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S08.E16: Wrath


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7 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

They are, and I must take a moment to monologue about how I admire the way everyone can so well multi-task in the Live Chat thread. I joined for the first time and found it difficult to juggle my laptop, mute the ads, read the CC, watch the show and comment on it all at the same time. Kudos to you all who work so hard to make it worth our while to watch this huge, steaming pile of cow manare.

Confession.   I missed Rick slicing into Negan's neck as I was trying to post a comment.   I'm so ashamed.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, oakville said:

Now it's OK to keep Negan alive?

I dunno. Keeping him alive might be worse punishment than killing him. Rick: "Now you're going to listen to us talking and talking and talking endlessly. Tomorrow I'm going to tell you the story of 'The Stone on the Road' and you WILL listen." Negan's expression seemed to say, "Oh, FFS - I wish I were dead already."


6 minutes ago, oakville said:

Negan killed Glenn & Abraham & countless other members from Alexandria & indirectly Carl.

And would have directly killed Carl had not Shiva the Magic Tiger intervened. I guess Rick has forgotten (or forgiven)how he came within a hair of seeing his child's head smashed to smithereens.

"Don't let Maggie hurt him! Sadiq, get over there and help him!"

  • Love 13

Oh, The Walking Dead!  You actually fooled me with thinking they actually went there with killing Negan and was actually going to give you props for going through with it.  But, nope, that was stupid of me.  Despite getting his throat slit, they end up saving it.  Because Stupid Rick has really gone full-fledge into Carl's idea that they need to make peace, in order to go forward.  You know, despite the fact that this guy has killed left and right just to prop himself up, and was fully prepared to kill every single one of them (and honestly would have if fucking Eugene of all people didn't end up saving the day.)  This guy should be kept alive, because what is the worst that can happen, right?!  Stupid Rick.  Or, really, stupid show.

At least there wasn't any major deaths, which is refreshing.  I thought for sure either Jerry or Ezekiel were going to bite it after their little bonding moment, so I'm glad that didn't happen.  It does looks like some might be moving on though like Dwight.

Speaking of moving on, everything involved Morgan cracked me up, because it was blatantly obvious that it was all just to get him ready to exit this show and go to Fear the Walking Dead.  I'm glad that they didn't kill him, but it is still hilarious that he's basically all "Fuck it!", and just wants to hide out in Jadis' (or is it Ann's, now?) trash heap now. Honestly though, I can't blame him at this point.

My "favorite" parts though are the set-ups for next season.  They're really planning on Maggie, Daryl, and even Jesus (the guy who won't even kill Saviors trying to kill him?!) team up, and stage a coup due to Rick's decision to spare Negan?  I mean, I see the logic behind wanting him dead, but to prepare for battle, complete with ominous, evilish music?  Hilarious.  Of course, a lot of this depends on if the cheap asses running AMC actually agree to the price to keep Lauren Cohan around, because if not, then, I don't know.  I guess we'll be getting a weird scene where Jesus or Daryl are like "Maggie went back to her home planet" explanation or something next season.

Gabriel can see again?  God does exist?!!!

Oh, hey, Aaron actually convinced Oceanside to help after-all.  Go, Aaron!

All in all, a ridiculous finale for a ridiculous season.  In other words, classic Walking Dead!  So much potential and yet so much of it is squandered.  Got to love it!

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 11

While I don't believe keeping Negan alive is remotely the right choice, I actually enjoyed this episode.   

I haven't particularly enjoyed this season, but I did like this particular episode.  It sort of felt like something further back when I loved this show.  And call me a sucker, but I loved the "footage" of Officer Rick and Lil' Coral.  It still wasn't as good as it was in it's prime, but I didn't walk away hating it and I actually might tune in next season.

I'm very curious to see the CBD crew fight each other in the next season.  I don't know that I care for Maggie/Daryl/Jesus (of all people) vs. Rick/Michonne.  Glenn wouldn't have wanted that, and it seems like a weak ass way to create internal conflict.

