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  1. We've seen cases and people on these shows that leave us shaking our heads and rolling our eyes, but this case? As Judge T said, "This takes the cake!" Really, it had me gaping like a particularly moronic litigant. Nasty, grifting hag, Julie, says she caught her boyfriend cheating, so she left him even though she had no place to go. I don't believe her. I think he threw her out, and probably for very good reason. She hangs out at a bowling alley and is grousing about her homelessness. Def overhears that, and even though they've known each other only casually for maybe 6 months from the bowling alley, he tells her she can stay on the couch in his trailer with him and his girlfriend. The trailer sits on his mother's property. I think he may be very naive or possibly challenged in some way. I guess his g/f couldn't deal with this witch sacking out on the sofa and leaves the Def. No, he never let her use it to move. He had no idea she was going to do that. Julie finds a new place to live and starts moving her crap. Without asking permission, she hitches the Def's trailer to her SUV to use as a free U-Haul. Well, on a sharp curve, the trailer hitch breaks loose, and the trailer careens down the hill and is smashed to bits, depriving Def of his home. Is the hag sorry? Not at all. She bitches that when he got to the scene, Def was angry and threatened to have her arrested. How dare he do that? It's all his fault for not informing her that the hitch was cracked. After all, he told her she could use the trailer, so she just assumed she could take it on the road while he was at work and he'd never know. The judges informed her that he told her she could use it to SLEEP in (she was no doubt freeloading as well) and not take it on a road trip. That info goes in one ear and out the other since there's nothing in between to stop it. She's highly indignant that he didn't go through his insurance to pay for the trailer, all the property he lost AND all her shit. He had it insured but only if it was sitting on the property since it's not road-worthy. Still, she insists all this is his fault and he should pay for the junk she lost. He KNEW the hitch was bad and never told her! Def wasn't going to sue the witch, but now he is, for 5K, which doesn't nearly cover his loss. For the verdict, the judges try once more to make Julie realize how wrong she is to repay Def's kindness this way, but she stands there shaking her head like an ox ridding itself of flies, so they award the Def 5K. I wish they could have given him more. They tell the vile hag to go wherever the busted trailer is and recover some of her junk. In the hall, Julie still insists none of this is her fault and would never have happened if only Def had "done the right thing." ??? Pay her for her property after she stole the trailer? Commit insurance fraud? I don't know what she meant. Def has learned that no good deed goes unpunished, and he won't do this again. All the judges, even Papa, whose heart usually bleeds for little ladies, are stunned at her incredible stupidity, chutzpah, and inability to "get it".
  2. I must admit, I always find it amusing how offended and indignant scammers, like this clown, get when denied their scams. "How dare you question my integrity? I am shocked and appalled at this grave insult to my sterling character!" Pretty funny shit. But that got me thinking about so many of our dear litigants. Are they happy with themselves? Are the ones who spend their lives cheating, stealing, lying, working the system, freeloading, always sniffing around to get something for nothing, and ripping off everyone including their own family and friends, pleased with their accomplishments? Even when they have to do occasional tours of duty in the slammer, many see that as merely the cost of doing business and nothing to be ashamed of. Are they proud of what they've done? 🤔
  3. I know precisely zero about the guts of my phone - I only opened it once while following instructions to insert the battery when brand new - but I thought the same thing. I've stripped a few screws in my time (not in electronics) but how else can screws get stripped if you're not forcing them, and probably more than once. I bet this guy has messed up more than one device, thinking he knows what he's doing. I kind of wondered if Def breaking a part resulted from the P's improper previous messing around. Personally, I thought the $300 in free parts P got was enough, but what do I know? It seems P only decided to sue after the "Free" gravy train ended.
  4. Was it 31 bags of beer cans? I thought maybe it was if they were so light the wind blew them into the canal. I see why the brother cannot handle his own affairs. I couldn't either if I guzzled beer day in and day out.
  5. After seeing, year after year, what is out on the highways - drunken, drugged, brain-dead knuckle-draggers and morons who are unqualified, unlicensed, and uninsured - I just want to lock my car in the garage permanently or turn it into a yard ornament. A real orangutan at the wheel would be better than Tyler! At least it wouldn't be drunk or high. I just watched a repeat on JJ. The plaintiff isn't even allowed to own a car, much less drive one. What terrible thing(s) would a person have to do to be banned from having anything to do with a veehickle? She refused to say, but there she is, out tooling around on the roads anyway.
  6. After I heard the landlady say that P is Sec8, I knew P was lying. No one getting their rent paid by Byrd is permitted to move into a premises that is less than perfect and up to their high standards. Deciding to squirt out 4 kids (no baby daddies?) entitles you to privileges unknown to people who don't. You just know she and her brood thoroughly trashed the place. Who cares? No skin off her ass. Thanks. This case made me too angry to watch it all. Glad to hear she got zippo.
