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Roseanne: Aftermath

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  On 5/29/2018 at 10:46 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

I searched for John Goodman's Twitter and I don't think he has one. Before crucifying him, are we sure it's him retweeting support for continuing the reboot without her? Is it a blue checked account? Goodman and Metcalf are NOT conservatives. I don't see them as being okay with what she did.  I don't think either one is big on social media, though. 

Source? I just want to be sure it was actually HIM. He shouldn't be lumped in with that crazy bitch, unnecessarily. 


I found a Twitter account that looks like it's supposed to be his account. But, among other things, some of the information in his Twitter bio doesn't work with the rest of the info, or is just plain wrong, based on what's supposedly known about him; & he also doesn't have that blue check mark attached to the account, verifying the account holder is who they say they are.

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  On 5/29/2018 at 6:04 PM, PradaKitty said:

And... Roseanne has just added a lot of people to the unemployment line...


i hope they can sue her. i would be livid i or a family member that was part of the show in any way. and now because of her , am unemployed. i liked the reboot with some exceptions and i'm pissed she got the show cancelled. will miss laurie metcalf. 

  On 5/29/2018 at 6:18 PM, wirebitersm said:

maybe they could come back next season without her? say she died during the knee surgery or maybe she bought some bad drugs off someone. 


yes, they should write her off and give it a go. 

  • Love 4

I took an Ambien once. When I came to, I was grand dragon of the klan. What a crazy night! You do make a good point though. I knew things Roseanne had said way before the reboot, and I was still excited and watched every episode. I guess that's something to work on. Though, I can't help feeling at least a little badly for the cast. She was like a mother to them, and I have yet to see Michael, Sara, or Lecy be a bigoted asshole that the public is aware of I guess. I'm sure they will be fine and move on. But, I can't help that this does make me sad. 

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  On 5/29/2018 at 9:44 PM, JacquelineAppleton said:

Harris was... stretching... believability as a 15 year old, because of the use of Dawson Casting. She was starting to look more like a woman than a girl. not the greatest character, either.


she was terribly miscast. 

  On 5/30/2018 at 2:52 AM, wonderwoman said:

conflicted as i've always been about roseanne, the person, i enjoyed the reboot (save for the first episode). had been  planning to watch the finale tomorrow on roku. guess not...


i was surprised when i went to watch my dvr that they did not even show the finale. with a disclaimer maybe? just for the fans of the reboot. i am not a fan of roseanne and was watching for the rest of the cast mostly. i wish they would have just killed off her character. give jackie a bigger part. too bad they cancelled it outright and made so many people lose their paychecks.

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Roseanne is a shit-stirrer, she always was a shit-stirrer.  It finally caught up with her and she's paying the price (well, actually, everyone else involved with the show is paying the price). You have to wonder about the network thinking they could get away with bringing her back without paying the consequences. I'm sure she's sitting at home right now thinking she's sooo clever.  Well, don't let the door hit you on the way out, Roseanne (or better yet, let it hit you).    



Edited by Tom Holmberg
Added Link
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I will say that I am shocked, yet thrilled, that ABC took a quick stance on the Roseanne matter. Although she has displayed this behaviour for years, I think this was the first really awful thing she's said since the reboot happened where ABC recognized that it would reflect badly on them as a network if they condoned it by keeping her on their network. There's no excuse for what she said on Twitter and they knew it. So, even with Roseanne being their biggest show, I think they made the right choice in taking the show off the air. I say that it would be worse if they kept rewarding her awful behaviour. And it all happened in a matter of hours, so ABC executives must have come together really quickly to make the decision. 

I do feel for the cast, though. They obviously didn't share Roseanne's views but I think it's hard when you share different beliefs with someone that you're close with. They've known Roseanne for 30+ years, so it can't be easy hear someone consistently say awful things, but I think it was great to see the entire cast speak out against her with no excuses for what she said. Michael and Sara, in particular, impressed me. I know how close Michael's been with Roseanne, and I know Sara's been advocating for the reboot in general. They're certainly not the bad people here; they were friends with someone who is. I think they really just wanted to make a great show, but now Roseanne has ruined it for them and for all the people working on the show. 

I wouldn't mind hearing what Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman have to say about the matter, but I also understand if they don't choose to speak publicly about it. Laurie might, but I don't think we'll be hearing from John. 

