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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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2 hours ago, perrie97 said:

In Season 14 the Hispanic DCCs were Alanna, Lisa and Kristen. Season before that was just Lacey and Alanna I believe. Doesn’t seem to be much Hispanic representation in DCC. Tbh doesn’t seem to be particularly diverse at all when you compare to other dance teams. Can’t recall there being very many DCCs of Asian background either. 
On another note I know Tess is Native American, I don’t know of any other Native American DCCs, does anyone know if there has been any others apart from Tess?

How can anyone tell for sure unless the girls say something.  I mean, I am Hispanic and Native American, but you wouldn’t know that from looking at me.  Genetics are a funny thing:)

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22 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

How can anyone tell for sure unless the girls say something.  I mean, I am Hispanic and Native American, but you wouldn’t know that from looking at me.  Genetics are a funny thing:)

Exactly, hence why I only stated girls who have spoken about their heritage. Alanna, Lisa and Kristen were featured in a video celebrating Hispanic DCC. From the way the video was conveyed it seemed like these were the only 3 girls who were Hispanic on the team. 

Edited by perrie97
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14 hours ago, lemonbus230 said:

I am not sure how to upload photos from IG-second photo in the latest post- but I will never understand what people see in Caroline from a looks performance. Phenomenal dancer. But If I saw her walking in the mall, I wouldn’t look twice. I’m not sure it gets more basic than her.

Same. Could not be more basic If she skinned Lauren Conrad and wore her as a suits. 

3 hours ago, perrie97 said:

In Season 14 the Hispanic DCCs were Alanna, Lisa and Kristen. Season before that was just Lacey and Alanna I believe. Doesn’t seem to be much Hispanic representation in DCC. Tbh doesn’t seem to be particularly diverse at all when you compare to other dance teams. Can’t recall there being very many DCCs of Asian background either. 
On another note I know Tess is Native American, I don’t know of any other Native American DCCs, does anyone know if there has been any others apart from Tess?

Tess is more Cajun than anything. I think her Native American js like half of America - somebody with dark hair has a granny who was an Indian princess or whatever. My moms fam has a similar look - prob a lot of French, Spanish, Italian, and we joke the Indian part is probably “Blackfoot” but who knows. I like Tessss look and think she deserves to be there. Maybe not triangle but def DCC.

19 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

How can anyone tell for sure unless the girls say something.  I mean, I am Hispanic and Native American, but you wouldn’t know that from looking at me.  Genetics are a funny thing:)

Yes they are and then you have multiple ethnicities like Mia - black and Latina Or Sasha - black and Asian. Rachel W’s grandma is Japanese and she’s almost blonde. My Dads is Cuban and has people who look like Cianna to Carissa and his mom we always said looked like Eartha Kitt. 
Race is rough when picking a team. Representation is important but so is skill, and That’s a whole mess. I personally know a lot of talented dancers of color, especially kids of immigrants, who also no way in hell is their family going to support a hobby after they finish college and need to be focusing on a career or grad school. DCC is temporary part time job that requires full time commitment but with terrible pay. If you went to school to be a doctor, lawyer, physical therapist, pharmacist, engineer, etc you need to do that and not waste time on a hobby. 

Um also Carissa - I would put her at the top of the list for most gorgeous DCC ever. sorry Abigail Klein etc. 

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1 hour ago, AYTOfan said:

She way more attractive than girls like Maddie and Hannah imo. 

Attractive or not, doesn't take away that it is a beautiful shot of her 🤷‍♀️

I couldn't agree with you more than this ~ and I personally think Tess is an amazing dancer!  Powerhouse? Maybe not, but for the record, I don't think Amy was either!!! 

Have first generation Italian friends who have a blond, blue-eyed, light skin son, and their other son has black hair, dark eyes, and an olive skin tone.  They told me that Northern Italy has more genes from the Germanic and Nordic gene pool, while the Southern Italians have darker skin, etc., going back to the Moor/Arab invasions.  Also, since Southern Italy is more rural, from working more outdoors.  Also have Hispanic friends whose family comes directly from Spain, and they are blue-eyed blonds, not the dark haired, darker skin Hispanics that many of us think of generally as Hispanic.  Just looking at someone is meaningless...as someone said, genetics is interesting but totally unpredictable.  

