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S08.E02: An Intimates Affair

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No joke. BLK is on the shelves at two grocery stores and a huge liquor store by me in Austin Texas. Recently at one of the stores, I saw it move down a shelf so that it's in a better position to sell. Someone is buying it, I just don't know who.

Of the all of the housewives products that I've seen with my own two eyes, BLK and LVP Sangria are the few that I've seen grow and sustain that growth. The Skinny Girl stuff was everywhere for awhile and then disappeared when people realized it tastes like shit.

See, I've read that BLK water was a failed venture but I see it in HEB in San Antonio right next to the Fiji water. Now I go into Marshalls and there is a shit load of Skinny Girl crap- "energy" bars, bath gel, lotion. I guess she is trying to put Skinny Girl on anything and everything? Kinda gross and never seen any of her stuff anywhere other than Marshalls or Ross.

  • Love 3

Why Armenian? And, I assume he isn't interested in having his own children, since he chooses to spend his Viagra on someone who seems to be at least perimenopausal.

Dorinda and John obviously want to be together, so I don't get why either should/needs to be with someone else.


I wonder how much of a profit she's really making, given that she's back on this show to get a check and plug her shit at every turn. She whined about how she needs to spend every extra free moment with her child, yet given how she's all over this show, she obviously chose to spend a good amount of that time on filming.

I don't think John wants kids. I am curious about Bethenny. Didn't she sell the skinny girl business? If so, why would she care about coming back on tv?. It could be that part of the proceeds of sale of the business depend on sales of skinny girl products over the next 5 years. Having her products on display during each scene will help gain exposure.

  • Love 1

I don't think John wants kids. I am curious about Bethenny. Didn't she sell the skinny girl business? If so, why would she care about coming back on tv?. It could be that part of the proceeds of sale of the business depend on sales of skinny girl products over the next 5 years. Having her products on display during each scene will help gain exposure.

She only sold the alcohol part but retained the brand name "Skinny Girl" to slap on other low grade products for a quick buck.

  • Love 6

Does Bethany realize that if she were more likable her products would sell even better? It's like she's turning a profit, so that satisfies her in terms of "doing everything right." No Bethany! Your business would be BOOMING if you were nicer and more friendly. Frankly, a lot of people buy the skinnygirl stuff, because they are looking for chips and that screams "Healthy!" it's just a fad, a brand, and trend, it will go away. She's selling to the lowest common denominator. 


My cousin, back in 2013, bought the skinnygirl margarita stuff. It was SO GROSS. Tart as hell, no sugar. No wonder it makes you skinny--- you don't eat/drink it! OMG, my skinnygirl experience was so terrible. We were all sitting around with puckered faces going, "this shit is gross!" Maybe the food is better, but really, it's just women who want chips that see "SkinnyGirl" chips and the same thing as "Lays." They go with Skinnygirl because it makes them feel better. It's totally emotional. She's in Walmart and Sams Club. Big ass people are like, "Oh, there is a skinnygirl, I'll eat all of this and get skinny!" I remember working at a Yogurt Shop, and one of the options for an "add-in" was Slim-Fast, because at the time, the owner was on Slim-Fast. You would be shocked how many people thought if they ADDED slimfast to their yogurt shake it would have LESS calories. People are so dumb. There is absolutely no substance to Skinnygirl. It's such a horrible brand I can't stand it! Also, Bethany, though I love her competitive streak, don't get me wrong, to start selling cheap as hell shapewear in addition to everything???? Manic episodes, DAMN. 


I seriously think Bethany is a joke and riding on borrowed time. She does not really have anything. The skinnygirl stuff will be gone in 5 years. No one will license it. No one likes her. She's old now. AUHGS.


