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I don't agree that the only reason Kyle is on the show is Kim and I don't think the prerequisite for being on the show was that people had to know who you are. Nobody knew Lisa Vanderpump (at least I didn't) or any of the others aside from Camille because of being married to Kelsey Grammer, yet they were on the show. As a matter of fact, I think Kyle was the one who was responsible for the others being on the show the same way Nene Leakes was responsible for getting together the cast of RHOA. I do remember her saying she was the first one Bravo approached to be on the show.

I agree, while I have not always been Kyle's biggest fan, she has seemed to always have a wide circle of friends. I can see Kyle's name Coming up alot when the idea of RHoB came around. Kim on the other hand, has seemed to live a very isolated life. Edited by imjagain
  • Love 18


SHUT UP KEN! Jesus Christ why are you even there? Fucking asking for clarification about a conversation he's not part of, just get off my screen.

And your little dog too!

Honestly starting to think he's the newest HW.  Doddering behind Lisa carrying the dog who won't sit in a chair without a cushion, then opening his mouth and contributing nothing.  I'm over him.


Overall, I thought it was a strange episode, and very disjointed.  It seemed like comments and things that they were saying to each other came out of nowhere.


We have the Kim discussion, with Bethenny in the mix (are we done with her now, finally?) in which Lisa R thinks that she might be somewhat responsible for Kim's 'relapse'.  It was not a 'relapse'.  There was never a 'relapse'.  So that whole thing was weird and seemed to come out of nowhere.  But we did get to see the wall climbing scene again, so that was worth it. 



Then we have Eileen bringing up her issues with Lisa V again.  Why?  If you don't want to discuss it, don't bring it up again in front of everyone else.  Let it die.   Then she brings up that she was physically abused.  I appreciate her candor, and I am sorry she went through that, but I thought it was an odd time and place to bring it up - and then, Kyle and Lisa R hugged her and well, that scene was over.



I'll skip Yolanda because I just can't with her anymore.


Katherine.  Is she the newest HW for real ? (because my money is still on Ken). 


I was confused because my initial impression was that Lisa Rinna knew Katherine, but then Lisa was asking questions, so it didn't seem like she knew her.  I think it must have been editing - then when Katherine says she knew Harry (after Lisa asked her if she knew him) when he was with Nicolette Sheridan, Lisa brings up OJ, and then we have Faye Resnick and her book and Nicole and  Marcus Allen and more OJ.  It had to be production driven - why would you bring up the guy she's no longer married to and the OJ drama from eons ago?  Again, the comment seemed to come out of nowhere.


I lived through OJ have no interest in having it rehashed on Bravo.


I did like that Bethenny apologized to Erica, only because of Erica's non-reaction and I laughed out loud at her non verbal, eye rolling, head shaking talking head.

  • Love 15

I think kyle figured with kim gone, she'd be focused on..with her fab hubby, family, store, and friends. Yet, kim is talked about more now then when she was on the show. Kyle still feels over shadowed by Kim even if she won't admit it to herself.

I kind of feel sorry for newbie housewife kathryn. She seemailed cool..but we won't have a chance to know her before throwing her into the drama. Erika had a few episodes to herself before meeting the other women.

Why Faye is back after the crappie reception she got in season 3 is beyond me. Kyle should realize one is judged by the company you one keeps...her being good friends with bethanny, Kris jenner, and Faye doesn't speak well of your character.

Lisa rinna is trying to take the brandi slot..imho

Eileen revealing her domestic past was calculated due to the affair talk. Smart though kind of timed wrong to be revealed.

I loved erika waving her hands at bethenny as if to dismiss her..or like one does when swatting away a fly lol. Kyle trying to start an argument between bethenny and Erika at her pop up store failed.

  • Love 15

I can't believe how much I liked Rinna last season, because she is wearing on my nerves more and more with each passing episode this season.


First of all, I am sick of the Kim talk. Period. Kim, the trainwreck, is finally off the show, much we keep going on and on about her? I realize she is Kyle's sister and there is a lot going on with her in the press, so I'm not saying we should NEVER hear about her. But my God, there's been more talk about her in these few episodes than in all the time she was ON the show combined. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but that's how it feels. I'm tired of it. Drained, really. 


Anyhow, what's really driving me up the wall is Lisar acting SO put out about everything that happened with Kim. I realize that Kim was horrendously nasty to her. I was on her side with all that. But Good Lord, you knew her all of 5 minutes and, to be fair, you're not the only person she treated like that. You're nothing special, Rinna, so stop with the dramatic speeches about needing a "resolution". You guys weren't friends. You were on the show together, and now she's off the show. So move on with your life. 


It really seems like Lisar likes to involve herself and make everything about her. I loved the incredulous looks on the other girls faces when she was trying to act like she may have, in some part, been responsible for Kim's downfall. Girl, take a seat. Kim probably doesn't even remember who you are. 


See? Now I'VE devoted several paragraphs to this woman!!! Arrrrgh, stop the ride. I want to get off. 



