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S04.E07: Mix And Match.com

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From what I can tell by the previews it should read designers lose their shit because they have to design menswear.  What is the friggin' problem here?  Why can't anyone put together a nice outfit for a man?  And did I hear Michelle correctly she's in tears because she has to design around a p---?!?  Classy, real classy sweetheart.

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I cannot believe Fabio won with that crap outfit.  Yes he did look a little bit like a medical worker.  What are these judges smoking?


Helen's was horrendous...ugly ugly...I also didn't like Sam's.  I don't think it suited her model.


I liked Michele's and Dimitry's menswear.  Justin's was very blah.

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Oh gawd.  I'm scared.  I agreed with the judges.  Someone hold me.....I'm...so...cold.


Seriously Fabio's did have some fit issues.  But damn that was all kinds of hot.  The guy had something to do with that, but it was really oddly and intriguingly sexy.  I liked Jay's too if a date showed up in that.  Not something I would wear.  But Fabio's?  Yeah.  and no way would I have waited to kiss Fabio's model.   I'm actually glad I slowed down channel surfing when I heard Michelle saying how bad Fabio and Jay both did.  Knew one of them was headed for the win and was curious.


I hate that they saved someone.  This is all stars and there was pretty much an ocean of suck washing down the runway tonight.  Everything else was bad.  Some of it was real bad.  The rest was garbage that should have been set on fire right then and there to appease the affronts to fashion.  If that also meant throwing the designers responsible on top of the blaze.  So be it.




Michelle and her attempt to bring back the Members Only aesthetic?!  Zippers?  There?  I'm surprised she didn't have the guy drenched in Axe Body spray and forget hair and makeup.  All he needed was to step out of a Trans Am with the cassette stereo blazing "You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right round, like a record baby...."

Edited by heebiejeebie
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I'm smelling an Anthony Ryan Auld, PRAS season 2 save here.  In other words, between Helen or Justin one of these two was probably already decided the winner by the producers and they couldn't send that person home as a result.  I would bet money at this point that one of these two is going to win this season.


I think a case could be made for either of them, but I would have sent Justin home.  Nice guy, but that was probably the most boring outfit I have ever seen made for this show or any flavor of PR.  At least Helen, much as she bugs, did something remotely interesting.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
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Well, Michelle sure felt better fast. Day 1, she's whining and crying over not feeling well; the next, she's only too happy to completely trash other designers' work.


I'm torn. I didn't love the idea of pink and grey together, but Jay's guy looked really good in it, so I think he should have won. Especially because - as Laverne said - Fabio's guy didn't wear his look as comfortably (it looked like he was walking a bit awkwardly in that outfit). Maybe he was just nervous and so he walked stiffly, I don't know, but I didn't love Fabio's outfit. It was just 'fine' overall to me.


I was surprised at how much they hated Helen's outfit. To me, okay, I could see how they could think the woman looked pregnant, but it did flow beautifully, fit her well and the color was gorgeous on her. I thought Sam's outfit was far worse - unattractive colors, ill-fitting, just not good at all. That skirt was awful.


Dmitry's guy looked pretty dull in comparison to his date, clothing-wise and personality-wise. I'm not sure they really clicked. There didn't seem to be good matches between those two or Sam and Michelle's couple.


I loved the gay gentlemen, though. They were handsome, charming and really seemed to be having fun with one another. Very sweet. Their chemistry made me smile.


no way would I have waited to kiss Fabio's model.


Seriously. That guy was very attractive. Great smile.

Edited by sinkwriter
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Seriously, what is it going to take to send Sam home?  That dress was horrendous!


It was a mediocre episode.  Nothing really impressed and, except for Sam's dress, nothing was really bad.  Maybe that was why everyone was safe this week  Hopefully, it will be better next week.

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Oh fark me senseless - I think I just witnessed the lamest challenge in PR history, along with lame lame lame designs.  Every week I think, 'oh it'll get better' - and then it doesn't and I'm back in fashion show hell, in the dollar markdowns.  


Send Sam and Helen home.  Please.  Now.        