You'll note that except in touting the deal as such a big thing, even as she was on the cusp of becoming the Ellen anointed next big thing on talk show television, she was pushed so far from the beverage line so hard she must have bounced wherever she landed.  She was never the true face of Skinny Girl products and likely still isn't funnily enough.  What fans she did have were aware and going to buy anyway for curiosity if anything else.  But to draw in the much needed bigger demographic?  Make that lantern jawed screeching harpy fly south for the winter, stat.


As for BLK water I read somewhere that it is still being bottled and distributed and that the low earning level on its release means that is who is getting any money off it.  The actual bottling and distributing companies.  I think the Manzos are making pennies on it if anything all since they still wear tee shirts publicly but they aren't riding any bottled water trend to profits of any kind since that would be enough to provide those sons the trappings of a real job as well as plenty of plot lines for their terrible show instead of fake bbq recipe drama and a fake girlfriend for the golden boy who can't even be bothered to try and make her social media accounts reflect the script just for the month the last season of the show aired.


I would have no problem if Frankel and Singer would simply say they don't care for John.  Sometimes you just don't click and rub against each other instead.  That is fine.  What I don't like is the tone that suggests he fails meeting their standards in a way that is condescending and elitist.  And coming from some women so rough and crass that the teamsters working the set demand hazard pay for bruised sensibilities and two extra breaks to suffer the vapors.

  • Love 8

I thought it was interesting that in the latest episode she said "We have to come up with something good, not just slap our name on things."  Obvi, not a direct quote, but that was the GIST of it.


I still see her Skinny Girl drinks around, several new ones are out, one or two look pretty good.  I would never buy a premixed Margarita though, if I'm going to have one, it's going to be yummy, and calories be damned.  I remember when she had the recipe to make it yourself up on her website.  I can see making her style homemade if you are worried about calories or drink quite a bit, but not the premixed stuff.


I have seen a couple of seriously crappy things of hers for sale in discount stores.  I bought her lip gloss at one of those.  Nice color but sticky/tacky texture and the packaging broke practically immediately. 

  • Love 1

I have a very similar build to Jules...tall and super lanky, even bony. Even if I gain weight, my collarbones pop, my boobs remain tiny (as does my ass), and my arms are long and very skinny. I can't say for certain if she has an issue with food (I suspect that there MAY be something there because of her behavior). If she doesn't, then I can sympathize with having to deal with the constant speculation, looks of concern, and opinions from perfect strangers. It gets REALLY old. And yeah, coming from Beth and Carol, that was rich.

One of my kids is like that too.  Nearly off the charts on the low side since early childhood.  I'm sure many people assume erroneously that there is some kind of an eating disorder at play.  Because of that I tend to give other ectomorphs the benefit of the doubt. 


Totally agree with you about Bethenny and Carol.  To my eyes they both look about the same level of leanness as Jules. 


Got to hand it to Ramona knowing how to get the camera time her paycheck is supposedly now tied to.  I wonder what she is like in her real world when the cameras are not there. 

  • Love 4

I'm so glad that RHONY is back!  I finally got around to watching this week's episode and plan on watching it again.   I'm especially interested in watching the last part of it. I don't think I caught everything that was said about John.    


I haven't been around in a while.  Real life has been demanding and I gave up on RHOBH because IMHO it sucked.  I just couldn't make myself pay attention to it anymore.  I'll confess that I'm a political junkie so keeping up with all the primary news, hi-jinks and watching every cable news commentary (except FOX) takes up a lot of my time.  That said, I'll repeat myself...........I'm so glad that RHONY is back!

  • Love 6

Carol is naturally thin, and likes to eat ( sometimes with her mouth open), and is dating a chef, but Bethenny admittedly has had food issues in the past, has an anorexic mother, and is progressively thinner each season. I have read that she uses laxatives and Adderall to stay thin. Jules, however, even though she may be naturally thin, shows signs of having food issues every episode.

Jules obviously is not a hands on mother or wife in her home. I get the impression that her husband really loves her and dotes on her. Her embarrassing rant about a virtual salary for a stay at home mom did not seem to faze him.

