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S11.E06: Week 5

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Kaitlyn and the 12 remaining bachelors visit San Antonio where she takes one lucky guy to a two-step dance competition. Later, 10 of the men compose mariachi serenades for Kaitlyn; and Kaitlyn spends a day kayaking through the city with one suitor.

Edited by OnceSane
locked topic until after show airs
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So I embraced my inner hypocrite and tuned in, despite saying last week I wouldn't.  Well, I was only 1/2 a hypocrite because at 27 minutes I switched off the Nick Show and switched on "So You Think You Can Dance". 


I do look forward to reading the comments and the recap, but I can't stomach seeing any more of pube-head and hyena-girl.

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Why is the left side of Joshua's head badly and awkwardly shaved?! I hope one of the guys didn't do this as a "prank"! Or, maybe this is another one of Kaitlyn's "funny" (read: torturous) dates: You guys are going to give each other haircuts! Beware if group date card is anything like "Let's see who's a cut above the rest!"

Ben H! Yay! I can't decide who's cuter: Ben, judge Betty Jo, or singer Dale! Three-way tie!

Another singing competition?! Of course Nick "need to be more grandiose." This is why everyone hates this pompous jerk. But at least he learned his lesson and is participating in the group date rather than pouting in the corner like he did on Andi's season.

Holy shit, Ian saying, "I didn't come here to meet the girl who wants her field plowed." Best in-show preview ever! I'm waiting with bated breath for the full scene!

OMG! Kaitlyn did that to Joshua's head?! She's a "barber" and this was a legitimate attempt at a haircut?! Never thought I'd choose Crazy Ashley coming at me with a pair of scissors, but if you had to get a haircut from one or the other, no contest there! Yet, I don't know what's worse: Josh's haircut or Kaitlyn's Pocahontas skirt.

Ugh, Kaitlyn, once again a public reprimand? Why should any of these guys have to "tell you the truth" about what they think about Nick? Anyone who has ever seen this show before knows that going and telling the lead that you don't think their favorite is There for the Right Reasons automatically gets you disqualified. Didn't you tell all of them last week not to worry about Nick and to focus on their relationships with you? Well, that's what they all (with the exception of Josh) are doing, and now you're mad that they're not doing the exact opposite?! They have minimal time with you, why would they waste it talking about Nick?

Oh, Shawn! You are officially my new favorite. He also had a near-fatal car accident story. This is like last season when we found out we had two virgins! They definitely act/talk like a real couple--and that was even before the mutual I love yous! Wow, THIS early on both sides?!

It's been at least 2 days and they haven't fixed Josh's haircut yet? Does he need to keep it like this forever to prove his faith in Kaitlyn and her barber skills?

Another I'm falling in love with you from Jared?! At least her feelings will be bolstered before Ian lets her have it.

"An enigma and a gift that you unwrap for life"! Oh, Ian, you COULD have been The Bachelor if you didn't say it out loud and "go out with guns blazing." Oh, the more he says, the better it gets! This was another good cliffhanger.

And next week is THE week!! Best Wrong Reasons season ever!

Edited by JenE4
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Aw, Kaitlyn has a great voice! Her song was so cute.

Ian, Ian, Ian. His ego couldn't deal with it. I feel like if he had done a better job singing his song he wouldn't have done this. - he couldn't handle not being the best. Spectacular blow out.

Edited by betha
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Why was the elevator attendant's face blurred? We saw him last week.


Seeing the guys and Kaitlyn crying from the cold wasn't fun. Why didn't they have the rose ceremony inside? And nice to see Chris Harrison again!! Missed him. The whole show is in shambles and he brings some stability.


Shawn's story is what I hate about this show. Must everyone have a sob story? Sorry Ryan Gosling but you will never beat Catherine Lowe's story of watching her friend being crushed by that tree and Catherine being determined to find love since life is so short.


Kait pressuring Ben H was also annoying. Can't people connect without talking about tragedy? 


Kaitlyn has a great singing voice! Why didn't they show that? I like how she's game to embarrass herself as much as the guys like she did with the sumo wrestling.


Thank the Bachelor Gods that there was no Britt and Brady this week.