On the flip side, Erika was kind of annoying to me at first, and I'm not saying she's my fav now or anything, but I'm finding myself more and more drawn to her as time goes by. There's something about her poise and confidence and give no fucks attitude that is really appealing. But it's not a "give no fucks" attitude like Brandi, who would just say or do whatever, without regard for others. It's more of not letting herself get riled and maintaining her composure. She seems to just really know who she is and not care what others think. Who knows, though? I may be proven wrong before the season is out. 


No idea what to think about this new girl and her OJ connections, but it should get interesting. 

  • Love 16

Return of the morally corrupt Faye. And she shows up... so they can talk about Kim some more. Jesus.

Kind of boring overall.

Kathryn got quite the greeting from LVP "WHO ARE YOU HERE WITH?" She made it sound like Kathryn was crashing this "star studded" event (cut to another shot of Lance Bass). And not the best advertising for Pump that they have to leave to go to another bar to get a cold drink.

Faye, the great interior designer....gulp? Guess Kyle will be shoving her down our throats. A new closet though, can't resist.

Sick of seeing Lance Bass in every other shot! We know he's friends with LisaV.

It also struck me as to why they left Pump to go to another bar? No air conditioners at Pump, LOL.

Edited by talula
  • Love 8

I can respect LisaV's answer that at this stage in her life she just doesnt have some of the worries that she did in years past. I mean Pandora is married and working on her carrier, Max seems to be a typical 20 something working for his parents and their businesses seem to be doing well. What exactly do these women want her to confess to?

If I were her I would be most worried about Ken's health.

  • Love 5
Snappy, on 20 Jan 2016 - 03:22 AM, said:

Kyle - the only reason she is on this show is "Kim". Despite Kyle's claims of being a child actress, no one would have known who she was without having Kim by her side. Now, she wants to forbid everyone from bringing up Kim's name. Given everything Kim did, and the fact it was all so public, it's perfectly natural for it to be discussed.


I believe the only reason KIM was on this show is because of Kyle.  Also, I didn't know who the hell Kim Richards was, had never seen any of her work, but I did recognize Kyle from watching ER.  :-)


I was happy to see the Hero Dogs Awards being promoted by Lisa.  Those are the only kinds of awards shows I will watch, and the dogs they honor are absolutely amazing.


I wonder why the Bravo monkeys featured the private jet scene where Erica was repeatedly calling for Victoria.  Shade already?

  • Love 17

Did Camille refer to Faye Resnick as the "morally corrupt" or "morally bankrupt"?   I have no idea WHY, but I need to know. LOL


Pure (mostly shallow) Randomness:


Love dogs, but the Giggy schtick is way over the top.  OTOH, as WQ mentioned (above) I love the hero dogs being promoted by LVP


I liked Erika Giraldi this episode.   Glad Erika Jane didn't make an appearance; the altar ego gig is boring and cliché.


Someone please cut LisaV's hair.  It looks outdated and awful.  I want to see her in a shorter curly bob (like Eileen's from last season)


Loved Eileen's dress at the Hero Dog function.


Kyle looked adorable in the t-shirt, jeans and geek chic glasses. 

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 7

Did Camille refer to Faye Resnick as the "morally corrupt" or "morally bankrupt"? I have no idea WHY, but I need to know. LOL

Pure (mostly shallow) Randomness:

Love dogs, but the Giggy schtick is way over the top. OTOH, as WQ mentioned (above) I love the hero dogs being promoted by LVP

I liked Erika Giraldi this episode. Glad Erika Jane didn't make an appearance; the altar ego gig is boring and cliché.

Someone please cut LisaV's hair. It looks outdated and awful. I want to see her in a shorter curly bob (like Eileen's from last season)

Loved Eileen's dress at the Hero Dog function.

Kyle looked adorable in the t-shirt, jeans and geek chic glasses.

I want those glasses!

  • Love 4

I usually like Lisa V but I'm really not feeling her this season and this episode did her no favors with me. She just annoys. Also, enough with the freaking PINK. Honestly, the camera kept panning on pink everywhere and it was so freaking annoying. And was this a commercial for PUMP and Vanderpump Sangria? How many times did the camera focus on them? I've been to PUMP. Meh. It was ok.

The Eileen revelation did seem out of place and strange. Random.

Bethenny. Beyond over you. Go back to infecting RHONY, thanks.

Kyle- for someone who doesn't want to talk about Kim, you sure do talk a lot about her. Also- that conversation with her supposed beloved aunt could have occurred off camera ON THE PHONE or at the aunt's house. How convenient, let's talk about the supposed ultra private, super sensitive family issue with the miked up aunt we've never seen or heard about. Ok then.

Yolanda. I don't care.

I feel like Kyle and Kathy not speaking is part of the reason we're seeing stuff like this. I feel like Kyle is using the show to get her side out there. I'm not mad at her for it. 