  • Love 3

Dorinda might drink a bit too much, but why is everyone faulting her for having her boyfriend's back and sticking up for him? It's way disrespectful for the other women to constantly trash John to Dorinda and behind her back as well. They're entitled to their opinion, but they shouldn't be surprised when Dorinda wants to hear none of it and stick up for her man. I also think John is disgusting and that Dorinda could do eons better, but if she wants to be in that relationship, they either need to be her friends and stfu about it or choose to end the friendship and move along. The bottom line is Dorinda is a grown ass woman who can date whoever the hell she wants, and I think it's admirable that she shuts the others down with their BS and sticks by her guy. Good for you, D! Even if I agree with Beth I think her approach sucks and that it was disrespectful of her to treat Dorinda like that at an event she was hosting. Plain and simple.


So I have this friend who is dating this guy that the rest of us all hate.  Loathe is probably a better word.  He's the fucking worst.  We've said our piece to her about him (he's not a good man and he's going to break both her and her daughter's hearts) and would all be happy to just never mention him again.   Ever.  However, she will not STFU about him.  She's constantly trying to "sell" him to us.  We cannot get through one single, solitary conversation with her without her going on an on about what an awesome guy he is (spoiler alert, he's not.)  It's almost like she's trolling us.  She's desperate for us to tell her we agree and he's wonderful.  Never going to happen.   I think this was Bethany's point.  If you don't like someone a friend is dating, then you should be cordial and keep your mouth shut, yes.  But what happens if that friend refuses to just leave well enough alone and constantly drones on and on about how fantastic he is, waiting for some kind of response from you?  Who's in the wrong then?

  • Love 9

I have two unpopular opinions - first, I don't think what Ramona did was that bad. I mean yes, they are on a television show that the world is going to see, but Dorinda dear this is what you signed up for. And as a friend I do think Ramona should tell Dorinda and Dorinda should know what John is saying about her, precisely because they are on a television show.

Second, although John does come off as a human meatball I actually think he is not a bad person and yes I do think some "outer borough" shaming is going on. When he pulled that childish prank on Dorinda last episode with pretending there was a stain on her shirt, not once but twice, I admit I laughed. He seemed so proud of himself, he was cracking himself up.  I think he does love Dorinda and was there for her during the worst moments in her life. That's all fine. But what irks me about Dorinda is that instead of just acknowledging this is John and making NO apologies for him, she instead gets angry at the women for pointing out his boorishness. This is who he is, if you love him ok, but don't go ballistic when people point it out. Maybe if she would have just let it roll of her back people would stop making comments because they would figure out it doesn't get under her skin. Instead she feeds into it.

As far as the skinny shaming - it's disgusting. That's all I can say. Carole and Bethany have no room to talk about anyone. They are both train wrecks in different ways (aren't we all?). It's hypocritical and distasteful.

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 6
John is Armenian.

Yeah, I realize that, but was just wondering why he "should" be with a girl of the same ethnicity, as if that would somehow make for a more appropriate or harmonious relationship. Because, an Armenian girl could be just as put off by his nose trick prank and other annoying traits, too.


I remember when she had the recipe to make it yourself up on her website. I can see making her style homemade if you are worried about calories or drink quite a bit, but not the premixed stuff.

I haven't seen Beth's homemade recipe, but when she was shown ordering a margarita in a flashback from an earlier season, what she asked for was just a classic margarita with more tequila and less triple sec. Far from a genius or innovative idea, but good on her for spinning that into a processed diet product that sells/sold, I guess.

  • Love 1

Grow the eff up and my other peeve?


Stop playing with your hair.


She is one of those morons who probably spends hundreds of dollars and hair care products each month. Actually?


Here's a drinking game?



Take a drink every time a HW touches/twirls/flips their hair or adjusts their clothing.


Then check into the Betty Ford clinic.


