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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Crap Jill.. that over-enthusiastic introduction of the master bedroom made me very uncomfortable.

I didn't really need to see the kid putting her shoes on, but, I guess barefoot near the bedroom was just for Derek. 😉 🤮

Surprised Derek's office chair wasn't a throne.  Her harp is probably in his office, well, because it's soothing. David played the harp to soothe King Saul when he went nuts... just saying.

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22 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

THIS. I was wondering the exact same thing! I've lived on my own for almost a decade, and have acquired nowhere near that much junk! When I moved in with my friend, I gave 2-3 pieces of furniture to my sister, but kept everything else, and easily fit it in an already furnished house without looking tacky. And I was not the type to have just an IKEA bed and futon, like my ex from my early twenties, lol! So...how the hell have Jill and Derick accumulated all this stuff in their five years of marriage, where most of it was spent out of the country, in already furnished places? They've only truly been on their own for a year or two...whenever they moved into that apartment. How do they have all that stuff? Plus, the whole time they've been on their own, they've had no source of income to buy a bunch of junk with. I'm just sooooo confused! Their furniture also doesn't look like their Stoneybrook McMansion furniture, which JB probably just put in another house. It boggles my mind that they'd need to use their two car garage for clutter when they've only had about two years on zero incomes to accumulate this stuff!

Add me to the list of those wondering how they accumulated so much stuff!  It's just looks like junk clutter and I don't know where they were hiding it before.  She could have spent 15 minutes picking up things and stuffing them in a closet at least.  The boys are short of space to play and sleep, but they have toys everywhere.

Another thing that has been mentioned a lot is the lack of color.  I would be desperate to see color on something.  I realize that lots of people have all neutrals but usually those are alleviated with color in accessories at least.  It's just a dismal house.

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I’m sure Jill’s sisters helped her “decorate”.  They seem to not really like her, so they probably looked around, told her it looked great and then left. 

Jessa was heavily pregnant, Joy was pregnant, the sisters in law, who appear to have good decorating skills weren’t invited (again, pregnant except Abby) the littles have no clue and Jana is truly over helping her whiny sister. 

That house is just as depressing as their Section 8 house. 

A dull house for a dull Jill. 

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I was also puzzled by all the crap they've got. Mr Quinn and I don't have that much clutter in the garage. Being military has probably helped, because we move every 4 years or so. But still. They've got no income. What is all that crap?  And even if it is useful stuff in the garage, at least it could be arranged neatly so they could pull the car into the garage. 

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I’m sure that big ass harp is in Deertick’s office because it was too big for the living room and whoever moved it stuck it in the first available room.  The office is right off the living room.  I also agree the office should be in the smallest bedroom.  Izzy and Sam should be sharing the “guest” room, and the guest room could be where the office is.  I guess I’m old school because ai don’t see the need for a separate play room.  I grew up playing with my toys in my room, and it didn’t damage me.  It also kept my parents from buying more toys than we had space for, or allow us kids to take over the house.  Toys were for your room, not the living or dining room.  Then again we went outside  since my grandpa built us an entire park (Grandpa was awesome like that!) I don’t hold the same neurotic, aggressive attitude towards children that the Dillards do, but I think it’s ridiculous when I look at houses on HGTV and the kids have taken over with their toys.  

So here are my ideas to redo Jill’s home. First, the house needs some color other than brown, tan or gray.  Nice colorful throw pillows on the sofa. 

Obviously clean and declutter.  

Colorful placemats in the dining area. 

Rearrange the bedroom configuration as stated above, get the boys some bunk beds, and a small table and chairs set.  

A swing set for the backyard. 

Jill really should ask Kendra for advice.  

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I notice that the most holiest of beds, where lotion is applied, where the Kama Sutra Lite is practiced, is quite ostentatious compared to their other furniture, particularly the other beds. Their Godly Union is obviously top priority, not that we had any doubts.

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I absolutely don't have a problem with there not being a TV. As far as I know the offical recommendation is no screen time under the age of three. I'm also happy to hear from parents whose kids aren't put in front of the TV, computer or cellphone.

The biggest WTF for me was the fact that they don't have a hall. Where do they put their coats, shoes, umbrella etc? I would hate it if people went into my living room wearing their "street shoes" especially with little kids around. I know no one living in a house without a hallway.

The boys' room is just sad. I don't think babies need the fancy nurseries you see all over social media or even their own room but the boys are no longer babies and should have space for themselves! Their room has no loving touch at all. Leaving the size difference out of it, it just seems like they put much more effort into the office than the boys' room. Where do the boys play with their lego or put up  a playmobil castle for example? All kids I know have things they like to keep up for some time because they keep playing with it for a couple days or even weeks.