Jesus with Morgan was a little endearing.  I didn't see "use this side for the dead, and this side for the living" as patronizing.  I saw it as reminding a fragile mind, but I think, ultimately, a good man, that he has choices. 

I totally forgot about Aaron and Oceanside, but...ok...cool.  

Ok, Eugene.  I see you.   All isn't forgiven, but good plot win.

Not loving the sidelining of Ezkiel.  His scene with Jerry was fab and cute, but I miss him being a bit more integral.  I think my appreciation for Khary Peyton the actor is making me miss his character being on more.

Edited by TrininisaScorp
  • Love 10

Hate to spoil it for you guys, but that wasn't Negan's throat that was slit in this episode.

It was the imagery used to signify what TPTB did to my desire to keep giving this Show a viewer number, and no, a sorta-not-really!medic was not told to save me even though my carotid artery was cleanly severed... because you know, just a couple stitches and a wrap would have fixed me right up.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Boofish said:

I'm glad the war is over but Maggie needs to have several seats. She had a chance to kill a ton of Saviors and she didn't.

I also think you already lost if you think Darryl would ever hurt Rick. Dwight fed him dog food and he let him live.

Let Negan live. Kill Negan. But let's get back to a show about survival and not a dick measuring contest.

all this! you deserve to go pink!

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

I mean, I see the logic behind wanting him dead, but to prepare for battle, complete with ominous, evilish music?  Hilarious.

Hilarious. You'd think it was Al Capone briefing his hitmen for the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. I'm so glad they have a full library of heart-rending/sadsack/evil and rousing music for this show, so I'll know how I'm supposed to feel at any given moment or event.


53 minutes ago, econ07 said:

not one practice round from the moment the guns were loaded

The Saviors are a very trusting bunch.

  • Love 8

Eugene gave Negan his gun which had real bullets and Negan gave it back.

I hate Eugene but props to him for working alone and not trusting another soul. Rosita and Darryl lucky he didn't change his mind after that kidnapping attempt.

And I get everyone wants Negan dead but why the funk Maggie think her grief is more important than everyone else's? Her plot to "take down" Rick pissed me off considering all the times he risked his life for Maggie and her family.

Edited by Boofish
  • Love 13

If this show were even remotely based in any type of reality, the vast majority of those following Rick would have flipped him the bird and walked out on his ass after his sparing Negan's life.

Rosita lost Abe and Sasha, but you never would have known based on her complete non-reaction to Rick's decision to keep Negan alive.  She punched Eugene cause he puked on her, but she's totally down with sparing Negan after being all gang-buster to kill him just a day & a half ago (in TWD-universe time).

Everything about this show and how its made is unworthy of my time or support (ratings, etc).

  • Love 17
13 minutes ago, Boofish said:

Eugene gave Negan his gun which had real bullets and Negan gave it back.

I hate Eugene but props to him for working alone and not trusting another soul. Rosita and Darryl lucky he didn't change his mind after that kidnapping attempt.

According to interviews on Talking Dead, Eugene didn't make up his mind to do that until AFTER the kidnapping attempt.

  • Love 3

Jesus, even when they're dead, they get a monologue. Long-haired guy. I've got this on in the background. I hope Morgan has a better time on the other show.

I'm sure Negan doesn't die, so I'm just waiting to see if the spoilers were true. *edit. And there's the fucking whistling. Two years ago, we got this crap, them surrounded in the woods, by whistlers. 

Edited by Anela
  • Love 5

Maybe I'm just resigned to Negan being spared, but I'm way more annoyed at Maggie and Daryl going against Rick behind his back (what?), and Dwight getting exiled, than Negan living. I would expect Maggie to try to rally the community to vote to execute Negan or something, not just plot to...take Rick out of power? Kill him? Really?

She could just kill Negan herself. What would Rick really do? Michonne would never hurt Maggie either.

All the saviours went against Rick's group and were ready to kill them, but Dwight actively helped take Negan down and he gets kicked out? Whatever, show. I hope Dwight finds Sherri, they steal Daryl's bike again and ride off. 

