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Season 3 Discussion

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2 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I specifically remember David saying in Thailand that he was broke.

He said it several times, but that may have been some months after he hooked up with Annie.   Perhaps Chris's "travel" company was doing well enough that Chris was earning a regular paycheck.  

57 minutes ago, iwasish said:

David has his head up his ass most of the time. He doesn’t think or plan more than the day at hand. He just expects that someone or something “ will come thru”

Until now that seems to have worked...for decades!   I wonder if anything was different financially before his "stroke."

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26 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

He said it several times, but that may have been some months after he hooked up with Annie.   Perhaps Chris's "travel" company was doing well enough that Chris was earning a regular paycheck.  

Until now that seems to have worked...for decades!   I wonder if anything was different financially before his "stroke."

It’s possible he told Annie that he’d have “no problem” getting a job back in the USA. After all he has a Masters Degree and many connections, he’d easily command a huge salary with his skills and job history.  And she fell for it.

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3 hours ago, zenme said:

Well maybe he can suck high end dicks, like pro athletes, CEOs, and diplomats.  Or educated ones, like those of a professor, astrophysicists.  

Space dick!!! Pricy, out of this world astrophysicist dick is my new goal in life! ?

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13 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I work for a cultural institution where on Monday mornings everyone talks about some wonderful documentaries they have watched or some new and inspiring art show they attended........here I am watching this mess lol. It is my dirty little secret.

Lmao ????my lil dog humps stuff animals to Omgoodness 

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6 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Nicole clapping when Chantel is leaving is rude, but nothing to try to start a fight with her over. 

I noticed Mother Chantel herself was rhythmically clapping for emphasis last week when she was saying what they needed to do to Pedro and Nicole and again in last night's episode. Must be a cheerleader thing? 

Edited by magemaud
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8 hours ago, renatae said:

A close relative has a degree and loads of experience in high-end business, but when he aged out of the market, he semi-retired and took a part time job at Wal-Mart to supplement SS. What makes David think he is so special?

Actually, that rental space was not nearly as bad as I had envisioned. Of course it looked like an empty boardroom, but the bathroom was nice and the kitchen was sort of cute. Hey, they don't have options. Buy her an Instant Pot, a rice cooker and a hot plate, and I bet she could go to town. But there, her attitude was not so hot.

You think the bathroom looks nice with the refrigerator in it? Yuck!

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I think it's just a rude/sarcastic thing.  Mother Chantel just worked herself up into a frenzy and basically pumped up her family for a fight- verbal or physical.  This stupid woman was on camera taking off her jewelry  and Chantal saw her and was making a shocked cow face so for her to claim that Pedro and Nicole had a plan to start a physical fight is just stupid.  The family Chantel was ready for a rumble and Mami was egging them on.  She probably instructed River to start in on Pedro.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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2 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

Wait.  What’s up with Andrew/Jorge?  Why does he have 2 names and why didn’t I know that?

Andrew is his real name, he does not want to use his real name on TV

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14 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I agree.  Pedro is an asshole.  River may be an asshole but he actually cares about his sister much more than Pedro does.

Almost much as Pedro cares for Sister Pedro, lol!

There is absolutely nothing I can add to the 'Chantal/Pedro Family' fight that has not been said. Mother Chantal tried to come off like she stood in that fake kitchen slaving over a hot stove all day when we all know it came from the TLC catering truck! Paper plates and little white plastic forks!?

I thought Sister Pedro was being very polite. Yes, it may have been fake, but it could have been a nice evening if Mother Chantal kept her mouth shut.

When ever I think of Family Chantal, I envision them doing everything as a group, you know, walking almost as one person.  What kind of work does Father Chantal do? Does either Brother or Sister Chantal work or go to school?

That live show was a joke. No one was given any time to talk. We could have done without Alexi (?) & Danielle. That interview woman got on my nerves. Everyone was looking "gorge", hot or handsome. That poor camera guy, she went on about how handsome he was & he finally said "I'm married".

I do not know anything about the 'K' Visas.  Since Chris sponsored Annie, isn't he responsible for her for 10 years? Maybe that's why he's trying to make sure they have a place to live. 

One last thing, I wonder about David's "degree".  My brother in law received a PhD from an unaccrediated school. It is not recognized anywhere but he loves putting that 'Dr' in front of his name.  I imagine David's is the same.

