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S19.E12: The Finale / S19.E13: After The Final Rose

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The middle of nowhere is the only apppropriate place for Whitney's helium balloon voice, especially since she never stops talking.


I think Chris will soon be tuning out that nagging Minnie Mouse voice...


Edited by Armchair Critic
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Just saw the whole thing and was pretty surprised. Zero chemistry from what I could see.  The big shock was Whitney. She seemed so ... kind of disillusioned, sobered, going through the motions. She looked great but there was no joy in either of them, the coolest body language I can remember and Chris is as inarticulate and unexpressive as always.


He would have been more animated sitting with his sister. And CH looked like it was a harder time talking to them than to Nikki and JP.


Personally, I think they've already broken up, if it even lasted beyond TFR when he admitted that he really wasn't feeling it for either of them.  (Another reason he and Becca would have been good together--two pretty cool customers, feelings-wise. Passion? I don't think so.  Little energy/excitement and nothing interesting to say. I still think they may eventually get together. Both so very very dull.)                      


As for Kaitlyn and Britt. I enjoyed Byron's season so although the "let's vote on the one who stays" was awkward, I don't mind them trying something different. (Although I do remember several women who preferred the other guy and were bummed it was Byron. Not a good position for the B-ette).  But either one could be fun to watch, for different reasons.                                

Edited by Padma
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Becca is the female version of the "guy who won't commit." It's just not in her, not now, maybe never.

As for the Bachelorette announcement -- UGH, stupid producers! They're ruining the premise of their own show. The bachelorette is supposed to be special and NOT have to compete. It was so obvious that the audience preferred Kaitlyn, but Chris pretended it was "split down the middle" so they could get Britt in there anyway! They'll be able to ay, "Well, we gave the men a choice, and THEY decided, not us!" You could tell the audience thought it was a stupid idea.

Poor Kaitlyn. Of course most guys are going to go for horse-mane-hair Bratz doll Britt, the Hollywood "actress" with the looks of a model, over the girl next door. It's in men's genes to favor looks until they get to know the woman. Plus, there's male pack mentality. Once Britt's designated the hot one, the rest will fall in line. Oh, there will be a handful of guys expressing their gladness that Kaitlyn is there, but not enough to give her the vote.

Really rank, producers. Rank!

I remember the long-ago Byron season. This to me is NOT the same, because neither of the men were from the previous season -- they were both brand new to the viewers. Plus, women are more likely to be thinking long-term, and look for more than good looks on a first meet. I hope I'm surprised and the same is true of this new male cast, but I doubt it.

Edited by Andromeda
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Well, here's one guy who would take Kaitlyn over Britt.  It wouldn't even be close.  I admit I didn't watch that much of this season.  But from what I did watch, Britt has fake and drama queen written all over her.  I admit her face is gorgeous, but I was turned off to her almost from the first moment she opened her mouth.  Kaitlyn may be less conventionally beautiful, but is very attractive all the same and at least seems to have some substance beneath that wacky sense of humor. Of course I'm not the kind of guy who goes on the Bachelorette either, so who knows.  But if Britt is the chosen one, I'll likely watch even less of next season than I did of this one.

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Chris would have preferred telling both women that he wanted to keep his options open for now. He felt he had to make a choice, though, so he went with the one who was playing to win rather than the cautious one he was feeling it for. After the inevitable break up, chances are he'll be trying to reconnect (unsuccessfully) with Becca. She never belonged on the show in the first place and will be perfectly content to slip back into virginal obscurity. I think someday Chris will meet and marry someone who grew up on a farm and who understands what that life is all about.

As for the two bachelorettes, sucks to be Kaitlyn.

Edited by Hpmec
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Whitney is too type A for me. Her hair is too blond (I think she would look better with darker hair) and her lipstick is definitely too pink. And there's her voice. However, I do appreciate her willingness to move to Iowa. We'll see how that goes.

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Becca leaving at F2 was the most unemotionally runner up ever. Jimmy had it so right, she wasn't into him. Chris kept harping about her to his family though. I think his brother may have had i right and Chris liked the unattainable girl Basically the challenge/chase


Team Kaitlyn. That audience was so not into Britt. 

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I actually wanted Becca for Bachelorette. She was very likable this season. She has great eyes.