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I thought Helen should've gone home because that outfit was so unflattering to that woman's figure, it wasn't even funny. (Yeah, every woman wants her belly and butt sticking out of her pencil skirt emphasized.) The baby doll outfit sucked too. Can't remember who was responsible for it, but it looked so bizarre for a first date.


ETA: I may have gotten it wrong who designed what. But I hated the baby doll outfit and the one with the cropped top and skin tight skirt on a woman with a womanly figure who can't carry that look off well.

Edited by Nidratime
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I'm trying to figure out what the judges were seeing in that awful outfit of Fabio's.  It fit poorly, the pants were too short and the top looked like scrubs.  Jay definitely deserved the win over Fabio.  Sam's was the worst look by far.  I saw nothing wrong with Justin's besides the fact that there it wasn't as flashy as what the judges wanted, I thought it looked good.  Michelle, once again overworked.  Helen, ugh.  The Blue was lovely but that baby doll thing was awful.  Not as awful as Sam's, but bad.

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I'm not always Jay's biggest fan, but for me he had the line of the night describing the fabric he found at Mood: "Bright... sophisticated... GAY."  Loved it!


Once Dmitry said Fabio's outfit looked like medical scrubs, I couldn't unsee it.  But I do like Fabio a lot and I was OK with him winning, given everything else on the runway.  Speaking of Dmitry, did I hear correctly or did he say "no hokey-pokey" as the couples were walking out the door?

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I may be in the minority, but I thought Fabio's and Jay's looks were goofy as hell.  They were gay, not 12.  However, I would've sent Samantha home for that hideous up-the-shirt peek show and droopy backside.


And for anyone who didn't pick up on it, Michelle didn't feel good.

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All the women's outfits sucked!  Sams top was ugly and the skirt too tight and poorly designed; The teal dress had that ugly cut out and was too tight; Helen's dress was just horrible.  I thought all the mens wear looked great.  I never understand the whining over menswear - do they really only plan on designing for size 0 women all their career?


Sam and Michelles' couple totally did not hit it off.

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What does Helen have to do to get auf'ed? Kick someone's puppy?


I loved the color of her top, but Zanna or whoever it was gushing over the color as SOOO new and exciting must have been asleep for all of 2013. I wore exactly that color to a wedding last year ('13) in a dress I bought at Dillards in a conservative southern city. And then by fall last year, I saw other similar styles by the same designer in that color at MARSHALLS for pete's sake. Rich royal blue was EVERYWHERE in 2013. I'm not at all fashion forward and even I couldn't help seeing it. Not that I'm complaining.. it's a great color on me, so I was happy it was "on trend", but it's we're just about in 2015 and it's NOT new anymore.


And nothing else about her outfit was remotely attractive.


I'm also annoyed that they weasled out of a "real women" challenge with this 1 day, 1/2 men, all gorgeous or "fabulous" models, challenge. Maybe they realized that more time wouldn't help and women who were more "real" would produce even crappier results.

Edited by slothgirl
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When the judges started bitching about the quality of the final designs and how they couldn't figure out why the designers didn't do well, I shouted at the screen, "MAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE YOU GAVE THEM LESS THAN ONE DAY??" I mean, come on... 

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Once Dmitry said Fabio's outfit looked like medical scrubs, I couldn't unsee it.

I was thinking sick bay on the Starship Enterprise from the first Star Trek: The Movie.


No way did someone not deserve to go home.  The bottom three were really bad.  What a waste of an hour.

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I had to laugh when Izak snobbishly pointed out that Helen's design could be found at K-mart, when we had been subjected to K-mart ads during every commercial break. Way to dis the sponsors,  Mizrahi!

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I thought all the women's outfits were terrible, and all the men's were at least OK. I thought Justin did a great job at making a well tailored shirt and pants and it wasn't all that boring to me. I would rather see that on a date then a uniform from the Starship Enterprise (as background noise just said). 


Michelle, Jay and Fabio made very young looking outfits for men who were not 20 years old. I didn't get why all the women had to have hootchy mama clothes. Can't a woman look pretty and elegant for a first date? And it was awkward how the couples probably didn't have much time to get to know each other and had to appear as a 'couple' on the runway. When the one woman said "We will probably get married" I had to cringe. Poor guy. 