As far as the not wanting to talk about Kim with certain people, I agree that it's an inconsistent position but I feel like I understand it. She knows that Eileen and the two Lisas are less likely to be sympathetic to Kim because of the way Kim would consistently treat them. Kyle knows that she's likely going to land herself in hot water during a conversation with them. With Bethenny and Faye, it seems like Kyle is able to control the narrative more so I think she feels like talking about Kim with them doesn't come across as nasty. 


Also, I don't think that not talking about Kim was a realistic option. Kyle could have pleaded the fifth but that doesn't make for good reality TV especially when everyone else is willing to play ball.


I agree with you about Yolanda and LisaV. LisaV is almost childish about the pink. Erika had her accurately pegged too IMO when she said that Lisa sees herself as the head of the group. (I'd say it's debatable who the head of the group is if there is one. I think a case can be made for Kyle being the head, LVP, or even Yolanda particularly the way Andy caters to Yo.)

  • Love 14

When you own a PP and pick up your friends in East BF Ohio with a cache of heavenly white cable knit blankets for their comfort you most definitely to NOT need Bethenny Frankel to give you permission to go ahead with Erika Jayne or what to eat do drink wear or think. Erika's  "thank you" was such a BURN and smackdown that I laughed out loud. Esp as Bethenny whipped around back to the clothes racks "you're welcome" ( snarled like a veiled fuck you) when she really wanted to pull Erika's hair. BURRRRN.


PS  ' "KYLE SAID" I offended you' is a snide mean girl opener.............. not an apology.


LVP is showing her ass. Her own ass, in addition to her ass Ken. "Who are you here with" to Kathryn was a 1 line intake assessment of the bare minimum of attention Lisa had to pay to her and I did not care for that.


Kyle no one wants to buy NYC clothes and schlep them back on the jitney. If you want to test run NYC sales, go to to NYC. What a tool. You do need a new closet though.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 18

This is the first time that I've found LVP's "I'm never in the wrong so I'll never apologize" behaviour to be so very blatant.  It's a real skill - the puzzled expression, the head tilt, getting the injured party to backpedal - just wow!  I found the TH of Kyle where she says that Eileen will be apologizing in a minute to be pretty funny - and totally accurate.  I'm also totally over LVP making everything kind of sexual - it's like she's stuck at a certain earlier stage of her life (like the 1970s?) where that way of speaking might have been fun.  Everything isn't sexy - certainly not Giggy nor the swan.  Stop it!  Stop it right now!

I know, right the sexy stuff is baffling. I think it was last year her chef was going over the menu and she said something to the effect " roasted Brussels sprouts? Oh that sexy". That is not an exact quote and my memory is awful, but I do recall it was some type of vegetable. And let us not forget that SUR stands for SEXY unique restaurant . Does she know what that word means?

  • Love 11

I am no Bethenny fan, but I liked her "raspberry" dress that she wore to Kyle's store. It was very flattering. Kyle's outfit looked like something DJ Tanner wore in a very special episode. Lisa Vanderpump's long, old lady cleavage reminded me of OC Quinn.

My sympathies to the flight attendant who Erica Jayne kept barking at.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 17

Ken is Lisa's flying monkey.

I think Ken is around this season so much as her guard dog to ward off another gang up. Kyle (and the other women) has been trying like a dog with a bone to get Lisa to reveal some deep, dark, secret, probably just the lawsuit, but Lisa won't bite.  In fact, Lisa did say something alone the lines of, "of course I have worries, like Max's older gf and that lawsuit, but..." She just glossed over it at the dinner.  Kyle will never be able to outwit Lisa.


I am surprised they have been talking so much about Brandi.  Losers.


Good Riddance Bethenny!


Kathryn pot meets kettle with those plumped lips and women who have done too much with plastic surgery.


ITA that Lisar needs to take a seat with her Kim indignation. She played with fire, and she got burned. Kyle has lived a lifetime of it.

  • Love 10

My sympathies to the flight attendant who Erica Jayne kept barking at.

I thought that was really interesting. By and large she's been getting the Greek chorus edit, like she's just a normal girl who happens to be rich. Suddenly she's acting pretty bitchy with that flight attendant, and then talking about the burdens of having a private plane. The what now? Because sometimes you get a bad bag of tea?

St. Yolanda of the worst-breast-implant-leakage-evah was also so careful to note that none of her GIRLfriends has ever picked her up in a private plane. Because, y'all, she's had plenty of dudes do that and wanted to be sure we knew.

  • Love 21



On the flip side, Erika was kind of annoying to me at first, and I'm not saying she's my fav now or anything, but I'm finding myself more and more drawn to her as time goes by. There's something about her poise and confidence and give no fucks attitude that is really appealing. But it's not a "give no fucks" attitude like Brandi, who would just say or do whatever, without regard for others. It's more of not letting herself get riled and maintaining her composure. She seems to just really know who she is and not care what others think. Who knows, though? I may be proven wrong before the season is out. 