Edited by Dirndl
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7 hours ago, Madtown said:

I rewatched the video, this time with the sound on after reading the comments. The first time I watched it, I must have glanced away for a second because I didn't even notice the toddler bed in Sam's room. Without the sound on, I obviously didn't hear Jill say they share that room! I just assumed the air mattress was Izzy's and in his room, not his NAP bed!

WTF is all I can say. No way in a 4 bedroom house with two kids, should they be sharing that small room that has WAY too much furniture in it.

Her attitude towards Izzy is awful. I agree with all who said he should be in some type of preschool, it would do him a world of good.  I don't think she is or ever will be a good SAHM. She seems overwhelmed and not sure what to do. Her "make good choices Israel" comment made me again, feel so bad for him. From what I could see, he was tossing a basketball that had no air in it, up and trying to catch it. 

No TV, fine, a lot of people do this and don't believe kids should watch TV and I know a few. But they could have some time on the computer to watch some kids educational shows. Maybe they do, but I doubt it. It seems Jill is either "cooking" or "teaching" Israel or modeling her new clothes.

All I get out of that video, is they clearly don't put their kids first. If they did, Derick wouldn't have taken the biggest room for his "office". He would've done just fine in the smallest room. Unless he's in there most of the day, there isn't enough stuff in their for him to need that much space. His desk seems smaller than Sam's crib.

There would be no way I would have a 4 bedroom house with 2 kids and not make one of those rooms a playroom, especially in a house that doesn't have a basement. That house is nothing but a storage area for all their crap.

Dear Baby Jesus,

Please don't let these numbnuts have anymore children.
Thank you...

I actually have a job and for 10 years my office was 8X8 and really had been a storage closet.  I got shit done.  You cannot tell me that douchebag couldn't have taken the smallest room for his big boy pretend tasks.  

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Just seeing how they have stacked all of the boys’ outdoor toys on the patio reminds me of the kind of people who park their cars in the front lawn. 

Buy a storage shed so you and your children can USE the patio. You have a nice big yard- use it! 

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9 hours ago, floridamom said:

GET RID OF DEAD FLOWERS IN YOUR HOUSE...they add nothing but a place for dust to collect, not that you will ever notice and DUST UP THERE.

I believe I remember somewhere from the past, Jill has said she saves and dries all the flower bouquets that Derrick has given her.  The sentiment might be nice, but the look is lousy.

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I started to watch it...

1) I got claustrophobic. Dark little place, isn’t it...

2) I got to, “here’s Derrick’s office so he can study at home instead of studying at school all the time” and thought, yep, there it is. My suspicion is that the house and the big office (with child-proof doorknob!) and the Pseudo Sutra are all tactics to get Derrick to spend more time at home. 

I don’t like Derrick at all but I kind of sympathize a bit. I can’t imagine trying to think, let alone study, with two toddlers and a Level Five Clinger in the next room. I would lose my mind.

She may fear a Third Row Becky, but reality is he probably is just looking for some peace and quiet.

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I have no problem with brothers sharing a room, but I do find it odd considering that they have two extra bedrooms.  That toddler bed for Izzy looks so small and uninviting.  I thought Jill looked pregnant in the video, but it was probably just her frumpy style.

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4 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Another reason why Derelict should have taken the smallest bedroom for his office: Since it has the biggest closet, he has more storage space for his law books and other paraphernalia.

And, Izzy's "nap room" should just be Izzy's bedroom.

I also like the idea of a bunk bed with toddler rails. Sam just turned 2 and I bet he would be THRILLED to have a "big boy" bed! Izzy can sleep on the top bunk. 

I know Jill plays the harp, but I'm surprised it is in Derelict's office. 

Maybe Jill plays the harp to seduce moldy pits?

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2 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

I’m sure Jill’s sisters helped her “decorate”.  They seem to not really like her, so they probably looked around, told her it looked great and then left. 

Jessa was heavily pregnant, Joy was pregnant, the sisters in law, who appear to have good decorating skills weren’t invited (again, pregnant except Abby) the littles have no clue and Jana is truly over helping her whiny sister. 

That house is just as depressing as their Section 8 house. 

A dull house for a dull Jill. 

Fifty shades of grey just like her food.

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25 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

I have no problem with brothers sharing a room, but I do find it odd considering that they have two extra bedrooms.  That toddler bed for Izzy looks so small and uninviting.  I thought Jill looked pregnant in the video, but it was probably just her frumpy style.