I must be boring because I would have given the win to Dimitry or Justin based on how nicely the clothes fit and the nice fabrics they chose. 

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I had to laugh when Izak snobbishly pointed out that Helen's design could be found at K-mart, when we had been subjected to K-mart ads during every commercial break. Way to dis the sponsors,  Mizrahi!


Yeah, and isn't his stuff sold at Target?  Not much of a step up from K-Mart.

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Honestly I think they should have declared it a no winner, instead of no loser. I wawnt blown away by any of them. And frankly I loathed the top Fabio made. I busted out laughing when I saw it. Then said, oh yea, stupid judges will declare it the winner. Boo

I liked what Jay did but really couldn't get behind the pink. Style wise it was decent. I also liked Dmitry's. But overall ,total snooze fest. Personally I thought Sam was by far the worst thing up there. I swear I saw her boobs on the runway. And that girls date wanted nothing to do with being there. No second date.

Sonja girl , paraphrase "I really like sexy but classy like Kim Kardashian". Bahahahaha. Really? Classy? Girl please.

Funniest moment for me was when Michelle was discussing Helens dress, it's Monica Lewinsky blue, will it come back with a stain? Hee totally silly but I laughed out loud.

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Well... that happened...


In parts, I agreed with the judges, but they were saying some wacky stuff tonight. And though they were judging individually, it seemed like there was some team judging going on to? sort of?  it was strange.


I wasn't a huge fan of Fabio's look... it was different, but I don't know if it that makes it good, it just didn't seem to fit right or look comfortable, but it wasn't the worst thing out there. I did love Jay's look a lot. That jacket looked great and was perfect for their couple. Of all the looks, I think Jay should have won.


This challenge kind of sucked though, since they threw in menswear and gave them less than a day. That was kind of bullshit, IMO. Not that menswear is some difficult unicorn, but it's a lot quicker to make a pencil skirt than it is to make a pair of pants or something with sleeves etc. I actually liked Justin's look, even if it wasn't super exciting. Menswear is kind of boring, it's just how it is. T-shirt, button down, sweater... aside from adding jackets and vests, what else is there? And it's not like they had time to make a  3 piece suit or anything. But Justin's clothes seemed to fit the model well.


Helen's blue was pretty, and I didn't hate her look as much as the judges, but it definitely wasn't in the top. Sam's look was one of the worst, by far! I don't know how she was so safe... that look was unflattering and boring and just... ugh!


I liked the teal dress, it was a great color for the model and I liked the detailing and the fit of it. It's a date dress, showing off the curves of a woman who isn't a size 0 was nice to see. I think she looked really good in that dress.


The men's looks were all kind of dull. I don't like sweaters, so Dimitry's and Michelle's tops were lame, IMO. The diagonal sweater thing reminded me of the 90s... or an ice skating shirt. I think his pants fit better than Michelle's though... her 'extra' details just went overboard for me... and enough with the whining! Being sick sucks, yes... but jeez... shut up and do your work.

I will say, a small petty part of me was kind of happy that  most of the looks she was trashing so bad ended up getting praise :P


They should have sent Helen or Sam home... I'm assuming this means a double elimination in the next 1-2 weeks.


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Good lord, Michelle is tedious. Funny that she only got "sick" after she couldn't bulldoze Samantha into making the menswear for their team. And then recovered miraculously after she was able to make an outfit that wasn't the worst thing on the runway. Horror of horrors - she had to take someone's penis into account in her design. Someone call Amnesty International- what torture she had to endure.

There was a whole lot of fug during that hour long commercial for match.com tonight. I laughed at the client who said she likes to dress "classy " and in the next breath asked for a crop top. And she got what she wanted. It was so cropped that the underside of her breasts showed when she walked down the runway.

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So my first thought was that it was a pretty good runway considering they had 1 day and had to make clothes for "real" people, boobs and all (looking at you, Samantha!).  These kinds of challenges can be a train wreck (that's you, Helen).  Sam and Helen should have been in the bottom, and I wouldn't have cried if they both went home.


