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S18.E04: Thrown for a Loop

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The chefs must create a dish featuring Campbell's soup for Padma and Dale Talde; the cheftestants get thrown for a loop when they find out they won't be shopping for their Elimination Challenge.

Original air date: April 22, 2021

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Gail has been looking a bit haggard this season but I was mesmerized during the meal when she looked down and her eye-shadow perfectly matched a color in her dress and she was gorgeous. Even Blaise has been upping his style game and he was handsome again tonight.

I didn't think I was going to like Gabe in first episode but he has been winning me over since. 

My dude Chris! I hoped for this in the last episode thread and it is happening.

It pissed me off a lot(!) that they had them picking their own darn fruit! 

Edited by stewedsquash
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There is no canned soup in my pantry, so I have no idea how I’d use it to “evoke a food memory”.  That’s why they’re cheftestants and I’m not, because most of the QF food looked delicious.  Nice bounce back for Chris.  I most wanted Sara’s dish (and Dawn’s, which didn’t make the top three), but I’d have been very happy to eat his.

My amateur status would have been on full display in the EC, too; I don’t make a lot of savory dishes with fruit (and really don’t care for cooked fruit), so I’d be short on ideas once vegetables got taken away.  There seemed to be more misses than normal this round, so it was apparently hard for many of them, too.

Avishar’s dish was just a bad idea that got even worse in execution, and I don’t know what Kiki was thinking, either; Tom even tried to warn her off.  I thought she might be safe because if she’d cooked the chicken right, the dish would have been in the middle, while the other two had numerous problems, but raw chicken is a pretty big thing to get past.

This time, their top three were not my top three (other than Chris).  I figured Gabe was going to win, I completely understand why he did, and of course I’d try it if I was there, but that did not look good to me at all, given my general aversion to cooked fruit.

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Whew.  So glad that my Avishar and his Ohiootto skated through over Kiki's raw chicken.  Not sure that Avishar knows but risotto is the death knell of Top Chef contestants.  His dish sounded good enough but gummy and undercooked.  Basically, you cannot cook risotto in 30 minutes.  He should have known that.  I was thinking, as an Ohioan, he should have cooked up a delicious pork, Ohio apples, and sauerkraut dish.  But maybe that is not in his wheelhouse.


ETA: forgot sauerkraut is a veg and so was forbidden.  OK, apples only.

Edited by susannot
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I wanted Dawn’s dish in the QF, anything with garlic sounds good to me. 
I figured Gabe would win when the one judge with the pony tail licked the plate lol! 
Poor Kiki serving raw chicken to all the judges was her death knell. 

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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

There is no canned soup in my pantry, so I have no idea how I’d use it to “evoke a food memory”. 

There is in mine, but I use it to make a quick pot pie, so once Padma ruled that out, I'd have been screwed, lol. I'd also have been dinged for lack of imagination on the EC, because I'd have been hard pressed to resist pork chops with apples (in some form...I'm sure if I were a fancy Top Chef, I could come up with a unique spin on that...maybe). I knew KiKi was a goner the minute the whole table said their chicken was raw. Maybe she'll get her groove back on LCK.

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3 minutes ago, susannot said:

Whew.  So glad that my Avishar and his Ohiootto skated through over Kiki's raw chicken.  Not sure that Avishar knows but risotto is the death knell of Top Chef contestants.  His dish sounded good enough but gummy and undercooked.  Basically, you cannot cook risotto in 30 minutes.  He should have known that. 


I forgot about the risotto curse! ha

5 minutes ago, susannot said:

I was thinking, as an Ohioan, he should have cooked up a delicious pork, Ohio apples, and sauerkraut dish. 

That would have been a perfect dish for the eliminated Brittany to have made during this challenge. 

I admit, I heard in my head Peter Brady saying Pork Chops...and applesauce  during this episode.

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As soon as the one judge licked the plate clean I knew Gabe would win!

Raw chicken, urgh. Yeah you cannot serve raw chicken to everyone and not go home. Kiki said that both her and another cheftestant ate the chicken and it was fine so I wonder what happened? Maybe the oil cooled down too much between the test pieces and what was served to the judges?