I think they are planning on more kids soon and obviously if it’s a girl she won’t share a room with one of the boys and DDD needs his office to Twitter rant  study law so they are keeping the boys together so they won’t get used to having their own room then going back. 

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I only half watched & I was thinking maybe the boy's room is next to their room, maybe for security reasons. Maybe Izzy doesn't like to be too far away from them, Sam wouldn't at his age tho. Just my take. Also the office is right at the front door, my oldest son slept walked and got out of the house at the age of 4, I had no idea he was doing that until that happened. Yes I know, locks up high and that happened as soon as we figured it out. 

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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Well it didn't break my heart but made me shake my head.  A few notes from my viewing.  I agree Izzy is desperate for attn.  She speaks to him in a manner than convey's annoyance while she speaks in a nicer tone to Sam.  I think Izzy bugs her.  The kids bedroom is way too small and tells me the hierarchy in that family:  Mom and dad, dads office, guests, oh we have kids?  The kids don't need their own room but a smidge bigger than a walkin closet would be nice.  Izzy's bed is too small as others have said.  What was with the 'make good choices Israel'?  Is he choosing smokes and a Bud Light when he isn't reminded?  He is what, 4?  A pamphlet holder is an interesting choice for kids books in the living room.  Didn't need to see the candles around the tub.  A couple of positives are her spices aren't over her kitchen sink like at Jingles and when she showed us her bedroom she didn't preface it by saying this is where the magic happens.  You are welcome for that image.  HA!

I imagine that Izzy hears this on a regular basis:  “Israel, in the future make good choices and Papa (or Mama) won’t have to spank you.”  I get the feeling that Izzy gets spanked a lot.  One thing that made me think that he’s very immature is when Jill told him to let Sam get up because “Sam is crying, that means that he doesn’t want to do that anymore.” (paraphrased) Shouldn’t a 4-year-old be able to figure that out on his own?

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3 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

I imagine that Izzy hears this on a regular basis:  “Israel, in the future make good choices and Papa (or Mama) won’t have to spank you.”  I get the feeling that Izzy gets spanked a lot.  One thing that made me think that he’s very immature is when Jill told him to let Sam get up because “Sam is crying, that means that he doesn’t want to do that anymore.” (paraphrased) Shouldn’t a 4-year-old be able to figure that out on his own?

Well, if it's anything like me and my brother, getting the younger sibling to cry was the point! 

I haven't watched the video, so I don't know. But I am sure Izzy was well aware that Sam crying means he's not exactly pleased with the situation. 

Edited by Zella
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I think Jill would never dream of a child (other than firstborn until the next one comes along) having their own room.  Maybe the boys like being together, but they still should be in a larger room.  A shed, as someone suggested above, would be an excellent idea, but maybe they don't care about parking in the garage.  It does look as if they play outside, lots of outdoor toys and even a firepit.  I'm trying to be nice here.  I still think she should have straightened up before filming and she should put some color in those rooms, not just framed certificates and sayings and dried flowers.  As for the furniture, I think they purchased the sofa and loveseat for this house (hopefully not incurring debt - JBoob would not approve of that).  I did notice that she said the harp is in the office so that the kids stay away from it.  It's actually nice that she still keeps up with her music.  She does appear happy.  

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I'm thinking the guest room isn't really Izzy's nap room. I'm thinking it's the time-out bed. There's no reason Izzy can't nap in his own bed. The boys' room is clearly for sleeping and not playing. Either Sammy is in there napping and Izzy can nap at the same time, or Izzy can nap when Sammy is elsewhere. 

I would have put the boys in the "guest room" with bunks they could grow into. Put Derick in the little room and made the bigger room off the living room a playroom/den. A place where the boys could hang out alone or with their parents.

If she wants the rooms neutral, then add some pops of color with art, pillows, curtains and such.

The house is like an off campus college dorm.

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2 hours ago, Dirndl said:

I absolutely don't have a problem with there not being a TV. As far as I know the offical recommendation is no screen time under the age of three. I'm also happy to hear from parents whose kids aren't put in front of the TV, computer or cellphone.

The biggest WTF for me was the fact that they don't have a hall. Where do they put their coats, shoes, umbrella etc? I would hate it if people went into my living room wearing their "street shoes" especially with little kids around. I know no one living in a house without a hallway.

The boys' room is just sad. I don't think babies need the fancy nurseries you see all over social media or even their own room but the boys are no longer babies and should have space for themselves! Their room has no loving touch at all. Leaving the size difference out of it, it just seems like they put much more effort into the office than the boys' room. Where do the boys play with their lego or put up  a playmobil castle for example? All kids I know have things they like to keep up for some time because they keep playing with it for a couple days or even weeks.

