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S06.E04: Book of the Stranger

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The Stark reunion was everything I've ever wanted. It was so nice, after all the horror these characters have been through, to see them sitting around the fire drinking and laughing and being happy, even if it's only for a little while. I've been so sick of everything coming up Ramsay, and it's great to see that the tides are finally turning. My only fear is that it's happening too soon, and with 2.5 seasons left, things are only going to go to hell again. Ramsay's ransom letter showed far too much confidence though. The Wildlings would probably follow Jon into battle no matter what, but way to make it personal for them. I'm sure that Yara and Theon will contribute some forces to the Stark's cause as well once they get the iron islands in order.

Not going to lie, I caught up on some housework during the High Sparrow, Daario/Jorah's excellent adventure, and King's Landing scenes. At least it sounds like they're going to try some sort of coup against the High Sparrow, although it sounds destined for failure.

And I agree, Dany's latest stunt was visually stunning, and I hope it leads to actual movement in her story again, because while Tyrion's negotiations triggered some interesting discussions about morality in politics and war, I want them to get to freaking Westeros already.

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Do we know what information the High Sparrow fed Tommen to take back to Cersei?  I feel like I either missed a scene, wasn't paying close enough attention or my brain just isn't connecting the dots on this one.

Also, go Dany!  Get ready to bend those knees, Westeros.

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7 hours ago, Lady S. said:


(Quoted because this gif needs to be on every page.)

The first look he gives Brienne as she's riding in with Pod and Sansa?  Gold.  His face said "I want to climb that like a tree." 

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I don't blame Daario for being particularly fond of that knife, it's a work of art.


And it's the same one he used to unhorse the Champion of Meereen. 


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Jon and Sansa reuniting was easily my favorite scene this season.

Dany's scene was impressive, but all I can think is wow, her head is going to be bigger than ever. I suppose she'll add "Killer of Khals" when she prattles off her list of titles.

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22 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

Do we know what information the High Sparrow fed Tommen to take back to Cersei?  I feel like I either missed a scene, wasn't paying close enough attention or my brain just isn't connecting the dots on this one.

That Margaery was about to go through her own walk of shame and the timeline for all of this - what Cersei brought to Lady O and Uncle Kevan. So basically Cersei and Jaime are being predictably stupid after Tommen was being predictably naive and Lady O and Uncle Kevan are buying into this out of emotion despite their better judgments. High Sparrow is setting a trap of taking them all out as a best case scenario and at worst taking their positions of power away despite their armies. I think his power is tapping into the same stuff going on with the Brotherhood Without Banners, Wildlings/Free Folk, freed slaves, even Littlefinger's goal, etc. The people are tired of starving and dying because of all the highborn squabbling. He's taking advantage of this democratic society that the people want through religion to position himself as the bestest version of his younger self's bougie desires.

How? I'm not entirely sure, but this is all definitely by his design. And it will have to involve publicly catching the Lannisters and Tyrells in sins of deception at the people's expense so that they riot and use numbers to tip the scales beyond what the Faith Militant can handle. They'll probably be able to turn a lot of the soldiers over to their side of thinking too. Lannisters are still in debt and the Tyrells can't completely bail both of them out.

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We've had so many near misses at Stark sibling reunions that I was sure Jon would leave before Sansa arrived, so when the gates opened and they saw each other I clapped my hands and squealed with joy. Even if both of them get slaughtered in the first minute of the next episode, I consider this moment a Stark victory. FINALLY we get two of them together after all the things they have been through. This was something they both needed, and the fact that the two of them were not close before leaving Winterfell made it even sweeter that they were so happy to see each other. It was also great to see them bonding and apologizing for their previous behavior.

I really loved that we had so many sibling reunions this week and that in all of them, it was the sister who were made of iron. While I totally understand that Jon has been fighting since he left Winterfell and is exhausted, I loved that Sansa refused to back down to the idea of taking back the north, even when threatened by Ramsay. I loved that Margaery was insistent that Loras not give in and that Yara bluntly asked Theon what he wanted (although in both cases I think the sisters might need to take into consideration that their brothers have been tortured and are reacting accordingly).

