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S35.E03: My Kisses Are Very Private

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I try to work at not being a grammar snob, but tonight's tribal - wow!  I think the only person who didn't slaughter the English language was Ryan.  

Edited by RedheadZombie
Grammar error - totally influenced by tribal council!
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13 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

He said something along the lines of hoping his tribe mates did really terrible, that he couldn’t believe they lied to him, and he was disappointed being out so early.

Thank you ladychatts for the info on Patrick’s “last words”.  So, a real class act.  

The discussion about keeping him for the merge was absurd (especially because they didn’t seem to consider using his as fodder).  Good on all of them for making a rational decision.

Edited by escatefromny
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I think he went out the same spot Malcolm did. At least, that’s something positive. LOL!!!!!


ETA:Oooops! Spoke too soon. I think Malcolm went 4th and Caleb went 3rd.

Edited by ByaNose
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24 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

In no way was I rooting for Patrick, but Lauren can fuck off with the comment against redheads.  Patrick could no more control the color of his hair than Lauren can help that she's shaped in a more masculine manner. 

Of course he can. It's called hair dye.

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Man I thought for sure it was going to be Lauren and was so mad for several different reasons.  Thankfully Ali let go of her old college acquaintance saving me from a deep angry depression.

A virgin! Giggle blush.  That was entertaining.  Sweet and hilarious at the same time.  So freudian.  So victorian.  Methinks that the speed with which she planted that kiss and her protests about how she never does doesnt quite jibe.  Not sure how JP feels. 

I want people to look for idols.  What would happen if someone said well Im goin  g idol hunting for awhile.  

For some reason all the talk about who was going next before the challenge was sort of like "we are going to lose"  

Edited by marys1000
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I feel like a wreck from the neck up from a sinus infection and the medication used to combat it. Seriously not caring any of these people. It sucks when I get more value from the show when I closed my eyes and heard it in my mental background.

"Patrick you can stop throwing now. Patrick? Are you with us, buddy?" #Whatever

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Patricks been an irritating loon in Laurens chili this whole time.  I suspect she was just saying whatever to piss him off and let him know she doesnt like him.  Not nice not clever but who knows what brougt that on.  

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Well, that was a surprise. I never thought for a moment they'd keep Lauren over Patrick.  Well played, editors. 

Agreed.  Toward the end of TC when Patrick appeared to be surprisingly open(?) to constructive criticism, I was beginning to wonder if (a) his embracement of such was for real or a snowjob, and (b) he had actually managed to pull himself out of the hole he'd dug for himself.  Right as they started the vote I wanted it to be Patrick, but expected it to be Lauren.  Glad to be wrong.  :)

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4 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

Patricks been an irritating loon in Laurens chili this whole time.  I suspect she was just saying whatever to piss him off and let him know she doesnt like him.  Not nice not clever but who knows what brougt that on.  

Yeah that is what I was thinking too that she was just trying to piss him off but as you said who knows.

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Patrick isn't very smart. He's also very arrogant.

Didn't they say last week that Jessica is 30?  Why is she acting like a lovestruck teenager?

Why is looking for an idol always a bad thing?

Lauren doesn't suffer fools gladly.

Damn, Patrick looked scary as hell there at the end.  I hope he doesn't take it in his brain to go stalking people irl.  The reunion show will be ... interesting.

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 This redhead thought Lauren was hilarious talking about Patrick's hair. Go, Lauren! Thrilled to see the fight from her and the deep, deep bitterness from Patrick. I guess that Auburn Pride he shared with Ali didn't help. 

Still liking Alan, Ben, and Chrissy.

Cole is a fucking idiot. Wag that jaw, fool. I hope it gets back to Joe and bites him in the ass. 

All around, my favorite episode of the season. Hope it's picking up for good. 

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16 minutes ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

Oh my word, JP.


Did you happen to notice when JP came out of the water with the fish on a spear and the camera focused in on JP's crotch at the same time Ashley said "Wow, you got a big one there JP".  Supposedly she was referring to the fish. 