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13 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

The Family Chantel Smackdown happened, and all I can say is, "Winter is Coming"  Meanwhile, Father Chantel hops away trying to grab one last precious wing before they get  knocked on the floor. The best part? That little bitch River gets taken down by 95lb Nicole. HA!  What a trashy family. The whole lot of them. Chantel instigated it by running to her family to whine about how she was mistreated by Nicole. Then Family Chantel faked Pedro and Nicole out by inviting them to a Costco spread with the expensive paper plates all along planning  to stir shit up. Their version of American hospitality is wings, and a sucker punch. 

Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 11.02.20 AM.png

Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 11.08.49 AM.png

The rest of the couples didn't matter much for me. Except for when Molly met up with her hot brotherJess who was wearing a 1988 classic Ricky Skaggs ball cap, and talking up some sadness for not getting a bro text from 'Louise' after he left Casa Devil Owl. 

Molly...Listen to Danyell. She knows about frauded. 


This post is pure gold! I am laughing so hard at work my god! Winter is coming and evundens...I am crying!!!

I love Jess and Ricky Scaggs.

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So, I think I stumbled across a witness sketch that illustrates why the Nicole and Azan Wedding of the Century was called off. I imagine the "bridesmaids"  illustrated here paid off the marriage clerk to find issues with the paperwork. :) 

Read the caption from the artist, too. :)  



Edited by IntoTheMystic
Ah cain't speel. Too many after surgery meds. :/
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On 7/8/2018 at 9:41 PM, Adeejay said:

In the midst of the commotion, I noticed that Winter had Pedro in a headlock and was punching the crap out of him. Surprised to see that the poll showed more viewers siding with River.  Maybe it was because Pedro performed a high karate on the dining table.  

I so wanted the producers to lay down some Carl Douglas over that scene.  Everybody was kung-fu fighting, those kicks were fast as lightning, it was a little bit frightening ...

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9 hours ago, iwasish said:

It’s possible he told Annie that he’d have “no problem” getting a job back in the USA. After all he has a Masters Degree and many connections, he’d easily command a huge salary with his skills and job history.  And she fell for it.

And that pesky vasectomy reversal wouldn’t be a problem, either 

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Watching Nicole rub up on Azan made MY skin crawl.  I can't imagine the hell it must be for him.  Oh well.  I guess people that marry for money have to earn every penny.  Azan's mom is so freaking sweet, at least mother Nicole didn't turn her nose up at the tea.  Nicole looked like she was going to puke drinking the tea.  She prefers hot Kool-aid, thankyouverymuch.  He is so very happy that the paperwork has been left in the USA.  If only there were a way to get correspondence from one place to another without actually GOING from place to place.... hm.  

David and Annie are eyerollingly stupid.  Chris gets his rocks off humiliating David.  A storage unit?  Really?  David, get a fucking 10 dollar an hour job and get a place with a fucking stove for your wife.  It's Louisville, not Manhattan.  You can't get a studio apartment with a kitchenette for 500 bucks a month?  Really?  Also, beggars can't be choosers and David is a beggar at this point.  Take the job and get a hotplate and electric wok.  Work for a little bit and get another place.  Ass.

Freaking Jorge the spud.  I feel bad for that kid if he is the father.  "I swear I sent that birthday present, jeez!  Why do you think I'm lying?  It was amazing!  It was a puppy unicorn!  Jeez!  I'm not lying, I don't know what UPS is talking about, oh my god!"  

File all of Molly's bullshit under the "nuh duh" category of the 90 day fiance filing cabinet.  

I'm so glad Pao spent 70% of her trip to Colombia futzing with Juan and fighting with her husband and taking topless photo shoots.

Pedro and his sister were rude being late, but not as rude as staying in the car when an octogenarian made you a meal.  Nicole's mother is a hard core moron.  Pedro is right, Nicole has to shut her fucking mouth about her married life.  Chantal's sister was missing the limelight quite a bit last season and decided to get in on the action during today's little fight. Her family instigated everything.  How is a meal the right time to talk shit to someone that doesn't even speak the language.  

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Last night they did a recap of Pedro and Chantel "journey so far." Her family has been itching for a fight since the day they met him and he finally scratched. The day the met him they decided they didnt like him and he wasnt good enough for their "amateur cheerleading coach daughter" as if Chantel was on some path to greatness and Pedro put a banana in her tailpipe. 

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9 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

You think the bathroom looks nice with the refrigerator in it? Yuck!

It's a small "wine cooler" refrigerator.  It could be easily moved.  It definitely was a little weird to see where it was, though.

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On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:46 PM, noveltylibrary said:

I'm sorry, am I supposed to feel bad for Pao that her Grandma died?  Just not happening.

The REASON she went back home was to say Goodbye to her Grandma, right?  So that should give her some comfort that she got to do that. Not much she could do back home now.