Poor Osha. The only good thing about her death was that it was not long and drawn out or preceded by painful torture.

This is the first time that Dany did something awesome of her own accord. Yes, she hatched the dragons and yes she freed a bunch of slaves, but killing the khals was all her plan and all her power. She wasn't relying on the unsullied or her dragons to get the job done, so for me this was her most powerful moment. Okay, fine, she relied on Daario and Jorah to lock the doors and kill a few guards, but still.

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Now THIS was a good episode!! Seems like Emila's no nudity stance has gone by the wayside but what an scene!! I was expecting a dragon or two to show up but this did not disappoint. Looks like you assholes won't be doing any raping anymore.

I am getting antsy waiting for revenge on the following:

Ramsay - please let it be long, slow and extremely painful

High Sparrow - I can't believe that this guy is still breathing

Littlefinger - for giving Sansa to that monster

Loved Sansa and Jon's reunion. FINALLY!!! We have two (remaining) Starks in the same place! It's about bloody time! And it's always a treat to see Diana Rigg. 

I almost hate to admit this but I miss Tywin. I thought he was a great character and he had such presence! He made a great villan.

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David and DB wrote both this week's ep and last, so I'm curious if something were cut for time because last week Jon walks away toward the gate saying "my watch is over" and this week starts with him...back in Castle Black.

Did he just take a lap around the Wall and then wander back to chat with Edd?

Edited by mojoween
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10 hours ago, KaleyFirefly said:

Also, I was kind of surprised that she is fireproof. I thought that was just a one-time thing with the dragon eggs.

I think she has always been impervious to fire/heat.  Early on she bathed in scalding hot water and her dragon's fire does not burn her either.

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11 hours ago, beeble said:

Dany for Queen. She's had my vote since the get-go. I'd like to see her loan out Drogon to Sansa so she can personally see the roasting of Ramsay. Tyron could arrange that. And speaking of Sansa, I loved her "man-up" attitude with Mr Mopey Jon Snow. 

No more deaths of Dire Wolves! I'm seriously getting pissed off. 

Seriously. Give Sansa a one-time only Dracarys pass. Let her be Auntie of Dragons for one glorious minute. Maybe several since I want Ramsay to really feel the pain. #tothepain

I'm with you on the direwolf front, too. Stop killing the puppies. I have been hoping for some time that Ghost can take out the people responsible for killing his bros. 

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56 minutes ago, Potanical Pardon said:

That Margaery was about to go through her own walk of shame and the timeline for all of this - what Cersei brought to Lady O and Uncle Kevan. So basically Cersei and Jaime are being predictably stupid after Tommen was being predictably naive and Lady O and Uncle Kevan are buying into this out of emotion despite their better judgments. High Sparrow is setting a trap of taking them all out as a best case scenario and at worst taking their positions of power away despite their armies. I think his power is tapping into the same stuff going on with the Brotherhood Without Banners, Wildlings/Free Folk, freed slaves, even Littlefinger's goal, etc. The people are tired of starving and dying because of all the highborn squabbling. He's taking advantage of this democratic society that the people want through religion to position himself as the bestest version of his younger self's bougie desires.

Thank you!  That all makes sense and it makes me look even more forward to those scenes.  

39 minutes ago, mojoween said:

David and DB writhe this week's ep and last, so I'm curious if something were cut for time because last week Jon walks away toward the gate saying "my watch is over" and this week starts with him...back in Castle Black.

Did he just take a lap around the Wall and then wander back to chat with Edd?

I had the same thought, but in that first scene, it looked like he was packing his stuff up.  So I guess last week had to end with him looking all badass, but this week had to be more practical lol.

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Margaery and Loras: why is he in such worse shape? Do we know he's been tortured (& I've forgotten)? Or is he 'just' weaker?

I was so proud of myself for figuring out who the kid Littlefinger was talking to was. sigh.

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5 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

I have to gives props to the production crew for those scenes where the High Sparrow has one-on-ones with Tommen and Margaery. I don't know if they actually built that set or if it's all green screen, but those scenes are so gorgeous they just glow.

