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S16.E12: There’s Snow Business like Sew Business

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

When they zoomed in on the [Brandon's] model's shoes, all I could see was that the leggings were totally uneven. One side was at least an inch shorter than the other. Whether it was deliberate or accidental, it looked stupid.

It looks like one is deliberately rolled up to make them uneven.  Probably to make it more "street."  (eyeroll).

Two things annoyed me last night:  1) Kenya's crying.  The fact that you want/need it so much is NOT a reason for someone else to foot the bill for you to show at FW, and 2)  Heidi's comment to Margarita when she told her she was in. "I think you need time to show us what you have" or something like that.  She's had all season to show the judges that.  It reminds me of when Char made the final four in her season, and Tim kept saying he didn't think he saw enough from her or she didn't have a chance to show her work yet.  THEY HAVE ALL SEASON to show the judges who and what they are as designers.

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11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I really liked Kentaro's, too, although it was totally impractical for cold weather.  I suppose it could work in Denver, where it's often chilly in the morning and then, hit the 60's during the day.

I live in Denver.


That outfit would not have worked here any better than any other place where it gets cold in the winter.  

None of the looks were that great to be honest.  None of them were practical and while Kenya's was nice, it was boring - not exactly fashion forward.  Margarita should've gone simply because of the construction of that dress.  It was hideous.  

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11 hours ago, Suzysite said:

Freaking Margarita. She is insufferable, which is bad enough, but that unfinished fur dress with the fuschia showing through looked like a monkey's butt.  

And how many times have we heard the judges in past seasons eliminate someone for exactly that - isn’t execution part of the challenges anymore? Especially when it’s this close to the end. The fur dress was awful, and the coat, well  there are a zillion of them already out there.


 But Zac still wants to know what Margarita’s aesthetic is.  at this point in the competition, he should have already seen it, especially since he mentions it almost every challenge. Buy a clue Zac, if you haven’t seen it now, she doesn’t have one.

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10 hours ago, vibeology said:

No way. Brandon's been designing Tatooine chic all season. He'd win that in a heartbeat. 

Zac keeps going on about not understanding Margarita's look. Her style is tacky. Even her initial instinct to buy fur was tacky. A faux fur dress, tacky. A lime green dress with fur sleeves, tacky. That's her aesthetic. I do want to see her collection, but not for good reasons. 

And minus 5, not that cold. Everyone was being so dramatic but what do I know. I'm just a Canadian. I did think it was strange that a NYC bar was measuring temperatures in Celcius. 


I noticed that Tim stayed to give the designers their instructions, and didn't don a parka, hat or gloves for the time he was in there.

Edited by njbchlover
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But Zac still wants to know what Margarita’s aesthetic is.  at this point in the competition, he should have already seen it, especially since he mentions it almost every challenge. Buy a clue Zac, if you haven’t seen it now, she doesn’t have one.

I keep thinking Margarita's point of view veers pretty costume-y. There was that design which she turned the top around in one of the earlier challenges that looked like a costume. I absolutely hate the unconventional challenge woman power outfit, but the judges loved it. Last weeks design was basically another costume as well. This week the fur dress was so very bad, but the judges loved it. I do agree with Zac's assessment of Margarita. If he has not seen her point of view thus far I doubt he is going to see it at FW. I cannot remember what she showed during the Road to the Runway special.

Margarita's whining that no one picked her to go to FW was so lame. I loved that the rest of the designers just basically stared at her.

I did not really care about the high heel shoes Brandon had on his model or the various garments on the runway that were not necessarily weather appropriate. It is a runway show, I do not think they need to be super practical all the time. I would assume one would take pieces off the runway and incorporate them with whatever they want. 

I really hope Brandon, Kentaro, and Ayana will be able to show at FW. I think those three have a very clear point of view and I am interested in seeing more from them. I do like Kenya and some of her designs, but I prefer the other three. I would be fine with any of them winning, even Kenya. I was going to be irritated if they let Margarita stay with the fur dress over Kenya. If Margarita wins I may have to buy a new television the next day.