  • Love 14

DAMN IT! Seriously, I don't think I will ever understand this woman's politics and views. In many ways, she's always seemed progressive and inclusive. Even the political stuff in the show seemed to be a mockery on both "sides." Ugh, WTF, man? (Mods: I hope that post didn't violate anything--trying to illustrate my confusion at where she is in a political sense, while neither actively or obviously supporting nor opposing anything in particular.)


There's still the LAFF channel over the air. For now.


Strangely, they were not on last night even though the guide info said it was. Coincidence? I don't know, but Night Court was on instead.

Edited by TattleTeeny
SORRY--I see it's all been covered, including damn LAFF channel!
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  On 5/30/2018 at 12:07 PM, Tom Holmberg said:

Roseanne is a shit-stirrer, she always was a shit-stirrer.  It finally caught up with her and she's paying the price (well, actually, everyone else involved with the show is paying the price). 


Absolutely.  She reminds me so much of my late FIL.  He would go through periods of being a decent person and then he'd lash out and do something to try to stir the pot to see how the family would react.  Nothing on the scale of Roseanne of course but bad enough.  He loved nothing better than to start family feuds.  It took some of the family a lot longer than others to realize he was playing us.  Roseanne did it pretty successfully for a lot of years, I guess she thought with the phenomenal success of the reboot that she could get away with her pot stirring even when she was doing it on social media.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:32 AM, HoboClayton said:

She's just continuing to eat herself. She's throwing everyone under bus and retweeting statements from people that refer to her cast mates as "thankless underlings." Though I'm glad she's getting her ass torn to shreds, it's breaking my heart at the same time. These people have been her family for almost 30 years now, and it's hard to give up on your family. Her public response to Michael and Sara is just sad. She seems to be truly shocked that they have responded the way they have. What a depressing ending to what was a timeless, hilarious, and eye opening show. Like I said above, what she said shouldn't have came as a surprise. But watching this happen is just such a surreal bummer.  I guess that's why I don't want the cast to engage with her clearly unstable ass. As of right now, Roseanne is still on Twitter, retweeting garbage propaganda, and calling out the cast and crew. Sometimes you just have to let family go, but, that doesn't make it any less sad when it gets to that point. Roseanne, you are a heinous, selfish, bitch. Get help, quick, atone, do something, or else in the very near future, you will be lying in a bed taking your last breath, and there won't be a soul there to hold your hand. When I watched her reality show, I got the impression that her family couldn't stand her much either, but they stuck around because of the money. She treated everyone like trash, while keeping her head firmly planted up her own ass. Fuck yourself Roseanne, you were given a talent, worked hard to make a success out of yourself, and you chose to make this your legacy instead. Nice work. 


I Tweeted support to Sara and Michael. Despite the fact that for some, their immediate responses weren't enough, and they should not only have denounced Roseanne's hate (which they did eloquently), but also declared that they were walking off the show immediately. Sara is Executive Producer. She felt responsibility for this show and the people that worked on it. For her, it wasn't all about Roseanne.  I know that for Sara, John and Laurie, especially, this is also a hard thing, because this woman's name was on the show that put them on the map. For Michael, this was his second mother for his childhood.   They know she's bat shit crazy. They know what she said was deplorable, disgusting and despicable.  But this woman gave them their jobs.  They probably feel that they wouldn't have the lives that they have if not for her. It's hard to turn your back on someone so completely, that you've been loyal to for 30 years. I get it.  Roseanne threw them all under the bus. 

Was anyone awake for the middle of the night showing of Roseanne on TVLand this morning? My guide said it was still on, but I'm curious as to what they actually showed, instead. It was amazing how quickly Logo scrubbed the show from the online channel guide. TVLand and CMT still has it listed. If anyone can check CMT at 10:00 this morning, I'm curious if they replaced her. This is the station that continues to give us Last Man Standing, and whose demo is more conservative leaning country music fans.  They were still one of the channels that announced that they were cutting ties. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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  On 5/30/2018 at 4:06 AM, Bronzedog said:

And, sadly, he and Lecy are the two members of the cast that will take the biggest hit financially.   Sara Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman will be fine.


I don't know, I've heard Michael has invested his money well over the years, and while Lecy will no longer have a weekly TV show, she HAS had a lot of guest spots on TV/work in indie movies and plays over the years. 

