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  1. As unpleasant as the last 2 eps were, it's kinda consistent with these 2 characters. We saw Nikki has been on a downward spiral, taking quick chugs & scarfing down breath mints. So did she need a direct trigger for such a tailspin to hell? Not really. If anything, maybe thinking everything is wrapped up might have set her off. And Jackie wants to save (& care for) everyone near him. That's his shtick. So maybe what he did makes sense for him. Very ugly, dark, depressing, disturbing & unpleasant stuff. Not exactly a light, casual way to spend your afternoons, eh? Thanks for nothing, Josh. Idk, I'm way more disturbed by Vic's behavior & attitude. Again, very consistent with his horrible character (or lack of). He blames Jackie for Nikki's state (not his fault she's a drunk) & has zero empathy that he could have died trying to help Nikki. And he won't accept that Jackie's actions finally motivated Nikki to go to rehab. Yech, he's awful. And did he say he never should've ALLOWED Jackie to be her sponsor? ALLOWED??? Ugh! And yeah, there's still Jordie locked up in his dungeon/prison basement. How long is that sick shit gonna go on for? As much I'm not digging Claire, she has a sweet chemistry with Harrison. I'm not seeing any romantic spark with her & Kyle, but those pouty faces Dummer was making when Claire was near Harrison? Oh, we know what's comin'! Tantrums, shrieking & hissy fits. Now just add one-shoulder jobbies & overly flat-ironed strings & ya got mommy's twin!
  2. Um, why does Vic have that large comfy-looking leather chair facing the jail cell Jordie is in? Is he popping open a bottle while watching Jordie imprisoned? Like I said before, me thinks Joshie has a real sadistic bent. Maybe Vic too? He may be in his 80's, but what is exactly is going on in his head? Or do we really wanna know? Maybe not. Ah, so today Lauren was channeling Raquel Welch in One Million BC in her one-shoulder cave lady get-up. OK then. Gross question, but I'll ask it -- wouldn't Claire stink like hell after having a dead lady laying on top of her for days? And what about bathroom issues? Well, you get the idea. Just a very sloppy, slapdash way of wrapping up what happened to Claire. It's like they knew they had to end it quick (as with Harrison's kidnapping) & didn't give much thought as to how they'd do it. Er, why does Abby speak to her mother like she's a customer she barely knows? AI would probably get the Ashley/Abby relationship better than Josh is. Couldn't be any worse, cuz it totally makes no sense now. Ugh, that halting way of speaking & pausing/stopping every 3 or 4 words? I haven't missed Claire at all. I've enjoyed the break from her. So now Ashley O'Hara only has the Southern accent in her head? She was trying way too hard to flirt with Dr. Alan, and he was kind of a dead-fish/brick-wall in response to her. My first impression was this may be a casting fail, cuz the chemistry was just one-way. Are we gonna get a Shelia/Jordie sister act? Maybe they'll kidnap Drinki & Lauren & make them promise not to wear one-shoulder cave lady outfits or ugly pink suits . . . or else? Diane is an asshole. Will always be & will never change. That's all there is to ever say on her.
  3. Idk, but my eyes hurt thinking about it. Didn't seem Barbie pink to me, which is softer. Did they put that ugly thing on her to contrast Vic's Snidely Whiplash (or Boris Badenov) black? Btw, so when she took one of those ghastly GCAC rooms, to drink herself into oblivion -- did she not think Vic was gonna be calling after her? Eh, as long as she gets rid of that suit, I'm good.
  4. Ah, so I was watching today with my 12 year old niece. She doesn't watch the show & had no idea what was going on, but I wanted to share her comments on the little she watched before she got bored & left the room. When Connor came on, she asked, why is that boy so sad & why do those 2 people talking to him have fake smiles & are looking so fake? She said he looks like he hates them. I didn't want to tell her he had OCD -- cuz why get into it & she seemed like she mostly couldn't care less. Me either, hun, me either. Is it possible for Melissa Claire Egan to do ANY scene without bawling her eyes out? The makeup peeps must spray-paint her down with the latest in waterproof makeup cuz she still manages to look pretty good after all that crying. I can't stand it tho.