I really thought Becca was getting "the next Bachelorette" treatment during the ATFR, with all the "do you think you'll ever find love?" questions.


I wouldn't count her out down the road if there are no stand-outs in the next Bachelor cast.

Jimmy had it so right, she wasn't into him.



I'm not so sure about that.  I think she may have felt an attraction, but she wasn't ready to commit, and to uproot her life and move halfway across the country after just a few weeks (and who in their right minds would be?).  


I think if Chris wasn't committed to giving TPTB a proposal and engagement, he might've "chosen" Becca for something short of an engagement.

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Becca just needs some life experience. She needs to date, loosen up, and have some fun. That doesn't mean have sex, because that's her thing, but go out, date, get to know herself and what she wants.

Edited by Wavesofblue
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I really do think Chris dodged a bullet by not picking Becca.  She is a lovely girl and seems nice (and honest) but doesn't seem remotely into him physically. With no engagement (since he knew she would say no) they would have had to have a long distance romance which would take the type of commitment she didn't have anyway. She seemed pretty emotionless after the "rejection" and ATFR. 


Team Kaitlyn. That audience was so not into Britt.



Except it is the guys who will be picking.  It is a pretty tacky premise. Talk about self esteem issues for the "rejected" Bachelorette.  It would be more interesting to have both girls date from the same pool of guys and a guy in order to leave would have to be rejected by both Bachelorettes.  Then, they would be competing for the final group of guys still left.

Edited by Palomar
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I am skeptical that Whitney is trying to save face by "not watching" the show. First she had to see how he was all over Britt (afternoon nap anyone?). Then he acted like he would have picked Becca if she was half as enthusiastic as Whitney was.

I don't believe her, but I think that's a really smart thing to say. So many questions CH can't ask her--so many awkward, embarrassing things that she --and Chris-- don't have to talk about on camera. She seemed very disillusioned about him I thought--absolutely zero chemistry between them, not even any eye contact or affectionate conversation. I'll bet she saw all of it, because she was so confident "in what they have" only to find out he wasn't the man she (or her family and friends) thought he was.


But, regardless of how you feel, NOT talking about it to CH is definitely the way to go.


I doubt they're still together--if they ever were.

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I am skeptical that Whitney is trying to save face by "not watching" the show.



I don't think it really matters, because you know Whitney's sister watched every episode, and she probably despises Chris right now. If Whitney and Chris do get married, her sister won't give her blessing.

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So how come Whitney got a full last date and Becca did not. We saw him hang out with Becca in her hotel. Then the next day he takes Whitney to his house and then also has hotel time with her? That was weird.


Overall, it was really boring. There were no twists or anything different. Why oh why do I fall for the Bachelor's promotion lies every freaking time?


I did really like the proposal in the barn. I thought it was authentic and the shot of them at the end with their legs hanging out of the barn was really beautiful. 


No idea if they will make it but I do know Chris will never get a word in again. Whitney answered every single question during the interview after. It was almost uncomfortable. He might as well just hang out in the barn with his dad and brothers, which was another good scene. 


I also liked Becca refusing to give in to all the pressure to say "I love you" right then. She held her own. 


Last question - so during the show Whitney was all "I'm moving to Arlington" and Becca wouldn't commit to when that would happen. Then after we find out they are doing the long distance thing and there are no immediate plans for Whitney to move? Huh?


Oops, one more thing. What the hell dress was Whitney wearing on the after show? Did she get it at Fredericks' of Hollywood? I was afraid I was going to accidentally see her vagina any second. And it didn't seem to go with the style she had on the show. Weird.

Edited by scribe95
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So how come Whitney got a full last date and Becca did not. We saw him hang out with Becca in her hotel. Then the next day he takes Whitney to his house and then also has hotel time with her? That was weird

I'm assuming it's ok to post this after the fact, but according to spoilers, Becca did actually get a full date, to a bowling alley in nearby Strawberry point.  We just didn't see it.  And that date was filmed the day AFTER Whitney's date, though they showed Becca's time with Chris first. 


It could be that Whitney's date at his home & with his family went so well that the producers decided to focus on that, and simply show the Becca angst afterwards.  Because at that point anything that happened with Becca was irrelevant.  But this part is just MY speculation.