(I'm beginning to think I should post this in the UO thread, but I don't want to poison it by talking about this whole kerfuffle there.)

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:32 AM, HoboClayton said:

 Though I'm glad she's getting her ass torn to shreds, it's breaking my heart at the same time. These people have been her family for almost 30 years now, and it's hard to give up on your family. Her public response to Michael and Sara is just sad. 


Especially in the case of Michael. He was, what, five or six when he met Roseanne? She's his second mom (and was probably the same for Lecy, Sara, and even Sarah Chalke, for that matter). That's part of the reason I don't blame them for wanting to work with her again, a mom's a mom. :(

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  On 5/30/2018 at 3:25 AM, mbaywife123 said:

I have a question to ask since I never joined Facebook or Twitter and no nothing of their terms of service, is this something that could get her banned from social media sites?


I don't know about Facebook, but Twitter is notorious for not banning people who violate their terms of service up to and including death threats. And not the, "I hope you die," nonsense that people (mostly people who acted like asses on reality shows) call death threats, but actual, "I know where you live and I am coming to your house to kill you" death threats. If it's a celebrity, there is even less chance that they'll ban that person. Social media's profits come from eyeballs on ads; they know that even people who aren't registered on Twitter are looking at Roseanne's timeline right now, so there is little to no chance that she'll get banned, even though she is (and has been for a few years now) in violation of the "abuse and hateful conduct" provision of their terms of service.


  On 5/30/2018 at 9:32 AM, HoboClayton said:

When I watched her reality show, I got the impression that her family couldn't stand her much either, but they stuck around because of the money. She treated everyone like trash, while keeping her head firmly planted up her own ass.


I got that impression too. Her kids, especially the oldest daughter who she'd given up for adoption but reconnected with as an adult, were often just staring at her with open disdain.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 2:52 PM, fishcakes said:

I got that impression too. Her kids, especially the oldest daughter who she'd given up for adoption but reconnected with as an adult, were often just staring at her with open disdain.


What about her boyfriend, Johnny? Haven't they been together for 15 years now or something? What did their relationship seem like? 

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  On 5/30/2018 at 12:33 AM, jumper sage said:

I really feel for the black actors on the show - the granddaughter, the couple who were friends with them.  Jayden Rey was the little girl.  I hate to think she had to deal with this and such a young age and out in public.  


And she looks so happy in the photos with Roseanne.   I feel most for Jayden Rey, I think.

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I never watched the original show, but since there was so much media attention on the reboot, decided to give it a shot.

I thought some of the storylines and characters were funny, but Roseanne was my least favorite and often thought the show would be better without her.

It really is too bad for all involved that she singlehandedly took down the whole production, instead of just being removed from it/written off.  I especially liked the idea someone had of having her funeral from an opioid overdose be the opener for the season 2 reboot.  I would have watched, had that been the case, but since I wasn’t a fan of the original, it’s no big loss to me that they cancelled it altogether.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 6:05 AM, millennium said:

Can you imagine having a job where no matter how good you are at what you do, or how hard you work, or how long you've been with the company or what unique abilities you bring to every project, it can all vanish with a just few words typed by a crazy person?

 I don't think Roseanne will ever come up short on nuts.


I think that is true for just about any job.  Happens all the time to politicians, CEOs of corporations, etc.  No matter how good you are, you cross a certain line and you're out.  Rightly so in my opinion.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 4:44 PM, debbie311 said:

I think that is true for just about any job.  Happens all the time to politicians, CEOs of corporations, etc.  No matter how good you are, you cross a certain line and you're out.  Rightly so in my opinion.


Yes but usually they don't take the government and all of the citizens or the company, all of the employees and their dependents down with them.

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Roseanne is now attacking Michael Fishman and Sara -they disavowed her tweets, not her but that's how she's taking it. I feel bad for her actually, think she lives in a world filled of scary dark conspiracies. Roseanne Connor may have been the best she could be, or maybe even better than her best.  I am glad we got to see the end of the revival season before she took to Twitter.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 6:10 PM, LZ1982 said:

Exactly. I'm thinking of Patricia Heaton as a contrast. She's a conservative Christian (although not a Trump fan), but she doesn't tweet racial slurs or Parkland conspiracy theories. Her show just went off the air after 9 seasons...and it was the producers who ended it, not ABC.