  5. Yeah, I was noticing too how everyone except Drinki was wearing black, black & more black. OK, Vicky was wearing mud brown. And Dummer's leather thing was a dull brown too. What up with this? Hey, show stylists, it's Spring -- have ya heard? How about some color? And throw away Drinki's garish suit. Soak it with any of Drinki's leftover booze (that maybe wussy Jackie is able to wrestle away from her) & burn it quick! I like pink, but that color hurt my eyes. Yuck! Wait, so now Dummer is blaming Drinki for Jordie's actions. First off, you ain't just a moron, but you really are mommy's daughter, eh? A thoughtless asshole who never apologizes for any of the awful shit she says or does. Get it thru your thick head, Dummer, the only one responsible for Jordie's actions is Jordie, so stop blaming other peeps, you asshole! OK, so I'm going to probe on how it's possible for Vic to keep Jordie locked up in the basement without anyone finding out. It's not possible. There has to be support staff to help keep her alive. But since we never see support staff, forget that for now. I think we got a hint, with Michael asking so many probing questions. I bet he'll find out first. Idk where it'll go from there, but as a lawyer, he's not gonna go along with knowing about Jordie being locked up in the basement indefinitely. Sheesh, these writers have such a sadistic bent. Can't blame that on AI. I really do think you have this right on the way ED is acting the other personalities. The prob for me as a viewer is I'm finding it so unbearable to watch cuz it's so cingey. And as far as the storyline goes? For me, it just seems like a tired retread. Split personality stories are so old hat. Yawn. It's disappointing that the writers can't come up with anything more creative for Ashley. She can be an interesting character -- I like her smartness, sense of humor & intuitiveness. And ED has potential for some OK acting. Must they pump out the same shit that's been done a zillion times? In any case, maybe Ashley O'Hara will provide some more style choices I can mock, cuz the rest of the cast is dressing so freakin' boring. Altho, we can predict for sure the one-shoulder jobbies will be showing up on the usual suspects -- Phyllis, Diane & Lauren (and maybe Dummer and Abby too).
  6. Btw, I really hope Ashley loses that ugly dress cuz I'm sick of looking at that hideous thing. Oh please don't tell me some idiot stylist is gonna put her in another awful red thing whenever she's in her Ashley O'Hara personality. Ugh, show, please make this tired storyline end, or at least make an effort to create more interesting personalities that ED is able to act. Guess that's not possible?
  7. Actually, Tuck & Audra could be good as a GC power couple. The prob is, what we're getting now is soooo unconvincing. First off, all we're seeing of them is . . . drinking at the bar downstairs or in bed in Tuck's teensy room. I still say Tuck seems like like a loser in that tiny room. And Glissade sounds like an air freshener to me. So if you 2 are such biz whizzes, ya gotta come up with a way better name than that. Look, the actors and the characters have potential, but they're hampered by lousy writing & a budget that's probably not much more than 5 bucks. I could buy Audra as a smart sharp exec & Tuck as go get 'em mogul, but the show ain't putting out much to support this. All I'm seeing now is some middle-aged dude bangin' some 20 years younger hot chick, lookin' like a loser cuz he keep begging her to marry him & she keeps turning him down. And they talk big about business, but never seem to do anything even remotely business-related -- or even interact with ANYONE other than each other. OK, maybe one of Ashley's random personalities, but that's only when she forces herself on them. Sorry, but having these 2 spout a few lines about their dreams & goals of Glissade (yech, I hate that name) ain't making these 2 a power couple. I could live without the bed scenes too, cuz it's getting repetitive. Well, at least they're not nauseating like Danny & The Bug. So there is that.
  8. Jeez, imprisoning Jordie again, Vic? This taking-the-law-in-your-own-hands bullshit is really nuts. So what's he up to? Gonna have Jordie tortured till she tells him where Claire is? This shit is sick & it's illegal. How is his kidnapping Jordie any different than her kidnapping Harrison? What is going on with this show and all these awful storylines? I thought the cringey shit with Ashley yesterday was bad enough, but this was all kinds of blech & yuck. Interesting how Vic & Nik lie to each other all the time. Some marriage. But Vic is lying to everyone about Jordie. Why?
  9. Did I miss something -- or are you referring to Harrison? Drats, you got my hopes up for a sec that storyline was ending, along with Ashley & her 10,000 personalities. I'm waiting for Danny's hair to really blow up like something out of Hairspray -- or an old Supremes wig. I remember reading some interview with Damian that he'd share hair & makeup tips with Jeanne Cooper (not kidding), so maybe she's an inspiration?
  10. As I said before, I'm indifferent to Mamie's hair, cuz I've zeroed in on her unpleasant personality. But given the volume & density for a woman her age . . . I assumed she's wearing a wig. And if she is wearing a wig, wouldn't any issues about comments on natural hair be irrelevant? A wig is really a style/fashion choice, isn't it? Now, that said, wigs have come a long way since the Supremes were sporting those big clunky things they wore. There are so many beautiful & natural-looking choices that are mostly undetectable as wigs. Let's just say, if it is a wig, she could make a way more flattering choice . . . Still think Pomp is an idiot & a waste of time, but that shot of him hugging the kid was really very sweet. Do the writers have some weirdo fetish about chloroforming people? Idk, first Claire & now Jordie -- who's next, writers? Dixie Carter-Ashley? Dummer? Please, please, please!