Are you sure that wasn't all down to Jonathan Pryce and Natalie Dormer? :)

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YAY. STARKS. Geeze, Even last week, I was all like so are you honestly going to tell me Sansa's gonna get there, and Jon is gone, and they missed each other again? But poof! first minutes, Jon is all getting ready to be "Bye Feleicia!" and Sansa got there! And RedHed Wildling was seriously having all the sex with Brienne with his eyes, and Brienne is all like "sorry sir are you lost? [and I liked the mic drop of "yah and I killed Stannis. Deal with it." I did like how weary Jon looked when explaining that he didn't feel like getting Winterfell again, and Sansa is like "I don't give two poops how tired you are." that - in my opinion was very Catelyn Stark-ish. 

Puberty hit Robin hard, and I still don't like him. Littlefinger better be on someone's list (though I have to say, it was good seeing him at the same time,becuse he really knows how to play everyone). 

Poor Osha. I had actually forgotten she had sex with Theon and that Theon would have told Ramsey as Reek. 

sometimes the subtly of scenes are lost on me because when margery was all "I'm here to break you but I'm not gonna!" I was like wha? Seriously? though I know someone up thread was like - the future of the Flowers isn't Loras, it's totally Margarey. 

See. When Dany puts her mind to it, she can totally be all badass. Can she please get herself to Westeros now? 

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After a re-watch, a thought came to me: what happened to the remnants of Dany's old Khalasar? Last we saw of them, they were stealing all of the statues at Xaro Xhoan Daxos' house to buy a ship, then got really seasick from not being used to travelling on water. Once she got the Unsullied, they weren't seen anymore.

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 After all the Starks have been through, them getting some good news was way overdue and Jon & Sansa's reunion definitely qualifies. Given Jon's initial plans to leave, it looked like things were going South for the Starks again, but Jon & Sansa's seeing each other again was beautiful. They found each other at just the right time.  That Sansa could apologize to Jon, convince him to change his mind about leaving and even have him making jokes showed that slowly but surely, things are starting to turn around for the Starks, which could/should be bad news for Littlefinger and Ramsey.

 Brienne & Tormund (Brormund?) are too cute for words. If the look on Tormund's  face at the dinner table was any indication, he is into Brienne big-time.

Tyrion means well, but when it comes to the issue of slavery, he should spend much more time listening to those who have been victimized by it, like Missandei & Grey Worm, than the perpetrators of it.

Littlefinger is up to his old, Machiavellian tricks. Ironically, it took a falcon to turn Robin into a pigeon.

Wow! When it comes to fierceness, Beyoncé's got nothing on Dany! All Dany needed at the end of that scene was a dragon a waterfall and a baseball bat named "Hot Sauce."  If Cersei's nudity in last season's finale was all about "shame," then Dani's is about pride. Now all Dani needs to do-after she gets dressed, that is-is take back her life, take back her kingdom and take a dragon to Ramsey's ass.

RIP, Osha.

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16 hours ago, KaleyFirefly said:

That's what I wondered too...took me out of that scene for a moment, because I was thinking "How did they convince her to do this? I thought she put in her contract no more nude scenes?"

I think it's because it was not a sexualized nude scene, the context was appropriate (obviously her dress would burn off in the fire).

Other thoughts...

Farewell, Tonks, I'll miss you. If anyone is going to assassinate Ramsay, it will be Arya.

I used to hate Sansa, she was always high on my list of meh characters.  Now she is turning into something awesome.

I'm loving how this season is starting to bring characters together.  Sansa and Jon, along with Brienne.  Tyrion together with Dany and Jorah.  And if we get an assault on Winferfell by the end of the season, maybe Rickon will be reunited with his siblings, plus Bran might be ready to make his way back to them.

Glad to see Baelish back in action.  I love the way he pulls the strings.  I figure both the Vale and the Greyjoys will join with Jon and Sansa and that alliance will overwhelm Ramsay's forces in the end.

Edited by Dobian
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Fabulous episode. Story actually advanced.

As much as I loved the badassery of Dany emerging from the flames, it wasn't even my favorite scene this episode. That would have to go to the Stark reunion. How relieved was I when the knock came at the gate and Jon Snow was still in residence and Sansa and his eyes met? I was just convinced that we would have yet another near miss after Jon's mic drop at the end of last week! So happy to be so wrong. 