BTW, RE Nicole - who applies for a marriage license (even in your own country) without an original birth certificate, let alone traveling to a foreign country to get married without it.  Common sense???? You would even think the producers would have verified she had her proper paper work.  Wonder if this isn't a staged thing? No one could be that brainless.

Just to add: My bad...thought it was a birth certificate....but same reaction...for any kind of official document, it is a no brainer to bring the original. Keep a copy at home.

Edited by Palomar
My bad
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3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I can't see the scam Pedro is running on Family Chantel. What kind of harvester works 2 jobs? He's hustling backwards if that's the case.

Of course he works. The entire point of the exercise for the hustlers is to get a green card to get a job. Pedro is one of the few hustlers on this show who chose a person with some income and stability. Mo, Nikki, Annie, Karine all made terrible choices. 

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13 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

but my point was even if he'd had the 2 months he still wouldn't have done anything.

I was agreeing with you.  My point was that you can't rely on having a set amount of time when a property sale is in progress.  Our old rental was starting to fall apart, and it still sold in about 45 days when the landlady told us not to worry - it would "probably take several months".  I looked for a new place as if we had 1 week to get out.

21 hours ago, Boofish said:

And while we are on the list of things I don't understand 

1. Game of Thrones

I don't either.  I just can't get in to fantasy genre stuff (Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Marvel anything, etc).  My cousin's stepdaughter is a Harry Potter fanatic, and when I once said I didn't like it, she said "Part of me just died".  Um...why?  I'm sure she doesn't like some stuff that I do, but I don't "die" because of it.


18 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

That’s exactly what I thought from day one. You can make good money doing that no matter where you live. And, it would make for great tv. 

A lot of places are screaming for janitorial workers - one reason my husband is taking that temp job doing light janitorial at a local hospital.  Pay is reasonable for the job, and after 30-60 days, if he doesn't mind the work, he's going to see if he can transfer to the hospital being his employer.  Free health insurance, better hourly rate, and they're so hard up for janitorial staff that they're offering a sign-on bonus.  David needs to humble himself just a bit.

10 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

You think the bathroom looks nice with the refrigerator in it? Yuck!

That's a can cooler - like what you see in a convenience store.  Not sure why it's in the bathroom - maybe the prior tenant had meds they had to keep cool.  That's why I got a mini fridge at work.  There was a bigger fridge in the kitchen - not quite full sized, but not horrible.

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Per the poster who said on Monday mornings she listens to others talk about their higher pursuits......come sit with me.  When my in laws were here visiting two years ago, they (and hubby) found a PBS special about some frozen caveman found in Greenland or something, and they were going to autopsy it and study it.......yawn.  I went to another room and watched "Match Game" as it was sooooo boring, lol!

This show is my Match Game.

So what you all are telling me is:  David had an opportunity to have a job, where he would only "work" sporadically and have a roof yet he turned it down?  Yikes.  Annie, run....now.

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My theory about the storage unit rental is that Cody works the day shift and David would be expected to be on the premises at the other times. That might put a crimp into his evening plans. And was the firehouse furnished and by moving they will need to buy/rent furniture? All that was in that room was an empty bird cage. And a floor lamp. 

Edited by magemaud
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17 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Molly, your story is done girl.  No one wants to hear you rehash the same crap with your weird lawyer.  Gather your evidence and get Luis deported.  That is the only way she should be allowed to make an update.

Aw can I please get to hear Brother Molly call him (unintentionally I think) "Louise" a few more times, cracks me up........................

16 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

He’s got a masters degree in fatasseconomics 

There goes my sandwich all over the computer screen hahahahahahahaahahaha DYING lol 

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9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What exactly is David's dream job?  I'm trying to figure out what he is supposed to be doing?  Anyone know what position that job interview was for? 

I think he wants to move back to Thailand and become a lead player in the Ping Pong Bar. I mean . . . with an ass the size of his . . . he could shoot basketballs out of it with enough hot air to keep the bar warm and troublesome patrons knocked the hell out. And because I'm sure he's not working with much junk in the front, he could then spin the basketball like the Harlem Globetrotters do on their little fingers for an encore. He would either pack the bar for shits and giggles or make everyone throw up their drinks so often they'd need to buy more. Win/win.

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16 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What's wrong with River's hair?  I believe it's called natural.  Just because his hair isn't straight doesn't mean it's not nice.

And Russ, he's fucking pathetic.  He looked at those guys on motorcycles like they had three heads or something.  I used to ride like, twenty years ago.  They're not bikers, Russ.  I

I don't blame Pao for wanting to move to Miami, I'm sorry but I was in Oklahoma many years ago, I went to a restaurant in the hotel and they didn't even have fried chicken; everybody who ordered beef got their food.  After that I was like, "I'd never live in Oklahoma."  I'm sure it's different today though.