Gah! So much this ^

The worst part of it, is that they are usually playing with their hair around food.  GAG!  Jules is taking it to Khloe Kardashian levels (KK is one bitch who can't leave her hair alone for 1 second.)

  • Love 1

Jules obviously is not a hands on mother or wife in her home. I get the impression that her husband really loves her and dotes on her. Her embarrassing rant about a virtual salary for a stay at home mom did not seem to faze him.

I'm sure I'm projecting but his expression made me imagine he was thinking, "Smile through her BS for the cameras til I get out of here and see my side piece." Same thing I think when I see them pretending she is Suzy Homemaker.

  • Love 2

See, I've read that BLK water was a failed venture but I see it in HEB in San Antonio right next to the Fiji water. Now I go into Marshalls and there is a shit load of Skinny Girl crap- "energy" bars, bath gel, lotion. I guess she is trying to put Skinny Girl on anything and everything? Kinda gross and never seen any of her stuff anywhere other than Marshalls or Ross.

I see Skinny Girl here in Florida at Publix and it's at my local liquor chain

  • Love 1

Yeah, Jules is a sweetheart, and her husband seems to be very caring and nurturing. He's a sweetie too. I'm sure he loves the control and being needed. Good for them I say. 


If you go to the skinnygirl website you can click on the different products and see what stores MIGHT be carrying them. They actually want you to call the store and see if they carry the product, but that's just their way of manipulating the situation so it seems like there is a demand for their product. For instance, kale chips or whatever is sold at Giant stores. So you click on "Giant" and all it does it takes you to the Giant store locator. Then it tells you to call the store in your area to see if the product is sold.


The skinnygirl stuff is all made with Stevia, which to me has a terrible aftertaste that I can't get used too. Sort of a bitter tang. Depending on what stores you shop at, your chances of seeing any skinnygirl stuff is slim. Apparently some Walmarts carry it, and the blender thing was at Sams Club, but it's not anymore. I guess they want you to call Sam's Club and ask for it, hoping if enough people call about the product Sams will put in a purchase order again. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 4

I said he should get an Armenian girl to make a Kardashian joke.

But to be serious most marriages do better if the people are from the same culture. Not all marriages of course but you have a much better chance at success. Warm, boisterous, demonstrative outer borough ethnics don't do well with condescending tight lipped snotty Upper East Side types.

Remember the sage advice of Anita in West Side Story "Stick with your own kind!"

  • Love 5


In a weird way, Bethenny is kind of like the Tamra of RHONY to me. They're both the abrasive, blunt and unabashedly-in-your-face backbone of their shows. And prone to teary-eyed hysterics. So basically born for reality TV. Also, they're both arguably saner yet more devious than their screechier counterparts (Ramona and Vicki), which makes them more divisive.

Which was the cause/result of two gang murders...

  • Love 1

A Faberware percolator is the bomb. Hot coffee in no time flat. I've had one for years. Bought one for my Mom and converted my friend to one. FAR superior to Mr. Coffee or those stupid pod things. Just because it looks old doesn't mean it isn't new and wonderful. And they run between 75 and 125.00


I like John. He's a hard worker with a successful business. Good for him. He can do LOTS better then the drunk, stuck up UES Dorinda. Her daughters a spoiled brat and wouldn't like anyone her Mom dated. (Less money for her you know)


I dated a guy for 3 years everyone dislikde. They disliked him because he wasn't "good enough". Had no education and some brushes with the law. He was a simple construction worker. He was the love of my life. After 27 years of a "upper class" marriage I was sick of the cheating and I left. Met love of life and never looked back. He never cheated on me, never yelled at me, turned over his paycheck every Friday, and was just a good all around guy. Are we still together? Nope. All I'll say is it was HIS decision to split up. Money and education don't mean shit. Being a good person does.

  • Love 6
​I can see that, but I wouldn't exactly call Dorinda tight-lipped, or even snobbish (not like Ramona and Beth, anyways).