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14 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Agreed. Going back to one of my favorite quotes in this entire subforum, they have a 36 pack of crayons and they always seem to use the same 5 over and over again.

She never did one. I have notes on every one of them - mainly to keep them in order because TPTB can't - and she was never featured.

  1. Tess / Taylor P. / VK / Madeline
  2. Lexie / Ashlee / Kelcey
  3. Maddie
  4. Meredith / Rachel W. / Caroline / Amber
  5. Gina / Bridget / Lisa
  6. VK #1 (red dress)
  7. Brennan / Chandi / Alexis / Savannah / Daphne
  8. Amy
  9. CiCi / Rachel W.
  10. Heather / Molly / Rachel A. / Alanna / Christina
  11. Lily / Taylor J. / Miranda / Brianna / Kelcey
  12. VK (black dress)
  13. Hannah / Erin
  14. Rachel W.
  15. Bridget
  16. Gina / Amanda / Amber

What was the cici and Rachel w one? I don’t remember it at all 

2 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

SEE! I told you I couldn't tell those two apart! 🙃😂

...and thanks for the 17th one. Just saw it in my 'archive' and wasn't sure which it was. 

I get it! During their rookie season, I got Bridget and Amber mixed up so much. Probably because they barely got mentioned until media interviews! 

9 minutes ago, Spunkyyy said:

What was the cici and Rachel w one? I don’t remember it at all 

It was a hip hop number 👍🏻

I remember a Disney movie from AGES ago where the family was hosting an exchange student from Africa.  When they met their exchange student, she was white and blonde and it was plain the family expected someone who . . . wasn't.   If I remember the name, I'll post it.  I also remember going to camp one year in my early teens and remember there was a girl from Spain in my cabin.  She was blond.  Too long ago to remember eye color but I do remember people saying things along the lines of "You're from Spain? Really?" It was a good reminder that pre-conceived ideas don't always mesh with reality.

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49 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I remember a Disney movie from AGES ago where the family was hosting an exchange student from Africa.  When they met their exchange student, she was white and blonde and it was plain the family expected someone who . . . wasn't.   If I remember the name, I'll post it.  I also remember going to camp one year in my early teens and remember there was a girl from Spain in my cabin.  She was blond.  Too long ago to remember eye color but I do remember people saying things along the lines of "You're from Spain? Really?" It was a good reminder that pre-conceived ideas don't always mesh with reality.

The color of friendship is the movie you’re talking about. 

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24 minutes ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

Got to say...I was looking at Cici the entire time. She looks like she's having fun with the dance. Rachel W. looks like she doesn't want to be there. But then again I am not a dancer, I am looking at it from a casual viewer's POV.

Agreed, Cici looked so much better than Rachel. I don't think i've seen Cici dance that closely she really had punch and power! 

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1 hour ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

Got to say...I was looking at Cici the entire time. She looks like she's having fun with the dance. Rachel W. looks like she doesn't want to be there. But then again I am not a dancer, I am looking at it from a casual viewer's POV.

As a dancer 100% agree with your statement. Rachel as pretty as she is looks like she can’t be arsed and the way cici is performing it makes Rachel look like she doesn’t know the dance to be honest 

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2 hours ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

Got to say...I was looking at Cici the entire time. She looks like she's having fun with the dance. Rachel W. looks like she doesn't want to be there. But then again I am not a dancer, I am looking at it from a casual viewer's POV.

Same. Rachel W. has always been such a meh dancer to me, always just passable. I think Kelli just wanted Miss America Runner-Up on the squad. Have literally never seen anything exciting about her dancing

Also, Cici's beauty is so underrated. Like Briana, I never see anyone talk about her. Aside from recently, commenting on her alleged weight gain lmao

Edited by vanillagum
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3 hours ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

Got to say...I was looking at Cici the entire time. She looks like she's having fun with the dance. Rachel W. looks like she doesn't want to be there. But then again I am not a dancer, I am looking at it from a casual viewer's POV.