See I liked the way Erika operates. Watching her is starting to seem like watching a skilled athlete. Watching her opponents, gathering intel, observing and gathering thoughts. Feels out the cast here and there. Engages minimally but still gets a taste of their arsenal, and technique. Blocks a few jabs, dodges some bullets but most of all just observes. Throws out feelers like last night when she asked about Brandi and also subtly conveyed how unnecessary she felt it was but without being too heavy handed. I think, actually I hoping that she's just doing her research so that she's better prepared to check these bitches on a regular basis. Not that I don't like her non messy role so far and her completely secure and unbothered demeanor but that's the best recipe for the one that will finally check ALL these women on their shit. I guess I'm liking her because she's hasn't really made any messes herself so that when she does bring it no one can be all "Oh well Miss Erika Jayne you may have a point but you're no one to talk" Nonsense.  I want her to say the cool cucumber that she is. Address whatever juicy drama that comes up with her smile and a wave but with a legit inquiry of "why does it matter to you? Why are you so affected". I would just love for her to be that person that really asks the right questions at the right time in order to put these ridiculous women on the spot and finally shut them the fuck up. I do realize this approach would eventually make Erika look holier than thou and arrogant etc. etc. but if she could hold onto this breath of fresh air, light hearted, to each is own vibe at the same time it would be grand to watch.


I'm really hoping that's what her role is meant to be and I hope that she can deliver it in the same likeable fashion as when we see her pick Yolanda up in her private plane and in how she interacts with the other woman. I know it's a tall order but please please please.  Like an example would have been if she would have INNOCENTLY (and it would have come across as innocent cause she has come across as pretty genuine and hasn't tainted that just yet and i hope she never does) asked LisaR why she would feel that of all the people in Kim's life SHE would think that her actions were of such consequence in Kim's life? I mean that's would have landed quite lovely I think.

  • Love 9

Once again...why does Lisa R need resolution about "gross" Kim:


A) While the cameras are rolling

B) With Kyle


Can't she get it somewhere else, or God forbid let it the fuck go? Take it to therapy if it effects you that much, Lisa, and maybe tell them about this while you're there. 


The things that run through a persons mind... Right now I was thinking about those people in the background walking into the shot and wondering if they know they have been forever immortalized in the RH's universe via internet gif... LOL!

  • Love 7
Kathryn pot meets kettle with those plumped lips and women who have done too much with plastic surgery.


Thank you! When she was all, "I'm very conservative" (about having any work done), I was thinking - "honey, that upper lip ain't natural!"


How can she not know the difference between a story that Eileen chooses to tell, about her past; and dredging up an old affair that Eileen doesn't want to talk about?


That really irked me. A woman choosing freely to share a story from her past is not the same as you repeatedly bugging said woman to give you details about another aspect of her past, and not getting the hint (or not caring) that she's uncomfortable with it. Eileen shared the abuse story on HER terms. Lisa V was like a dog with a bone about the "affair", and it didn't come across as an interested and caring friend, but more as someone who was digging for juicy dirt. 

  • Love 23


I wonder why the Bravo monkeys featured the private jet scene where Erica was repeatedly calling for Victoria.  Shade already?

Yeah I noticed that too.  But at the same time it also feels like i can take comfort in it cause for some reason I have the impression that that's the worse that they can come up with which isn't so bad because she is her employee and that's what she's there for. Athough a few more bellows for Victoria may have finally extracted a side eye from me.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

Kyle, I'm going to need you to pick a lane -- do you want Kim brought up or not? You know every conversation is being filmed so STFU about how it's different when real friends ask. Please, stop with the drama queen hysterics. And whatever you are doing to your lips, please stop. You never looked worse than at that book signing. Your friend Faye looks horrible as well. Weird choice of painting on the stairway in a house full of girls. For claiming Lisa V is a friend, you sure talk horrible about her in your TH's. Also, your glasses are ugly.

Eileen, I love you but you just have nothing. Seriously? Telling the story of the ex boyfriend when asked what keeps her up at night. She has no story so she tries to start a fight with Lisa V. Yawn....I'm bored with her.

Lisa R, everything isn't about you and your feelings. Stop trying to make it happen.

Yolanda, yawn to you too. I do love your glasses!

Erika, you are growing on me, but girl, that white hair, pale make-up, and pale lips are not a good look. I also detested the way you treated the plane attendant.

Catherine, you should punch Lisa R for saying you look exactly the same, 'cause I think you look plastic.

Lisa V, I love you and Ken. You are a smart and witty woman. I love the way you pamper your dog.

Ok, so Lisa V is supposedly not human because she doesn't have anything that keeps her up at night right now, but no one else answered Kyle's question either. I wish Eileen had just shut up. Her sister dies a year ago, and she worries about an abusive ex from years ago --- then coincidentally uses her sister's death for a story next week? She's bringing nothing to this show.

You know they are boring when we have to keep hearing about OJ connections. Oy!!

Beth, please go away. Seeing you on NY is enough for me, thanks.

