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  1. My interest has waned with this show. Not to say that I don't like it, but I'm not chomping at the bit until I can watch the next episode. Maybe it's because as someone else posted upthread, the writers are pulling stories from the comics and I can't really enjoy it because it all seems so cobbled and has stuff that doesn't make sense. That is if you've read the comics, you know what's going on and are enjoying it. But for me? Who has never read them? Even with the first show in '92, the writes wrote that show so even non-comic readers could enjoy it and know what was going on, if that makes sense. So I'll just wait until all the rest of this season's episodes have aired and then watch them later. At this point, all I care about is bringing Remy back. Because I refuse to watch a show where he's DEAD. Hell, they brought Jean back to life on the original. I have NO DESIRE to revisit the Dark Phoenix saga again. And I hope that these writers remember or they can go back and watch the series finale from '97-that Xavier "died" and was taken to Shi'ar because that world had the capability to heal him, and not that he went a galaxy hopping to become consort to Lilandra.
  2. So another thing about Divine Evil. As much as I love Clare, I didn't agree that she had a right to know what was going on with Lisa (woman who escaped the raping satanists and who Clare thought she'd run over) or that Cam HAD to tell her or let her see Lisa.
  3. The arguments are in the ruling. I haven't read it all, but based on the articles I've read, the appeals court stated that the trial judge shouldn't have even allowed the testimony of the victims who weren't part of this case; thus there wouldn't have been a "can't unring the bell" argument. Here's hoping that when he's retried (I read the DA plans on retrying the case), he'll still get convicted.
  4. IF Kristina loses the baby, I hope that TJ is responsible so that he WON'T be able to blame her; it will be because of HIM. Let him be the target for once.
  5. No, you're not. It was stated she's due in August.
  6. AMEN SISTAH! Charlie's Angels did the same thing, and theirs was set in the backwoods of California!!!
  7. Me either. I also found an article in the L.A. Times with the creator and author of the book this series was based on from March, and it seems that Mary's testimony was a combination of hers with two other teenagers; so then why the tag at the end that her testimony is available to read at the Archives? And that the theatre they used was set in Philadelphia, because the one here wasn't available for them to use. Seward's attack had left his face disfigured in real life. But yes, I agree about Willie and Tad.
  8. It really wasn't. It was fun because we got to snark on shows and I made some good online friends. Plus the wonderful snarky recappers. Omar who recapped Smallville for most of its run; and Jacob. No rules, you get chaos.
  9. I've noticed the same thing happening!
  10. Yup. She got it from Kay Howard. And Pembleton was also a woman, and you got it-because of the character from the same show.
  11. I lurked on TWoP for years before starting to post and Howard was one of the mods I pm'd with and who explained to me what "boards on boards" meant, so I wouldn't violate that rule. I never had a problem with her. I can't remember who it was that told everyone that there was another forum, created by the same guy who had created TWoP (Glark/David), had going, and I know a bunch of us came swarming in to Previously TV! But I really miss TWoP.
  12. Howard was a she. And what she meant was we couldn't talk about other boards on TWoP. 2014 was when it shut down. I remember all of us coming here around March 2014; and TWoP finally shuttering in May.
  13. I just started my umpteenth re-read of Divine Evil, and each time, it scares the bejesus outta me! While Jane Rafferty Stokey isn't the worst mother (like Maeve, Gloria or that BITCH Grandma Byden), I don't like her very much and don't have much sympathy for her because she rejected Cameron to "stand by" her second abusing, philandering, raping husband. Yeah, yeah, she lived during a time when wives put up with that shit. I don't care. It wasn't until she found Biff's Satanic materials that her eyes were opened. But I really, really, really love Cameron Rafferty. And I really love the relationship between him and Clare.
  14. I think he wanted more money and Wolf fired him. But then hired him again for Criminal Intent. Also the movie that never happened-Noth co-wrote. So they must have made up by then.
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