Agreed. I’ve come around on Rachel W in terms of dance and performance, but I think Cianna outdanced her here. 

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5 hours ago, Manc.UK.DCCfan said:

As a dancer 100% agree with your statement. Rachel as pretty as she is looks like she can’t be arsed and the way cici is performing it makes Rachel look like she doesn’t know the dance to be honest 

Can’t be arsed is my new fave expression 

51 minutes ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Would you rather have 36 Maddies who won't get into trouble and have proven themselves of the last 5-6 years? Or would you rather have 36 drunkards who travel outside of their work area when they shouldn't and could possibly infect someone with a disease?



Hmmm depends on how well they dance 

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3 hours ago, Coffeefrog19 said:

So I saw that they’ve released the photos from the 2021 calendars. Did I see it correctly that they’ve just used the photos from the shoot for the 2020 calendars? And Rachel has made the cover 2 years in a row. 

Yes it was confirmed earlier they were using unused photos from last years trip since they couldn't have one this year 

12 hours ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Tess is more Cajun than anything. I think her Native American js like half of America - somebody with dark hair has a granny who was an Indian princess or whatever. My moms fam has a similar look - prob a lot of French, Spanish, Italian, and we joke the Indian part is probably “Blackfoot” but who knows. I like Tessss look and think she deserves to be there. Maybe not triangle but def DCC.

Tess was asked if she was Native American on her DCC takeover. She said she was Cherokee I thinkkk and another “tribe”. Sorry if that’s the incorrect terminology I’m not from North America. 

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1 hour ago, DCCFanatic82 said:


Why they put Lisa and those hoppy fouettes and then whatever that flyi ng camel move is supposed to be? with Bridget and Gina 🤷‍♀️. Gina is fire but I think Bridget is the better performer here. Dang I wish she’d stayed but totally get why she left. 

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Leaving aside my school teaching experiences... in teaching kids, teens, and adults to ride horses and show: give me folks with less talent BUT a ton of discipline and desire for the sport over folks who are naturally gifted but have a poor attitude or lack of desire any day! When I think of it, the same was true when I was teaching in the classroom. A good attitude and discipline (and team work) allows me to teach the skills and usually results in a much better competitive group.

As to telling heritage, my husband is 1/2 Mexican, 1/4 Blackfoot Indian, and 1/4 German. He is green eyed and light blonde! Genetics can always give surprises.

It's hard to keep to the topic as there is really nothing more known about what is going on in the current DCC world. I would love for someone to "spill some tea". Seems like we have been waiting forever for something to happen! 

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8 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Would you rather have 36 Maddies who won't get into trouble and have proven themselves of the last 5-6 years? Or would you rather have 36 drunkards who travel outside of their work area when they shouldn't and could possibly infect someone with a disease?



They are humans so both. Kat, Daphne, Caroline etc aren't criminals lol. It's been said there was a misunderstanding and I will believe that because why wouldn't I

5 hours ago, heckkitty said:

Bridget was one of the only dancers who could pull my attention away from Gina. Hannah too,  sometimes. 

I really wonder what I fail to see in Gina besides looks. My eyes literally never gets drawn to her 😂

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1 hour ago, lizbiz06 said:

When she ends up having to jump through her turns in second... yikes!

As a former dancer who was never really a turner, I practised pirouettes but only ever had a triple in any routine. As Queen Kitty always says, don’t do shit you can’t do.

Fouettes are so technical and very impressive when done well but equally look dreadful when you can’t execute them and start hopping around. 

I’m sure Lisa has plenty of other tricks she could execute much better! 