  • Love 12

I'm kind of ok with Lisa R needing closure and resolution to what went down with Kim.  Kim said some pretty nasty shit to her and tried to make it seem like Lisa was crazy and completely out of line to be saying what she was saying.  The result (and I know this isn't Kim's fault per se) is that Lisa R doing things she wasn't proud of and turning into a person she didn't like in the name of defending herself against Kim's onslaught.  Kim went around making it seem like she was some innocent victim to Lisa R's attacks.  Of course, none of us bought it...but some people did, I'm sure.  And Lisa R seems especially sensitive to being liked, so the idea that someone would take Kim's side and think Lisa R was being a bitch probably took a lot more of a toll than people realize.  Not to mention, Kim hasn't apologized for anything.  Considering the clips we've seen, she seems to blame Lisa R for her demise which is some bullshit.  


I'm dealing with the same type of situation now with someone who is playing the victim and refusing to apologize for treating me like shit after I pointed something out and was right about it.  It's infuriating and highly unfair.  And yes, I'm a grown woman who should be able to move on from it and just let her continue with the victim role, but that's insanely hard to do after someone has blamed you for something very very serious.

  • Love 7

I have to say that, although I'm still no fan of Erika Jayne, the real Erika seems like a genuinely nice person and good friend. That girl needs no alter ego - she has it all right there in the original.


Faye and Bethenny - please! Off my screen - now and forever! I can't believe Kyle thinks of Faye as a genuine friend. I can't think of anyone who seems more like a snake in the grass at first sight than Faye. I believe Kathryn over Faye. I'm sure Faye does not want to talk about "something that happened over 20 years ago" because she doesn't want to get reamed out by the person she wrote of negatively whom I believe she did not know at all. She's one of those ballsy people who run right over everyone with their intimidating attitudes so that no one calls them on their stuff. What a phony. Hopefully, Kyle will wake up before Faye writes a book about her. I saw on WWHL that Camille has made peace with Faye, but I want to hear her say again, "The morally corrupt Faye Resnick" lest anyone forget, LOL.


Kyle got on my damn nerves tonight.  She was completely inconsistent of if she wanted to talk about Kim or not through this episode.  She really pissed me off in her talking head when she said the other women in the group were just being nosey but Faye is a genuine friend enough to care about her problems.  Really bitch???  These women in the group, since season 1, have put up with your sister's addiction on and off camera and you think they are just being nosey.  Come on now Kyle - STOP IT!


Preach it!!

  • Love 11

ottergirl, I think your summation of what's happening is spot on. I think that this is why, despite Kyle's and Lisa V.'s renewed friendship, I'm still wary of Lisa. It's also interesting following this show live on Twitter. There are folks who I think legitimately believe that Lisa's life is perfect because of how much money she has. Honestly, that baffles me, this equating wealth with happiness. But ah well. 


I'm also over Lisa Rinna. I was pretty indifferent about her last season. I thought she hit the nail on the head about Kim, but hearing her last night make claims about how Kim's latest disaster affects her had me like, "Bitch, where?" I also have likened her to that neighbor you run away from because you just know that they won't leave it at a simple "Hi! How are you?" (where the "How are you?" in this context is really the type you're supposed to respond to with "I'm well! How are you?"). Lisa's the one who wants to know if you heard about what happened to so-and-so on the fourth floor, and did you talk to such-and-such about what happened at the HOA meeting? It's too much!

  • Love 9

I feel like Kyle and Kathy not speaking is part of the reason we're seeing stuff like this. I feel like Kyle is using the show to get her side out there. I'm not mad at her for it. 


Her side? Against what side that's making Kyle into a villian publicly? I would get this if Kathy and Kim are running all over reality TV bashing Kyle or addressing the rift publicly and officially but Kyle is putting HER side out there because the STORY is out there more publicly due to unfortunate events and of course Kim's unfortunate addiction. Just because Kim's addiction is resulting in unwanted public attention doesn't mean Kyle has a side she NEEDS to put out there.  No matter what past transgressions are out there. It's time to put a sock in it and deal with the matter privately. Privately doesn't mean hide it it means that it's now beyond obvious that the old way of handling Kim and the families issues have been ineffective the changes being made by you in how you deal with Kim can now proceed BUT it can be done PRIVATELY which is what I'm guessing is one of the beefs between all three of the sisters. I don't think anyone is trying to hide Kim's addiction anymore I just think the family would just rather have their reactions privately and not find the need to hold a press conference every time Kim Richards finds herself in yet another addicted related headline. There's a difference. Just because Kyle is refusing to play the "ignore it" game anymore doesn't mean the exact opposite is necessary where she shouts her concerns and dilemma's over it all from the rooftops with Bravo camera's in tow. The platform that this woman is getting to talk about HER SISTER'S addiction just makes my skin crawl. Everyone else trying to jump on board just makes me want to rip my skin right off.



Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 7
LisaV is almost childish about the pink


When my niece was 4, she decided that she owned the color orange. If you showed up wearing anything orange, she would stomp her feet and have a hissy fit. But she was FOUR. LisaV is in her late 50s (we all know she isn't the 51 like she claims) and yet she owns the color pink. GMAFB. 