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3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Even though Margarita has been a pill of late, I still felt bad for her when she was told she wasn't allowed to buy fur when she was at the cash register. That sucks. And great that Tim gave her five extra minutes to run back to the faux fur section to try to find something similar, but as she said in her talking head, if she had known before then, she would have made different choices about her design.

She specifically said she chose that rabbit fur to give her design an expensive luxe feel, and substituting faux fur does not achieve that. To me, that's the kind of element that affects your design. It's like getting to the cash register at mood and being told, "Oh, you can't use [insert any specific color here], but I'll give you five minutes to get some other fabric that goes with the rest of your materials."

What she ended up creating was terrible. An entire dress made of faux fur? That was like the laziest version of a Burning Man costume. I'm just going to wrap this piece of faux fur around the body and add a belt to cinch in the waist. Seriously, that was horrible. I liked the lines of her jacket, but doing it in that ivory color made it look like a bathrobe. If she had chosen just about any other color, it would have looked so much better (and more like an actual coat).

I agreed with Tim when he said the painting/pattern that Ayana was planning to do looked very childish. But I thought the paint splattering he encouraged her to do instead was very 80s. I hated the jumpsuit. It wasn't flattering and it looked messy. I also did not like the way it looked with casual flat white shoes and the black/pink jacket. She looked like a mom wearing pajamas who threw on a coat over her pajamas to drive her kid to school.

I liked Kentaro's look even though it was impractical. I don't know why the judges were so enthused about the leg things he made though. They're called legwarmers. They've been around for decades.

Last week or the week before, I mentioned that Kenya is not very good at expressing herself to the judges on the freeway. This week was no different. Instead of giving a coherent reason as to why she should go to fashion week (a question that EVERY designer knows will be asked), she broke down into a snotty mess of how broke she is and how much she has sacrificed. Look, I like Kenya, and I think she just gets really nervous around the judges (she seems so much better at communicating when she's talking to other designers in the workroom and in her talking heads), but I was just shaking my head the entire time. Girl, this is not a need based scholarship. This is (allegedly) a merit based competition. It doesn't matter if you're broke. What matters is convincing the judges that you have the talent, skill, and creativity to show them an interesting collection.

Everyone else was such a bunch of ass kissers for naming Brandon as one of the finalists. They all knew he was going to be in the finale so they wanted the judges to think they see his "talent" too, even the people who have been bitching about him all season. I laughed my ass off when Ayana said he never knows what to expect from him. Really? Because I know exactly what to expect from him every week: an unstructured crop top and a shitload of straps hanging everywhere.

When Heidi pointed out that Brandon put his model in strappy high heels, I had a rare moment of agreeing with her. When they zoomed in on the model's shoes, all I could see was that the leggings were totally uneven. One side was at least an inch shorter than the other. Whether it was deliberate or accidental, it looked stupid.


I noticed the uneven leggings, and I didn't even zoom.  To me, it appears they may not have been hemmed, either - just cuffed up inside.  Although, it could be that one leg hiked up on the model while she walked the runway - that happens to me a lot with certain skinny jeans I own.  I think one leg is slightly tighter than the other and that's what causes it.

Oh - and I own those exact shoes from JC Penney!  I grabbed them on a great sale!  Not the best quality shoe, but fun and comfortable, with a great block heel.

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Kenya's plaid coat was fine, but not original.  And the pockets weren't matched to the body.  If she didn't want to match them, cut them on the bias.  Ayana's coat didn't have any kind of a lining or facings...where the collar met the neck was just a raw edge.  I did like the black and pink though.  The monstrosity underneath needed to go straight into the garbage.

And Brandon...just what every woman wants: a 20 pound winter coat covering a top that didn't even cover the model's bra.  You can see it when the judges are examining the clothes.  I had a muff when I was five..I wore it over my coat.  You know, so it would be handy.

Kentaro's look wasn't exactly practical, but the collar on the jacket was very face flattering.

If Margarita had to pick fake fur, did she have to pick the ugliest one at Mood?  They have some really nice fakes that would have been workable.  And was that little strip of leather the "fabulous" belt that she told Liris would cinch in the dress?  Ugh, just ugh.

