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Meghan McCain: "Both Sides" Wannabe Tough Chick

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On 1/3/2020 at 7:16 PM, Tosia said:

What does Megaphone offer to the world????????


How is she contributing to the world good? 

The question alone makes me giggle. 

And 'Megaphone'.   

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MeMeMe has worked as much as as a anyone????

Sorry,  I disagree without specifics. I cant think of any myself. 

So I conclude, Nope.

Nowhere near as much As her cohosts. 

Sunny was a prosecutor for perpetrators of sex crimes for many years.  Aside from persevering in education and the legal profession as a woman of color when it was even harder than it still is today due to sexism, and racism. Sunny worked diligently for hurricane relief. She also seems like a fun person with her friends.  

Joy brought joy, intelligence, and civilized discourse with people from very different backgrounds from herself on her own show. She was also a high school teacher. 

Ana helps the Latin community, her extended family, and elderly mother. She also climbed up from poverty to serve in frickin' Congress. Ana also continues to promote and work for causes like hurricane relief, etc.

These 3 have gone above and beyond to contribute to the greater good.


Edited by Tosia
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13 hours ago, SuzieSioux said:

Well, Mother Teresa turned out to be a cunt, so Meghan would be in good company there 😂.

wow, really? I guess I missed that part of Mother Teresa

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On 1/3/2020 at 6:20 PM, Tammee said:

I've just never heard of a darn thing she's done. 

Hard working prosecutors don’t normally get on  national news. They go to work and do their job. She prosecuted cases on her caseload.  Most local residents would not be able to name a handful of their assistant prosecutors unless they were involved in the process. Just my opinion, of course. 

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42 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

The headlines about some viewer petition to get her off the show made me laugh and smile. It should've happened a long time ago.


16 minutes ago, Haleth said:

That popped up on my Yahoo feed too.  It won't happen.  Sparks, y'all!

The only thing that petition is going to achieve is make TPTB think they were right to hire Meghan.  In this day and age sadly attention (shares, likes and clicks) is what they want. If advertisers started pulling out and saying Meghan was the cause then she would be gone. As it is with most things in life it's all about money.

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31 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

If advertisers started pulling out and saying Meghan was the cause then she would be gone. As it is with most things in life it's all about money.

I believe advertisers are pulling out. It's the only explanation for the increase of View Your Deals--they're picking up the hole. I can't think of why otherwise. But yeah, ALL advertisers need to pull out for ABC to get their collective heads out of their asses. They've turned into a bunch of lemmings.

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On 12/31/2019 at 9:48 PM, bannana said:

I just don't get how anyone who is related to MeAgain, or a friend of MeAgain, or her personal producer on the View, would not point out what a pathetic whiney baby and incompetent co-host she is

I've wondered this so many times myself.  But then I put myself in their shoes, and no, I wouldn't want to deal with Meghan's ensuing wrath either and besides, it wouldn't do any good anyway.  People who think they know everything and are next to perfect are unreachable.    

Edited by lusinia
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Someone needs to just record her tantrums off screen and let it go viral. Then let’s see what happens. If anything. At this point, her going off on someone and it getting recorded for all the world to see and hear would be the only thing to get her ass fired. Hold her ass to the standard she demands of everyone else.

And I also want a 🐴 

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What I still find fascinating is MM no longer calls herself a political "pundint" - let alone one for ABC on her bio on twitter which she did when she use to appear on the morning Sunday show a long time ago. IMHO she got demoted with her new contract last year.

These days she is the ONLY R on the show.

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Megan says that America is the Bear you don't want to mess with. I would like to think of America as the Great Sleeping Dragon. With or current administration, it feels like America is a Chihuahua who does not realize their size...

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I know she brings this all to herself, but if the rumours are true then Meghan seems pitiful. If she could just follow Sherri's advice (instead of allegedly banning her from the show) she'd be better. The show doesn't hate Republicans. People like Ana, Abby, Nicolle, Paula and Jed. Sara always looked at both sides as well. Even some liked Elizabeth and she managed to have a good relationship with her cohosts. Meghan needs to reevaluate her behaviour without thinking that she's the victim.

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Or is Mehgun not talking to them?

I get the feeling that Numeg is one of those people who expect others to initiate any conversation,or even a , "Good morning ", or "Hi there, " without doing so herself. 