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I am so excited that Lauren stayed, and that ass Patrick is truly gone!

I have really been irritated by the age issues (as usual, affecting women) this season.  Lauren is 35, and I think she's starting to look very pretty now that her hair is growing out and she's dropped a few pounds. She just needs to put a smile on that pretty face and she'll be good to go! The thing I don't get is why (while not saying that she's a fisherman by profession), she doesn't casually offer to accompany someone on a fishing expedition and do her thing in that context while maybe making a social contact.

I was thrilled to see that gross smug grin wiped off of Patrick's face! One of my least favorite things is people who smile while being aggressive. I also enjoyed the time taken to show the dynamics on all three tribes, instead of just the one that would go to TC.  Alan and Joe can go next.

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45 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Agreed.  Toward the end of TC when Patrick appeared to be surprisingly open(?) to constructive criticism, I was beginning to wonder if (a) his embracement of such was for real or a snowjob, and (b) he had actually managed to pull himself out of the hole he'd dug for himself.  Right as they started the vote I wanted it to be Patrick, but expected it to be Lauren.  Glad to be wrong.  :)

I thought Lauren was gone because she seemed like a sulker, which gets old fast.  Patrick is probably a nice enough guy who annoys the goodness out of everyone he comes into contact with.  I wasn't expecting him to be such a sore loser, but I kind of loved his "You guys are just AWFUL" when he was blindsided.  I thought he was certainly being sarcastic, and LOLd when I realized he was dead serious :)

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"That's a good size, JP!" Said after a rise from the sea that could replace Danial Craig as James Bond. I guarantee you Ashley was not referring to the fish right then. I share her thirst! CBS must have fired all their blur censors in order to save money, because there's no way as many loving male ass shots and bulges would have been allowed in earlier seasons. Progress and equal opportunity objectification, I guess.

Edited by Richness
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SO glad that Patrick got voted out instead of Lauren. I thought that Lauren was going to be the one to go after they lost the immunity challenge. They made the right choice getting rid of Patrick as he basically lost the challenge for the whole team. If he let anyone else step in to throw the bags, maybe they could have won. I thought the Healers were going to lose after they were missing their one piece. I hope Lauren sticks around to see what she can really do. It's refreshing to still see her around. Patrick's death stare was funny as heck.

On another note, Ashley was looking hot over there with that bikini on. She is VERY attractive.

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Survivor Specialists Phil (a readhead) is totally pissed about Lauren comments about redheads. I thought it was funny. I guess I could see where he was offended. If you insert another adjective about race or sexual preference people would be upset, too. That said, I didn’t even think twice about it. Does that make me insensitive?

Edited by ByaNose
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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I try to work at not being a grammar snob, but tonight's tribal - wow!  I think the only person who didn't slaughter the English language was Ryan.  

Thank you for writing that, RedheadZombie.  I cringed a lot on this show when I heard all of those errors. (Yes, I'm old and wonder what has become of teaching grammar in schools these days. Often I think I let it bother me too much.)

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I have to say, Chrissy’s bra is so pretty.  

You can’t prove to me that there was a Desi and a Roark before tonight.

I don’t like JP.  There’s something about him but I can’t quite articulate it.

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Glad to see Patrick gone, he was just clueless about how the game is played "Man, you guys are awful" LOL

I never understand why people get all bugged out when someone else goes looking for the HII, of course people are looking for the idol. The people who are bugged out will probably also go looking for it. You're there to play the game, why are you surprised when someone else plays it too?

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Is this survivor, or is CH going to pop any second with the bloody roses. I'm a virgin, but I think Cole is hot( giggle giggle) Ashley is hot to trot over JP..(rolls eyes! ) Enough already

Having said that. I like Cole and I like JP, I just don't want them thinking with their liittle heads and messing up their games!

Pouty Patrick goodbye! What an @sshat

This episode was just okay for me.