I didn't have a favorite. 


I'm glad Jay and Fabio's couple hit it off.  They were charming.

Edited by izabella
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I'm glad Jay and Fabio's couple hit it off.  They were charming.


Personally, I was a little surprised when they said they hadn't kissed yet. They seemed so into one another that date night, I thought for sure they were going to do a lot more than just kiss. LOL.

Edited by sinkwriter
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So, so much ugly.  Sonjia's dress looked an awful lot like her design from last week to me.  I did not like a single garment on the runway;  Sam's was my least favorite.  Holy moly that was awful.  I felt so bad for her girl with that flip-top front.  Helen's model looked pregnant.  Speaking of which, how many children is Alyssa expecting?  My goodness, she looks so overdue.  At least I kind of liked her hair this week.  


I may be tired and grumpy after a long, wearing day with 29 4th graders panting to get to winter vacation, but that was the worst overall runway I can remember on this show.  


Hoping for better next week!

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Pointless episode. Not getting rid of anyone when there were so many ugly outfits  on the runway yet again. It was a perfect oppurtunity to finally kick Helen to the curb.

This season sucks ass!

Edited by blaase
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I wonder if they had planned on not eliminating anyone all along? I bet we're in for a double elimination soon. As for the clothes:

Dmitry-loved the sweater
Michelle-Looked comfortable but pulled together


Sonija-Didn’t love the cutout especially for a first date, but the idiot did say she wanted to look like Kim Kardashian.
Jay-I liked the tops, even though the jacket was pink, it didn’t seem feminine. I did not like the pants material at all.


Didn’t Like
Samantha-didn’t like the crop top, the skirt was ugly, did she say she wanted to look like Kim Kardashian too?
Fabio-I hate rolled up hipster pants on guys. The top looked kind of dental. How did this look win?
Helen-Too short, too tight, too open in the back, hated the shiny material. It was way too much for a first date. How did she not get sent home?
Justin-Hi daddy!


It's so sad that my didn't like category is always the biggest.

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Good lord, Michelle is tedious. Funny that she only got "sick" after she couldn't bulldoze Samantha into making the menswear for their team. And then recovered miraculously after she was able to make an outfit that wasn't the worst thing on the runway. Horror of horrors - she had to take someone's penis into account in her design. Someone call Amnesty International- what torture she had to endure.

There was a whole lot of fug during that hour long commercial for match.com tonight. I laughed at the client who said she likes to dress "classy " and in the next breath asked for a crop top. And she got what she wanted. It was so cropped that the underside of her breasts showed when she walked down the runway.

How about the one who wanted to look like the "new' Kim Kardashian? You mean the "new" Kim Kardashian who showed her ass in front of the world? Sophisticated and elegant!

I wonder if they had planned on not eliminating anyone all along? I bet we're in for a double elimination soon. As for the clothes:


Dmitry-loved the sweater

Michelle-Looked comfortable but pulled together



Sonija-Didn’t love the cutout especially for a first date, but the idiot did say she wanted to look like Kim Kardashian.

Jay-I liked the tops, even though the jacket was pink, it didn’t seem feminine. I did not like the pants material at all.


Didn’t Like

Samantha-didn’t like the crop top, the skirt was ugly, did she say she wanted to look like Kim Kardashian too?

Fabio-I hate rolled up hipster pants on guys. The top looked kind of dental. How did this look win?

Helen-Too short, too tight, too open in the back, hated the shiny material. It was way too much for a first date. How did she not get sent home?

Justin-Hi daddy!


It's so sad that my didn't like category is always the biggest.

Yeah, Helen's "dress". I know I'm getting old but that was so damn short. And I'm also a straight guy. That dress on a first date would be very interesting.

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So, yeah, at this point I'm going to say that nobody who didn't like Michelle last time is going to come away from this wanting more of her in their life. Wow, she's gross. Between malingering less convincingly than my four year old daughter did when she was trying to get out of things she didn't want to do and trying to get her partner to do her job for her (have we seen Michelle offer to help anyone this season?), and then that grotesque attempt at being a sex kitten on the runway, she's just preening for the camera about what an awful, unpleasant human being she is. 