And thanks to the episode for giving me something I didn't even know I wanted until shown. I am here and remain perched at the edge of my seat for Tormund and Brienne. Make it so show. I was all about Jamie and Brienne but since he has firmly become Cersei bottom bitch .. no bueno.  

Small confession: not into redheads but Tormund ... hello sir!

After that disgusting speech by what seems like the head Khal telling Dany she would be raped by everyone, including the horses, his and the others deaths by fire was met with thunderous applause by me. Dany was completely a boss. The only downside is Dany having another title to tack onto her long ass list of ruling titles, but she definitely earned that one!

15 hours ago, Drogo said:

Two thousand Wildlings and the Knights of the Vale coming at Winterfell soon... I see this episode as the beginning of the end for Ramsey.

Sansa, Missandei, Margaery, Daenerys... wow, wow, wow. Who run the world?  Girls.

Yes! This was one of the greatest developments this episode - an army forming and coming for that flaming jackass savage Ramsey.

Osha's quick death was a relief. My brother thought she would make it out alive somehow last week. I told him he hasn't been paying attention. 

Baelish basically ruling the Vale because Lissa raised an utter simpleton is both scary and interesting.

13 hours ago, operakatz said:

Oh, it would be poetic for Ramsey to meet his end slowly in the hands  of some Thenns. I did like Osha reminding the audience of them...I hope it was foreshadowing!

Ramsey's letter to Jon punctuated with all kinds of 'come and see' was chilling. Let's hope Jon writes back.

Dear sadist bastard asshole ursurper of Winterfell Ramsey Snow,

Winterfell is mine, bastard - wait and see

The Thenns say flesh tastes better South of the Wall. They will have you roasting on a open fire - wait and see.

Your balls are about to become part of the pea pie Sansa loves so much - wait and se

Edited by islandgal140
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14 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Daenerys’ story is taking too long, but I enjoyed her burning the Khals alive. This ends all debate about if she is immune to fire. She clearly is. Poor Emilia Clarke having to stand there with no clothes on so these men can ogle her.

When was there a question about her immunity to fire?  She did the exact same trick when she burned the witch alive after Drogo died.

IMHO the no clothes scene was fake.  It looked just like the head & CGI/other actress' body trick a la Melissandre's old body and Cersei's walk of shame.

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3 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

When was there a question about her immunity to fire?  She did the exact same trick when she burned the witch alive after Drogo died.

IMHO the no clothes scene was fake.  It looked just like the head & CGI/other actress' body trick a la Melissandre's old body and Cersei's walk of shame.

Emilia said it was her. but they did it on a sound-stage, so that probably accounts for the fakeness. 

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4 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

When was there a question about her immunity to fire?  She did the exact same trick when she burned the witch alive after Drogo died.

IMHO the no clothes scene was fake.  It looked just like the head & CGI/other actress' body trick a la Melissandre's old body and Cersei's walk of shame.

I assumed the not!IMAX wide shots with all the extras was a body double. And boobs was Clarke all by herself on a stage.

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6 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Emilia said it was her. but they did it on a sound-stage, so that probably accounts for the fakeness. 

Ok, it would make sense to do the scene in sound stage / in front of green screen as nobody in their right mind would want to stand that close to the burning wreckage.  Maybe the lighting etc made it look fake to me.  

Time to double check.. :P  Oh the things I do for correctness :D

Edited by DarkRaichu
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14 hours ago, Advance35 said:

And I have a lot of thoughts about Margaery Tyrell but credit where it's due, inwardly she is a STRONG individual.   She's been in those dungeons for quite some time, denied daylight and her accustomed comforts, and they still haven't broken her.   When she told Loras he was the future of their house, I wanted to let her know that, "Honey, that's you."   If she makes it out, I wonder what will be next for her.

Like father like son?  This continued the theme where in House of Tyrells the women were strong and in charge 

Edited by DarkRaichu
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12 hours ago, KaleyFirefly said:

Also, I was kind of surprised that she is fireproof. I thought that was just a one-time thing with the dragon eggs.