Edited by leighdear
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Even bowling would have been more enjoyable to watch than that excruciating, seemingly endless conversation between Becca and Chris at the hotel.


Chris and Whitney are on GMA this morning.  This will be the DWTS announcement.

Edited by Jillybean
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I think she [becca] may have felt an attraction, but she wasn't ready to commit, and to uproot her life and move halfway across the country after just a few weeks (and who in their right minds would be?).  

I agree! Her response of being willing to give it a chance IF and when things developed, and she'd be open to considering moving to Arlington, etc. is a perfectly reasonable approach for anyone in a blossoming relationship (on or off TV). But not for this stupid show. 

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When Becca and Chris were having their "big" talk, they never once looked at each other. Contrast that to Chris and Whitney looking into each other's eyes during their conversations ( well mostly Whitney talking). Seems like more of a connection there than with Becca. As for Chris shaking around Becca at the ATFR - I think he was trying not to say anything to hurt her or make her feel like it was all Whitney all the time. And who wouldn't be uncomfortable facing someone you sent away at such a critical time? But then I'm a huge romantic who thinks Chris and Whitney just fit together. Still I won't be holding my breath....

I think Kaitlyn got hosed on this deal. It would be interesting to keep them both and see how the season plays out.

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I so agree with the above (Becca's emotion)...too funny!  Though realistic about not being in love she really was emotionless--she really didn't mind not being chosen which says a lot.  To get that far and just be like-- "thanks for being honest with me!" pretty much tells Chris all he needed to know.  Jade and Kaitlyn had so many more emotions for him--heck even Britt pretended to :-)


At times I am not convinced about him and Whitney, and then other times I do think he cares for her.  I used to think she was talking so much to interview for her role as his wife, but I am starting to think that is just one of those things she does....she can't quite shut up :-)  So I think she means what she says but comes across a little sales pitchy by nature.


I don't think it comes at a surprise how much I hate the new twist.  I can't stand Britt and I could tell Kaitlyn is having such a hard time pretending to be on board with this.  Think of it--it would be hard with the girls she liked, but for it to be attention craving Britt is like anyone's worst nightmare to have to share the B'ette role with.  

Edited by alexa
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"Bottom line is Becca wasn't into you." The Bachelor/ette franchise would be infinitely more enjoyable if Jimmy Kimmel were the host.

And Ashley S. is remarkably poised when she's not acting batshit crazy.

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I'm of the mindset that Chris and Whitney will actually get married. Not necessarily because of any deep connection, but because Whitney has set her eyes on the prize - nice farmhouse, kids, insta-family - and she obviously isn't a woman willing to take "no" for an answer when she wants something. Even if they do have problems, I don't see Chris having enough of a spine to stop this train that's already in motion.  


And add me to the list of people disgusted by the Bachelorette twist. I think it was incredibly short-sighted. Obviously the oily bohunks cast on the show will choose Britt, but the predominantly-female Bachelor Nation has made it pretty clear that they've seen right through the little fake Kewpie doll's famewhore audition. I predict ratings will be awful.

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To each his own. But while Britt hate is running rampant, she is not unique among Bachelorettes. Every Bachelorette has had her share of haters, warranted or not. And I would argue the two you mentioned as receiving no hate, actually were among the most hated. I would say Deanna was probably the most hated, with Britt likely to wrest the title from her. Then Andi, then Emily, then Trista.

It wounds me to list Emily, and especially Trista, as they are my two favorites (Trista is my #1), but I cannot deny their being the Bachelorette caused an increase in the production of Haterade.


Just because you see the hate here or on other boards doesn't mean they are hated. Emily, Trista and Andi were fawned over when they were announced as B'ettes. People were so excited and happy for them and they received little to no backlash. Trista is still beloved by viewers and Bachelor Nation. To this day people still love Emily even though the only reason she even went on the show was to create a brand since she was never serious about being engaged and I totally believe the sexting story Jef's brother spilled. And Andi only got backlash when people saw what a mean, awful person she truly was. Eric called her out for being fake and we all saw how ballistic she went. 

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I feel the two contenders for the Bachelorette should have been Britt and Jade. They had a Canadian Bachelor, so they should have a Canadian Bachelorette and tap whatserface.        