I have to say, though, even for Michelle the completely random Monica Lewinsky reference, complete with wiping imaginary semen off her face, was special.


I thought Dmitry's and Sonjia's couple looked happy and comfortable and attractive, but I can live with Fabio and Jay's winning. Helen should have gone home. If there were ever a place to drag out that sheath with crop top she can do in her sleep, this was it. 


And Isaac? Does most of his business on QVC. He was pretty successful at Target, but then he moved to Liz Claiborne, which more or less disappeared while he was designing for them. He's got some pieces in stores, but he sells the same pieces on Amazon. He hates to say common.

Edited by Julia
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It cracked me up when Alyssa came out in her red lace/black leather combo and said that people judge based on what one wears so one should always dress stylish...her words did not match her look.


Anyway, what will it take to get Sam eliminated?  Her outfit was so bad.  It made her client look pregnant and just so wrong.  I didn't like the judges' 'well your clients liked the outfits so you're safe....'  Like the clients would say how they really feel.  And, when has that ever entered into consideration before?  It's like the show is transforming into Under the Gunn where the judges never made a decision...

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I'm not always Jay's biggest fan, but for me he had the line of the night describing the fabric he found at Mood: "Bright... sophisticated... GAY."  Loved it!


Once Dmitry said Fabio's outfit looked like medical scrubs, I couldn't unsee it.  But I do like Fabio a lot and I was OK with him winning, given everything else on the runway.  Speaking of Dmitry, did I hear correctly or did he say "no hokey-pokey" as the couples were walking out the door?

That and Jay's "Girl? GURL!" were the quotes of the night.

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Honestly, I think some of these designers have blackmail material on the judges.


Dimitry:   This was a nice outfit, what the guy wanted.  Dark, certainly.  Innovative, no.  But it did suit the guy well.  I was worried Dimitry would put him in something that looked like a costume for either ice skating or ballroom dancing, so I was pleasantly surprised.


Sonjia:  Another outfit that was fine, not spectacular and not bad.  Didn't like the cut out, I'm tired of darn cut outs, but the color was nice and the dress flattered the lady.  


Fabio:  I don't get the love for this outfit.  I also don't understand why the judges think that's a new silhouette for a man.  It's a variation on a bowling shirt.   The pants didn't fit well.  The bowling shirt had issues, too.  Should have been in the middle of the pack.


Jay:  What on Earth was Jay thinking?  That jacket and t-shirt would have looked better on a slightly built younger man.  It was too juvenile for a fairly broad shouldered man.   Something was off about the length of the jacket, too, particularly in the back.


Helen:  HORRIBLE.  HORRIBLE.  The judges said it looked like a nightgown.  I agree, but it looked like a nightgown made out of a plastic table cloth.  Hideous.  She should have gone home for this.  She has to have a file of secret nekkid photos of the judges, I swear, to still be in this competition.  A disgrace.


Justin:  Another fine outfit.  It was what the guy wanted.  It looked nice on him.  Should have been in the middle.


Michelle:   Yeah, guess what?  It was fine.  That top is straight out of the 80's and not as hip as Michelle seems to think.   The pants were nice enough, but I hated that buttoned flap around each side.  It's just going to catch on something and tear.  Stupid, but I guess at least she tried something.


Samantha:  Terrible.  Not as bad as Helen, but certainly in a hotly contested race to the bottom.  The outfit was unflattering.  The bare mid drift looked odd.  The skirt didn't fit well.  Just all around bad.


The winner should have been Dimitry or Michelle (although it kills me to say that).  Helen should have been on greased rails out of the door.


Michelle was a whiney cow this episode.  That "illness" was a severe case of pouting when she didn't get to design for the woman.  Stand around a complain that your partner is working on her own outfit while you should have been working on yours?  Yeah, you'd have really done that if the tables were turned.  Michelle's lucky she was able to pull herself out of her pout-itis and make a reasonable outfit.  She really showed her arse this episode and in a new and unflattering way.



Yeah, Helen's "dress". I know I'm getting old but that was so damn short. And I'm also a straight guy. That dress on a first date would be very interesting.