Dorinda told Carole and Ramona they shouldn't do lunch together. She said Ramona should stick to her usual, UES fancy restaurants, and Carole should remain downtown with the crunchy hipsters. Last season she was freaking out about cursing and how Heather's mother would be ashamed of her (even though Dorinda curses plenty). I think she is VERY snobby. 

  • Love 3

Yeah, I realize that, but was just wondering why he "should" be with a girl of the same ethnicity, as if that would somehow make for a more appropriate or harmonious relationship. Because, an Armenian girl could be just as put off by his nose trick prank and other annoying traits, too.


I haven't seen Beth's homemade recipe, but when she was shown ordering a margarita in a flashback from an earlier season, what she asked for was just a classic margarita with more tequila and less triple sec. Far from a genius or innovative idea, but good on her for spinning that into a processed diet product that sells/sold, I guess.


– 2 ounces white (clear) tequila (100% agave)

– Small splash of triple sec or other orange/citrus liqueur

– Large splash of fresh lime juice or 4 lime wedges

– Splash of club soda, to lighten it (optional)

– Lime wheel for garnish


Combine the tequila, triple sec, and lime juice in a rocks glass filled with ice. (If you’re using lime wedges, squeeze them into the glass.) Top it off with club soda, if you like, and stir to combine. Garnish with a lime wheel.




I like sweeter margaritas.  Beam must have insisted on the stevia.

how BAD are the taglines this season? I mean EVERY one is LAME and cringe-worthy!!

Is that he best they could come up with??!??!



They are awful. I think part of the problem is the need to come up with something new every year. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a time when they kept the same line for several seasons? The taglines are so cheesy anyhow. Just pick one that is somewhat tolerable and stick with it. No need to try and up the ante every damn year. 

  • Love 5

I was with my son at the grocery store the other day and he bought a bottle of the BLK water.


As far as being attracted to someone who's not conventionally good looking, he was married to a girl who was fat and ugly and didn't even have a nice personality to counterbalance the physical traits. Nobody understood the attraction. She was so nasty that his friends tried to convince him to leave her at the altar.  Sadly, her demeanor never improved in the decade they were together. When she cheated on him, which led to their divorce - she did us all a favor by finally freeing our whole family. 


It might seem odd that Dorinda defends John to her friends while sometimes in their scenes together she acts as if she doesn't even like him - but I don't think that's particularly unusual. 

It's about saving face and not admitting that others may be right about someone. There could be things she doesn't like, but they're not a dealbreaker for her - especially if she's not considering committing to him for the long haul.  


I doubt Bethenny would care if anyone trashes Jason. In fact, I think she'd appreciate and encourage it. Of course I've never understood anyone who could be attracted to someone who badmouths their ex to that degree. When anyone is that nasty, it says a lot more about them than it does the person they're bashing. 

  • Love 3

The funniest thing about the skinny girl brand is the packaging and the logo.


I saw that they moved her popcorn closer to the end of the snack aisle of the Kroger I shop at. The packaging has the same starkness as the old store brands that used catchy phrases like "Beer", "Milk" and the blue stripe across the front.


No photos of what is inside, only the logo and name of the product - no imagination at work there.

  • Love 1

I'm rewatching the episode now, and I'm no Dorinda fan, but I really didn't like the way Bethenny was trying to tell her who she should and shouldn't be mad at during the argument about John. I think it's understandable that she'd be angrier at Ramona; she hadn't been friends with Bethenny for anywhere near as long and what Ramona mentioned was way more personal and humiliating. Especially in front of the cameras, the other girls, and let's not forget the bra ladies and the staff. So while it was Bethenny who started in on her, it's easy to see why she took what Ramona said as more of a betrayal. And besides, why does Bethenny feel entitled to dictate to Dorinda like that? People are allowed to feel however the hell they want, even if it doesn't fit with the gospel according to Bethenny Frankel.


