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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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5 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

After my college roommate gave birth to her first kid several years ago, she'd start every social media post with "As a mother who breastfed, blah, blah, blah." She could be talking about anything from youth soccer to Halloween costumes and would still manage to insert it in there somewhere. I unfollowed her a long time ago, but I imagine she's still Mommy-shaming with gusto.

I saw Jenna Bush Hager doing something like this on the Today show after the Parkland shootings. She prefaced her discussion of how appalled she was with, "as a mother." No, dumbass. As a human. I have never had non-furry children and I was appalled and sad, too. Stop with the essentialist bullshitery.

5 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:
5 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

What the hell is Jill talking about, anyway? "You know you're a mom when you walk an hour and ten minutes with both boys to get a chick-fil-a? " What does this have to do with motherhood?

What she should have said is "You know you are a helpless dumbass when you drag two little boys on an hour long walk so you can buy a chicken sandwich just to entertain yourself because you are too lame to fend for yourself at home for a week and have to follow your husband across the country so he can wipe your ass for you."


Fast food chicken made by homophobe fundies is the best kind of fast food chicken, dontcha know. Can't risk having your horizons broadened in any way!

  • Love 16

It's obvious that they still have some TLC money left in their till. 

In other news, Pickles has officially lost it. She made the suggestion that people hit up Jazz to get her to meet with Derelict. She was appalled when her own readers said that it was a bad idea to harrass a kid who obviously wants nothing to do with the parasite that is Derick. Derelict has already banned Pickles. I hope Jazz does as well. That woman needs to slink away, the sooner, the better. 

  • Love 13
50 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

I have a 2.66-year-old and this is what an hour walk for chick-fil-A would be like:

Minute 1 — walk.

Minutes 2–5 — stop because child is thirsty. Give her water.

Minutes 6-7 — walk.

Minute 8 — stop because child wants water. Remind her she just had water. Tell her if you give her more water you will run out sooner.

Minutes 9-12 — listen to child scream because suddenly water is the most important thing on earth.

Minute 13 — give in and offer child water. Watch as child drops the cup and tells you she’s not thirsty.

Minutes 14-20 — walk while singing 32 verses of The Eensy Weensy Spider to keep child entertained.

Minutes 21 - 25 — stop while child attempts to tie her shoes even though she’s wearing Velcro sandals.

Minute 26 — tell child that for the love of God it is impossible to tie Velcro.

Minute 27-35 — watch as child throws herself down on the ground and screams that she hates you and everything you stand for.

Minute 36 — continue to watch child scream as you seriously reevaluate your life choices.

Minute 37 — tell child that if she wants Chick-Fil-A she has to keep walking.

Minutes 37-47 — repeat Minutes 27 - 35, with added screaming about how child HATES CHICKEN, even though she’s demanded it for dinner for seven days in a row.

Minutes 48-60 — realize that you are only 100 yards from your hotel. Trudge back while dragging child by the hand and wondering if serving her vending-machine Cheetos instead of chicken for lunch makes you a bad mom. 

I was going to say, I'm surprised it didn't take three hours (or maybe it could have taken 20 minutes, and this is why it took an hour-plus in actuality), because of friends who had a 20-minute walk ahead of them from their house to their subway stop, who were frequently late to the office wrestling the toddler, because "you have to let them walk sometimes".

  • Love 5
Just now, queenanne said:

I was going to say, I'm surprised it didn't take three hours (or maybe it could have taken 20 minutes, and this is why it took an hour-plus in actuality), because of friends who had a 20-minute walk ahead of them from their house to their subway stop, who were frequently late to the office wrestling the toddler, because "you have to let them walk sometimes".

It once took us 35 minutes to go around the block. I’m not exaggerating. Toddlers are sloooooow. 

  • Love 10

There are some great comments on her IG page! Pretty funny stuff and a hilarious read if anyone has time.  I am surprised she's not deleted some of them!

1.The leg humpers:

- "I love walking with my own 6 kids" 

- "let's have a chick-fil-a lunch date!"