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Shawn took "open up," to a whole new level, the poor guy was trembling and crying when he told Kaitlyn about his car accident and then he pretty much told her he was in love with her and she replied, "I feel the same way." All of which would be really romantic if I didn't have an awful feeling she's going to break his heart.

I actually was thinking Ian would make a good Bachelor but then he ruined it all by too much bragging.

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I want Tanner to be my pretend boyfriend and come over ever Monday night so we can sit and talk about all the bachelor/ette knowledge he has as its impressive.


And I've never seen a play for the Bachelor gig blow up like Ian's did--doesn't he know to at least last to final 6 and then bow out!?!?

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Ian sure torpedoed himself, didn't he?  I didn't realize that he's one of those contestants who's never been rejected before, and just can't deal with the idea that maybe, just MAYBE, he's not the catch he thinks he is.  Every season of The Bachelor has at least a couple of women who go through the same type of crisis of self-confidence -- though usually in Week 1 or 2.  Bye Mr. Princeton grad/former model/world traveler who has many hot ex-girlfriends; here, you just didn't "measure up".


Josh also shot himself in the foot with all the Nick jealousy.  He just couldn't give it a rest.  Nick is kind of smarmy, but he hasn't done anything wrong to anyone (yet).  Josh just ruined the group date for everyone.


Why is it that every group date and rose ceremony has so much anger and drama?  This is a dysfunctional season.  I wish more guys would follow Ian out the door so we could get through the season a couple of weeks quicker!

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Ian will never be the Bachelor. He started reminding me of Kelsey in his self-satisfied delusion. A guy who is really awesome doesn't need to say so. I think he'd be funny to watch on Bachelor in Paradise w/that attitude.


No wonder Shawn looks Busted!  after that horrible car accident.  I liked the dancing date. I feel like we were back to seeing a normal date. It sure looked cold on that baseball field. Late autumn in south central Texas is very pleasant. A couple of months earlier, everyone would be pouring sweat and that dance hall would be close to unbearable.


Poor Josh. I have a feeling he won't be getting a rose. Kaitlyn broke his heart and his hair.

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So help me - I'm actually finding Shawn more and more attractive, even though I still simultaneously think he's the spitting image of Alf. Not sure what that says about my sanity.


And Ian, while I understand your desperate need to save face after royally embarrassing yourself on national TV, your squeaky insistence that you have plenty of sex is possibly the least convincing statement I've ever heard on this show of continuous hyperbole and lies.

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"I can't put my finger on what's wrong with Nick"


I can.   He has a big ugly face, and a giant head made entirely of cowlicks.    And he is a fame whore.


I was embarrassed for Joshua the welder.   Damn, you made a giant fool of yourself on TV.   Kaitlyn calling these guys out in front of the group is getting old.   Fuck you for making fun of Kupah in your song.  I can't wait for him and the rest of the men on TMTA, and I hope they don't hold back.   Kaitlyn is becoming insufferable. 

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Ian, would a truly great catch go on such a fake, cheeseball show like this? Seeing how you said your life was so great and all. Why is your hot ex your ex? I would definitely not watch your pompous ass as the bachelor. bye-bye

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Oh Ian self destruct in'boom!!

How obnoxious and yes someone mentioned, completely delusional. What a total douche. My ex is hotter and I get lots of sex. Um really? Right after whining about how embarrassed you are that she didn't notice you. Gees that was just not cool man.

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While Kaitlyn may lust after Nick, she has a genuine connection with Shawn. That kiss on the cheek was loving and sweet. It was probably one of the most real gestures we've ever seen from a lead.


Ben H is adorable.


Jared is this year's Marcus. Too much, too soon.


Ben Z may get lost in the shuffle. I hope not. Too bad. He's hot and seems like a nice guy.


I still don't get Nick. The guy should be writing books on how to attract women without looking like Ben Z.


Ian. Just lame(s).


Poor Josh. And props to Shawn for sticking up for him.


I don't remember anyone else.

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Those duck lips really get pushed to epic proportions when Kaitlyn doesn't like what a guy is saying to her. Gave me the giggles every time! Not much of a poker face, that one. Ian really showed us the male equivalent of "I love my story." Which is too bad, because his speech to Kaitlyn was epic.