Interesting in that the woman's bare legs and underpants would be in direct contact with the chair.  There wasn't enough skirt to tuck under her bottom.  She's probably also put on a free show getting into or out of a car.

Edited by terrymct
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I hate menswear challenges. The designers always freak out because they have to make pants. Surprisingly, most of the menswear on the runway was way better than womenswear. Back to the pants thing. What is up with PR designers who almost always make dresses in every challenge? Why does first date automatically mean a dress? What's wrong with some classic dress pants and a beautiful top? Because dresses are easier to sew! They should just change the name of the show to Project Runway for Dresses and Skirts, because that's all they make most of the time.


As for the challenge, I hated all the women's outfits. The pregnancy dress, as well as the crop top (yuck), and that green dress was horrible, it looked like the color of hospital scrubs. And most of the men's outfits looked straight out of the pages of International Male. Fabio's outfit looked like a grown up little boy sailor suit. Who wears that? And I was LOL at how "sick" Michelle was after she got pushed into menswear, but when it turned out kind of OK (except for the zippers? and huge buttons? on the pants) she recovered really fast. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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And for anyone who didn't pick up on it, Michelle didn't feel good.

I just wish she'd mentioned it...

Laverne Cox can come back anytime. Loved how she was as interested in the date gossip as much as the clothes. And, of course, getting us a free show with "Do you want to kiss now?"

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Good lord, Michelle is tedious. Funny that she only got "sick" after she couldn't bulldoze Samantha into making the menswear for their team. And then recovered miraculously after she was able to make an outfit that wasn't the worst thing on the runway.

She reminded me of a toddler who, when being told "no," flings herself onto the ground and pitches a fit. (Or, as my mother used to say, pitched a fit and fell in it.)  I didn't buy the illness for a minute. And I'm not sure her fellow designers did either. I was hoping for some delicious side-eye and shade.


Kudos for Sam for refusing to be manipulated by Michelle, despite the drama Michelle attempted to incite.


Somehow Mizrahi managed to simper and sneer at the same time.


The gay couple seemed to be having great fun. They made me smile.


Oh, and the clothes? I can't remember anything I saw on the runway. I can't even get worked up about Sam and Justin being saved. The entire season is snoringly boring.

Edited by pasdetrois
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That and Jay's "Girl? GURL!" were the quotes of the night.

I thought Jay seemed drunk.



When the one woman said "We will probably get married" I had to cringe. Poor guy. 

Seriously!! Has this woman never been on a date before?


This show is not about design anymore, it is about who can finish a garment--any garment--within the timeframe.

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Sonjia's dress looked an awful lot like her design from last week to me


Thank you--I thought I was the only one who thought that uglyass green dress was a repeat of the uglyass gold thing she made last week.


And as for Helen's creation; who the frig would go on a first date (or even out of the house, for that matter, unless they were planning on working the streets) in that astoundingly awful dress with her twat hanging out? Would it have killed Helen to lower the hem two inches? At first I thought she had shorts under that horrible top, but...no.


I did like Michelle's Monica comment, though, made me laugh.

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What's wrong with some classic dress pants and a beautiful top? Because dresses are easier to sew! They should just change the name of the show to Project Runway for Dresses and Skirts, because that's all they make most of the time.


I feel like most of my comments in this forum relate to what I wish the show would be doing versus what it is doing, and here I go again: Yes to the quote above. As nice as it is to look at pretty dresses and gowns, why not dictate more variety? They've done a coat challenge, and every now and then they freak them out with menswear, but at least every other week they should dictate the type of garment the designers have to make. Pant suits, business separates, sportswear, maternity, bathing suits, lingerie, uniforms, resort wear, cold weather wear -- most of these have been done on occasion over the show's many seasons, but why not mix it up more within each season? Sure, we'd probably get a lot of designer whining about how "I don't DO pants", but we'd get to see who's truly creative and skilled, rather than seeing Helen make the same dress eleventy billion times.


Edited: OK, so I wrote the above before watching the show. Next week is resort wear and bathing suits, so hooray for a step in the right direction.