1 hour ago, Richness said:

"That's a good size, JP!" Said after a rise from the sea that could replace Danial Craig as James Bond. I guarantee you Ashley was not referring to the fish right then. 

When Ashley said that, I turned to my hubby and said, and the fish is good as well .lol. He didn't seem as amused as me :) 

Edited by NeverLate
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I enjoyed this episode much more than the previous two.  Not much to write home about gamewise but the Camp Life(tm) stuff entertained me today.  Which surprises me as much as anybody; I never understand what you guys are on about when you say you want more Camp Life Like In The Old Days And No Idols.  I'm always like "that sounds absolutely terrible."  But here we are with hardly any idols and lots of Camp Life, and it's like, 90s Real World low-drama Camp Life no less -- will Jessica lose her virginity?  Will Patrick learn something from Ali or continue to be an ass? -- and I totally enjoyed it.

Jessica was probably right that Cole jumped the gun here.  Now they didn't lose the challenge and WHO KNOWS what might happen, and there is all kinds of time for that information to work who knows what mischief, out of Cole's hands.  Obviously, the "but that was our secret", betrayed intimacy feeling adds an extra sting to this otherwise logical strategic analysis.  My favorite thing on Survivor is people pushing their own boundaries in the magical Neverland/Narnia of the Survivor Island, and one of my favorite narrative tropes is "repressed woman comes out of her shell", so I enjoy her discovering her Island Horniness.  My read on Cole is he has the right ideas, but out of synch with when he should have them: too late, he realizes he probably shouldn't have helped Joe; too early, he decides to tell the rest of the tribe about it.  (I also wonder, as he sort of transparently told Jessica because of her precociously effective bedroom eyes, if maybe he felt he shouldn't have done that either, and the way to fix it was to spread the info around.)

In general I think we are seeing much less of people I feared to see a lot of, like Joe and Dr. Mike (after the first episode I felt sure these two would have huge edits to make me miserable), and more of some relatively normal, less obviously "charactery" people like Lauren, Chrissy, Ben, Cole, Jessica, Ashley.  Still, unfortunately, way too much Ryan.

5 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I was glad to see Ryan's gamebot-y style of "get to the merge wah wah wah" ultimately overruled by people like Lauren and Devon, who realize these are people you're playing with. . .

I used to love people that played overtly strategic games, but now they make my ears bleed. Go along to get along, be flexible, have a vague idea how you're gonna get there, but don't plan everything to the most minute detail. It's actually pretty boring.

I agree with all of this so hard.  I can enjoy a gamebot sometimes, but I'm sick of the continual attempts to cast Spencer Jr.  I don't even like Spencer Senior very much.

5 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

Dear Alan,

Thanks from a fellow black man for continuing to perpetuate every Angry/Crazy Black Man stereotype known to society. 

I personally don't think he seems angry or crazy at all?  Certainly not this episode.  His strategy totally worked against JP and Ashley, after all.  His frustration at not being able to open the coconuts was endearing...I feel like I've been there.  I'm rooting for him.

3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Didn't they say last week that Jessica is 30?  Why is she acting like a lovestruck teenager?

Cole said she's almost 30.  I think she's 28?  Anyway, let her have this, she's new at it.  If she were a gate she'd be swinging, etc.

3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Who is better looking? Cole or JP? I’m torn.

Between these two I'd go with Cole because JP seems like such a total moron to me, but IMO Alan is the handsomest this season.

Not much Roark but she still seems viable to me.  Fairly even editing so far I'd say, with a slight neglect of the Healers because they've won everything.  Is yellow the lucky color for a three-tribe season?  Tandang, Healers, Beauties...White Collar didn't do that well, I guess.

Finally, it is cruel no doubt but god I love it when people are really, really mad when they leave.  "I love when people are devastated, because their dreams have just been crushed," I said to nobody as Patrick fumed through his last words.

Edited by KimberStormer
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Not much Roark but she still seems viable to me.  Fairly even editing so far I'd say, with a slight neglect of the Healers because they've won everything.  Is yellow the lucky color for a three-tribe season?  Tandang, Healers, Beauties...White Collar didn't do that well, I guess.