Edited by MartyQui
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4 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

She specifically said she chose that rabbit fur to give her design an expensive luxe feel, and substituting faux fur does not achieve that.

Wait, that was all dead rabbits?  I must have been fast forwarding.  No, no, no.  Just no.  That is obscene.  

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25 minutes ago, njbchlover said:


I noticed that Tim stayed to give the designers their instructions, and didn't don a parka, hat or gloves for the time he was in there.

Yep. I'm not saying I lounge around for hours at below freezing temperatures in a sun dress, but at one point they showed Brandon struggling to sketch with his gloves on. Take them off. The sketching time isn't long enough that you'd be uncomfortable at -5 with no wind chill.

I did feel for Margarita at Mood. Knowing it was a winter challenge, Tim should have made clear that fur was a no-go before the shopping time started. In fact, if there are things they cannot buy, Tim or production should be reminding them of that every single shopping trip. I know they do it for the drama but there's nothing fun about watching someone be short design materials and predictably fail. I'm sure that was in the contract/rules covered somewhere at the start of the season but now it's been several weeks of late nights and competition stress and I can see how Margarita didn't remember something she read that she probably thought would never apply to her anyhow since if she hadn't been forced, she wouldn't have designed a winter look anyhow.

If she had that information up front, it probably would have changed her design. She still would have made something tacky, but it would have been different tacky.

Edited by vibeology
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21 minutes ago, njbchlover said:


I noticed that Tim stayed to give the designers their instructions, and didn't don a parka, hat or gloves for the time he was in there.

I went to a Below 5 bar in Vegas.  I thought it was 5 degrees below Fahrenheit, lol.  I didn't know that was Celsius.  Felt colder than 23 to me and I'm originally from MN and now live in MA.  I am surprised they let Tim go in without anything since they told us that everyone HAS to due to liability reasons (??).  Also, we could only stay for like 20 minutes.  Honestly, now that I know it's 23 degrees, it seems a bit overkill.  Maybe because we were in hot Las Vegas it just felt colder since we were dressed for Las Vegas.

I like Brandon.  I like Kentaro.  That's about it.  I really don't care who the third person is to go to FW.

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6 minutes ago, vibeology said:

I'm sure that was in the contract/rules covered somewhere at the start of the season but now it's been several weeks of late nights and competition stress and I can see how Margarita didn't remember something she read that she probably thought would never apply to her anyhow since if she hadn't been forced, she wouldn't have designed a winter look anyhow.

I've known PR doesn't use fur for at least a year - I actually thought Mood didn't even sell it. So I feel like Margarita should have known, but like you say she probably read it in the rules and forgot. Being a winter challenge Tim definitely should have reminded all, but he probably knows the rules inside out and believes everyone else does too.

If Margarita's vision for the real fur was that hideous thing she showed Tim, then not being able to buy it was a help, not a hindrance. 

Edited by Nordly Beaumont
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14 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Even though Margarita has been a pill of late, I still felt bad for her when she was told she wasn't allowed to buy fur when she was at the cash register.

Oh, now I get it.  Whew, much relieved.  Although why does Mood sell it?  Oh well, at least bunnies didn't die to make that mess of a dress.  

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When Margarita was picked as the 4th to go to Fashion Week I actually screamed "not that bitch!".  What a whiny witch - "no one picked me to go to Fashion Week with them."  I hope she gets eliminated next round.

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Having thought about it a little more - Margarita was lucky that she didn't end up with the real fur she wanted.  She was originally talking about using the fur on the collar of the coat.  Then she made that ho hum yellow?green? weird colored dress that she ditched entirely.  If she'd only had those 2 little pieces of fur she wouldn't have have been able to create an entire dress out of it* and then what would she have done?  Boring dress with a camel coat with a fur collar.  

*excluding the back panels where she ran out I guess and the lining showed like a baboon's butt

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8 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I've never lived in the desert, but I have an oven*, I've read a lot of books and seen a lot of movies set there, and I've been hot. I would at least know what NOT to wear there. 

*It's a joke. Kind of. 