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Ian is drawing up his lawsuit right now for defamation by editor. He must have been enticed onto the show with the possibly first Bachelor of color carrot dangled in front of him. Oops, way to shoot yourself in the foot.

Kaitlyn looked really pretty in that purple dress for the cocktail party--too much dress for Texas, but a really good color on her.

Disappointed not to see a lot more of her feet during the Texas two-step--Mr MML is a great dancer and he is looking heavy askance at her dance instructor description.

Overall too much drama, yet again.

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I couldn't resist tuning in this week. sigh

And yet even Joshua's incessant whining about Nick didn't make me tune out early.

With so many guys left now, I'm not buying their angst that Nick is (single-handedly!) taking away a rose or time from them any more than each of the other guys there. I get their point, but if you're not making a connection with Kaitlyn now, you're on your way out soon anyway--Nick or no Nick.

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I liked Kaitlyn's date with Ben H. The two-step was cool. Less cool was the number of times she said authentic. Still that date was more romantic than anything else this season. 


I'm going to watch the group date later. This show is too long for my taste (two hours)!


Finally Ian lost me when he said his ex is hotter. That may be true, but it's tacky to say. 

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Watching late (cause, you know, Go Blackhawks!).

Anyway, the show is edited very strangely.  During the rose ceremony, a guy would be saying something on voice-over, WHILE Kaitlyn is handing out roses, and a guy's voice is saying things like "if he gets a rose and I don't, I'll be upset"  and " I didn't even get a chance to talk to her".  But, even paying close attention, it is not 100% clear who is saying what.  I barely know these guys NAMES, am I supposed to identify them by their VOICES?   


Oh, and Ryan B is cute!  How come I never noticed him before?  

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I want Tanner to be my pretend boyfriend and come over ever Monday night so we can sit and talk about all the bachelor/ette knowledge he has as its impressive.


I know right? How on earth did he know Nick was caught hanging out with Andi? Either the producers fed him that info or he's a proper Bachelor fan.

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It shouldn't matter how many others are added to the group.  If you're the one, you're the one, and it shouldn't matter if one, ten, or one hundred others are added to the group.

But you only get to be The One if you have the time and the space to interact with and impress the Bachelorette. Kaitlyn added Nick to the group at exactly the wrong moment, as far as the guys are concerned. Some of them are falling for her, but it's still too soon for any of them to feel really secure in their "connection" to her. Especially since she's babbling away about how she has to follow her heart and see for sure if Nick isn't Mr. Right.

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Ian's speech was cringeworthy. I hope he doesn't expect the Bachelor after his "Im the greatest" speech. Some of these guys take no initiative and then get mad because she doesn't spend time with them. Never thought Nick was attractive or interesting and still don't. Some of the guys are a little cuter than before, but for me Shawn truly is Alf and not good looking. I like both Bens, Justin and cupcake guy isn't bad.


Kaitlyn is really not doing well as the Bachelorette. She should be friendly and encouraging, not threatening and angry. She also shouldn't be kissing guys where the other ones can see her, at least so many guys.

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This episode was all well and good, but what is happening with Britt and Brady? I must know! This show needs more authentic relationships like that one.


I would really appreciate an episode where the group dates didn't center around humiliating the guys. It's painful for them and painful for me to have to watch them do all of these things that they are not good at.

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But you only get to be The One if you have the time and the space to interact with and impress the Bachelorette. Kaitlyn added Nick to the group at exactly the wrong moment, as far as the guys are concerned. Some of them are falling for her, but it's still too soon for any of them to feel really secure in their "connection" to her. Especially since she's babbling away about how she has to follow her heart and see for sure if Nick isn't Mr. Right.

Right.  At this point, the guys must feel like they're competing to be runner-up to Nick.   Or the back-up plan, in case things don't work out with Nick. 

And they'd be right. 


Nick sings about Kaitlyn giving him an erection, and she loves it.   And I wonder if she'd be just as cool with that if it came from ANY of the other guys. 

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Seeing the guys and Kaitlyn crying from the cold wasn't fun. Why didn't they have the rose ceremony inside? And nice to see Chris Harrison again!! Missed him. The whole show is in shambles and he brings some stability.