Finally, it is cruel no doubt but god I love it when people are really, really mad when they leave.  "I love when people are devastated, because their dreams have just been crushed," I said to nobody as Patrick fumed through his last words.


I was actually thinking that red seemed to be a cursed color.  No Collar, Brawn 2.0, Fang (perhaps one of the worst tribes ever)...White Collar didn't do too bad, just lost the first challenge.  Then when they had the swap their camp was discontinued (or whatever it's called on Survivor).  And I'm with you on the blindsides.  Of course, it helps when it's someone you don't like and someone you do like was saved.  When Lauren said that there was going to be a blindside either way, I rolled my eyes and said "you going home isn't a blindside, how can you think that?"  But hey, then I was blindsided when they got rid of Patrick.  I like it more when others are also blindsided at the vote, but Patrick's reaction was enough to compensate.


I enjoyed this episode much more than the previous two.  Not much to write home about gamewise but the Camp Life(tm) stuff entertained me today.  Which surprises me as much as anybody; I never understand what you guys are on about when you say you want more Camp Life Like In The Old Days And No Idols.  I'm always like "that sounds absolutely terrible."  But here we are with hardly any idols and lots of Camp Life, and it's like, 90s Real World low-drama Camp Life no less -- will Jessica lose her virginity?  Will Patrick learn something from Ali or continue to be an ass? -- and I totally enjoyed it.

When I re-watch old seasons, I admit the camp life really does drag.  But I still do miss seeing the dynamics at camp.  Especially nowadays when something makes zero sense and it's clear that you missed something.  I did enjoy getting to see all three camps tonight.  I wish we saw more of Roark and Desi and less of Joe and the showmancers over there.  I'm actually glad only one idol has been found so far, and that Joe's plan to pin an idol on Mike backfired.  I'm guessing there's too much paranoia at the other camps to go looking, which is kind of amusing.  I really do wish they'd get better challenges, though.  The international versions I've seen are so much better in that department.  

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I'm happy that Patrick's gone. Didn't necessary dislike him but the whole Ali/Patrick being friends pre-game left a bad taste in my mouth.  Especially sticking them on the same starting tribe. I had a bad fear that it was going to be some big unspoken thing this season and give them both an advantage long-term. And I really hope the Survivor producers don't make a similar mistake like that again. But it was cut off relatively early and I'm glad. 

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Well it was obvious that Hustlers would lose the IC cause the preview had shown a fight between Patrick and Lauren which was not shown in the episode until the IC so we could see it would happen after the challenge. That's fail for the editing in my opinion. They should be more careful with that.

I can already see Jeff on the reunion show asking Jessica who will be dating Cole "Jessica? Still a virgin?". Ewww.

I don't get why Alan doesn't understand that he should back off from his paranoia and build bridges with JP and Ashley. The three of them could be an amazing team but they choose to be enemies instead in a game where friends are disappearing species.

I like Lauren a lot. She has a great understanding of things happening around her, how she is perceived, how she should react to things etc. I miss such a logical and down to earth player from such reallity games. I hope she does well!

Why isn't Ryan from Hustlers tribe never considered as someone who should be voted out? He is weak in challenges, a great strategist and social. I'd vote him out first!

I enjoyed this episode more than the previous ones cause we got to see more of the dynamics in the tribes. I prefer that than a reward challenge that will give me zero knowledge about the strategy in the game.

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I guess the producers liked how Figgy and that idiot's relationship made people talk about them and they threw in the game young people who are ready to fall in love. A30 years old virgin? You must have searched for her a looooot :P

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56 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Regarding the immunity challenge ... shouldn’t the yellow team have to re-start the block building since they didn’t have all their blocks there? 

What were the rules?  Did they have to bring all the blocks to the stacking are before they started stacking or just knock them to the ground with the bean bags?  I suspect it was the latter, in which case they would not need to start over.  If it had been the former I think they would have been forced to start over.

