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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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3 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

I wanted to fist pump when I saw the hospital bracelets. Finally a Duggar with some sense...alright Jinger, your turn! 

I wouldn't be so sure about the hospital birth just quite yet. We don't know she started there, just that she need up there, just like Jill and Joy. I'd LOVE to know she didn't attempt a home birth with a collie, a person they flagged down on the street, and Jill as her medical care team, but until I see otherwise, it's a total crap shoot. 

  • Love 19
5 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

I saw this topic bumped so I knew something must have happened. ;) 

Garrett is a good choice.  Nice family name.  David seems to be a popular middle name amongst John David’s nephews. 

I love how he used David for his middle name and not Boob. Goes to show you how much more respected John David is than good ole dad.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Honestly, my only snark is that the flowers to the left of Kendra that were on the counter looked dead. 

Otherwise, I bet Joe did not opt to nap at all during Kendra's labor. (**cough** Smuggar **cough**)

I don't know if we'll find out how long Kendra labored, but I'm willing to bet it wasn't 70 hours. (**cough** Jill **cough)

Kendra gave birth to a smaller baby compared to Jill, Jessa, and Joy, and may be more in line with Anna or a little smaller. The jury is out on Jinger to determine whether delivering big babies is a Duggar daughter thing. Jinger is the only Duggar daughter thus far to be having a girl, so there's that.

ETA: Meredith was the smallest of SmugAnna's children at 7 lbs. 14 oz.

Yeah, I hate throwing away flowers if they have any oomph left in them at all...I would have just cut off the heads of the dead roses and left the rest.


I was enjoying the way Joe looks at Kendra with the same adoring gaze usually only displayed by the women folk for their headships. They are cute together for sure. May it last. 

  • Love 18

Is that the inside of the cabin?  If so, that’s pretty spacious!  And airy!  Not what I expected at all. 

Yeah I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on the hospital bracelet. She may have delivered the baby at home and they took him to the hospital for newborn tests (they would’ve banded mama for this as well). Because I’m sure Jilly’s medical thingies do not include a pulse ox or supplies for a heel prick test. But I’m certain they will yell it to the Ozarks and beyond if she had a successful home birth.  Because told you so...  

The pic of the three of them looks like a pic in the hospital room, against the privacy curtain. Maybe a going home shot?  And Garrett’s swaddle looks to be professional grade.  

  • Love 10

I guess we'll have to wait for more details, but Kendra looks way too cute and chipper to have suffered for hours at home only to end up as an emergency transfer. If you think back to Joy, Jill and Jessa, they looked absolutely wrecked after their first deliveries. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 24
14 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Aww, I’m happy for them. They both seem like genuinely sweet kids who found each other in all that mess. Of course they’re still too young, but Kendra is glowing happy. I can’t snark on anything.  

What is a Joe doing for work? And that place looks cute and clean - unlike Joy’s mess.

I agree.  They seem the best suited for one another that I've seen in that family.  

Kendra's mother obviously was a much better mother than Ma Kettle, just from what I've seen with Kendra.  Joe seems like a nice easygoing guy, and not in the least like his oldest brother.  

I just hope JoKen will be moderate in their family size.  Cute video with no tittering!  

  • Love 14
35 minutes ago, Catfin said:

Does Pops Caldwell have insurance coverage of some sort? Kendra can stay on it through age 26. I wonder if that played into it

I find it to be incredibly sad that Kendra can still be on her dad's insurance when her own son is in first grade (and probably without being on anybody's health insurance himself!). 

  • Love 16
21 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Obviously Kendra's mother did a much better job training her to be a homemaker than Michelle did with her daughters.

I hate to defend Michelle but Kendra's mother doesn't have 19 kids . If Michelle had stopped after she had her breakdown instead of working to get pregnant again and again , I think she'd been a more effective mother. 

  • Love 2
On 6/9/2018 at 5:19 PM, yogi2014L said:

Also I wonder if/why they chose the names to honor Duggar relatives only? Or maybe she just like Garrett?

Since it's Joe's middle name, they're more likely thinking they're naming Garrett after his dad, not after his dad's relatives. 


Does Pops Caldwell have insurance coverage of some sort? Kendra can stay on it through age 26. I wonder if that played into it

Once she got married she was no longer eligible to be on her parent's insurance.


I hate to defend Michelle but Kendra's mother doesn't have 19 kids . If Michelle had stopped after she had her breakdown instead of working to get pregnant again and again , I think she'd been a more effective mother. 

On the other hand, Kendra's mother hasn't made a living from proclaiming on national television that her girls have been raised to be wives and mothers. If that's all you think your daughters are able to be AND you keep them home until they get married, you've got enough time to teach them how to be good at it.

Edited by Nysha
  • Love 16
16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I guess we'll have to wait for more details, but Kendra looks way too cute and chipper to have suffered for hours at home only to end up as an emergency transfer. If you think back to Joy, Jill and Jessa, they looked absolutely wrecked after their first deliveries. 


The magic of drugs, aka Kate Middleton’s secret?

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

They're too vanilla to snark on most of the time. 

Joe seems like a down to earth, loving guy who clearly loves his wife and his life.

Kendra, albeit young, is happy and down to earth if not a bit giggly.

They cause zero drama, had a zero drama delivery (per the no complications which is why I have a feeling they started and ended at the hospital) and don't do anything really crazy...they're boring. And boring is good. But boring is hard to snark on. 

A charlatan like Theresa Caputo could practically “psychically” foresee the kid’s entire life. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

For Christ's sake What the fuck a packnplay? Why didn't you just buy a fucking real crib?