  7. "He ain't never get me no car." 😵 R.I.P., English language. OMG...
  8. That was funny. We all know what "going away" means on these shows. Two criminals meet in the slammer and of course, they trust each other because criminals have the highest morals. Who knows how many times they've been locked up, but they go into business and Anthony trusts Daudi so much when he "goes away" he gives him a POA As would we all allow a jailbird to have control of our money. I'm not sure Anthony was able to read and understand the POA. His "girl" or maybe his business manager appears here in an Elly Mae knotted blouse, just in case the judges wanted to see some of her abdomen. Daudi admits he should have given money back to Anthony, but... he didn't. He just kept it. *shrug* Whatever happened to "honour among thieves"? I'm so disillusioned. I swear, these judges are kinder and gentler to those who repeatedly break the law than they often are to honest people who have never been "incarcerated".
  9. Since I had forgotten this case, I enjoyed it for the sheer WTF-ery. That grimy little mope with the bad/missing teeth actually has 13K people (perves and weirdos) who seem to be willing to pay to watch her twerk, shove her buttocks in the camera, and stick products between her legs. This is the world in which we live. Grinning professional businessman, P, sent her a whole $100 and a $14 tee shirt to promote his product, whatever the hell it is. JM tries to make him understand that contract that is not signed is not a contract. He simply can't absorb that, and keeps grinning. Then, of course, the sex stuff rears its ugly head with him telling the little mope about his woodies, or whatever. Ewww. Absolutely disgusting, but quite comical. Her FB page is quite something. "Stay tune" she says. Her fans are quite articulate: https://www.facebook.com/therealdreaofficial/
  10. Same! Then my lamebrain finally put it together!😄
  11. More astute business people who make agreements while they're all drinking. He said he's a licensed contractor. No, he didn't. Who knows? I guess def was okay with that until she didn't like that he brought in "lazy MFers" from his halfway house to work on her properties. Nice language. No proof of anything was needed until she didn't like what he did, or didn't do. Def's cousin is a handyman too, but she was afraid to tell him she needed a licensed contractor to do the work. Why? Well, "You don't know my cousin". I guess he would do something horrible/violent to her if she told him she wasn't going to hire him. Def throws around "God" and "Jesus" and "Excuse my French". I couldn't take anymore, so thanks @CrazyInAlabama
  12. Sorry, I should have been clearer. I'm not referring to repairs of broken doors, windows, etc., or mountains of garbage, entire kitchens covered in grease, huge holes smashed in walls, bathtubs with near-permanent black filth, or other stuff way outside the parameters of tasks for which you could hire a regular housekeeper When a landlord - like one we saw here - claimed it took 8 hours a day for 6 days to clean a 1 bdrm that looked okay in pics (and in which his wife/girlfriend did the work), they get denied. Thank you for the detailed explanations! Much appreciated.☺
  13. Thank you, @Bazinga That's very interesting! In the ruined couch case I assumed (probably wrongly) that the plaintiff lawyer being denied legal fees because she is a lawyer who did the work herself was like landlords being denied cleaning fees when they admit they cleaned the place themselves. The worst inconsistency, to me, was a plaintiff suing for large vet bills after their dog was attacked. The dog survived. They won the judgment. The other case was exactly the same - a plaintiff suing for large vet bills after their dog was attacked. The dog died. JM awarded them nothing even though they had to pay the vet bills.
  14. A kettle full of boiling water as a hairdressing tool. I had a kettle just like that eons ago. Never thought of using it to style my hair. Daijah, Pashyon, and Trovoyun. The producers thought we would faint at the sight of a small burn. However, I know from experience that 2nd-degree burns, even if small, are extremely painful, so I guess the $2500 was justified. I got this ep, but saw "dog" and deleted it. TPC was "eclipsed" for me. I was disappointed in said eclipse. I've seen it get way darker before storms. Meh.
  15. I just saw this. Some rough-looking litigants. If P's witness, John, was trying to channel Sam Elliot, he failed miserably, looking more like he just woke up on a park bench after a month-long bender. And what kind of "business" is John running that he needs to gain daily access to an old RV in order to conduct it? I couldn't help but notice that Def attempted to scrunch up her face and squeeze out Tears for Sympathy at the mention of her deceased boyfriend, but she too failed miserably. Of course, he is. But even though his son didn't ruin P's driveway (even if it's on video it's not him) he said he would pay to have it repaired just because he's such a great neighbour, but we know he had no intention of doing so, ever. He refused to pay even the paltry sum of $150 for the car damage because P wasn't very polite to him. Hey, he's a "True Crime Podcaster" which he seems to think places him in some special category, since why else would he mention it? I did note how his dopey wife was deemed useless or maybe even impaired and quickly told to "sit down". If I were the Ps, I would move.
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