I wouldn’t base too much on the applause.  If memory serves, Juan Pablo received a thunderous applause when he was introduced at the Men’s Tell All.  Not to mention, Bob and DeAnna ; fan favorites that went on to have two of the worst seasons in the show’s history.

Edited by Adeejay
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At the beginning of every season, people who don't like the lead say the ratings will drop, and they never do.  People who don't like the lead will say they'll cancel the show because of that person, but they never do.  People who don't like Chris Harrison say they'll replace him, but they never do.  People vow they won't watch a particular lead, but they do anyway. 


People watch & talk about the show.  They have for 29 seasons.  The actual people involved are irrelevant.

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I'm of the mindset that Chris and Whitney will actually get married. Not necessarily because of any deep connection, but because Whitney has set her eyes on the prize - nice farmhouse, kids, insta-family - and she obviously isn't a woman willing to take "no" for an answer when she wants something. Even if they do have problems, I don't see Chris having enough of a spine to stop this train that's already in motion.  


I too feel like Chris and Whitney will get married as it does seem like she's all in on the family life in Iowa if she's been driving down there alot during the past four months to spend time with the Soules.  And he's not going to want to piss her or his sisters off so I won't surprised at all if they get married.  


Or it will end by Labor Day!

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Considering that Becca was likely the odd man out if Britt had continued, I'm thinking what we saw in the final weeks was a bunch of misdirection.  I have no doubt those conversations were "real", but I don't really think that Chris cared if she loved him or not.


The only time that I saw Chris look truly happy on this show was when he was riding his combine and harvesting corn.  I'm guessing he didn't particularly care who his wife was, since her purpose will be to hang with the family and be the vessel for the Soules DNA.  He wants someone who will keep herself entertained at the house while he's out harvesting, planting, and doing other farm things.  He doesn't want a wife that'll call him every five minutes asking when he'll be home because she's bored.  Once Becca said that she was worried she didn't know what she'd do on a farm and in Arlington, she was obviously toast.


I'm guessing the moving to Arlington thing was poorly answered because Chris & Whit are obviously doing DWTS & LA first.


The Bachelorette thing was pretty tacky, if only because it was with two women that didn't particularly care for each other.  If it had been Kaitlyn and Carly, or Britt and Jillian, I don't think it would seem as weird.  I do hope they actually go the Co-Bachelorette route instead of throwing Kaitlyn away on the first night.

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OMG, Chris. You had to think about CH's question, do you think you would have chosen Becca had she been willing to move to Arlington?  What???  Whitney was right backstage and due out in scant moments.  


Whitney's sister tell her everything she needs to know and Jason (love him), Chris' brother will shine a light on things for Chris.  His parents might have something to say on the subject, as well. 


This is NOT going to work.  


2 bachettes.  No, just no.  RS will probably know who wins the vote shortly after the first episode is taped.  You cannot tell the "loser" to hide for 2 months so SM will give away long before it airs.  

Becca showed the same amount of emotion I do when I decide that I really didn't want pancakes but what I really wanted was waffles at the IHOP.




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I actually think Chris was more into Becca. He knew she wasn't that into him though so he chose the safe bet, although as I've said before either one of these ladies could do better that him. Chris seemed more excited to see Jimmy Kimmel than Whitney.

I think being a fertility nurse Whitney probably sees a lot of heartache with couples having trouble conceiving, so maybe that's ramping up her baby fever.

That said I think they both really do want to get married and raise a family. I hope it works out for them although Whitney seems to be backing away from moving to Arlington already. They just both seemed super weird on AFR.

I thought the super duper most dramatic event EVER was going to be Whitney was already pregnant. I should have known the actual surprise would be something stupid.

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Becca is the female version of the "guy who won't commit." It's just not in her, not now, maybe never.



Actually, I think Becca's instincts were right. I don't know many women who - after 6-8 weeks of dating someone who's also seeing other girls - would agree to an engagement, quitting their job, and moving halfway across the country to a tiny town. I don't think her lack of willingness to do so makes her a commitmentphobe - just makes her uninspired by Chris.


And you can't blame Becca for that :) 


I think if he was a guy she'd met in San Diego, things might have developed over time.