Shawn's story is what I hate about this show. Must everyone have a sob story? Sorry Ryan Gosling but you will never beat Catherine Lowe's story of watching her friend being crushed by that tree and Catherine being determined to find love since life is so short.


LOL! I laughed so hard at that one guy who got eliminated (and I had never seen before) and seemed way colder than the rest of the guys. Based on his mannerisms, he was thinking, "I'm freezing my ass off here. Please, for the love of God, just eliminate me already so I can get inside to warmth ASAP."


I was really hoping Shawn's sob story would be the plot of The Notebook and Kaitlyn would figure it out and say "you're busted, Ryan Gosling" (cackle, cackle). But he played it safe with a car accident, the old standby that's always good for a sympathetic wet one. It seems like it's between "busted Ryan Gosling" and "busted Ashton Kutcher," but I like "busted Peter Brady" the best so far. I liked his dance moves.


It occurred to me tonight that Joshua sometimes resembles Travis Stork in the face when he smiles. Boy did he schrute it tonight. It really should be Bachelor/Bachelorette 101 by now to not talk smack about other contestants. I mean, how many times have we seen that backfire? It's in the script every season. Joshua is definitely on his way out now. None of the other guys were going to back him up because Kaitlyn obviously wants Nick around, and they're smart enough not to rock that boat. But the industrial welder just didn't get it. I laughed hard when Nick was something like "a haircut, you gotta be kidding me? I would never waste my precious time with Kaitlyn getting a haircut" and then the camera cuts to him sucking face with Kaitlyn rather passionately. I kind of have a love/hate thing for Nick. He brings the douchy, which I love, but he is also really smug and I don't tolerate that well. But you have to respect his strategy. He definitely knows what he's doing and he really is a professional in a roomful of amateurs at this game. That's why he'll do something grandiose like refer to his wang while mariachiing on a balcony to win Kaitlyn's heart back.


My opinion of the Ivy League has hit the shits thanks to Ian. That was the worst mariachi of the group by far. He's totally that guy who says, "I went to Princeton. Maybe you've heard of it." His sense of entitlement and self-worth are jarring. And I really don't think Kaitlyn cares about his status or wealth. She seems like the type who would rather shag a fun, dreamy unemployed loser than a stiff intellectual like Ian. I had written off Ian entirely until he zinged Kaitlyn on her wrong reasons. That was glorious, and I look forward to her rebuttal next week. I don't see the self-fulfilling prophecy of Ian for Bachelor coming to fruition. Actually I don't think we'll be seeing much of Ian after he's eliminated or voluntarily leaves next episode now that he has served his purpose. But well played, sir! You may have made a mockery of an Ivy League education by appearing on this craptacular show and making an ass clown out of yourself, BUT, at least, you called the Bachelorette on her shit. That's always held in high regard by yours truly.


I hope Kaitlyn can parlay this Bachelorette gig into some other "D" list opportunities. Her barber skills leave a lot to be desired, and I'd hate for anyone else to have to walk around with a "Jo-Hawk." A beauty school dropout indeed.

Edited by jmonkey
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Watching late (cause, you know, Go Blackhawks!).



WooHoo! Me too, what a night, had to spend it with Lord Stanley (cup)!!


Anyways, brrrrrrr...... what was it 20 degrees outside in that stadium for the rose ceremony?  How could there be meaningful pauses, anxious glances, nervous lip licking when the men were shivering like little girls? Would it have killed the magic to let the men wear, I don't know, an OVERCOAT???  Geez that was tres stupid.


That's all I have for the night, except that Kaitlyn and Shawn are cute together.  



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Ian has a massive ego, so I no longer want him as the Bachelor. That said, I really admire him laying it all out there and being “honest” about his feelings about Kaitlyn. Woah, I wish more contestants had said how they REALLY feel, because I know we would have heard those words many times before, for bachelors and ‘ettes. I'm not sure Ian is wrong, either, in his assessment. I never in a million years would put a Princeton man with Kaitlyn OR Britt. Not at all the right kind of man for either one. Andi? Sure. Ashley, yeah. Ian also has little sign of a sense of humor, and that is really not a good fit for Kaitlyn.