She seems to be so immature as to believe that she is being snubbed if the other person doesn't bow down, I mean, speak first. 

I am projecting obviously,  but I think they are just fucking tired of Me-again's two-faced persona, and her hubbie's racist snide online comments about them, as well as her general  sourpuss attitude. I know I am. 


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1 hour ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

The original source is Page Six so make of it what you will. 

I had to laugh at S.E. Cupp tweeting that Meghan has "dignity" and "strength".  Having a stick up your ass doesn't equate dignity, and bullies aren't strong.

Even funnier was her buddy Mark Levin tweeting "Who watches this show?"  Does he realize he's implying that nobody should be watching Meghan either?

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Is this why she took today & tomorrow off with no advance notice?  It is interesting that the bell is on the table today since we haven't seen it in a while.  I wonder if she showed up this morning, something happened, Whoops said she was bringing the bell, and Me-gun stalked off like a tempestuous toddler.

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, Tosia said:

I am projecting obviously,  but I think they are just fucking tired of Me-again's two-faced persona, and her hubbie's racist snide online comments about them, as well as her general  sourpuss attitude. I know I am. 

There are consequences for how one acts and Meghan has been nasty to a lot of people.  Sunny was accused of leaking stories to the press.  Joy has been targeted from day one.  Ana has had things said about her on social media.  If you can't play nice with others it's only a matter of time when nobody wants to play with you.

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Inside Edition did a piece on this story today. Catch it if you can. Abby was the last person talking to her, but even that relationship has soured. If true, this is what NutMeg McCain gets. No one wants to be friends with toxic people.

Edited by dr. gailey
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I saw the Inside Edition segment, titled "Where's Meghan?" lol. I wasn't aware of any new/ongoing drama; they've only been back for 4 days! Most of yesterday's show was pre-empted by Trump so maybe I missed something?

Must say I was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't there today. Everyone seemed so...relaxed. Looking forward to tomorrow and hoping Ana will be there too!

Loved that the IE segment showed the Whoopi beatdown. Twice. 

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1 hour ago, CynicalGirl said:

^ Nope, Whoopi just said she was gone until Monday. No reason given. 

Maybe she interrupted WHoopi too many times, and is suspended.  

But it's also possible that she got called out on her behavior toward Elizabeth Warren.  Meghan has been told numerous times by Whoopi to stop talking over others, and Meghan has pretty much ignored it. 

I think they need to have Meghan watch the recordings of the show to see for herself what it's like for viewers to not be able to hear the discussion when more than one person is talking.  Meghan doesn't even INTERRUPT people any more, as they just keep going.  SHe just talks right over others, and her voice gets louder and more shrill.  

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EW did say Soleamia (sp) was a terriorist. But MM kept going after her, taunting her like DT did BO about calling out a terriorist.

I'm hoping she was suspended for 2 days and pretty sure happy she is happy about missing Fri when Ana is there. There is a trend happening here.



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The harridan is not here for 2 days is great news.  I am sure she will address those rumors about her being ostracized upon her return on Monday.. She is very thin-skinned..

Edited by Pearson80
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1 hour ago, jkspeaks said:

Her "friends" are super kiss ass annoying. 


With friends like these, huh?

If Janice Dean actually looked at past history, the only conservative woman I think you can say was badly treated by this show is Jed, who was abruptly, unceremoniously let go weeks into a new season so that they could put untalented, ill-mannered, uninformed Meghan McCain in her chair instead.

Ben Shapiro obviously needs to watch the show to see exactly who it is that can't stand it when someone disagrees with them.  

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9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:


I think they need to have Meghan watch the recordings of the show to see for herself what it's like for viewers to not be able to hear the discussion when more than one person is talking.  Meghan doesn't even INTERRUPT people any more, as they just keep going.  SHe just talks right over others, and her voice gets louder and more shrill.  

I honestly don't think Nutmeg cares. 

I think she had deluded herself (with hubbie's  help and having been a spoiled child) into believing that she is right all the time and can do whatever she wants.  That's the way Me-again comes across on tv with the neck rolling/twisting when she doesn't succeed at   interrupting and the screeching anger when others talk over her. 

Megaphone fancies herself a political analyst who has to megsplain bs to everyone else. I mean, how arrogant and crazy /delusional is that? 

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