I live in the desert.  When non-desert-dwellers ask me how hot it gets, I tell them that we've seen temps over 120 several times in the 30 years we've lived here.  Their response is usually, "But it's a dry heat, so it's not so bad - right?"

I respond, "So is your oven.  Want to live in your oven?"

(Truth:  I love it here and would never live anywhere else.)

It would have been funny if they'd made the designers wear what they had created, and then sent them back to the ice bar. The designers who didn't freeze to death first would go to Fashion Week. Which would have knocked Brandon out REAL fast. How in the world did he go through with a winter outfit that featured a crop top, shorts, and high-heeled sandals? He HAS to be blackmailing the judges with dirty pictures of Nina, Zac, Heidi and Tim throwing an orgy.

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55 minutes ago, MartyQui said:

I had a muff when I was five..I wore it over my coat.  You know, so it would be handy.

Same here! It matched my coat. I loved it so much that in non-winter months, I pretended it was a purse so I could skip around the house with it. Brandon’s was impractical in every way and not nearly as awesome as the one I had! 

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Kentaro cannot design for plus size models, something he as much admitted when he said he likes Meisha because her build is like his.  He has to get over that if he wants to have a successful career because many of his things are wonderful and can translate well, such as the top he made for the JC Penney challenge, which he correctly said was "for everyone".  If you compare the street look to last night's winter look, they are clearly from the same collection, which I think is great.  Again, Meisha rocked it.

BTW, I don't think anyone else has mentioned it but I really liked the snow effect on the runway.  Actually, the entire set sort of made me smile



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2 hours ago, Bebecat said:

Seems like since M was going to be "saved" from her own bad taste again, they went ahead and showed her at her worst. Maybe the producers don't much like her lol.

I think the producers believe that viewers enjoy watching drama.  The twins brought their own version of it earlier in the season, when they were aufed Margarita and her male counterpart (I can't remember his name, obviously wasn't memorable) became the ones to "stir the pot" so to speak.  Seems like all of these reality shows feel that they need a villian/nasty girl or guy that most viewers love to hate. 

There's honestly nothing I find "likeable" about her and her work is nowhere near the level to show at fashion week, I wish PR would cut the "drama" just send Brandon, Kentaro, and Ayana through and let them do their collections.  PR used to be set up this way, I liked that much better, it felt like a real competion.   Of course, that would mean one less episode and from the looks of it, PR must make alot of money based on all of the endless commercials they show, but as a viewer, I'd much rather see this vs. the current format.

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3 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

To me either it's killing all animals is bad or it's not.  I'm a meat-eater, but meat is not necessary to sustain human life just like fur isn't.  There's no justification for leather vs fur.  Chris Rock once pondered why Michael Vick was in jail while Sarah Palin was sniping wolves from helicopters.

I thought three were going to fashion week, so I would have picked Brandon, Kentaro and Ayana.  If I had to choose a fourth, it's hard to say.  Although Margarita is very hit or miss, I think she makes more interesting clothes than Kenya.  Kenya's strong suit is that her clothes are wearable and well-made, but may not be as high fashion.  I probably would go with Margarita.  

Kenya always has an idea. And  strong idea about how to interpret the challenge.  Margarita never has an idea or has a half-assed idea. Tim gave her the idea for last night's dress. The judges thought she was so clever to have this surprise under the coat- so creative- but it was not her idea! Tim, that was so clever of you. That coat was not fashion, we've seen it a million times.  She struggles with coming up with anything. Kenya always knows exactly what she is going to do and it's always interesting. While traditional, it has a certain twist on it. LIke those slacks seemed different to me. I think she is amazing. I think Margarita is all over the place.

Also I envisioned in my head the exact thing Kentaro would make when the challenge was announced. I had his same vision: a winter white coat with a lot of pleats. 

Off all of them I think Ayana has the most talent. She is another that always has a strong vision. Margarita just has no design style. Sorry but Like Zac I don't know who she is as a designer. 

I think all 5 of them will show at Fashion week but only 3 will be in the finals: eligible to win the prize. 