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I could barely watch TWTA and therefore didn't post on it but from the bits I saw the women were red in tooth and claw.  And, as many of us expected, Chris Soules was a distant afterthought.  These women wanted nothing more than to exact revenge for real and perceived slights during the season and they couldn't care a jot about The Bachelor himself.


The same might be said about Becca, who is either on the waiting list for a personality or is taking strong doses of mood levelers.  It's one thing to be SoCal laid back, quite another to be in danger of tipping over.  She's a decent sort and there is massive pressure on a finalist both spoken and unspoken, on-camera and off.  Psychology libraries are filled with studies of people acting in an otherwise nonsensical manner because they are driven to meet some expectation or societal norm (this is the secret weapon in a nightclub hypnotist's routine).  And so, she played along as best she could for and with someone she really had no interest in, especially given what lay beyond the finale.  Any Bachelor's family will be terminally biased and falsely optimistic (at least for the cameras) so the mutual sales pitches were even more contrived than usual.


And then there's Whitney, who has been as clinical about the whole thing as she is about her nursing job.  I fully expected her to consult index cards for her self-scripted lines and pop a breath strip in before the next take.  Perhaps they merely edited that out. Everybody has unique priorities and motives.  Hers was the American archetype - the Disney Princess scenario, even at age 30. Since they're fresh in our minds, let's compare Whitney/Chris with Catherine/Sean.  Catherine/Sean were so besotted with each other that the clothes, jewelry, setting and competition were surplus to requirements.  Sean could have proposed in the hotel lobby wearing jeans without changing the outcome.  Whitney & Chris, on the other hand, were both almost completely reliant on acting - not in the theatrical sense but in the 'doing what's expected of me' sense as described above.  Whitney wanted a man and would have recited the alphabet backward at the finale if that's what it took.  Chris was simply trying to save face in front of his family, friends and the audience as a whole.  Individually and collectively they appeared incapable of generating or expressing genuine emotion.  But plenty of emotionally immature, stunted and completely barren people have been married over the years.  There is no ‘love test’ and perhaps that’s a good thing.


I used to wonder why people complained about Mike Fleiss but after watching numerous seasons I have joined his chorus of critics.  His biggest problem is that he manipulates, cuts, edits and misleads where completely unnecessary.  But his obvious mismatched footage (especially the reaction shots and pensive looks) defuses, rather than builds, tension for anyone familiar with the show.  To compare with the Sean season again, there was no editing required when AshLee’s anger boiled over and she marched off.  To be fair, he had to make do this season with a booby prize of a Bachelor and a house full of bored, catty, insecure females.  But his involvement is so overt that he may as well be on camera himself visibly choreographing the action.


I know that November in Iowa means unpredictable weather but even the most gormless viewer should have noticed the constantly-changing snow cover in the footage.


The worst excesses of corporate/network/programming 'synergy' are epitomized in the DWTS graphics promo plastered over the climactic scene of the whole bloody season.  The audience is never appreciated, merely primed for the next bit of reality TV dreck.


In the end, this year’s unique twist became an obstacle most were unable or unwilling to overcome, especially with Chris’ DOA performance.  It’s one thing to have to choose between Seattle or Dallas, quite another to submit to culture shock, even cultural deprivation in a move to the hinterlands.  Fleiss set himself two simultaneous tasks: find the usual match and throw in the I Was A Mail Order Bride angle.  When the former began to go wrong, the latter nearly did him in.


To extend the farm analogy, if Chris were a horse, they would have put him down after he broke down in the backstretch.  But he was the only mount the women and the producers had so they limped along with him.  TPTB want a love match but are always willing to accept hate.  Unfortunately, they got apathy from all concerned, even the participants.


It didn’t take a psychic to predict that Britt would be a/the Bachelorette given her stunning looks, her training/ability to over-emote on cue, her LA base of operations (cheap cheap cheap for the producers) and her desire for greater fame.  The runoff with Kaitlyn is obviously a desperate tacked-on ploy.  But Kaitlyn proved herself to be a formidable, if quiet, opponent, ‘stealing’ multiple roses on group dates etc. during this season.  Tastes and conditioning among the 20-something set have changed drastically.  Depending on the males selected, Kaitlyn’s tattooed, cynical, faintly hippie chick persona vs. Britt’s classic smiley big-haired California Girl might not be the walkover it first appears.  A generation of males in a perpetual state of stunted social maturity thanks to electronic gadgetry and a steady diet of PC disapproval for being red-blooded/vital/active just might opt for the quirky one, being rather quirky themselves.