WHO says no sedentary screen time for kids under 2, and one hour per day max for kids aged 2 to 4. I let my three-year-old watch some cartoons on Netflix and Amazon prime. We keep it to shows like “Llama Llama“ and “When you give a mouse a cookie“ because I don’t like commercialized programs that are just an excuse to sell branded merchandise, but that’s just me. I think we have seen blog posts where Jill talks about letting her kids watch certain programs. For some reason, I thought she mentioned they were allowed to watch the old-school VeggieTales? So I don’t think they’re totally cut off from media. 

The lower-end new construction houses all look like this to me. I don’t understand the appeal of a new build if the builder is not using quality materials. All I could think of looking at the kitchen and bathrooms was how soon they were going to have to replace the cheap-ass flooring and countertops. I get being on a budget, but this house just screams “cutting corners.“ Wouldn’t it have made more sense for them to buy an older home in an established part of town, where they could at least have gotten a house made out of more durable materials? It’s not like they have to worry about the quality of the school district or anything like that. 

I think the fact that Jill has gotten to Sam‘s second birthday without another pregnancy suggests that someone laid down the law, probably either Derek or her obstetrician. After my C-section, I was told that I could only have three more kids max before it became dangerous. I just laughed, because one and done, but I think Jill was probably pretty upset.  If it had been up to her, I have no doubt they would’ve had three by now, and would probably be working on a fourth. I think Derek looked at his life, decided he had no interest in being a single dad, and told Jill “nope, one more kid at the most, and we’re not having it until after I graduate from law school.”  If they are having sex as often as they claim, they are definitely using some kind of birth control, and I doubt it’s NFP. I don’t think Jill could resist the temptation to alter the dates a little and have an “oops!“ pregnancy.  I think Derek is probably insisting on using a condom.  If so, it’s the first glimmer of intelligence I’ve seen from Derek in quite a while. 

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14 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm thinking the guest room isn't really Izzy's nap room. I'm thinking it's the time-out bed. There's no reason Izzy can't nap in his own bed. The boys' room is clearly for sleeping and not playing. Either Sammy is in there napping and Izzy can nap at the same time, or Izzy can nap when Sammy is elsewhere. 

I would have put the boys in the "guest room" with bunks they could grow into. Put Derick in the little room and made the bigger room off the living room a playroom/den. A place where the boys could hang out alone or with their parents.

If she wants the rooms neutral, then add some pops of color with art, pillows, curtains and such.

The house is like an off campus college dorm.

I agree! Speaking of dorm like, I couldn't imagine liking anything less than Jessa's "minimalist" mattress on the floor design, but Jill has outdone her! At least Jessa's looks intentional, in some way. Jill's is just clutter. 

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Just now, MsJamieDornan said:

Why is the shower curtain in the boys bathroom still very wrinkled ?

I think its supposed to be wrinkled.  I don't get why they went with that super bland color in the boys bathroom.   Why not have a fun, colorful one.  They are not that expensive and Target and Walmart have them.

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Just wanted to add ...

My kids were born around the time of VCRs. We had TVs in the home and they watched videos and also Sesame Street and Mr Rogers as well as Jeopardy as toddlers and then age appropriate TV as they aged. They're pretty awesome adults.

I'm thinking some videos on the laptop might be enriching for these boys. It might give them some time to be independent of mom while she's making her Cream of Crap.

I don't know how Jill pulls it off but she appears to be simultaneously smothering and absent with her boys.

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Well, Joy appears to have gotten Jill’s coping skills down pat as well as her barnacle behavior. She was so indecisive about everything in her wedding, and seemed welded to Austin for the first year. 

I’m not sure about James and Jenny, but Joy doesn’t seem overly bright and had no life plans other than to marry and have babies. Jill is really not who I would pick to raise my kids as their “Junior Mom”. 

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

The house is like an off campus college dorm.

Well, she did take a few college classes... 😉

49 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't know how Jill pulls it off but she appears to be simultaneously smothering and absent with her boys.

Just like dear old Mom! Not there but always there.


Did Derwood run his face though a feminizing filter?

Edited by JoanArc
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47 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

She put a link to their blog on Instagram to the video. OR swipe up! 😂

It's taking all my might to not leave a comment for her....

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8 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Well, Joy appears to have gotten Jill’s coping skills down pat as well as her barnacle behavior. She was so indecisive about everything in her wedding, and seemed welded to Austin for the first year. 