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43 minutes ago, gingerormaryann said:

Kentaro cannot design for plus size models, something he as much admitted when he said he likes Meisha because her build is like his.  He has to get over that if he wants to have a successful career because many of his things are wonderful and can translate well, such as the top he made for the JC Penney challenge, which he correctly said was "for everyone". 

I got the impression that Kentaro likes Meisha because her measurements are similar to his own, so he can try the clothes on himself to see how they will look on Meisha. Oh and he likes her because she can speak Japanese. I thought earlier in the season when he got a plus sized model he was pretty diplomatic and said something like it will help him learn and be a better designer. I could be wrong though.

Edited by Misslindsey
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13 hours ago, wings707 said:

I wonder why Margarita is always sour.  Well, no I don't.  

Home visits from Tim next week.  Only 3 will be in the finale so everyone makes a collection and 3 are chosen.  They probably show them 2 pieces.  Odd that all of them do this. It is usually only 2. 

I don't like this at all. It's bizarre. It is so clear that Brandon, Kentaro and Ayana deserve to be the top three. If this was just a contest to decide between Margarita and Kenya for a fourth slot, I would understand. Now there is a chance that either Ayana or Kentaro won't make it - because you know Brandon's going.

Edited by Gothish520
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14 hours ago, njbchlover said:

**EDITED TO ADD - As annoying as Margarita has become, I would still rather see her have a runway collection than either one of the twins!!  

I have to disagree with this - hot mess or haute couture, I would've loved to see a finale collection from Claire.

Edited by Gothish520
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My post-runway/pre-winner comments:


--What happened to all those harsh runway slams they showed the judges giving out at the top of the show???


--Love Kentaro, but he's lucky the straps hung down and concealed that very disturbing white wool cameltoe we saw on his model in the workroom.

--I was looking down and heard Kenya describe finding the beautiful material with "bold powerful colors."  Then  I looked up and gasped out loud at that HORRIBLE ugly plaid tweed.

--Lyris is beautiful, but her fatal flaw as a model is her short neck.  She can skip comparing herself to Naomi Campbell without that.  Her head was like a small egg nestled into that nest of feathers, on top of that enormous coat.  Not a good design for her. 

And since when do the judges bend over backwards to praise the "traditional look" of anything, much less a big bulky wrap coat?

--Ayala got seriously shortchanged on her jumpsuit.  I thought the dimensions and the colors were perfect for her coat, and I loved that the sleeves extended down over the hands and slipped between her fingers.  Now there's something we don't see every day, so take that, stupid wrap coat.

--Brandon's was great.  And the purse was a terrific accessory, judges.  I didn't even notice it was something separate from the body of the look until they mentioned it.

--Oh Heidi, criticizing the open-toe shoe styling and ignoring the naked midriff design--spare me your faux practicality.


[I've stayed in the Ice Hotel in Sweden and it's almost incomprehensible in its beauty, but it's not at all a comfortable place, like where you'd ever want to curl up and read.  I was laughing at the designers being forced to sketch while their teeth chattered.  At least they weren't required to throw in a Febreze Fabric Freshener element.] 

Edited by candall
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I am sad that PR has become such a mess of a show. I always looked forward to it, now I cringewatch. Advancing contestants like Margarita turns the competition into a bad joke. The other four at least turn out well-made garments, although Kenya seems lost an awful lot of the time. She is neither a good designer or seamstress, IMO. Almost 100% of her looks have shown questionable taste and were costumy at best. Not even good costumes. I would have done more than stare when she whined about no one choosing her. She is lucky they just stared. Her seething whenever another is praised shows just how much "fun" she must be to have around. Please Heidi, bring back the real critiques.

I know I am wasting my breath...faux drama wins every time.

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I didn't think of this until today, but was Margarita's original thought to make an entire dress out of rabbit fur? That sounds horrible to me, very 2010 Lady Gaga, nothing fashion forward about it.

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I must be the only person who was bugged by Ayana's design.  If she had used any color other than bubblegum pink, it could have been great.  Think of that coat with baby blue or mango or lilac instead of the pink.  The shoes on the model were tragic.

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10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I've never lived in the desert, but I have an oven*, I've read a lot of books and seen a lot of movies set there, and I've been hot. I would at least know what NOT to wear there. 