Edited by Rainsong
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I thought the super duper most dramatic event EVER was going to be Whitney was already pregnant.

::clutches pearls::  GASP!  *NOT* on the show that espouses good ol' wholesome values like finding a soulmate by dating more than one person up until 10 minutes before you get engaged!!  That would be a *scandal*!  /sarcasm

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Well, shocker...but I hate this Bachelorette twist. I stand firm at my belief that Kaitlyn got screwed over by the producers. She had the gig and they moved forward with her. I thought something was up during the WTA when it all Britt, Britt, Britt. The producers changed their minds and added this gimmick. It's so stupid. Kaitlyn got screwed. Britt will be picked by the guys...I would love to be wrong though.


I remember this same gimmick from Bryon's season. Him and the other guy met the girs, then the next day the girls picked Bryon. They then made Bryon turn around and have a regular rose ceremony and eliminate 10 girls...some of whom picked him in the first place. Of course, he didn't know that because the producers made who voted for who secret to the lead. I imagine it will be the same process with Kaitlyn and Britt...meet the guys, charm the pants off of them in order to get picked, guys vote, girl who gets picked basically says 'thanks for making me the Bachelorette...I'm eliminating 10 of you right now.'

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I know this was years ago, but on the Andrew Firestone season, after the F1 was chosen they showed this little video montage of all the cute moments of Andrew and Jen on their "journey" and CH was like "It was obvious they had a connection, we all saw it", and when the audience watched the video were were all like awww yes I see it now!  It was her all along! And then everyone could buy off on her as his choice and see what they saw in each other.  I wish they had done something like this for Chris and Whitney.  I believe they do really have a connection and like each other, but we did not get to really see it becuase of the Britt/Becca/Kaitlyn misdirection.  I think it would help everyone buy off on them as a couple if we could see some behind the scenes clips of them and how they fell in love. 


Bachelorette - ugh what a debacle.  Everyone was "split"?  More like no one in Bachelor Nation really likes Britt, but the producers are like "we need a hot chick".   Think, think, think, producers, how can you get out of this jam?  You have a girl that is largely not liked by the viewers, but you need to get her on there somehow, must find a way!!!  Wait, men find her attractive, so have the men chose her!!  They you can wipe your hands clean and say it was a fair shot.  Yes! 

Edited by FamilyVan
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I know that November in Iowa means unpredictable weather but even the most gormless viewer should have noticed the constantly-changing snow cover in the footage.


I actually found the changing snow depths so amusing that I found myself watching the background more than the "stars" of the show

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If this was the case, then they should've picked Jade instead.

Not a viewer of the show, but I read the recaps because they amuse me greatly.  I did try watching Bachelor in Paradise in hopes that it would be equally low and crass as Paradise Hotel (my intro to reality tv), but I was sadly disappointed.


When I saw the name Jade, I got excited thinking it was Jade Cole from America's Next Top Model (Cycle 6).  I would so watch.  Jade was awesomely delusional.

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OMG, Chris. You had to think about CH's question, do you think you would have chosen Becca had she been willing to move to Arlington?  What???  Whitney was right backstage and due out in scant moments. 


That made me want to scream too. He said he doesn't know! He's engaged and he doesn't know if he would've picked the other one had she reciprocated his feelings? Oh boy. There's being a bad public speaker and then there's that. Good job Whitney seems like the type to mother him and coach him through life rather than be angry at him.


I'm sad for Chris. He seemed like a different person around Becca. More present and actually able to form full sentences. I even liked him a little. With Whitney he's so passive. I saw more emotion from him when he let Becca go than when he proposed to Whitney. For a moment I thought he was gonna change his mind, because he kept hugging her for what seemed like forever.


I guess CH was honest for once when saying there was no perfect choice for Chris. I wish he'd taken a risk and continued dating Becca, but then again I get why he didn't, because there was a big chance it would crash and burn. He didn't want to let go of the potential he saw with Whitney. I just wish he hadn't proposed, because I don't think they've reached that potential. Yet anyway. Now he doesn't know what to do, because he doesn't want to hurt Whitney or his family and it's not like he'll easily find someone else of her caliber.