I used to like Bethenny a lot but she is getting right on my nerves this season.


I'm trying to give Jules the benefit of the doubt in spite of all her (probably) fake domestic stuff, comments about the private school and weird shrimp/ice bucket behaviour, because I liked her during the whole John thing. She tried to diffuse it without inserting herself into argument, and when she said to Dorinda "It's over, don't give it a life" or something like that, it was probably the most rational thing anyone said during the last ten minutes of the episode.


On another note, for someone who claims not to lose any sleep over Luann, Carole sure talks about her a whole lot. I think it makes her seem petty that she keeps going on about how Luann was mean to her boyfriend when pretty much all Luann appears to be saying is "I'm over it and I wish them well". With the exception of the comment about her crawling up Bethenny's anus... but I can forgive that because I completely agree with it. 


I don't doubt that Luann herself is pretty shady but I just can't bring myself to truly dislike her anymore, the "don't be uncool" shtick cracks me up.

  • Love 8

I, honestly, don't think anyone outside of Ramona thinks Dorinda is too good for John (and I say Moaner, because she has basically said as much). I think the issue is DORINDA seems to think she's too good for John. She is pretty damn snotty herself. She told Carole and Ramona they shouldn't hang out with each other because of where they live. She acts like John annoys her 75% of the time. But then she tries to pain another picture to the girls. It's annoying.


Right! Ramona keeps repeatedly saying how classy Dorinda is and I personally do not see it whatsoever. She can't seem to communicate during an argument without yelling at the top of her voice, usually slurring and pointing in someone's face. And a lot of the time when we see her out with John, she's treating him with more contempt than the other ladies do. 

  • Love 6

I'm rewatching the episode now, and I'm no Dorinda fan, but I really didn't like the way Bethenny was trying to tell her who she should and shouldn't be mad at during the argument about John. I think it's understandable that she'd be angrier at Ramona; she hadn't been friends with Bethenny for anywhere near as long and what Ramona mentioned was way more personal and humiliating. Especially in front of the cameras, the other girls, and let's not forget the bra ladies and the staff. So while it was Bethenny who started in on her, it's easy to see why she took what Ramona said as more of a betrayal. And besides, why does Bethenny feel entitled to dictate to Dorinda like that? People are allowed to feel however the hell they want, even if it doesn't fit with the gospel according to Bethenny Frankel.


I used to like Bethenny a lot but she is getting right on my nerves this season.


I'm trying to give Jules the benefit of the doubt in spite of all her (probably) fake domestic stuff, comments about the private school and weird shrimp/ice bucket behaviour, because I liked her during the whole John thing. She tried to diffuse it without inserting herself into argument, and when she said to Dorinda "It's over, don't give it a life" or something like that, it was probably the most rational thing anyone said during the last ten minutes of the episode.


On another note, for someone who claims not to lose any sleep over Luann, Carole sure talks about her a whole lot. I think it makes her seem petty that she keeps going on about how Luann was mean to her boyfriend when pretty much all Luann appears to be saying is "I'm over it and I wish them well". With the exception of the comment about her crawling up Bethenny's anus... but I can forgive that because I completely agree with it. 


I don't doubt that Luann herself is pretty shady but I just can't bring myself to truly dislike her anymore, the "don't be uncool" shtick cracks me up.



Right! Ramona keeps repeatedly saying how classy Dorinda is and I personally do not see it whatsoever. She can't seem to communicate during an argument without yelling at the top of her voice, usually slurring and pointing in someone's face. And a lot of the time when we see her out with John, she's treating him with more contempt than the other ladies do. 

Carole is no saint on twitter.  She went in hard on both Luann and Aviva. So there is a lot of the pot calling the kettle black with Carole's social media comments.  Grow up and move on like Luann did.

Ramona is the opposite of Luann's song - to Ramona, Money can buy you class.  Hence Dorinda has class.