Edited by Cotypubby
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

There is no canned soup in my pantry, so I have no idea how I’d use it to “evoke a food memory”.

Mine's all Progresso (and Rao's now) so that would have been hard.

Again, I'm impressed with the whole group and am loving all of them. I'll have to re-watch before issuing snark. SO much I would have loved to eat tonight.


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45 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

As soon as the one judge licked the plate clean I knew Gabe would win!

Raw chicken, urgh. Yeah you cannot serve raw chicken to everyone and not go home. Kiki said that both her and another cheftestant are the chicken and it was fine so I wonder what happened? Maybe the oil cooled down too much between the test pieces and what was served to the judges?

The only thing I can figure is she made 1 or 2 wings for them to try and then made 5 at a time for the judges. But as soon as she said she had 15 minutes left and was putting the wings in, I knew they would be raw. The oil looked barely hot enough to fry anything, let alone a chicken wing. 

I'm really beginning to not like Maria. I caught way too many shots of stank face from her tonight and if you have to have chili peppers in every single dish, I question if you're going to really be a contender. Gabe's pears looked amazing. I know he said he was treating them as the protein, but did he have any protein in his dish and was he the only one who didn't? Avishar's risotto apparently had bacon from what the judges said. 

I had to laugh when they were all shocked they weren't getting any vegetables. Um, duh! They told you it was a fruit challenge and this is TC. You should have figured it out. 


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They tried not to make it so obvious that Kiki would have to go by harping on how bad Nelson’s dish was. But raw chicken? Just typing that made me gag.

I agree that Avishar did not have enough time to make his risotto, but it also seemed to me that his pan was too small for the amount of rice he was cooking. I like him, but I think he’s in his own head too much.

Chris has been under my radar until now. I thought his scallop dish looked delicious. Gabe? Gabriel? Still don’t know which is which, but he deserved to win by the way the judges raved about his sauce. I was honestly disgusted, not charmed, when Amar licked his plate clean.  That’s just gross.

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27 minutes ago, The Solution said:

Mine's all Progresso (and Rao's now) so that would have been hard.

Again, I'm impressed with the whole group and am loving all of them. I'll have to re-watch before issuing snark. SO much I would have loved to eat tonight.


I'm a Progresso soup lover too. I haven't tried Rao's yet but heard good things about it.

I'm always amazed at the original dishes these chefs whip up - especially when they have to cook outdoors.  That's really hard to do.

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19 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

Gabe's pears looked amazing. I know he said he was treating them as the protein, but did he have any protein in his dish and was he the only one who didn't?

He had a meat gravy.  That's the stuff that Amar licked off his plate.  

OK, everyone raise your hand if you thought there was a chance in hell that Kiki wouldn't go home for raw chicken.  Served to the whole table.  Yeah, I didn't think so. 

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I knew KiKi was a goner the minute the whole table said their chicken was raw. 

I knew KiKi was a goner the minute Tom tried to lead her to water (the barbecue/grill) and she refused to drink. As everyone said it would not at all have been a difficult shift mid-stream and she could have maybe deconstructed by adding a crunchy element like nuts.

I'm so glad Sarah's yogurt schtick finally backfired, she was lucky three people made such STARK technical errors. I wish Byron had made it into the final three of Gabriel and his dumb oysters which did indeed look fantastic, but Byron made fresh pasta IN THE WIND and THE BEES. I really love when judges table critique actually inspires the chef's to find their footing, even if Chris can't keep this up, he proved he can hang. 

Oh and while I love Avishar, clearly someone could do risotto in the allotted time because Dawn made it too and they seemed to love it, though the love part was her apple olive oil puree/sauce.

Edited by blixie
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42 minutes ago, avecsans said:

I agree that Avishar did not have enough time to make his risotto,

Dawn pulled it off, despite it usually being the kiss of death on TC, but even if he had also done so, his dish still didn't remotely showcase the fruit, so it was doomed to be in the middle at best, and then when he couldn't execute on top of that, it landed him in the bottom.

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I am glad that I was wrong about Chris. Seems he was able to pull it together and Kiki just couldn't.   I love fruit and so many of the dishes tonight sounded tasty. 