I seem to recall, although I can’t find it, a tour of the nursery. It was very early in her pregnancy, and there was a crib. Perhaps they are going to use the Pack 'n Play as a bassinet in their room.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Nysha said:

Once she got married she was no longer eligible to be on her parent's insurance.

From the Dept of Labor:  The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent child coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to all employer plans.

It's stupid that coverage is provided to married children.  If you are old enough to get married, you should be responsible for your own insurance.

Topic:  I wonder if Jill and Anna are getting baby fever again.  If not now, I'm sure it will happen when Jinger has her girl.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

For Christ's sake What the fuck a packnplay? Why didn't you just buy a fucking real crib?

As I recall, we didn't buy a crib until our first outgrew his bassinet. We had our house built with the upstairs unfinished (there was no wallboard up there, even) to save money. Much of the interior was a DIY project to start with, and there was no space for a crib until we got that done anyway. 

My daughter has a crib for her baby, but thus far (2 1/2 months), the baby has only napped in either the bassinet or pack'n'play, so I don't know that there is any great rush to have a crib right away.

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, cdp73 said:

From the Dept of Labor:  The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent child coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to all employer plans.

It's stupid that coverage is provided to married children.  If you are old enough to get married, you should be responsible for your own insurance.

Topic:  I wonder if Jill and Anna are getting baby fever again.  If not now, I'm sure it will happen when Jinger has her girl.

The parents are the ones that get to decide that. No one is forcing a parent to keep married children over 18 on their insurance. It just allows you to do so. Married people under 26 aren’t really any more/less  likely to have a job that provides affordable insurance than singles. It’s usually only a few extra dollars cost to the parent- and they can always hit the married child up for the amount if they feel like it. 

My younger son stayed on our insurance until he was 26 because the extra cost for him was $50 monthly as an extra dependent.  his job wanted $250 a month premium as a member.  It was a cheap way of us helping him out. 


Why shouldn’t the Caldwell’s be able  to do the same? 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 20
12 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

For Christ's sake What the fuck a packnplay? Why didn't you just buy a fucking real crib?

We had a crib, but used a pack-n-play with each newborn in our room.  It’s really nice when you’re getting up two to three (or more) times a night. We moved them into a crib when they were mostly sleeping through the night. Plus, they’re great on all those trips to Big Sandy. ?

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

The parents are the ones that get to decide that. No one is forcing a parent to keep married children over 18 on their insurance. It just allows you to do so. Married people under 26 aren’t really any more/less  likely to have a job that provides affordable insurance than singles. It’s usually only a few extra dollars cost to the parent- and they can always hit the married child up for the amount if they feel like it. 

My younger son stayed on our insurance until he was 26 because the extra cost for him was $50 monthly as an extra dependent.  his job wanted $250 a month premium as a member.  It was a cheap way of us helping him out. 


Why shouldn’t the Caldwell’s be able  to do the same? 

With the state of insurance coverage in the US, I see nothing stupid about allowing your adult child to stay on  your insurance, especially if, as in the case above, it makes financial sense.  People really struggle to have decent coverage and it's particularly difficult on young adults just starting out.  Nothing stupid about that in my book. 

Kudos to you for helping your son out!!

  • Love 21

I would think the Caldwells would keep Kendra on their insurance for as long as possible.  It may not even cost anything extra.  My insurance plan is the same cost no matter how many dependents you add.  A person who has 1 child is paying the same as the Duggar who has 19 children.  It seems ludicrous if you have only 1 but if you have several...might as well keep them all. 

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Three whole days since the baby's birth and not one Congratulations! video from any of Joe's siblings!  Something is terribly wrong in Duggarland.

That is strange. Especially since JoKen are not particularly controversial within the Duggar family. Maybe they asked the Duggars not to post congratulations videos online?

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

For Christ's sake What the fuck a packnplay? Why didn't you just buy a fucking real crib?

I mean, I totally had a crib, but we did use it until the kiddos were around 5 ish months old. A pack n play fit better in our room and they come with the bassinet thingy so they're not all the way at the bottom and easier to get in and out. My pack n play was well, and I mean well, loved and used when the littles were little. 

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Why do we assume that the Caldwells have health insurance? Isn't he self employed? Not an expert but I don't think they're likely to have a great policy with cheap coverages for Kendra. More power to them if they did have coverage for her pregnancy though. 

He’s a Pastor in a Baptist church that’s backed by the national group.  It’s very likely he was given the opportunity to get health insurance from that, since the national religious organizations historically have tried to group the pastors together for the insurance.  It’s also possible that he pays good money to buy insurance from the marketplace.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

RE. Insurance---if JoeD doesn't make a lot on a W2 form, they may make enough to qualify for assistance. In my state, if you don't make over the national average and you're pregnant, Medicaid instantly kicks in until you're 6 weeks pp. 

No assistance.  One of the things that folks of this religious persuasion do is eschew governmental assistance of any kind. That’s why so many of them live in abject poverty.  Jim Bob himself proclaimed that he has never and will never take assistance from the government. So if Baby G was born in the hospital with insurance, chances are it came from Daddy C.  Unless Joe splurged and got insurance for Kendra, seeing how his married siblings had to pay off hospital bills due to no coverage. 

But then again, wasn’t it hypothesized that Medicaid paid for Josie’s hospital bills while in NICU?  So maybe governmental help is not always poo poo’d if true...

Edited by Lady Edith
I can’t work the dang inter webs today
  • Love 6

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