This was established from episode 1 of season 1.  There was a scene where the servants prepared a bath for her.  On the background the servants said "the water was still too hot" and Dany walked in as if it was nothing.   

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So after I got over the awesomeness of that ending, I started thinking. I don't agree with the Dothraki way of life but Dany essentially just took down the power or governmental structure of an entire culture. While she's good at conquering she's not the best at ruling. What's going to happen to these people, she freed the slaves in Yunkai but left and went on and from what we hear the city is in chaos.  Her goal is to get to Westeros, so what happens to these people when that occurs since I don't see them settling down in Westeros ?

I still love Littlefinger, he's just so smarmy and seems to play the right cards. He can now show up at Castle Black with an army for Sansa. I'm sure he hatched this plan once he heard of their escape  

I thought Yara was being hard on Theon until I remembered that she risked her life and her men's life against her fathers wishes and he just cringed in a corner. 

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5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

 Weren't there originally 10,000 Wildings? What happened to them? I guess, D&D forgot this.

Some were sacked by Stannis in front of the Wall.  Most were taken by the White Walkers & wright at that bay.  The majority of wildlings escaping the bay on Stannis' boats were women and children.  

About 2000 able bodies left sounded about right.

Edited by DarkRaichu
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Hmmm, all those Khals seemed to know Danys back story: Her widowhood , her leaving for foreign lands., losing her baby due to that sorceress. etc. Didn't they hear anything about her walking into her husbands funeral  pyre and coming out unscathed?  Or that she had three newly hatched dragons with her?  Ya think that might have put them just a tiny bit on their guard when dealing with her.

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3 hours ago, Drogo said:

I don't blame Daario for being particularly fond of that knife, it's a work of art.

  Reveal hidden contents

And it's the same one he used to unhorse the Champion of Meereen. 


And he always kisses the butt  ;)

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12 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

So after I got over the awesomeness of that ending, I started thinking. I don't agree with the Dothraki way of life but Dany essentially just took down the power or governmental structure of an entire culture. While she's good at conquering she's not the best at ruling. What's going to happen to these people, she freed the slaves in Yunkai but left and went on and from what we hear the city is in chaos.  Her goal is to get to Westeros, so what happens to these people when that occurs since I don't see them settling down in Westeros ?


Yes to all of this! Don't the Dothraki take slaves as well?  I really want to see Dany actually be concerned about ruling. The discussion of her  being no better than the Masters or SOTH is on point and I wish we could flesh it out a little more. How is Dany helping those she's "freed"? What are the foundations of the world she wants to establish after she breaks the wheel?  

She'll get back to Mereen and be upset at Tyrion for making a deal, and yes it's not great, but what other alternatives has she employed outside of killing and threatening people?

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41 minutes ago, LuciaMia said:

Hmmm, all those Khals seemed to know Danys back story: Her widowhood , her leaving for foreign lands., losing her baby due to that sorceress. etc. Didn't they hear anything about her walking into her husbands funeral  pyre and coming out unscathed?  Or that she had three newly hatched dragons with her?  Ya think that might have put them just a tiny bit on their guard when dealing with her.

They probably heard it but they have not seen it. Very few people witnessed the birth of the dragons and Dany has been largely dragon less lately so they were dismissive about any of her abilities. She is after all, just "a little girl" to them.

As Daario saw, it's one thing for her to be the Mother of Dragons, but it's another thing to watch her step out of a burning building.

I'm down with the Khals being immolated because the best Dany was going to hope for was being imprisoned at widow hut. She also knew that even with Dany's Boys, she would not be able to escape. It was three against thousands and they can outride them all. So Dany went for a coup. She took down the executives and emerged victorious coming full circle since season 1.

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I was actually clenched during the Jon Snow-Sansa Stark reunion scene, because I was convinced someone was going to jump out of the shadows and stab them both. I was that convinced the Game of Thrones writers weren't going to let us have this.

Daario had such a flat, American accent in this episode. Has he always sounded like that?

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10 hours ago, knaankos said:

Also. Raise your hand if you missed Arya's story this week? Yeah that's what I thought 

Raises hand! My only sorrow was that Arya wasn't shown. I like her story. More so than I have ever liked Sansa.