Overall, not the worst finale but I'm really not digging the potential Maggie vs Rick storyline for next season. 

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Maybe I'm just resigned to Negan being spared, but I'm way more annoyed at Maggie and Daryl going against Rick behind his back (what?), and Dwight getting exiled, than Negan living. I would expect Maggie to try to rally the community to vote to execute Negan or something, not just plot to...take Rick out of power? Kill him? Really?

All the saviours went against Rick's group and were ready to kill them, but Dwight actively helped take Negan down and he gets kicked out? Whatever, show. I hope Dwight finds Sherri, they steal Daryl's bike again and ride off. 

Overall, not the worst finale but I'm really not digging the potential Maggie vs Rick storyline for next season.

This has me thinking that I won't watch the rest. I actually like Dwight more than most of them, and that's surprising, since I loathed him a year ago. 

  • Love 5

I finally picked up on it after this long, but the Rick-v-Negan was totally copied in the Daryl-v-Dwight.  After continual threats of "I'll kill ya" verbally thrown at Dwight, Daryl doesn't follow through.  Rick tells Saddiq to save Negan, and Daryl lets Dwight live by giving him a vehicle and banishing him.

And Daryl now wants to help Maggie overthrow the Ricktator.   Hey Pot, Kettle called and wants to set up a conference call with Hypocrite.

Lolz at the writers and not even being able to come up with separate interaction types between good/bad/not so bad characters.

  • Love 7

I must both applaud the writers for avoiding all the slangy anatomy talk for once this season, while at the same time the slightest bit disappointed that we hear someone say "You ever seen one that size?" and its in no way, shape, or form in relation to inquiring about someone's phallus, bra size or derriere.

Somebody fell asleep at the wheel in the writer's room with that blatant opportunity left on the sidelines.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 5

Welp, I said that if Negan didn't die in tonight's finale I was finally done with the show for good, and boy did they make it seriously easy to keep that promise.  I can't think of a show giving a bigger "fuck you" to its fans than tonight's whole "Rick slashed Negan's throat and now Negan's dead, no, wait a minute, Negan's not dead, stitch him up, doc."  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  That's not a fun plot twist, that's just bad faith.

The showrunners were talking this week about how next season will be a "new show,"  which would be a whole lot easier to believe if tonight's episode didn't go to such lengths to make sure absolutely nobody died (in this, yeah right, "all out war") and to be so clear that they're going to keep making the same boring pointless speechifying incredibly stupid lazy plot mistakes over and over and over again.

I'd even planned on watching FTWD tonight out of curiosity, but the total lack of Gimple even throwing viewers the slightest bone in the original show's finale was so infuriating I just feel like I'm ready to be done with the WD world and its phony promises that any slight improvement is ever going to stick.  What's frustrating is that this show has long had the potential to change some things and become a good show again, but as tonight's episode fully confirmed they're going to keep just ignoring every single chance and just do not seem to care. 

Edited by bobbyjoe
  • Love 12

I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that Maggie's final remarks mean she wants to harm Rick & Michonne or pull a "coup." She may intend to grab Negan and kill him. Maggie doesn't need to pull a coup, she's as much a community leader as Rick. Rick may see himself as the first among equals, but not sure Ezekiel and Maggie would agree. She has as much right to deal with Negan her way as Rick does.

She and Rick clearly have a different idea of what "justice" is in this case. The fair compromise might be some kind trial and hang the bastard, nice and legal-like.

  • Love 12

How did all of the guns backfiring end up dropping (killing?) all those Saviors? Seems at worst they'd have burned hands or arms, at best jammed up guns. For a second I thought they'd all been shot by a third party off-screen, like the Ocean-siders. Do they think "back-firing" literally means the bullet shoots out backward and kill you?

I can see Jesus being against killing the nameless Saviors who are just following orders, but being upset that their homicidal head honcho was spared. I can't see why Rick is fine with killing scores and scores of nameless Saviors who are just following orders, just to get to their homicidal head honcho... so he can spare his life in a message about coexisting peacefully.