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43 minutes ago, himela said:

Well it was obvious that Hustlers would lose the IC cause the preview had shown a fight between Patrick and Lauren which was not shown in the episode until the IC so we could see it would happen after the challenge. That's fail for the editing in my opinion. They should be more careful with that.

I can already see Jeff on the reunion show asking Jessica who will be dating Cole "Jessica? Still a virgin?". Ewww.

I don't get why Alan doesn't understand that he should back off from his paranoia and build bridges with JP and Ashley. The three of them could be an amazing team but they choose to be enemies instead in a game where friends are disappearing species.

I like Lauren a lot. She has a great understanding of things happening around her, how she is perceived, how she should react to things etc. I miss such a logical and down to earth player from such reallity games. I hope she does well!

Why isn't Ryan from Hustlers tribe never considered as someone who should be voted out? He is weak in challenges, a great strategist and social. I'd vote him out first!

I enjoyed this episode more than the previous ones cause we got to see more of the dynamics in the tribes. I prefer that than a reward challenge that will give me zero knowledge about the strategy in the game.

Has Ryan been weak in challenges.  I vaguely remember him doing well in at least one earlier one.  

I think he is a threat, but in the beginning those perceived as weaker or who are not getting along with the tribe often get voted out.   The best reason to vote him out to this point was probably his power bromance with Devin.  

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28 minutes ago, himela said:

I guess the producers liked how Figgy and that idiot's relationship made people talk about them and they threw in the game young people who are ready to fall in love. A30 years old virgin? You must have searched for her a looooot :P

There are more out there than you think; they just don't usually tell the world on National TV. From religious reasons to medical to being asexual to being closeted because of your family/town/whatever to being socially awkward enough that you keep getting turned down, people are out there. 

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Not much going on with the Heroes. Alan can't open a coconut. Ashley is now actually falling into a power couple, so she's got to make sure to drop hints about Alan, to try and save her man. Chrissy and Ben think they're running the tribe. They're safe for now, so all it moot. 


More love is going down on the Healers tribe as well. Make that - #sluginlove. Do we have a 30-year-old virgin on our hands? I agreed with Jessica that Cole blabbing about the Idol was premature. I would have totally waited to see if they lost the challenge. If there's a tribe shakeup soon, too many people know about that thing. 

Joe continues to be an ass. He's on an island, but apparently too good for undercooked potatoes. 


Sooooo glad to see Patrick and his eternal smile gone. He's a horrible team player. Every other team had TWO people throwing. But he thinks he's such a badass that he can dominate the entire thing? And then when he commented that "based on how she looks", he didn't think Lauren would be able to make a difference? FUCK YOU. I'll let her ginger comment go, simply because that was such an asshole thing for him to say. Maybe if he'd bothered to get to know her, he'd know about her decades of playing softball. 

I did laugh my ass off when Probst was trying to make an analogy - "Ryan, it's like when you're in a relationship...." Ryan - "....I've never been in a relationship. You know anyone?" 

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10 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Of course he can. It's called hair dye.

That wouldn't help.  I believe that Lauren was more commenting on the fact that most redheads are pale and blush/flush a lot, especially when lying, getting mad, pretty much any emotional reaction. 

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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agreed with Jessica that Cole blabbing about the Idol was premature. I would have totally waited to see if they lost the challenge. If there's a tribe shakeup soon, too many people know about that thing.

But if Cole doesn't consider Joe an ally maybe it's better that many people know about the idol so that they inform their new tribe mates after a swap and they blindside him.

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There are so many reasons to be happy that Patrick got the boot but, for me, the most pressing was that he was finally out of the sun. That boy was getting redder by the second.

9 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Who is better looking? Cole or JP? I’m torn.

To be honest, I haven't paid their faces a lot of attention but, body wise, Cole.

Edited by cousin oliver
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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Survivor Specialists Phil (a readhead) is totally pissed about Lauren comments about redheads. I thought it was funny. I guess I could see where he was offended. If you insert another adjective about race or sexual preference people would be upset, too. That said, I didn’t even think twice about it. Does that make me insensitive?