- "it's my 9 year old's dream to meet you!"  

- one moron said "hour walk is good for them!" (I really hope whoever wrote that doesn't have kids.)

2. The sensible people:

-suggested Uber

- "if an hour long walk is no big deal, then why would she post it as some great achievement?"

- "got tortillas? "

-lots of comments about how cruel it was to make a toddler walk that far and how sad/bored/over it Izzy looks

-being called out for accompanying Derelict because wherever the hell they went wasn't intended for spouses


Seriously, it's pretty snarky and also full of the leg humpers, but go read the comments!

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 17
6 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

First, before I make fun of this, I think that this was one of the things that they did in the early specials: they showed a lot of their money saving tips like making your own detergent.

Now, to get down to business. Jill does not remember her mother ever using any kind of wipe on her babies or kiddos, because she never spent 30 seconds with the kiddos, and her job was to birth and nurse the babies, not clean up their diapers. The phrase "I don't always make my own wipes," while literally true, could easily be replaced with the phrase "I never make my own wipes."

Oh, and for Christ's sake, she stole a picture of a paper towel? She can't even take a picture of a paper towel?


I commented on the homemade recipe awhile back on the JoKendra thread.  They put some expensive natural baby wipes on their baby registry & I wondered what happened to the homemade wipes the family raved about in the past. 

3 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I have a 2.66-year-old and this is what an hour walk for chick-fil-A would be like:

Minute 1 — walk.

Minutes 2–5 — stop because child is thirsty. Give her water.

Minutes 6-7 — walk.

Minute 8 — stop because child wants water. Remind her she just had water. Tell her if you give her more water you will run out sooner.

Minutes 9-12 — listen to child scream because suddenly water is the most important thing on earth.

Minute 13 — give in and offer child water. Watch as child drops the cup and tells you she’s not thirsty.

Minutes 14-20 — walk while singing 32 verses of The Eensy Weensy Spider to keep child entertained.

Minutes 21 - 25 — stop while child attempts to tie her shoes even though she’s wearing Velcro sandals.

Minute 26 — tell child that for the love of God it is impossible to tie Velcro.

Minute 27-35 — watch as child throws herself down on the ground and screams that she hates you and everything you stand for.

Minute 36 — continue to watch child scream as you seriously reevaluate your life choices.

Minute 37 — tell child that if she wants Chick-Fil-A she has to keep walking.

Minutes 37-47 — repeat Minutes 27 - 35, with added screaming about how child HATES CHICKEN, even though she’s demanded it for dinner for seven days in a row.

Minutes 48-60 — realize that you are only 100 yards from your hotel. Trudge back while dragging child by the hand and wondering if serving her vending-machine Cheetos instead of chicken for lunch makes you a bad mom. 

I wish I could "like" this a thousand times.  Even tho my son is an adult now, I remember walks like this.  I would also add stopping every few minutes for him to pick up a rock or stick along the way.

My favorite parts of your post are your daughter stopping to tie her Velcro sandals & your last line about serving her vending machine Cheetos instead of lunch.  You definitely are a mom!!

Edited by Barb23
  • Love 12
8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

In other news, Pickles has officially lost it. She made the suggestion that people hit up Jazz to get her to meet with Derelict. She was appalled when her own readers said that it was a bad idea to harrass a kid who obviously wants nothing to do with the parasite that is Derick. Derelict has already banned Pickles. I hope Jazz does as well. That woman needs to slink away, the sooner, the better. 

Remember when people thought she was being facetious? She actually seems to believe not only that some kind of meeting of the minds can occur with someone of Derick's mentality and the people he rails against, but that she can be the one to broker this peace. Haha. Hahaha.

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, graefin said:

Remember when people thought she was being facetious? She actually seems to believe not only that some kind of meeting of the minds can occur with someone of Derick's mentality and the people he rails against, but that she can be the one to broker this peace. Haha. Hahaha.