As to the ep, I have no desire to "go deep" with the howives, I'd rather look at house porn. I feel bad for Eillen that she had a lot of shit happen to her and I think she wants to craft her role as howife against DV, which is fine, but don't expect LVP to get down and dirty on TV. That said, it's a little disingenuous for her to say that she is troubled by nothing, that she has no worries and sleeps on a bed a roses and  money. Ken and freaking Giggy are getting getting on my last nerve. 


I like Erika. But that dress with the guns needs to go. Sorry, I don't like PC stuff generally, but that dress with the guns really bothered me.


Faye Resnick, the female Kato Kaelin. Just like so many, she is a hanger on in  Hollywood. Profiting off the OJ stuff was so horrible. I hope she gets called on it big time. I am not surprised that they are all still tittering about OJ in Beverly Hills. It's a small town with few high profile murders and everyone knows everyones business. Isn't Lisa R buddies with Kris Kardashian, who hung with that crowd? It looks like she is practicing duck and cover this season. Personally, I would love for Faye to get called out this season and Catherine and Camille would make a great partnership. Speaking of Catherine, she was married to two NFL players? What is it about football players and blonde models? It's marrying a model some kind of pinnacle to achieve? Same for models, I mean seriously. Whatever. 


Some of the editing of this episode was so awkward. Like when Eileen said that she wasn't to finish the thing that Yo did about everyone baring their soul, then she does it and then it's like , ok, meal over. Just weird. There had to be more than just Eileen and it got edited out. 


ETA: I don't think Lisa R needs to apologize to Kim. She called her out on her addiction. Everything she said was true. I think she was trying to be helpful. It would piss me off I tried to intervene in a bad situation, then got told after the shit hit the fan that I was wrong for trying to help. BS. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 2


I'm so confused.  Whenever they show Pump on Vanderpump's other show it's staffed by young hot white people.


I think you forgot about Jax, who I think only qualifies as being white because young and hot he ain't. YMMV. 


I really cannot stand LisaR. She is so fake and messy. Now she's just so distraught over Kim...it just bothers her so much and Kim caused her so much pain?? She is full of shit. All she talked about was Kim. She would not leave Kim or the situation alone after being asked repeatedly to mind her business. The topper for me was the way she spinelessly folded at Adrienne's party when approached by Kim. She is ridiculous and annoying, her acting on these episodes is horrible as well. She should stick to the adult diaper commercials and leave the dramatics to Eileen.

P.S. Does anyone else LOL and/or cringe when they show LisaR walking? She walks like she is on a runway in an 80s high school fashion show. She looked like a damn fool in the shot of the ladies entering the restaurant.


This made me laugh because I thought about Kim telling Taylor to go blow up her lips some more and than imagined Kim telling Lipsa to go shit in a diaper some more. I stopped liking LisaR about mid season last year. Yes, Kim had her problems and was nasty to LisaR but LisaR was doing too damn much. I felt she was well within reason about the van ride to Eileen's house but bitch was getting out of bounds around the time of the European trip. In situations with a personal you are only just acquainted with it is best to speak on it at the most 2-3 times with the person and/or the family after that and especially after being told to mind your own damn business you go sit your narrow ass down somewhere. 


Yes I noticed LisaR pimp stroll into the restaurant. It was so ridiculous.



lance Bass is everywhere!!!!!

Friend of the Kardashian....

On Meredith vieira show ( which got cancelled in part because of his big mouth.....)

Hum, the fact that LVP is friend with him, makes me Go hum......

The company you keep and all....


Lance was also shown as a guest to a gay wedding on Bravo's show about newlyweds first year of marriage. He is probably even in this thread since his name has been mentioned at least 3 times. He is like Beatlejuice or Bloody Mary. 


So Giggy can't sit in a rattan chair? So Ken does. Lawd! I've seen it all now. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 10

It must be nice to be a newbie like Erika on a season without the Vacant Parasite - you actually have the luxury of believing the women are "obsessed" with Brandi instead of having your life and family torn apart by her viciousness. Call Joyce Giraud, Erika, and you'll realize how lucky you truly are.


Loved how Erika summarily dismissed B's inquisition. Everyone should take note. Erika knows not to feed B's need for attention.


Newsflash, Kyle, your sister hurt a lot of people - Kim was directly involved in these people's lives and they have a right to discuss her. If they do it away from you, then they're talking behind your back. Do it in front of you, and they're fishing for gossip. They're in a lose-lose situation with you. Kim is in the news, and she's the one who put your and your family in the spotlight - not your friends on the show. Kyle is clearly in pain and the other women are trying to be compassionate. Stop crapping all over them for it. If you make something someone's business, then they are allowed to speak and have an opinion about it.