I must be the only person who has no Campbell's soup in my pantry!   I would love to be picking fruit right about now. 


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45 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I loved the quickfire moment when Padma asked did you mean for the chawanmushi to be so loose? Shota replies that yeah, that's how he likes it. Cut to Shota in the interview "Not reaaaally.... hehheheheheheh" Way to play the game, Shota! (Although, judging from Padma's face, she wasn't buying it!)

They virtually never buy it; it's not a good game to play, and I cringed a little when Shota did it.  At least it was only a QF.

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3 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Gail has been looking a bit haggard this season

I thought she looked frail this season, too.  My bestie and I were talking about it and I couldn’t put my finger on it.  She’s beautiful as always, don’t get me wrong, but I really thought she looks thin and tired.

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Poor Kiki.  She had to be very embarrassed at Judges' Table.  I liked her and was sorry to see her go but, every time I looked at her, I thought she was Lee Ann Wong and had to remind myself what season I was watching so my confusion has ended.

I'm always impressed by how creative the chefs are because I am not.  I do a pork chop dish with cream of mushroom soup that my family loves but I couldn't make it in 15 or 20 minutes so I'd be sunk.  Most of the dishes this week looked really good.

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There wasn't any suspense to be had this week, what with the dish that Amar licked clean destined for the top and raw chicken ticketed for the bottom.

This is the first week, I think, that Shota and Sarah made subpar food. Is it my imagination, or do they sort of have flirty energy together? I noticed that in previous episodes. This episode we got "Shota, come pick apples with me!" I think Sasha may have had that too. It could be that Shota is just a babe.

Avishar with his weird Achilles' heel in cooking rice. In general I think that putting starches so centrally in that challenge wasn't a winning play, but especially if you don't cook it well. Lucky for him raw chicken trumps raw rice.

What would I make in this challenge? Hmmm... If they had rice paper you could make a nice summer roll stuffed with shrimp, rice noodles, and an Asian apple slaw. Plum dipping sauce. Sounds a bit simple but some of the successful dishes tonight were pretty simple. Another idea I just had, because I saw it in a cooking manga, would be to hollow out peaches and stuff the inside with some kind of meatball meat. Bake the whole thing. It would probably take some R&D, as Kiki would say.

Gabe was not dinged for making oysters 3 ways. Let's note that.

For the quickfire, I think that if you made a pasta dough you could put some tomato soup in it to make a red tomato pasta. Not sure how to finish it, but I'd start there and figure the rest out.  Pesto tomato noodles? 

I think this is a very strong cast where every remaining chef is at least a B+. The pandemic has freed up more talent than usual, since some of these folks would be too busy in normal times as Shota and Sasha spoke to last episode.

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I just can never gauge the "it'll continue the cooking process after you remove it from heat" idea. Probably my biggest weakness when I cook is doneness in general. I've definitely taken wings out of an oven too soon since the outside looked done.

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Worker bees are females so that would have been Ms. Bee, not Mr. Bee. Just a pet peeve of mine.

Eurgh, Campbell's Soup. This is one of the more egregious examples of product placement. They should have had a copy of Warhol's soup can pop art up just for the hell of it. Is fruit on oysters common? That never would have occurred to me. I did wonder if they were going to screw with everyone by only providing fruit like dragonfruit or durian. Because that's the kind of thing they would pull.

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1 hour ago, Leeds said:

Sadly, Red Star Tavern, the downtown restaurant featured in the second episode, has closed permanently due to Covid.

This makes me sad.  Pre-COVID I used to go there for lunch with coworkers.  

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4 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Worker bees are females so that would have been Ms. Bee, not Mr. Bee. Just a pet peeve of mine.


Reminds me of a kids' book someone gave us when our daughter was little. "Buzzy, King of the Bees." We all got a good laugh out of that.