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13 hours ago, operakatz said:

Oh, it would be poetic for Ramsey to meet his end slowly in the hands  of some Thenns. I did like Osha reminding the audience of them...I hope it was foreshadowing!

At this point anything short of a slow painful death for Ramsey will leave me disappointed.

When they were discussing taking Winterfell back I thought that really no one outside the people actually at the wall understand who the wildlings are. The giant alone could frighten all of Bolton's army. Speculating here, but there seems to be a build up to an episode where Littlefinger's army joins up with Jon and the wildlings to fight Ramsey. If there's any justice in this show Littlefinger and Ramsey will die.

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Based on what Daario said when Dany stood there in the fire -- "So the stories are true!" -- they knew the legends about her, but didn't really believe they could be true.

I thought Margery was going to mercykill Loras there in his cell so he wouldn't have to deal with more torture.  I know she said he was the family's future, but it also looked like she gave up on him ever pulling himself together.  I know I have.

I don't think Brienne has ever had a man look at her appreciatively.  It was a strange experience for her to see a man check her out -- from what we've seen, everyone looks at her like she's some strange monstrous person because of her size.  I wonder if she's going to get curious about it.  I'd enjoy seeing her find a lover!

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After Sansa / Jon embracing and Dany being the fire starter,  this was the most awesome scene...which is not exactly correct, because it relies on my memory.

Ramsay with the paring knife of doom "Do you know who I am?"  "Have you seen my Sigil?"  "Do you know what I do to my enemies?"

Osha, "Do you eat them after you flay them?"

Ramsay stops with damn knife "Uh..no."

Osha "Shrugs...then I've seen worse."

RIP Osha.

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6 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

I almost hate to admit this but I miss Tywin. I thought he was a great character and he had such presence! He made a great villan.

Tywin is the kind of villain I call a "magnificent bastard".  He was competent and got shit done.  I think that it helped that Charles Dance is so charismatic.  I miss him.

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Also, I was kind of surprised that she is fireproof. I thought that was just a one-time thing with the dragon eggs.

In season one, we see Dany step into a scalding hot tub. Her maid comes running in saying “no, my lady, too hot, too hot!” but Dany is clearly oblivious.  Then later on, she puts the dragons egg onto the fire.  When her Dothraki servant comes in, Dany pulls the egg from the fire as if she’s been caught doing something naughty. The servant freaks out and grabs the egg from Dany and immediately burns the crap out of her hands on it – but Dany’s hands are blister-free.  And then finally, after Viserys is killed by having molten gold poured onto his stupid little head, and Jorah (Ser Friendzone, I’m dying at that one) says something to her about Viserys having been the last dragon, Daenerys says to him ‘he wasn’t the last dragon, fire cannot kill a dragon’ or something like that.  Also in season two, after her dragons were taken by the blue tongued warlocks, she has them shoot their fire more or less through her, to both melt her chains and also kill the warlocks. So no, they’ve been pretty consistent about Dany being fireproof.



there originally 10,000 Wildings? What happened to them? I guess, D&D forgot this.


No, they didn’t; in the Hardhome episode, Jon Snow, Tormund and a handful of Crows go there to try to talk the 10,000 or so Wildlings into coming back with them.  Most said no, and then several thousand of them were very quickly assimilated by the White Walkers. Hard to know how many it was, but it was very apparent that those who made it into the boats were in the minority.

What a wonderful episode that was. Like others, Tormund pulling the Tom Jones lust-eating at Brienne was possibly my new favorite thing ever.  Except for maybe the full atomic awkwardness of the conversation between Davos, Melissandre and Brienne.

Edited by RedHackle
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What a wonderful episode that was. Like others, Tormund pulling the Tom Jones lust-eating at Brienne was possibly my new favorite thing ever.  Except for maybe the full atomic awkwardness of the conversation between Davos, Melissandre and Brienne.

I suddenly find myself craving a rom-com series featuring Tormund and Brienne. I'm fairly sure nothing will really develop of their relationship in Westeros, but it made for a delightful morsel.  Each is an extraordinary physical specimen, and each has an unusual personality.