And having spent way too much time in hospitals lately, I must concur that Fabio's inexplicably winning design totally looked like the guy should be toting fresh linens and a bedpan.

Edited by designing1
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Yikes. You'd think that since this is "All-Stars," the quality of the designs would be better than this. I honestly didn't really like anyone's work this week. I guess Dimitry is my favorite by default, because it was well made and had a bit of design to the sweater. Justin's was well made, but there was no actual design work to it. 


When they were slathering all over Fabio's look, I knew it was going to win. And I don't understand why. I've never liked those kind of clam-digger pants where the cuff is above the ankle. It just looks weird unless you're actually on a beach. And that top? The boxy, ill-fitting shape, combined with no color and the weird color scheme that made it look like something a kid would wear for his little league game… no honey. Just no. And I don't know what the fabric was, but it didn't look comfortable to wear at all. The guy looked awkward and stiff in it. He had a great body, so why put him in a boxy top that hides all that? Ugh.


And can we PLEASE get rid of Helen already? When that woman came walking up those stupid stairs in Times Square, I was horrified. The top was all flouncy and did look like maternity wear, but the skirt underneath was so short it looked like she wasn't wearing anything under the shirt at all! I guess I should be grateful when it walked the runway and I realized that she'd made an actual skirt underneath instead of the formal shorts I'd thought they were in the beginning...


At this point, I don't even feel like there's anyone to root for. No one is jumping out as a spectacular designer who I want to see win the season. I mean, if you put a gun to my head, I'd go with Dimitry. But only if you put a gun to my head.

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Watching Helen is exhausting. Her whole Wednesday/ Morticia Adams style, the pointed talons, the passive aggressive TH's...I feel like I took too many Ambien and can barely keep my head up when she's on screen.  Her "Dress" was beyond hideous.  Too short, too flowy, too shiny.  It did not flatter that poor woman at all.  She did have nice legs so thank goodness for that.

Speaking of unflattering - Sam's model looked all kinds of wrong in that get up.  The crop top from the front was kinda OK, but as a judge said, the extended "train" in the back was disproportionate. The skirt...I can't even.  Too tight, the length was wrong and the fit was poor for that woman's shape.  The Sam "styled" her with those hideous gladiator booties and further exaggerated the "cankles".  She made an attractive woman unattractive and isn't that the antithesis of what good design is supposed to do?

Sonjie's dress did look an awful lot like her gold number last week.  That color was gorgeous though.  It looked "Tiffany Blue" to me and that's my favorite color.  The cut out isn't my style, but it probably could have worked on a woman with less boobage than that.  Her bust looked stuffed into that top and made the peek-a-boo hole bunch in a weird way.

Michelle can fall off a cliff any day now.  She is a brat.  WHAH!  Sam isn't helping meeee!!! I'm soo sick! I can't see straight!" No, you just had a melt down because you didn't get your way.

All the men's clothes (except Justin's) looked like they came from any mall store...in 1989.  I saw nothing "new".  Members Only indeed.  I was expecting one of these hacks to send "parachute" pants down the runway.

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When Fabio's model was out on his date I noticed that his top, while FUGLY, was also ill fitting.  Where shirts normally lay flat on the chest there was a large gap in his; it appeared to have too much fabric around the neck line and it folded up right under his chin, what an eye sore!  Gah to him winning.  The entire look was just piss poor to me.  And Jay's grey and pink coat was cute and looked well made it just appeared too feminine. 


I liked Dmitry and Justin's looks the best.  They were well made and fit their gentlemen to a T!  Yeah no real wow to them though, I think I could find those looks at any department store.


But I gotta say the models seemed to be good sports about the whole thing.  They at least seemed to be happy with their clothes and nobody threw a bitch fit about it.


What did everyone think of Laverne Cox as a guest judge?  I agree with the bloggers on this site that said she seemed to be trying too hard to be funny.  Her flirting with one of the couples, while it was kinda cute, IDK just seemed a little off.  Humor and more specifically snark should seem natural and genuine but with her it just seemed a little....scripted I guess is the word I'm looking for.