It’s very gross for her to want to facilitate this meeting that’s basically for her entertainment. Derick isn’t going to stop being a bigoted ass banana (credit to a Twitter hero for that phrase) and subjecting children to his nonsense, no matter how educated they are, in mean. Nothing is going to change and make the situation better. Jazz and the Parkland kids have a full plate of making actual change to bother with a has been reality show “volunteer”. 

  • Love 20

It's not a double stroller for sure, but it could be one of those that has a place for a second child to stand on. My friend has one of those. Still a long way for poor Izzy to stand. If it's not one of those, that's just child abuse to make that kid walk that long in the hot sun. I'd slap her if I could.

Edited by Madtown
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, graefin said:

Remember when people thought she was being facetious? She actually seems to believe not only that some kind of meeting of the minds can occur with someone of Derick's mentality and the people he rails against, but that she can be the one to broker this peace. Haha. Hahaha.

seriously! I follow her just for the pictures but OMG she truly is batshit insane. She needs another hobby.

  • Love 3

Finally read Pickles’ absurd post and just WOW. She is truly convinced Jazz and her mother just have not seen her messages. When told she is pressuring the child, Pickles snaps that it’s up to Jazz to feel pressured. Also says that as an activist it is Jazz’s obligation to meet with Derelict. What in the world is wrong with this woman?

If I was Jazz and her mom I’d block her meddling, ostentatious ass. If I was her father I’d have my law firm send a cease and desist letter, and threaten a restraining order for shits and giggles. I would not take kindly to her stalking my child and asking others to do the same. 

I’ve read Pickles is a teacher. Does anyone know her age? Does she have a spouse or family? She seems awfully lonely and slightly off her rocker.

Edited by SMama
  • Love 16
10 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

It once took us 35 minutes to go around the block. I’m not exaggerating. Toddlers are sloooooow. 

And stubborn . We babysat my niece when she was that age and it was 2 minutes of walking , 5 minutes of staring at a stone on the ground , 3 minutes of screaming for the stroller , 1 minute in the stroller ... and then we had to carry her all the way back to the car because she didn't want to sit but also didn't want to walk .

  • Love 7
20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Do you guys remember the scene where Jill was trying to give Izzy a piano lesson and he was squirmy and restless? Derelict sternly told him his lesson wasn't over, despite the poor kid's attention span clearly lapsing. I get the vibe Izzy's learned to go with the flow or else. Jill is oblivious to her child's emotions, so short of Izzy passing out on the sidewalk, nothing was coming between Jill and her Chik Fil A.

I'm not so sure even that would have stopped her.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Portia said:

I finally clicked through all the Chick-Fil-A pics. Um, Jill? Based on the boys' expressions, you were the only one who was "enjoying" the experience. They look miserable in every single picture. WOW, she lacks self-awareness. That makes her look like a terrible, terrible parent.

Not to mention the possibility of altitude sickness affecting the boys.  

  • Love 16
13 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I just can't handle that she looks so effing surprised when she arrives at her destination....   Is it really that shocking??    If so, that is just sad and should not be a social media post.   Just sayin'

Hahahaha I felt the same way about the open mouthed, "surprised" look with the nuggets. It said, "oh my goooooddddd!!!!! I just ordered chicken nuggets, received a box that said chicken nuggets, opened it...AND BY GOD, THERE WERE CHICKEN NUGGETS IN THERE!!!!!! Whoaaaaaa! Call the presses! I thought it would be a pirate's booty treasure in that little box, but lo and behold, the chicken nugget box contained chicken nuggets!"

i think the open mouthed look is okayyyyyy sometimes, provided it meets certain standards:

1. Less than 25% of your pics have this pose

2. It is a selfie in a neutral location, like your house

3. You're on a fun vacation, like walking down the beach, and it's an "excited" face, preferably with someone else so you look like you're both celebrating 

3. You're drunk

4. You actually ARE surprised, like your friends threw you a last minute birthday party.

that's about all I can think of.