I think it's not that River's hair isn't straightened, but it's more the Sideshow Bob look that most people comment on.

Russ is a bit whipped, but I can see his point that his wife wants to jump on a crotch rocket with people he doesn't know and go riding through the streets.  I wouldn't be happy about it either. 

Oklahoma isn't that bad.  My Uncle made the decision to stay there after he got out of the service.  Friendly people.  Life moves a lot slower and some of the tiny towns can be a bit desolate, but the medium and bigger cities have nice amenities, and it's not a far drive to some other states that have major attractions.  When I broke my leg and was wheelchair bound, people where I live were in no hurry to move out of my way, or hold a door, etc, but people in OK were tripping over each other to hold doors, I got offers to help in the restroom, etc.  Yes, the area is largely conservative, and attitudes can vary, but Pao made her mind up immediately that it sucked.  Had she kept an open mind, she might have done well in Dallas, or a similar area that would have been a good compromise for both of them.  Not sure about the fried chicken.  I wanted chicken fried steak when I was there, and I got it, but we ate at local restaurants.

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17 hours ago, nenya said:

I will have to re-watch, but I don't think Azan had untoward behavior towards May. Plus, in some cultures, especially ones with big families living close together, there is a lot of general affection towards kids.

I agree, and I say that as a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Different cultures are different. Americans IMO tend to think 'perversion' anytime a man holds a child he's not related to.

And for all the concern we often see about stranger danger and pedos dating women with young children, the statistics show most abuse happens within families.

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On 7/9/2018 at 9:03 AM, sasha206 said:

I agree.  Pedro is an asshole.  River may be an asshole but he actually cares about his sister much more than Pedro does.

I respectfully disagree.   River doesn’t care about his sister.  He’s just doing his parents’ bidding.  If he cared about his sister, he’d would have treated Pedro kindly to begin with and support Chantel’s marriage.  

Chantel: how can dinner with your family and husband end well?   Seriously, you are delusional.   Pedro and his sister should have got up and left the minute Mother Cult Chantel stared up.  That’s what I would have done.  

Molly has no one to blame but herself.  But, of course, this is all Luis’ fault.  

David is a user, grifter and scammer.  Pretty he told Annie what she wanted to hear to get her to marry him.  Yes.  He’s looking for the next con.  

Nichole, have you heard of Fed Ex?  Granted it’s expensive but you are miss money bags and are desperate to marry Your World. 

Pao, maybe you should have stayed back in Columbia to spend more time with your grandmother since she was so sick.  Just saying.   Stop blaming Russ.  

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5 minutes ago, NoSpam said:

I agree, and I say that as a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Different cultures are different. Americans IMO tend to think 'perversion' anytime a man holds a child he's not related to.

I also see no problem, although there is something to be wary of: grooming.

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Just now, LGGirl said:

Chantel: how can dinner with your family and husband end well?   Seriously, you are delusional.

Surely this was a Production set-up.   Throw-away plates, etc.


1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

a PBS special about some frozen caveman found in Greenland or something, and they were going to autopsy it and study it

I LOVED that special...yet here I am.   There's nothing to say "culture" doesn't cover all aspects of American entertainment.


1 hour ago, Palomar said:

BTW, RE Nicole - who applies for a marriage license (even in your own country) without an original birth certificate,

I thought the "original" paperwork she didn't have was some sort of arrest (or non-arrest) record from the police department.

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15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

If Chantel stays married to that creep she'll be a fool.

Please tell me what's wrong with River's hair, once again it's natural, not straight.

As I mentioned on another thread, I believe people are commenting on the sideshow bob look, not natural vs straightened.


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2 hours ago, Palomar said:

 BTW, RE Nicole - who applies for a marriage license (even in your own country) without an original birth certificate, let alone traveling to a foreign country to get married without it.  Common sense???? You would even think the producers would have verified she had her proper paper work.  Wonder if this isn't a staged thing? No one could be that brainless.

The issue wasn't with Nicole's birth certificate; it was her police record.  You have to present the original with the stamp/seal, because a copy could be easily altered.  Based on how subdued Nicole appeared, I have a feeling that was a hoax, because the situation could be easily remedied.  She made a copy, which means she has an original.  Unless I am mistaken, her father planned to attend the wedding.  All she had to do was tell him where to find the original and have him bring it.  Something about that story  just doesn't seem right. 