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I agree that we've seen all these menswear looks before -- BusyOctober is right, we've been looking at them since 1989 -- and so I'm ok with Fabio winning for something different.  I can totally imagine the hipsters in my neighborhood sporting something like this.  Yes, it looked like scrubs and yes, it looked like a bowling shirt but it's different enough from either of those to be creative, which is light years beyond what the others came up with.  I didn't hate Justin's outfit and I did like the fit, but contrast the two looks based on originality of design and I see where they came up with winner vs loser.  If you look at them based on execution, though, Justin's holds up as well as anyone else's.


Michelle's outfit was every bit as boring as Justin's and only somewhat less boring than Dimitri's.  I didn't like that Jay made a pink outfit for a gay guy -- if a straight man had designed that, wouldn't people criticize him for stereotyping? -- but it was a really nice jacket. Sonja's was solidly in the middle.


That said, there's a lot of low-hanging fruit on this show who need to go home now.  Helen and Sam are not All-Stars and their looks were horrid.  They both should have been in the bottom and they both should have gone home in a double elimination so that this season could start to get a little interesting.  So far there have been so many lackluster designs to choose from for elimination every episode that it doesn't feel like the season has even really started.


Also, who the hell is dressing Alyssa Milano?  You'd think that they'd make sure she looked great in her clothes on a clothing design show.

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I have a lot to say about this episode and some venom to spew, which I think has been building over PRAS for a few weeks, so here goes:


SO sick and tired of the oooohing and aaaaahing over Alyssa everytime she shows up either in person or behind the screen, where she has to turn and show everyone she's still preggo so we won't just think she's insane in her style choices.  I guess this has taken the place of the beautiful GC... she (Alyssa) must have had it written into her contract that all contestants must genuflect at the altar of her reproductive-ness.


Michelle: I can make myself look ill without makeup and lack of hair combage, too. Maybe she really did feel bad, but she came across as a spoiled, rotten brat. Also, what the hipster with the contant buttons, zippers and gadgets on men's clothing?? All he needed was top hat and a monocle and he could have moved to Portland and joined the steampunk community there.


How in the holy hell is Sam still there? Furthermore, how did she even get tagged as an all star to begin with???? One successful outfit from her season does not make her all stars material. She should have gone home weeks ago, but she definitely should have left for that basketweave/ black bib contraption last night. I can't figure out what the producers' end game is for this group of nitwits.


I thought Dmitry's was the most successful male look next to Jay's. It was NOT exciting, to be sure, but it was well made, classy and interesting. Maybe I'm biased because I flove black and navy together. That guy was uber hot... and I'm not sure Sonjia's girl was as into him as he was to her.


Fabio's was beyond terrible. The fit was horrible. The pants were too short and the top was boxy but not in a comfortable way. Jay's guy looked awesome and I'm surprised I loved the pink after he mitigated it a bit. I think the reason I didn't care for it at first was because I thought it was so stereotypically gay guy, but he really looked good and he seemed to like it a lot. They were the cutest couple there... I think they had real chemistry.


Oh Helen and Justin. First of all, Justin's wasn't bad; it was just blah. Compared to some of the crap (I'm looking at you, Sam) up there, he should not have been in danger of leaving. Helen's: holy cow. It was simultaneously slutty and old lady and I'm not even sure how that happens. The skirt was way too short even though the girl had great legs. The top was tentlike with the tent door in the back, obviously. She and Sam both should have gone this week, but as someone else said, they probably have plans for an upcoming double elimination. Seriously, though, Helen and Sam are both way past their expiration dates. Justin is out of his depth, too.


I'm sticking with my original prediction that Fabio is the designated winner of this season. I think they were so torn between Dmitry and Fabio and that ultimately, Dmitry won because he was such a gentleman. This is Fab's redemption arc. Having said that, they'll probably send him home next week. As long as Helen doesn't win, I don't really care who takes this crapfest.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Mediocre designers like Jeffrey, Anthony Ryan, Helen, and Justin produce poor garments, are saved from elimination, and told that all designers have bad days. Talented designers like Irina and Alexandria are shown the door the moment they have a misstep.  


I hate All Stars

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