Agreed!  I actually am surprised more celebrities aren't fiscally conservative (esp if they are financially successful).  And being liberal doesn't give you a pass for being a jerk.  

The talk up top about the collateral damage (cast and crew) reminded me of a small bit from Clerks (I think) where two guys were arguing about how the contractors who worked on the Death Star were innocent victims.  One had then argued that as a contractor himself who he works for and their values comes into play a lot.  Not sure if everyone in Hollywood has that luxury.  

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  On 5/30/2018 at 2:04 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

CMT still lists Roseanne in its every morning marathon, but I just clicked on my phone to watch live and they're showing Full House, instead. 


How depressing. It was supposed to be the Bowling show. Thanks a lot you crazy bitch. 


Ugh, being forced to watch Full House.  That hurts.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 2:04 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

CMT still lists Roseanne in its every morning marathon, but I just clicked on my phone to watch live and they're showing Full House, instead. 


How depressing. It was supposed to be the Bowling show. Thanks a lot you crazy bitch. 



  On 5/30/2018 at 6:35 PM, Mu Shu said:

Ugh, being forced to watch Full House.  That hurts.


You know, after hearing they were going to start pulling this from syndication too, I was REALLY happy that I jumped into this century and got a DVR, so I could record them all off of LAFF to watch whenever I want.

I did just that last night. Started watching over from OG Season 1 and it just didn't feel the same watching it anymore. That makes me incredibly sad because I NEVER thought I would say that. Loud mouthed bitch just couldn't keep her "Ambien" fueled fingers from her phone could she? 

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  On 5/30/2018 at 6:10 PM, LZ1982 said:

Exactly. I'm thinking of Patricia Heaton as a contrast. She's a conservative Christian (although not a Trump fan), but she doesn't tweet racial slurs or Parkland conspiracy theories. Her show just went off the air after 9 seasons...and it was the producers who ended it, not ABC.


Tim Allen is a conservative and vocal Trump supporter.... unless I missed something,  I don't recall him making a racial slur like this either. Actually, I hear very little from him. 

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  On 5/30/2018 at 6:48 PM, AM1418 said:


You know, after hearing they were going to start pulling this from syndication too, I was REALLY happy that I jumped into this century and got a DVR, so I could record them all off of LAFF to watch whenever I want.

I did just that last night. Started watching over from OG Season 1 and it just didn't feel the same watching it anymore. That makes me incredibly sad because I NEVER thought I would say that. Loud mouthed bitch just couldn't keep her "Ambien" fueled fingers from her phone could she? 


In case you're interested-

Roseanne: The Complete Series


  On 5/30/2018 at 6:10 PM, LZ1982 said:

Exactly. I'm thinking of Patricia Heaton as a contrast. She's a conservative Christian (although not a Trump fan), but she doesn't tweet racial slurs or Parkland conspiracy theories. 


She tweeted some nasty things on Twitter herself in 2012 that were related to her beliefs (and towards a specific person, too), but after she was called out (and apologized/deleted said Tweets--but naturally, the screencaps are still out there!), she more or less stopped. She's always struck me as bitchy and full of herself, though, regardless of her beliefs (I liked her on thirtysomething, though, so her acting isn't a problem with me). I wouldn't be surprised if she still has similar feelings now as she did then, except that now she keeps quiet about it.

But because I'm getting dangerously off-topic and don't want to piss off the mods (God bless them for their work here since yesterday, right?), I'll leave it at that. It's all a Google search away. 

Edited by UYI
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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:24 PM, UYI said:

I wouldn't be surprised if she still has similar feelings as she did then, except now she keeps quiet about it.


Which is all you can ask of someone.  I don't expect every celebrity to feel the way I do about things but I do expect them to be civil and remember they have fans who might not agree with them.  Roseanne clearly did not read the room right not just in terms of ABC and her co-stars but also how the public at large would react to her crap.

  • Love 13
  On 5/30/2018 at 8:24 PM, UYI said:

She tweeted some nasty things on Twitter herself in 2012 that were related to her beliefs (and towards a specific person, too), but after she was called out (and apologized/deleted said Tweets--but naturally, the screencaps are still out there!), she more or less stopped. She's always struck me as bitchy and full of herself, though, regardless of her beliefs (I liked her on thirtysomething, though, so her acting isn't a problem with me). I wouldn't be surprised if she still has similar feelings now as she did then, except that now she keeps quiet about it.