  • Love 16
18 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Jilly Willy should have just waited for Derick to pick them up and drive them there. Or had him go through drive through. Who pushes a baby in a stroller alongside a three lane road for an hour just to get fast food? 

They obviously have Iphones so GrubHub/UberEats/DoorDash would have been a better choice than hauling your small children 1.5 hours for fast-fucking-food.  But exercise yay?  Or she could have stayed home.  I don't have any fears that women will be throwing themselves at Dickweed if she weren't there to be his accountability partner.  It is also a waste of $ for someone be it donors or themselves to pay for Jill and fam to travel with him everywhere he goes.  Problem is she has no life of her own.  Most people would think being a mom would be enough of a life but you never know what mayhem a wayward shower curtain could inflict so she needs to be with her protector.  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Portia said:

I finally clicked through all the Chick-Fil-A pics. Um, Jill? Based on the boys' expressions, you were the only one who was "enjoying" the experience. They look miserable in every single picture. WOW, she lacks self-awareness. That makes her look like a terrible, terrible parent.

Jill is comforted by CFA, that's all that really matters. She's the type go to Paris and visit the McDonalds first thing. Plus, she probably had a gift card. 

  • Love 9

I don't mind them walking. When I was about Is's age, we lived in a city and my parents walked around with me all over the city. It was probably more dangerous than where Jill was walking.   We did it like Jill for exercise and entertainment. Now if I was really tired, they would either carry me or find a mode of transport to take home. (Usually a bus to our neighborhood.) Jill and her sons are at least on a sidewalk. 

Now Jill didn't have to go for that long hike. But there millions of American children who grow up in cities and either can't afford a car or it's too much of a hassle to take a car places. They walk all the time.  Food deserts are areas where people do not have access to a car and they have to walk a certain number of miles to get to a grocery store. And that's in America.  Water.org is a new charity that puts water in people's house, because people in third world countries have to get up and walk sometimes several miles to get water.

Jill didn't have to walk that for that long or that far and she didn't have to go to her favorite restaurant. That's a first world problem. But it's also a first world problem to say children shouldn't have to walk anywhere ever. He's young, but he's big and healthy. He doesn't look dehydrated. Although if that's Colorado, dehydration can be a problem. Jill should take care to make sure she and her boys get enough water. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 15

Have Jill or Derick ever said why it is that she follows him on his 'mission' trips? She seems to be the only spouse that goes along; I'm sure he's not the only guide/instructor/adult/chaperone sent to watch over those college students. No one else brings along their whole family. It has to cost them a pretty penny to do so. Part of me thinks it's because Jill is NOT capable of living on her own with her two children. She has to have another adult with her and none of her sisters want to babysit HER. I also think it may be part of their upbringing that spouses should NOT be separated if at all possible. 

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Jenilane6 said:

Not to mention the possibility of altitude sickness affecting the boys.  

For real! Altitude sickness is an actual thing, it knows no age limits and it’s horrible! 

A real mom is aware of such possibilities and would look for the symptoms.

I had it several years ago when I went to Utah for a long weekend (I live in SoCal) during the winter. I was so sick that I never left the cabin during the four days except for going out to dinner on the last night. If I wasn’t getting up & vomiting in the middle of the night, I was sleeping or drinking gallons of water or diet Canada Dry ginger ale because nothing made it go away! If I had been forced to do anything by anyone while sick, I would’ve face palmed myself a la Israel.

Those poor boys! We know if they were impacted by the altitude, Jill wouldn’t even recognize excessive vomiting or Izzy trying to articulate he is nauseous & has a headache.

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, Bridget said:

For real! Altitude sickness is an actual thing, it knows no age limits and it’s horrible! 

A real mom is aware of such possibilities and would look for the symptoms.

I had it several years ago when I went to Utah for a long weekend (I live in SoCal) during the winter. I was so sick that I never left the cabin during the four days except for going out to dinner on the last night. If I wasn’t getting up & vomiting in the middle of the night, I was sleeping or drinking gallons of water or diet Canada Dry ginger ale because nothing made it go away! If I had been forced to do anything by anyone while sick, I would’ve face palmed myself a la Israel.