I think a lot of what I loved about this ep were the moments of unexpectedness. Given the previous seasons and the fact that Jon Snow seemed already out the door at the end of the previous ep, I had every expectation that we would be treated to another Stark-family near miss, or that the meeting that finally occurred would be between family members previously more simpatico (like Jon Snow and Arya) or at least as emotionally-linked (if not exactly simpatico) as Sansa and Arya. That the meeting was between Jon Snow and Sansa maybe wound up making it even more of a throat-grabber (and not in the usual GoT interpretation of throat-grabbing).

Yara certainly expected that Theon's reappearance represented a challenge, but he was finally able to convince her otherwise.

Both Tyrion and Cersei are recommending courses of action that are unexpected. Tyrion finds the third way in a binary problem (although it remains to be seen how successful it will be), and Cersei looks to come at the Sparrows from an unexpected direction.

We were also primed to expect that Davos, after asking Melisandre finally about Shireen, would learn the truth, but expectation was confounded when Brienne interrupted and took the confrontation in a new direction.

I've seen comments about "Why hasn't Dany done the burning-down-the-house trick since the first year?" It doesn't surprise me that she's avoided that approach since there have been too many of her allies in the way, for one, and Meereen's pyramid of stone isn't the best target for arson. There was also a puncturing of expectations in that we have been conditioned to assume that Dany's victories will now come via dragon-flame. It's all the more powerful that she can operate for herself, and the nudity (besides being a perfectly reasonable result of her Dothraki barbecue) left the very opposite impression that nudity usually does in GoT — nudity is usually reserved for the vulnerable, but Daenerys the Unburnt's nudity represents her inviolability.

The meal at Castle Black was a fascinating way of sorting out all sorts of things: Jon Snow and Sansa smoothing over their past aggravations and determining the next action, Tormund and Brienne's giving Pod and Edd some entertainment. It would be fascinating at some point to look back and see just how food and drink is used (although that would mean referring to Ramsay, which I would infinitely prefer to avoid).

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I think burning down the Dosh Khaleen was a spur of the moment decision by Daenery triggered by Lhazareen's (Dutch!) tale and what she said to Daenerys during their bathroom break. Lhazareen was a girl from a village ransacked by the Dothraki, the Khal found her in her hiding spot, raped her (married her - where's the difference with the Dothraki) and when she gave birth to a daughter broke her ribs. You know just to remind us all what giant assholes the Dothraki are just in case we forgot. And unlike the other brainwashed widows Lhazareen was not okay with her fate though she knew she'd only leave the place in smoke rising. When she said that something seemed to click with Daenery and when Ser Friendzone and Daario showed up she decided it was time for a Khal-barbecue.

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7 hours ago, mojoween said:

David and DB wrote both this week's ep and last, so I'm curious if something were cut for time because last week Jon walks away toward the gate saying "my watch is over" and this week starts with him...back in Castle Black.

Did he just take a lap around the Wall and then wander back to chat with Edd?

He wasn't going to the gate, the one Wun Wun smashed and the other one could actually be seen behind him when he walked the other way. I think he was just going up to his chambers to change clothes and pack. (Good thing he apparently had some Ned-like Stark duds with him, even though he had no reason to think he'd ever wear them again.)

6 hours ago, Popples said:

After a re-watch, a thought came to me: what happened to the remnants of Dany's old Khalasar? Last we saw of them, they were stealing all of the statues at Xaro Xhoan Daxos' house to buy a ship, then got really seasick from not being used to travelling on water. Once she got the Unsullied, they weren't seen anymore.

They've still been around in the background in Slaver's Bay, either in the big group shots of Team Dany or a couple of them standing guard. There just hasn't been a group shot of only the Dothraki since the scene of them being seasick. I think they were reduced to non-speaking roles to make room for the 4 new members of Team Dany in s3.

Did Varys even have any lines this week? Tyrion cannot carry the Meereen mess on his own for me.

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13 minutes ago, Lady S. said:

Did Varys even have any lines this week? Tyrion cannot carry the Meereen mess on his own for me.

I noticed that Varys did not have any dialogue when Tyrion was confronting the masters. It was surprising. I hope that he gets more to do as the season progresses. I would love to see him plot to take down the doctor who has appropriated his little birds.

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