But because I'm getting dangerously off-topic and don't want to piss off the mods (God bless them for their work here since yesterday, right?), I'll leave it at that. It's all a Google search away. 



???? Do you mean Patricia Wettig? Whoops, I take it back Patricia Heaton was on there. I would have thought she would have been too young.

Edited by peacheslatour
dumbassery on my part.
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I don’t understand why celebrities can’t figure out that maybe it’s not worth it to have a Twitter or public Facebook account. Maybe it’s better to be like some of the actors and actresses from the old studio days and be private and mysterious. At least then we’d be able to enjoy our fictional tv without having their real life foibles ruin it. 

Roseanne’s ship has sailed. 

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Can ‘Roseanne’ Continue Without Its Star? “Possible But Not Probable”


I hear executive producers Tom Werner and Sara Gilbert, the main driving force behind the revival, are expected to meet with some of the series’ writers, led by executive producer/showrunner Bruce Helford, in a few days — after the raw emotions from the abrupt cancellation have cooled off — to kick around possible ideas for continuing the show without Barr.

The effort to save the show in some shape and form, led by Carsey-Werner, which owns and produces Roseanne, is understandable given the success of the revival and the money at stake. The independent production company already has all actors under contract for next season. The top-notch co-starring cast, led by John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf and Gilbert, love working together and I hear they are potentially open to returning if the right creative idea is presented to them.

Still, there are a lot of hurdles, from coming up with a concept that will live up to the high creative bar set by the original series to changing the name of the show.



(I pulled that quote because I've seen comments about how Roseanne owns the show. She doesn't.)

Edited by TheOtherOne
  • Love 12

Well speaking as someone who refused to watch the reboot with Roseanne in it but who was curious about "whatever happened...." to the Conners I'd definitely give a reboot of the reboot a chance if they could handle things right.  Roseanne was always the weak link in terms of acting ability - although to be fair Laurie Metcalf, love her though I do, does not being her A game to Roseanne.  Maybe that would change if she doesn't have to actually deal with Roseanne's ego though.

  • Love 9
  On 5/30/2018 at 6:48 PM, AM1418 said:


You know, after hearing they were going to start pulling this from syndication too, I was REALLY happy that I jumped into this century and got a DVR, so I could record them all off of LAFF to watch whenever I want.

I did just that last night. Started watching over from OG Season 1 and it just didn't feel the same watching it anymore. That makes me incredibly sad because I NEVER thought I would say that. Loud mouthed bitch just couldn't keep her "Ambien" fueled fingers from her phone could she? 


Roseanne was recorded last night on TVLAND.


From the firing, to being dropped by her talent agency and now all the other tv providers/channels removing the original recipe show from syndication, other actors really coming down hard in condemnation in language that isn't diplomatic -- all of this is happening with such a decisive quickness that I am frankly surprised. 


I'm surprised as well.  Don't get me wrong - what she said was stupid and racist and Ambien, or not, she shouldn't have said it. But they came down on her like a big box of hammers. I would have thought they would have put out a statement that the show was suspended indefinitely while some decision was being made (perhaps about how to Sandy-Duncan her like they did with the Hogan Family).  And I'm not too happy that the reruns are gone because now I'm stuck watching House damn Hunters for that last hour before I go to sleep instead of Roseanne reruns. People that all want open concept and space for "entertaining" instead of a sammich. 

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:33 PM, peacheslatour said:

???? Do you mean Patricia Wettig?


I don't know if I missed an edit, but where did you get Patricia Wettig's name from? Patricia Wettig hasn't tweeted anything in 4 years. The last time anyone cared about what Patricia Wettig tweeted was when Ken Olin didn't like how he looked in the picture she tweeted of the two of them. No offense to Patricia Wettig, but nobody was making a big deal about anything she tweeted--not this year, not last year, and not 2012. No one gives a shit about Patricia Wettig's tweets--not one or thirtysomething.

I'm pretty sure @UYI meant Patricia Heaton, who has gotten herself some backlash over things she's said or tweeted. However, I don't believe she's ever said anything nearly as nonsensical or hateful as Roseanne has.

Edited by HunterHunted
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