My go-to memory with Campbell soup is a great memory (but the criteria would have ruled it out). My room-mate and I were cooking one of her family favorites, chicken bone-in breasts in cream-of-mushroom with some grated parm. We heard they were giving out wristbands for the Bruce Springsteen "Born in the USA" concert at Oakland Stadium so we put the casserole in the oven on really really low and headed out. Some two or three hours later we returned and had the BEST chicken casserole ever. I was surprised so many went to the tomato soup. To me, it is REALLY sweet. I liked the chawanmushi idea-- too bad it didn't work out. 

And this episode made me sad because visiting the Fruit Loop and the Hood River Valley was our big plan to celebrate our 30th anniversary last May. Needless to say, it did not happen.

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Ugh to Campbell's condensed soups. We never used any of those "cream of whatevers" for cooking at home. Tomato soup to go with grilled cheese and Chicken Noodle when you were sick were fine, but even those have gone downhill in quality over the years. (That goes for Progresso, too.) I tried using a couple of them to cook some crap casseroles to make a BF happy, but I always found them gross.  For a $10k challenge, though, I might be able to come down off my high horse and attempt something creative. I dunno, I'm pretty set against Campbell's salt-laden glop. I would love to know how most of the cheftestants really felt!

Fruit and meat: Chicken with peaches was a Sunday go-to. I still can't replicate my mom's recipe, dangit. A friend made a Mongolian beef recipe with plums that was wonderful, but took hours. Pork and apples is a classic.  Good challenge. Interesting dishes. I wonder if they got all the grills going if the smoke would have put the bees to sleep, or at least kept them at bay.

Edited by Ms Lark
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13 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I don't know how they come up with these ideas! I would have none. I'd just pray for the bees to sting me to death.

It wasn't enough just to "like" this comment, it was perfect.

8 hours ago, Fukui San said:

I just can never gauge the "it'll continue the cooking process after you remove it from heat" idea. Probably my biggest weakness when I cook is doneness in general. I've definitely taken wings out of an oven too soon since the outside looked done.

I'm not an actual cook, but I can do one or two things.  One of those two things has been enabled by absolutely killing chicken to death over and over and over.  So dead.

I'd like to see the director's cut of a few of the chefs grimacing when they saw all that Campbell's soup.  "Maybe next week we'll shop for the challenge at Wal-Mart".  Yes, I have some default emergency Campbell's chicken soup in my cabinet, but it really is only there for dire circumstances, say, a zombie apocalypse, or maybe if someone is going into shock and needs intravenous saline.  

As noted repeatedly, Avi really dodged a bullet.  And honestly, as lovely as he's been, this has not so far been a great showing for him in general, he's constantly on the bottom.  He probably should have gone this time, but you just can't advance after almost giving half the chefs who've won Top Chef salmonella and E. coli.  And somehow everyone would have ended up in the hospital except Richard Blais.

Edited by Lassus
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At our house, as soon as the Wall of Campbell's was shown, we said "At least no one will get dinged for not adding salt..."

Gabe's plate looked delicious, and I don't generally like cooked fruit.  But I would have loved it, I'm sure!

Unrelated, but I haven't been able to pay attention to Sara without trying to figure out who she reminds me of.  No idea what she's cooked this season so far, no idea of anything about her.  I just yell "WHO DO YOU REMIND ME OF?"  And it came to me at 3am.  Andie, from Dawson's Creek.  Now I'll not even be able to listen to her without anticipating a whiny "But Paceyyyyyyy!"  (Haven't watched Dawson since it's original airing but I remembered that specific character... Brains are wild.)

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I absolutely hate when they call a dish "dated".  It either tastes good or it doesn't! 

I also don't like the "I don't know who I am as a chef" spiral.  Maybe the flavor of the week just isn't a flavor profile you enjoy and THAT isn't who you are a chef?  

And I kind of get the Campbell's soup hate.... but on the other hand by total coincidence I was eating the mushroom stroganoff I'd just made with cream of mushroom soup (& mushrooms & greek yogurt & ground beef over egg noodles) while I watched this, and it was freakin' delicious and major comfort food.

I really wanted to eat that panzanella salad Chris made.  

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The clear winner to me this week were the bees, who nailed a bunch of interlopers, for invading their orchard.

Gabe's plates looked amazing.   

Sorry, but after the raw chicken to the entire judge's table, I would have eliminated Kiki without pulling anyone else out for elimination. 