Edited by jinjer
  • Love 3

Wow, I don´t like Dorinda, but I cheered her on when she flipped out on Bethenny and Ramona. What they said was so uncalled for at that particular place and time, but I guess it´s now in all housewives contracts to start a huge brawl/argument no later than episode two. Dorinda was absolutely right, it´s her choice and it´s her life, she´s not young anymore and it´s no-ones business what she does. Bethenny was funny though in her th when she was praying for Ramona to stop, sharing that story then and there was what pushed the situation totally out of control :) But Ramona´s "shut up" button seems to be "I could say stuff about Mario".


NY is my favorite housewives show and Dorinda is at the bottom of my like-pile, since she´s definitly got a screw loose and not in the fun, crazy Ramona-way, but if she continues throwing in random bits of sense when she´s yelling at the others, then she might actually be fun to watch. But I hope the New York ladies continue to get over things quickly, that´s their main strength. You never know who´ll be friends with whom, and they might all be alchoholics, they´re still all fun to watch and kind of classy when they´re drunk.

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"Jules, however, even though she may be naturally thin, shows signs of having food issues every episode."

Please tell me one food "issue" Jules has shown.

For starters, every housewife so far that's met up with her for dinner/lunch has noticed that she hasn't yet ordered her own food and that she nibbles off her husband's plate and/or mostly plays with her food rather than actually eating it(classic sign of disordered eating).

Then there was the freak out over mistakenly eating a bit of fried shrimp, followed by spitting it out and giving her hands an ice bath---yes, she claimed it was religious-based fear, but it was just weird and over the top.

And that's just the past several episodes...I'm sure we'll see a few more little examples of food issues as the show goes on this season. I do feel bad for the way the other small skinny girls are snarking about her size so far---she's likely the same size or similar to them, it just looks worse since she's much taller and lankier. If you stretched Carole and Bethenny up to her height they'd likely all look just the same.

  • Love 1

She never ate the shrimp, as far as I recall. She was just handling it. That was what was really weird. Without even deciding if she was going to eat it or not, she was just picking it up and looking at it. Were there no tongs or anything she could have used to inspect it? 


The most stand out weird thing, for me, was asking for her husband's leftover eggs. That was NOT a big portion to begin with, those tiny scraps do not a meal make. Hopefully she had something else, but it didn't really look like it. 

  • Love 3

Just who is Jules trying to convince of her Jewishness? The viewers? Herself? My husband is Jewish and, in the 25+ years I've known him, he hasn't made reference to his Jewishness, or to Judaism in general, as many times as Jules has so far this season. Jules, sweetie, we get that you're Jewish. Let it go now!

I think Dorinda needs to cut folks some slack when it comes to their opinion of John and her relationship with him. While I fully agree that no one really knows what goes on between two people except those two people -- and even then you might have two very differing accounts of their situation -- people base their opinions on what they do see and hear. Frankly, I've never once seen Dorinda look happy or relaxed with John. She's constantly criticizing him, constantly being embarrassed by him, constantly feeling the need to apologize for him. So if her friends get the impression that she's miserable with John and would be happier without him, who can really blame them? Maybe Dorinda needs to take a weekend all by herself and contemplate whether being alone is really worse than being with someone who makes you miserable.

  • Love 1

Just who is Jules trying to convince of her Jewishness? The viewers? Herself? My husband is Jewish and, in the 25+ years I've known him, he hasn't made reference to his Jewishness, or to Judaism in general, as many times as Jules has so far this season. Jules, sweetie, we get that you're Jewish. Let it go now!  



Observant Jew here.  Jules is hitting her Jewishness so hard and it's bs.  Shrimp is easy to spot, but if you don't, throw it away and go to the powder room and wash your hands.  God is not gonna strike you dead.  Trust me, God doesn't give a shit.  Kashrut is about how you live, it's not about 'sinning'.

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