I'd be fine if Rick and Negan's duel hadn't been to the death...as long as it had been "to the pain," a là The Princess Bride. Then exile him. Keeping Negan prisoner for the rest of their lives is a completely pointless waste of their resources. Not only does he get a nice, cushy room in the mansion while other members of CDB are sleeping in trailers, and all the food he'll eat up with nothing given in return, but he'll also have to be held under armed guard to prevent his escape, a guard who could otherwise be helping farm or build our guard the perimeter. Sorry, Rick, but until you build up society to the point where taxes can pay for all of that, carrying around dead weight when you're still just trying to survive can mean the difference between life and death.

Nice that Dwight, who only killed Denise and imprisoned Daryl because he was under the boot of Negan, and who helped CDB at the risk of his own life, is given a worse punishment than Negan or even the other Saviors who had up until five minutes ago still been loyal to Negan and about to massacre CDB. Life on the road, alone, with roaming herds of zombies now miles wide, seems like basically a death sentence. Do the writers think that's the "justice" we wanted to see? Hopefully Dwight and his wife actually make it somehow.

I really hope Maggie overthrows them all, just so she can get to Negan, castrate him with Lucille and let him bleed out. Whatever else she's got planned, it'll probably keep her people alive and safe, since she's been doing a better job of that than Rick these past few seasons. (At this point, I have to believe that writers completely forgot she's pregnant, she probably still won't be showing by next season.)

  • Love 9

Damn, this was even worse than I expected it to be. I feel like stabbing something. What a flaming pile of shit. Sooooo much shit. Shit everywhere. 

It provided some good laughter though. The biggest laughs it got out of me were Maggie screaming/sobbing with her horrendous southern accent, and Michonne/Rick talking blahblahblah pointless BS blahblahblah when Negan woke up. 

Why are there so many people still alive?!?! ARGH. I miss zombies being a legit threat.

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:


Why are there so many people still alive?!?! ARGH. I miss zombies being a legit threat.

Me, too.

I saw "A Quiet Place" last night, and as we were driving home, turning down a long tree and field-lined street at midnight, I told my dad, "Well, that creeped me out enough, that I'm imagining monsters jumping out at us." I used to occasionally have the same thing happen with this show, about six years ago. Now the walkers are only there to conveniently bite someone who should be able to kill them, or as a barrier/roadblock. 

  • Love 7


I too was hoping the show would get it right and kill Negan, but nope, he lives to bluster another day. I'm sorry Carl's gone but he shouldn't rule from the grave, dispatch Negan and then get on with your brave new world.

Shut up Maggie, Daryl, and Jesus. No doubt they're going to try some obnoxiously elaborate scheme. Haven't they figured out that the only people who can pull off James Bond-level hijinks are Carol and Eugene? If Maggie wants to get Negan, just wait for things to cool off, find some excuse to go to Alexandria, pop Negan, burn his stupid bat, and call it a day.

Nice to see Aaron and the Children of the Forest...oops, I mean Oceanside show up to lob a few fireballs.

I actually like Anne now that she's dropped the Jadis garbage pail act.

Still love Jerry.

Maybe the Fear people can do something useful with Morgan.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 3

I keep thinking about how it's so pointless to keep Negan as a prisoner on the  show at this point.


(As opposed to however the Negan-as-prisoner story unfolded in the comics.)

 I'm not even sure he will be around for the entire season.  He might not last more than a few episodes.  But I keep thinking that the writers and Gimple have a very specific reason for keeping Negan on the series for at least some of next season. 

Perhaps Maggie will actually kill Negan, and that death will be the catalyst for the division between Rick and Maggie as friends and allies from that point forward. 

Or... maybe saving Negan and keeping him around will somehow lead to the death of Rick, Michonne or one of the other major longtime characters -- either directly, at the hands of Negan, or indirectly, leaving Rick to deal with immeasurable guilt and then end up killing Negan anyway. 

Or.. maybe keeping Negan around is going to lead to an unlikely friendship forming between Negan and someone we wouldn't expect.    Carl is gone, so Negan can't bond with him, but he might suddenly find someone else to talk to.  