Lisa's British and doesn't have to share deep pain if she doesn't want to. I lived in Britain, and the Brits just don't overshare the way Americans do. No one way of communicating is superior, but there are significant differences and I'm sick of people asking Lisa to pretend to be someone other than who she is. Just like I don't fault Eileen for wanting to share her story, I don't judge Lisa for being reticent about deep issues she might have. 


Yolanda is crazy. If the father of her children is saying those kids aren't sick, I believe him. I think she's paranoid with a pathological need for attention. No wonder she and Brandi are such besties.

  • Love 22

Lisa is fortunate, she's gets credit for providing pre-cleared filming locations: her glitzy-ish restaurants with full bars. But it's not like she isn't goaded like the rest of them, she just knows not to bite. And above all she knows this is a tv show, she knows she doesn't have to actually be genuine, she knows she doesn't need to talk about her real private life, especially if there's fools like Eileen and Kyle who will, and she knows that shitstirring can be done covertly and off camera, by casually mentioning things to "keeping it real" idiots like Brandi. She knows to bring Ken along on the trips whenever possible because should she ever be in a position where she can't end a confrontation, Ken can fight it and take the heat.

  • Love 13

The things that run through a persons mind... Right now I was thinking about those people in the background walking into the shot and wondering if they know they have been forever immortalized in the RH's universe via internet gif... LOL!


Maybe not in the moment it was being filmed, but I think that woman who is covering her head with her pink (how DARE she?! Doesn't she know that pink is Lisa's colour? Go get her LVP!) pashmina is extra-grateful that she hid her face.

Edited by catalogrrr
  • Love 3

I think the lanes have been picked in the discussing Kim debate.


Lisar, LVP, Eileen and those who know Kim only from the show can gather and bitch about Kim.  They need not include Kyle.  There is plenty to bitch about when it comes to Kim, they also need not "feel so sorry for Kyle".  Others like Faye, who in addition to knowing Kathy, Big Kathy, Kim and Kyle has managed to enjoy recovery from drug addiction for over 20 years, Kyle's aunt and cousin and the remaining Dugan aunts and cousins (who after Kim's first arrest contacted the powers that be in the Richards sisters clan and offered Kim a place to get her act together-Kim replied, "I am too busy.") and Bethenny because of her relationship with Kathy are coming from a different angle.  Six months after the arrest it seems kind of petty and going over old news but Kim's performance and first arrest were big news in these circles and all over the news-just look at the 100 plus page Kim thread on this site. By the time of her second arrest, she had screwed up at her daughter's wedding, missed Nicky's wedding-where two of her children were part of the wedding party.   this is no longer a privacy issue and clearly the extended family (the Dugans) decided to be quite public about it.  The timing of last night's episode was August 10th and forward. Kim was arrested earlier in August.


So here are the lanes:

Lane 1                        Lane 2

Lisar                           Kyle and her family

LVP                            Anyone in the Hilton family

Brandi                        Anyone in the Dugan family


Eileen                        Anyone who is friends, truly friends with Kathy and Kyle such as Faye and Kris Jenner Bette Smith

 The film clip              Bethenny

of Kim hopping

the barricade and

it never gets old.                               

  • Love 8

How can we qualify the story of Eileen's marriage to Vince as one that Lisa should have automatically known "she, Eileen, didn't want to talk about"? 'Cause from what I've watched, Eileen can't *stop* talking about it. She also previously addressed the narrative in relatively substantive detail (differentiating the manners in which she and Vince each addressed the affair with their spouses) sans objection and, during the discussion in which Lisa ostensibly behaved so offensively, offered nary a word of equivocation about the conversation. So, if the other women are going to cry about their abusive relationships, alcoholic siblings, and happily talk about the origins of their marriages until they suddenly decide that those topics are off limits, why can't they respect Lisa's decision to address her hypothetical problems in her own way, which is by refraining from talking about them at all - exactly how Eileen and Kyle now say they want to approach their own demons despite, you know, literally chewing scenery with tears and exasperation over them in the very episodes we're watching? Also, if i've learned nothing else from these Housewives shows, it's that some people are determined to be unhappy and discontent; this has evidenced itself for me in the fashion that many of the cast members past and present have treated their marriages and spouses. For one example, we can just refer to Shannon Beador lamenting how her husband's schedule left no timer for her until she came up with the pioneering idea of not staying up all night on the computer so that her bed and wake times coincided with his. Maybe - and I know this is cuh-razy, so bear with me - Lisa genuinely has nothing "keeping her up at night" because she has a husband who adores her, a nominally successful daughter living close by, a son who has become stable, and an occupation at which she excels and that she enjoys, not to mention philanthropic interests to keep her busy. I guess she could grumble about how she wants to throw herself off of the balcony in her home or something but some people can be authentically unburdened by angst and pathos when they're ensured financial comfort for life and have solid relationships with their nuclear family.

  • Love 24
But this is where LVP got taken down a bit, I think, if by the editors rather than the women.  It seems to me - and again, I'm curious to hear other perspectives - that Lisa's game playing and shadiness/hypocrisy was more visible this episode than it usually is.  How can she not know the difference between a story that Eileen chooses to tell, about her past; and dredging up an old affair that Eileen doesn't want to talk about?