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6 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The clear winner to me this week were the bees, who nailed a bunch of interlopers, for invading their orchard.

Gabe's plates looked amazing.   

Sorry, but after the raw chicken to the entire judge's table, I would have eliminated Kiki without pulling anyone else out for elimination. 

We could all tell that chicken was going to be a disaster. 

I am not a fan of cooked fruit. I've even picked the blueberries out of a muffin, I hate cooked fruit so much. None of this food look particularly good to me. Bummer.

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14 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

We could all tell that chicken was going to be a disaster. 


I read this as "We could all tell that chicken was going to be a duster".  Thinking you were just hoping some use came of the otherwise wasted life.

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2 hours ago, Lassus said:

As noted repeatedly, Avi really dodged a bullet.  And honestly, as lovely as he's been, this has not so far been a great showing for him in general, he's constantly on the bottom.

I don't know. He's won an Elimination Challenge and a Quickfire already. It seems like when he's able to use scientific tools in the kitchen, he's really good. This one just totally threw him for a (fruit) loop. 

1 hour ago, ALittleShelfish said:

Unrelated, but I haven't been able to pay attention to Sara without trying to figure out who she reminds me of.  No idea what she's cooked this season so far, no idea of anything about her.  I just yell "WHO DO YOU REMIND ME OF?"  And it came to me at 3am.  Andie, from Dawson's Creek.  Now I'll not even be able to listen to her without anticipating a whiny "But Paceyyyyyyy!"  (Haven't watched Dawson since it's original airing but I remembered that specific character... Brains are wild.)

Yes, I see it! I didn't much care for Andie, so maybe that's why I haven't warmed to Sara yet. 

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25 minutes ago, Panda Bear said:

I don't know. He's won an Elimination Challenge and a Quickfire already.

Are you implying that I'm not paying attention?

Oooooh, look, Lala keeps her baby in a drawer!

Edited by Lassus
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If KiKi's process requires R&D and not cooking quickly, that's fine but Top Chef is not the show for her!

Speaking to the Sarah-Shota flirtation, Sarah was flirty with Gabe in a past episode as well.  I think she's just playful and (too) giggly, but she can definitely cook well.  

If you've ever picked fruit in an orchard, you'll concur that the bees and bugs are everywhere and relentless.  I can't imagine cooking nearby!

I thought Gabriel's 3 oysters were beautiful in their presentation.

The Campbell's soup was a surprising product placement, but I thought the Quickfire dishes looked yummy -- I wanted to try all of them.

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Didn't seem like a great week for the contestants as a whole.  Shota, Jamie, and Sara also did pretty badly.  At one point, I almost thought the judges were going to bring everyone in and chastise them as a whole.

There have been many outside challenges.  But I don't think I've seen in a while an outside challenge that had so many outside obstacles.  Trying to plate on time while getting stung by bees sounds like a total nightmare.  I would have lost my mind if I was Byron trying to get the pasta in the machine, with the wind blowing.  Also, it sounded like certain fruits were further away than others?

Surprised that no one thought of making a fruit chutney.  I know there was no peppers, but I figure you could use crushed red pepper flakes.

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I don't mind the Campbells soup quickfire, but to me I usually want quickfires to be creative quick thinking, often with unusual ingredients... I still love challenges like make an amuse bouche out of things from a vending machine, or the shop at a gas station thing.  It gets us interesting food and creativity and also funny things like the cheetoh stuck in a snickers bar.... It's also a chance for the chefs to make a mistake without it costing them the competition (why I hate the sudden death quickfire deal) so they can try to be more adventurous. 

This weeks winner and loser weren't surprising. Kiki got a lot of screen time and after lots of screen time last week, I had a feeling it was the death edit... plus not taking Tom's advice and also lots of clips of her saying the food was great and she nailed it etc.   It sucks that she couldn't rely on her equipment to work well in that environment but then I wonder why do they even provide it if it won't work well outside and with the wind etc aside from letting chefs screw up.