Or... maybe this is all leading to a redemption arc, culminating with the new and improved Negan saving the life of someone from Rick's group and then finally getting killed himself.

I just tend to think there will be more to the decision to keep Negan on the show beyond just simply letting him "rot".  If Rick and Michonne are not planning to kill Negan, then they're not going to starve him.  So he might be uncomfortable as a prisoner, but he won't be dead unless the whole plan backfires.     Maybe they will put him on gardening duty and let him cook for them on spaghetti night or something.   They'll use him for something, somehow.

Anyway you slice it... it's all a nonsensical mess, and this series needs to end.

Edited by TVFan17
forgot to correct my sentence!
  • Love 5

I skipped through this episode like it was double-dutch, experienced a brief lifting of spirits at the throat slash, and a crushing defeat at the fake out. All Out Snore, indeed.

Maybe I missed something, but I just thought all the Maggie talk was her saying that they're going to bide their time until they are able to kill Negan. Maybe they need to go around or through Rick and Michonne, but I didn't take that to mean killing them. I agree that she or Daryl could just walk up and kill him, they don't have to make it so complicated nor dramatic. And Maggie, DO NOT let Jesus take the wheel!

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, xaxat said:

What was the deal with the blighted regions? Is it new, or did I just miss it before?

Is that what that was?  We couldn't figure out what we were looking at and just assumed it was a herd.  

On to other things... I don't know why I expect the writers to understand what made the show good.  I don't want to see Rick v. Daryl, I want to see their bond.  Plot was never what kept me in this show.  It was always relationships.  

  • Love 6

Rick keeping Negan alive didn't bother me nearly as much as Maggie plotting. I just really want everyone to get along and rebuild and fight zombies and not each other for awhile. 

I did get really excited when I thought Negan died. 

I guess the importance of Carl's death was to provide even more plot armor for Negan, the bestest villain ever. We can only hope he'll be quiet in his jail cell. 

Edited by jackjill89
  • Love 2

I haven't watched but after reading this I guess I won't bother.  Seems like TPTB just gave the audience a big ol' fuck you by keeping Negan alive.  Sure, a show shouldn't always be driven by what the audience wants, but this is one glaring case where it was important for us to get a satisfying conclusion to the two terrible past seasons.  After everything that has happened it makes zero sense that these characters wouldn't be forming a line to take a stab at Negan.  They've earned the right.  We've earned the right.  It's not enough for Rick to imprison him and taunt him with some mealy mouthed threats about how his life will be worthless.  That is not a satisfying conclusion.  It's an insult.

  • Love 9

I will admit it was a bit interesting to seeMaggie go full nutso at the end describing her plan re: Rick & Michnonne. I think the writers overplayed their hands when at the very end we see in the shadows grimes (is there any other kind?) Daryl, agreeing with Maggie. That was spooky, if a bit soap opera-ish.

However, it fails because of everyone on the show, Daryl would NEVER betray Rick. Which then causes me to think that Daryl is undercover, that he caught wind so to speak (how he can do that smelling like he must) of what Maggie was plotting, so he swore allegiance to the Great Hilltop leader. So it’s just so much contrived and over-wrought suspense to bide us over to next season.

Of course, the thing that really scares me is that we’re reliant upon the writers of this show. They would think nothing of having a character pull a complete 180 to further serve the plot. But Daryl stabbing Rick in the back??!!??

  • Love 6

This show is an absolute mess and a prime example of how a revolving door for showrunners has killed this series.  TWD used to be prescription television for me. Now, I pop over here to read comments to help me decide whether or not to watch the episode. I’m down to maybe every 4th episode.  AMC theaters sent me an email to promote that the episode was being simulcast on the big screen. There was a time I would of ran to that! Waited in line for that.  Yesterday, I deleted the email and cursed AMC for the spam. 

  • Love 4

Will Negan be locked up with his leather jacket? Or will it be sitting right outside his door, next to Lucille?

