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  1. Leida is trash. She gets all that’s coming to her. She has zero respect for Eric’s kids and expects them to take time off of their jobs to come welcome her. I don’t think I’ve hated someone so much on this show as I do her. She’s a vile person and I’m glad she has to live in that trash ridden hovel that Eric calls home.
  2. She quit her job? When she knew he didn’t have a job? What?! How is that being a responsible parent! She just wants someone else to take care of her all the time. Kardashian rejects...all of them.
  3. They share a bank account? Do they share a bed too? This has gone into some Norman Bates territory.
  4. Oh yeah your new wife is going to be so happy moving into your two bedroom pig pen...I mean apartment. So gross.
  5. I want to rename this episode “Kids and Camo”. This episode we learned Rickey isn’t the only one who has invested in some stealthy camo gear! Angela in her black/white camo short shorts. Was she trying to blend in with the wildlife? Jesse had the giant camo bag packed and ready to go as he threw an temper tantrum involving shoe-gate 2018. I guess we have gone from being triggered by food to being triggered by shoes. “Won’t someone please think of the children!” Rachel- “I don’t want to put my child in an unsafe situation.” .....Drags baby across the ocean to meet a guy she met on an online singing app, who also can’t get a visa for due to violent tendencies. So safe girl, so safe! Rickey- “I need to make sure this woman is mother material!” Was totally convinced some chick with bolt on ass and tits was the love of his life 2.5 seconds ago. I’m pretty sure Rickey’s daughter is better off without him and his catch of the day, she seems to be the more mature one. Also the fanny pack returns! Anyone notice that when Pole goes into the room with Karine to wake her up there is a few cartoon/animal onesies hanging up in the closet?! Maybe we will get some furry action soon. *barf*
  6. Awww burst my bubble! I was really hoping that he was reusing Love of His Life’s roses like Magemaud said!
  7. This show is becoming less entertaining and more heart breaking. Jesse and Ol’ Carrot Cake- Jesse, no one cares the kids aren’t yours, especially the butcher. I at least give him props for being decent with Carrot cake’s daughters up until she kept nagging him and nit picking. She needs to keep her mouth shut about their issues to her kids, it’s not their shit show it’s yours. These two must be triggered by food, tonight it was a steak. Tarik and Hazel- Ok I’ll admit that I don’t dislike these two as much as the others. Ohhh brother Dean was way outta line. I get he’s worried but berating a young girl in public is not cool. She doesn’t have to answer your questions and you have no idea why she let her ex take her son. I feel for her, Tarik is a way out of poverty and a way to get her son back, fuck Dean for making her feel like crap because she made the best choice for her child. She’s the only one I want to actually find happiness in this shit show. Tabacco Angie and Michael- I agree with everyone that she can/will be an abuser. She’s already slapped him in the face in public and you could hear the slaps when they were walking across the scary ass walkway in the nature preserve. Just run Michael, it’s not like she can catch up to you. Love his friends though. I’m also positive the producers are giving her the worst lighting possible in her TH segments, her wrinkle lines run deeper then the Mariana Trench. Pole and Khareknee- Hate them both. They manipulate each other all the time. I feel bad for her mom because she sees what’s going on and just wants her daughter to be happy. Pole must be terrifying when the cameras aren’t around keeping him in check. Rachel and Scruff Daddy- yawn. He has anger issues and she’s desperate. Hope the other dad takes custody of the new baby too. Ricky- just please stop. Your soooo lame. What’s wrong with the new woman that she actually likes him? Why did Ricky have some weird dark marks on his forehead? Was it like a flash back to the 80s episode tonight? Jesse with his headband I wore back in grade school. Tarik dressing like he just came off the set of the Right Said Fred ‘I’m too sexy’ video shoot. Rickey’s fanny pack and cheesy “romantic” giant vanilla dollar store candles and bag of rose petals straight from a Harlequin romance novel. Btw I’ve never seen a bag of rose petals for sale. EVER.
  8. My phone is now covered in bourbon I laughed so hard! Did anyone else noticed Angela pulling out sweaty boob money when paying for her cigarettes. Stay classy now. Darcey and Jesse- I’m just watching them to see what food they are (not) eating. I thought Rickey was an idiot but it looks like next week he proves to be an idiot and a complete D-bag! These couples are FILTHY! The hotel that Darcey/Jesse are staying in was almost a big a mess as their relationship. Paul and Kareeneee’s apartment was so cluttered and dirty. Unicorn slippers and stuffed animals, like a child lives there. It’s like the “Nicole Effect” taking over these people. This show is amazing and horrifying all at once and I got my boyfriend to watch in all its glory as well!
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