I like sweet and savory dishes, so all of the fruit stuff sounded really good... the past that they described as a cheese plate looked really good to me, but also probably because I can imagine the flavors together a bit more than some of the other dishes. I'm not a seafood person so the scallops, fish and oysters didn't sound that appealing to me, but I get what Gabriel was going for with his 3 flavor.... I would have eaten the separate fruit toppings he made :P   I wish we could taste some of these sauces, especially when the judges rave over them so much...

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51 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:


The Campbell's soup was a surprising product placement, but I thought the Quickfire dishes looked yummy -- I wanted to try all of them.

I wonder whether they'll use Bob's Red Mill products in a Quickfire challenge, or as a venue for an elimination challenge.  It was founded and is located in Milwaukie, just south of Portland.

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1. Somehow I didn't realize there was a Gabe and a Gabriel. 

2. At the top of the episode I thought Gabe was going home since he was on a phone call with his family. That's usually the kiss of death in reality shows. 

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2 hours ago, Bad Example said:

And I kind of get the Campbell's soup hate.... but on the other hand by total coincidence I was eating the mushroom stroganoff I'd just made with cream of mushroom soup (& mushrooms & greek yogurt & ground beef over egg noodles) while I watched this, and it was freakin' delicious and major comfort food.

I use ground turkey and spices instead of beef and that is my youngest son's favorite dish!  He even learned how to cook that himself, because I am not a fan of condensed soups and would not have eaten them in anything.  He's the only reason they are in my pantry! LOL!

I would love to know what went into that sauce in Gabe's dish to make a judge lick the plate.

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16 hours ago, susannot said:

Whew.  So glad that my Avishar and his Ohiootto skated through over Kiki's raw chicken.  Not sure that Avishar knows but risotto is the death knell of Top Chef contestants.  His dish sounded good enough but gummy and undercooked.  Basically, you cannot cook risotto in 30 minutes.  He should have known that.  I was thinking, as an Ohioan, he should have cooked up a delicious pork, Ohio apples, and sauerkraut dish.  But maybe that is not in his wheelhouse.


ETA: forgot sauerkraut is a veg and so was forbidden.  OK, apples only.

Didn't they have 3 hours to cook? So he should have been able to get it done. I like Avishar, so I hope he does better next week. 


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1 hour ago, roctavia said:

I don't mind the Campbells soup quickfire, but to me I usually want quickfires to be creative quick thinking, often with unusual ingredients... I still love challenges like make an amuse bouche out of things from a vending machine, or the shop at a gas station thing.  It gets us interesting food and creativity and also funny things like the cheetoh stuck in a snickers bar.... It's also a chance for the chefs to make a mistake without it costing them the competition (why I hate the sudden death quickfire deal) so they can try to be more adventurous.

Exactly!  Challenges like that are old school Top Chef and lots of fun.  The cheftestants and judges also had such a great sense of humor about them as well. 

I'll admit it.  I grew up eating Campbell's soups.  Opening a can of Bean with Bacon, or Alphabet Soup, or Split Pea with Ham, or Chicken with Stars etc. is straight up comfort food for me.  I used to play a "hunt for the lima bean" game with my bowl of Alphabet Soup, that was my favorite part.  I still love them.  For me. 

Mr. HV, on the other hand, developed a terrible allergy to MSG as he grew older that gives him heart arrhythmia so using canned soups are out of the question.  But.....so many of his favorite comfort food recipes from his childhood and our newlywed years use Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, or Cream of Celery as a base.  And the "Low Sodium" or "Low Fat" versions are just.......gross. 

That forced me to be creative.  Of course I can make homemade versions of all of those soups, but making a batch of Cream of Mushroom is very time consuming and very expensive.  Same with Cream of Chicken.  But Cream of Celery?  Cheap, fast, and easy.  And tasty enough to eat straight out of the pot as a soup and not just as an ingredient.  So I used to make big batches of that and freeze it to use in those recipes.  Then lately I noticed that the store brand versions of those canned soup started to leave out the MSG, so I buy store brand Cream of Mushroom and Cream of Chicken when those absolutely must be used.  But I still make my own Cream of Celery because it is delicious and easy.

Product placement or not, I loved that Quickfire.  Everything looked so good!

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