Can't someone who wants to kill him just volunteer for guard duty? Shoot him in the chest, and then when he turns shoot him in the head? "I don't know why he died. But he surprised me so much I missed the first head shot."

And, when they were giving him that much-needed medical attention, did they finally fix his back problem?

  • Love 12

Two things...

Are we allowed to discuss the comic books here?  If so, I'm curious to know what happened in the storyline in the books?  Was Negan actually killed by Rick or did this oh-so-stupid turns of events...Negan's dead!  No, he's not...Rick saved him!...actually occur in the comics?  The only way I can get past my anger at Negan still existing is if it was originally written that way.


Remember that dream or fantasy that white-haired Rick had where he was walking with a cane through the house and when he got outside we saw a neutered Negan tending to a garden and being all sweet to Judith?  Maybe it wasn't a fantasy, after all?  Maybe Negan is now like the Aboninmable Snowmonster in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  You take all his teeth out...or kill Lucille...and he becomes a sweetheart?

Edited by A-Lo
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

So, there were a few things I liked about this episode. 

Jerry and Ezekiel hanging out a bit and doing a fist bump was adorable. At least they both survived, I was concerned. 

No one I liked died. Unfortunately, no one I hate died either. 

Eugene was actually sabotaging Negan the whole time! I admit, I didnt see that coming, and I liked that twist. And Rosita punching him anyway one time. "That was for the vomit". 

The shots of little Carl did actually get me. As did Michonne and Rick holding hands on the way to battle. I miss their little family. 

So yeah, I liked a few bits here and there, but it was mostly boring and confusing. Why is it so important that Negan lives? Why are we going to be forced to watch an anti Rick conspiracy next season when that sounds so uninteresting?* Why is Dwight apparently so awful he needs to be exiled, even though he risked his life to help the good guys, when all the other people, who have done just as bad, if not worse, than him, get to just chill? Why is Jadis still hanging out alone in her dump? 

It was really a lot like this season in general. There were moments I liked, but it was mostly just a sad reminder of what was once a great show. 


9 hours ago, oakville said:

It makes no sense. Negan killed Glenn & Abraham & countless other members from Alexandria & indirectly Carl. Keeping Negan alive is idiotic.

Why is the show trying to antagonize it's fans?

Morgan was right. Rick killed people in the bar two weeks ago that helped him. Now it's OK to keep Negan alive?


7 hours ago, dwarmed said:

So Rick is fine with being a cold-blooded killer when slaughtering Saviors that didn’t even want to be Saviors anymore, but when it comes to Negan who destroyed so many lives, suddenly he thinks about mercy. Rick just can’t quit him. Maybe Negan reminds Rick of his old bestie Shane and he wants to keep him as a pet. Gee, remember when Rick actually dispatched with people who tried to kill him in short order, even if it was his best friend?

And in the Stupid Hall of Fame, a medic (not full doctor or surgeon) can save someone after their throat is cut and blood is gushing out at the rate of bleeding out in a few minutes. As if. 

So, so, so dumb. 

Dwight has done some horrible things, but the guy who introduces himself to each community that he intends to fully exploit by brutally beating some innocent person with a bat that is covered in barbed wire deserves a second chance? Da fuq????  Also, raise your hand if you wanted to see queen garbage pail again? How many times has she betrayed Rick but Dwight is the one who needs to go?

  • Love 15

They now have to rely on the characters doing things that are completely out of character to create the drama.  Remember when this show used to be good?  

And that ham-fisted scenery chewing during the Maggie meltdown. Sigh.

Eugene, who, after the shitty treatment he got while kidnapped by his former friends, finally has a motive to cut all ties, decides now is the time to help Rick and Co.

Daryl, so vengeful he is willing to go after Rick and Michonne, yet so forgiving he gets all after school special, "Go on, now. I said git!" to the person who really, really abused him, on a very personal level, for a long time.

The Saviors surrender scene looked like, "we were bad before, but we're sorry, Mr. Grimes. Can't we all just work together!" Maybe they'll put on a play or start a band.

Edited by Jel
  • Love 14

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