If I were trying to be a fashion designer, I'd do my best my learn about all different kinds of clothing styles: menswear, summer wear, winter wear, streamlined, Boho, formalwear, etc. etc. If I were going on Project Runway, I'd sure as heck practice working on a variety of fabrics. 


*It's a joke. Kind of. 

The oven comparison is not really a joke. I live in the desert and when it's super hot, say over 110 degrees, when you open the door to your air conditioned house into the garage, which could reach temps of 130 degrees plus, it's feels like walking into an oven.  No kidding.  There was once a billboard in town that said, "Phoenix, It's a dry heat. . . .Like a blow touch."

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46 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

Kenya always has an idea. And  strong idea about how to interpret the challenge.  Margarita never has an idea or has a half-assed idea. Tim gave her the idea for last night's dress. The judges thought she was so clever to have this surprise under the coat- so creative- but it was not her idea! Tim, that was so clever of you.


IMO, Tim gives them too much help and too many ideas. I don't remember how much advice he used to give in the earlier Bravo seasons, but it seems that since the move to Lifetime (and especially the last few seasons) he has convinced designers to completely scrap their original concepts and even given them specific direction on what to make. That sort of flies in the face of the point of the show, doesn't it? Is it fair for a designer to win (or be eliminated) based on a design concept that was not theirs? That's always bugged me. Curious to know others' opinions on this.

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14 minutes ago, GaT said:

I didn't think of this until today, but was Margarita's original thought to make an entire dress out of rabbit fur? That sounds horrible to me, very 2010 Lady Gaga, nothing fashion forward about it.

No, she was going to use it as trim. She originally had the faux fur as trim when Tim told her to make a whole dress out of the faux fur.

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1 minute ago, Gothish520 said:


IMO, Tim gives them too much help and too many ideas. I don't remember how much advice he used to give in the earlier Bravo seasons, but it seems that since the move to Lifetime (and especially the last few seasons) he has convinced designers to completely scrap their original concepts and even given them specific direction on what to make. That sort of flies in the face of the point of the show, doesn't it? Is it fair for a designer to win (or be eliminated) based on a design concept that was not theirs? That's always bugged me. Curious to know others' opinions on this.

But there have also been a number of instances where Tim has given advice & the judges hated it. He told Margarita that her Wonder Woman dress was great, & look how that worked out. It's not the first time a designer has done what Tim said & then was eliminated because of it.

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6 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

The oven comparison is not really a joke. I live in the desert and when it's super hot, say over 110 degrees, when you open the door to your air conditioned house into the garage, which could reach temps of 130 degrees plus, it's feels like walking into an oven.  No kidding.  There was once a billboard in town that said, "Phoenix, It's a dry heat. . . .Like a blow touch."

Let's meet for an iced coffee.  My treat.  LOL.

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1 hour ago, zoemom said:

I think the producers believe that viewers enjoy watching drama.  The twins brought their own version of it earlier in the season, when they were aufed Margarita and her male counterpart (I can't remember his name, obviously wasn't memorable) became the ones to "stir the pot" so to speak.  Seems like all of these reality shows feel that they need a villian/nasty girl or guy that most viewers love to hate. 

I was quite a fan of Michael personally.  I'd much rather see what he would design over Margarita.  I have no desire to see what she'd make.

I've pretty much always liked what Kenya made.  Lots of discussion over whether she's a true designer or high fashion or whatever - meh.  I just always like what she makes.  If she makes a great collection, good on her.

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13 hours ago, vibeology said:

And minus 5, not that cold. Everyone was being so dramatic but what do I know. I'm just a Canadian. I did think it was strange that a NYC bar was measuring temperatures in Celcius. 

It was minus 5 C??? I assumed F. Yeah I usually skip the coat at that temperature (I live in New York state).

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3 minutes ago, GaT said:

But there have also been a number of instances where Tim has given advice & the judges hated it. He told Margarita that her Wonder Woman dress was great, & look how that worked out. It's not the first time a designer has done what Tim said & then was eliminated because of it.