I felt kinda bad for Joshua. I believe many of the guys WERE slamming Nick. Kaitlyn said it wrong, though — she said Joshua claimed the men weren’t being honest with what they told her. That’s not what he said — how would he know what they told her in their one on ones? He told her what they’ve said to HIM. She can either believe him or not, her choice.


She sure makes a big dramaz about the silliest things. I’m betting most guys have mixed feelings about the Nick situation. If they were honest with themselves, they’d say they didn’t like Nick joining, but are going to accept it, but sometimes they don’t really like it, but other times are OK with it. Nothing’s that black and white, and she can’t expect they all are just okey-dokey with it just because that’s how she wants them to be.


Why did Joshua think Kaitlyn is a hairdresser? Why did she want to give him a mohawk? That was pretty mean. I mean, really! He'll be stuck with that ridiculous hair (either the mess she left or a mohawk is ridiculous) until he's off the show. Which should be in about five minutes.

Edited by Andromeda
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I'm only part way through the episode, and hoping to be able to stay awake for the rest. At least there are roses.


I just had to laugh though when Kaitlyn and one of the guys - Shawn was it? - went to get in the kayak and she was "wowwwww no one gets to do this!"  Yeah Kaitlyn, because kayaking is this rare mysterious sport known only to Bachelors/ettes. I know, I know, she meant kayaking on the river walk, but the way she said it just cracked me up.


Poor Joshua with the haircut. My husband asked me to cut his hair once thinking it couldn't be that hard, and it completely freaked me out. I did a terrible job and have never attempted it again, but I still did a better job than Kaitlyn. 

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Ian - oh wow, stop talking!! If your "own life" outside of the show was oh-so-amazing when it came to women, why did you go on the show at all?  Plus, if you don't stop talking, Kaitlyn's lips might explode.  I don't think she can push them much further out than that.

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All of Ian's nastier comments - about the hot ex-girlfriend and how much sex he could get - were in voice-over and sounded spliced together. I'm not saying he's not an asshole, but there was a lot of creative editing involved.


I thought the dates this week were fun (the mariachi date would have been even better if I didn't have to hear about Nick's erection), and Kaitlyn's connection to Shawn seems genuine, so it was the first enjoyable episode for me this season. Still too much Nick and Joshua's fall from grace, but definitely a step in the right direction.

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Bravo to Ian for telling it like it is! It's about time someone said exactly what they (and maybe others) are thinking. I don't fault Ian for what he said because it's obvious that Kaitlyn IS only there to see how many guys she can kiss on TV. And from the previews, it looks like she's also easily seduced...and can't even wait until the fantasy suite!

I wouldn't mind seeing Ian as the Bachelor.

Nick is scumbag. That's all.

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Ramble Jr. was hoping that the guys that didn't get a rose would get a baseball lobbed at them. Maybe chasing down the errant throws would warm everyone up. When guys are visibly shaking it's a poorly planned ceremony.

I felt like Ian broke the first rule of Bachelor Club. Sell yourself humbly but never mention the prize.

Nick makes me feel like I need to shower when he smiles & I wish his hair would've gotten the Kaitlyn special.

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I like Nick just fine and am impressed that he seems to be doing a pretty good job of fitting in under the circumstances. Really liked...was it Justin?...shaking his hand about the rose. And Ian saying he didn't blame Nick he blamed Kaitlyn because...that's right, too. I'm pretty sure any of them, given the opportunity Nick had and his feelings, would have done exactly the same thing.


Kaitlyn is so stupid to kiss everyone where others can see it. I really don't understand why she doesn't know better. It doesn't make her seem like more of a prize. She just looks cheap and insincere.


I can't remember anyone telling off a B-ette before so Ian's first amped up the drama of an otherwise pretty good episode (good events, for a change). And Kaitlyn seems to love conflict.  I liked how Nick didn't want to complain about the guys in the house--giving them a period of adjustment--but she really wanted to hear how upset they were. (Personally, I think that was less about his feelings than it was about feeding her ego.) If the previews are true, she's even dumber than I thought.

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All of Ian's nastier comments - about the hot ex-girlfriend and how much sex he could get - were in voice-over and sounded spliced together. I'm not saying he's not an asshole, but there was a lot of creative editing involved.


Good point, it did seem really choppy and spliced together. I still wish he hadn't said most of it, but who knows when he said it or what the context was.