I’m not sure about James and Jenny, but Joy doesn’t seem overly bright and had no life plans other than to marry and have babies. Jill is really not who I would pick to raise my kids as their “Junior Mom”. 

Dim Jill was only a child herself while raising her three sibs.  She was not able to instill any curiosity or brightness in them, but Jill did manage to forage a deep bond with them.

Jenny sobbed pitiously when Jill left for DA. Jill did several fun things together with her buddy group even after marriage.

She seems unable to bond as well with her own kids, especially Izzy.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Put Derick in the little room and made the bigger room off the living room a playroom/den. A place where the boys could hang out alone or with their parents.

But if Derick has the little room and Izzy and Sam have the big one, how will everyone know that Derick is more important than they are? I can just hear the wheels spinning in his mind: "I am the Master of the House, the Boss of Everyone! If I don't stake out the big room for myself, how will those sinful, manipulative little creatures learn to respect me and know their place in the pecking order?"

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2 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

But if Derick has the little room and Izzy and Sam have the big one, how will everyone know that Derick is more important than they are? I can just hear the wheels spinning in his mind: "I am the Master of the House, the Boss of Everyone! If I don't stake out the big room for myself, how will those sinful, manipulative little creatures learn to respect me and know their place in the pecking order?"

Derirck's self, Jesus, Others? But that's not now the acronym goes!

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12 minutes ago, Lunera said:

Jilly blocked me in Instagram because I told her to put the kids in the bigger room.

She also has comments turned off on the YouTube video.

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5 hours ago, Dirndl said:

I absolutely don't have a problem with there not being a TV. As far as I know the offical recommendation is no screen time under the age of three. I'm also happy to hear from parents whose kids aren't put in front of the TV, computer or cellphone.

The biggest WTF for me was the fact that they don't have a hall. Where do they put their coats, shoes, umbrella etc? I would hate it if people went into my living room wearing their "street shoes" especially with little kids around. I know no one living in a house without a hallway.

The boys' room is just sad. I don't think babies need the fancy nurseries you see all over social media or even their own room but the boys are no longer babies and should have space for themselves! Their room has no loving touch at all. Leaving the size difference out of it, it just seems like they put much more effort into the office than the boys' room. Where do the boys play with their lego or put up  a playmobil castle for example? All kids I know have things they like to keep up for some time because they keep playing with it for a couple days or even weeks.

There are plenty of people whose homes don't have a hallway. I've lived in six states and rarely had a home with a front hall. You just deal with it. 

Jill is following her idiot parents' example. Parents first, kids dead last. 

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9 minutes ago, Trillium said:

Dullards, just get a god damn flat screen like everyone else, there $200. Your watching Netflix and YouTube on a fucking laptop, you can do the same on a TV and not burn for eternity.

So TV money to buy house good, TV in house satanic and bad?

 I will never understand these people.

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The house is fine. Lovely even for a new young family. A lot better than many people have.

We had to live in an small apartment for 9 months before a big out of state move. My young boys had a bunk bed. The little one had a rail and it worked out fine. They had fun sharing a room. 

Izzy deserves a nice clean bed that fits him. I’m a big stickler when it comes to comfy beds. I was still buying nice bedding for my kids after college! 

I kept that f’ing place clean! Jill couldn’t even move the mess in the laundry room. She’s home all day ... who does that? There’s no excuse not to have dedicated play areas and toy boxes for clean up  

We also moved out of a condo when my son was 3 because he was lonely. I got him into a preschool and he played with neighbor kids. You can see that Izzy is incredibly needy and bouncing off the walls. There is zero to enrich him in that boring house. Sesame Street, cute cartoons, music! I’d do little dance parties to wear off the energy.

And Sam’s highchair is still alone in the corner. No one puts baby in the corner, but everyone puts Sam there! Why isn’t he a part of family dinners? And autonomy. I know Izzy is only 4, but he can still talk about a little part of his day without, “Make good choices, Israel” mom. 

Jill is lazy and slovenly. She must be breaking some biblical rules there  ... even if she’s loaded up with lotions. 

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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

maybe they don"t have a TV but it sure looks like they use a screen to entertain the kids on date nights/dinners in the car117805781_Screenshot_2019-07-09DerickDillardonInstagramEnjoyingsomegoodfamilyeatsatsonicIsraelwantedicecreamafters....png.fe1e620e7f368ae756bd7974f5985d49.png

Sammy is either watching a screen or praying to be removed from the situation. Or both.

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1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

Sammy is either watching a screen or praying to be removed from the situation. Or both.

“Ok, God, cue the lightening in three... two... one...”

Edited by mynextmistake
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