Those poor boys! We know if they were impacted by the altitude, Jill wouldn’t even recognize excessive vomiting or Izzy trying to articulate he is nauseous & has a headache.

But she has medical thingys!!!!  She's the next best thing to a board certified doctor!!!! 

  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, Bridget said:

For real! Altitude sickness is an actual thing, it knows no age limits and it’s horrible! 

A real mom is aware of such possibilities and would look for the symptoms.

I had it several years ago when I went to Utah for a long weekend (I live in SoCal) during the winter. I was so sick that I never left the cabin during the four days except for going out to dinner on the last night. If I wasn’t getting up & vomiting in the middle of the night, I was sleeping or drinking gallons of water or diet Canada Dry ginger ale because nothing made it go away! If I had been forced to do anything by anyone while sick, I would’ve face palmed myself a la Israel.

Those poor boys! We know if they were impacted by the altitude, Jill wouldn’t even recognize excessive vomiting or Izzy trying to articulate he is nauseous & has a headache.

I haven't had as much experience with altitude sickness, so thank you for the insight.

Jill would notice excessive vomitting. Maybe not if he has a headache.

The kids don't look that unhappy to me. They look like they normally do, and they seem pretty normal.  They don't seemed thrilled, but they seem fine to me. 

I guess the one thing I would want is some protection for their eyes from the sun. They do seem to be squinting. He may have his head in hands to block out light.  

  • Love 2

I think it is really funny that they wouldn't let Jill and the kids hang out with the ministry students for the day.  I guess they had enough of her sitting on Derick's lap and hanging on him when she went on their trip to Mexico.  She wasn't even allowed to eat lunch with the group this time.  How funny is that?  This is the last trip planned for the ministry students, but Derick's course continues until the end of July.  Then, he really will have to come up with some kind of a job instead of just pretending that he has one like he does now. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, floridamom said:

Have Jill or Derick ever said why it is that she follows him on his 'mission' trips? She seems to be the only spouse that goes along; I'm sure he's not the only guide/instructor/adult/chaperone sent to watch over those college students. No one else brings along their whole family. It has to cost them a pretty penny to do so. Part of me thinks it's because Jill is NOT capable of living on her own with her two children. She has to have another adult with her and none of her sisters want to babysit HER. I also think it may be part of their upbringing that spouses should NOT be separated if at all possible. 

Is it that Gothard umbrella-of-protection thing? Anna wasn't allowed to live alone either when Josh got sent to fake rehab. Of course, there is a difference between a "headship" being away for a few days vs. several months, but the Dillards aren't particularly known for their discernment.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, floridamom said:

Have Jill or Derick ever said why it is that she follows him on his 'mission' trips? She seems to be the only spouse that goes along; I'm sure he's not the only guide/instructor/adult/chaperone sent to watch over those college students. No one else brings along their whole family. It has to cost them a pretty penny to do so. Part of me thinks it's because Jill is NOT capable of living on her own with her two children. She has to have another adult with her and none of her sisters want to babysit HER. I also think it may be part of their upbringing that spouses should NOT be separated if at all possible. 

I think this last part is annoyingly ingrained into society as well. If you are single, you have to 100% be thrilled to be alone all the time, and if coupled, you must always be together, and definitely never spend a night apart except in extreme situations. Single people aren't allowed to complain about doing everything alone in our society; they must eat every meal by themselves and feel comfortable going alone to movies, restaurants, trips, etc, because they are single. They're also expected to act like they LOVE being single allllllll the time, and any admission that it would be nice if things changed is viewed as desperate, or making others uncomfortable. 