Edited by Adeejay
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2 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

The issue wasn't with Nicole's birth certificate; it was her police record.  You have to present the original with the stamp/seal, because a copy could be easily altered.  Based on how subdued Nicole appeared, I have a feeling that was a hoax, because the situation could be easily remedied.  She made a copy, which means she has an original.  Unless I am mistaken, her father plans to attend the wedding.  All she had to do was tell him where to find the original and have him bring it.  Something about that story  just doesn't seem right. 

I was thinking the same thing. Something tells me that her police report contains a few things that, although perhaps not enough to keep her from marrying her world, might be embarrassing. I was wondering what they are looking for. Arrests, convictions, and if so, what kind. I would not be surprised if our little Nicole did a bit of shopping lifting, maybe wrote bad checks or something of that nature.  I'd also be interesting in knowing if there are hard rules for what kinds of police activity might disqualify a person? Could a  misdemeanor do it? 

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Re: Nicole. We saw that hovel she lived in, and who is to say she even kept the original? She's probably simple enough to think a copy would suffice, and hASSan might have told her that a copy would be sufficient? We all know he has no real interest in marrying her. I don't know about how it is where she lives, but I know where I live, they won't release certain documents without proper identification. So it could be that she does have to physically appear and that someone else going on her behalf wouldn't work. I'm willing to bet she asked that question or called someone off camera, and it was edited out. She's way too neurotically obsessed to just let that go. If she put her stuff at her mum's house, would her stepfather really go through it to find it and bring it? I wonder if he'll be at the wedding.

And it's really bugging me the way hASSan is with May. She shouldn't be calling him daddy, and he has met her a grand total of one time prior to this trip. I'm sorry but a grown arse man kissing my child on the lips is a hell to the no. 

Edited by AussieBabe
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3 hours ago, Boofish said:

Last night they did a recap of Pedro and Chantel "journey so far." Her family has been itching for a fight since the day they met him and he finally scratched. The day the met him they decided they didnt like him and he wasnt good enough for their "amateur cheerleading coach daughter" as if Chantel was on some path to greatness and Pedro put a banana in her tailpipe. 

This. They were dead set against it from jump. River was sooooo upset he couldn't go to school! (probably spent the day in bed, sobbing, with his smelling salts and endless nice cups of cambric tea, brought to him by Winter, who has to earn her keep). Mama Chantel was already clinging to the notion that Pedro was going to fleece Chantel, empty her bank account, and dump her once he received that holy of holies, a green card. Hence the forced pre-nup. Meanwhile, Pedro signed the pre-nup, got a job, worked hard, got his green card, stayed with Chantel and shows no signs of leaving her. He doesn't harm her. She shows no signs of being abused (except emotionally, by her family). But Mama Chantel, along with her weak and spineless husband, rather than try to accept the reality that their grown daughter was married and seemed happy, was determined to end the marriage any way she could. Dammit, she was going to prove that Pedro had something up his sleeve! She's been hinting darkly at this for TWO YEARS and has found not one shred of evidence of any trickery. But she's been pouring poison into her idiotic daughter's ears all this time. And Chantel has caved. She will not stand up for her husband. She will not stand up to her harpy of a mother. If you tell a lie long enough, with enough conviction, people start to believe it. Chantel believes it. Pedro should run as fast as he can. Chantel's weird creepy family will never accept him. Ever.

And the worst thing? Chantel will never get out from under it. She and Pedro will divorce, and her mother will say, "we told you he was no good." And she will never live it down.

16 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

 Chantel: how can dinner with your family and husband end well?   Seriously, you are delusional.   Pedro and his sister should have got up and left the minute Mother Cult Chantel stared up.  That’s what I would have done.  


Putting aside that they had to stay for script purposes--if it was real life? I would have walked out the door the minute Mama Chantel started with her patronizing, insulting Spanglish questions. And if my spouse didn't come with me, that would have been it. Good bye. What dreadful people.

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4 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Yeah, I know what you mean.  I also love her accent.  

I get the feeling that if she were able to work legally in this country, she'd do it and make a life for herself.  Also, I like her no-B.S. attitude.  Can we deport David and keep her? 

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11 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Hey, everybody!  Here's what Chris did for money over in Thailand.  And...meet "TOBO"

Go to the 1:40 mark.


Was this Fantasy crap before the 90 Day crap, or is it coming as a welcome replacement for that sh%*show with the giant talk show host? 

Either way, Tobo is pathetic.

Better show would be the love story between Tobo and Chris

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That video was posted in Aug 2017...wonder when it was shot.  Our man Tobo was 1/3 the size he is now...and no ping pong balls in sight..at least for the G rated version

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