apologize so maybe it is like that. Throwing shoes isn’t okay, women don’t get a pass for that kind of stuff.

The dinner was uncomfortable as Darcy kept trying to restart the fight. I felt for her kids and while they kind of said Jesse was an ass they also seemed to want to say their mom can be a major bitch but they didn’t want to on camera. You can tell they are used their mom’s drama.

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8 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

Why was Rachel in a full coat, hat and scarf in the coffee shop chat with her dad? And Jon in short sleeves? Were they just juxtaposed in one shot from two different streams, one hot room and one cold? (Not a serious question haha) That was all I could focus on from that conversation!

I've been to England a few times and as an American I am CHILLED TO THE BONE and cannot get warm.  To me, English cold is dreadful.  But my English relatives are used to it and actually did go around in short sleeves or light sweater.  

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15 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Every few seconds, it seems Michael is thinking, “Is going through this to meet Trump really worth it?”. He’ll have to obey everything Angela says with a “yes,ma’am”, meet her every sex need, abandon his hope of being a dad, and basically abandon social media to keep her happy. Angela wants a man she can drag around on a leash.

It bothers me that Angela didn’t seem to understand that a 30 year old man might want children in his lifetime within his marriage. Did she not consider that was a possibility? She has little to no chance to having a biological child. I know we hear these stories of a 70 year old delivering twins, but that doesn’t come easily or without great financial sacrifice. 

They both know that if he gets to the United States that he will be able to have a family with the next girl he finds after he and bigAng get divorced after the appropriate amount of time.  He is just trying to find his tipping point of obeying snapping jabba and she is contemplating if sex for a limited amount of time is worth it when she knows he will dump her eventually.

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Darcy just won't shut the hell up EVER.  I hate people that interrupt and talk over and can't let anything go.  Pretty much drunks.  Right now the ball is in her court and she still looks like an idiot.  

Once upon a time my daughter and I were giving a high school friend of her's a ride. This child barely took a breath. Talking nonsense the whole time. While I'm texting my daughter "this sucks! why did you make me come with you! I REALLY AM BEGINNING TO HATE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!"

My ears were about to start bleeding. So I cleared my throat and said "most people know that not every second of every day has to be filled with noise." My daughter's jaw hit the steering wheel in shock. BUT we rode in silence the rest of the way! 

Every friggin time Darcy is on the screen I suffer a mild breakdown. 

Edited by JunkFoodTV
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7 hours ago, loki310 said:

Im way past bored with the Darcy blond guy storyline - why isn’t his ass on a plane already?! - so I entertained myself by trying to count up the amount of money Darcy has spent on designer clothing. I mean, she was wearing at least three cartier love bracelets that are like $5k each, she has enough louboutins to use some as weapons, she carries Chanel bags - was that a Hermès bag this episode?

I think her bags and bracelets are as real as her face.  Check this out.

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2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

How do I get on the list of women Ricky is sending money to? I could use a little extra cash. If I was the mother of one of Ricky's kids, I would be double-checking with a lawyer to see if I can ask for more child support. If he has that much extra money to send to strangers, he can beef up his daughters' college funds.

This might be OTT, but I noticed a lot of people here mentioning "college funds". I wasnt aware that it was a thing to save for years to pay for college tuition and forego personal comforts/luxuries in order to do that. I may be in the minority but I think that it's kind of presumptuous to save for college when there are so many options:child may decide an alternative career route, child might get scholarships, community college, child may fail all their college courses, child might get a job during college to offset costs, or my favorite, child might get a useless degree and end up working as a server.  I think it kind of goes to show how society today is kind ofn"obsessed" in a way with our childre. ... I read an article about a woman who was forlorn because she only had $65 in her 2 year old daughters college fund. I know that a bunch of people will say ... "I have a college fund for ju child even though I put myself through school" ..  so apparantly YES it can be done, I did it ,my hisband did it, all my friends who are professionals did it etc. I just wish I could give a PSA to parents about saving for college when nowadays college is nothing but an "experience" to live with friends, party, drink, and take useless courses. The people who take career oriented programs (nursing, teaching, accounting. Law enforcement) tend to be self-motivated from my past experience.

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14 minutes ago, JunkFoodTV said:

Every friggin time Darcy is on the screen I suffer a mild breakdown. 

Seriously. She never stops talking. I think there really may be something wrong with her. It’s almost manic. I thought it was awful how she sent her daughter out to go fetch Jesse off the porch after their fight. First off all, that’s not her job. She’s a child. Secondly, she’s known him five minutes. How uncomfortable that little girl must’ve been. 

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1 minute ago, charmed1 said:

I thought it was awful how she sent her daughter out to go fetch Jesse off the porch after their fight. First off all, that’s not her job. She’s a child. Secondly, she’s known him five minutes. How uncomfortable that little girl must’ve been. 

The daughter did it with such calmness that I got the feeling it's not the first time she's had to be a go-between between Mama and a current beau.

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