However, some people think there is something waaaaaay wrong with a marriage if they're not together 24/7. God forbid that one member of the couple may want to go to the store alone, or especially on a weekend trip! In my last relationship, people would act shocked that I would go visit my family alone for a weekend. Ummm yeah! Just because we were together didn't mean he had to be glued to me. My ex also golfed a lot, and his mom was amazed that it didn't bother me when he'd go on a trip for a week with his golfing friends. Well, he earned that trip, because he worked hard and deserved some time off to do what he wanted! Plus, a week isn't that long to be away from a boyfriend...what about military relationships?! What about the two years I was single before I met him? Compared to that, a week is nothing. 

 I think the whole thing is so weird, because if you LOVE taking yourself out to a nice dinner for one and then then movies, and heck, even spend thanksgiving alone in your little apartment, won't it be jarring to get with someone and then have to become their barnacle? Why would any single person seek a relationship if they truly loved doing everything alone so much, and how could someone survive a breakup if humans had to be with a partner every second of the day? 

The duggars seem to take society's decree that couples should always be together to the extreme. Even the male spouses don't work, haha! They do seem relaxed on society's "single people must be ridiculously independent" thing though. I don't see JB insisting that Jana go to carrabba's alone so she won't "look" desperate, lol!

  • Love 14

You know, I think the real reason that Jill is such a clinger isn’t that she’s afraid other women would throw themselves at Dullard. It’s really that she’s afraid he’d throw himself at other women. And she’s afraid he’d find a willing woman who was better than her, and Dullard would end up leaving her and the boys. 

As if there’s someone else desperate enough to want an unemployed hobo. 

  • Love 15

I am not a psychologist nor do I play one on television, but Jill kinda reminds me of Dependent Personality Disorder. Okay what am I saying... I think there are other married Duggar women who may show symptoms of the disorder. Here is a couple of symptoms:  Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for himself or herself.  Is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself.  Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. Goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant. Needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his or her life.

And speaking of people who think couples who are not joined at the hips. My one uncle thought it was weird because I brought items at the store by myself instead of buying them with my husband. I also had people give me strange looks when I do not go out of town with my husband or took the same days off with him for vacation time. Really... I am capable of spending time by myself, and my husband can visit his family by himself (yes I admit I do not want to visit his family.)

On 4/5/2018 at 6:04 PM, bigskygirl said:

I am not a psychologist nor do I play one on television, but Jill kinda reminds me of Dependent Personality Disorder. Okay what am I saying... I think there are other married Duggar women who may show symptoms of the disorder. Here is a couple of symptoms:  Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for himself or herself.  Is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself.  Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. Goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant. Needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his or her life.

And speaking of people who think couples who are not joined at the hips. My one uncle thought it was weird because I brought items at the store by myself instead of buying them with my husband. I also had people give me strange looks when I do not go out of town with my husband or took the same days off with him for vacation time. Really... I am capable of spending time by myself, and my husband can visit his family by himself (yes I admit I do not want to visit his family.)

I have a client like that. (I am a graphic designer).  They can’t decide whether or not they need letterhead and envelopes. Can’t make a decision to save their life. 

Edited by Westiepeach
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

I have a client like that. (I am a graphic designer).  An orthodontist who can’t decide whether or not they need letterhead and envelopes. Can’t make a decision to save their life. 

Makes me wonder how good of an orthodontist your client is.

I know someone  like Jill. You thought Derelict was a major loser, you should have seen the one guy she ended up "dating" one time. Long story short...His friend ended up at her house. She calls the cops. An officer arrives at her house, and the guy takes out a pistol or hand gun and threatens officer. Stand off with local law enforcement for a few hours before the guy gives himself up. She ends up going to California for six months because her mother thinks she could not handle things by herself. She wanted me to tell everyone she was in the Witness Protection Program because she did not want the real story to come out. The sad fact was a few years after all this was the fact she wanted to get back with the loser and wanted me to tell her it was okay. When all is said and done, I say she is non-fundie older version of Jill. She is not married, no kids, and her mother runs her life. I hate to think what is going to happen when her mother dies.

10 minutes ago, Future Cat Lady said:

I wonder if the Josh "cheating" scandal (do we know if he actually had sex with someone else?) affected how these girls view men and their spouses. Maybe they're really afraid it could happen to them. 