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On 9/30/2020 at 8:32 PM, DCCFanatic82 said:

During the "Making the Team" era, these are the women whom we know for sure are black or mixed with one black parent:

2005: 7 (Jen, Monica, Nicole, Carmen, Shenythia, Shatera, Jasmin)
2006: 4 (Deryn, Jen, Nicole, Carmen)
2007: 7 (Deryn, Carmen, Tia, Ryan, Dara, Ally, Nicole)
2008: 6 (Ally, Nicole, Ryan, Deryn, Dara, Tia)
2009: 7 (Nicole, Ally, Tia, Mia, Jackie Bob, Vanessa)
2010: 5 (Mia, Ally, Tia, Sasha, Jackie Bob)
2011: 4 (Jackie Bob, Sasha, Ally, Mia)
2012: 6 (Jackie Bob, Mia, Jacie, Jenna, Jasmine, Carisa)
2013: 5 (Jackie Bob, Jasmine, Jacie, Jenna, Carisa)
2014: 3 (Jacie, Jasmine, Jenna)
2015: 3 (Jacie, Jenna, Robin)
2016: 4 (Khalyn, Cersten, Jenna, Robin)
2017: 5 (Keyra, Khalyn, Cersten, Robin, Jenna)
2018: 3 (Ashlee, Briana, Khalyn)
2019: 4 (Ashlee, Briana, Kat, Chandi)
2020: 7 (Ashlee, Briana, Kat, Chandi, Jada, Sydney, Darian, Armani)

The average is 5.3 black women per year - 14.7% of the standard 36 member squad.

I'm seeing 8 names for the 2020 squad.

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4 hours ago, lizbiz06 said:

When she ends up having to jump through her turns in second... yikes!

She was trying to do inside spot changes and it just looked a hot mess, because she didn't stay on the beat and whip her head to the new spot properly. I've seen several girls do outside spot changes throughout the years for their solos, but I think the only one I remember doing inside spot changes was Maddie in show group auditions back in 20216 (at least on the show). You have to have so much control and be so clean with your movements to make those look decent, and Lisa just doesn't have that. She also could not stay on releve for anything and doesn't have the flexibility to do the illusion turn she tried after the fouettes. No bueno.

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12 hours ago, Amandared said:

Ah yes.  The video that showed Vic's poor fan kick technique.  This is another reason I find she dances heavy.

Note how Caroline's fan begins from the proper position.  But Vic's beginning is cut short, she's leaning back and no relevé of her supporting foot.



Edited by go4luca
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31 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Yeah.....not seeing the attractive part.

At all.  🤷‍♀️

I think she’s attractive, but falls into the personal presence category. Outside of a dozen or two knockouts they’ve had on the show, the rest probably fall into that category, similar to dance blenders. 

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15 minutes ago, vivianspoetry said:

I think she’s attractive, but falls into the personal presence category. Outside of a dozen or two knockouts they’ve had on the show, the rest probably fall into that category, similar to dance blenders

I know everyone has looks they favor.  It's all good.

"Blender" definitely nails it for me though. 😉

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1 hour ago, go4luca said:

Ah yes.  The video that showed Vic's poor fan kick technique.  This is another reason I find she dances heavy.

Note how Caroline's fan begins from the proper position.  But Vic's beginning is cut short, she's leaning back and no relevé of her supporting foot.



So that's what releve' means.  Thanks.

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7 hours ago, go4luca said:

Ah yes.  The video that showed Vic's poor fan kick technique.  This is another reason I find she dances heavy.

Note how Caroline's fan begins from the proper position.  But Vic's beginning is cut short, she's leaning back and no relevé of her supporting foot.



As a non dancer, seeing visuals like this is SO helpful. Would adore you dearly if you wanted to keep doing them!!

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1 hour ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

😊 that’s it I really like that song party until the lights come on 💫 I wonder who sings it. I am making a good 6 mile walk playlist💫 hope those lyrics bring it up🙏🙏

If you find it, please share the title!! I love it too but I haven't been able to find it😕

I know the original song is called "On the Corner" by Trashorama. The original is in all the expected places (Spotify, youtube, etc.) and I've tried Shazam and scrolling through the youtube and insta comments but nothing comes up

On 10/2/2020 at 10:08 PM, DCCFanatic82 said:


Also, Kelly should save a clip of Gina in this video to use whenever she's trying to explain musicality. I never really understood what it meant until I watched this... Gina is spectacular.

Also, they're all really fun to watch and this is by far my fav DCC in Motion. But as a non-dancer even I can see that Lisa's turns aren't the best lol.

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