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Aside from his arrogance me and my husband were actually cheering for the guy! I love when people put others in their place. Kaitlyn is not a good bachelorette, this isn't Bachelor in Paradise or Temptation Island, have some class lady. Deep throating 15 guys a day.


I felt bad for Josh, no one stuck up for him, bunch of wimps, you know they were all complaining and whining about Nick when no cameras were around. But then they WERE telling themselves that, he had no right to go tell Kaitlyn on their behalf. He should have left them out of it. Still... made them look like a bunch of wimps.


Glad Jonathan the leecher is gone.


I don't like Kaitlyn anymore, it's like you have to walk on eggshells around her, tell her something wrong and she will boot you!! Ugh... She annoys me.



Oh and Nick, can't stand him. He has that punchable face. What on earth did she see in him?? But then it is Kaitlyn..

Edited by Phei
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Nick sings about Kaitlyn giving him an erection, and she loves it.   And I wonder if she'd be just as cool with that if it came from ANY of the other guys.


Oh, I think Miss Plow-my-Field would have loved it from any of them.  When Ian was complaining about all the guys making fart and poop jokes, I thought I could see her thinking, "So?  Are they not the two funniest things in the whole wide world?"



I noticed Joshua's bad haircut in one of the earliest scenes while they were all talking about Nick so they even had that spliced in.


I agree that this isn't the smartest group of men ever assembled.  When Nick was trying to explain that he was glad Josh had been there so that he found out, sooner rather than later, that Andi preferred another type -- they just couldn't grasp it.  Even so, I think they all deserve better than Kaitlyn.  Ben H, Shawn and Jared all seem to be really trying for her and she encourages them, only to love the one she's with five minutes later.  I started this season thinking she was okay, just wrong for the show, but I'm really starting to dislike her now.


I'm just sorry we wasted so much time on Nick that Ian's final speech and exit had to be rushed.

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I'm just sorry we wasted so much time on Nick that Ian's final speech and exit had to be rushed.


Unfortunately it would have been rushed no matter what as that is the new order of things it seems.  Instead of having a rose ceremony at the end, they seem to find a dramatic moment to end on so that they can wait a week to finish it.  I really wish they would go back to the old formula of having the rose ceremony at the end of the episode.  I don't really like how broken up all of the episodes feel.  I know they are doing it to supposedly get people to watch the next week, but most people that are following the show would watch it the next week anyway.

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I think any contestant who participated in both the sumo challenge AND the mariachi challenge should have automatically gotten a rose.


Oh, Ian! Oh, Joshua! I was really on your side until your respective meltdowns, Nick still looks like Andy Cohen's douche-y little brother.


It was nice to see the latest remodel of the  St. Anthony Hotel; I worked there briefly after college. It's NOT a new hotel as one of the contestants said, in fact it was built in 1909. Looks like they've gotten rid of a lot of the antiques and put down hideous rugs. I would've loved to see what they did with the John Wayne Suite. When I worked there, it looked like an 1890s bordello..

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Jared could be supercute but he really really has the worst beard. Really.

Kaitlyn's teeth look like they are getting bigger every episode.

Kaitlyn's ITMs (that's for "in the moment," right?) should be "out of the moment" instead as her hair and makeup are almost always so different from the action as to be jarring.

The editing/splicing is soooo obvious--Shawn's date rose disappeared and reappeared from his shirt in his ITM following his date.

Why didn't Kaitlyn go ballistic on Shawn when he also said he thinks some of the guys feel the same way poor Joshua does about Nick--she rips Joshua a new one from her high horse for what he said but lets it go from Shawn. I wonder if alcohol is fueling a lot of her drama.

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Could we get some real men for this show, please?  Joshua, what is this "man's intuition" you speak of?


I thought the same thing.  It's almost as annoying as a man saying, "WE'RE pregnant".  When men get fat, have swollen feet, feel like crap for months on end and push a baby out, then and only then will that statement be remotely true.

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I just feel like the editing on this show this year is crazy. The Ian rant kinda came out of nowhere. And I was confused during Joshua's confrontation. Just like I didn't understand her level of anger at Clint. They seem to be leaving a lot of stuff out.

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