Yeah, the editing is shifting a bit against her, imho.  She also doesn't have a pawn this year, and she's really clumsy about getting stuff on camera directly.  Maybe the editors just aren't that good (which is hard to believe, since they erased entire people on other franchises).  It's fascinating, mostly because I don't see how they can let her get her hands that dirty unless they're going to shift the narrative on her other show as well.


Speaking of:

I think you forgot about Jax, who I think only qualifies as being white because young and hot he ain't. YMMV.


Yep, totally forgot about Jax.  


The Kyle/Kim talk- I totally understand Kyle wanting to bring Kim up only with certain people, and I agree that she's trying to communicate her side of things- not to us, really, but to the family members she's not speaking with during this particular period of time.  She can't show that she's just talking about it with castmates, that'd piss off Kim and Kathy even more.  She can't be carefree, either.  Hence the conversations with friends/family only, to show that it's on her mind and that she's genuinely concerned.  I don't fault her for that, but I'm biased because I tend to be pro-Kyle.  She's probably my favorite HW across the series because I think she's the most real.  Or she's the worst at crafting her own image, 'cause she doesn't always come off that great.  Either way- yay Kyle!


Vanderpump's worries- I hesitate to say this, but I have to believe she worries to some extent about Ken and that dog.  Otherwise, why drag them around everywhere like they're accessories?  


Oh- to the person who asked if Eileen really said it was 105 during the dog event: I'm not sure if she said that, but it was that hot in the LA area at that time.  Not hard to imagine it was about that temperature.

  • Love 8

Yes, thank the gods and goddesses that Bethenny didn't stick around too long this episode. I continue to love the way Erika handles her. With a cool indifference. Also floved her answer to the production question of why she didn't react more to Bethenny's dissing of her music video.  "Cuz I don't give a f--k."  Shine on, girl. 
I will admit that I liked Bethenny's raspberry dress she wore to Kyle's opening though. But that is as far as I go with my Bethenny compliments! 
I am admittedly mostly a Kyle fan, but there is a side to her I don't like.  It came out during the infamous "crystal meth game night" in season (3?) and it came out a little bit tonight. I didn't like her shading the housewives who asked about Kim, but then being totally fine with Faye (ick) and Bethenny (equal ick) talking about it.  I mean, I get it that she's known Bethenny and Faye longer--but supposedly she and LisaR go back a long way too, right?  IDK.  It just left a bad taste in my mouth.


LisaV is in her late 50s (we all know she isn't the 51 like she claims) and yet she owns the color pink. GMAFB.

She doesn't claim to be 51.  She's 55. Born in 1960. 

Lisar you a damn liar or your ass needs to get yourself to the nearest LensCrafter - that woman does not look the exact same. It is okay to think she looks great but the exact same and throw up the double middles? Muck mouth, bye!  That being said, I'm kinda interested if new chick is gonna take on the morally bankrupt Resnick. 


 LOL yea I was gonna say she needs to borrow Kyle's cool glasses.  Cuz that pic they threw up there of Kathryn as a model back in her 20s and the Extreme Plastic Surgery candidate who showed up at the Dog Award event barely look related - let alone "exactly the same."  That woman looks like her face has been tweaked to hell and back, and it's not attractive at all.


QuoteQuote I can respect LisaV's answer that at this stage in her life she just doesnt have some of the worries that she did in years past. I mean Pandora is married and working on her carrier, Max seems to be a typical 20 something working for his parents and their businesses seem to be doing well. What exactly do these women want her to confess to?



The lawsuits I reckon.  Maybe Max's previous drug/behavior problems?

Happy Camper, on 20 Jan 2016 - 01:18 AM, said:Happy Camper, on 20 Jan 2016 - 01:18 AM, said:

Praying to the Bravo God/Godesses to please please please not bring back B.G. and /or have Erika align herself with B.G.
Also, please no more Yolanda.
Just my wish list, may not represent others.

 I am co-signing your wish list.  I'd rather Kim Richards come back as a full-time Housewife than Brandi Flippin' Glanville.  Hell, I'd rather Goth Wannabe Carlton come back---and I HATE Carlton!


talula, on 20 Jan 2016 - 08:53 AM, said:talula, on 20 Jan 2016 - 08:53 AM, said:

Faye, the great interior designer....gulp? Guess Kyle will be shoving her down our throats. A new closet though, can't resist.

Sick of seeing Lance Bass in every other shot! We know he's friends with LisaV.

It also struck me as to why they left Pump to go to another bar? No air conditioners at Pump, LOL.


I do kinda like Lance, but he legitimately is everywhere.  I was watching a segment on Jamie Lynn Sigler's battle with MS on the Today show this morning, and they showed a screenshot of her recent wedding to that baseball player.  And who, praytell, married the couple?  LANCE BASS!! I mean, come ON.

Edited by Duke2801
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