I think it does play a part in it (and yes, I think Josh did cheat.) I do not think the women Derelict is around is going to tempt him to cheat because only in his sad pathetic mind does he consider himself a great catch.

56 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I am not a psychologist nor do I play one on television, but Jill kinda reminds me of Dependent Personality Disorder. Okay what am I saying... I think there are other married Duggar women who may show symptoms of the disorder. Here is a couple of symptoms:  Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for himself or herself.  Is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself.  Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. Goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant. Needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his or her life.

And speaking of people who think couples who are not joined at the hips. My one uncle thought it was weird because I brought items at the store by myself instead of buying them with my husband. I also had people give me strange looks when I do not go out of town with my husband or took the same days off with him for vacation time. Really... I am capable of spending time by myself, and my husband can visit his family by himself (yes I admit I do not want to visit his family.)

Yes to everything!!! Ugh, that attitude really annoys me. Like...I enjoy grocery shopping, etc, by myself. And if my boyfriend doesn't want to go see a play or movie, I'm like whatevs...I'll try to find a friend first, but if not, I'll go alone, and he can watch sports! Win win. I'm single right now, though, so I guess I have to be THRILLED to do everything by myself until a new headship comes along that I can cling to. Blech!

i also agree about jill showing the signs of that disorder. She is extremely dependent!!! I could see Jessa being happy to get rid of Bin for a day or two (although not necessarily now, because of childcare duties, but certainly before kids). I think Joy could survive alone for a day or two, and maybe Kendra. But Jinger? I also don't see her being away from baaaaaaaabe for two seconds. I look forward to seeing how it goes for them when TLC money is gone and Jeremy has to get a real full-time job where Jinger can't tag along. Is it going to be the mess that jill was when Derick worked at Walmart? I just don't get that attitude at all. I'm a teacher, and I looooove being in a relationship in the summer, when I can do my own thing all day, and then see my boyfriend at night. That is a good balance for me! I'd get tired of anyone if I was with them all day. Sometimes I feel sad for a couple hours after I go on a trip with a boyfriend and get used to the constant company, but I'm rather set in my ways, and no chance I would want someone hovering over me in my everyday life!

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, graefin said:

Is it that Gothard umbrella-of-protection thing? Anna wasn't allowed to live alone either when Josh got sent to fake rehab. Of course, there is a difference between a "headship" being away for a few days vs. several months, but the Dillards aren't particularly known for their discernment.

I think it’s safeguard for Derrick, too. If Jill stays home he might cave in to some kind of temptation. And it would be her fault, too. 

I don’t think it has anything to do with any fears Jill may have. I think this is how their particular sect rolls. Bleh. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Trillium said:

It’s very gross for her to want to facilitate this meeting that’s basically for her entertainment. Derick isn’t going to stop being a bigoted ass banana (credit to a Twitter hero for that phrase) and subjecting children to his nonsense, no matter how educated they are, in mean. Nothing is going to change and make the situation better. Jazz and the Parkland kids have a full plate of making actual change to bother with a has been reality show “volunteer”. 

Exactly. She's asking people to debate their very humanity for lulz. WTF?

  • Love 4

Ok I've got a legit question. If they can't watch a movie with kissing, why is it okay to post kissing pictures on social media? Wouldn't that defraud poor jana if she saw it? What if jana decided she wanted to stare at it for an hour to try to figure out how to kiss? What if some 13-year-old fan finds it thrilling, and it stirs up desires that can't be righteously fulfilled? Seriously, why are kissing pictures okay????!!!!

also, how can they watch their favorite movie, the sound of music? The captain and Maria have quite a mushy kissing scene, which happens before they are married!


  • Love 13

They have another live video up on Jill's Instagram stories where they say a whole bunch of nothing. They're in Colorado, there's snow, Israel is cold because Jill forgot to pack his gloves, tomorrow's his birthday, blah blah. She also confirms she has her nose pierced and says she doesn't pay attention to the Counting On seasons in response to questions posted.

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