Right, that's exactly my point. Just as I feel it's unfair for a designer to win because Tim gave them specific direction on what to do, I also feel bad for the designers who get slammed or eliminated for the same reason. I just feel that often Tim's advice and guidance crosses the line into specific design concepts. Telling someone that they may want to rethink a trim, color, or cut is not the same as saying "you should make a dress out of this material" or "lose the pants, make a skirt instead". Now it is no longer the designer's concept or idea, it's Tim's.

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Fur is gross, I'm glad it's not allowed on the show; but that fake fur that Margarita bought was also disgusting as hell, all mangy and matted!  I gagged each time I saw it, and her look was basically an oversized bathrobe that when opened revealed this incredibly unflattering pelt of nasty animal hair.  I think Tim should have used his save on either of the previous two eliminations (Michael or...I forget her name), not on Margarita, who will hopefully be sent home next episode after her collection turns out to suck. 

I was totally with Tim on convincing Ayana NOT to paint that jacket with the white, though when she splattered it it came out looking fine.  But the clown jumpsuit underneath was terrible.  I'm really only looking forward to Brandon and Kentaro's collections at this point. 

Edited by Glade
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I just wanted to add that as much as Margarita bugs, I did feel for her when Tim told her she couldn't buy the fur. I can see how that would throw her off. When she initially picked the rabbit (?), I did have a split-second thought, "Is it real?",  but didn't think more about it. I guess I assumed it wasn't, so my brain didn't wonder about the possible consequences.

Also, a quick agreement on some of the Kenya sentiments -- I do think she it talented and I hope she has a long, successful career. To say she makes "wearable clothes" does sound ridiculous, but I understand what's meant by the sentiment.  This is just me:  I want to see runway clothes on PR. I don't want to see clothing I can see in a clothing catalog, on a rack, etc. I appreciate beautiful, well-made, "regular" clothes when I see them, and sometimes it even fits the bill. That's fine; there's nothing wrong with it. The designs don't all have to be "out there", either.  I just want a lot of eye-candy. :-)

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16 hours ago, Marmiarmo said:

I wonder...as others have mentioned...what makes leather okay and fur not okay?  Because it doesn't make sense to me...neither allows the animal to live.

Don't know if this has been addressed but I've heard peoples rationale is the cow was not killed for the purpose of leather only (normally they are slaughtered for food) while an animal with fur (mink, fox, etc) is killed for fur only and discarded. 

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As much as I hate to admit it, I liked Brandon's coat, but I'm sorry, I don't want a coat that is short on one side and long on the other. But the fabric and colors were spot on. Kentaro's jacket was lovely, but the rest? Um no. That said, I heart Kentaro, he is so cute, I want him in the finale for the cute factor. I knew once Kenya chose that fabric that looked like a quilt it was  gonna be bad. She should have done winter white, it is so much more luxe looking and it would have matched the outfit. Anya's coat was ok, but that onsie, ugh. Margarita can go home. It looked like Lyris' head was coming out of doggie butt. The coat was nice, but forgettable. She should have been aufed for the back of that dress alone. 

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16 hours ago, weightyghost said:

You know what I love in my winter clothes? High slits in my shorts and a top that not only bears my stomach but is baggy so that nice freezing breeze can do straight to my nipples. 

 But you know, ~fashion

Thank you. Why did they bother to criticize the open-toed shoes for wear in the snow, but all you mentioned plus stilettos are just fine? Please. 

On simply a visual level, I liked Brandon's and I get why he wins so often, though his clothes would not be wearable for me.  

I normally like Ayana but this look screamed Christie Brinkley in the "Uptown Girl" video. 

I didn't mind Margarita until today. God. What an attitude. And the fur dress was silly. Liris did her best and looked as good as anyone could have but bleh. I like Katie's comment that it looked like a first draft. 

Last, it was kind of shitty to tell each of the designers that "you are going to New York Fashion Week!" then pull the bait-and-switch. On the bright side, this should exclude Margarita, who I think is far less talented than the others. 

ETA: The saggy front on Brandon's immediately made me think of the "apron" that some post-surgery folks sport on "My 600- Lb Life."

Edited by Tabbygirl521
Felt like it
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