I didn't think twice about it because I thought she was just making a joke. I know many redheads who play into the whole "gingers are evil" thing. I found it a lot more tolerable than his PRIVATE comments about her appearance, which didn't appear to be a joke at all. 


4 hours ago, mertensia said:

Patrick's smug smile melting away was awesomeness. I wonder if he did that smile and the Glare o' Death at camp? It would explain why they voted unanimously for him.

The kids and I rewound it just to watch that smile drop again. It went in stages. Big, shit-eating grin, 2nd time his name is read - smile really drops, but is still confusedly there, "third person voted out of Survivor - death stare emerges. So hilarious!!!


1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Regarding the immunity challenge ... shouldn’t the yellow team have to re-start the block building since they didn’t have all their blocks there? 

I don't think so. Not unless there was a certain pattern or order, which there didn't seem to be. 

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10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Patrick's DEATH GLARE was one of the best blindside reactions EVER! Why because its honest. Someone backstabs you well you don't smile and wish them all the best...you should be pissed at them and rightly so! Honestly though I didn't care either way....Lauren is on borrowed time....no one that different can last very long...and well truthfully she was annoying when she was pestering him to switch out. Anway R.I.P. probably the least aware Survivior player I've ever seen.

30 year old virgin?! Girl time is a wastin'!

Speaking of Blondie Virgin....I truly believe the real reason she was pissed that the beefcake (sorry got no name) revealed the idol was that she was ENJOYING having something just exclusive between them...bonding him to her...or so she thought! I guess she really doesn't know much about the opposite sex.

It's a game.  

Jessica was right about that.  At first she seemed a silly, giggling girl, but when she became visibly annoyed by Cole spilling the beans I changed my opinion of her.  There was absolutely no reason to tell the others about Joe's idol at that moment.  That kind of info should be saved for another time.  Information is currency.  As quickly as alliances change, someone is sure to blab it to Joe that everyone knows he has an idol.  I don't know why Survivor contestants so often feel they need to tell someone a secret.  (I wonder if production encourages a conversation.)

6 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I'm a bit chagrined about the return of the chickens. At least they didn't throw them in the water this year but still an aspect of the game I can do without... *cue the inevitable 'so which one do we eat first' discussion*

Yeah, I could do without any chicken drama.

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I still like Lauren and Alan, and Devon is growing on me. I don't even mind Joe, and he was right about the potatoes. Undercooked potatoes are terrible, and it's not like they had to hurry up and eat because they had somewhere to be. All they do is lie in the dirt for 20 hours a day; they can spare 5 minutes to cook the potatoes all the way through. Everyone else, meh. There are too many people who think they're on Bachelor in Paradise and too many Purple Kellys.

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I'm always embarrassed when people announce their virginity on national TV.  I don't know, I'm not a prude, but I just don't need to know.  Some things should be private -- and what about their future first sex partner?  Shouldn't it be between them?  Anyway, I guess it's sort of evangelizing for Christianity for some people and no longer entirely a private matter.

Someone upthread mentioned the women's bras -- never has there been a better PSA for whatever percentage of American women are wearing the wrong size bra.  Most of them need to be fitted.  I mean, they haven't even really lost weight yet!  And yes, they have some editors who seem to love to show us scantily clad male parts.   Not that I'm really complaining.

I like Lauren.  I'm glad she stayed.  She doesn't suffer fools.  I'm a redhead, and I didn't take any offense at her redhead comments at all.  Maybe it's because I'm going gray?  :)

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Patrick seemed ok on paper,  but boy was he a bad player.  Between his arrogance, his selfishness and control, and his unpredictability, he would not make for a good ally.  And boy would he have made a bitter juror, which wouldn't be good for most of the F3.  I had to laugh at them talking about bindside, when both Patrick and Lauren knew they'd be getting votes, it was just a matter of how many.

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