  11. Well, glad they ended the Harrison kidnapped bit, cuz watching a little kid being abused was totally unbearable. Maybe the writers realized they boxed themselves into a corner with this & decided to cut it off quick. I even felt sorry for the little boy actor playing this unpleasant shit -- having some horrible lady saying mean things to him. OTOH watching the Niks & Vics being tortured? Have no probs with that. Ugh, if you want to avoid witnessing truly terrible awful acting, maybe the worst I've seen on this show -- and that's saying something -- skip the Ashley trying to be Dixie Carter segments. Eileen, you really suck horseshoes as an actress! She deserves a Razzie, not an Emmy nom. Painful & cringey as hell to watch! So where is Claire? Guess that's the big question to be answered, eh? Danny is starting (to me) to look like like an elderly lady with teased up hair & heavy makeup. Maybe that's the look Damian is going for. Whatever, not judging, just observing. Traci's WTF look when she sees Dixie Carter-Ashley is priceless.
  12. I'm indifferent to Mamie's appearance & wouldn't comment on it anyway, in deference to her as elder lady. To me, that's not what's standing out so negatively about her. It's her shitty, angry, embittered, hostile attitude! Sheesh, she's just so unpleasant to be around. Yuck. Seriously, if Jill is more well-mannered and pleasant than you are . . . that's pretty fuckin' bad. I mean, Jill ended her vid call by saying to hug the kid. Would bitter, angry, hostile Mamie ever send hugs to anyone . . . ever? No way. She's too focused on her anger towards Jill. Who the hell would would wanna be anywhere near her? Thanks writers, for turning this character into someone so unbearable & awful. Hey Vicky, ditch that ugly sweater with the weird tie-thingie in front. And yeah, the white pants (jeggings?) are not the most flattering look. Man, what is the set budget for the show now? 50 cents? Lily's teeny office is all they can afford now, when they have scenes at C-W? And we're supposed to believe she's a high level exec with that itty-bitty office & that's the only place they can have a "board meeting"? Rolling eyes very hard. Wish they'd give Beth more to do than just offering tea and sympathy. She's capable of so much more. Way better actress than ED, that's sure. Just sayin' . . .
  13. Um, does Abby even know her mother has 700 personalities? Wonder how much longer Braeden will be on the show. He's looking frail & ill. Victor trying to be intimidating is not so convincing . . . No, it's not just that Dummer is being annoyingly written. It's also cuz Allison Lanier is a really, really lousy actress. Ah, so all the Newmans & Abbotts believe in taking the law in their own hands, eh? Except maybe Victoria. But Drinki's plan is as stupid as what Vic & Jackie were doing with the driver. Sheesh, this shit is so dumb.
  14. I was admiring how good Christian looks with white hair. The makeup peeps give him an orange face, but his hair looks good. He'd been dying it for years & only gave it up fairly recently -- kudos to him. I'm not sure what Damian should do with his hair, only that what he's sporting now looks terrible. Anyone catch the preview of him with Traci? He's got makeup on that looks like pancake mix & he looks like a Halloween mask. Very ghoulish. Maybe goth is the look he's going for? Looks unnerving to me. Eh, it's not exactly unusual for an entertainer/actor to have a look when they're young & then never let it go. Anyone see Gene Simmons? Eek! And Michelle Stafford will likely keep those Raggedy Ann pumpkin orange strings till the grave. Madonna has her roots painted black. Surprised the hair peeps don't do the same for MS. My question is, how many flat irons have died to give her (and endlessly continue to give her) that tired look. I can answer what Drinki has up her sleeve . . . more vodka! Oh, and a deep stockade of breath mints, of course. The bullshit of Vic & Jackie handling the Jordan situation on their own is beyond idiotic. Idk which is dumber & more annoying -- their nonsense or Dummer screeching & ranting & whining. So what's it gonna be, JG? A different personality for Ashley every week? Will she borrow Jordie's man drag & we'll next see her at the GCAC bar in a bad wig & goatee, maybe hitting on Audra (who'll of course be in a backless outfit & 6 inch heels)? Will Audra be freaked out by Man Ashley . . . or would she consider giving her a shot?
  15. He was calling her "that woman" before. Is b*tch any better? No. Both sound misogynist to me. I dislike the way he treats women. Mostly very condescending. But he's that way with everyone, ain't he? Despicable character -- and has been for 40 years. Oh Sharon, take your balloon face, stuffed chock full of injectables to the point of bursting before our eyes, & go fuck off. Your advice sucks & you don't have the background to be acting like some kind mental health professional. SFTU and go serve up coffee & muffins, hun. Now, that said, I actually agree with Adam's skepticism. I don't trust that AI robot lady for one second. And if it was me she was accusing of being a bad parent & laying all the fault on me, she'd have a gotten a big fuck you from me. And I'd like to see how an AI robot lady would respond to some anger and a big fuck you. Sharon's shitty advice never took into account that they coulda left the kid in some fake-out place . . . OK, so Ashley's next personality is who? Combo of Scarlett O'Hara, Blanche Dubois, Blanche Devereaux & a reject from a crappy ep of Designing Women from 35 years ago? Oh Joshie-poo, you are expecting way too much from Eileen. All we saw was one tiny preview & she was painfully awful. Ugh. Hey Drinki, what brand of breath mints are ya gobbling up? I wanna buy stock in those!
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