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Chris and Whitney's kids are gonna have no upper lip....

Becca was being normal! You out with a guy usually a full year maybe two before you start talking about moving in together and getting married. Who talks about moving in and marriage after 6 weeks? She was the only one who ever made any sense on this show!

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Well, I went from thinking Whitney is just out to win, at the start of the season, to Whitney is trying so hard because she really loves this guy. I'm happy for her and hope Chris lives up to her estimation of him. Sometimes the job makes the man.

Why oh why can't we just have a beautiful nice woman from nowhere for the B'ette? Britt looks like a girl Jack-O-Lantern I made one time, and has been caught lying about several things. Kaitlyn has a pretty total package, but has those Pitt Bull teeth, and I can't imagine an entire season of her laughing uproariously at her own weak, nervous little jokes. I guess the men will decide.

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Becca showed the same amount of emotion I do when I decide that I really didn't want pancakes but what I really wanted was waffles at the IHOP.

Boshawks, were you flipping back and forth with The Voice, too?? hee.


I'm not a true watcher - I watch the first few episodes for the train wrecks and fun factor (and former travel porn!) and of course the commentary here, but the end of the season always bores me. But I liked Whitney and Kelsey (I know, I know...), and was spoiled, so kind of popped in from time to time.  I think the reason she talked so much last night is because her farmer, um, doesn't. Lots of sighing from that one, right? I figure their chances of making it are about like any other couple's. My spouse is from a farm town of about 300, and while moving there as a 22-year old newlywed might have scared me to death, as an older, more mature bride, it might not have. (Would love to be in the middle of nowhere now!)  So I'll polish up my rose-colored glasses and hope they live happily ever after.


As for the dueling B'ettes, they looked pretty chummy on Kimmel last night. And who knows, maybe the guys will be able to tell that Kaitlyn might actually be a FUN gal with some personality and keep her around.

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Psychology libraries are filled with studies of people acting in an otherwise nonsensical manner because they are driven to meet some expectation or societal norm



This totally applies to Whitney. I think Chris is pissed because she was ready to move to Iowa and now that she wins and is the Type A pants wearer of the two she probably told him that they need to work on their relationship before she moves, code for "yippee! I got to play the part of the princess on tv, but back home, in the safety of my Chicago apartment, where I get to be on my own from Sunday night to Friday, I'll take my time and reconsider the whole Iowa thing."  


Whitney was so absolute that Chris was her guy before she even met him and she probably is one of those people who pride themselves on seeing things through to the end, ignoring all the flashing lights and warning bells going off.

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I totally called the cow when JK went offstage to get his wedding gift for the happy couple.

I was so hoping that Chris would have said to Whitney as he offered the final rose to her: "You had me at 'meow meow meow'."

I loved the Becca line in that there were no tears, no guilt. I don't think Chris really cared that much for her in a romantic sense (vs Jade, for example). Becca seemed to be her own woman for the entire show. And no way is someone from San Diego going to move to Iowa and suffer through its seasons.

I always think the two crazy kids at the end are going to make it. Involving Mom and Dad at the end was supercute; I hope they don't get all their hearts broken. At least Whitney knows what she is getting herself into.

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Kaitlyn has a pretty total package, but has those Pitt Bull teeth



Kinda funny...and I never considered a description like that.   Each time I've seen her she has worn a "wrong" lipstick...something bright or glossy...sometimes looking thick and gummy.  A more natural matte color might detract from the canines.

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Did anyone else think it was incredibly odd and tacky that CH even asked Farmer Chris if things would have been different with Becca minutes before Whitney came out? CH has always sold the "engaged winners" bs, so it struck a really odd note with me that he'd ask that instead of proclaiming the engaged couple as madly in love blah blah cakes.

I don't see the two working out; no affection or comfort between them at all. I felt sorry for Whitney but I'm really hoping she's starting to break out of whatever hold this show had on her sanity. If she's looking to start a family, there'd be plenty more articulate interesting non-Arlington men for her to choose from now.

Yeah, Kaitlyn is not feeling the double Bachelorette twist at all. She kept twisting her face and that was one awkward interview with both women. Predictable finale and I think they'll be broken up in less than a month.

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